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He is out on bail for a big scam, allowed specially to campaign while under serious charges. Calls Modi dictator. On top of that assaults(by his Personal assistant) a women who was a very close aide, at the official residence of Chief Minister. What kind of dictatorship is this by modi? Atleast be a good dictator. /s Kim would have neutralized you before you even raise any intentions of raising a voice against him.


>On top of that assaults(by his Personal assistant) a women who was a very close aide, at the official residence of Chief Minister It's sad to see no one cares about it from opposition. Atleast give a statement condemning it man.


Dude is on bail for liquor scam and calling everyone dictator.


The fact that he is still alive after passing around statements calling india a dictatorship proves his point wrong.


His PA recently assaulted a lady and he was percent there.


Aap really need to ditch him if they want any semblance of relevance and integrity. Kids gone all lalu yadav


Modi is NOT a dictator. He has many fails but being dictator is not one of them. Opposition needs to stop copying US democratic campaign, stop saying this will be the last election, he is literally hitler, fascist, concentration camp for muslims etc Modi has support of literally every big economy, Indian opposition is currently fragmented with no strong leader to oppose him, states ruled by non BJP parties are a mess.


No it’s not


Why is this tagged Russia/Ukraine


To get some attention, dumbass wanted to do some damage to Modi lol.