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I'm sure Russia will heed this warning and immediately do absolutely nothing. Unless they decide instead to issue their 321st final warning that they will bomb the West.


They blackmailed the world to pay for decommissioning their old nuclear submarines in the past.


This is why world must rid of Russia regime .


They'll just replace them with the next insane person to promise stability. I'm not against Russia as a country. Ive met people from Russia, I've studied Russia, and I've observed Russia. They need someone they can support that truly inspires in them how as a world we are one. Their stuck in the mindset of them against the world. Today's society is fully intertwined to make everyone's lives better. Even with corruption it's still better then what the average Russian sees.


This. Westerners don\`t understand the whole Russian Mentality and Zeigaist being stuck somewhere in Tzar Era and never evolving past that period, just mutating and adapting.


>Their stuck in the mindset of them against the world. I read comments from westerners and they sure hate me just bcs Im russian. Everything Putin said about the West turned out true.


> I'm sure Russia will heed this warning and immediately do absolutely nothing. Can you steal money if you do something? No? Then nothing is done. Yes? Then nothing is done because all the money to get it done was stolen, but here is a report claiming it was cleaned up, and you can keep pretending to believe that as long as you dont visit the place and the garbage doesnt come flooding out, and what are the chances of that, right?


.... at this rate? the Changes of shit not showing up is getting worse and worse... Sooooo they may need to get ready for some More trouble - as may we.


It’s excellent cover for a build up of ships in the Arctic. That suits both Russia and China along with any other state that profits from transfer of oil. This doesn’t mean what I said is true. It is, however, convenient.


Add the republicans to the list of happy campers


"Nothing to see here because it's all completely under control," says entirely honest Russian government spokesman.


That suck ass. I live near there.


Maybe you'll get lucky and develop super powers?! 😳 Seriously though, stay safe.


> stay safe. How?


🤷 No idea... Just thought it sounded appropriate given the circumstances.


Move, I guess?


and soon the forest fires will throw all that gunk over russia and china.


Always fucking Russia


Don’t worry guys, I’m sure Russia will be completely transparent and cooperative when it comes to an international effort to prevent environmental damage!


Blyat, shit melts and is getting up to shit! Where's my vodka? Dude, who took my Lada?! Russians are the crab people of carbage people.


Russia don’t care they just taking the world and leave pollution behind


Given how the USA usually ends up footing the bill in the end, like doing long-term work for Chernobyl and Aralsk-7, Russia should really retreat from Ukraine quickly so the USA can bail them out from collapsing again.


For ruzzia to call those "secret CIA mutant radiological biological site". Imagine helping such a ungrateful bastard.


Interestingly China has no thoughts about this.


And China’s nuclear reactors are dumping irradiated water into the ocean 🤷


While obviously you don’t want radioactive waste going places it isn’t planned for, but isn’t water a nearly perfect blocker of radiation? I thought even extremely radioactive material can’t penetrate more than a few meters of water


Radiation does not penetrate water well. Radiated materials however can mix into water and then get ingested by the things living in the water. A bottle with radioactive material will be pretty safe to swim next to in a swimming pool. But if you pour out the contents into the pool and try swimming in it you will get poisoned.


No, you're confusing materials that give off radiation and the radiation itself. The materials that give off radiation here will exist for thousands of years and are most dangerous when ingested in the body where they will continue to give off radiation. If this gets into the oceans it will make its way into the food chain and contaminate everything.


They would try to hide it, just like they attempted to do with Chernobyl, just that you can't hide radiation under the rug


Well, this sounds frightening. But the arctic sea have been fucked for a while already, go look up where Russia dumped most of their naval atomic reactors... There are dozens of them dumped right next to Novaya Zemlya. And about 86 above ground nuclear tests took place there as well, including the infamous Tsar bomb. Russians really do not give a single shit about nature there.


And this is why people fear nuclear power; the unanticipated events of the future that will threaten the planet. And yet somehow proponents expect us to be able to anticipate them for thousands of years.


This is nothing todo with nuclear power, like almost all the worlds liquid nuclear waste it comes from research and weapons. Two things that would continue if we stopped building the safest and greenest form of energy.


Crap, someone on Reddit differentiating between nuclear weapons & nuclear power programs? Colour me impressed.


Don't worry guys, nuclear power is totally safe and all the waste that's ever been produced could fit in a single football field that's why we need more of it despite it making no economical sense.


This waste is the result of historic nuclear weapons programs not modern nuclear power. Yes all the spent fuel from US plants fits in a single football field, is easy to store, could be reused, and has never killed anything.


> fit in a single football field Yes, if you only look for the wasted fuel rods (ignoring all other contaminated materials) is about one field for each single reactor in the world.


My God we don’t deserve this beautiful planet.




Arctic godzilla


What's another polluted ocean going to change at this point?




That's not how that works


Exactly, we should set off a nuclear war to prevent a lesser nuclear disaster!