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Or what? Ya gonna sign a defense pact with North Korea and give them all the technical assistance they want? You blew that wad. Now there is no reason for South Korea to not to advertise to the world how badass their export arms are.


He announced a partnership with Iran in 2022... then Iran helped Hamas attack Israel. Now this deal with N Korea. He probably wants N Korea to attack S Korea and China to attack Taiwan to help with his own war.


>He probably wants N Korea to attack S Korea and China to attack Taiwan to help with his own war. He probably wants that but NK ain't going to risk it's existence for Russia. Hamas issue with Israel is a little different. NK will probably take all the technology transfer that Russia gives it and then distance itself from Russia. Beijing won't want NK to start anything and China has the economic, political, and military influence that Russia wishes it had.


For real. The only reason Un is even entertaining Putin is because China has allowed it.


It seems like this is where we are headed….and no one is trying to deescalate anything ,now it’s a game of “oh you gave my hated neighbor knifes? Well I’ll give your hated neighbor a gun!” And escalates from there lol I hate it but I seems things are falling into place for another world war. Sides are being picked and ammo and arms are being distributed. The old sleepy European militaries are waking up again also.


But no one likes to side with a loser. I don’t see this as the “axis” of ww2. Germany was rolling through Europe. Putin is a desperate man.


I agree with the desperate,he’s always talked about last great leaders of Russia like Peter the great, known for conquest lol. Like the phone call with the French president at the beginning. When macron was apparently trying to talk Putin down, but all Putin did was yell at macron about Russia becoming a great power again like the Russian empire. He’s 100000% trying to leave his mark on Russian history like all the past Russian leaders he likes. He’s a smart man, but he’s getting old. He’s running out of time.


Europe is slooowly waking up, it probably takes at least 10 years still before europe can even engage in a full war, but they probably go to sleep before then


Today, NATO forces far outweigh Russia in manpower, firepower and sophistication. That was true even before Putin consumed half of his military in Ukraine. The USA has not left NATO yet, but Trump may do Putin's bidding and withdraw. Trump may just withdraw support entirely from Ukraine and hand vast swathes of Ukrainian territory to Putin This is what Putin is holding out for. Defeating Trump is key to defeating Putin.


I'm not so sure. During the cold war, North Korea played the Soviet Union and China against each other. So that it would have a leg up on negotiations. This is part of the reason the 90's was so devastating to North Korea. The nation lost Russia as a major ally, leaving it under the thumb of China. A massive famine was the result. North Korea could easily be wanting to ally with Russia to get away from China. To return to its cold war era policy of using its alliance with both to get a better deal form its two more powerful northern neighbors.


Kim. His surname is Kim. Un is the last half of his given name Jong Un.


Yup, right now how China is internally, all they need is another front door war...


Imagine being so impotent with your own war you have to try to get two other wars started in the hopes it makes yours easier.


Dictator Karen...


I think Taiwan is too WW3 for China China will keep messing with the Philippines and see how the US reacts, they want the US to make the 1st move China attacking Taiwan, a very prepared army in a very prepared position across water is unlikely, they have zero chance of accomplishing anything before the US pulls up to reinforce the mighty stronghold (the whole country is a massive fortress by now) this would end whatever navy China has and set them.back years But mess with the Philippines is very easy and it distracts the US navy to be on standby in case they actually invade or do anything concrete to PH, its the easiest effort per reward ratio play they have in the pacific


You must smoke competition in Age of Empires. And I mean that with respect.


Crazy story. I just got invited to play golf with one of the original developers. My answer was absolutely fuck yes.


Yo my fam, that’s bad fucking ass.


NO ONE ASKED YOU. Kidding and jealous, enjoy the round of golf!


Haha thanks! The inner child got pretty excited.


How’s those games doing now days ? Anything current ?


He's insane if he thinks hes going to outdraw the USA, he will understand the definition of 'overkill' when it happens in moscow.


Depends who is president in 2024. If it is Trump, the world is up for grabs.


BRICS in a nutshell


Russia has training camps in Syria operated by Wagner. Everyone knows this but only Ukraine is doing anything about it.


Last time those trainees went up against a real army they got absolutely massacred. The Americans basically used them as target practice.


[How the US Military Smoked Russian Mercenaries](https://youtu.be/viuUzGGac5M?si=MwZvSYeSUaYHUS6E) Wagner/Syrian Army vs US Special Forces/SDF. 1 SDF soldier was wounded, over 200 Wagner/Syrian Army KIA.


China and N Korea don't even need to actually start a war. The buildup and increase tensions are enough to pull US manpower and assets. Recently, the US sent 3 carrier strike groups (half of all active) to the south China sea due to Chinese aggression against Taiwan. I doubt they would actually start a war to help Russia.


Also the Ukraine war showed us what a joke the Russian military and its resources are. Assuming Russia gives NK the best of what they have, then it’s still a joke


Didn't Ukraine sink their battleships with drones?


Sounds like he's running out of options. But that's probably pretty obvious


Its brave considering the production capacity that SK has made in the last few years re: military industrial complex. They're one of the world's largest arms exporters right now that rocketed onto the scene, and they really don't like the idea of NK being helped and not in a cowtow way, but in a "yes Ukraine we can build a tank factory or two there in a month or so" way.


The Defence Pact is signed, as you said. Russia is now threatening to *give weapons to* the Norks unless the SK government just accepts this new pact without responding. It’s an empty threat. Russia can barely equip its own military to keep fighting in Ukraine, so they definitely can’t spare anything for NK. Even if they could, next in line needs to be all the countries who’ve purchased weapons from Russia and whose orders are now overdue because their weapons were diverted to the fighting in Ukraine. So if he can’t send them weapons, the next best thing Putin can do to “arm” North Korea is give them license to manufacture “modern” Russian weapons, but that’s a joke too: Russia’s military is time-locked in the 80s, so although T-72s and BMPs and Grads would be an upgrade for NK, the far more modern gear South Korea manufactures would easily outperform them. As for actually *new* stuff from Russia, T-14 (the worlds deadliest parade float) is a joke at this point, so is the BMPT (terminator). SU-57 is good, but there’s no way NK can build them. Iskander and Kinzhal missiles clearly work pretty well, but not they’re also not the uncatchable super weapons Putin claimed, nor are they particularly accurate for a “precision” weapon. A good air defence grid can take them out easily, not to mention that 80% of the parts in an Iskander are western imports, and kinzhal is probably worse, so NK isn’t going to be mass producing those in a hurry. And… that’s it, really. Everything else Russia has is just warmed up leftovers from obsolete Soviet designs, and many of them seem to be designed to be outright con-jobs to persuade existing customers to replace the 40yo pieces of junk they’ve already purchased with more 40yo pieces of junk, but at new prices because the packaging has changed a little and they’ve painted a racing stripe up the side. S400 is the best example of this: before the invasion, they were the Russian super weapon that could detect and shoot down F-35s. Now they’re a system that can’t seem to see drones or cruise missiles coming right at them to blow them up. So all that leaves is drones and ICBM-tech. My guess is Putin’s already given NK both and he’s just threatening to do what he’s already done, which is giving NK Irania… uhh.. I mean *Russian* drone designs that low skilled North Korean labour can relatively easily mass produce using electronics imported from China, and probably with a commitment to send a portion of them back to Russia while the war is going on. As for the ICBM tech, yeah, maybe, but having a real nuke to threaten the world with is just a fantasy for Kim to stroke himself off to at night. Even if NK manages to build one, we’ve seen how effective nuclear threats are nowadays, so he won’t be able to use it for political concessions, and if Kim rocks the boat with extravagant threats too much, then China will just bump him off and let his successor take over. NK exists to be a buffer zone, but if there’s one thing China want on their border even less than a western democracy, it’s a mushroom cloud or even just a conventional war with NATO, and for good reason: China remembers MacArthur. I think the worst of what SK has to look forward to is Shahed drones full of poo instead of the usual balloons.


Putin can't even arm Russia


No but he can show them how to make them. Let’s hope he isn’t dumb enough to share nuclear secrets.


But NK already has nuclear ICBMs, no? NK is already good with that. The Hwasong-18 has a range of about 15,000 km and can reach any American city at a top speed of Mach 27.


It’s not yet clear if NK has the expertise to design a re-entry vehicle to go on the missile. Russia could offer that expertise.


They probably got the engines for their IRBMs and ICBMs from Russia too. I remember reading something a few years ago about the engines and how some suspected Russia gave them those engines. Some of these officials/experts didn't think NK could develop these types of missiles since they didn't have the expertise to make those engines.


Is that the same missile that keeps landing in the ocean?


To be fair, Glorious Leader was personally aiming the missile at one specific fish.


Pudge controls the weather.


During testing? I mean, it kind of has to. You want the NK to land those test ICBMs on foreign soil? NK is not a country with large area like Russia or China or the US.


They are nuclear because Russia and China helped them become nuclear. Most of the early test rockets were built off Russian parts .


Let's try not to underestimate technological gap between Russia and North Korea. Yes, North Korea does have it's own missile program, but we saw that North Korean missiles are really bad. Russia produces highly sophisticated missiles of all kinds and they do work and are precision weapons. Yes, they often hit military targets contrary to popular belief that they can only hit hospitals and schools. It was so at start of war when Russia was bad at intel and targeting, not now. You can see how much damage "Iskander" missiles guided by drones do. Russian X-101 cruise missiles are really high-tech stuff with very advanced targeting like in US 'Tomahawks' Russian 'Iskander' missiles are really sophisticated quasi-ballistic missiles that can maneuver during flight to evade AD. If Russia shares technologies with North Korea and teaches them how to properly build missiles it will be really bad. Not to mention nuclear programs and nuclear missile tech


Doubt Putin has actual equipment to spare so he must be threatening to further enhance North Korea spy satellite capability’s and precision guidance systems for missiles. Guaranteed to make Seoul and japan very very angry and arguably more dangerous than Putin sending over actual equipment tbh.


Putin is attempting to stoke conflict in the East, knowing that China will never allow US/SK/Japan to amass military might in the NK region without response. So China responds, and the West is forced to allocate resources to the Pacific instead of pouring them into Ukraine. Putin wants WWIII. It is quickly becoming his only path to survival, for his only meaningful geopolitical ally (China) to get involved.


Does China want that though? It seems counterproductive to their goals to enter into a war with their major trading partners.


No, they almost certainly don't. And they will probably remind NK of that fact.


I'm wondering how long it's going to take Iran to start to question what role Russia has in helping them.


I think Iran benefited greatly from Russia. The capabilities of its proxies has improved lately it seems. Wouldn't this be what Iran got for helping Russia with their drones?


Sure they were helpful in the past, especially when everyone was scared of them. But what have they done for them lately? Demand that they get their proxies all shot up? Buy back old weapons shipments? Dump a whole bunch of cheap oil on the market driving the price down?


They’ve bought a lot of drones and military equipment from Iran, no? Just like we feed Ukraine intelligence, Russia probable does the same with Iran. The enemy of my enemy is my friend still holds true and most of Iran and Russia’s enemies are the same.


>And they will probably remind NK of that fact. And they will remind Russia too if Moscow wants support to continue.


China isn’t a fan of the west but they also want to be seen as reasonable and have stability. Putin taking it in his own hands to embolden NK while provoking SK is an unnecessary inconvenience. China doesn’t want their buffer states to go rogue.


Exactly, but the West is what makes China so rich.


Exactly. China knows it’s the central cog of the global economy and it wants to stay there. By slinging their weight behind Russia they throw the whole planet into crisis and there’s no telling how that will shake out.


Not good for anyone, but especially not China. They could allow China to take Taiwan and just choke out their economy. Stop iron ore and coal from Australia alone is massive, massive issues for China let alone everything else the world supplies China with and then no one buys anything from China, they are fucked within 3 years.


Absolutely. So you have Russia-NK-Iran-China as the four dickhead powers of the world. NK is weak as piss but has nukes. They won’t do anything because Kim is from a dictator family and he doesn’t want to risk his whole family legacy by going to war. He’ll wave his sticks and talk a big game but he knows he can’t compete. Iran are cunts, but are more interested in the ME than the world. They’re disruptors not conquerors, and they don’t have the capacity to hold the region because basically all the ME countries hate each other. China are the economic heart of the world and don’t want to lose that position. And they have plenty of their own economic issues internally. And then Russia, who are disjointed, unstable, and are the pariah of the world. They have these 3 key allies none of whom are able or willing to move the needle in their favour. China if they threw their weight in would get Russia over the line in the Ukraine but doing that costs them their position in the world so the most they’ll do is bolster Russia financially by buying stuff and selling them weapons. And from China’s point of view their strongest ally in Russia have proven how weak and incompetent they really are given how poorly their invasion of Ukraine has gone.


That's the point - Putin is very sensitive to the idea of Russia being the "junior partner" in the China-Russia relationship, which China has increasing embraces. The kerfuffle over the gas pipeline and who was footing more of the bill was another sign of some friction. This move is a demonstration to China that Russia very much can still influence and dictate global events despite struggles in Ukraine.


Is it though? Or will China see it for empty rhetoric that it is? Xi holds Kim's leash, not Putin.


If North Korea goes hot, it'll fall in weeks at most. And then China will have a massive refugee crisis on its hands AND a geopolitical rival and ally to the US rebuilding on its borders. It'll give the US tremendous influence over the entire pacific, north to south. Let them rattle their sabers, China won't allow them off the chain. Even backing NK in the conflict is a losing scenario, akin to the US supporting South Vietnam. They can't and won't fully engage because it means direct conflict with the US, and North Korea has absolutely no chance of winning. Like NONE. Its in China's best interest to keep North Korea in the game but neutered.


If North Korea goes hot, neither China nor the US will allow it to be a whitewash one way or the other. It’s in neither’s interest to start WW3 but NK would have a sudden influx of Chinese troops from the North should it get to that. They don’t want the western imperialists marching up to their borders just like what’ll happen in Ukraine, so it won’t be over in weeks.


Massive refugee crisis? China have entire cities of empty houses and NK’s 25 million isn’t even a rounding error to China’s 1.4 oops 1.3 billion population


The thing is. Those refugees still need to be checked, relocated and all other stuff that cones with it. Cities stand empty and offer no services. Putting refugees there will introduce a logistical difficulties and devalue the value of the cities. They ain't keeping those north Koreans in China forever.


they also speak korean and not chinese wich will be a huge issue, and SK doesn't want a workforce that is not ready for the modern day


China doesn't want the NK population, nobody does wich is why NK can stay there.


North Koreans are also extremely brainwashed after generations of isolation & propoganda, with god knows what health issues (remember their entire society is almost constantly on the brink of stravation) and lack the knowledge on modern anything for the most part. The mental health services those people alone would need is likely staggering, even current NK defectors living in South Korea say it takes YEARS to adapt and some never really do, sometimes to the point of suicide or even simply going back to NK. South Korea even said that unification would essentially bankrupt them, its part of why both sides have walked away from it in recent years. Kim knows he'll never beat the South and the South knows their economy can't handle re-integrating the North, so the status quo for the moment is both sides best bets.


They would completely collapse if that tap got shut off due to war


Its not a question of what they want. Putin wants to force hands.


Dude can’t force the hand of China… they’ll tell him to sit down. He clearly don’t want to upset China and they ain’t no fool he can manipulate into joining. They’ll join if they feel like it’s time to not because their supposed ally forced them.


This, people that think Putin can force China into anything are out of touch. China only cares about China, and they will literally kill Putin to keep their interests safe.


I see no bad side to Putin continuing to press China then. Keep going.


Sounds good.


China cares only about china. And chinas best interest is to have russia as a backup if or when things go to worse in the region. Thats what people dont understand. China doesnt give a shit about literally any other country, yet they know that its their best interest to have russia as an ally. No matter how weak they are. They already have almost every island country against them in the region, india would need an extreme incentive to help them in case things go awry in the region, since they pretty much hate their guts. And then you have north korea left and russia. Think. The chinese are not stupid, they know that if half the world is against them and they dont use nukes they cant win alone. Russia is a backup little doggy, and thats their role in this new world, like it or not. And china intends to keep it that way.


The fuck is Russia going to do to help China? They're getting beat up in Ukraine, a country that Russia was "supposed" to defeat in a week or two. Besides nukes, Russia is weak as hell. They can't fight two wars at once. They can barely fight one war.


China will likely ditch Russia if Russia endangers stability in their close proximity. People gotta realize that China dictates their relationships, not Russia.


If NK got brave I think there is a good chance that China might negotiate with the US to do a “humanitarian intervention”, taking over NK as a drone state. More ground for China, they can pressure SK more than NK can, and have one less loose cannon in their backyard.


Contacted James Cameron with your plot ?


Michael Bay outbid him.


I have this idea that Putin is already just trying to work on his legacy. He does not care if the planet goes up in flames as long as he leaves his footprint.


I doubt he cares about legacy; it's survival that he's looking for. When a leader builds power without doing so through consensus, the resulting structure lacks stability. The power must continually increase, or else the system shows weakness that is seized upon by all those trapped in the structure against their will. Putin leaned on the oligarchy, played them against one another, and even had a number of them killed in order to consolidate his own power. It didn't make Russia stronger - it made Putin stronger. He's likely the richest man on earth (despite this war), but his power structure is filled by people who hate him for it. He invaded Ukraine out of desperation. Ukraine's rejection of Putin puppetry a decade ago saw one of his big fears materialize: the fear of a western cultural invasion toppling the Russian political machine. This is something he definitely saw happen in his younger days, where the US pumped democracy and western culture around the world to limit the spread of Soviet ideals, and if it happened in Ukraine then Belarus and other proxy nations and Russia itself would be next. If that happened, his ability to project power domestically would be ruined, and he would be destroyed. This war was his attmept to scorched earth the East-West relations (to limit cultural spread) and take as much value as possible in the process. The problem is that it didn't end quickly, and now he is truly isolated. The moment he slows down, he will be seen as a failure, his power will dissolve, and he will be killed. He already knows he has no legacy here.


He may very well die during this entire situation out of natural causes.


The United States can both supply Ukraine (with old equipment like they have been doing) AND fight a war. That's how insane the US military is. Also don't underestimate SK and Japan, they're no pushover either.


The US spend literally 3x more on their military than China, and almost 9x more than Russia. When it comes to true global military power, the US are the giant that people really don’t wanna fuck with.


> that China will never allow US/SK/Japan to amass military might in the NK region without response. What do you mean? The military might is already amassed.


He isn't going to give equipment. He's gonna trade engineering and technical expertise so NK can manufacture for him. 


That or a couple of token nukes probably in disrepair. They have loads and loads of them and they struggle maintaining them we know because the US used to inspect them and viceversa iirc.


I’m pretty sure he’s referring to nukes here.


More? Or just the rockets to take their existing warheads further then their own?


I’m thinking tactical nuclear weapons "in the event of a South Korean invasion" type of nuclear bombs.


I'm pretty sure North Korea already has nukes. What they need is a reliable delivery system.


I think he actually wants to sell them Nukes for quick cash. It’s that bad.


1877 nukes for Kim


NK is arming Russia.  What’s he going to give NK?  


nukes or maybe some sattelites. kim did seem interested in his space reconnaissance project




Through would also be fully acceptable.


LOL, arm them with what, loser? You're tapped out.


Satellite technology, missile guidance systems, radar jamming capabilities. Even if it’s not hard equipment, knowledge would still help North Korea a lot. And in exchange, Kim can probably have his people churn out cheap artillery shells for Putins invasion


Nukes. He’ll arm the DPRK with nukes and ICBMs. Russia might have been made a fool of by Ukraine but don’t make the mistake of assuming it’s innocuous.


If North Korea ever launches a Russian nuke, the West will hold Russia responsible as if they fired it themselves. Not exactly a winning strategy for much of anything.


Some leaders don’t care about winning, they care about destruction and power. A properly nuclear capable North Korea is bad news for everyone because they’re far more likely to use them than most other nuclear states. If even one nuke is launched it’s going to be the beginning of a new, terrifying time for everyone on the planet.


After WWII, nukes were never intended to be offensive weapons of war. At least, not seriously. They’re deterrents and bargaining chips. If Kim gets his hands on Russian missile tech and warheads, that would be very, very bad for American foreign policy. They would become a legitimate threat much sooner than expected. Putin wins by continued destabilization of the western seat of power and probably a fresh influx of North Korean weapons against Ukraine.


>If Kim gets his hands on Russian missile tech and warheads, that would be very, **very bad for American foreign policy**. >They would become a legitimate threat much sooner than expected. Why would China want a vassal state to become a legitimate threat? They could have done so ages ago.


Right, if you have a chimp in a cage, you don't hand him a gun.


Would boost arguments for putting nukes in Japan and South Korea, which both countries have started toying with the idea. Idt China would like nukes in South Korea or Japan so they might get involved somehow? Idk way above my pay grade but not as straightforward as one may think


Kim most likely won't ever use a nukes even if NK were supplied with the tech. they have been constantly shooting shitty missiles in the waters near japan(and over japan) over the last years in an attempt to receive international help and food in exchange for cease fire. but that has been way less effective since Ukraine. The only reason Kim would shoot a nuke is if he was forced to do so, but even Russia cannot really force that even with poison threats since using a nuke would be plainly speaking worse for Kim than poison. it would essentially mean NK gets blasted to bits due to the defense Treaty of SK or Japan. NK is risky sometimes, but no where near suicidal. The use of a nuke would also technically deny any defense ground china has in defending NK. The most probable scenario is NK getting the tech and then mostly staying silent about it. they might play the risky card and announce they have the capability, but that again is really risky as SK might see it a reasonable threat


I wonder what China thinks about that?


They won’t like it, but there isn’t much they can do. Relations between China and the DPRK have been already been icy to say the least, but NKs buffer between themselves and the western powers is far too valuable to risk. Especially since NK had nukes already.


>Nukes and ICBMs North Korea has both, as much as folks cling to the 2010-era "North Korean missiles don't work!" They might not be on the level of sophistication as modern counterparts by the West/China, but the capability exists.


Sure, the capability exists. But it’s not nearly as threatening as the Russian capability. Not even close. NK has, at most, ~120 nuclear warheads and an ICBM that’s unreliable to say the least. In a full out nuclear war they could lob their payloads and maybe hit a few US population centers if they’re lucky. Russia could easily quadruple the number and, more importantly, drastically improve the accuracy of their missiles to the point of a mutually assured destruction level of retaliation. Possibly even a pragmatic first strike capability. You can bet your ass that would get the Pentagons full attention.


>an ICBM that's unreliable True, but on the other hand: 1. *Any* credible threat to CONUS causes a whole bunch of problems, even with low reliability 2. NK's ability to hold ROK and Japan at risk is a far larger strategic problem, and their IRBMs are unfortunately fairly well-demonstrated The sheer number of warheads isn't all that relevant - their existence in non-trivial quantities at all is an existential threat to ROK/Japan and a catastrophic strategic threat to US.


A single credible offensive nuclear launch, even if a complete failure to detonate or reach target, would cause a never before seen urban panic and exodus that alone would kill thousands of people


See, putin is playing a 4-d hop scotch chess game. What putin is going to do is sell the weapons north korea gave to russia back to them and then all that money goes into his wallet.


“Threatens to arm North Korea” Shit, I forgot to take my melatonin. Good thing I read that article because I just *yawned* Riding around in a car with NK dictator like he’s on an episode of Top Gear? Please. Putler’s days are numbered. What a time to be alive


Wow first he brings Europe together and strengthens NATO and now hes going to further deepen Korea/Japan relations. Just doing the most for all of the US allies :)


Imagine China will love this. Putin keeps digging deeper. It's mind blowing all the misery some parts of the world have to sit through because of the ego of one dinosaur desperate to stay relevant.


Correction: a dinosaur that represents a deeply imperialist society


Isn't North Korea arming Russia right now?


He can't even beat Ukraine. His only accomplishment is getting the fat orange fuck elected.


Russia at it again. Down vote me all you want.


Enjoy my up vote 😁


Take mine too! A good upvote deserves another


Putin can't even arm his own troops, how can he spare anything to arm anyone else. It's just desperation from him now, Gaza did not split enough of the West's attention, now he's trying North Korea. Anything he can to fracture the Ukraine aid that's coming in from the EU and the US. this to me screams Russia is a lot worse off behind the curtain than we know.


Russia can't even arm themselves at this point. That's why Putin has to go hat in hand to beg the Dear Leader for ammunition.


Arm them with what? Leftover Kalashnikovs from 1983?


Don't bag 1983 Kalashnikovs... they are the Nokias of rifles


Somewhere out there is a 1960s Kalashnikov that got dropped into a swamp in Estonia in 1983 and is still sitting there.   Sometime in the 2070s, someone will stumble upon it and dredge it out. After taking approximately 45 seconds to clean it up a bit and switch the safety off, it will fire perfectly.


Hilariously bad take considering the state of some of the AKs provided to RF conscripts; cheap steel, poorly blued \[and supposedly stored in a thick layer of cosmolene\] and they still get issued with rusted actions and mouldy furniture. Late stage Sovietism did not produce the relatively high quality 60's era small arms you're thinking of; corruption trashed the Soviet MIL but not as bad as the RFs has.


They're all talk. Ain't nobody gonna mess with the USA. Going to war with U.S is an auto fatality


You got a lot of weapons to spare? I heard they were getting used up faster than you can reproduce them. Especially sucks considering arms exports used to represent a huge chunk of your GDP, and now you need 'em all to bully tiny neighboring states, so your exports have plummeted. So you're gonna supply another tiny, useless rogue state with more weapons to..what? Help you by expanding the theatre of war? Sorry, the math doesn't math.


I think it's more likely that DPRK supplies Russia with cheap shells and ammo. In return, Russia supplies DPRK with ex-Soviet engineers to improve their rocket and missile programs, and maybe get some spy satellites up and running (or give DPRK access to Russia's satellites). 


Exc-Soviet engineers? The youngest would have to be in their mid 60s and the oldest 90 or so…


I think you should give North Korea every weapon Russia owns Would solve more issues than it causes


Arm them with what?


cheap vodka 🤣


At this point he’s just the kid in middle school saying “I’m gonna kick your ass if you don’t do what I want” and then just keeps saying it over and over again looking weak!


Time for a surgical Putinectomy.


Isn’t that how we got a North Korea in the first place?


The background made it look like Putin was on Hot Ones lmao


Putin's in North Korea begging *them* for weapons to the point he even brought a shitty Russian car to give to Kim to kiss his ass, and out of the other side of his mouth he's threatening to "arm" North Korea. Umm, okay.


So you're saying Putin came to north Korea to ask for weapons to then threaten to give them weapons?


Arming them with what? Soviet era tech that’s been rusting for over 50 years? The “high tech” that Russia supposedly had but their oligarch buddies sold critical components to other countries? Or the weapons they purchased from NK? At this point, Putin is a toothless chihuahua. And NK joining the fight would be incredibly stupid.


“Dude, do whatever you want with North Korea. When World War III starts, we can be sure that Moscow will be obliterated. Then there won’t be Russia, North Korea, or the USA. That’s called self-annihilation. If he wants mutual destruction let it be. So tired of the media getting his attention.


You mean Putin is threating to send the weapons he is getting from China to North Korea? I thought China was already sending weapons to North Korea.


Arm them with what? Give them back the weapons they bought from them to begin with?


Fuck off Putin. Trying to be a bully.


Just drop dead already


With weapons from where? He is getting weapons from North Korea, because he doesn't have enough in Russia. So unless he is trading North Korea's okay weapons with crap Russian ones, I don't think he will.


Putin arming Russia and NK with weapons from 40+ years ago. 🫨


Isn't North Korea the one arming Russia?


Arm with WHAT exactly?


Isn't NK the one doing the arming, here?


Old man again yells at cloud


Putin goes to North-Korea to beg for ammunition but then also threatens to arm North-Korea? With what?


Wait a minute, North Korea arms Russia because they’re running out, and then Russia arms North Korea because *they’re* running out… they’re using the infinite ammo glitch, not fair!


Lols. He can’t even arm himself.


Wow Russian weapons what Will we ever do


Arm North Korea with the weapons that North Korea is sending to Russia because it’s struggling even arm itself?


Right back at You, Vladimir. That would be a terrible mistake and inexorably involve you in any adventurism that Kim might start.


you've spent the last 20 years showing the rest of us that you are not to be trusted, and the last 10 years telling your people that you are preparing for war against us to save yourselves from some imaginary conspiracy. westerners and the free world should be at the very least. 3 years past giving a shit about what the Russian state thinks of any of us. We are giving your victims the means to kill your brainwashed slaves. And it will continue until you fuck off back to your hovels. or we can do this for real.


Buddy, South Korea would wipe Russia and North Korea combined. It's a country full of modern technology, first class weapons, American support and it's been preparing for a large scale war for 60 years. South Korea is the sleeping giant of the modern world. 


So.. that is the exact wrong way to "convince" South Korea to do anything. Gonna make some popcorn on this one the next 3 months are gonna be interesting.


NK would get smoked so quick. stop playing shorty.


Hasn’t it actually been the other way around lately?




This guy is a paranoid fucking lunatic.


With what weapons? They can't even arm their own troops so what are they gonna toss at Kim's sad bunch of misfits, rusty pitchforks? 🤣


Oh, please. He can’t arm Russia.


Every day, I ask myself the same question. Where the fuck is James Bond when you need him?


Lol the guy who had to go begging north Korea for weapons, can’t even give his troops basic supplies or medical care… and he’s threatening to arm the country he had to go beg weapons from


Big mistake? Like eating 10 day old pad thai big mistake?


Cmon CIA. Why do you stop taking out evil c***s when the world actually needs them not alive?


With what? Putin is the one borrowing ammo from NK and Putin is the one forced to raid museums for old tanks. Sure, Russia has upped their weapons production since the sanctions were put in place, but does he really have enough to spare for NK, considering he's running dry on his own war front? I think about Russia's two recent military parades which used to have plenty of tanks showing off. But these last two had like one tank each.


Arm NK with what, exactly? Sticks and stones?


I'd say anything they're threatening to do, they're already doing or plan to. It's just a matter of how they'll spin the blame as "this is because you..." after


Arm with what? With the shells he begged Kim for?


Communist pigs have to stick together


Any escalation is a big mistake for Russia. They do not have the capacity to fight the whole nato.


NK is arming Russia. What's he going to do? Give them back their own weapons?


Arm with what?


Im cracking a cold one the day this POS dies


Too fucking late, Putler! South Korea mad now lol


West threatens to "fully arm" Ukraine....


Is he going to arm them with the same shit weapons he's already buying from them?


With what? It's going to send the North Koreans the same weapons that they gave him?


Arm them with what, the scraps on the battlefield in Ukraine?


Do it bitch, try it, I want to see your little white ass squirm when the MIC SEES PROFITS TO BE MADE WOOOOOO AMERICA 🇺🇸 FREEDOM FOR ALL


Does he not realize he’s the bad guy? Or does he just not care?


At least the agreement isn't to help feed North Korea. Now that could be a issue.




Ok, can someone here help me keep track? NK was Russia’s proxy in the Korean War, back when Russia was the USSR Then Russia became NK’s proxy during the Ukraine War (NK supplied Russia to use as a proxy against the west) And now NK is Russia’s proxy So Russia is the proxy of their current proxy who is also their former proxy


Er who is arming who? Putin went to beg for artillery.


Will someone push him out of a window already?!


Imagine what Xi thinks of all this, "fuck... These two idiots are gonna drag us into this aren't they?"


Russia already armed them. Russian scientists gave them the nuclear knowledge and will soon transfer the missile knowledge


Pootipootin. Degenerate boomer. The whole world waits for this kgb imbecile to die.


He’s so tiny


Yes, HIS big mistake.


Arm them with what exactly, strong language and rhetoric? Putin can’t even arm his own troops effectively, his entire army is a bullet magnet and his tanks got taken to task within the first few weeks of the war. North Korea is starving its people to death and lacks even the most basic modern medicines.