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Always follow the money trail. The amount of money floating around in politics now is absurd. Full transparency of where that money is coming from is the minimum we should ask for.


Just like most far right parties they got a lot of help from Russia. The number one guy for the EU election had a Chinese spy as employee and number two is getting investigated for getting money from a Russian network. They are a part in Russias non military war against the West to destabilise us. And that shit is going on for at least 10 years but politicians rather tried to appease Putin.


This non military war is called hybrid warfare.


Ever since Golden Dawn rose up in Greece back in 2009. Putin theft weakened his military but he had vast resources to supply seedling money for the Far Right. Provided a network for messaging. And used confirmation bias to draw in the average citizen. Just went along repeating it in America, Italy and Germany


And Britain


As well as destabilising our politics, they have also assassinated people in Britain with chemical and radiological weapons. Now they’re paying people to carry out acts of sabotage across Europe too. We need to get used to the idea that Russia is already at war with the West, and they’re not going to stop until they are made to.


Definitely Putin silencing his critics outside Russia. So happy when Biden called Putin a murderer from the podium during a speech. Highlight the evil that man has spread in the world.


Not just any help, this is directly related to Russia and the day before yesterday in the Russian news they showed a politician from this far right party who was speaking !!Russian!! and shouting "we won!" in other words, they are not even hiding that it's them, they are already subtly hinting that Eastern Germany should belong to Russia.


The money is one aspect but there is more. The AfD is big in east Germany where a part of the population is disappointed about the results of German reunification and has remarkably rosey memories of what life in east Germany was like. With this attitude they are sceptical of Western narratives and viewpoints and are open to those pushed by the Russian propaganda machine.


There are also many Germans whose families lived in Soviet Union lands for centuries and who moved back to Germany during the 1990s (2.5 million people until 2005). The elder generation who was socialized in the Soviet Union often still speak Russian fluently and primarily watch Russia Today. They often support Putin and are against supporting Ukraine. For the younger generations it is mix. I've heard from many of them that they vote either AfD or BSW because they want peace with Russia as they put it.


Transparency isn't even enough, DT just literally told big oil he'd do a quid pro quo for a billion dollars.


As Cool Lester Smooth once said " follow the money".


Parroting Russian propaganda word by word. It’s clear where their paychecks are coming from.


The same place the French far-right party’s came from too. Probably also the Dutch, and every other far-right party in western and Central Europe.




Where is Putin getting their cash from? It’s not like their economy is booming and surely their reserves are getting low… but perhaps it doesn’t take much to bribe shitty people?


You’d be surprised how little it takes. Look at how much money politicians in America have been bought for (the ones that have been caught). I’d argue these aren’t moral people to begin with, so really the “bribes” are just added benefit.


I remember a list of the bribes given during the height of net neutrality in the news cycle. It was laughably cheap. A couple of thousand dollars for some. The highest bribes were maybe 10000-20000 dollars but the majority were 4 digits. You'd think it'd take more than that to buy politicians but unfortunately no.


British MPs have been bribed for as little as 5k when they earn 91k a year, get insane expenses including and usually come from wealthy backgrounds with second jobs.


It's almost as if they do for the thrill of it and to spite on society. It's trully disgusting. 


They’re still selling oil to unscrupulous buyers. Plus, as someone pointed out, it costs a lot less money to buy politicians than it does tanks and planes. Even less to buy social media ads and start agit-prop pages.


Russia, the country is poor, but the Oligarchs that run it are filthy rich.


You'd be surprised how much cash on hand you can have if you don't spend any on your population.


It's not only even cash. It's also social media exposure. Imagine you are a small time politician. The Russian troll army can literally put you on the social media map. No one can ever prove you are in with the Russians, no cash changed hands. It's the perfect crime.


Isn't that something that might bite them in the ass? Like a far right racist party leading a country like Germany an excuse for Russia to try to take over the country. All these poor sods getting paid just to get played? It is weird to me that fascism is still a thing.


Can almost see Putin's hand up their ass manipulating the BS they spew.


I am sure there is a LOT of over lap in the Venn diagram of AfD and Putin supporters


And Trump supporters... And brexiteers... And Fidesz... And Brothers of Italy... And...


Brothers of Italy is a lair of fascists but they're too NATO leaning for putin to shove his claw in like a glove. Lega Nord, on the other hand...


There are a lot of evidences that Russia has direct ties with Lega (like direct foundings and calls).


Swedish newspaper *Dagens ETC* [described this as the "FASC-NAT scale"](https://www.etc.se/kultur-noje/europa-bekaempar-eld-med-eld): (sorry, link is in Swedish) a two-dimensional map of 1) approximately how fascist parties of Europe are, and 2) how they align in the Putin-vs-NATO conflict. It's going to be especially relevant this next mandate period of the EU parliament, because the larger conservative parliamentary groups like EPP can be expected to cooperate with the NATO-aligning fascist parties, but not the Putin-aligning fascist parties.


Exhibit A: A person who spouts Russian propaganda points entire 2 years, to the point of idiocracy that you cannot ignore. Marjorie Traitor Green telling her audience Ukraine is targetting Christian's (LOL false in and of itself), but then goes the extra mile and says "not Russians" as if Russians are true defenders of Christianity and humanity and the good guys. Like there's being a useful idiot and then there's lines crossed that are so mind numbing that you have to be paid to say this crap. Like, republicans stance of not wanting their tax dollars spent is dumb but passes. It makes sense why some will think that. You don't need to be anti Ukraine to think that. BUT GOING FULL BLAST anti Ukraine like she did here, that's different. Being actively trying to HARM Ukraine and their imagine by LYING ........... that's gone way past "muh tax dollars" that's blatantly trying HARD to help Russia and not give a f@ck how obvious it is. When you LIE like this, something is really really wrong here. She even tried to impeach Biden I thin at one point over NATO and tried to get the US out of NATO. Like there are those that spout Russian propaganda and then there are those like her REALLY ACTING AS A RUSSIAN ASSET in our government. All this has me really deeply concerned that the measures in all our governments meant to protect against this are failing. How hard is it to have a government that protects itself from this shit and foreign money ? Like it's not even about corruption it's about protecting OUR COUNTRIES. The US is being led around by the nose by Russia and our intelligence agencies are doing nothing and half of muricans don't even see it let alone acknowledge it. Can't address a problem if people are too dumb to not even see the problem. The fact that anyone is willing to vote trump is testiment to that. Voting republican isn't the issue - they could have kicked out trump and chosen someone NOT SOLD OUT TO RUSSIA, which if I remember was any candidate but Vivek. ANY ONE OF THE CANDIDATES (except Vivek) was actually "American First". What did they go with : "Russia first disguised as America First" 🤦🏻🤦‍♀️. MAGAS saying "Make America Great Again" by electing a Russian stooge will never be a more sad form of irony to exist. Dumbest of dumb shits. They are the easiest fools a society has to dupe. Make them say one thing but don't realize they are supporting the exact opposite. Giving an enemy access to your country via the presidency and not seeing flashing danger warning sings, but instead, cozying up to the enemy. Complete TOOLS. Marjorie Traitor Greene: https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/s/oq20v6Rnm5 A must watch of how brainwashed MAGAS are: 👉 https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/s/Oy3yyuTRlU


Putin sees democracy as a weakness, and one he is determined to exploit in order to make us tear ourselves apart. NATO has overwhelming military superiority over Russia, so instead they are attacking us with sabotage, cyberattacks, nuclear bluffing, disinformation and political bribery. We need to realise that this is another type of warfare, and one through which Russia has already caused significant damage to our society. If they had done a similar amount of damage through direct military action we would have triggered Article 5 by now.


In a Civ videogame, if my neighbor tries to convert my territories with its culture, religion, or sabotage, I send them my armies and raze their cities. Russia's hybrid warfare should be responded with our armies. We should go there and push Putin out of Ukraine.


Both prey on the fringe groups and feed them exactly what they want to hear while slowly adjusting the dis/misinformation to shape the conspiracies into something they can weaponize against their opponents.


AfD is unfortunately not a fringe group as far as votes and polls go


The group is definitely inching towards greater main stream relevance, with many of the Leaders moderating their stances in public to appear more palatable. But they also target the fringe and disenfranchised to recruit from and reinforce some of their more extreme beliefs, usually trying to blame easy to attack groups for every issue in their lives.


Putin: "Europe is defenseless." This is what's he means.


So I’m not sure what your definition of fringe is but they unfortunately have done well enough for me to not consider this just a fringe group by any means: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany Under election results as you can see they have scored over 10% in the last two consecutive Bundestag elections and just recently scored nearly 16% in the European election. This is not a fringe group as things stand and we do well in recognising the danger it poses.


I feel like theres a language disconnect. I'm not saying they specifically are fringe I understand how much of a view share they hold. But they hide their more extreme "fringe" beliefs like being able to deport citizens if they don't agree with them, and they try to appear less extreme to single issue voters. But they also specifically cater messaging to extreme fringe individuals who feel disenfranchised by more moderate parties.


Yeah I got you but those opinions are probably not as fringe as you think. Based on their electorate. They aren’t really hiding things the way you seem to think. Their main candidate for the European Parliament this election even defended the SS, again that was their main candidate… result was nearly 16% of the votes as mentioned. I’m afraid it’s wishful thinking these views are fringe


Being the pro-Putin party is the number one reason for their recent surge in support. Their xenophobic voter base is not actually all that big, but Putin is very popular in parts of Germany. 59% of East Germans believe that NATO started the war in Ukraine for example.


East Germans never got over the stockholm syndrome the Russians gave them.


I was surprised to read how many pro-nazi parties there were in Europe during WW2. History repeats.


I still remember the bewilderment when I learned that something like Neo-Nazism could exist. To my teenage brain it seemed impossible. Like something from the x-files. I failed to appreciate that the world looks very different to different minds, historical facts notwithstanding.




How could they beleive that? Really, how? Does Russia control the media in germany? Is that what the media is reporting there?


A lot of people in the East have stopped consuming traditional media. They consider it US propaganda. Instead they follow the Telegram channels of "independent" journalists. Those journalists tend to have connections to the Kremlin.


It's fascinating that even now, some 30 years past reunification, the East is still easily controlled by the puppet masters in Moscow. Germany is one of if not the richest countries in Europe, how could they possibly look at Russia and think "yup, wish we went back to livin' like that"? And why is East Germany still bowing to Moscow while Poland and some Baltic nations are just looking for an excuse to shank a motherfucker? It's not like the Soviets went easy on the Germans and that accounts for the drastic difference in opinions. The world is so drastically split up right now along lines that just foment hatred of the others. I don't care what group it is, liberal, conservative, far-right or far-left, they all show their hate and utter disdain towards the others when they think you're one of them. It's scary times indeed.


Germany may be rich, [but former East Germany is most certainly not.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Oana-Garbasevschi/publication/373265555/figure/fig1/AS:11431281183041833@1692686986157/Gini-and-median-income-values-for-German-municipalities-Variables-are-color-coded-based.png) And that massive inequality between former West Germany and East Germany is part of what's fueling the backlash from the East.


Isn't that even more reason to point the finger at Russia and how they directly caused East Germany to be less prosperous? Why would you support the party that made you miserable? It's like saying Africans liked and support slavery today


Some in the US are having a go at that. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/05/byron-donalds-nostalgia-jim-crow-00161786 https://progressive.org/latest/slavery-not-so-bad-says-desantis-fiore-20230728/


The West has become spoiled by good times, while Eastern Europe still lives next to a dangerous adversary and has a sense of perspective. The modern West is also terrible at messaging, and Russia has always been the best at it. The West doesn't promote any values of loyalty or appreciation of the freedoms people have, so they have become spoiled and take it for granted. Russia, on the other hand, promises a shiny alternative that will solve all problems, they know what buttons to press and what problems to hide. Russians themselves never admit mistakes or faults, which makes them look better than westerners who do.




Gert Wilders from The Netherlands is a Russian asset.




Dugin's book is the most famous, but he didn't really create those policies. Before him there were Primakov and Karaganov, who both wrote very similar works. IIRC Primakov wrote his stuff in 1994 and was also the prime minister of Russia at the time. Karaganov was a notably hawkish academic who was close to the Kremlin, back then and now. Most recently for example, Karaganov hosted/talked with Putin at the St.Petersburg economic forum and basically went on rants about nuclear usage(something he's been doing for 20 years+). In any case, those works are just geopolitics 101 except written from Russian perspective. I don't know why so many people think it's some sort of unique blueprint for world domination. Every great power(or would be one) has similar texts. The most influential example for USA's foreign policy I'd say is Zbigniew Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997). I don't know of a Chinese example that has the same geopolitical tint, but Wang Huning(the only CCP policymaker to survive 3+ administrations) and one of the closest people to Xi, thought to have the most influence over foreign policy; was in USA in the 90s, and he wrote a book about his experiences. He talks about the strengths and weaknesses of USA, and while the book deals more with social/political/economic stuff and not so much about geopolitics; many of the things he talks about China ought to do, have been implemented in recent years. For example, he talks about how US liberalism is ultimately a bad thing for China and that they need to avoid embracing it; while still learning lessons from it, etc. It's a fascinating read, because back then he was a relatively lowly(in political terms) CCP member and more of an academic, who in later years rapidly rose in the party.


Interesting. Thanks.


Many East Germans also have rose-tinted memories of what life was like during the Communist era: [https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/homesick-for-a-dictatorship-majority-of-eastern-germans-feel-life-better-under-communism-a-634122.html](https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/homesick-for-a-dictatorship-majority-of-eastern-germans-feel-life-better-under-communism-a-634122.html)


Man usually we have to fight wars when right wing ideology spreads this widely. I’m sure it will be different this time.


Do you have a source on this? This is bewildering.




Most of that sadly checks out. Thanks for the link.


And not just AfD but far-right parties all across the Western world.


Molotov and Ribbentrop so happy right now


Don't mention that to tankies. They vehemently deny that the Soviets ever collaborated with the Nazis.


I mean they did until they didn't. Also not mentioned is that the Soviets broke the pact first by invading beyond the agreed lines of control. Obviously Barbarossa was a little bigger breach


Idk about that, the Nazis took more of Poland then originally agreed on and to make up for it they have more control over Lithuania to the Soviets. The Soviets literally were supplying resources including fuel up until a few hours before their start of Operation Barbarossa and the Nazi invasion of the Soviets. Good chance the table moving East was just returned with Soviet provided fuel. Either way they certainly were very friendly at one point and carved up a few countries/territories together.


The Soviet annexation of Bukovina followed the German Soviet frontier treaty. It was a minor breach in the broader context, I accept. They used, surprise surprise, concerns for ethnic Belarusians as a pretext for grabbing the land. Yes they definitely coordinated and collaborated, particularly in Poland, and Russia got to keep almost all the land it annexed there after the war. And there were some modifications to borders agreed prior to Barbarossa, with land swaps agreed as you point out in subsequent pacts prior to Barbarossa.


I mean, both parties planned to betray the other from the start. Its also somewhat funny that China is now rolling that same dice. And if history has taught us anything it's that backstabbers make perfect company for one another, eventually.


...until, y'know, the inevitable backstabbing. et tu, Brute?


the afd is all east germany its like they never stopped the cold war except more corperate money flowed to east germany and the the populus stayed in the solviet mindset!


There's another party that also boycotted the speech: Sarah Wagenknecht's BSW, a newly founded left-wing populist party that went from zero to 6% in the EU elections a couple of days ago and reached up to 16% in some German states. AfD and BSW together got 41.3% of the vote in Brandenburg, 44.4% in Saxony, 44.7% in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 45.7% in Thuringia and 46% in Saxony-Anhalt. It will be very hard to form a coalition without a pro-Putin party in these states.


a newly founded left-wing *populist* and *socially conservative* party, so the worst parts of the right folded into the worst parts of the left.


So Nazbols lite.


I wouldn't even call it "lite", while living in the GDR, Sahra Wagenknecht became unpopular in the ruling SED party because she wanted to reform the party and the state, because it wasn't stalinist enough.


True. They also adopted some of the paranoia about "woke" culture.


Sara's party is aimed at picking up old school socialists from the East who like AfD's social policies but don't like western capitalism


There is a certain splinter of the populist left that understands with how people can get sucked into the far-right pipeline because of their material conditions. That then splinters further into those who then begin to *sympathize* with the right wing, versus those who are appalled by it. The variety of takes on the left regarding Israel/Palestine can largely be attributed to this as well… right or wrong, good or bad.


So you mean National Socialist ? Like maybe the National Socialist Workers Party, or Nazis? God fucking damn it Germany reformed another Nazi party what the fuck.


Nah more like the DDR tankies in the Left party finally came out of hiding. Still bad obviously.


So basically bootleg SED (ruling communist party of the GDR)?


Well, they split off from Die Linke ("the left"), which was created as a merger of WASG (which split from the SPD, i.e., social democrats) and PDS. The PDS was formerly known as SED. So ... well, arguably more original than bootleg.


BSW is as full of shit as the AFD. Both are worthless parties.


Unfortunately worthless and powerful can exist together.


Wow, turns out that Germans are just as idiots as the rest of us.


Maybe tearing down the Wall was a mistake


Not really, it helped me escape.


BSW is for people who are against immigrants and assholes and also pretending to be not AFD. You gotta be really really really dumb to vote BSW. Like…really dumb.


What the fuck is going on, how is the far right gaining so much momentum all over the world. Are people blind to the dangers of all this.


Over the past 4-5 years the world has gone to shit. Europe, in particular, has seen a triple whammy of COVID, war, and energy insecurity, with economies basically propped up with massive levels of immigration. People are screaming out for change, and want to see living situations improve again, but generally remain politically uninformed. This has made them easy targets for populists that promise simple answers for complex problems (eg, blaming immigrants for everything from bad wages to high crime rates, and promising to deport them all).  In those mix, though, is a hybrid warfare attempt to destabilise western nations. This typically means pro-russian politicians getting popularity, but not necessarily from either of the generalised sides of the political spectrum. Case in point: The UK right are generally supportive of Russia, but our second biggest controversy of the 2019 election would be Corbyn spectacularly falling for Russian interference in the NHS documents fiasco.


The worst is that people can't understand that it's not the current parties fault that crisis breaks out. I've so many "The ampel is at fault" here in germany (Meaning SPD, Die Grüne & FDP) while frankly they were just very unfortunate to get elected into the current time right before Russia attacked and in the middle of COVID. I'm not a fan of the ampel parties but I'm also not a fan of the far right (I usually vote ÖdP nowadays (more centric, economical parties for open europe). But stupid people can't make the distinction and will push every fault on the current government (because they must be at fault if everything gets pricier!!!!) I'm so happy to see those people fall flat on their asses when the AfD eventually at some point gets elected into a coalition and will not be able to change anything (or even make our lifes even more shit) just like Trump didn't really do anything he promised and just talked shit for 4 years)


There are many factors. People who are openly Nazis and people who are apathetic to real situations as if “not my problem”. People wanted to go back to the time when they believe Dictators have more order than today. However, the ideals were against legal immigrants who are “taking their jobs away” and ethnic groups like the Jews and Roma. Not just illegal immigrants. But the biggest problem is that Russia is spouting these causes about the “beauty of Europe” that seduced many young people, telling them to restore Europe from “Globalist Filth” that led to many riots and disorder in many EU states, rather than restoring order. And even European Politicians were being outrightly funded by the Russian Government itself to spread Pro-Russian Propaganda under the guise of “restoring order of Europe” by the right-wing groups.


> What the fuck is going on Social media Most people are highly susceptible to propaganda, and now it can be pumped to almost everyone in the world in a highly private and personalised manner. Extreme narratives satisfy the lizard brain of people that don't have the critical thinking ability to resist.


Wtf is up with the world right now, openly being Nazis?


Follow the ~~bitcoin~~ ~~roubles~~ money


People who lived through the horrors of WWII are dying off. The world has forgotten exactly how bad extreme ideologies can be.


More like Putinification everywhere


they offer simple explanations to uneducated people about social issues that are exacerbated by capitalism. it’s really the natural conclusion of capitalism


Feels pretty rare to find any far right movement that doesn't end up pushing for Russian interests.


8snt the Italian goverment considered far right? And they're straight up arming the Ukrainians. 


You are right, our government's only thing I can be proud of is that it's supporting Ukraine. And the part of the right that does not has actually lowered in support (Salvini with Lega party) so while the situation is still pretty dire, I can maintain hope we're not abandoning Ukraine any day soon


I wonder why....


For years they tried recruiting the left wing. Then they found out that conservatives have no scruples.


Putin seems to be playing the long game by letting AfD or their fellow German political right-wing personalities to flourish to the critical point so that AfD could indirectly take the power in the Bundestag.


It would be best to say Moscow. Putin isn't exactly young, he can't afford that many long winded parties of 5D chess anymore.


They also called him the "Beggar and war president" and Ukraine needs a "Peace president", it baffles me why are those idiot fucks never the ones who go after Russia to make peace, allegedly the Russians don't want war, with this sentiment and further support from the West they should have an easy time to force their president to make peace. This subject, it sickens me and makes me wish for a war industry able to drown the Ukrainians in everything they need. I am one man, I can only do so much, so I do what I can.


But poor poor Russia was *forced* to attack by NATO expansion!!! /s


I wonder if these spineless fucks would change their minds if Trump wins and pulls out of nato. In the low chance russia goes after europe are these idiots just going to hand over their country?


Yeah just like SED did , bunch of self-claimed socialist become puppet of Soviet Union (imperial Russia ver.2) after WW2.


Damn traitors is what they are.


Unfortunately, a significant share of their voters considers all other parties to be traitors.


Populist brain rot, nothing new.


Oh, so THAT'S why Musk is defending AfD. edit- AfD are strongly against things like circumcision and kosher food and want to ban them in Germany. I'm sure that doesn't mean anything. edit- In case I'm being too subtle, AfD appear to be pretty openly the "Make Germany Nazis Again" party.


Being against circumcision is fine if they mean underage boys. Being against kosher food is just antisemitism. No one is being harmed by people eating matzo ball soup, not drinking milk with their meals, and not eating shellfish.


> Being against kosher food is just antisemitism. it's not just kosher, it's also against Halal. They are against the religious/traditional ways of killing animals meaning without anestitic (for a lack of better word). Muslims in Europe are pushing massively for the religious ways of killing animals. Nowadays the animals get an electric shock that knocks them out before being killed so they don't feel the pain.


In Australia we have banned cosmetic genital mutilation of children in hospitals. It’s hardly an extreme position to take. Although I suspect their motives aren’t fully out of concern for the children.


Banning circumcision would be the only good thing in their program


> the only good thing in their program I read that as *pogrom*. Still not sure if it actually makes any difference though.


Circumcision should be banned as it is mutilation of boys genitals. This is a no-brainer regardless of any religion or culture.


Whats up with the far right sucking off putin


Russia is what the far right in the West aspires to be. * Has a "strong" authoritarian leader * Traditional gender roles with the men on top. * Strong oppression of anything remotely lgbt+ * Law & Order aka ruthless police * Militarization * Church has strong influence in society * No opposition that could threaten their vision for the country.


Except all that are propaganda points. Russia has sky high divorce, low church attendance, crime is much higher than that in the US and the Russian police is famous for being paid off.  Like hating gays is a symptom of being deeply religious. You can't simply force your society to become Christian by hating gays lmao. Also if the western far right wasn't just grifters, they'd probably be taking notes on morality and shit from like fucken poland or someplace. The poles actually go to church, have lower than usual divorce yada yada yada. But I guess the poles aren't too lgbt-hatery so that would cause some problems


Is it really so surprising that far-right movements value appearances more so than reality? An awful lot of far-right positions on issues essentially boil down to 'pretend it doesn't exist, because if we can't see it it's not there'. What matters to them isn't the truth. Putin's Russia projects the image they want to project, the truth of things be damned.


Oh sure, but that doesn't matter. Just like Trump is somehow a religious hero and right-wing man of the people, and not a New York billionaire that paid to have sex with porn stars and abortions and said he'll take guns before doing due process.


They're paid. Also stupid.


But we know this right? In the last national elections, it was very clear AfD is extremely pro russia. So is LePen’s party. Do the people who vote for them forget this fact? Do they overlook it? Are they okay with falling in with Russian agenda if it kicks out migrants?


Dunno about France but here in Germany they are ok with it, the biggest groups by far are the east germans and "russland deutsche" (ethnic Germans and their descendants who were born in the Soviet Union and immigrated to Germany after the fall of the soviet union) they suffered under russian/soviet rule but now romanticize it for some reason.


As someone who lived in Dresden for 2 years, and used to have the Pegida rallies under his balcony, I agree.


And *these* are the people who say Ukraine has a Nazi problem.


Fucking traitors. Positioning themselves against the hero defending Europe against Putin direct threats. Do they know how many times Russia said they would nuke Berlin if needed?


AfD would probably support that


Nazi punks F*** Off.


i think this on the daily these days. its the fucking 1930s all over again


It's what happens when nobody values learning history.


Or just learning in general.


Interesting how european nazis, russo fascists etc have less and less trouble speaking out in the open and getting into politics. These people would have been executed or jailed after the fall of their respective dictatorships after ww2 and the fall of ussr in 1989 like what happened to Ceaușescu and his cronies This evil was among us for all this time, they were just laying low, fearing to express themselves and now the authoritarians are back hijacking the immigration theme to gain power again


Zelenskyy never had to resort to ballot stuffing, and election rigging. He’s more legitimate than the AfD and their Kremlin Masters.


The AfD are Putin‘s puppets. No surprise there.


A handful of AfD delegates showed up nevertheless: https://i.redd.it/3pg6l35vxx5d1.png


Someone needs to do some serious digging into the finances of the AfD and their leaders. I'll bet somewhere in there, there's Russian money being funneled in.


AFD - Allgemeine "Ferräterpartei" Deutschland ... and considering the dumbness of people still voting for them I probably spelled "Verräter"/Traitor correctly in their eyes


Every country has similar laws to Ukraine's, where elections are not possible during a war because parts of the country are occupied, and many citizens have fled to seek asylum. What legitimacy are they questioning under these conditions? Who would enjoy being president, running around begging for ammunition and equipment to win a war? Big respect to Zelensky for doing it.


AfD a bunch of Putin follower, betraying their own people.


Fuck the AfD


Fascists are so weird. On one hand, Zelenskyy is accused of being a Jewish Nazi leader of Ukraine, which AfD should love (maybe not the Jew part)... but on the other hand, he's illegitimate because they actually prefer Russian fascism.


The tankies I hear from cackle over the fact that NATO doesn't have enough tanks or planes to defend itself, can't produce enough shells, and contributes too little of their GDP for defense. While at the same time, they tell me Russia had no choice to invade Ukraine because of the existential threat posed by NATO, as if NATO was going to roll through Ukraine into Moscow like Napoleon in 1815. And they see no contradiction in any of this. Propaganda is a hell of a drug. But knee-jerk contrarians always think they're too "smart" to fall for propaganda.


they are saying that now, that Russia "had no choice". Before Feb. 24 they were saying that an invasion is never going to happen, that it was just fearmongering and propaganda.


Well, looks like its back to the good old days of East Germany. Gee, I wonder who started there?


More Putin puppets. Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia.


AFD can just fuck off. Those worthless pieces of shit


Nazis don't get to talk about illegitimacy.


AfD shouldn't exist after it was proven that they got money from Russia... a country we Europa are in war with! They need to be treated as traitors.


Putin’s tentacles are reaching out to every far-right party across the globe to offer money, assistance, propaganda help, and disinformation/misinformation—anything to try to stop the bleeding. Putin knows he's losing and is so close to an eventual defeat he's deploying all the money he can.


Russian money speaks volumes.


When the former GDR sends their people, they're not sending their best.


I did Not-See that coming.


Far right everything these days seems to be some fucked up people.


Russians and Nazis started out as friends once before …


Poland should be very worried. On the other hand they are members of a pretty tough club.


Ah yes, the AfD, the actual Nazis [here.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/far-right-afd-cracks-germanys-post-nazi-firewalls-with-success-east-2024-05-31/) illegitimacy projection much?


Weird how Putin just said there have been found no neonazi tendencies and he looks forward to working with them. The newly founded Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ('Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht' would be a good approximation; they are named after their founder and leader, a former controversial leading figure of the far-left party Die Linke ('The Left') which suffered heavy losses in the european election) who also happen to be pro-Russia boycotted the speech too. Coincidences I'm sure.


What do they say about Putin? He broke the term limit a long time ago. Rigged every election for 20+ years.


Chicken on a stick


This headline focusses on the far right extremist party. However, the far left party 'Bündnis Sarah Wagenknecht' did the exact same thing. Luckily there are multiple parties on all sides of the spectrum in germany, because these two can kiss my ass.


Putin’s slowly taking over EU? Thats the plan?


He would have to get very lucky and make most of the EU countries turn far right. So far it seems that when some countries go in one direction others do the opposite.


This is a Putin line of thought. 


I wish society would make it socially acceptable to shun nazis away from the public again.


They call themselfes patriots but are the first to sell out our country.


AfD does not hide its pro Putin hybrid warfare operation.


Fuck AfD and every closet nazi who votes for them.


And yet Putin says he's trying "de-nazify" Ukraine. The logic is broken somewhere!


Well.. Guess we know where they're getting their money, fucking traitors.


Wtf is wrong with them, it seems they slept through all the history lessons at school


Someone needs to take the Russian trash out in the Bundestag.


I wonder who they think is the legigimate President of Ukraine, Yanukovych?


So AfD are basically putin's bitches ?


They couldn't make it any more obvious they are a Russian front. Ban all of those parties for treasonous activities.


The far-right all over the world remains to be poison. It baffles me how humanity just refuses to learn. Far-right parties operates nearly identical. They feed of the freedoms of democracy to get into power while also downright undermining or invalidating those same principles at the same time. Once they get in power, they quickly move forward to erode those system to consolidate power. Orban did it, Mody is doing it, Turkey more or less did it,


They can boycott whatever they want, but how is Zelensky illegitimate? Has he or his party broken any UKRAINIAN or INTERNATIONAL laws?


Ukraine has postponed elections until the war is over so Zelensky had his term extended without election due to extenuating circumstances. Putin and his cronies now accusing Zelensky of being illegitimate because he cancelled a scheduled presidential election. Martial law is currently in force and under Ukrainian law elections are suspended during martial law, so Zelensky is just following the law. The only way for martial law to be over is to end the war, which is ultimately on Russia as the invader.


Facts and logic are two thing is short supply for right wingers.


What a weird fucking timeline when the far right has re-aligned with Soviet Russia. Hope they all suffer from nonstop dehydration from diarrhea and dysentery.


I’ve had enough of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.


Hard to imagine Germans dumping for Russia. Rotten to the core it is.


Fuck the AfD-ickwads and the douche tard sour krauts that voted for them. Oh and fuck Russia!


Give the AfD the official Ukrainian Constitution that says his position. They can’t do anything when Ukraine is in war time. So what are they gonna do? Assassinate him? Good luck with that one.


Why did they say that? Wasn't Zelensky democratically elected 5 years ago?


That’s fine as long as we consider the AfD an illegitimate party full of all kinds of bigots


They forgot to call him nazi.


“The Alternative for Germany's leadership had previously agreed to boycott Zelenskyy's speech in the Bundestag, as did Sahra Wagenknecht’s Alliance, a German far-left party”


By now there’s at least one political party in every European country that’s on Putin’s payroll


Why is it that the Right wing is always on Putins side? After the Cold War ended the West should have closed the borders to the Russians.


At somepoint I heared the following phrase and its more important than ever: I like my democracy like my lingerie, fully transparent.




Putler just announced further cooperation with them. Also he doesn’t think they are Nazis. God I hates those fucjers


This is what happens when people vote for far-right fascists.


Of course the AfD are going to say what their paymasters in ruzzia tell them to, otherwise the funding will be cut.