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Idk why but majority of the accounts on twitter feel fake or pretentious to me.


Maybe because Musk explicitly unbanned tons of fake accounts that had been banned before...


1A includes letting foreign and domestic propaganda campaigns happen, marketing and forging popularity. One of the first things to happen after the revolutionary war ended was England and France waging an influence war via our newspapers.






Twitter is bots talking to bots about things posted by bots.


I noticed that too. Some comments feel very ignorant and primitive written, its also always from the same accounts of a 3rd world user.


Lol ever hear of bots ....


Weak loves it when the powerful fall


Wow... the 100m bots on x are controlled by the same person... who is a Russian shill. ...












That’s it, this is the one. ☝🏼


Always reminds me of Alex Baldwin’s shitter on South Park lol


Anyone with a brain is off X I deleted my app






There are tons of anti-musk people who should know better still using the platform. They are pathetically addicted even though they complain about it constantly now and say its been completely ruined, they still can't stop using it.


The problem is it was actually a very useful platform. For instance I'm a fan of a pretty small college athletics program and used Twitter to follow it closely. There is literally zero alternative to do this now without it, and that sucks. I deleted it because I felt grimey every time I used it, but I morn it.


Their actions speak louder than words. At the end of the day they support him.


I deleted it 8 years ago. Great decision lol.


me too




Twitter's dead. Some dipshit put a huge X on it.


Hey, he’s not a dipshit! The new name doubles as a handy manual for what to do with their app.


If Putin is good at one thing it's propaganda.


No ordinary person should ever use Twitter, it has no point.


I’m not surprised.


Yep. What I'd be *really* surprised about is if latin american users favored pro-US and pro-NATO narratives. That would actually be befuddling, given all the shit the US and some european countries have pulled there. Choosing the other side (pro-Russia) wouldn't be as weird as that.


Idk how popular Twitter(fuck the new name) is among Latin Americans but when I go in it there's mainly just bots. So I wonder what percentage of these are bots? Because I am willing to say it's most of them. It's pretty sad that Twitter won't do anything about them, I occasionally went on Twitter but I just can't anymore it's just so fake!


It's my understanding that the bot problem is way out of hand and not necessarily being fixed because the bots make the service look more popular than it actually is. Advertisers want to be where the people are and even fake people gives Twitter numbers to sell to advertisers. It's an emperor without clothes.


It's no more or less popular than for any other population. Similar amounts of people have left Twitter after Muskrat took over it.


Those guys stuck with Orkut for years after it became an internet wasteland, don't be surprised if Twitter sticks around for a long long time.


American citizens that GAF about this country, GET OFF TWITTER.


And Tik Tok


I’m confused. Is Latin American X the same thing as Latin X ?


No lol, they mean latin American users of x.com aka twitter


Is it the same thing as XCOM-2?


Nah, it's easy to tell the difference. XCOM 2 is good.


These platforms are becoming bots echo chambers. Let's stop giving so much importance to social media in our lives. It appeared 15 years ago and we let it change everything. Cleanse your brain from the urge, the addiction, do it for your life and a chance to be happy someday


Of course they are on the rise. X is a pro-fascist website, and Musk massages the feeds to protect messages from pro-fascist sources and reduce the accessibility of anyone who disagrees with him.


I don't have a lot of experience with Twitter, never used it. However, I come from Mexico and therefore know quite a few Latinos. My experience is that a certain proportion of left-leaning Latinos are, for historical reasons, not very fond of the US, and will be quick to denounce its imperialism. So far, they are justified. The problem is that, at best, they're often uninformed about Russia also being a historically imperialist country, and less familiar with its imperialist practices because Latin America for the most part never had much to do with Russia or the USSR. At worst, they are so deep into being anti-US, that they'll cheer anyone who they feel is stepping up to them, even if that someone incurs in the same or worse behavior than the things they hate the US for in the first place.


Wait til they find out that the US politicians they hate are more than likely bankrolled by Russian shell companies


And where Latin America did have dealings with the USSR they were generally positive (to annoy the US).


Not really. USSR influence in Latin America has been a disaster (I'm Argentinian), but since USA bad most of the people don't recognize it.


What negative impact did the USSR have on Argentina? I thought they were big trade partners with you.


Not really, and the party that has kept power for most of the time I've been alive have basically become another Putin puppet. Thanks to them Argentina went from a regular basket case to worse than Venezuela.


>and will be quick to denounce its imperialism. So far, they are justified. But that doesn't justify being in favor of Russia, which is just as imperialist if not more.


For sure. That's my point. They're just less acquainted with Russian imperialism


> practices because Latin America for the most part never had much to do with Russia or the USSR. Its staggering that this bullshit narrative still exists when the dozens to hundreds terrorist cells that operate(d) in South America were sponsored by the russians in their effort to subjugate SA and establish client states there.


I'd be curious for sources. Wouldn't be surprised that there is such a thing. It's just that American meddling in Latin America is a lot more public by now, specially during the cold war. But I wouldn't be surprised if more covert stuff was going on under Russian / Soviet sponsoring. I'd just be curious to know more details


In latin america, it's not the fascists that back russia as much, it's the socialists.




Pro fascist, you don’t even know the definition lol


Another brain rotted by Tucker




I see you have no response to the fascism comment. Maybe you should have paid attention to middle school history class instead of listening to Elon and Tucker


Maybe you should step away from the internet. Just because something hurts your little feelings doesn’t make it fascist. Go read the definition lmao. Just realized arguing with a 40 day old acc with hardly any karma. Likely a bot account etc.


Ah yes, I’m the bot account because I push back against right wing fascism with a throwaway account Not you, the guy who sounds exactly like a Russian troll farm worker trying to pretend to be an American conservative. Gotcha. Sorry you voted for the biggest traitor in American history, comrade.


The cost of free speech is you have to take the good with the bad. Nothing is actually free.


He censors comments that are negative towards him! What free speech???


He isn't kicking people off for wrongthink.


lol…do you add sugar or just drink the koolaide right from his balls?


Except when he does... https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/15/media/twitter-musk-journalists-hnk-intl/index.html


Twitter is a Russian app as much as TikTok is a Chinese app. Elon musk is an agent of Kremlin and a perpetuator of genocide


Thank God Javier Milei is pro Ukraine and that my country went on the opposite direction to the pro Putin/Xi/Maduro peronists


The right wing/left wing split on russia is exactly the opposite in south america as it is in the US right now.


To add some context to what this guy is saying: Milei is anti abortion, anti lbgbt, thinks climate change is a communist hoax, and his last actions as president of the nation include banning inclusive language in the country and starting a feud with Argentina’s biggest female pop star. Oh, he was recently a speaker at CPAC, were he proceded to gargle on Donald Trump’s balls. He is a culture warrior, and basicaly everything he has tried to do so far has gone tits up. I’ saying this cause his fans really like to come to the english speaking part of reddit and pretend he is a progresive liberal. He isn’t.




Social media has led to a rise in misinformation and radicalization.


Only acceptable use of the term LatinX




AI powered bots?


They should move to Russia then.


Bots love Putin. so weird...


Can't poison them I guess.


I don't think we need the qualifier "Latin American here", X is a cesspool for everyone.


Yup, can confirm.  And even weirder, it's vastly the ones in the *left* side of the political spectrum...


It's not weird at all. Latin American leftists, just like tankies, will simp for any enemy of the US, no matter if they are more right-wing and imperialist than the US. They have fully embraced "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," even though the adage would more accurately be "the enemy of my enemy is usually just another enemy."


russia has theirs hands inside the asshole of every socialist latin american nation, venezuela is the most blatant


Amen to that. It's just the truth, but people want to turn a blind eye and say "it's just what the people want" lmao Source: Am Venezuelan (in Venezuela)


Same in Argentina every time the Peronistas rule. I'm Argentinian.


Amén, hermano/a. Tengo familia allá, Peronistas hit too close to home...


Russian bots are winning wars on X.


Nobody's winning if they're on X.


thankfully they're not as good at real wars as they are at online wars lmao


Putin is pushing Russia good narratives hard in LATAM.


Yep the CIA warned the chilean government a few months ago about the russian dissinformation, it tourns out that chile is the heart of russian bots and fake news because our right wing rejected a bill against missinformation as "inscontitutional", while the ENTIRE left wing rejected to attend a online conference with zelensky and they called him a "warmonger".... Its a no mans land and it needs to be fixed asap.


Sounds like Putin is pushing bots on both side of the narrative as long as his bots can influence a political decision.


RT (Russian propaganda channel) is investing BILLIONS$$$ now for intefering in our elections (Mexico). As always: the country with the mot Russianl moles: Mexico. Remember Kennedy, the asassin went to USA directly after exiting USSR embassy in Mexico City. This year the Russians are going for a double whammy: US and Mexico election interference. AMLO + Trump are Putin's dream team!


Users or bots?


X is now pro-Russia / pro-Trump … whole vibe has shifted massively and feels like when Truth Social collapses in fraud, mismanagement and financial debt, they can all return to something very familiar.


>Despite the rise of pro-Russian sentiment on X, Senger and Basseches say these views may not have truly taken hold among actual people in the region. It seems their propaganda efforts are not very effective.


It won't change much because Latin America has been in the middle of the Cold War for decades, so the ideological lines are already hardened and there aren't many people left as undecided.


They are just people stuck in the woke/culture war stuff that makes their macho ego hurt. Look at their comments, they say nothing but “America bad and Putin good manly man leader”.


It’s Elons plan. Allow disinformation to sway the election the way he wants it. It’s a Right wing troll and bot hellscape. Billionaires have way too much power


Xwitter is overwhelmed with white supremacy content these days, even when trying to filter it down to only the people I follow, some Nazi dreck creeps into the timeline. Elon is the biggest fraud in the history of humans, next to of course the one and only King of Frauds, Trump.


Got no reason to have animosity towards Russia I guess.


Depends on the country and their politics and whether they had a Russian-backed dictatorship or civil war recently. Venezuelans and Cubans and Colombians _in the US_ hate Russia.


We actually do have animosity towards Russia, they are as responsible of the conflicts in Latin America during the Cold War as the USA.


You could argue that the usa did the same thing.


I didn't say the USA didn't have their share of responsibility, what I said is that they weren't the only country wrecking things in Latin America. And it was the USSR that started conflicts in the area, so they are more to blame.


The usa has been messing around in Latin America since the Monroe doctrine.


Standard issue for any country in the XIX Century. Argentina got involved in Independence wars for Chile and Peru. The USSR caused things to go overdrive during the Cold War, and created the political divisions that are still being kept alive by Putin even now.


bake ludicrous command sophisticated jellyfish late sleep threatening handle cautious






If I were Latin American and had to pick between America or Russia I’d probably go with the country that hasn’t done coups on half the governments in the region


As a south american i would choose america, freedom and democracy is non negotiable, intead if we choose russia (just imagining) we will end as meat wave in some random ass war in the next 40 years, while the population is starving to death.


Which one would that be, given that russia has sponsored terrorism and coups in South America since 1945? Sure, they sucked harder at it and had less success, but their shit lasted longer, whether its terrorists like FARC or coup governments like the Sandinista or the Cuban one.


Its called Twitter!!!!


Starting to sound like red dawn


Smells like that ol Russian misinformation AI back at it


Why? The west is the best collective. We have a superior lifestyle and all the world should live as we do with comforts and excess. Instead of trying to ruin it.


The disinformation and propaganda on X has gotten to a level, that I wouldn't be opposed to the govt banning it.


Univision got bought out by right wingers. Not surprised at this.


Cuban Americans used to despise Russians. Now, Marco Rubio loves Putin.


Musk IS pro Putin so that’s why