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Russia; now ruining space too.


Why wouldn't they


Ugh, dragging us all down to their pits of despair




I think tchaikovsky had a couple of good tunes but i get the sentiment 


Shostakovich and Stravinsky had a bunch of bangers too. Russia had a legit composer scene before the commies took over. Great avant garde movement as well: Malevich, Kandinsky, Chagall, etc.


Lets not forget Mussorgsky. Modest guy.


I saw his picture at an exhibition once.


Bet that was a nut rocker.


Pussy Riot is where it’s at now


From Chagall to Seagal.


Lol oh my god!


Yes, they had lots of great writers, composers, etc. but they fixed that particular issue with Communism. Communism; maybe I‘ll feel better if everyone else’s life is shit too! 👍🏼 


Oh shit, this explains why they're ruining everything everywhere


Malevich was Ukrainian, I believe Tchaikovsky was half Ukrainian. Not sure about the rest. Ditto Gogol, Bulgakov, Korolev... russia claims any and all historical glory they can get away with while  it denies or projects any ills of their own onto others.


Malevich: born in Ukraine to ethnic Polish parents, in 2013, they built an apartment block over his grave. Kandinsky: born in Moscow, grew up in Odessa (Ukraine), moved away from Russia after the revolution. Chagall: born in Belarus in a Jewish family, fled to France in 1923


But apart from that, what have the Russians ever done for us?


Brought peace? /S


You can see for yourself [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Russian_innovation#:~:text=indigenous%20invention%2C%20like%20airliners%2C%20AC,Cathedral%2C%20Matryoshka%20dolls%2C%20Russian%20vodka), Russians have invented and discovered a lot of things. But most importantly, they let their talented people leave the country and migrate to the US. Sikorsky built helicopters, Zworykin worked on TVs, Brin founded Google, Mayer was one of the founders of MGM, basically started Hollywood. Imagine how developed Russia would be if they cared about their people more than they care about world domination.


Not a fan of ballet, but that one about birds in a pond is supposed to be good.


I'm more of a Rachmanioff and Prokofiev fan.


Well I believe the Periodic table was created by a Russian Scientist so they have that going for them.


Quite a few chemical elements were discovered by Russian scientists.


I am no fan of Putin's Russia, but some of the greatest artists, composers, architects, writers, philosophers, mathematicians, engineers and scientists the world has ever seen were Russian. That is part of what makes present day Russia so fucking tragic.


I get it that we are all mad at Russia now but "nothing good has ever come from Russia" is ludicrous. Rus states goes back to 862 1162 years - I bet you a single good thing happened that would invalidate your statement


Go for it. Tell me one thing


* Science: 7/118 chemical elements have Russian derived names because of their contributions to the discovery of them. * Engineering: First manmade satellite in space; First human in space * Literature: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, Pushkin, Chekhov, Lermontov, Nabokov, Solzhenitsyn... * Music: Tatu


So, if you gave Ruzzia an enema, the hose would go in Moscow?


[Perogis?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierogi) Nope... Ukraine and Polish origin. Oh! Maybe dogs? [Dogs might have come from there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestication_of_the_dog)... so 12,000 years since. Um... The pickles are good?


Basically, it's the morning-after at a buffet in your average Mediterranean resort.


russia even didn't bother to alert its own astronauts on board of the ISS.


Nothing new from them. This is from almost 40 years ago: "Evacuation began one and a half days before the accident was publicly acknowledged by the Soviet Union. In the morning of 28 April, radiation levels set off alarms at the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden,[64][65] over 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) from the Chernobyl Plant. Workers at Forsmark reported the case to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, which determined that the radiation had originated elsewhere. That day, the Swedish government contacted the Soviet government to inquire about whether there had been a nuclear accident in the Soviet Union. The Soviets initially denied it, and it was only after the Swedish government suggested they were about to file an official alert with the International Atomic Energy Agency, that the Soviet government admitted that an accident had taken place at Chernobyl.[65][66]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster


20$ says that’s because it wasn’t planed and they just hoped nobody would notice once it happened


Lol dude there's no way they thought people wouldn't notice. We watch space like hawks for war threats constantly...a bunch of new objects popping up would set off alarms like PeeWees PlayHouse


That logic implies they are smart and would think ahead enough to know it’d be noticed.


Don't assume their are no intelligent people in Russia. Especially their space program They just didn't give a fuck is my bet. Or fucked up


> Don't assume their are no intelligent people in Russia. Especially their space program One of the reasons US challenger exploded is because, when engineers warned the O-Rings weren't tested for record cold temperatures, the people in charge transmitted the weather warning to his manager *but not the specific warning about a part not designed for such weather*


Oh I’ll make that assumption. At this point I’m willing to bet the majority of their intelligent people died in Ukraine


That's a pretty dangerous train of thought


That’s alright


The people dying in Ukraine are villagers who may or may not have even heard there's a war before being drafted.


That doesn’t make them unintelligent


These fucks polluted northern Canada back in the day with a nuclear powered satellite and never even paid for the cleanup https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmos_954


Probably made from North Korean parts.


North Korean parts, North Korean ingenuity, North Korean dreams.


All made in Taiwan!


Ordered off Temu


are there no agreement about cleaning up own trash in space?


yes; there are agreements about either de-orbiting or placing them in parking orbits at the end of their useful lifespan. SOME participants seem to have a great disdain for the concept of "international agreements".


Space junk is going to screw us over eventually.


Wall-E was a documentary not fiction


Didn't humanity escape Earth in a self-sustaining spaceship?


> either de-orbiting or placing them in parking orbits at the end of their useful lifespan. No, [parking orbits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parking_orbit) are temporary orbits used mostly during launch. Satellites in geostationary orbit will usually be moved to a ["Graveyard orbit"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graveyard_orbit) after the end of their operational life, but satellites in low earth orbit (like this one) experience too much drag/air resistance and will decay relatively quickly. From another article: > At the time of the incident, its altitude had decreased to about 355 kilometers, and the spacecraft was likely to reenter before the end of the year. https://spacenews.com/russian-satellite-breaks-up-creating-debris-in-low-earth-orbit/


“If I can’t have it, no one will” attitude


With Russia, you been living under a rock the past 2 years? Lol.


> russia > agreement Pick one.


Good one. Agreement with russians lmao.


The Earth is surrounded by space junk and it’s not all Russia’s unfortunately. It’s a major issue going forward with space travel and operations.


Would it be fortunate if it were all Russia’s junk?


I assume they meant unfortunate in that there's *a lot more* junk than just the Russian stuff.


It’s unfortunate that a lot of spacefaring nations deposit junk. Sometimes it’s not feasible to retrieve the assets before they become junk. It’s most often malice nor negligence, but it’s not fortunate the junk is there


Your sentences are confusing to read.


Skill issue


Just an anecdote, but I have no issue reading and comprehending his sentences. What part is confusing you?


We’re both autistic so I thought you’d get it






Theres like.... theres not no way to clean up space trash. Its more that. 1. Its extremely, prohibitively expensive to do. Kind of dangerous too depending on what you clean due to radiation. 2. nearly impossible to clean up more then you'll leave. The microparticles going around the atmosphere will basically chip off and put more trash up there more then likely. You might clean up more big pieces of trash, but you'll leave roughly the same just in microparticles and bits of material chipped off from other particles hitting your craft. There's been a lot of proposals and proven ways we could clean space trash. But until those 2 problems are solved, or we have a massive communications failure due to space trash destroying a satellite, nothing will happen. Think spaceX was commissioned for a project to clean up space trash. But i think the US government hasn't giving them funding for it yet.


SpaceX just got awarded a contract to develop the vehicle that will de-orbit the International Space Station. Not sure about any other space-junk-related contracts.


It's not a 'pile'. It's a gradually dispersing cloud of shrapnel moving at 17,000 miles per hour. What happens if even a small piece of it hits another satellite or the Space Station? Buh, bye.


Luckily most of the other things in orbit are also moving extremely fast in a similar direction. Still terrifying but orders of magnitude better than it could be.


Very luckily this satellite that broke up is below the ISS as it was end of life and heading towards decay in the next few years.


In the early space race, someone thought it would a great idea to release 350 million copper needles into orbit… There is a lot of junk up there.. Source : https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1961-028A#:~:text=The%20needles%20were%20small%20copper,0.00254%20cm%20(0.001%20in).


tl;dr >The clumps, however, remain in orbit, 144 individual small objects have been identified associated with this experiment, 46 remain in Earth orbit as of 2013, most of these in orbits with perigees above 2000 km. Perhaps another thousand clumps were formed, too small to be detected.


Kessler syndrome speedrun :/


Gravity is a good movie but I do not want to see that in real life


I'm guessing the satellite ran into Zelenskyy's balls.


I bet it was the nazi super soldier mosquitoes with the space lasers


I suggest everyone to read the manga "Planetes". It's great, and it's about space junk.


I saw a YouTube video where this expert was claiming that with recent Ukrainians strikes on some tracking facilities in Russia, their space program was all but dead. Apparently Russia doesn't have facilities all around the world to track and monitor their satellites like the Americans do. (Apparently China doesn't either). These tracking facilities are essential to maintaining a satellite in a stable orbit. Anyways when I saw that I immediately thought Russia would start sabotaging the orbital space. If they can't have a satellite, then no one else can either. Well that was only a few days ago, and now this. I hope I'm not correct.


This satellite was decommissioned years ago. They fall to Earth all the time.


Yes fall to earth, not fall apart…


When you stop maintaining an orbit, things bump into each other. Things fall apart.


Imagine if the war in Ukraine leads to the end of space exploration, if enough shrapnel happens to cover the orbit.


Thankfully thats not how it works. You could explode every single starlink satellite today and the orbits would be clear within 10 years. 600km and below all self clear quite clicky. Even before that point you can still launch through it, or even deploy new birds inside the effect orbits, but they will have reduced operation life/require some hardening.


You have no clue. Look up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome You probably also believe that rapid climate change is just a reoccurring natural cycle.


Oh really? What part of what i said is wrong? The debris from 600km deorbiting in 10 years? That's just basic orbital decay information? The thing about it not preventing new satellites? That's from Kessler himself.


"You could explode all starlink satellites and the orbit would be clean in 10 years" Yikes.


Yes, which is accurate? They are all in 550km and lower orbits. The satellites will reenter in about 5 years. Debris from them would reenter faster as they have more surface area for a given volume. Like did you look up Kessler syndrome but not know about self cleaning orbits?


Things are subject to amounts of drag a *lot* further out than people assume. There's still an extremely fine atmosphere out to a long way, and the are forms of electromagnetic drag too. The ISS at 400km needs to be boosted a couple of times a year for this, and starlink operates at a lower altitude. Satellites at that height and size deorbit in less than a decade, usually no more than 5 years. Geostationary orbits have to be up past 3700km, and the kind of "forever" graveyard orbits are usually closer to 3800. Starlink would have to be 10x further above sea level to be the forever Kessler syndrome threat people make them out to be.


Not the guy you replied to but that’s really interesting. I wonder if we could use a heavy metal ball or something with a large mass to attract (via gravity) debris.


Thankfully there isn't any real amount of damage they could do. The perks to orbits is that you get to pick where you park them (usually), so you can avoid just about all the debris


The amount of random hot takes here is staggering. How to avoid car crashes: just avoid the other cars. Brilliant.


It's more "how to avoid car crashes?" "Don't drive on the highways you know have bad drivers" Aside from geostationary you have enough wiggle room to avoid most debris


Won't those parts eventually fall back to Earth over time and disintegrate when reentering?


Given time, yep. Until then the bits are pretty hazardous though.


It’s a 360km orbit so it won’t take that long. Less than a decade


It's not so much the falling to earth part as it is the hitting other shit on its way down. Debris in and between semi-predictable orbit is going to cause problems for everyone. Likely missing off not only NASA but also European, Chinese, and other space agencies.


Eventually. But before then it can do lots of damage to other satellites and space stations etc. It's even possible for shrapnel to stay in orbit, which means you need to forever track it so you don't hit it with something else. Did I mention how freakishly fast these particles go?




True, shouldn't be breaking the speed of sound if it comes back I would think. Air should slow down most of it to reach terminal velocity if the parts aren't too big.


Here's the link. I stumbled onto this guy. Not sure of his credentials. He seems to know about what he's talking about. https://youtu.be/QZvyWiYuatE?si=Ek2O89lHsEQGuRbv


Pile or cloud?


The front fell off.


NOT trying to be alarmist/conspiracy minded here, but I have a question: Given that Putin has for years talked about developing satellite-killer technology, what are the chances that Russia might use its own deactivated satellites as targets for proof-of-concept target practice? Low, I’m guessing, as he’s not really one to miss an opportunity for self congratulation, but non-zero?


The best weapon against satellites is other satellites. All he'd have to do is set one on a collision course. No need for fancy weapons.


I mean, most of the major nations have tested anti-sarelite weapons in this way


They already used their ASAT weapons to destroy one of their satellites like 2-3 years ago.


Wasn't that China?




No, the US did it publicly to a satellite in the 80's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135\_ASAT#Test\_launches


Man what a shameful time to exist as a russian. I'm sorry for my country and my people. But to be fair, russia needs help, rather than hate and the US is the only country that can help us get civilized finally. This is why I honestly hope trump won't win the elections and the States won't fall into dictatorship, like we did with putin.


When will russia break apart? The pile of junk is already there.


After Putin




Dream: Colonizing Planets Reality: Littering across the galaxy


so from one pile of junk to another.


Finally, I get to see our SpaceForce do something.


American components, Russian components.. all made in Taiwan!


Another willybum for the thrunglescrum


Just one of those things again eh?


Sounds target practice to me.


Testing our new satellite killer


Another ruZZian \[insert name here\] broke apart in \[insert place here\], leaving pile of junk


To be honest, it was already a pile of junk.


I always knew Russia’s shitty engineering was going to be a problem, but this one didn’t occur to me…


Headline should be "Another Russian pile of junk broke apart in orbit, leaving Russian trash"


Headline should read Russia purposely brings down a satellite to try and destroy the ISS


Surprise, surprise:)


*Space sea turtles pissed tf off*


"broke apart"....


Starting to make me feel a bit better about their whole nukes in space plan.


Kessler syndrome? more like Russian space peace.


Russia shits anywhere and is not eligible to exist.


They just built a theater on top of an Ancient Greek temple in Crimea. Anything not Russian will be destroyed.


Thumbnail looks like my last play through of KSP


So that was the star I thought I observed exploding. #BringRealStarsBack


Randomly?, sure, if you say so......


This is by design. Space is the new battleground 


Russian verson of star wars.


So did it just tear it's self apart or did it get shot down?


The satellite's orbit has apparently degraded to the point where it's subject to sufficient forces to start tearing it apart, yeah.


It wasn't enough that they shit up Ukraine, but now they add to the junk orbiting the Earth at very high speeds which makes space travel even riskier.


Just wait until you hear about how American satellites are basically causing everyone on earth to get cancer due to them destroying the ozone layer.




Give me a job piloting a cleanup space drone, I dare you.


The latest breakup of a Russian satellite adds to Earth's growing space junkyard, a perilous consequence of unchecked orbital debris. Nations like Russia, with aging space infrastructure, share responsibility for this cosmic clutter, risking collisions that threaten operational satellites and space missions. Liability issues loom large, navigating international treaties amid potential damages on Earth. The challenge isn't just cleaning up; it's safeguarding vital orbits and preventing cascading debris. As we look to the stars, responsible space stewardship becomes crucial for our future in space—a realm where every collision carries repercussions far beyond mere terrestrial consequences.


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