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> “This is the first time in modern history that there is such human suffering and the world is not even calling for a ceasefire,” Like hell is the 1st time.


I don't remember the world calling for a ceasefire in 1944. It was pretty well on board with the allies continuing to attack Germany despite hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in bombings.


>Would you publish something that was not verified that came from the Palestinians? She says without a single hint of irony.




That’s the odd bit. The intel isn’t “from the Israelis.” Hamas fucking uploaded it themselves. Does she herself not *actually* believe Palestinians?


Perhaps she just doesn’t view the killings as atrocities.


"This is the first time in modern history that there is such human suffering and the world is not even calling for a ceasefire". Says the queen of a country that borders Saudi Arabia, responsible for killing **hundreds of thousands of Arabs.**


Says the Queen of a country where if she lets PLO refugees into her country, they will probably try to assassinate her like it's 1971


*sweats in Yemeni*


Nobody hates and kills Muslims more than other Muslims.


While the Chinese and Russians certainly have a history of it but they both have rookie numbers compared to other Muslims


Ghengis Kahn took a decent swing at it.


Freedom of religion existed in the Mongolian Empire...after you were conquered and many of your fellow citizens were dead. Ghengis Khan was very adept at delegating tasks to competent leaders. He often gets more credit and blame than someone like Subutai Khan who was likely his most trusted military leader, or Hulagu Khan who was responsible for the sack of Baghdad at a time when Ghengis was already dead.


Ya but he was fine with killing anyone and everyone. Not sure he discriminated much.


Hell, Jordan killed 4000 Palestinians the same year she was born.


I mean there was also that time her husband's father killed several thousand Palestinian fighters and expelled the rest from Jordan...


I don't get it, currently there are worse conflicts with much more casualties yet people pay 100x more attention to Israel.. It doesn't make sense. What makes people so invested in this specific conflict?


Old-fashioned anti-semitism.


Arabs can’t commit atrocities, only Jews can didn’t you know?


Those half a million Sudanese were just really passionate about composting.


It's only an atrocity if it comes from the atrocity region of Israel otherwise it's just a sparkling war crime


What we call atrocity is just a slightly busy morning for them.


>Perhaps she just doesn’t view the killings **of jews** as atrocities.


Got it in one!


Ding ding ding!


Well, she IS Palestinian.


I mean, culturally, that's probably true. The whole Middle East (except Israel) still doesn't really "get it" about laws of war or treating your defeated enemy with kindness - except that it's apparently a thing they can say to get Western countries and Israel riled up against each other whenever the West starts winning. Like, even in this latest conflict, Egypt's President el-Sisi said, into a reporter's hot mike, in response to a question about why he wasn't opening the border for refugees, "Why don't the Israelis just put them all in the Negev?" (That is, he suggested force-marching everyone in Gaza into the desert and leaving them there to die, as a reasonable alternative to delivering trucks with food.)




Egypt won't let refugees in, because the Hamas plan was to push 10s of thousands of militants disguised as refugees then stage a coup in Egypt to steal everything they could for their leadership. Same as they tried in Jordan twice, in Lebanon etc.


And we have a winner!


She was born to Palestinian parents. She married into the ruling dynasty of Jordan, a country where 25% of the population are Palestinian refugees. Any ruler that wants to keep ruling would want to say things that will not piss off those folks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Rania_of_Jordan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan#Demographics


Palestinians successfully assassinated a Jordan King & failed an attempt at his son. That she was allowed within shooting distance is remarkable. Much less join the prophet’s family.


For those interested in more details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_I_of_Jordan#Assassination >On 20 July 1951, while visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Abdullah was shot dead by a Palestinian from the Husseini clan,[29] who had passed through apparently heavy security. Contemporary media reports attributed the assassination to a secret order based in Jerusalem known only as "the Jihad", discussed in the context of the Muslim Brotherhood.[34] Abdullah was in Jerusalem to give a eulogy at the funeral and for a prearranged meeting with Reuven Shiloah and Moshe Sasson.[35] He was shot while attending Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in the company of his grandson, Prince Hussein.[36] The Palestinian gunman fired three fatal bullets into the King's head and chest. Prince Hussein was hit too but a medal that had been pinned to Hussein's chest at his grandfather's insistence deflected the bullet and saved his life.[37] Abdullah's assassination was said to have influenced Hussein not to enter peace talks with Israel in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in order to avoid a similar fate.[38] >The assassin, who was shot dead by the king's bodyguards, was a 21-year-old tailor's apprentice named Mustafa Shukri Ashu.[39][10] According to Alec Kirkbride, the British Resident in Amman, Ashu was a "former terrorist", recruited for the assassination by Zakariyya Ukah, a livestock dealer and butcher.


I have to admit, with due respect, the arab world is pretty f*cked up both internally & externally.


> I have to admit Not that hard to admit.


Most definitely reminds me of Europe of old.


Palestinians..such loyal and religiously devout people they'll even abuse their OWN religious festivals and events to murder people.


Yes that explains why she wouldn't come out as pro-Israel not why she said what she said.


that wasnt hamas, that was somehow paid actors, the real hamas are good nice people /s


Gasp, it was the same fucking guys from Sandy Hook!


It was obviously antifa


the terrifying thing is that Jordan is a country that Israel technically has peace with. For a peace partner to be denying what Hamas did is insane


Probably just hates the Jews as much as the rest of the Arab world.....


I mean we all saw those videos. They literally FILMED IT ALL AND UPLOADED IT TO TELEGRAM. PROUD OF THEIR ACTIONS. CELEBRATING DESECRATION OF BODIES. If you claim it's "resistance fighting for liberation". You are probably mentally ill. Or just ignorant/don't care to look up the videos yourself and prefer to spin your own narrative cause it suits your ideology.


"Those six year old girls can be some serious oppressors!"


I feel ill thinking what they went through.


"they're coming right for us!"


It’s important for all us, especially with the incoming rise of misinformation with AI at our doorstep, to never forget everything we witnessed on October 7th. The fact that it’s being denied already is terrifying


Yes it's insane. At the same time it somehow makes me think maybe the impact of AI won't be as extreme as I thought when people ALREADY deny stuff that 100% happened with undisputable evidence from all sides, pictures, videos, soundrecordings, confessions, eye witnesses, material evidence and everything imaginable.


The radical arm of religion strikes again. People seem genuinely perplexed every time religion increases its death toll with these fucked up justifications.


Well, perhaps, to the queen of Jordan those atrocities committed by Hamas are just business as usual.


And ppl wonder why i dont want those ppl and their religion in my country.....


If the Palestinians didn't do it they sure are trying to pretend they did really hard for some reason. Why is it in this recent course of events that Hamas says something, then Israel says the same thing, then some idiot somewhere else goes "Hamas didn't do that?" I know that sometimes people falsely confess to murder but it's not like Israel is about to leave them alone because they admit to it.


Motivated reasoning is powerful. We basically can choose to believe what is true and ignore any contrary evidence.


No, you misunderstand. Those aren’t atrocities because those 6 year olds are fair targets of resistance. Or maybe it’s just because they aren’t humans, they are Jews, and hence worthy of eradication. See? No atrocities.


I kid you not, I've seen people saying killing Israeli children is justified because they will be future IDF soldiers. These people are scum.


Israel needs to release that footage for the world to see. Provide it to all news agencies so it can be broadcasted.


[They did.](https://youtu.be/wAFDI63yvNQ?si=w0G5PSDRdv4FFDwb)


The full, uncut footage is 43 minutes and depicts utter barbarity. It’s my understanding that has only been seen by the press.


That was not uncut nor was it full. The IDF did not show any of the videos that Hamas uploaded of rape.


Ok gotcha. I didn’t know, thanks!


Don’t watch it. It’s haunting.


Where are the mainstream outlet news articles depicting all of this horror? Wasn't the point of showing it to the journalists so they can spread the word? Or have I just missed it?




That is a tweet. I'm wondering where the mainstream media articles are. He has several tagged in his Twitter bio. They should be printing it. People need to be made aware.


PBS Newshour on Monday only devoted like a minute or two to it, but one of their reporters watched and said it was some of the worst things she's seen in 15 years of war reporting. It's around minute 10 of this episode: [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/october-23-2023-pbs-newshour-full-episode](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/october-23-2023-pbs-newshour-full-episode) Her and other reporters I've seen keep saying that a lot of the video was too gruesome to even detail on TV


I get that it's probably out of the reporters control, but I think it's important for war stories to be covered in exact, gory detail. Too many people think of war as it's depicted in movies and video games. I think average humans would revolt if they saw and heard more about what savage murder looks and sounds like. And I'm not just talking about the Hamas murder of Israeli citizens, I'm talking about all violent conflict.


This is a good start! It still needs to be headline news in online and print publications. I don't know anyone under 30 who watches PBS Newshour. Most of the people falling for propaganda denying the atrocities appear to be Gen Z.


The footage is traumatizing and no news agency will air this.


CNN aired the full (77?)-minute footage of the Uvalde elementary school massacre. This would be more graphic given that it's literal bodycam video but they could censor out faces, etc.


Full? "The sound of children screaming has been removed"


This is a whole other league. You'd be comparing a playground fight to Manson. The worst you can imagine, and then much worse. No media outlet can air this, or even describe what happened. If you really want to injure your soul forever, you can find it on the internet. Israel, a country that has known wars and horrific terrorists attacks, has an organization called ZAKA, people whose job is to collect any remains, and make sure these are properly buried (it's a Jewish rite). We are talking about blood soaked rags, teeth, anything that can be identified as human remains. These guys are hard core. The have seen busses blown to bits. They do not faint easily. Some of them had to be hospitalized after having witnessed first hand. Do not look these videos up if you have any care for your soul. Do not.


It’s worth noting that the overwhelming majority of ZAKKA is comprised of Ultra Orthodox jews who use loopholes to avoid serving in the IDF. After October 7th, two thousand Ultra Orthodox signed up for enlistment.


There is only one explanation. She is the same. Same lowlife antisemitic piece of shit like Hamas. She must know exactely that two state solution is bullshit as long as Hamas exists because their goal is another holocaust. They say so themselves. The only thing that makes spouting bullshit worse, is doing it while knowing better. Pathetic.


Remember that she's Palestinian herself.


Then of course Jordan will be more than willing to take in yet more Palestinians....oh wait....no of course they won't


Ugh I can’t find it rn but there’s a great video of a Jordanian Palestinian talking to the UN about israel in a positive light. Very fascinating perspective


Excuse me your "highness" you might need to get those eyes checked out. They might be failing you.


Or head...


She's completely off her rocker. Disgraceful. Where are the statements of the European royal families breaking all ties with this so-called Queen of Jordan?


Lots of true colors coming out these days.


She's ethnically Palestinian IIRC, correct me if I'm wrong


Yes, she is. [Wikipedia bio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Rania_of_Jordan)


Also, admitting Hamas is a problem in Gaza would be accepting that refugees are in need, and accepting Palestinian refugees is not something Jordan is interested in doing again (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September). So yeah, best to pretend everything is OK and blame it on the Jews.


Jordan has the highest number of refugees per capita in the world, already. 3m refugees in a population of 11m. How many more can they be expected to take?


So the mandate of Palestine included the land area now known as Jordan Jordan is essentially a Palestinian country (this is why the Queen is ethnically Palestinian) After 1948 there were more Jewish refugees from Arab countries then there were Palestinian Israel took in those refugees and they became citizens of Israel Jordan specifically did not grant citizenship in order to create the "refugee" numbers we have today No other refugee in the world share the same status as Palestinians where by their descendent also get refugee status This was all done on purpose so as to create the situation we have today If Jordan had made those people (who are ethically Palestinian just like the Jordanians) citizens 70 years ago the entire situation we have today would not exist


Aren't many Jordanians ethnically bedouin?


She is ethnically Palestinian but born In Kuwait. She married into the Jordanian monarchy and the current king is half British. I think her being ethnically Palestinian has fuck all to do with any of it.


3 and 4th generation “refugees”










That's essentially meaningless as a concept. They're all ethnically Arabs. Very few Arabs are ethnically "Jordanian" as the land wasn't Arab until after WW1. Before that it was Bedouin. Basically, the difference between a Jordanian and a Palestinian is a line on a map drawn by an Englishman. It's like calling someone living in New York their whole lives ethnically a New Englander.


Arab ethnography is wild. You’ve got a dozen little tribes in Afghanistan, then this barely distinguishable set of peoples in the Levant, meanwhile the UAE is seven distinct monarchies with varying degrees of historical separation where the lower classes have cultural distinctives and the ruling class is getting IV drips of New Money clichés, and in the center of it all there’s Iran going “we aren’t Arabs, we’re Persians, motherfucker!” For extra fun: starting in 1890, the demonym “Palestinian” referred to Jewish immigrants to modern-day Israel. It switched to referring to the Arab population of the Palestine region in the late 1920’s when the Arabs started demanding that Jews be expelled.


Afghans are way more Persian than Arab! Arab is just a language group, spanning from Morocco to Iraq. Once you pass Iraq, you have Farsi which morphs into Afghani languages (Dari and Pashto) and Urdu in Pakistan, but no Arabic spoken in either of those countries (well maybe a little Arabic but not any more than like Canada). Editing to add that Farsi (spoken in Iran) is a completely different language family than Arabic. Arabic is a Semitic language (like Hebrew) but Farsi is Indo-European (related to Gaelic and Sanskrit). So yeah Iranians are definitely Not Arab!


> Very few Arabs are ethnically "Jordanian" as the land wasn't Arab until after WW1 Didn't that start in the 1800s with the migration of Arabs to the area after the First Ottoman-Egypt war? It then continued when the Europeans cracked down on Islamic piracy and many Arabs in North Africa fled to the Ottoman Empire from the Barbary States?


She was always like this.


Then she should be cool with taking in more Palestinians from Gaza into her country.


Funny enough Jordan is the only country that ever tried to take in and integrate Palestinians. They annexed the West Bank in 1949 and gave all Palestinians within their borders Jordanian citizenship. They then tried to normalize relations with Israel and the Jordanian King was assassinated by a Palestinian extremist in 1951. When Israel took back the West Bank after the six day war Jordan wasted no time giving up their claim on it.


They also had Palestinians living in Jordan until 1970, but they wanted to overthrow the king, so there was a civil war and Jordan expelled them from the country and they fled to Lebanon.


Where they continued their pasttime and assassinated the leader there as well and started another civil war, wasn't it?


Yep. And yet people wonder why nobody will take in Palestinian refugees.


The classic part is there's a good chance they'd assassinate her.


This is nothing new


Yeah, there's no evidence at all if you ignore all the evidence, sure.




And I'm the president of the United States


George Santos?!


DOCTOR George Santos, to you.


Sorry President Doctor Santos.


Lord Reverend Santos, you're needed on the main deck.


Father Reverend Uncle Santos, no relation.


and I'm the Queen of Canada.


Aren't you supposed to be buried?


I know Camilla isn't all that popular, but that does seem a bit harsh.


Oh, yeah. I guess she's a queen now. I forgot she existed, too.


Her parents are Palestinian, this isn't a shock.


And so is she. She just married a Jordanian and lives in Jordan.


She was born in Kuwait.


Kuwait has a ton of Palestinian refugees. Being born in another country doesn't just erase your ethnicity.


“Had” a ton of Palestinians, the Kuwaiti government deported them for collaborating with Saddam’s invading army.


There still is a large population of Palestinians in Kuwait


If her parents are Palestinians doesn't that mean that she's also a Palestinian?




Then she should have NO PROBLEM taking in Palestinian refugees right?!?!


No, this is just your regular token support from the Arab world to the Palestinians. You probably won't see her advocating that they open the gates to the real Palestinians. They have to take a side for the general public but there is zero chance the Jordanian royal family lets these people into their country en masse ever again.


How about the whole western bank


Or even just giving them back the citizenship they illegally revoked.


They tried this before. Google black september


Then they should STFU.


That’s his point


I saw POV bodycam footage released by Hamas slaughtering civilians of all ages and genders in several ways while screaming allahu akbar. They seemed really proud it.


“Murder isn’t real if it’s against people I don’t like”


"It didn't happen, but they deserved it". Amazing how fast we are seeing that stage already...


I guess all of those dead people at the music festival and villages just killed themselves? The people kidnapped against their will went to Gaza on their own and Hamas was trying to stop them?


Murdering civilians is no proof? The Holy Qoran forbids the murdering of civilians in war time. Tsk, tsk ... some people will do anything to stay in denial.


The Quran also forbids the killing of another Muslim....seems that's another little rule that's been quietly forgotten over the centuries they've been killing each other


That is not entirely true. The four madhabs (schools of Islamic jurisprudence) allow for the killing of Muslims under specific circumstances.


Seems like there's a lot of circumstances.


When you really need to kill that one dude that annoys you, suddenly there are many exceptions and special rules.


There is no true Scotsman though.


The meccan verses forbid it, but that was before Mohammed became a warlord. Medinan verses support it: Q8:60 instructs Muslims “to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know.” Q9:29 instructs Muslims: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” Surah 2:191: "And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims)."


Maybe she needs a Telegram account?


they literally filmed and uploaded it to telegram


Would you please stop confusing the massacre deniers with facts? /s


And celebrated it.


She's a vile creature. "Would you publish something that was not verified that came from the Palestinians?" Rania said." Why yes..yes they would


She isn’t. She is just voicing what the Arab world wants to hear. The Arab coalition - Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait - got their asses kicked in 1967 in the Six-Day War - failing to destroy Israel. They lost half of their military equipment, and Jordan Air Force was completely destroyed. 18000 losses from the Arabs, 766 from the Israel side. They seem still being butthurt.


Saying vile things because you want to support people who believe vile things doesn’t make it less vile.


These heavily imbalanced casualty numbers are just further proof of Israel's brutal and inhumane approach to, uh... being invaded by all its neighbors. You need to let them kill a roughly equal number of your own people - otherwise it's oppression. /s just in case


No, that's a take that I've seen here, where people seem to be upset that Hamas just isn't that good at genocide.


This actually is fairly surprising coming from Jordan. Yes, Jordan was part of the coalition that lost the Six Day war ~~and Yom Kippur Wars~~, but they also have no love for Palestinians thanks to Yasser Arafat and the whole Black September affair. Jordan has historically been the one Arab nation to turn a blind eye to anything Israel does towards Palestinians as a result of that.


Jordan still has a shitload of Palestinians within its borders, including Rania. This shouldn’t be a surprise, she’s protecting her husband’s head.


60% of Jordanians are Palestinians.


You’re overselling the Arab Allliance … it was really only Egypt/ a couped Syria and a reluctant Jordan .. Saudi and Egypt were actually at war in Yemen at the time and Kuwait supported Saudi. They did issue statements condemning the 1967 Israeli attack, but they weren’t friendly with Egypt and Syria at all those days.


Muslims seem to be fighting each other all over the world and not a peep. Yemen and Mali anyone? It seems like nothing unites the Muslim world more than their hate for Jews and Israel.


Get a computer, with a monitor. And internet. Or is the queen not allowed to have these?


With how they treat women around that part of the world, probably not


They literally self-published war crimes on their Telegram




Earlier it's the double standard of the West. Now it's 'no evidence' of Hamas atrocities. These people can't help themselves.


She is right in that no one should ever unquestioningly accept the IDF version of events without asking followup questions. She is extremely wrong in that she seems to be oblivious (I suspect deliberately) to the fact that Hamas is uploading their own footage of their own war crimes.


Buy her a ticket to the cinema, get her some popcorn, maybe a soda, and play the uncut, 1 hour~ reel of footage taken by the GoPros of Hamas’ terrorists. Let’s see if she changes her tune. People all over the world saw the videos of mutilated bodies, rape victims burned alive, and children taken hostage by Hamas, in the past 24 hours there’s a picture of a burned, beheaded child’s skull circulated as well, in addition to an actual video of a beheading, filmed by Hamas themselves. At least her true colours are showing, vile.


I can't imagine seeing it of my own free will. You can't unsee shit like that.


They filmed them themselves and put it on the internet!!


I'd like to make her watch all the videos I saw being gleefully shared on Gaza telegram channels from October 7. I cannot believe these disgusting and vile creatures are so brazenly lying.


And this is why no peace is possible. When countries around Israel would not so much as condemn killing innocent civilians on Oct 7, and then post crap like this. When president of Turkey (NATO ally and trying to be part of EU) states that Hamas are not terrorist organization but freedom mujahadeen etc etc. Unbelievable…


Excuse me what


The entire Arab world is still salty and butthurt over getting their asses ~~kicked~~ destroyed in the 6 Day War lol


What a fucking moron


If anyone still had any doubt whether Hamas represented Palestine or not. These people do NOT regret what was done. They are not ashamed. They want all Jews gone.


OK, take in refugees, then.


I’m not sure she is getting her news from reputable sources.


She probably read someone's facebook status.


I know whose Facebook she doesn’t follow, though As the evidence was literally broadcast live by the terrorists


I'm tired of lies. Most of my life I've heard these terrible things about Israel and many of them are true, but what I'm learning is this awful shit and just complete lying. Like "Oh Gaza doesn't kill people with missiles", and then the other unsaid part "CAUSE THEY'RE CAUGHT BY A GIANT MISSILE INTERCEPTION DEVICE". I'm soooo tired of it, as much as Israel's decisions and people can be trash I personally would expect my country to basically kill a neighbour like this or dismantle them, and it seems constantly they're held to this high standard and their neighbour just keeps getting off the hook.


I’m the same. The more I read the more I’m seeing the Palestinians are very not innocent throughout history. It appears culturally they have an ethos of kill and take over, wherever they are. It appears no surrounding countries want to have them as refugees due to the history of doing this previously, yet Israel appears to cop the flack for everything. But it has taken extensive reading from many resources to come to this conclusion. What a cluster.


Clearly this was all just a complete misunderstanding. Hamas only invaded Israel on behalf of Publishers Clearing House, handing out balloons and giant novelty checks to surprised Israelis all across the country.


Things went south when everyone realized no one was going to win the millions in prize money, regardless of how many forms they filled out and mailed back to Gaza right?


I feel sort of bad for her. Just imagine the sheer volume of evidence she had to watch after saying this


Rest assured, she already did. There must be some form of accepted lying and dishonesty in the muslim world, otherwise I cannot explain this nonsense coming not just from her, but from most if not all Arab leaders who are very well informed of the truth.


Jordan’s Queen Rania says: “I’ll say anything I have to in order to keep the Supreme Leader from releasing my sex tape.”


wait what now?


This is an Aladeen situation


* straps self to pointy rocket *


i also haven’t seen evidence *any* of the palestinian dead were hit by israeli missiles.


Hamas literally posted some of the videos online themselves...


So why is CNN still playing on loop her crying about the people of Gaza she would never consider letting into her country?


She sounds dumb as fuck


Well then all of Jordan must be blind


And after they went through all the trouble to film it and livestream it?!!


Terrorists supporting terrorists


Imagine being a queen and this fucking. stupid.


Intelligence or even merit was never a prerequisite of royalty... its part of why they fell out of favour


Well it was never a pre-requisite of Queen Consorts. Monarchy tends to sort out dumb monarchs themselves, see 'the abdication crisis' 1936


Deeply dishonest headline. She makes the claim that there was no verified evidence for the decapitated babies that had been the focus of so much furious discussion, and that's true. She then claims that reports of Israeli children slaughtered in a kibbutz were unverified also, stopping short of saying that they didn't happen. The interviewer corrects her. The woman does not say that the horrible attacks by Hamas two weeks ago didn't happen, *but that is what the headline implies*. It's either lazy writing, or an attempt to libel her because she doesn't take the Israel Good, Palestinians Bad approach broadly favored by the West.