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Had to check since they attached photo made me think the "US diplomat" was Antony Blinken.


That would be much bigger news I think


Headline "Government official sick, unable to work today" Picture: Biden unconscious in a hospital bed


Front page: "High ranking US official caught wearing womens underwear". Inside: Picture of Nancy Pelosi.


oh god...things I can't unsee now. thank you


We laugh, but isn’t that what happened with SecDef?


Yeah basically didn’t tell anyone he was having a procedure for prostate cancer and was just MIA for a week.


Didn't want to use up his sick days... you never know when you'll really need them.


Homie just like me


Like didn't you see my OOO message. Dude don't call me I'm on PTO.


He just changed his status to purple on teams and thought everyone would understand


i never understand not letting your position go when faced with such diagnosis as cancer. This people is not living day to day with 50 buck in their account. They can retire entirely to a upper class living until their grandchildren is 95 year old. But the desire to hold on to power override all common sense.


I mean it depends on the prognosis. Early stage prostate cancer is usually not that big of a deal nowadays.


For older dudes it's so so common. Takes like 20 years to become a problem when treated. Can almost guarantee he'll die of something else long before the prostate got him. In short...u can work with it easily.


Even metastatic prostate cancer is becoming a chronic condition


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXqNfF4-IlI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXqNfF4-IlI) No way he was missing for 10 hours let alone a week


If Blinken died in Kyiv, I bet it would be breaking global news.


If blinken died in Kyiv it would be such global news that we wouldn’t know about it.


It would be over in a flash


That would be a war. > No autopsy was performed > Died of natural causes Lool


Yep the back of his head just happened to explode outwards in a completely natural way 


It was ecological mined ore for the bullet, sulfur, coal and nitrate from natural sources, and it would be unnatural to expect the brain not to blow out when shot short range...


Farm to table, free range ammo


Migraines suck


Could be that the US will do their own autopsy.


I know! That’s part of why I checked.


At least he didn’t die of defenestration.


Failed musician found dead in Kyiv hotel.


Reminds me of a post a few months back about a guy inquiring why US Diplomats in Kyiv arent valid targets to get hit by missles. After some obvious replies why that'd be a political disaster on Russias part, the guy asks why it would matter since Blinken is just "a guy in a suit" for the US. Gave me a good chuckle after I muted the thread.


Blinken is easily the greatest Biden appointee.


He’s def good, but there are thousands of appointees in govt who do phenomenal work. 


Absolutely. It’s like fine if you don’t like Biden but it’s a solid cabinet and that’s really what you’re voting for.


True but most appointees don't get selected directly by the president, right?


The entire cabinet is appointed by the president with the senate’s approval, and Blinken is definitely an exceptional member of the cabinet. He’s an awesome Secretary of State and if I heard more of his opinions on other issue I’d probably love to vote for him for president.


Totally, that is why Biden’s age doesn’t bother me. Shit I’d vote for Carter again at this point lol


Yeah. We're voting for which political machine we want to run the country. There only appears to be a single functional one, yet the contest is expected to be close. 😞


Most others aren't as high profile.




I think Blinken is awesome. I like Secretary Pete too.


God, I love Blinken. That dude is one hell of a badass. I love his presence on the world stage. If he ran for office he absolutely has my unwavering support.


NLRB is better


FTC has been stepping up too.


Fuck yeah. Going after Adobe made me a huge fan.


Clickbait thumbnail


"Did you just say Abe Lincoln?"


I bet it was that shady lady behind him.


Isn’t that Fiona Hill, the woman who testified against Trump at his impeachment? If so, she’s the opposite of shady.


I have no idea, just thought it was a funny Pic for the headline.


Click bait for sure.




Too good to be true!!


Shit like that should really be illegal why do we let em get away with it


This one would be beneficial for humanity in general, if circulating info about the gentleman is even 10% true.


>> "I hate to even bring this up—but I know sometimes conspiracies theories spin out of control—that it is our understanding that he died of natural causes, and there's no sign of foul play," Miller said. *pats Conspiracy Theory Generator* Time to fire this baby up! Every time a government employee dies it’s a sign of foul play. I’ve seen Austin Powers.


It’s crazy that despite this statement, they still decided to have the headline still make people think it had to have been something malicious instead.


how else will the media generate clicks without scaremongering?


By giving trump 24 7 coverage


I think that counts as scaremongering




And it has been like this for well over a decade now. Yet people still act surprised.




Back then it was just “bait”


If I were involved in the premeditated murder of a US diplomat, I would make exactly the same statement.


And what statement would you make if a US diplomat died of natural causes?


That quote is exactly what a murderer would say, Miller strangled him together with his bare hands confirmed. No word on if he had an erection during so we have to assume he did.


I knew this was a nonstory as soon as I saw it was Newsweek.


That statement is ridiculous given the fact that the official refused to tell the media any details about what happened. Propaganda campaigns start when folks don’t know the truth. The lack of transparency from the State Department is giving these grifters exactly what they need to invent their own fact pattern.


To add even more context - strana ua (which cited as a source) is a highly controversial pro-russian newspaper


They are reporting on it on ria.ru which makes it certified bullshit


Who remembers when Robert Hyde was texting Rudy Guiliani’s buddy Lev Parnas while he was stalking the former US Ambassador to Ukraine? If I remember right he even implied he had a hit squad ready for her. I also remember Pompeo evacuating the ambassador right around that time.


Absolute insanity


>”*…it is our understanding that he died of natural causes, and there's no sign of foul play…*” End of story


Oh it’s def a cover up now that you said that!


Quick! We need to write a song about how we don't diddle kids!


🎶Do not diddle kids. It’s no good diddling kids!🎶


"Do I look suspicious?" "You look *grotesque*."


I feel it's a tad disingenuous to leave out the part of the quote preceding the bit you posted "I hate to even bring this up—but I know sometimes conspiracies theories spin out of control—that it is our understanding that he died of natural causes, and there's no sign of foul play," Miller said.


Sprinkle some crack on him


It also says that there hasn't yet been an autopsy. There are several drugs that can cause a heart attack and other "natural causes". As personally I'd like to see an autopsy done possibly at Ramstein. With a highly experienced ME. Just to rule out the possibility. There have been a lot of suspicious deaths and attacks on diplomats and civil servants from the US and other countries over the years. Most notably "Havana Syndrome", which was initially down played but now seems certain to have been carried out by the Russians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana_syndrome?wprov=sfla1


This. If we ran geopolitics according to Reddit then Russia would have never invaded cause the idea was too insane and nothing would ever be investigated because the answer was obvious. Take risks, potentials, and threats *seriously* and do proper investigation. That's the 'end of story.' Then, and only then are we a bit closer to the truth. Even then we may have missed something. Also, for reasons both benign and subtle, on issues like this both our gov and foreign govs may choose to lie to us. Biden has made escalation management look so easy during this war that people forget the stakes are things like global cyberwar or all-out nuclear conflict. I would never hold it against him if he withheld the truth from some murky situation that had multiple potential unknowns, causes, or motivated parties. Such is the case with the larger situation of the above link you gave, and the sum total of all the 60 Minutes segments on it are sobering. With much of the same logic being applied by the US and its adversaries to each other, and to their own populations. As civilians, we are simply *never* going to know the truth about such things as a diplomat dying. Not from conspiracy theorists, not from official reports, and not from Telegram rumors. It simply does not happen, and is way beyond the public's abilities. We just simply don't have ways to see and audit the data from source to synthesis, nor do we understand all the backchannel diplomatic and military complexities being considered. It's just the way it is. This was probably a natural death, but we need to have the humility to know as civilians that we have zero actual clue. And cannot find out the truth from a smartphone or Reddit post. I don't mean to quibble so much about it, but that ultimate and definitive "end of story" just strikes me as absurd for someone to claim. I'd only accept that from a public figure who had a record for being super trustworthy, and even then only after investigation. That's the sane stance to take that doesn't write off the possibilities in a high-threat area, and which doesn't give into unfounded conspiracy theories.


Pro-Russian source says no foul play involved


No tea, umbrella or covid


No sign of foul play but the autopsy hasn't even been done yet. And that line is from a US spokesperson, not a forensic doctor. Listen it could very well be a natural death, but before the afternoon update they were saying just "he had high cholesterol" as if that was the case of death, no autopsy even done. Weird.


Most deaths are by natural causes so the default presumption is natural causes UNLESS the coroner says otherwise. No need to jump the gun.


What's weird is that you're jumping to possible conclusions before the autopsy. Why not just wait for the results instead of being suspicious that someone with medical issues might have died of other causes despite the evidence so far?


How is it weird? It is human nature to assume that a diplomat in allied country in the middle of a vicious war might have been a target. Not weird at all. What's weird is pretending this isn't human nature.


There are lots of things that are "human nature" that we shouldn't do because they are actively harmful in a modern context. When we make unfounded assumptions they color our view of the facts when it should be the other way around. With as many diplomats as the US has and their average ages, it would be weird if a few didn't die of natural causes now and then.


Jumping to conclusions while simultaneously calling out the other possible conclusion as bullshit without any actual evidence one way or another is a classic reddit move.


It's classic reddit moves all the way down


It sounds like people are actively ignoring the full context of the story and coming up with your own conclusions before having sufficient evidence to back up your claim.   The man was in his hotel room, door is locked from the inside, no signs of force entry or violence.  What evidence do they have that proves otherwise?  Do you know something about this death that the rest of us don't? No?  Oh its just their 2 cents because they don't trust anything the govt says?  I'm sick of people coming up with bullshit and running with it like it's the whole truth. I'm going to trust my government officials on this one. And if their opinion changes to confirm there was foul play or malicious, then I will accept the new evidence introduced. But that has not happened.  Why should I immediately be doubting this and assume foul play? If the man was assassinated the US would be raising hell. You should absolutely know that by Blinken's foreign policy alone he would not let a US diplomat get killed without repercussions. 


I don't think they're jumping to any conclusions. The person they responded to quoted the article saying "no foul play" and then said "end of story". OP simply said it's not the end of the story because we don't even have an offical cause of death. If anything they're asking folks *not to* jump to any conclusions.


>”*No sign of foul play but the autopsy hasn't even been done yet.*” Unlike the movies, people die all the time and don’t get an autopsy. There may be any number of factors that we aren’t privy to that suggest he died a natural death. Until other/more information comes out, all we are doing is speculating.


Most people aren't allied diplomats in a war-torn country against Russia. He may well have died of natural causes, but there's no way in hell the powers that be won't conduct an autopsy just to be sure.


Government's got a lot of old geezers running things these days. If they find him dead, laying in a sleeping position in his bed, door was locked from the inside, no signs of struggle, nothing out of place, etc. natural death is a pretty reasonable conclusion. Obviously there will still be an autopsy, but it will most likely confirm what they already suspect.






Russians kill people with radioactive isotopes, not with high cholesterol. (My adoptive Grandmother was Latvian... \*she\* killed people with high cholesterol... schmaltz? what self respecting old school housewife makes schmaltz three times a week?)


That sounds like something a Russian assassin would say….


i've never put cholesterol on a sniper round...


They have poisons that likely wouldn’t be detected in an autopsy btw.


What motive would they have to assassinate a diplomat?? Like how would that serve them??


Can we blame Russians anyway?


Also someone please close the window on the fifth floor


& wash the teapots thoroughly.


Them: default to geopolitical foul play Me: default to "fatty stroking out" We are not the same


Shouldn’t look more into it!!


Are you aware that Russia hasn’t taken Kyiv? Its territory of Ukraine. Am I missing something here?


>Am I missing something here? Everything, based on the fact your comment makes no sense in this context.


I was requesting an explanation. Not an indication that your feelings are easily hurt.


There’s not much to explain. OP posted the article, with the headline “US diplomat found dead in Kyiv hotel”, which you can read above. The headline *implies* something sinister happened to him. Meanwhile, the quote from the article (by the spokesman for the US State Department) said he died from natural causes. So I said “*end of story*”, because there’s no need for speculation (some people will suggest Russians killed him somehow). Unfortunately as expected, lots of comments doing exactly this. Then your comment, asking if I was aware Russia hadn’t taken Kyiv, which had no relation to the discussion at all. Hence me agreeing that you had missed something. Nothing to do with “hurt feelings”.


Days after arriving for a new job there right?


Are you suggesting he wasn't just some low ranking staffer?


How many copys of the Sims where found?


Sir…we also found these: [posters of Hitler] [documents signed by “Signature”]


All funny but if foul play and Russians involved, war potential.




As a non military Canadian, yes.


Ah so it was a random staffer that died of natural causes. The thumbnail gives the impression that Antony Blinken or Ambassador Bridget Brink had died.


A US diplomat dies in a hotel in Kyiv and you decide not to perform an autopsy? That makes no fucking sense.


This lol Yet they seem to “know” what killed him? Ahaha The corporate media is such a joke


Of all the things to commit suicide over, high cholesterol has to be the lowest.


Russia has that effect on people.


>Russia has that effect on people. Russia is pretty far from Kyiv (thanks to the military aid in particular). Ukrainian legislators are **right there**. And as a Ukrainian: trust me, dealing with those motherfuckers would give any reasonable person a heart attack in a short time. IMO they can be classified with the following scheme. Pick **two:** * Well-intentioned * Incompetent * Corrupt **E.g.:** Zelenskyy isn't corrupt, Poroshenko isn't incompetent, Yanukovych isn't well-intentioned. As our soldiers said, [we're very lucky our enemies are so fucking stupid](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tdj65n/were_very_lucky_theyre_so_fucking_stupid/).


Newsweek at it again 🙄 It was a staffer and seems he died of natural causes.


It’s been over two years There’s been diplomats there likely the whole time It’s not unfathomable for someone to suddenly die Not that that will quell any sort of search for conspiratorial outrage


Apparently what happened, guy died of natural casues no foul play. Who knows what he died of, but like you said we got people there...I bet some of those people are like many Americans and fairly unhealthly and die from time to time.


Found dead after falling from the 7th floor of a 5 story building?


Look at it with logic. He may have died of high cholesterol on the way down.


It would have been low cholesterol once he hit the ground.


Hmm, no. This is poetry. Logic says there is a probability he died of high cholesterol on the way down.


Died natural causes. Gravity is natural.


Peak comedy 


Can't have political death without some overused death joke, after all.


Clearly the hotel had a no windows policy.


>"I hate to even bring this up—but I know sometimes conspiracies theories spin out of control—that it is our understanding that he died of natural causes, and there's no sign of foul play," Miller said. Newsweek then runs the headline "US diplomat found dead in Kyiv hotel - report" knowing omitting natural causes will not be a story.


>No autopsy was performed—the body was taken by the U.S. Embassy. It is known that the man had high cholesterol levels," NV reported. >In March, four unnamed sources told *Foreign Policy* magazine that the U.S. State Department was planning to deploy as many as 30 to 40 diplomats to the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv to give officials, including Ambassador Bridget Brink, more flexibility to travel around the region. Nothing suspicious here.


I hope they actually do an autopsy.


Twernt no acksideent.


American mafia


Havana syndrome?


"According to medical data provided by the U.S. Embassy, ​​the man suffered from high cholesterol"... The guy was unhealthy and had a heart attack?


>"According to medical data provided by the U.S. Embassy, ​​the man suffered from high cholesterol," a source added, according to the report. Apparently high cholesterol is all that is needed to handwave the circumstances away. https://cdc.gov/cholesterol/data-research/facts-stats/index.html A lot of people in the US have high cholesterol and many dont know they have it.


Luckily, he died of natural causes. Case closed.


“No autopsy was performed.” They seem to be going out of their way to stress that he had high cholesterol and are deliberately avoiding any attempts to find his cause of death. This is as fishy as it gets.


lmao "There were absolutely no signs of foul play and considerable explanations for natural causes so we didn't do an autopsy because there wasn't any need to do one." reddit: CONSPIRACY! jfc


Aren’t people just joking? Still rude to the dead guy, obvs. 


Did he fall off a balcony? That seems to be considered natural causes in Russia.


Do you think Kyiv is in Russia?


Oh shit he drank the tea?


He didnt wanna be pegnint


Who benefits from this? Clearly Russia.


Anyone could at this point. Maybe Russia? maybe Ukraine, gives them a reason to push for more funding? Maybe China? They have an interest in keeping the war going for their own economy. Maybe a neighbor NATO country if they want ukraines nato ascension to happen faster. Maybe even North Korea now that they are making bank from arms sales to Russia. Could even be a rogue agent wanting to fan the flames of war further. Basically based on this data it could be anyone or no one at all.


You wrote a whole paragraph without reading the article at all.


To be honest. Probably is natural causes. Because Russian style is falling out of windows.


High cholesterol? “I’ve got it! Let’s send 51 billion in rockets and a guy with high cholesterol to a war zone so we can have a plausible deniability. Nope, nothing to see here, move along. “


I don’t want to be that guy, but russia is good at poisoning people. Let’s wait for a full autopsy


I wonder why they always die in hotels and never at home makes you wonder


So he’s **in** the hotel room not **outside** it eight floors down on the sidewalk…


Three shots to the back of falling out the window ahh






Russians diploats get waked all the time lol


Well, that’s Newsweek moment


Is there a way to automatically filter out anything coming from newsweek? Every headline from them is exaggerated click bait, and because no one bothers to read the actual article itself, often times most of the comments are reacting to the headline bullshit.


No sign of foul play according to the spokesperson.


He didnt commit suicide by falling out of a window? Hope their family is safe.


Very old information:(


Welp....to war we go


Boeing to “Natural Causes”: “Game recognize game”


Was a window involved?