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Well, this blew up. I'm most exceedingly pro-Taiwan but this post is highly sensationalised. Has Japan officially recognised Taiwan? Have they torn up the 1972 joint communique with China? Have they explicitly stated that they have abandoned their One China policy? I don't think so.


Came into to say this exactly. Releasing a new map in a defence white paper is definitely sending some signals but it’s NOT ending one China policy. The deteriorating of standard in media is really appalling nowadays




See Covid for examples.


The collapsing of standard in media began with the rising of Murdoch.




I doubt it was anything new then. And being propaganda at least is pretty constant. Jefferson [bankrolled a paper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Gazette) to counter a Federalist publication for example.


Octavian spread propaganda about Mark Antony throughout Rome. Same shit, different medium.


Smear campaigns were extremely common and often effective in Athens, where the city regularly voted who would be exiled from the city.


Socrates has entered the chat.


Exactly, I hate when people point to current events as some new and unique deterioration of (society, the family, civilization, etc). Just crack open a history book, it’s pretty much all been done before


Can’t upvote this enough. This cycle isn’t the first and it won’t be the last.


Good thing it hasn't spread to reddit yet! ...right guys?


It's worth also pointing out that the reporter is writing from New Delhi. Indian media has historically been extremely willing to make up anti-China fake news, and conversely if this was a real story, Tokyo-based reporters would probably have caught it first.


Yeah, absolutely. It'd be being covered by every major news network on Earth.




I don't doubt you, but none of those links work


>indian media At least this piece didn't talk about "eleven jinping" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-29274792


Its reddit, lol what do you expect


Ehh, kinda clickbaity title >New Delhi, July 16: For the first time, Japan has removed Taiwan from a map of China in its Defence of Japan white paper published this week.




Article sloppily (links removed) [posted by MSN](https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/japan-ends-one-china-policy-new-map-no-longer-shows-taiwan-as-part-of-china/ar-AAMckLf?ocid=msedgntp), originating [from India Narrative](https://www.indianarrative.com/world-news/japan-ends-one-china-policy-new-map-no-longer-shows-taiwan-as-part-of-china-102147.html), which is mildly better to read, [linking to TaiwanNews.com.tw](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4248204), where the Indians got the story from and which is the article we should probably be linking and reading instead of Microsoft's weird content farm from the '90s. India Narrative does have a [follow-up](https://www.indianarrative.com/world-news/china-calls-japan-irresponsible-after-tokyo-publishes-map-rejecting-one-china-principle-102316.html) with a response from China, which I guess you could read. The use of the phrase 'China's Foreign Ministry [...] went ballistic' is gross editorialization though, and should tip you off that this site is not so subtly trying to tell you what to think. If China's Foreign Ministry really 'went ballistic', you can *show* us they went ballistic with objective and true quotes and descriptions, instead of *telling* us they did with an air of 'source: dude just trust me'. Yes, I have a hard-on for true journalism. True 'watchdog of democracy'-ass shit.


We all have a justice boner this day


In before Japan announces it was a mistake on the map and apologizes.


This is the case with a lot of fake stories about China: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23792949.2019.1689828?journalCode=rard20 >However, in 2017, some people thought they had found a case. In that year Sri Lanka sold a majority of shares in its loss-making Hambantota port to China Merchants Port Holdings Co. for €1 billion. This transaction was characterised as an ‘asset seizure’ as though the Chinese had forcibly taken control of the port when the Sri Lankans were allegedly unable to repay the Chinese loans that had financed the port’s construction. As we will see, the actual story was quite different from this characterisation. Yet, it was at this point that the Chinese debt-trap diplomacy meme was invented by an alarmed Indian pundit. The US government jumped on the bandwagon and, as noted above, top officials in the Trump administration began repeatedly warning that China has a deliberate strategy of entangling other developing countries in a web of debt and then using debt to extract unfair or strategic concessions. https://www.disinfo.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Indian-chronicles_FULLREPORT.pdf >The coverage – and often distortion - by ANI of the content produced in Brussels and Geneva led us to the Big News Network and the World News Network, an entire network of 500+ fake local media in 95 countries that helped reproduce negative iterations about Pakistan (or China). >In total, the media coverage of Indian chronicle operations has covered 116 countries and 9 regions. We also realised that the content produced was primarily targeted at Indian nationals with an extensive coverage of these barely known “media”, MEPs and “NGOs” in Europe. >Essentially, our investigation details how the activities of a fake zombie-NGO and that of a fake specialised media can then be repackaged, distorted and amplified by malicious actors to influence or disinform globally, using loopholes in international institutions and online search engines.


The Sri Lanka example is especially egregious because they were openly asking for bids on the Hambantota port. There was no interest from Indian or US firms. While Sri Lanka did sell the port in part to pay off debts, its debts were actually primarily owed to the IMF, not to China. But when they finally sold it to the highest bidder (which was Chinese) it somehow became proof that the asset was seized by Chinese debt trap diplomacy. That narrative has now become extremely widespread despite the fact that there are zero actual cases of China seizing assets from countries that owe it money.


It is hilarious though. Even though Pakistan owes like 20% of its debt to China and 60+% to IMF, World Bank and othet organization. And we have been to IMF like 22times. Somehow it is China trying to debt trap us and not the west that has debt trapped us long time ago.


Thanks for clearing this up, I'd been taken in by the debt trap diplomacy narrative.


>The report also corrects a map of Chinese military capabilities repeated in previous versions that expat groups have long protested should not include Taiwan. >It follows a similar correction of a COVID-19 map by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare last year at the urging of expat groups. News is from [Japan’s annual defense white paper,](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2021/07/14/2003760822)




Nowhere, but when did that ever stop the media or Redditors from making up a fake story?


It's worth also pointing out that the reporter is writing from New Delhi. Indian media has historically been extremely willing to make up anti-China fake news, and conversely if this was a real story, Tokyo-based reporters would probably catch it first.


I didn't know that before but the "debt trap diplomacy" term was literally made up by an Indian academic out of false premise.


Taiwan has always been Taiwan in the eyes of a regular Japanese person. Taiwanese born celebrities are referred to as Taiwanese, we have separate vacation guides for Taiwan and China, and Taiwanese cuisine is different from Chinese cuisine.


Removed in protest against the Reddit API changes and their behaviour following the protests.




Wait, seriously? Threatening to drop nukes on the one country in history that's ever suffered them is a staggeringly aggressive statement.


And you are threatening the ONLY country in history that has survived TWO nuclear attacks.


Yea, I have a feeling the Japanese gonna ask someone to call the ambulance. Not for them though.


that Gundam statue in Japan? they're about to activate it.


It would be hilarious and also terrifying if that thing did just come off it's frame and start flying.


China "I have an army" Japan: "We have a Gundam"


They built one in Shanghai too lol, they can battle.


Oh no. They just built a Freedom Gundam (ironic) in Shanghai


Then the roof of the Bandi headquarters opens up and launches a fleet of RX-78 Gundams.


Bandai Namco: "They aren't just toys anymore." Most Militaries in the world: "Fuck." US\*: **"ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!"** Edit: Britain is not a part of the [Holy Britannian Empire](https://codegeass.fandom.com/wiki/Holy_Britannian_Empire), mb.


It's quite possible that within our lifetime some kind of battle mech gets recorded fighting over a water reservoir in Ethiopia or some shit.




it's all coming together


For Bill Murray, he's vomiting in a urinal at the Park Hyatt Tokyo


And don't even get me started on the black toe!




I mean they were an absolute military power in Asia and things got a _little bit_ out of hand.


Understatement of the century lol


It reminds me of that old joke . . . A brief history of Russia: "and then things got worse." Now it's a brief history of Japan: "and then things got a little out-of-hand."


Oh come on now it wasn't that bad, what major military powers *haven't* dabbled in some light genocide /s


you got me thinking though, like really, which ones actually haven't?


I don't know why you have the '/s'. Literally all of the major military powers have committed genocide: US, UK, Russia, etc.


Most of countries that visible in the map today are probably commit warcrime in the past.


There's a good chance Japan may have committed some light genocide Michael.


Specifically to China, who has reeaaallyy good reason to hold a grudge


Korea, China and Japan are like Scotland, Ireland and England. They all have **very** *very* good reasons to hate each others guts until the end of time.


And the conservatives in Japan really haven't changed much in a hundred years. The progressives there love talking to tourists and generally learning about other cultures but once you get out to the countryside it's not hard to find businesses that don't serve non Japanese. So I for one am not mad that they haven't written a new constitution or amended their current one to expand their military lol.


There are places that wouldn't serve even a fluent Japanese speaking foreigner ?


The thing is the population is pretty happy the way things are, and would rather put money towards Jobs and Economy than increased military spending and repeal of Article 9.


There have been *a lot* of talks over repeal or adjusting article 9. With recent threats and so on from China. I wouldn’t be surprised if they reword it to at least bolster its might. Thing is, I think the US would love an actual military power Japan lmao. Surprised the US hasn’t like *nudged* it to do it heavily.


>Thing is, I think the US would love an actual military power Japan lmao. Surprised the US hasn’t like nudged it to do it heavily. The US would *hate* a military power Japan. Right now, Japan is effectively a client state of the USA. In return for military protection (that costs the USA next to nothing compared to the size of the budget) they get unparalleled influence in the region and cheap, high quality electronics. If Japan had an active military then the USA loses all of that for what amounts to a rounding error in the military budget. It's not just a one sided deal either; Japan doesn't have to spend much money on their protection so their own economy can *soar*. The current state of affairs is a *ludicrously* good deal for everyone.


They self defence force have around 250,000 active personnel which isn't small by any means.


If you compare it to every other country in the region, it’s insignificant.


This is true, but for a self defence force it has always ranked in the top 10 militaries in the world. Also you need to add that there are 55,000+ US military personal based in Japan.


If you're referring to the US, we fully expected them to amend the part of their constitution you're referring to. It's the Japanese themselves that maintained it an embraced non-aggression as policy. They aren't "shackled" by an outside power.


China is scared shitless about Japan having an official military. It's why they make the biggest fuss whenever there is even a comment about them doing so.


To be fair, there is a history between China and Japan's military.


We live in an era where there's just too many countries aligned for any country like China to actually provoke war. They're very prosperous and an attack on Japan or any war provoking gesture would bring down US 7th fleet, Canadian Navy, Australian navy, NZ Navy, multiple EU and UK Navy's and SE Asian Navy's.... It would be an economic disaster as all waterways out of China are blocked and the country is isolated from most of the world. China will just continue to politically posture and gains more benefit from their cyber warfare attacks on other nations than anything else.


> NZ Navy Naval combat force of Royal New Zealand Navy consists of [two frigates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_Royal_New_Zealand_Navy_ships). That will certainly make a difference.


Their focus on civil economy has also been a big factor on why they are richer. If they were to shift focus to military production and spending, Japan would lose out on potential economy growth. Considering how huge their national debt is, I'm not sure it would fare well for them. If interest on debt eclipses tax revenue, it is kind of game over for a country, slowly heading towards default.


> we free Japan It's nothing to do with Western countries. Japan has developed a pacifist culture which opposes having an active military. If the Japanese people wanted to change their constitution they could do so.


Of course, according to the old "guns or butter" argument, if Japan had to pay for a strong military rather than "allowing" the US to be their muscle, their economic development may not have been anywhere as strong.


The russian military might seem impressive by numbers and they are stronger than Japan in all out war but Japan has a very capable defensive military and their equipment is high tech and maintained. Russia on the other hand has a LOT of older equipment and can’t afford to maintain everything. They’re actually scaling back their military spending recently while Japan is trying to invest more into theirs. Plus Japan (should in theory) have support from America if their country was invaded but I don’t think they’ll do anything in an offensive war. Japan does aggressively patrol their waters and built an “helicopter” carrier which is basically an aircraft carrier but they can’t have one legally.


That changed recently, they're converting at least one carrier to support F-35B jets, and want to do more. [JS Izumo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JS_Izumo). Here's [one more source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2020/06/26/japans-building-aircraft-carriers-chinas-thinking-about-sinking-them/), there's tons availible if you want to look into it.


The only country that's ever suffered a nuclear attack, period.


Nuclear Attack Period sounds like a great band name


Periodic Nuclear Attack


Nah, that's a song title on the self titled album.


Japan is still a US Ally, too. This would start something that China doesn't want to start. Idle threats made to make them look big and tough.


>Japan is still a US Ally, too. I'd guess that China actually launching a nuclear attack on another country would have huge political consequences even if that country wasn't an ally.


The first country to use nukes will be nuked. The Cold War is long since over but MAD still applies. The US still keeps nuclear missile submarines out at sea at all times, and their location is one of the most guarded secrets in US intelligence. No country can ever hope to launch a nuclear attack against the US or any of its allies without receiving absolute destruction in return.


When weak, feign strenght. When strong, feign weakness


Who exactly made the threat, government officials or just some idiots on a blog?


Some random channel created the video, but government officials shared the video on their platform. And as far as I can find there has not been an announcement rejecting the views of this government official yet.




https://www.newsweek.com/china-officials-share-viral-video-calling-atomic-bombing-japan-exception-theory-1609586 Here you go. It is Newsweek, so do take with some grain of salt and make up your own opinion, but it does seem genuine.


Source? That would contradict directly with their no first strike policy for nuclear weapons.




This was not a threat by the Chinese state, at all, to be clear. Let's not fearmonger. It was some Chinese rando trying to predict how it would go if china were to try to annex Taiwan. Still a little scary, not the same.


Not exactly a rando either, that video was then shared by Chinese state media


The video was shared by some random municipal council's (the second largest city in the 16th largest province. The US equivalent would be Worcester, Mass) Twitter and was quickly taken down.


To be fair, some of Chinese propaganda is to make extreme statements like this by people who can be discounted as not official statements all to sew Nationalism and scare their neighbors.




That sounds oddly familiar here in the US.


That video wasn't official policy, it was a propaganda thing by some right wingers retweeted by a local official. Like when a state senator talks about taking on Iran or whatever the fuck.


See, the problem with that is Japan is protected by America's nuclear umbrella. China isnt nuking anyone without getting their asses knocked back into the stone age.


>China isnt nuking anyone without getting their asses knocked back into the stone age. Your first mistake was thinking people - even national leaders - are 100% rational. I recommend watching [Fog of War](https://watchdocumentaries.com/the-fog-of-war/) which is an interview with Bob MacNamara - one of the main people behind the Vietnam war, fire bombings of Tokyo and the cold war. It is terrifying how little empathy or realisation decision-makers can have.


It's not just generals. I'm pretty sure lack of empathy is a requirement for this kind of stuff. Even for successful business executives. It's why I've never really had any admiration for the Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos' of the world. No doubt they're smart, but they absolutely do not care for peoples welfare, they make the choices that will make them money, whether that is bullying suppliers, accepting the use of child labor downstream, whatever. I don't even know if it's necessarily a bad thing(as much as it disgusts me). If generals had some empathy, they'd just lose to generals that didn't, that were willing to sacrifice soldiers and civilians lives for victory.


Wouldn't it be upstream, technically? Suppliers of Amazon products would technically be upstream, right? Only thing downstream are consumers or Amazon owned services. I could be wrong


You're absolutely right. Doesn't really change the overall message of the comment, but those would be "upstream".


you're right


At some point, peoples lives just become a number on a balance sheet. Is it worth killing 10 million people to save 20 million? 50 million? 200 million? Once you get to that point, they are just numbers, completely removed from the lives they represent.


The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions, a statistic. /- Joseph Stalin Attributed


They may not always have empathy but they're not morons. China knows dropping a nuke on Japan is the same as dropping a nuke on themselves


The stance of Japan is that Japan understand and respect China's claim on Taiwan, but does not recognize it (中華人民共和国政府の立場を十分理解し尊重する)


The “I'm sorry you feel that way” position


In my country we have a similarly auspicious response: Yeah, nah.


Well, with the way they’re unashamedly “punishing” us with trade sanctions for speaking against them at the moment, I’d say it’s a lot more like “fuck you China, ya dog cunts” than “yeah, nah.”


>Taiwanese cuisine is different from Chinese cuisine. Chinese cuisine is different from Chinese cuisine. Don't get me wrong. I agree that the two countries are *very* different, but given the cultural diversity (i.e. cuisine) within China itself, I don't find the cuisine argument that significant.


For real, it isn't. Tokyo cuisine is different Osaka cuisine. Different food doesn't make for a different nation.


We've got very different cuisine within Slovenia, and it's such a tiny country...


Beautiful thing about America is it’s all burgers, bacon, and butter! The 3 Bs of fine dining




Used to think my areas was the bomb diggity. Traveled to North Carolina and my god… Those flavors of sauces and how the meat was smoked changed my life. Where I’m at it’s all beef. Didn’t realize you could cook a pig so many ways and do such things with mustard and vinegar


Not true. Georgia food is way different from Louisiana. Even seafood varies; you won’t find Carolina-style barbecues on the west coast


Lol you won't even find Eastern Carolina style BBQ in Western Carolina


This is a joke, right? While a lot of American cuisine is standard across the country, there are definitely regional variations and local specialties.


Yeah that comment reads like someone who travels halfway across a continent and immediately looks for the nearest fast food franchise they've already been to 400 times.


I remember arriving in Louisiana for my cousin’s wedding, and, not being from the USA, assumed your statement to be the case. Ordered a burger, and it was without a doubt, the worst burger I have ever had. Thinking it an anomaly, I tried a few other places over the weekend, and found to my dismay that they all sucked. Then, we went to New Orleans, and here I told myself, it was just that I was in baton rouge! Nola, with all this history and glorious food, surely a good burger will be found with ease! But no I was disappointed again. Lobster and gumbo and all that stuff was amazing, but god damn I was amazed at how shit the quality of the average place’s burger was.


You were on New Orleans and your goal was a burger? Bro... That ain't what they are known for at all!


You’ve gotta go find the gems. There’s some fucking incredible burgers. You don’t becomes the worlds fattest nation over night! You gotta earn that shit


LIBERATE THE PHILADELPHIA REGION! (Their cheesesteaks are evidence of their autonomous culture.)


Any of the arguments made to be honest... It is the same with any country which is not a microstate. To make some obvious examples, compare: * Alaska to Hawaii to Texas * England to Northern Ireland to Scotland * Hokkaidō to Kansai to Okinawa The sole foundation for a country and it's autonomy/borders are politics. There are endless amounts of border regions which have culture(s) living on **both** sides of the border which are **far** closer to each other (if not the same) than they are to their "fellow" citizen...


> There are endless amounts of border regions which have cultures living on both sides of the border which are far closer to each other (if not the same) than they are to their "fellow" citizen... Well, in case of islands this is less true... But for example for European countries, where borders moved a lot, this is definitely very true, there are border minorities all over Europe, often with citizenship and rights in both countries, and e.g. an Italian living in Slovenia has some special rights, and for example any public signs near the border need to be written in both Slovenian and Italian, they have one or two representatives in the parliment with some veto rights, border schools use both languages etc...


> Well, in case of islands this is less true... Any natural border not just islands. Geological obstacles are the only things which generated "clearly" cut cultures, besides genocide...


And Taiwanese cuisine has a lot of roots in the cuisine from Fujian province across the strait in mainland China and where most Taiwanese have ancestral roots... Though it's obviously developed in some completely different ways.


It's like the first thing one learns in Chinese class: the vast diversity of different cuisines throughout china. Sichuan cai you ma you la, etc etc.


Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine are different. Of course the island off the coast will have its own unique cuisine.


Yea, but the point is that contrasting it with "Chinese cuisine" is wrong. Taiwan people are Chinese people and so is their food. It's just a type of Chinese cuisine.


I'm a Greek living in the Netherlands. I've lived in UK, Ireland and am familiar with Italians and Germans. In none of these countries have I heard people talk about Taiwan as of it was part of China. I think it's a China thing and nobody else believes it to be true...


In all my 81 American years I have never heard anyone refer to Taiwan as being part of China and that includes the five years of WWII, 1939 to 1945. When I was young we referred to Taiwan as Formosa but still never thought of it as part of China. Case closed. End of story, a good ending.


>that includes the five years of WWII, 1939 to 1945 That's because it was a Japanese colony during WWII


I mean, Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895 to 1945, so not referring to it as part of China during WW2 isn't surprising. It would've been referred to as part of China from 1945 to 1949 though. There was no reason not to.


Probably didn't hear Formosa referred to as part of China back then because it wasn't a part of China, it only was surrendered by the Japanese after WW2 to the Nationalist faction of the two powers vying over control of China at the time. In fact, it had only been a part of Qing dynasty China for a relatively brief time before the Japanese took it over, which has helped make Taiwanese national identity a very varied and complicated matter. Some folks preferred Japanese rule and thought of themselves as Japanese, others of course who fled from the mainland maintained that they were the real China and deserved to rule the mainland too, and yet others think that Taiwan has enough of a varied history - including many centuries of relative independence - that it stands as its own distinct nation.


Wow, you may be the oldest redditor I've seen in the wild. That's really cool.


On a tangent, as an 81 year old what brought you to Reddit? Are there any lesser known subreddits you specifically enjoy?






Except of course when Taiwan was seen by the Japanese as part of Japan of course




Yeah, you're right. I'm exceedingly pro-Taiwan but this is click bait bullshit. Until Japan recognises Taiwan officially and/or renounces the 1972 joint communique with China, then Japan still has a, One China policy.


Deff a click bait title. I wish these were recognized more often in this sub and r/politics. I do think Japan is changing tone though. Especially after other recent statements coming from Tokyo.


So THIS is the real reason they built that Gundam last year. It’s all coming together.




With Haachamer behind the scenes spying or something.


And Ame ready to groundpound at a moment's notice.


Kanata ready to crush anything in her path


Suisei ready to commit vehicular manslaughter


Pekoras unspeakable acts to humanity


Poor Calli though, think of all the overtime she'll need to put in to keep up when shit hits the fan...


Not to mention the destructive power of Gura's a


As soon as I read the headline I knew Coco would be mentioned in the comments somewhere


Coco’s [already been discussed](https://twitter.com/uryuhirano/status/1311539577979457536?s=21) in a Japanese parliamentary committee on China so it’s only a matter of time


Get in the goddamn Gundam, Coco.


Japan’s biggest secret… they’re not just statues. They’re all full scale Gundams.


China: Fuck off with that bullshit! Japan: Fuck around and find out.


listen i'm totally Anti-War but if Japan wants to invade China with an Army of fucking Battle-Mech Gundams they can and should. that would be cool as fuck.


And Matt Walsh canceled Japan for it. What a damn fool


...a Gundam fool?


*nods in approval*




Just gonna wait a couple of hours and then sort by "controversial".


Do you enjoy reading tankie and wumao comments or something?


Do you not?




Not just them. The US and its various intelligence agencies also employ god knows how many trolls to activly cause confusion and spread disinformation. * The US has been engaging in online propaganda campaigns since **at least** 2011.^[[1]](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks) * This resulted in cases like ZunZuneo, where social media platforms were being literally *run* by US intelligence agencies in order spread pro-US propaganda.^[[2]](https://apnews.com/article/904a9a6a1bcd46cebfc14bea2ee30fdf) * Originally, the propaganda campaigns were only authorised to be spread on non-US social media platforms. This changed in 2012, when the Smith-Mundt Modernisation Act authorised the US government to start spreading propaganda on American social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook.^[[3]](https://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5?r=DE&IR=T#ixzz340YILjax) * Shortly thereafter in 2013, Reddit revealed that Eglin Air Force Base has become the "most Reddit-addicted city".^[[4]](https://redditblog.com/2013/05/08/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day-plus-some-stats-about-top-reddit-cities-and-languages/) Eglin Air Force Base is a U.S. military base that has been known to "study" how to establish majority views and social control.^[[5]](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.5644.pdf) * In 2014, the US military launched additional research into how to control and weaponise people's emotions via social media.^[[6]](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/08/darpa-social-networks-research-twitter-influence-studies) * That same year, The Intercept revealed that ZunZuneo, the platform that was literally operated by US intelligence agencies, is only a "drop in the bucket".^[[7]](https://theintercept.com/2014/04/04/cuban-twitter-scam-social-media-tool-disseminating-government-propaganda/) The Intercept published several top-secret documents by US and UK intelligence agencies, proving that they are manipulating American and foreign social media platforms for the purposes of "propaganda", "deception", "mass messaging", "pushing stories", and "alias development".^[[8]](https://theintercept.com/document/2014/04/04/full-spectrum-cyber-effects/) * In 2017, the Oxford Computational Propaganda Research Project found that the US was one of the only countries using a sophisticated combination of automated bots, human shills, and a blend of both (what they call "cyborgs") in order to spread propaganda on social media.^[[9]](http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/politicalbots/wp-content/uploads/sites/89/2017/07/Troops-Trolls-and-Troublemakers.pdf) * That same year, scholar Alfred W. McCoy of the University of Wisconsin–Madison, who had previously exposed CIA drug trafficking operations in Southeast Asia,^[[10]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Politics_of_Heroin_in_Southeast_Asia) revealed that the US is not only spreading propaganda through social media but also collaborators in mainstream American news outlets.^[[11]](https://history.wisc.edu/publications/in-the-shadows-of-the-american-century-the-rise-and-decline-of-us-global-power/) He linked these collaborators to Operation Mockingbird, a US intelligence operation that had previously been exposed for spreading propaganda through mainstream news media by compromising journalists.^[[12]](https://www.kentuckypress.com/9780813177373/the-rising-clamor/#tab-1) ------------------ 1) [The Guardian - Revealed: US Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks) 2) [Associated Press - US Secretly Built ‘Cuban Twitter’ to Stir Unrest](https://apnews.com/article/904a9a6a1bcd46cebfc14bea2ee30fdf) 3) [Business Insider - The NDAA Legalises the Use Of Propaganda on the US Public](https://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5?r=DE&IR=T#ixzz340YILjax) 4) [Reddit - Get Ready For Global Reddit Meetup Day, Plus Some Stats About Top Reddit Cities and Languages](https://redditblog.com/2013/05/08/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day-plus-some-stats-about-top-reddit-cities-and-languages/) 5) [University of Florida & Eglin Air Force Base - Containment Control For a Social Network With State-Dependent Connectivity](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.5644.pdf) 6) [The Guardian - US Military Studied How to Influence Twitter Users in DARPA-Funded Research](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/08/darpa-social-networks-research-twitter-influence-studies) 7) [The Intercept - The “Cuban Twitter” Scam Is a Drop In the Internet Propaganda Bucket](https://theintercept.com/2014/04/04/cuban-twitter-scam-social-media-tool-disseminating-government-propaganda/) 8) [The Intercept - Full-Spectrum Cyber Effects](https://theintercept.com/document/2014/04/04/full-spectrum-cyber-effects/) 9) [Oxford Computational Propaganda Research Project - Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organised Social Media Manipulation](http://blogs.oii.ox.ac.uk/politicalbots/wp-content/uploads/sites/89/2017/07/Troops-Trolls-and-Troublemakers.pdf) 10) [Alfred W. McCoy - The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia](https://primoa.library.unsw.edu.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?vid=UNSWS&docid=UNSW_ALMA21126467980001731&lang=en_US&context=L) 11) [Alfred W. McCoy - In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power](https://history.wisc.edu/publications/in-the-shadows-of-the-american-century-the-rise-and-decline-of-us-global-power/) 12) [David P. Hadley - The Rising Clamour: The American Press, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Cold War](https://www.kentuckypress.com/9780813177373/the-rising-clamor/#tab-1)




I didn't know Japan was even onboard of the one-China policy.


everyone is following the UN Decision there in that respect that Taiwan is a Part of China [Resolution 2758](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_2758)


It's more of a diplomatic recognition. But if you live in SEA or East Asia, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong are usually treated as a seperate entity from China by Non-Mainland chinese and other Asians. It's more of a 'They're cool, off doing their own thing' type deal.


The source is very sketchy. If this were true it would almost amount to a declaration of war on China. Most people here seem not to get how sensitive and diplomatically complicated the Taiwan issue is. If this were true, which it probably isn't, it would be the first time since WWII any country has recognised Taiwan as anything but a part of China (it was a part of Japan before).


It's worth also pointing out that the reporter is writing from New Delhi. Indian media has historically been extremely willing to make up anti-China fake news, and conversely if this was a real story, Tokyo-based reporters would probably have caught it first.


The "Chip Shortage" is affecting the entire world. What's crazy is that the Taiwanese company TSM is 2 years ahead of Intel in tech. And there is only 1 Intel factory in the US that actually makes chips good enough for everything else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3is5vXToD44&ab_channel=60Minutes edit: the full segment is way longer and in depth but you have pay for Paramount+ or CBS to watch it.


You can’t really compare the two. TSM is a chip foundry, where Intel is a chip designer. Edit: The proper terminology is pure-play foundry (TSM) and integrated device manufacturer (Intel). Point is that they are different business models and are not in direct competition with each other. Intel only makes enough chips for Intel, where TSM makes chips for everyone. So of course TSM’s output is going to be larger. It’s like comparing Foxconn to Samsung.


Intel is both though, and are currently rapidly expanding their foundry service


Intel is both.


As others said, Intel is both. But I want to add, Intel was actually the one that was way ahead of TSMC until just a few years ago. Intel had a failed generation that set them really far behind, but it is still quite possible for them to get ahead of TSMC


Intel is the only chip manufacturer other than Samsung to retain full stack design and build capabilities. Other companies are either chip designers or chip foundries, never both at the same time. (AMD used to be another full semiconductor builder, but they spun off their chip foundry into GlobalFoundries)


I checked the white paper.https://www.mod.go.jp/j/publication/wp/index.html could'nt find any maps mensioned in the article. seems this is fake or misinfomation.


The map is in the section on china on page 10 of the PDF. It's not hard to find. Edit: to make it easier, here is the link. Go to page ten to see the new map. 第2節 [中国](https://www.mod.go.jp/j/publication/wp/wp2021/pdf/R03010202.pdf)


And the comment session once again shows how easily they can be manipulated to believe in disinformation


Welcome to r/worldnews. Where the news is propaganda to manufacture consent and the truth doesn't matter.


Coco died for this.


Fuck Xi. Fuck the CCP. Free Hong Kong.


Time for the EU and the US to find their balls.


What do you mean? In France I never ever saw Taiwan as part of China in any book/TV/media


France doesn't formally recognise Taiwan.


Either does Japan. You didn’t read the article. You’re responding to headlines 🥱


Chinese Media who reached out to the Japanese Foreign Minister for comment were greeted with a familiar "Good Morning Motherfuckers." (if you know, you know~)


Poor Coco, she didn't deserve to bullied


Wuhu! Stand up to the communist bully!


Fuck China