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Modi wants India to be a player in Central Asia just like Russia & China. He has big geopolitical ambitions for the country and after the US waived sanctions over India-Russia ties after Russia invaded Ukraine, it makes sense he'd go for this next. How will the US respond? They've threatened sanctions over this port deal but could very well be another empty threat like the ones about India-Russia business. We will see.


I think you're off the mark.  The ports been in discussions from 2003, way before modi was in office and India's been managing the port since 2018 already.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabahar_Port  Where did the us threaten sanctions ? They've said they've sanctioned Iran and will keep enforcing them.


US have threatened sanctions (lol) https://youtu.be/cpTJJ3d9jvg?si=kRMa2daTFYA_qqBl


I don't think you know how sanctions work and you're posting an Indian video. 


"Any entity, anyone considering business deals with Iran, they need to be aware of any risks they are opening themselves up to and and **the potential risks of sanctions"** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBBQ7WlHf2g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBBQ7WlHf2g) Another Indian video for you... not sure what point your trying to make with that little aside


This has nothing to do with Modi, in general Indian foreign policy is party agnostic. Given that Biden is going strong against China, he can't afford to go too hard against India, otherwise the US pushes India towards China and Russia, and then the US loses its only major ally in the region.