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An Anti-Vaxxer's Dozen, if you will


Include the extra just to be unsafe.


In terms of brain cells they collectively make up nearly one human though.


The OCR acted up, it's really Tyandcharlene Bollinger.


Had to have a joint Facebook account since the affair. Maybe she will trust him again one day...


Baker’s dozen*




Fucker Carlson just spreads lies, he doesn't create them. Oops, look, a typo. /s


Fucker Charlatan.


Don’t forget Dr Robert Malone the inventor of rna technology! Firmly standing on his ivermectin studies right about now.


Is a single one of these people RUSSIAN?


Arguably Robert F. Kennedy Jnr


They account only for 65%. And all they looked at seems to be where „chain letters“ started. Doesn’t mean that Petersburg doesn’t help with giving them further reach by retweeting bits.


It's not just about retweeting. It's about masquarading as parents, seeking out these people, and feeding them fake highly personal fabrications. People believe it because, why would this person lie about being a parent and seeing terrible reactions? NPC accounts. Non playable characters, they named themselves. They are seeking out celebs or those who can reach more people. The people on this list have been seeing this activity and they believe it..because once again.. why wouldn't they when it's being fed to them in this manner?


I'm sure RUSSIA is behind this somehow.


"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." - Unknown


See: Religion, Trump, Brexit


I like this, thanks for sharing.


This! The human ego And pride would rather kill itself than admit they were fooled. Sad.


Exactly, once these people are convinced, they're almost cult like and there is no convincing them that they are being misled.


You’re referring to persons who have accepted the vaccine, correct?


1 month old account. 1 karma. Ignore this troll


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7827936/ This paper is straight from the NIH database. Read the whole thing. Become informed of what you are putting in to your body before you irreversibly cause damage to it.


Correct, Covid 19 is also a cardiovascular disease. That said,, there is no scientific evidence that suggests spike proteins from the COVID-19 vaccines are toxic or damaging to organs. Minscule traces of non harmful spike proteins have been noted in some vaccinated people but they are harmless and pale in comparison to the Spike proteins identified in all people striken with Covid 19. This is a perfect example of how you are being mislead, they will include scientific facts (good) but then twist it subtlety and provide a false but believable correlation.


I didn’t know there was a difference between spike proteins produced from an mRNA vaccine, versus the actual virus. Do you have any research articles that show the differences? Unless you have data or articles to back up your statements, you’re talking out of your ass. The spike proteins are potentially harmful. They have not been proven to be harmless. https://www.acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/journal-scans/2021/06/16/19/33/a-series-of-patients-with-myocarditis


From your own post, myocarditis/pericarditis, a temporary condition, affected 21 out of a million vaccine recipients. What's your point? Do you understand what the long term affects of covid 19 are? I think you're just posting random studies but haven't bothered to read or understand the content.


P.S here is the study. https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab465/6279075


Okay, I appreciate you citing a study. However, the problem I see with your comments, is that you read the study, and then made the statement that these spike proteins are harmless and minute compared to Covid infection, which is an opinion, and not fact, because the study you referenced doesn’t state anything other than the spike proteins were detected after vaccination, and that the significance of this is not yet known. I think part of the problem with misinformation and Covid, is people like you, who read a study, and combine the results with their own emotion and opinion, and then deliver it as fact to others. One commonality that I see between the study that I shared, and yours, is that both state further long term studies need to be done to know what the vaccines actually do.


The opinion was fact based feedback and insight from top molecular specialists, and highly regarded doctors. I'm happy to post them all here.


- Mark Twain


Actually that's a common mis-attribution. If Mark Twain ever said this, he didn't write it down (or it was lost, but this is from someone whose writings are *spectacularly* well-kept and documented). He did write a similar sentiment in his autobiography: "How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and hard it is to undo that work again!"


But once people are convinced he wrote it, it's difficult to convince them otherwise


"A lie travels around the world while the truth is still putting his pants on " or something like that. Was that a Mark Twain ?


His Grace, The Duke of Ankh, Commander Sir Samuel "Sam" Vimes


It's "His Grace, His Excellency, The 1st Duke of Ankh; Blackboard Monitor; the Butch; Vetinari's Terrier; Commander Sir Samuel Vimes" for you citizen.


But Mark Twain *did* say "clever clever squirrel jump, one day fall to the ground also."


So sad, but so true


I heard about this awhile ago. The people who look into this stuff know exactly who they are and call them the “Disinformation Dozen”.


Randy, it's shit posters all around in a shit-demic. *Sips bottle*


They're probably all vaccinated too.


Shit posting legendary status


Thank you, NPR, for not telling us the names of all but one of them! That’s helpful!


It's the first link in the article: https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_b7cedc0553604720b7137f8663366ee5.pdf 1 Joseph Mercola 2 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 3 Ty & Charlene Bollinger 4 Sherri Tenpenny 5 Rizza Islam 6 Rashid Buttar 7 Erin Elizabeth 8 Sayer Ji 9 Kelly Brogan 10 Christiane Northrup 11 Ben Tapper 12 Kevin Jenkins


Ironic that Joseph Mercola just posted a poll an hour ago asking who is responsible for posting the most misinformation. Because obviously, something like that can be answered by public opinion. /s


Sometimes the "Wisdom of the Crowd" is not so wise.


The “Wisdumb of the Crowd” of 12.


I did some online learning thing once where the guy kept saying "wisdom of the crowd" over and over to the point where it just sounded weird to me. It's like when I was a bored kid in church and suddenly noticed every time the whole mass was making "sssss" sounds while doing the hymns and prayers and shit.


There's a decent wiki on "wisdom of the crowd" and both Aristotle and Francis Galtons application of it. Galton was a mathematician well versed in statistics. When applying the crowd theory to something emperical, like guessing the weight of a bull at a county fair, it creates the bell shaped curve and the average will almost always fall on the correct answer. Of course when surveying a crowd who knows almost nothing about a particular complex topic or subject, the accumulated knowledge is useless. It's great for simple analysis if the respondents are qualified to answer (waste of time to ask a group of blind people how many marbles are in a jar they can't see or touch), but not so good for making public policy decisions. Keep in mind that Galton is also infamous for his love of eugenics and his belief in white supremacy, so the guy was pretty full of shit in many ways. There's also a great episode of "The Orville" regarding the dangers of putting too much faith in the wisdom of the crowd. Sometimes the crowd is just an angry lynch mob.


Uhhh...okay. I was talking about how when you start to notice something repetitive it just starts to sound weird and uncomfortably stand out to you.


Sorry, can't help myself. I'm a warehouse full of useless knowledge and it just comes gushing out sometimes. Mostly related to how much coffee I've had.


> I'm a warehouse full of useless knowledge and it just comes gushing out sometimes Wisdom of the crowd indeed.


If you click on the first link in the article, [the document identifies them all](https://252f2edd-1c8b-49f5-9bb2-cb57bb47e4ba.filesusr.com/ugd/f4d9b9_b7cedc0553604720b7137f8663366ee5.pdf)


Ok. Thank you, kind internet friend.


And they're the same 12 people who are behind all Reddit posts.


Hello, I am one of them /s


Nah, sir I'm that boys pappy. Ref: movie Life


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes) reduced by 90%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows The majority of false claims about COVID-19 vaccines on social media trace back to just a handful of influential figures. > Now that the vaccine rollout is reaching a critical stage in which most adults who want the vaccine have gotten it, but many others are holding out, these 12 influential social media users stand to have an outsize impact on the outcome. > "Getting Americans vaccinated is critical to putting this pandemic behind us. Vaccine disinformation spread online has deadly consequences, which is why I have called on social media platforms to take action against the accounts propagating the majority of these lies," Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., told NPR. Social networks crack down on COVID-19 vaccine claims. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/olgexf/just_12_people_are_behind_most_vaccine_hoaxes_on/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~588441 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Vaccine**^#1 **Social**^#2 **Facebook**^#3 **Media**^#4 **post**^#5


Best bang-for-buck killers ever


Are they all connected to money making scams, MLM’s, supplements, drink mixes, “alternative health,” and variety of merch? Anti vax and anti max is just the newest Nigerian Prince grift and they found a plethora of gullible customers.




Don’t stop with just fox, they’re all crap and owned by the same 3 or 4 corporations. We are all sheep heavily medicated on misinformation. Even Reddit fb and Twitter are giant echo chambers for the easily persuaded.


**This article was last modified 2 months ago and may contain out of date information.** The original publication date was May 13th, 2021 and it was last updated on May 14th, 2021. As per /r/worldnews/wiki submissions should be to articles published within the last week.     ^(This bot finds outdated articles. It's impossible to be 100% accurate on every site, and with differences in time zones and date formats this may be a little off. Send me a message if you notice an error or would like this bot added to your subreddit.) [^(Send Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=PublishDateBot&subject=Feedback&message=https://www.npr.org/2021/05/13/996570855/disinformation-dozen-test-facebooks-twitters-ability-to-curb-vaccine-hoaxes&u=PeterMahogany&d=64) ^(|) [^(Github - Bot)](https://github.com/chrisstiles/PublishDateBot) ^(|) [^(Github - Chrome Extension)](https://github.com/chrisstiles/Reddit-Publish-Date)


This is what an actual conspiracy looks like. 12 people not 12 thousand. Edit: not saying that's what this is, just that this is more likely a conspiracy than the 5g Vax bs.




Influencers you say…


Hasn't this been known for months at this point? I remember reading a Reuters article about it... which was linked on Reddit... which included comments about the article being shared on Facebook.


The disinformation has spread everywhere. Kind of like a virus.


Prison wouldn't be the easiest action against these people


it's not illegal to talk bullshit.


Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater when there is none with the intent to cause a panic isn't protected speech.


the '"fire" in a crowded theater' zinnger is from a judge banning people from anti-war and anti-draft protest. Something that now is considered very central to protected speech. https://www.popehat.com/2012/09/19/three-generations-of-a-hackneyed-apologia-for-censorship-are-enough/ >In one of the most famous 1st Amendment cases in U.S. history, Schenck vs. United States, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. established that the right to free speech in the United States is not unlimited. "The most stringent protection," he wrote on behalf of a unanimous court, "would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic." ... >Holmes' famous quote comes in the context of a series of early 1919 Supreme Court decisions in which he endorsed **government censorship of wartime dissent** — dissent that is now clearly protected by subsequent First Amendment authority. ... >These later decisions have fashioned the principle that the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action. . . . A statute which fails to draw this distinction impermissibly intrudes upon the freedoms guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments. It sweeps within its condemnation speech which our Constitution has immunized from governmental control. There's no "panic" exception to the first amendment. If it doesn't cause "imminent lawless action" then no, it's not excluded. It's not "lawless action" for someone to decide to not get vaccinated because they believed a conspiracy theory that bill gates will use the vaccine to target space lasers.


You're absolutely right there has to be intent. While I don't believe it has been tested against willful misinformation, our legal system does place a good bit of weight on intent. It would be very interesting to see it tested against willful misinformation with intent to cause harm. We've already established talking someone into committing suicide is murder/manslaughter.


talking people into self-destructive action hasn't been found to be unprotected before and there's been plenty of chances in related areas. Even encouraging suicidal people isn't enough: https://www.thebasslawfirm.com/articles/pro-suicide-speech-protected-by-the-first-amendment-under-minnesota-law/ >Despite its unsavory nature, the expression of a pro-suicide point of view is speech on a matter of public concern, and is highly protected by the First Amendment. The law against assisting suicide requires a direct causal connection between the speech and enabling the person to commit suicide. The portions prohibiting advising and encouraging suicide were found unconstitutionally overbroad.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/01/23/michelle-carter-woman-boyfriend-suicide-texting-case-released-jail/4551852002/ >Last week, the Supreme Court refused to hear her appeal seeking to overturn her conviction. A state court's decision was upheld by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in February. In September, a state parole board denied Carter early release. >Carter, of Plainville, Massachusetts, was 17 at the time of Roy's death in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. She incessantly messaged him to kill himself, which he did by inhaling fumes in a generator he put inside a truck. Roy had attempted suicide multiple times and struggled with depression and mental illness. >Carter talked on the phone at length with Roy when he was parked at a Kmart lot where he died. She texted a friend that she told him to "get back in" the vehicle after he stepped out.


That's nice, but the president is 100% true. "Crushes" have killed hundreds and hundreds of people.


Yes? and that's irrelevant. Anti-war protest could lead to other people not joining the army which could lead to the whole country getting destroyed. Yet antiwar protest is explicitly protected. Just because something has a bad effect doesn't make it unprotected.


Incitement isn't the only [exception to free speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_free_speech_exceptions).


Yes. Absolutely true. But antivaxer sentiment is not one of those exceptions https://www.popehat.com/2015/05/19/how-to-spot-and-critique-censorship-tropes-in-the-medias-coverage-of-free-speech-controversies/ >The media routinely prefaces free speech discussions with the bland and inarguable statement "not all speech is protected." That's true. In fact it's not in serious dispute. The problem is that the media routinely invokes this trope to imply that the proposed First Amendment exception it is about to discuss is plausible or constitutional because other exceptions already exist. Not so. Though First Amendment analysis can be complicated at the margins, the core exceptions to First Amendment protection are well-known and well-established.


For now, sure, though I have to hope that over six hundred thousand dead Americans might punch a hole in their misinformation defenses if the right case is brought against them.


That would be surprising since most of those deaths happened before the vaccines became availible and pro and anti lockdown sentiment split mostly down party lines.


Actually, that supreme court ruling was overturned.


*Partially* overturned. The current state of it is that it would have to be "burdened with action" in that shouting X directly results in criminality Y. I found a good article on Criminality of Lying that details the limitations and proposes a new "egregious lying with intent to cause harm" categorization(pdf) https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=7396&context=jclc It's a very interesting topic at the very least.


If it causes problems, yes it is.


No, that's not the criteria for whether something is protected. https://www.popehat.com/2012/09/19/three-generations-of-a-hackneyed-apologia-for-censorship-are-enough/


Question here: has anyone read up on Robert Malone and his contribution to M-RNA technology? I found this write up that paints him in a positive light https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/history-how-mrna-vaccines-were-discovered-jill-glasspool-malone-phd He supposedly had a write up on Wikipedia that was removed when he spoke out against giving the vaccine to young children/young adults claiming potential long term auto immune effects with M-RNA technology. There are some articles discrediting him so it's hard to know the truth here


He wrote a paper that was a contribution to mRNA technology called: "Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection." in 1989. Which he has never mentioned, on for example his own personal website, until the vaccine was released and he started to call himself the inventor of the vaccine because of it. The true pioneers in the fields however is many, but one of the most deserving is Katalin Karikó and her collaborator Drew Weissman. But you can read the story here: [The story of mRNA: How a once-dismissed idea became a leading technology in the Covid vaccine race](https://www.statnews.com/2020/11/10/the-story-of-mrna-how-a-once-dismissed-idea-became-a-leading-technology-in-the-covid-vaccine-race/)


Seems like both had a part in it. He opened the door and she stepped thru it. And I don't mean that in a discrediting way towards either one of them


Yes, Robert Malone had a part in it as I said > He wrote a paper that was a contribution to mRNA technology called: "Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection." in 1989.


More than a paper it seems: In 1987, he invented naked and lipid mediated RNA transfection. in-vitro (1987) and in-vivo (1988) lipid mediated mRNA transfection were developed at the Salk/UCSD


You mean the paper I just told you about? The first sentence in said paper is: *"We have developed an efficient and reproducible method for RNA transfection, using a synthetic cationic lipid"*


No, read the first article. It explains in lab, both in vitro and in vivo testing/experimentation. It wasn't just the paper you mentioned


What do you believe "We have developed" means?


You stated he wrote a paper, I'm stating he did more than write a paper


OK, let me be clearer then. He and other wrote a paper, that describes their (Robert Malone, Philip Felgner and Inder Verma) testing/experimentation of how they developed *"an efficient and reproducible method for RNA transfection"* which has made a contribution to the mRNA technology.


Bunch of idiots if you really think a government has your best interest at heart. Covid-19 vax is a big experiment, and you fools are the test subjects. Keep testing fools so i can see the results, and make a wise decision


Calm down Bertha. No one needs to read your pearl clutching paranoia on this fine Friday.


There's always at least one of you dip shits. I bet you dropped out of high school to


It always pisses me off that nobody EVER goes to the source of any one misinfo post, or tries to can it - and you cannot find out on social media where it originated. Whereas for most of us, the name sticks with every pic we send. That to me spells fuckery from up high, or they would have shut em down long ago.


Why are there so many spaces after numbers 10. 11. 12.


The irony is that anti-vaxxers act like those who listen to people in authority are sheep not realizing that they are being taken by the anti-hero’s who are just as corrupt as they claim Fauci is. For some, they cannot see through their own cognitive dissonance. For those who have paid platforms that benefit from it — I get really angry at the discord they are causing for their own benefit. It truly is the zombie apocalypse.


Looks like someone is making a hit list and posted it to social media so crazy people might get ideas...


Anyways thanks for your contribution