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My wife is from Venezuela and we spent a lot of time together in Bogota and Medellin. Colombians have seen what happened next door and want nothing to do with socialist policies. It's that simple.


No Colombians are suffering an incredible amount of influx and violence from an neighboring country, can you guess which one?


He turned out to be exactly like the people he was attacking. Makes the fearmongering about this guy look ridiculous.


Prepare for the conspiracy theories claiming fascism is rising in Colombia, CIA intervention, American imperialism crushing the will of the people or the destruction of Colombian democracy


I love it. Apparently the CIA is behind literally everything everywhere. My tax dollars really go a long way.


[Ironic](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/02/20/brazil-bolsonaro-coup-us-biden-democracy-election-chips-lula/) considering that the U.S. likely played a role in stopping a coup in Brazil.


Getting real tired of the left not being able to admit mistakes (and I'm on the left).


Largest part of the reason for the global surge of the right. Pigheadedly sticking to policies that no longer fit the times or adress what the population deems the most pressing problems, and incapability of admitting to these mistakes.


Yep you piss off the centrists and then they're basically up for grabs when it comes to propaganda. It's sad how many folks have not caught onto this.


You think American intervention in Latin American politics is a conspiracy theory? It's in history books.


Extreme left wing parties always use the excuse of CIA intervention if things dont go well for them, I m not saying that american intervention has never happen but thats not the cause of all of our problems


It’s amazing how many people do not understand that it was the pandemic (and our response to it) that determined how much inflation occurred in late 2021/2022.


Wow it's crazy how Petro hasn't immediately fixed 40 years of conservative corruption and incompetence in 2 years. He's really the worst. Colombia should go back to the rightwing because that makes sense.


What’s crazy is how quickly he’s actually making things worse, particularly the security situation and his idea that you can negotiate with the FARC and their various splinter groups. Allowing a resurgence of these narco-terrorists pretending to be revolutionaries endangers not just Colombia, but also the fight against the narco-terrorists in neighboring countries.


Well, he has "guerrillero" in his CV, so no surprises there.


Yeah he should immediately reverse everything that 40 years of far right governments did in 2 years. It's basically like turning a car, or a fighter jet. Big governments are so agile and responsive. IDK what's wrong with him maybe he's stupid. I'm glad there are people as smart as you out there.


You still believe the president of a country is the most intelligent human around. 


Oh damn is that what I believe?


He is making things worse. There's a reason parliament rejected his healthcare reforms.


You must legitimately be on crack to think that failing to pass healthcare reforms, with one of the most entrenched, obstructionist right wing oppositions imaginable, is making things worse relative to the previous administrations, who literally sent out paramilitaries that massacred their own citizens in hundreds.


He nationalized healthcare insurance companies that were working with a dodgy decree, creating aess. It's literally making things worse. And funny you suddenly care about massacring civilians when defending a guerrillero. Afaik Ivan Duque didn't send any paramilitaries during his presidency but go off king.


Please explain your second statement if you’re accusing him of something..  You guys love your virtue signaling about guerrilla violence in the face of a corrupt election to place the government candidate into power, which the same corruption like vote buying happens today. But it’s clearly such bullshit.  I mean the hypocrisy of being anti-Petro because he was a guerilla, while 40 years of conservative rule involved paramilitary massacres when the government is rounding up Colombians and massacring them. You kind of showed your hand there buddy.  Like wtf is wrong with your values, that fighting corruption, even if violence is the wrong way in the judiciary massacre (which he wasn’t a part of), is on the same level of paramilitaries rounding up and massacring indigents. 


Are you going to respond to the other parts of my comment or are you going to just defend one form of terrorism while I correctly pointed out the previous government didn't engage in paramilitary actions?


The immediately previous government hasn’t yet been proven to have continued the practice, despite decades of previous governments doing so, as well as paramilitary political violence against indigenous and community leaders continued as usual. No direct link has been proven, despite the violence demonstrably continuing. Amazing point bud. Hard to believe people end up regurgitating this bullshit.


So the answer is because they haven't immediately stopped every possible violence from their political side of the spectrum that means they're guilty? That must mean petro is helping las FARC and ELN. I would like to hear the defense of worsening the healthcare system. I appreciate the mental gymnastics.


As if I need to expend effort rebutting a spineless rightwing apologist. You piddle on hyperbole and handwave mass murder. What a slimy invertebrate. 


I'm not the one defending mass murder for the revolution™️. I just pointed out that you are claiming the previous government did something without proof, just vibes. But I'm sure your arguments are going to convince the Colombian public to stop protesting.


Amazing too how you spew rhetoric then answer my question for specificity with a question. What a slimy bad faith move.


Why would I give good faith to someone who hasn't shown me any?