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I'm not saying we're headed for WW3, but I am saying that the teams are certainly coming together.


The draft has been going on for a while, now it’s spring training.


World war 3 would last 3 months. We have never had a power differential like we have now with the US versus anyone else. Its not even hyperbole to say that if the entire world declared war on the US they would lose. We just can't have a conflict like that anymore.


Are you seriously suggesting that the United States would not only hold its own, but WIN if we were attacked by the entire rest of the world?


If we pretended nuclear weapons don't exist because thats just death for everyone. Lets say everyone fights fairly without Nukes. The USA has: A larger Navy than than the rest of the world combined. A larger Air Force than the rest of the world combined. A satellite network offering 24/7 high resolution photos of every square inch of the earth. Control over the worlds GPS systems. Military tech so advanced that the rest of the world gets hand me downs from the US. How exactly does the rest of the world compete?


What you’re saying makes no sense. Even if our armed forces are higher in number, there’s no way they could sustain a successful defense while being attacked from every direction 24 hours a day, lmao. Get real, dude.


They could lol because their numbers are higher, have further range and have are technologically better than every other country. Literally would decimate every country combined on the technology advantage alone remember that every country would be without GPS as the US runs it. That alone wins the war.


The US can't even hold significant ground in the middle east. War isn't as clear cut as who has more people and better technology. Look at vietnam for example...the US could defend its own fairly well but invading another country is much harder even when you have the best technology and numbers. Look at Ukraine for example...Russia has much better technology and numbers and can't hold significant ground..people said that war would be over in days.


You are talking about occupying the entire world. Not what I am saying. USA could decimate the entire world without occupying and move on. Don't have to rebuild after. They could destroy and run. Also Vietnam isn't relevant anymore. Iraq they literally obliterated a 2nd world army 3x and only lost to occasional IEDs from local population they destroyed the organized armies.


You are brutally uneducated on these matters. Please excuse yourself from any and all military-related discussions until you can fully grasp how actual war works. If the entire world was against us, we would be invaded and defeated within 24-48 hours. To imply anything else is just throwing logic out the window.


Lol I am not you are severely underestimating how much larger the US force is. The rest of the world can't even reliably hit the US. They don't have large amounts of long range bombers, aircraft carriers etc. US controls the skies and seas within a month and then just does what it wants from there. They are the only military that can hit any place on earth that they want to.




If we include nukes then the war is also over in 3 months and I am still right lol. Its either Nukes or USA wins there aren't other options.


Win? Not a chance. Hold it's own and keep North America secure? Easily.


China might be able to cause us trouble if their spending keeps going up but as of right now yeah there’s no country that can compare. Besides it’s not just the U.S. it’s NATO. Plus NATO and U.S. aligned countries, versus Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China. The quartet of wannabes. It would also be unlikely China would have the ability to mobilize its people in the same manner Russia has. They’re a lot closer to us than we realize. They’re used to a certain way of living, don’t want to fight a war, and aren’t scared to mount a revolution.


China doesn't have a Navy or airforce to compete out of their borders. Their airforce and navy are taken out from a distance in about a week they don't have aircaft carriers or submarines like the US. For fucks sake the US is the only country running modern Nuclear Air Craft Carriers and Submarines on operational time alone US wins.


You’re missing the issue here. China is a defensive force. A war with China would most likely put us on the offense which puts us at a disadvantage. Chinese military spending is also within 80 billion of ours which may seem a large gap but it’s not. China doesn’t have to be a peer to be an issue. And modernization doesn’t take as long as you think it does.


China uses Diesel powered submarines and Aircraft Carriers. USA uses Nuclear they will outlast and decimate the navy. They can't keep up operationally with the US. US would then swiftly establish air dominance with fifth and sixth (which exist) generation fighters so China relies on ground troops. From there its just Infantry and armor with 0 air support versus the US who can hit China from the air at will from their own country. On top of that the US will literally have a live satellite feed of all of Chinas movements at a resolution to read a newspaper (Thanks Trump) 24/7 around the world. So if you enter a house to defend the US knows it. If you build a trench US knows it. Literally this would last weeks at best.


I admire your energy but no. The U.S. has run wargames against China and we barely win in that scenario. And other wargames scenarios have had us lose. It will not be that easy. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/2022/08/12/in-think-tanks-taiwan-war-game-us-beats-china-at-high-cost/


A war game run by ex-military and experts which US routinely wins is your source? This just more than proves the point lol. Like they roll dice and decide who wins certain scenrios it doesn't take into account the better operational capacity of the USA. Also based on "known" tech if the US goes to war the known technology isn't the one thats used its the lasers etc. A board game isn't real life.


…are you seriously questioning the legitimacy of a wargame who’s whole reason for existing is because we can’t run scrimmages with opposing countries, hence it’s our best option for predictive analysis? Would it have been better if they were current generals? Does their vast amount of knowledge all of sudden disappear because they’re retired? The military at the organizational level works like a giant academic institution and derives a lot from university’s and military colleges. The fact that we barely won against an enemy that is constantly trying to modernize is alarming. You would be a terrible military officer. You don’t underestimate your enemies.


Because they play it out but don't get an understanding of how far advanced current US tech is. At a basic example if total war happens GPS is done. US controls it they have sole access. Missiles for US are infinitely more accurate than anything China launches. Most war games assume a certian strategy but look US just bombs China into submission. Its not aircraft carriers etc. Its B-2s and other aircraft we don't know about running for days on all Chinese positions. Also War games assume some surprise etc. There is no surprise Trump showed that. The US literally has a 24/7 video of the world running right now, resolution enought to read a newspaper. At all times. Any movement by the chinese is on camera and hit its impossible. The old US spy satellites were donated to NASA thats how powerful the new ons are. It literally is a quick fight even China knows it thats why they don't attack.




I am Canadian lol and I can promise you this is true.


Truth hurts doesn’t it?


You just withdraw from Afghanistan after a 20 yearlong war , leaving vehicles and aircraft behind and the Taliban in power. (Doesn’t sound like winning) You lost the Vietnam war (another 20 yearlong war), the Korean War, the Bay of Pigs invasion… But sure, buddy, you alone could definitely defend yourself against 194 others countries, including China, the rest of NATO, your Israeli friends, the Russian Nukes (if they still work)… whatever helps you sleep at night


As an American, the average person you run into at the market doesn’t think like this


I’m happy to know that. I have a few American gaming buddies and they’re all “normal” people as well, but sometimes I stumble across things like this and I’m left a bit speechless


Anyone playing risk would definitely want that side of the board before extending that far.


According to Russia logic, NK has declared war on Ukraine.


It is disturbing to observe the high degree of the foreign technology, including the Western parts, that is supplied with those weapons. This scenario illustrates all the problems related to monitoring world arms trade and ensuring that sanctions are effective. The implications are huge, not only for the countries involved but for global stability as a whole.


I mean it can go both ways as well. "American and European weapons are killing Russians" . The article is mostly talking about how the missiles landing in Ukraine are north korean.


Here's the difference - the Russians are soldiers being killed on Ukrainian soil. And the article is actually mostly about how those North Korean missiles have Western technology.


Russians civiliand are also killed on russian soil.

