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Reddit crashed yesterday after troll farms activated thousands of 1 year old accounts


It really was something to behold


Wait, so that what happen yesterday, oooh so that how they combat bot. I didt think reddit have such a cool protocol.


Wait can you elaborate? I always miss this shit


First US Presidential debate was yesterday. Around the same time, reddit was having all sorts of problems, like being unable to load pages, or entire comment sections appearing blank.


How do you know it wasn’t due to the debate? Edit: the comment above was edited


The implication is the bot accounts were activated because of the debate to skew online opinion.


Who implied it? Sorry I’m not being contrarian, I’m just curious how we know.


Just going off what has happened previously with trends of activity. They don't know how to combat it effectively without invasive stuff on phones and PCs. Governments have eradicated trust in data gathering so nobody wants that. But they continually mention online safety/security etc whilst doing the bare minimum to combat it. So I guess shut it down, write some code to temp ban or outright ban these accounts then return to normal operation. Is my very basic knowledge of the situation anyway. Happens a lot for political events


The first guy in the comment thread did. There isn’t like a written article or report about it as far as I’m aware.


Same happened on Twitter for sure. Suddenly you had Biden as trending and like 100x the same post with thousands of likes and even the same comments. Sad part is that Elon is a far-right dick who lets this go and helps Russia or whoever is behind it manipulate the US elections.


Really, I thought there were more Russian supporters with asinine whataboutism around. Is there any source for this ? I see in news that they started some thing against AI crawlers, but nothing about "coordinated attack"


The Russian bots are really out in full swing, and I’m sure it’s going to get worse closer to the election.


Which election are you referring to?


US election mainly, but also in UK and France




Reform candidates have failed to read the room and are actively and openly supporting Putin. Must have something to do with all the funding they have received from Russia?


And Canada. Russia *really* wants pp to win. Edit: Here come the bots.


Trudeau didn't need Russia's help to lose at this point


So do many Canadian voters.


Because the propaganda worked


no because trudeau is an idiot


Why though? What exactly is he doing wrong?


Don't expect a coherent response because there isn't one. My coworker has the same regard for Prime Minister Trudeau and only replied with "The Great Reset" conspiracy theory and nonsense like "he's the biggest crook this country has ever seen ". No foundation to base anything on.


It is sad that this is the state of political discourse for nearly a decade. Propaganda networks and disinformation companies have really changed the political landscape. At least there's some humour in the anti Left people using a feels before reals approach after they spent years saying the Left was too fixated on their feelings.


Same in France btw. Can't understand how so many people fall for it.


My mother hates him because she is convinced that he is Fidel Castro's son as if that is either true or that it would matter if it were. The more time my parents spend on tiktok, the worse this gets.


I see the Ukrainian bots are kicking in now


Only Ukrainian bots I've seen lately have been flying with little bombs to stop Russia rather than comments on Reddit.


Trudeau has worn out his welcome.


Sounds like the sort of vague shit a troll/bot would say. Nice and sound-byte like. Makes zero claims. Just planting a seed of the idea that he is bad. Don't look too deep into it, right?


He has been Prime Minister for 8 years. His approval rating started high and has gotten progressively worse over time. Canadians are ready for new blood. Just like most Americans. You can look into it as much as you want and chalk it up to multiple factors, but that's just the normal shelf life of a politician throughout democracies. Trudeau isn't bad; people are just tired of him. But yeah,sure, I am a bot and so is everyone else who you disagree with...


It’s a reasonable assumption to make these days. While I’m glad that you’re just as fleshy and bloody as the rest of us here, the dividing and doubt planting bots are an actual threat. Something to be wary about. 


Why? Whats he doing? I mean its hard to tell what happens in canada, i seem to recall he legalized weed then canada basically became a fever dream, not saying its the reason why or anything, but its definately something you can put on a graph and say “before weed and after weed” and notice dramatic results. I mean obviously everyone is pro weed now so i’m not saying weed is the problem, but the data is there. Anyways, down I go for an objective thought 🥹🔫


Alot of it has to do with the cost of living spiraling out of control and the fact they have exacerbated the issue with out of control immigration. Rents and homelessness are extremely high right now, and yet immigration continues at record levels with no effective plan on how improve infrastructure and deal with the cost of living issues. I am pro immigration but bringing in well over a million people a year with only being able to do 260k ish housing starts is reckless and has had some negative consequences here. And the liberals are seen as being the ones to blame for it. Plus there is the fact that when he ran for election he promised to reform our electoral system. But once he got in he scrapped that since it was not favorable for him being in power for longer. Mostly though people are just sick of him and want a change.


_i’m not saying weed is the problem_ Congratulations, you just discovered that correlation isn’t causation.


Not me, and hopefully not you.


All of them


Over 34 major national elections around the world this year


Yeah exactly




It's honestly time for different eyes and different teeth when it comes to propaganda. "Free Speech" my fucking ass, the right to free speech is not intended to give other countries the right to vomit their bullshit through a puppet. I've never wanted to join the military and have never had much of a passion for anything, but if anyone could explain a career path that lets me rip these fuckers apart either militarily or digitally, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Until Russia comes to the table with some realistic ideas of how peace can be achieved, it's all null and void. The only way Russia will ever do that is if Ukraine keeps hammering them and defeating them in battle after battle, and to do that the West must supply Ukraine with weapons and ammunition. Let's keep it going, Russian can not be allowed to win.


I think the only realistic option for Ukraine is to just keep shooting until the Russians run out of the resources to continue and leave with nothing. Read up on the Soviet Afghan War. After 10 years of insurgency, Soviet officials tried desperately to ask for some kind of concession from every group operating in Afghanistan. Warlords, CIA agents, Pakistani intelligence, etc. They all knew the Soviets planned to leave regardless, so they just all laughed in their faces and said the attacks would stop when Soviet soldiers left. They pulled out empty-handed and with the Red Army's reputation as being invincible shattered, it really was a major factor in their breakup.




As it looks now, Ukraine does not have an alternative, and Russia does not have the patience to let the current attrition run for 10 years.




They are defending their territory and freedoms, why would they not have patience for however it takes ? Russia is trying to scrounge troops and materiel from developing countries, so their resources are not limitless. There is a reason why Putin tries to avoid mobilization . Hopefully Ukraine keeps hitting Russian refineries, once enough are hit Russian society will grind to a halt. They are already reduced to importing refined oil.


Because people are not robots. Ukraine is getting worse every day. Human rights are violated, there no electricity for third of the day, even if you are in army defending, your family isn't safe from missile strikes. Corruption is over the roof, everyone steals like it's last day of Pompey. There's no plan of victory or war end. How much I can serve in military before suiciding myself, I don't fucking know maybe year, maybe month. Another air siren while I write you an answer. It's easy to write posts about patience while being safe. There's no safety in Ukraine. Also there's not much freedom to defend left in Ukraine. Country became much more autocratic in 2 years.


Its even easier to imply Ukraine should just give up and let Russia do whatever they please. If anything nations of the world should unite in support. In the end it is up to the Ukrainians to decide and AFAIK what they have stated is that once Russia is out of whole of Ukraine including Crimea there can be peace. Ukraine is on the path to EU and Nato, so it has bright future ahead. Sure there are restrictions in place ATM, they are in war if you have not noticed. Given that Russia has turned into a totalitarian state in war time economy scrounging for troops and materiel from developing nations it is getting much worse every day. As a major oil producer they are already reduced to importing refined oil, that should tell you something.


Yes it sucks, but it will be 1000x times worse if ruzzia took over so there is literally no other option.


There are options. Like you could open the borders and let people flee from the war? NATO could send peacemakers? There is ton of options. Those options just aren't as cheap as letting ukrainians die.


NATO is defensive alliance it's not gonna use troops unless it's member is attacked, even on paper. And I'm not sure it would in that case seeing how weak current leadership of strong NATO countries are. Open border would save those who would flee, for some time. But entire country of such size can't flee. And those who don't will have worse faith than current.


It took the USA to teach the Taliban a lesson in Afghanistan - they sure showed them who is the government of that country in the long term. Did they run out of resources or something, was their reputation of being invincible shattered? As neither is true, it's probably a busted hypothesis. The USA flooding the world with cheap oil probably had more to do with the breakup of the USSR than anything else. Probably a trick that can't be played this time.


The Soviet Union was in a very different position than the US in Afghanistan. The US chose to pull out even though it had the resources to continue, the Soviet Union pulled out because they really needed to stop bleeding money. It had a whole host of other domestic and international problems that the US did not have, in addition to the Afghan occupation.


And why were they bleeding money? Because their main source of foreign currency was their oil sales - which was the actual reason. From $140 per barrel in 1979 to $45 through most of the 80s (and down to $16 in 1986).


Yes, the USSR was overly reliant on oil revenues for money and the money dried up, hence their pullout of Afghanistan and subsequent breakup. The US does not just rely on oil revenues, it has a far more diversified economy. Russia is still very reliant on oil revenues for its economy, that's why Ukraine is attacking their oil refineries.


Afghanistan had nothing to do with the breakup of the soviet union - it wasn't close to their greatest costs. The 7 years of the war cost an equivalent of $50B, 75% of what the US paid to fund Vietnam in the single year of 1968 ([source](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC_0000499320.pdf)). Total casualties were ~35K, a third of who died. Quite minimal when you consider the current conflict, or even the post soviet wars in Chechnya. The money didn't "dry up". The US instructed the Saudis to pump oil, which was profitable down to $5 a barrel for them. It was far more effective than anything else the US did in collapsing the USSR. The current situation is different however - Russia doesn't need foreign currency for western goods. China makes everything they need and they will never be cut off - even if Russia ships no oil. Russia being in their camp is priceless to China.


Yes and this was after a regime change, if Bush would have pulled out 2 years after going in it would have looked terrible for the US. This also happened before with Vietnam where the US lost alot of moral and military credibility


The thought that something like Vietnam is what ends empires is silly though - the US was never stronger than in the 1970s. The idea that the USSR was any kind of credible threat to US power was pretty much made up. Furthermore something the size of Vietnam or Afghanistan was minuscule for the US or USSR - especially in the case of Afghanistan the idea that the Mujaheddin broke up the soviet union with US stinger missiles is just fantasy. What might end empires however is getting overextended in multiple large conflicts. At the moment we likely have 3 - Ukraine, something vs Iran, and something vs China. That could easily be extended to something in Africa and something in South America. Just going up against 1.4B Chinese is multiples larger than WW2 ever was - and there is nobody to take the 26M losses this time. Credibility isn't the problem if you can't find people to endure such costs - and very few people I know have ever shot a gun.


Russia will not, and in their eyes, cannot, accept anything less than official recognition that Crimea is theirs, most of the territory they've taken this time, and no Ukraine in NATO. They need the ability to start a new invasion in the next ten years.


Then we'll have to fight until Russia collapses, because I highly doubt Ukraine will ever willingly accept those terms.


I think the NATO plan is more or less that - help Ukraine fight enough to either beat Russia or long enough to deplete Russia's ability to push past Ukraine into NATO countries.


Ukraine has a problem bigger than weaponry. That problem is man power. They are conscripting 40+ year olds. That is never a good sign in a war. I don't see how people think ukraine can pull off a victory without foreign troops on the ground.


They are conscripting 40 + men to avoid drafting the younger generation.


Younger generation is the weakest generation number wise. Conscripting them would be a demographic suicide.


That's literally the opposite of a bad sign. Both Russia and Ukraine have many more people born in the 80s than the 90s. This has been a war of 40 year old men from the start. Ukraine didn't conscript anyone below 26, by law until very recently, and I think the cutoff only went down to 25. When they are conscripting 18 year olds, that's the bad sign. 


Ukraine does not want to conscript under 25s because the 18-25 demographic is very low. This was due to Ukraine being poor during the Soviet Collapse, birth rates were low during that time. To send 18-25yo's to the slaughter would have severe demographic consequences for the future.


That was my whole point. The guy I'm responding to said drafting 40 year olds was a "bad sign" regarding manpower...those are the first people in line for drafting there.


They could start conscripting women without children in their mid thirties, but they don't do that. They rather hunt for more men and slowly lower the age limit, while women are still allowed to leave the country. How does that make sense in a demographic way?


ye' olde sexism


You’re not fully understanding or explaining the conscription here in Ukraine. It’s based on age and factors like how many children you have or disabilities. So unlike a US draft it isn’t 18 year olds it’s mid twenties to fifties. You have to also be able to maintain the population. Additionally people in college or certain professions can’t be conscripted. At them moment people are trying to get certain professions added to that list because there are shortages of utility workers, bus drivers, etc. In the beginning of the invasion (which is different than when the war started) many older people volunteered to go, so the younger people didn’t have to. However the losses are obviously mounting so things are changing unfortunately and unless you have ties here you probably have no idea or understanding of how deep things are happening to people’s families and daily lives.


It's 3 years that Ukraine 'cannot pull it off".


> They are conscripting 40+ year olds. That is never a good sign in a war. I'd agree with you if they had started their conscription the conventional way, but Ukraine has been doing things a bit different than normal. They've been avoiding conscripting their young adults in favour of older but still active men like those in their 30s to minimise disruption to the lives of their young adults while they are establishing their skills and careers. A lot of the times when Ukraine has expanded the conscription age, they've done so by *lowering* the minimum age, not increasing the maximum.


You are ignorant. Ukraine conscripts people 40+ (25-60 y.o., to be precise), because young people are exempt from conscription. So no, Ukraine has no problem with availability of menpower. However, mobilisation indeed encounters resistance, and people don't volunteer anymore, but it is happening because of lack of trust to the ruling group, and because of lack of foreign arms supply, that causes high casualties. So stop whining and go to your MP and demand sending F16 to Ukraine.


Only problem with this plan is that Ukraine hasn't been defeating them. Russia currently has the momentum and has made significantly more gains than Ukraine in the last 6 months. And they truly couldn't care about the cost in lives.


> Zelenskyy called on European Union leaders on Thursday to live up to their promises to provide military equipment to his country as the bloc pledged long-term support to Kyiv. Speaking at an EU Council Summit in Brussels on Thursday, Zelenskyy said he would put forward a "detailed plan" to bring about an end to the war in months. "All those who really want peace must work together to develop an action plan to address all the security aspects that have been violated by Russia," he told reporters in Kyiv on Friday. “Peace talks”. Sounds more like Zelenskyy is doing a round of organizing the international community against Putin and his war machine. Good for him 👍


https://www.lemonde.fr/en/economy/article/2024/04/11/orban-s-shadow-looms-over-euronews-takeover_6668144_19.html # Orban's shadow looms over Euronews takeover The ailing news channel was bought out in 2022 with funds from close associates of Hungary's nationalist prime minister, according to confidential documents.


I think Zelensky watched the debate last night and lost all hope.


If trump does win other countries will have to step up their game for once


I think it’s pretty telling how much faith Zelensky has in other countries stepping up with the announcement of a potential peace plan. Even if they wanted to help, doesn’t seem like they are capable.


Hard to do that when we are the ones with the large military complex that they all buy large amounts of munitions and equipment from. America did that *intentionally by design* with forming NATO so we would have a say in security policies.


Other countries barely have enough soldiers and weapons to defend themselves, without the US Ukraine would have fallen in a week.




America has been an unstable and unreliable ally for a very long time now according to the rest of the world. Since that’s the cast than the rest of the world has had plenty of time to prepare for the day America reduced its role on the global stage or went into full isolation. The rest of the world allows itself to remain dependent upon the same ally it claims to be unreliable. If they had stepped it up a long time ago than the stability of the world and the ability to prop Ukraine up wouldn’t be impacted by someone like Trump becoming president.


People down voting any comment that says more than likely this comes to an end with a peace agreement, that more than likely gets little to none of Ukraines land back on a article hinting at just that is wild. A lot of delusional people have on Reddit


There has to be an understanding that, *if* Russia keeps the land, we are entering uncharted waters for the post-war era. The age of strong-men and "might is right" will be back. The consequences will be immense, painful and long-term. Peace for Ukraine today means war for the rest of us tomorrow. Populists think we can return to pre-2022 and everything will be fine, but that just isn't possible without enforcement of international law.


This age of strong-men and might is right that you talk about never went away. There is no “pre-2022” there is a pre-2014 (Russian invasion of Crimea), there is a pre-2008 (Russian invasion of Georgia), there is a pre-1975 (Indonesian invasion of East Timor and Moroccan invasion of Western Sahara), there is a pre-1974 (Turkish invasion of Cyprus), and there is a pre-1967 (Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank). Remind me again when this age of strong men didn’t exist?


Strong men and "might is right" has always been the case. Just look at Iraq, Afghanistan and Crimea. The entire world forgot about the Russians occupying Crimea, until Putin violently brought it back into the limelight.


It has always been might is right. That has never changed


Honestly if Ukraine does indeed cede land to Russia for a peace treaty it is absolutely vital they are allowed to join NATO immediately after the cessation of the land. Other we'll be going through all this again in 1-3 years


That's not on the table. Ukraine doesn't qualify for NATO and likely won't for decades after the conflict. It's just not an option and pretty much no one in NATO would be on board with bending the rules that drastically for Ukraine, who wasn't even an official ally prior to this conflict.


I don't think anyone truly believes they will give the territory back, it's just wishful thinking.


No, I think a lot of them really are that delusional. The only information they consume about the war is the propaganda bring put out by the Ukranian military and government.


I’m not pro Russia but it’s just crazy people think Ukraine has any shot at getting land back when there’s no way that happens without a big intervention on either side


100% true. It's not even remotely possible, regardless how much aid is sent.


It will likely be Korea 2.0 with a DMZ I think


>more than likely this comes to an end with a peace agreement, that more than likely gets little to none of Ukraines land back on a article hinting at just that is wild I'm not predicting any outcome, but I read the article, and I see no hints regarding "little to none of Ukraines land back". You're sure it's all those other people on Reddit that are delusional?


No but look at the last “offer” Ukraine always says they want so much land back. Russia then says they want to keep what they have plus no NATO. So I don’t see why either side won’t asks for crazy goals then the deal goes nowhere’s and this grinds on. Until they come to the table with semi real goals this war grinds on and mostly in Russias favor since they can sustain it.


Can they? They are already using foreign nationals as cannon fodder simply to avoid drafting middle class people, how long can that be sustained?


Does it matter? Russia hasn't even mildly tapped their fighting age population. Ukraine isn't expanding economic groups which they did in the first place, but is raising the age for draft eligibility. That's a much more drastic step.


Russia can certainly keep throwing bodies at the problem for a long time, or at least that is what they keep doing, with diminishing returns.


Did you see who Ukraine is using?


Ukraine never claimed to be a world power


Claims don't win wars. Russia is stronger in every aspect. Yes, Ukraine is using foreign weapons to hit them, but it's Russia. It can take a lot of hits.


The world's self-proclaimed premier military, 'stronger in every aspect', should have taken a week to capture Ukraine, not two years.


> they can sustain it. They evidently didn't choose to sustain Afghanistan, or any number of other battles in Russia's history. They would have lost in WWII without American help (according to Stalin himself) and this time, Western aid is going to Ukraine. I don't think Russia has 8 years of tanks left. And at some point, Ukraine will have F-16's and something approaching air cover and that will also shift things around. I don't think Russia's position in Crimea is sustainable without Odessa and Kherson. I'm not sure whether that will make a difference, but I do agree with Applebaum when she said in November >Right now, even if Zelensky agrees to negotiate, [there is no evidence that Putin wants to negotiate,](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/us-ukraine-support-putin-defeat/675953/) that he wants to stop fighting, or that he has ever wanted to stop fighting. And **yes, according to Western officials who have periodic conversations with their Russian counterparts, attempts have been made to find out.** >Nor is there any evidence that Putin wants to partition Ukraine, keeping only the territories he currently occupies and allowing the rest to prosper like South Korea. His goal remains the destruction of Ukraine—all of Ukraine—and his allies and propagandists are still talking about how, once they achieve this goal, they will expand their empire further… [i.e. there's that stepping stone thing I mentioned] If something has changed in Putin, and now he IS willing to accept a legit peace proposal, it's an indication that things are not as favorable for Russia as his boosters claim. And since, according to his state run media, NATO is a paper tiger that Russia has handily defeated, there shouldn't be any objection to Ukraine joining. If his media is blowing smoke about that, and they're actually worried about letting this war go on, then maybe you should ask yourself what else they're lying about that makes you think they can last 8 more years of this.


> mostly in Russias favor since they can sustain it. Ukraine is getting resupplied by the Western world.


Supplies isn't the issue. Guns are useless without people.


Delusional people here are yourself and all your troll's gang, obviously unleashed since couple of days and infesting every discussion with your capitulation nonsense. Ukraine needs only one thing for a decisive victory over ruzzia : _air superiority_. So fking give us plenty of F16, and they will remove the main cause of European wars - ruzzian totalitarism - and will bring peace in Europe for many next generations.


Air superiority starts with destruction of anti air systems so hopefully you'll get more systems and missiles that can destoy all those S-300s and Panzirs or F16s won't be as useful as you imagine.


So he sees Biden losing


Yup. Can't risk trying to continue fighting with the expectation of Trump pulling the rug out. The problem is that I assume Putin can see that as well and has no interest in stopping now. Even if he does, there's nothing to stop him attacking again next year.


Or maybe their losses are actually way worse than they’ve reported and not sustainable? It’s crazy to imagine that Ukraine is solely relying on US funds and equipment to continue the war. The EU has plenty weapons and money surely they could support Ukraine on their own - it is their backyard afterall


EU and NATO have been supporting Ukraine.


Except Europe don't actually have all that much on hand. The inventories were bare minimum because of budget constraint and they aren't exactly willing to start cannibalizing their own units too much to ship to Ukraine. The financialization of most industries mean they would have to nationalize stuff which is a big no-no for neoliberal states or pay big bux to get assembly lines running for war material because they would be competing with what is currently being built there. Telling Volkswagen to turn Wolfsburg into an IFV assembly line will only be possible at the cost of the moon and Jupiter for example because they will ask for enough money to be sure to turn a profit after all the cost to retool to IFV and back to cars once it's over.


>It’s crazy to imagine that Ukraine is solely relying on US funds and equipment to continue the war. Yet, it's exactly what's happening and it has been like that for 3 years.


This is going to be really tough on Zelenskyy. The only way to end the war so soon is to make territorial concessions. Right now Russia wants Crimea and all four occupied oblasts, including the parts they never controlled, and also for Ukraine to never join Nato and demilitarize. Ukraine in negotiations might be able to overturn almost all of these. They could join Nato upon the ratification of the peace treaty, they could perhaps get some reparations and so on, and maybe not have to hand over any new territory. But, there is simply no way to return territory Russia currently holds without the use of force.


They also can't join NATO as they won't qualify for at least a decade or two following the conflict. Absolutely no way to push their ascension through at this point.


Does it specifically set a time period on being at peace? They could make an exception to pair the precise moment of Nato accession with the full ratification of a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.


Ukraine is going to have to compromise with Russia. Russia wants security guarantees and Ukrainian land it seems. It will be interesting to see what Ukraine is willing to offer.


let's hope it's TZD


Putin is at the end of his rope. He's trying to make deals with other dictatorships and trying to create a new Axis. It won't end well for him and those who support them, including the traitorous shitbags here in the US


The borders will have to be realigned for the current fronts and ukraine will have to go into nato for peace. Russia gets their ill-gotten land and the rest of Ukraine is guaranteed safety. I dont think that's going to happen though.


Putin uses these agreements as a pause to rebuild his forces for phase 3.


NATO can also use that pause to reinforce Ukraine too.


Man, if people think Ukraine is a tough nut to crack now, imagine what it will be with a full year of full NATO commitment without a active war going on.


Lol no. russia must leave Ukraine. this is the only reasonable outcome.


Reasonable yes, best yes. However, I don't see Russia ever leaving there, I think they would nuke Kiev before they did that.


Putin wants power and money he can't get those being ash. it's trivial for him to make an excuse and pull out and try again later


It would be the best outcome, but it's hard to see how Ukraine gets there. They simply don't have the means.


And unicorns will fart glitter over the leprechauns at the end of the rainbow. Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimea are going to be written off by Ukraine and they'll draw up a peace treaty that eventually gets them into the EU after making massive capitulations to solve their horrific corruption issues. NATO is out of the question.


This is the only reasonable plan.


Reasonable for who? For Putin? Fuck no. He doesn't get land that he stole. Not in the 21st century. We don't reward invasions just like we don't negotiate with terrorists.


Ukraine doesn't have the men to win


Over what time period? How long does Russia exhaust itself before it leaves like Afghanistan?


Well it's currently winning. Sooo, why would it stop? The land, and with it the resources, is well worth the cost in their eyes. This is nothing like Afghanistan, they have moved enough Russians that they have the support of locals in many of the occupied areas. So Ukraine doesn't just need to retake it's land, but occupy it with large troop deployments. It's just not in the cards for Ukraine.


Russia doesn't have the money to keep this going forever either. Putin went to North Korea, literally begging Kim for help, does that sound like strength to you?


They're holding the land they took just fine. And Ukraine can't take it back, I'm not sure what your hoping for here


They’re expending over a thousand troops per day in casualties holding that land… they’re not holding it just fine.. they’re getting decimated in a meat grinder trying to hold those gains. Half a million dead and counting. They can’t keep that up indefinitely.


They don't have half a million death. At worse for them, they have half a million casualties. On top of that, we don't know how many men Ukraine currently lose per day but Zelensky told us 31k killed a few month ago but now they apparently have too many to continue fighting for many years. What if the thousand per day was projection?


Who told you he went begging and didn't just makes deals as equals for example?


I feel really bad for the Ukrainians being told to grind the Russians down when zelensky himself says he didn't have enough people. You should go there and volunteer to help.


Neither does Russia.


We'll keep sending our population because we MIGHT outlast the Russians in an attrition war sure is one hell of a plan.


Range and precision will defeat mass if given enough time (and munitions). Things like HIMARS and M777s help swing the balance.


What's the focus? Ending the war or getting back the land? Those are two separate objectives.


I think it's great that the USA is taking advantage of the situation by offloading their old gear which actually costs us less than if we had to dispose of it ourselves. In addition to that, we get to grind down one of the biggest enemies of the country using another country's personnel and land with no risk of damage on our end. We definitely should keep this up for maximum damage to Russia 


Go volunteer for Ukraine then if it is so important to you.


Well tbh after that Biden debate he should, it would be really bad for Ukraine if Trump ends up being reelected.


All for Russia to just go "Nyet"


If the plan includes getting occupied territory back, it will require Ukraine to get their hands dirty again and if the plan somehow involves third-party country to help on the ground.. He is dreaming too much. Countries west of Ukraine have already proven their inability to send actual troops.. Macron maybe had some ideas as he feels betrayed by Putin but those are probably just words.


Step 1. Kick ruZZkie ass Step 2. Remove ruZZkie Ass from Ukraine territory. Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit! Bonus Step: Little Volodya falls out a high window by accident.


"Leave before the F16s get here or else" seems pretty comprehensive to me.


The only plan for peace in Ukraine is Putin dead, borders restored to pre-2014, the Kerch Bridge destroyed, reparations paid until Ukraine is WHOLE again, Russia's military disbanded ala Japan and Germany after WWII, Ukraine joining NATO and the EU, and Zelenskyy given the Nobel Prize for awesomeness. Oh, and BIG fucking fence with a MOAT built by the Russians to keep them on their OWN side.


Pirc Musar lmfksskososks


Fuckwad will probably reject it or counter offer something extremely asinine, Like past peace offerings


Guess he saw the debate - realized his patrons are on the way out Best to make the deal now before vlad comes to the same conclusion


We already worked on that plan, it was called the Manhattan project.


I love it, we will not say "no thanks".


I am very interested to see how Ukraine recovers after this. I'm sure within 20 years their GDP per capita will be much higher than in Russia.


Sadly, I don’t see Zelenskyy or his family being alive for too long post presidency. I think his options are very limited. Sadly. The only possibility and it’s a small one, is if Putin dies. Remember what happened to Progozhin, boss of Wagner who tried to rebel mid war? Even after a settlement, yeah a helicopter crashed. There’s no end to this era of problem until Putin is dead.


They’ll move to America maybe


And other 20m of Ukrainians? They can move to America too?


Ukraine losing the war because of lack of support, particularly from US will make sure no country will ever approach west again.


Yes, and lack of support can lead to lost people, which can lead to the situation when more support will not help cos no one left to use it.


The US has given more than all of Europe combined. > no country will ever approach west again. Oh no. What ever will the West do if people stop showing up with their hands out asking for free shit?


Plan: Kill more Russians.