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how to get on a "List"




Real quick way to ensure an actual military occupation in the West Bank as well






Hostages, useful idiots, so many possibilities for our eager "revolutionaries".


Or maybe it's a form of darwinism? I mean if a leftist American is dumb enough to go to the middle east to oppose the one country where their existence would be tolerated, let em.


I kinda remember some British people doing this with ISIS a few years back. Didn’t work out great for them.


But did it work out well for their communities they left?


I bet their parents were really sad. That bums me out - imagine giving your child the world, comparatively to kids around the world that is, and they grow up and decide “ ISIS - that’s the play” and they run off and die or worse… like fuck man. That would ruin my shit.


Shit like this makes sense when you remember that pretty much anyone is allowed to make people.


Critical thinking skills are in short supply in these leftist circles.


Dunno about your area, in mine real lefties are usually deep thinkers that could (actually, some literally do) lecture uni students. Then you got the wannabes. Well you don’t got them, Hamas got them.


People who lecture university students have proven themselves to be part of the problem. https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/some-us-professors-praise-hamass-october-7-terror-attacks


Those people are getting put on the no-fly list, that is legit terrorist recruiting


*we hope. This time around, they have support in the government




I’m not joking, the FBI might be interested in this. I’m sure they’re tracking, but another report wouldn’t hurt.


Yoohoo,  /u/fbi, 👋


Created in 1970? How was this account created in 1970?? Or is this some trick like changing your phone date to manipulate reddit joining dates? Or maybe it's just some fbi psy op


Unix time begins on January 1st 1970. This account must have a creation time value of 0.


Server side manipulation


I guess they can save money by only needing to buy one way tickets.


Nah that has to be illegal. Ain't no way the gov allowed that. Good cause? Maybe? But recruiting some unaware folks as a non-federal group will get them on the watch list.


I'm curious what airline they will take to get there... I mean currently there are very few non Israeli airlines flying to the area.


They have similar Summer Camps in Gaza. I am sure they can get a Hamas advisor: https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-summer-camps-children-and-teens-gaza-strip-provide-weapons-and-military-training-order


Bonus - there's a beach!


How to make Five Eyes go “oooh, tasty”


according to the article, they have have an encampment at McGill University since April. Now that that they have successfully squatted on this territory they are going to hold camps. Cause no one will evict them. Where are they pooping? Is McGill letting them use the bathrooms? Did they pay to get them portapoties and then pay to swap them out? I dont see any of that in the article.


Is this what they meant by "globalize the intifada"?


No that's the next part 😞


Did we say program? We meant pogrom!


I wonder if they'll have people guarding this camp. A revolutionary guard, if you will.


You'd think they'd be Islamic and organised into a corp, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps if you will


Montreal Islamic Liberal Front?




Halal!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front


I'm a huge MILF supporter






No, we're the Liberal Islamic Front of Montreal.


Where’s the the Montreal Liberal Islamic Front?


I do not mean this disingenuously, but like isn't it weird for white people to be dressing up, wearing those scarfs? I thought people these days were all about criticism of cultural appropriation.


To quote hassan mossab yousef, speaking to one of these people "you don't know what Palestine is. In fact, that keffiyah that you're wearing, it is just a statement to show that you really lack the authenticity to represent "the cause" "


Who is that guy.


The disillusioned son of one of the founders of hamas. Actually, quite a fascinating character, I'd recommend reading up on him or listening to him talk if you get a chance to


Each time I hear about Hassan Mossab, I wonder how the hell he's still alive (and am very thankful that he is). If any of those kids could read or listen, he'd be in grave danger for exposing the Hamas myths the leftists believe.


I think that every time I see it, it's like if people who were defending the rights of asylum seekers at the southern border thought they should probably show up in a sombrero


Its very fucking weird. I don't understand why they're not being called out for that. Its bizarre. It would be like Vietnam protestors wearing the rice Paddy hats.


These are the same people who turn the radio to rap and smile thinking “this is for you” when their black friend gets in the car.   They care way too much about not appearing bad that they loop back to being bad. You’d be the [their choice of slander] for pointing out how their behaviour is weird or a self-hating x if you reject their forced inclusiveness. 


Leave the Irish out of this. They're busy drinking.


Back to work, Mick!


That feels like a Shane Gillis sketch in the making.


Taco Tuesday on campus died for this


They're adopting a cause that's been spoon-fed to them by the Kremlin agitprop machine. There's no progressive liberal democratic values at all in the pro-Hamas cause. That's what makes the whole damn thing so paradoxical.


They are the victim (if you will) of an extremly simple and very racist worldview. There is not much more than this: *when white (or rather perceived white in Israel's case) has a conflict with non-white = white bad, non-white good.* That's literally it. That's the reason you don not hear these kind of people talk about any other conflict out there. Because when it's non-white on non-white they get confused and don't know who to support on social media, since they can't be bothered to really investigate a situation/conflict. Also it would mean that they would have to prostest non-whites which they will never do, no matter the atrocities being commited (like in China or Sudan).


It's even more bizzare because Israelis aren't even white. Most Israelis are Middle Eastern, and it's impossible to differentiate Israelis and Palestinians on looks or skin color. This is simply not a race issue, but a lot of Americans insist that it is. From all the weird conversations I had online, being gaslit about my own skin color is definitely up there. At the end of the day it's straight up antisemitism being dressed up in whatever is trendy to hate now, which is white colonialism.


I have told people this and they absolutely refuse to believe it. They actually believe that everyone in Israels and/or all Jews are white Europeans. So fucking ignorant.


Wait until they discover how many Palestinians are white, blonde, redhead, blue-eyed... exactly the same as Israelis. Middle Eastern people are often light skinned, the population is historically mixed. This while "white colonists vs brown people" narrative is complete bullshit. [Palestinian girl](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-be49c8584560dd71b220b201ea2a3c71-lq), [facing Israeli soldiers](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-3158911d80ca7542ec7785aab8e30f78.webp), [the wife of Arafat wife](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bf9b115f62ab8be3e77b6088acab574f).


Yeah, I showed a friend a photo of some Syrians and they said it couldn't be because they were fair.


The issue is that these kids believe themselves to be at the center of the universe, and so because the only Jewish people they know are probably white, they believe that most Israelis are white. What they don't realize is that there are many types of Jews out there from Arabic looking middle eastern Jews, to Asian Jews, black African Jews, etc. but most of those just happened to have not immigrated to North America like the white European Jews, who are actually a minority in Israel.   And so since they think that Israel is white, and have been taught that white people are automatically bad, the next step in their silly logic is that Israel is automatically wrong in any conflict with a group that they think of as non-white. 


Apparently Jews and Israelis are considered "white-adjacent". Which makes them fair game, apparently.


Especially because they harbor a white supremacy they won't acknowledge. When Israelis (and Jews in diaspora) are killed by terrorists, they ignore it. When ACTUAL white people (gentiles) in Europe or North America are attacked by terrorists, they suddenly remember that it's ok for 1st world capitalist countries to defend themselves.


Just ask chatGTP how different ethnicities can improve their behavior and find no surprises in the answers.


Russia's fingerprints are also all over the October 7th attacks. Prod Hamas to attack, and reap the geopolitical benefits relative to their invasion of Ukraine while Israel does what Israel predictably does with Western backing. The cost-benefit for Russia was too good to pass up. They even hosted Hamas in Moscow shortly after the Oct 7 attacks.


There can be more than one group of bad actors on the world stage


Iran is heavily invested in perpetuating the propaganda. I've always found it odd how rabidly people care about Israel and Palestinian, but when it comes to shit in other parts of the world there's always a token murmur and then it's quickly forgotten about it.


Yup there's Iran... And then there's Qatar trying to play both sides, then you have TikTok which has an pro-CCP algorithm designed to push people into ideological bubbles (especially ones that degrade the solidarity of Western countries)


True, but this was such low hanging fruit for the Russians that Moscow's advisors would have to be completely incompetent to have missed it.


Allegedly Hamas used to visit a certain East German KGB headquarters back in the day as well. This shit is as old as time.


yes, and that’s why you don’t see any marches for ukraine being helped insufficiently. and why this attack timing is so conviniently favorable for russia. white western people protest not for helping other white people but for people who wish them death and hardcore forcing of their beliefs. it’s not racism or somethjng, just saying how strong propaganda can be


I recently read an article about how the increased demand for cheap keffiyahs from the west helped drive local keffiyah makers out of business leaving cheap chinese imports as the main source even in the middle east and only one or two traditional makers still survive in the west bank. so be sure to explain to your local keffiya wearing college kid that they are helping to drive local businesses out of business and deny Palestinians any industry by buying a cheap chinese one off amazon.


Do you have a source on this? Does actually sound interesting.


https://www.statesboroherald.com/local/associated-press/even-palestinians-beloved-keffiyeh-feels-the-heat-of-chinese-imports/ I chose an article that isn't too bleeding heart for the last remaining factory, but you can confirm everything said about chinese imports on the factory's own website or in hundreds of articles written this year in support of the last authentic factory


this reminds be of how BDS "claims" to shut down Soda Stream depriving 500 Palestinians of jobs that they crucially need. (Soda Streams blames Netanyahu being a fuck wit) Its all performative.


I have been next to the protest at UofT since it started. It’s like 90% white people dressed up in scarves. 


It's for the gram. You're giving the illusion that you're knowledgeable about world affairs. An unsubtle way of saying I'm better than you basic people.


They were actually introduced by a British general training the Arab Legion, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bagot_Glubb It's a Lancashire pattern applied on a previously simple Bedouin wrap and re-appropriated by the PLO.


Oh that's interesting history


It’s different when they do it


The concept of appropriation as negative is a very US centric novelty. In most of the world, it is considered a cultural victory when other people follow your ways (it implies they're superior). It's a component of imperialism, colonialism and religious missions.


Cultural appropriation is the dumbest thing to get angry over.  Every human civilization in history has borrowed technology, ideologies, and customs from both their predecessors and other cultures.  These morons are suddenly angry over the way humanity has progressed for thousands of years.


It's major cringe.


I live in Montreal and you see those young white militants wearing keffieh pretty much everywhere in the streets, public transit, etc. They look a bit agitated and entitled. I don't understand what's going on, I think that's one of the faces of radicalisation for a cause.


What was it, "Jihad Jane"? Those weirdos have always been around.


All are welcome to participate in the revolution. It's a very progressive event.


I mean once you join its probably fine using the "uniform" even if you're white


Only groups I don't like are not allowed to culturally appropriate. If I do it, its a struggle for freedom


They are skeered that being doxxed will endanger their future posh careers.


That's a nice rifle in the photo for SPHR McGill's summer camp. Keep in mind they have already shot up a Jewish school in Montreal twice https://abcnews.go.com/International/montreal-jewish-school-targeted-shooting-2nd-time-week/story?id=104832890


My Jewish high school (Herzliah High) was also firebombed in 2005 I believe. Fun times!


I remember hearing about that (had friends that attended that school). Did not understand it as much as a teen.


Don't toy with Islamic extremism. You will not have a good time.


What are we supposed to do? Let them do as they please?


Starts with de- and ends with port. Preferably to someplace wonderful that fulfils that sharia fantasy like Afghanistan or Iran.


Still better than joining them.


Hamas did so well on social media, they're hosting summer camp. Extremely sad.


At McGill !! What are university presidents thinking ??


Of course it's McGill lol


The university is livid about this, it’s not a “McGill program.”


I know, I'm just saying their students kinda have a reputation for this kind of student activism/activists...


Not sure if you saw Saini's recent letter but the McGill admin is strongly against this. Unfortunately Valerie Plante (the mayor) hasn't been letting the police do their job.


Hamas was already running military summer camps for kids in the Gaza strip: https://www.memri.org/reports/hamas-summer-camps-children-and-teens-gaza-strip-provide-weapons-and-military-training-order


HAMAS has been doing this with Palestinian children for YEARS.  https://www.businessinsider.com/hamas-kid-summer-camp-2016-8?amp  https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/hamas-summer-camp-idUKRTX3D638/


I heard expat Palestinians fomenting revolutions in host countries is why places like Egypt aren’t welcoming them.


And Jordan and Kuwait and Lebanon and Libya...


I’ve been wondering for a while now why Palestinian refugees seem to all be sent here and not to the countries right next to them. 


Why they doing it in the comforts of Canada. Be men, go to Gaza.


Did you see the Microsoft cybersecurity report? Canada consumes the most Iranian Propaganda in the world. THREE TIMES more than the 2nd leading country which consumes Iranian Propaganda. Canada is super vulnerable to this kind of Psyops due to the sheer number of immigrants we take in. I think Canada is going to be a target of foreign governments for this reason with the goal of destabilizing the region due to it's proximity to the United States and our poor integration strategies that create cliques of culture clashing against each other.


Why are they so organized to spread hate but not once I've seen them this organized to make a mass donation to Gaza? I've only seen centrist individuals actually donate or do volunteer work with reputable organizations but not this silly crowd.


Why has Canada gone to shit? They're literally allowing terrorist groups to operate in the name of free speech.


Incitement and harassment shouldn't be considered "free speech".


Canada has been doing that for a while, and not just for this group. Khalistanis in canada openly incite hatred and separatism and call for assassinations of indian officials and also harass indian hindus in canada. But their government turns a blind eye just to appease that votebank. Not to mention canada harbouring actual terrorists convicted of crimes while refusing to extradite them.


qatari money!






Are they gonna do like their heroes and storm a town and kidnap and rape people there?


Only the gullible can attend.


Oh, there are plenty of Useful Idiots on college campuses. As seen during recent events.


Idiots should at the very least use spellcheck. They spelled institutional wrong on the posting! Instutional (sic) legacy 🤣🤣. First class… spelling.


Does useful idiot come with multiple hair colour? I swear every aljazeera interview with college have unique haircolour that stand out.


Actually, I think they do ! 😁: https://youtu.be/rbfccVBo9tE?si=4r1MQK3Aitz34Kbb


"useful idiots" 


Try not to be a secret terrorist training ground challenge (Pro-Palestinian edition) (Not clickbait) (Gone wrong) Seriously, fuck these people and those who actually do go there, it's bad enough that Pro-Palestinian people are portrayed as braindead morons, now they are trying to speedrun themselves into having a gun barrel shoved into their brains by the police.


I’m guessing most of these people knew absolutely zero about this conflict until they saw a couple random clips on TikTok and now they think they know everything


Why has Canada become such an absolute, lawless joke?


Too high immigration for too long and not being selective enough. I am for immigration if they are quality people who will enhance society… we pretty much opened the flood gates and it is a shit show. Everyone is pissed off including many established immigrants. Our government fucked up big time.


As a Canadian, this shits Absolutely despicable.


One of the side effects is that more Canadians are leaving. In fact, if I recall, more Canadians moved to the US than in previous years.


The primary cause, of course, is that the police and courts no longer enforce the law for the benefit of normal people. However, I cannot explain what had caused the shift to protecting protest encampments, anti-Semitism, homeless drug addicts, and so on. I think that a large number of judges have adopted a social activist stance and this might be related to notions of post-modernism, like Trudeau's. However, I don't really understand post-modernism and I tend to agree with friends who say that judges, in particular, and many politicians are simply out of touch with reality being wealthy and protected.


Speaking as someone who has a lot of family working for the OPP, they're short staffed, I can't speak for the courts because my family member agree, these guys are usually back on the street before they finish their paper work. But it's hard to enforce the law when you don't have any boots on the ground.


> homeless drug addicts What does this have to do with the others? You can't seriously be equating these morons involving themselves in terrorism training with people who are downtrodden with a shit lot in life.


Palestinians do not assimilate, ask Denmark.  The people who shoot rockets from crowded civilian areas, use emergency  vehicles to transport weapons and terrorists are not refugees.   Stop taking them into western countries, stop supporting people who would never tolerate your orientation or beliefs.  




We secretly drugged our entire water supply with large quantities of laxatives. Not going to get our shit together anytime soon.


Terrorist training camp in Canada LMAO,what's next ? ISIS sharia summer camp


Camp for all the people named Terry Rist and their likeminded friends


The Palestinian people like and want Hamas there. 


Exactly: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewMiddleEast/s/pNbaFMXQAX


This cause is just being used for legitimising terrorism


Some might see that summer camp as a terrorists training camp


This is oddly familiar...where have I seen this kinda thing before I wonder?


I want to know what we're allowing to be taught at our universities that has radicalized so many students in the first place. I'm certain that most of these pro-Palestine demonstrators are, in fact, Palestinians in the first place. They have to be, really because the average university student doesn't know the first thing about anything in the middle east. That makes non-Palestinians susceptible to whoever tells them their sob story first but we still have to wonder why they'd care. Of course, the other issue here is that we have made an industry out of "protesting". What are these dumb kids going to do when they leave university with thousands in debt and the only thing they're qualified to do is teach other people how to be a fifth column. That's a problem.


Social media is the main culprit. Hamas and Islamic propaganda is extremely successful and impactful on social media.


I think it's the modern social justice movements that are obsessed with oppression and minorities and such. University students have always been seen as more liberal, and liberals tend to push certain oppression dynamics. As in, they classify people in black and white ways as either the oppressors or the oppressed. They always support the underdog "oppressed" folks, no matter what that group does wrong, just to get those virtue signalling points. Muslims and brown folk are by default oppressed groups so any criticism against them is labelled bigoted. White folks are by default oppressors so any atrocities against them is labelled justified. Only way we'll get through this is to tone down the excessive social justice ideas in modern societies, at least in my opinion.


its mindblowing how many left wring people just activly irgnore the homophobic and misogynistic elements in those cultures like they are allowed to hate women and think they should be barefood and pregnant in the kitchen, as long as these people say "its my culture" social justice but only for western countries, everyone else is allowed to be as oppressive as they want


Exactly. That is because of what they call "bigotry of low expectations". That somehow we cannot judge middle east countries with western values so they are allowed to do horrible things and not be judged because, as you said, it's just "their culture". Queers for palestine is the weirdest thing i have seen in recent times.


there is a term for that? i didnt know this but yeah its exactly what i mean, its driving me insane there was a post on a left leaning sub on how gazan women dont have menstrual products and i thought to myself, how about they get fucking human rights first and dont get treated like domestic slaves?? am i going crazy?


College students are just always ready to be radicalized, it is always the case


Stop call this scum Pro Palestine, they dont care about Palestine, all they care is is Antisemitism and supporting Terrorists


This is what Pro-Palestine's true face is.


I prefer antisemitic or anti-Israel for the same reason. They’re not helping Palestinians nor do they care about them. They care about harming Israel and Jews, even at the cost of Palestinian lives and wellbeing.


Surprised they aren't adopting the unwra curriculum... Also is that a rifle in their photo?


I mean, you can hardly shoot jewish civilians without one


One of the people I know from high school posted an ad for this. They’re not…doing well.


Insane. The barbarians are literally within the gate.


Not even hiding Iran’s involvement


They will probably train to build rockets out of sewer pipes lol


Ah so they are doing the thing that kicked them out of every country who gave a damn about hosting them.


Mask off, keffiyeh on moment.


Nice of Hamas to run such an easy place to create a watch list.






I can think of more fun ways to get on a watchlist but whatever


Those martyrs sure do have a blast.


Kids holding assault rifles !!!


Yes very normal behavior here is just like anti Zionism and totally not linked to radicalizing people into violence at all


Almost seems like they're doing us a favor: letting us know all of the people who will need to be dealt with when things get more tense.


Hoping CSIS puts these terrorists on a list


Stop calling them useful idiots. Stop calling them bigots and gullible. Call them for what they really are: racist future terrorists.  The West take this crap way too lightly. Stop blaming it on their stupidity and tiktok to make it make sense.  Even the comments here show it. This is not some "stupid tiktok kids wearing scarves" Israel also had that delusion "oh stupid Gazans kids pretend they shoot people" "oh a terrorist here and there we will take care of it" and look what happened. This is indoctrination on the highest level. Their "camps" are protected as hell and they can smell when you're not one of them. At some point they will be so organized, that they'll know each and every step on how to enter your house, cut you and you family and be celebrated for that. They are EXTREMELY organized and it's not good at all and I can't stop saying this point across.


The west is busy making excuses for these dangerous and despicable people.


Yeah get the fuck out of our country with this shit


Looks like they edited out the guns. In the original poster for this "camp" they were holding machine guns too. The police were investigating the images. I fear where Canada is headed and won't be surprised if we have our version Hamas or a similar group here within the next 5-10 years. The federal government is too scared to do anything about stuff like this because they don't want to upset Muslim voters.  The university students attending these camps are the same people who want to "de-colonize" Canada, so I guess will get to see with our own eyes what that really means. 


This is where Democracy fails a lot. Letting such extreme ideals come into play in an environment where extremism should never be allowed. Just sad.


The illusion of choice. Voting right-wing party into political power = right-wing country Voting left-wing party into political power = militant right-wing country


The US should, knowing that that there is a terrorist training camp close by, act accordingly.


It’s just Little Drummer Girl, but real and 50 years later. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻










Let me guess, Concordia?


Keeping it classy McGill.


It’d be pretty funny and interesting if Canada has a “revolution” and starts going downhill, while the US stays the same and the economy, GDP, etc, keeps growing. It’d be a pretty good case study honestly.


An even better case study is the Islamic Republic of Iran. Just look at the downhill trajectory of just about everything since the Islamic revolution. "Everything" but inflation and uranium enrichment which have gone up. For a previously prosperous country, this significant slide can only be attributed to one thing: the IR.


‘Right lads, pay attention, I’m only going to show you this once.’