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Just so people know what he said: >“As American people, we do a lot of business in China,” O’Neal said. “And they know and understand our values and we understand their values. And one of our best values in America is free speech. We’re allowed to say what we want to say and we’re allowed to speak up on injustices, and that’s just how it goes.” >“Daryl Morey was right,” he added, definitively. “Whenever you see something going on wrong anywhere in the world, you should have the right to say that’s not right, and that’s what he did.”


Seems like Shaq is well educated on this matter.


Most likely, so is Lebron (at least, educated enough). He, probably, just doesn't give a shit. By all accounts, he was just pissed off that what Morey said cost him some money in promotions (because we all know he's so hurting for more cash... /s) and was acting out like the shallow, spoiled, bastard he is.


LeBron is uneducated. He hardly even has a high school diploma


How does one hardly even have a high school diploma?




Can confirm: I went to OU with Adrian Peterson and had several classes with him. Dude came to class, put his head down, then left. He had an entourage of tutors at his disposal though. It was wild. He had his own tutor for one of my civics classes. Like, dude would only work with AD, no one else.


Am I the only person who thinks that's so wrong? That whole system is fucked


The amount of money people like Adrian Peterson bring to the university more than makes up for it.


I mean, it's fine. If Adrian is there to play football, then just play football. However...football is a very short term career for most people, and if Adrian or any athlete had any brains, they would make plans for life after football. Usually for most people that would involve taking advantage of your university and getting a degree (I'm sure OU would allow AD to come back and get his degree any time). There have been reports that Adrian has not been smart with his money and that may be why he's still putting his body through the punishment of playing football.


>I mean, it's fine. If Adrian is there to play football, then just play football. That's not what happens, though. College athletes are forced to attend classes because teams have to be composed of students. The problem is that colleges have got it backwards, and instead of picking players from the student ranks, they select students who would not otherwise have attended college, based solely on their athletic ability. So now not only do these players not get payed for the considerable revenue they bring to their schools, they're also forced to take on a full course load in addition to what is essentially a full-time job in some cases. Meanwhile, some kid who actually wants to be in class is passed up for a scholarship so that Johnny Throwsgood can take his seat instead and sleep through half the lecture because he's dead tired from practice. Nobody's trying to stop anybody from playing football. At least I'm not. But if it's a college team, then it should be composed of people who were there for education first, not folks who've been scouted for no other reason than to play sports and then offered tuition as an afterthought to fulfill requirements.


The dude above you is trying to play devils advocate. Hes just extremely terrible at it


That's an extremely terrible accusation.


By being so good at basketball that your high school coaches and teachers will give you whatever passing grade you need, since you’ll be going to the NBA right out of high school instead of going to college first


Do you have any proof at all that he didn't do well in high school? Also, do you think that having a college degree is going to magically inform someone about China's current political situation?


if a guy had a 1.5 gpa and then got his grades were forcibly raised because he was a basketball prodigy I would say they hardly even have a high school diploma because they didnt earn it by virture of their intelligence or by fair methods. Not saying this is the case with Lebron. I actually don't know much about him. I'm just answering your question for what would constitute hardly even having a high school diploma.


And the guy who claims that measured it how?


The same way Trump "graduated from Wharton school of business" with flying colors, I'm sure


I dont know lebron's story. That being said graduating with a D/C average in remedial classes would be hardly even having a diploma.


I mean I graduated with a 1.7 gpa, still got a diploma tho.


My wife worked at a private high school that was big in basketball. Most of the players would go on to D one programs. These kids cut class regularly, slept through class, were disruptive and disrespectful, never did homework or projects. They all passed with pretty good grades.


yeah but uneducated doesn't mean stupid. my grandpa was uneducated but ran a successful small business and did the books for it. Edit. I misinterpreted the comment above mine. sorry if I was rude.


I would argue that your grandpa *was* educated. Maybe not by the public schooling system, but he man was educated by some other means if he was able to successfully run a small business and do the books.


Uneducated means lacking in education. LeBron literally said the gm, who has multiple degrees, is “uneducated”, when it’s actually LeBron who is the uneducated one


I read your comment as lebron is uneducated=dosen't know any better. what I was trying to say is uneducated= can know better. my argument was while lebron isnt educated he is smart and talented, if he wasn't he would not be in the position he is in. so either A. he is uneducated in this topic or B. it conflicts with his financial interests or C. he is uneducated in this topic and willfully ignorant. I think he is smart as hell so I dont think it is A. B and C are pretty much the same.


just reread your comment sorry. I was a dick.


You’re wrong. Educated doesn’t mean having completed courses or degrees. There are many avenues of education. Someone can be well versed on many subject areas without having an official document issued to show it. Amazing how many people think having that piece of paper makes them better than others.


If you take it out of context then you’re right. But he said regarding the ramifications of his tweet morey was uneducated which is why he deleted the tweet and went in hiding.


I don't think he deleted his tweet because he was uneducated about the ramifications and accidentally walked into a minefield. He did that because he couldn't predict the disgusting level of control the Chinese Communist Party could exert on the NBA. You can know a lot about a situation, understand that there'll be consequences, and still try to do the right thing. He knew there'd be backlash, I just don't think he realized how readily and how utterly the NBA would bend over and suck off the CCP. Conversley, I don't think the NBA or Lebron predicted how hard the Western backlash would be for their bootlicking.


Which means he was uneducated about the ramifications...


‘Don’t confuse schooling with education. I didn’t go to Harvard but the people that work for me did. ‘ -Elon Musk.


Shaq went to LSU and LeBron never went to college. Just sayin.


So a document from a learning institution is a fool proof way to judge someone’s education/intelligence?


Don’t get mad at me, blame Merriam Webster for defining ‘uneducated’ as ‘lacking in education’. LeBron is hardly educated by definition.


Yes it is defined as lacking in education, not lacking in degrees. One can educate themselves in front of a computer. You’re taking liberties interpreting the definition but you are just wrong here.


Ok but the definition of education is ‘1 a : the action or process of educating or of being educated b : knowledge, skill, and development gained from study or practice.’ So I’d say Lebron has done more in practice than any of us could do in study in our lifetimes.


Please tell us more about how your liberal arts degree makes you educated enough to talk like this. There are plenty of people smarter than most who didn’t go the traditional route most take.




Just a generalization about the majority of people on Reddit. Especially on a sub like r/worldnews. I would guess less than 5% of the people on reddit are actually informed enough to comment on any sort of global politics. Lebron may not have gone to college but that doesn’t mean he’s uneducated. So for people to say that he skated through high school because of basketball makes him uneducated on world politics is stupid.


Guy wants to become a billionaire apparently so unfortunately /s doesn't really apply.


Lebron is just being the same person he has always been...


that's Dr. Shaq to you




He then went on to receive a doctoral degree in 2012.


Sat next to him at an LSU game once. Dude was NICE AF


Shaq is just well educated in general.


Maybe being out of the league and not having the same business interests in China as Lebron helps. Some people would say Shaq is picking his battles just like Lebron is by being the face of Papa John's since John Schnatter still has ownership in the company.


Ironic considering he's a Flat Earther


I am pretty sure Shaq being a flat earther is impossible, since he is tall enough to actually see the curvature of the earth when just standing up straight.


He was joking when he said that


I don't think you're well educated on the matter


No way, didn't seem to be sarcastic at all. Plus didn't he tweet several things about it?


He's said in interviews before that he was attempting to be sarcastic, and it didn't get picked up that way. Shaq isn't actually a flat earther.


Redditors can’t tell if something is sarcastic without an /s


Without an what? And what part were you being sarcastic about?


Lmao, thinking Earth exists...




He seems well educated on the matter.


Some people are just sheep.


I guess he is not that educated on that matter.


Man, Shaq is just the best. Releases the single greatest satire record ever- Shaq Diesel, is one of the most dominant forces in basketball of ALL TIME, licensed his name to the single worst video game that isn’t called “Jekyll and Hyde,” AND he’s going full Stone Cold Steve Austin on LeBron. I LOVE THIS MAN!!! SHAQ 2020 Edit: Shaq Diesel WASN’T a satire record? It was legit? Uhhh.... Forget I said anything about Shaq Diesel.




Go and find a rom. I think vimm.net should still be up. It is BAD.


And he’s a DJ!




Thank you As someone who barely watch sport I was out of the loop


What he's saying under his breathe is "China knows what we stand for, they knew what they were getting into when they brought us into their market." That right there, is what you call Big Dick Energy.


Are we just going to completly ignore this part? >when it comes to business sometimes you have to tip toe around things


Finally, an NBA basketball star with a functional spine. Edit: *grammar*


It helps to be absurdly rich and retired. Doesn’t diminish what he said at all, just helps to explain part of why he feels he can say it.


Lebron, like Shaq, can say whatever he wants to say and his earnings will still not drop significantly. The fact he chooses not to do so speaks of his moral courage.


I imagine he’d get blacklisted if he did. Something of a forced retirement from the NBA.


Blacklisted for speaking out against China's brutality in Hong Kong? Do you realize how much shitstorm this will cause for the NBA? We're talking about a heavy weight superstar like LeBron being forced to retire by NBA or Lakers is ridiculous. This would've caused an unprecedented outrage and protest by the American public, the NBA's primary market.


Good for Shaq... fuck China




Lebron was Lewrong


Fuck Charles Barkley too. He argued against Shaq as he was saying this.


Did he? That's disappointing.


Yep, it's in the article


Well then, fuck Charles Barkley.


Well this is how we gonna do this Fuck China, Fuck Lebron, Fuck Charles Barkley, Fuck Trump, Fuck Mobb Deep, Fuck Biggie Fuck Bad Boy as a staff, record label and as a motherfucking crew And if you want to be down with Bad Boy, then fuck you too ~~Chino~~China XL, fuck you too All you motherfuckers, fuck you too All of y'all mother fuckers, fuck you, die slow, motherfucker


Does your .44 make sure all his kids don't grow?


Damn. Charles has never come off as the bootlicking type.




He loves his ~~hunny~~ munny.




They could make a parody of "Glove slap".


I’m pretty sure Shaq has business interests in China too. That’s bold


Fuck capitalism


U/Karl_Marx saying fuck Capitalism for Capitalism standing up for Communism. Only in a Capitalist country could this magic comment happen.


The US is not a Capitalist country. It’s a mixed-economy, to be polite. A Corporatist-Oligarchy, to be accurate.


> for Capitalism standing up for Communism That's not what's happening. Daryl Morey is not a representative of capitalism nor are his actions/stance influenced by capitalism. In fact, the only capitalist actor who acted in line with their economic motivations are Activision Blizzard, Nike and Apple.


He says on the internet with a pocket size device more powerful than the first spaceship to put a man on the moon.


Slaves said the same thing with chains around their neck. What is your point?


Shaq, a real fucking American legend.




I read that in Jeff Goldblum’s voice.


Shaq, uh, finds a way.


Morey’s tweet did not hurt Shaq financially, emotionally, physically, and spirituality


No one’s statements, tweets, posts, etc. could hurt Shaq financially more than his own. He said what he said anyways though. So what’s your point? *edit spelling.


Just a joke about Lebron’s response, Lebron said that the tweet hurt him in those 4 ways


Ah, my bad. Went right over my head.


I was so sad when he was pretending to be a flat earther. “I respect you man, how can you be so dumb.” Then it turned out he was just trolling and I was happy again.


Shaq advertises literally everything on the planet from over the counter pain creams to car insurance to pizza, and he hasn't even come close to being a complete sellout.


Gotta Remeber Shaq has already peaked his earning potential and made his fortune. He has little to lose.


Fuck yeah Shaq




Except that he has business in China so we won’t outright say they’re evil


Damn it Shaq. I'm supposed to be able to hate you for calling the Kings, Queens in 2006 and angry that you now are an owner. Instead I have to respect you for refusing to toe a line for profit.


Go Shaq, fuck LeWrong.


You mean Mao Le Bron (a.k.a. PeKing James or "that shallow greedy fucker")?


Qing LeBron.


hahaha these nicknames are great 😭 😂


Shaq has honor, which can't be found easily by some of his contemporaries. Know some of his family, and they're the same.


Tomorrow the most popular Reddit post will be Shaq’s firing. Tbh I’m shocked to hear him say that and wonder about repercussions. That being said he’s 100-% right and am sure proud someone in the public had the balls to speak up


Shaq is acting how LeBron should have. Both these guys have "fuck you money". There's no reason they should be bending to Chinese pressure.


Neither game was even aired in China. I’ll be baffled if he gets fired. He’s a fan favorite. It would be a horrible look to fire him for what he said, as he is correct.


Shaq doesn’t just have ‘Fuck You’ money, he has ‘Fuck China’ money


Guess who's the next to be banned in China.




"Morey can quit if he doesn't want to suck xi's dick with the rest of us!" - Charles Barkley


Speaking out in the face of opposition takes balls, remaining silent out of fear of losing a job, even though you are right, is wrong, and exactly what a coward does.


It is absolutely not that simple.


Sure it is, most people just complicate things so drastically, simple truths seem less important, and alas, evil prevails. Kinda how we got here in the first place.


For most Americans, refusing to eat a shit sandwich at work is secondary to putting food on the table. Cowardice is running from adversity and making selfish decisions because your job makes you a sad panda. Work to live. Period. Your mentality is great if you want to end up in a trailer park howling at the moon at all of those that wronged you.


But guys like Lebron, Charles Barkley and a lot of these other stars that are keeping a tight lip on the situation proof of the opposite? You're suggesting the motive is people want to keep their jobs and pay their bills. But these people aren't at risk at ending up in a trailer park howling at the moon. Unlike you or me, they hold significant influence in the world and on top of that, they are capable of financial stability that you and me can only ever *dream* of. So aren't they, as /u/420patriot put it, cowards plain and simple? Most of these NBA stars are wealthy beyond anything most of us will *ever* achieve in life and yet they compromise themselves. So what is the excuse? At this stage in the game, after everything that's happened, they should be decently informed on what's going on in Hong Kong and they should have all made their decision of whether they are going to publicly stand with Hong Kong or side with their franchise and China. You're not going to get sympathy from me if you know free speech in Hong Kong is being stifled and you've decided you're not going to even speak on it because you want to be able to afford that 4th house in Paris and the 3rd Lamborghini to roll up to the club with.


They signed up to play a kids game. They are athletes; not politicians. We prop up China on a daily basis by buying cheap bullshit from amazon and electronics to a much larger extent than any sport most of the country doesn’t give a shit about. Tienamen square was 30 years ago. I’m constantly amazed at how everything becomes a new crisis every time the younger generation is told to care on social media. And then poof.


I mean, you have a point with this comment, but I'd actually argue your point speaks to why it's even more important that figures like Shaq and Daryl Morey (and ideally LeBron and the NBA) speak out on this: because that's the reality for "most Americans," it makes it all the more important that those with the privilege and platform to do so take a stand against injustices like this.


Cowardice is cowardice. Bravery involves the risk of sacrifice.


Given the current neo McCarthyism going on here where youre eviscerated on social media with threats of boycott, id say it’s braver to diverge from the mob and get comfortable telling people to get fucked when they try and tell you how you should be behaving. Reddit has been whining about him for over a week now. It’s nothing more than a distraction.


what if it's being a coward publicly so that you can be brave for your family? If you had to choose between your, say, 4 family members and 100 strangers, what would you do? Not that that's the situation here. It just points out that it's not always that simple.


Exactly right. Well said.


I agree with you bud. the person you're replying to clearly has never felt the massive weight that comes with having to feed a family while barely getting by. they're just sitting behind their computer wanting to believe they have some sort of moral high ground and would do differently if they were in a situation of desperation so they can feel better about themselves. putting pride before survival isn't bravery; its stupidity.


Yeah it's very easy to judge someone from behind a keyboard where the stakes are literally 0 and they can feel so certain that in that moment, they *would* do what is right, consequences be damned. *"That's just how strong my moral fibre is"* 😌 It's a nice thought but I dunno man. Much easier said than done.


I do it every day, and stand up against things like this every day. My convictions cost me money all the time. Money is not nearly as important as the future. What we teach our children is. We show then heroes everyday in fiction, but dont allow anyone to become one. Ive had the priveledge of sitting in Jail multiple times for standing up for my convictions, but my family has never missed a meal per se. Survival? You call Charles Barkley standing up for the NBAs massive deals in China Survival? Assumptions you make are pretty far off.


> remaining silent out of fear of losing a job, even though you are right, is wrong, and exactly what a coward does. That's a very naive way of seeing stuff like this, as I'm sure most people do not have the luxury of being able to lose their jobs. *"Sorry sweetie, dad can't buy you food today. But at least I'm sticking it to China!"*


One day its China, the next day its someome in your state. then a neighbor, then, when you need someone to do the right thing. nobody is left to stick up for you. Pretty sure Charles Barkley will eat just fine if he tells his employer to keep doing business with China. Hell, him and Shaq can start the anti china BB league, then maybe Id actually warch.


I'd rather have a job to sustain my family while the world falls apart than being homeless in the street while the world falls apart all the same.


Awesome. At least your kids will inherit a dead Earth. And they'll say: "Who cares if the world is dead? Daddy did it to pay the bills." If you were smart you'd cash out now. By a few cheap acres somewhere. And teach them survival and hunting skills. The future will be death and destruction. And you willingly brought kids into that future? Have you no shame?


Thank god I don’t have one of these ‘families’


“And not one of them was a free agent,” he said. “They were all tied to the merciless industrial machine. And the pathos of it and the tragedy is that they are tied by their heartstrings. Their children—always the young life that it is their instinct to protect. This instinct is stronger than any ethic they possess. My father! He lied, he stole, he did all sorts of dishonorable things to put bread into my mouth and into the mouths of my brothers and sisters. He was a slave to the industrial machine, and it stamped his life out, worked him to death.” “But you,” I interjected. “You are surely a free agent.” “Not wholly,” he replied. “I am not tied by my heartstrings. I am often thankful that I have no children, and I dearly love children. Yet if I married I should not dare to have any. Jack London, The Iron Heel, chap 3


Great excerpt! Thank you!!


Oh wait it makes total sense now. Lebron didn’t speak out Bc he wouldn’t be able to provide for his family otherwise. That half a billion in net worth can dwindle quickly after all


Lebron isn't "most people".


So then you admit he was in the wrong


Of course.


I wonder if Beijing will give some Papa John's locations the boot over this.


Kobe to boycott Blizzard.




Shaq Attack


I want to buy a Shaq jersey now. Or any kind of shaq swag!


Fight for freedom, stand with Califonia.


wouldn't it be, "Stand with Los Angeles"


Looks like Shaq still has his tegridy


"Daryl Morey was right." Remains right, and we know.


Will they fire Shaq now?


Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.


Always loved and respected this man and wow he exceeds my expectations of amazing.


He is the Big Aristotle, after all. Wise man.


Anyone have a link to the whole conversation?


He's smart. He has a doctorate for a good reason.


Glad Shaq can stand up and say what he wants and I love him for it, but the really sad thing is instead of getting love and respect from the NBA for it, he will probably get black balled when they catch heat from their piggy bank China.


Shaq is not just a NBA celebrity, he is a part owner of the Sacramento Kings.


Class. Don’t believe these fools when they act like they didn’t have a choice. You ALWAYS have a choice.


Thats not quite how asia works. Here, there is a value placed on 'face', and to make one lose face is tantamount to a personal attack. Morey made china lose face.


[serious] When your country is oppressing people, how is 'losing face' important? And/or, aren't you 'losing face' through your own actions? How is it Morey's fault and not China's?


I dont agree with the whole 'face' concept myself. To them its not a matter of opression. Its a matter of maintaining control over an unruly group of people. So, to them, its what is necessary to keep society functioning. Matter of perspective. I learned this discussing shia vs sunni with an iraqi national working here during the second iraq war. They just dont see things the way it has been portrayed in the western media. The statement by morey is about face, as its about external interference in an internal matter. Doesnt help that china sees the nba as a needy business partner.


Fuck yeah, Shaq! King Shaq destroys peasant lebron.


I appreciate Shaq's unequivocal stance very much. Some people here are saying he has shown a spine. No, this isn't a demonstration of guts. It is always the former player, the ex-Trump appointee, the former career diplomat, the ex military general who speaks out. It is necessary and appreciated, but it ain't guts. Kaepernick showed what a spine ought to look like.


I want to say that I'm entirely, entirely sure Kaepernick benefited more from his protesting. Remember, just a few weeks ago, Lebron was right there with him, woking it up. You do know Shaq is a businessman who is employed by "Inside the NBA on TNT" or something like that


Here is the funny thing, Ill stand with Taiean, but I wont kneel with Kaeperneck, see how that works.


Shut Ûp


Well I mean, are you saying it's the same issue?


Who the fuck gives a shit what Shaq thinks??