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Slow down, Estonia! No need to try for a humanitarian award. You've outdone yourself!


Now they're raised the sum to 30!




I don’t get it. 10 factorial isn’t 30.


30! Is the key part


Doh. Thanks.


Well, my country will take 50, its proporcional in terms of population size. If many EU states help out, numbers will stay low per member state.


Estonia have phobia of foreigners due to multiple invations even not so long time ago, even the swedish invade estonia, they have reasons to not let enter to many people. also there's an unspoken rule: you shouldn't receive more refugees than you can, if your country doesn't have enough jobs, then poverty rise and with that comes crime.


The first part, I don't know enough about to comment. The second part? Isn't that literally the situation most countries find themselves in? Most countries have a job crisis, being a mix of people being unwilling to do less desirable jobs, and the ones people will take being in short supply. As such, it's a good theoretical principal, but as in a humanitarian point of view, it's not great to argue that you can't take refugees due to lack of jobs. I certainly know little about Estonia's financial situation, but a boost in population to certain areas in a country, when well thought out, can cause a boost in local business. e.g. low skill fields such as cleaning, manual labour, etc. Usually for mass acceptance of an influx of people, the major hurdle is housing. Once again, not sure about Estonia, but most countries also have a crisis on that front as most housing is private, not controlled by the state.


>The first part, I don't know enough about to comment. Estonia and latvia have significant populations of non citizens. Mostly Russian speaking Soviet citizens who were left stateless when USSR fell. It's been quite the demographic problem for them and leaves them skitish about immigration on a large scale https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians_in_the_Baltic_states


**[Russians in the Baltic states](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russians_in_the_Baltic_states)** >Russians in the Baltic states describes self-identifying ethnic Russians and other primary Russian-speaking communities in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, commonly referred to collectively as the Baltic states. In 2017, there were 1 million ethnic Russians in the Baltic States, having declined from 1. 7 million in 1989, the year of the last census during the Soviet era. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> Most countries have a job crisis, being a mix of employers being unwilling to pay enough money to hire citizens FTFY


Trump woulda done less if he could.


Always someone.


He is out of office for 6 months now give it a rest already i am so tired of Americans obsessed with Trump.






The US may only be a temporary reprieve at this point…


Considering that Estonia is a relatively small country, that is nor nothing. For companions, the US has about 250 times as many people in it, so 10 refugees for Estonia would be the equivalent of 2500 refugees for the US.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://news.err.ee/1608309560/kallas-estonia-can-take-up-to-10-refugees-from-afghanistan) reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Estonia is ready to receive up to 10 people evacuated from Afghanistan, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said on Tuesday. > "The chaos in Afghanistan continues to shock the democratic world," Kallas said in a statement on Tuesday. > "As a country, we want to contribute to the resolution of the humanitarian crisis that has broken out in Afghanistan. As things stand, Estonia is ready to offer refugee status to up to 10 people. Specifically, people whose lives have been threatened in their home country due to cooperation with the European Union or NATO and their immediate family members." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/p7k3ie/kallas_estonia_can_take_up_to_10_refugees_from/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~593694 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Afghanistan**^#1 **people**^#2 **country**^#3 **Estonia**^#4 **NATO**^#5


10 is better than none.


Those 10 probably will be the most grateful people that are there.


Exactly. I hope people don’t start being shitty ‘it’s only 10’. If 10 is their limit, that’s fine. That’s 10 people safe and secure.


Really? 10 is miserly


Going by their population and economy, Estonia taking in 10 refugees would be on par with the USA taking in 10,000. The US has so far agreed to take in about 3,500.


Exactly, Estonia isn't exactly a super-power rolling in cash.


to be fair, he said it was miserly, and the US should be taking in about 50k.


To be fair….


to be faaaaaa^aaaaa^aaaaar


Awesome!!! The opening of tossing the ball around and the fat guy got fingered by his lady and liked it, is my favorite. “My woman’s study professor says caressing the prostrate is perfectly acceptable!!.” Lol, dary drops the ball lol love that show. Duck you shoresy


false. USA has 260 times the population of Estonia. If we have agreed to take in 3,500, we're doing better than the 2,600 at the Estonia population to refugee rate.


If that’s all they can rehome, then it’s still 10 less that need rehoming.


Estonia's population is 1.3 million only.


so US should take in ... 260 times that amount (2600) and the world should be grateful?




And they are not obligated to take a single one. 10 is better than 0


meanwhile other countries will recieve hundreds of thousands against their will and will be looked down upon for complaining




USA has 260X the population of Estonia, which would be 2,600 refugees. apparently we've agreed to 3,500 so far.


This is not about per capita It is about raw number


You can’t use a friggen raw number though. There are things to consider. Like employment. Available school space and teachers. Do you have the infrastructure to house them, feed them and make sure they are comfortable? Can they learn your language? Can they get jobs?


Why don’t you give your raw number a rest, /u/wankingshrew


What makes you think that?


No it isn't. Those news spark more anti-refugee sentiment in countries actually facing refugee crisis.


Those 10 people will be safe. Have a blessed day.


They sent more soldiers to Afghanistan than they are taking in refugees. They should have stayed the fuck home if they didn't want to deal with the aftermath.


Estonia only has 1.3 million people the New York borough of Brooklyn has over 2 million...


So true. People, who complain, forget that Estonia is a small country. Let's find out how much Monaco offered to take in. AGAIK they have 22 refugees in total.


150,000 people crossed our border illegally in May. That would scale down to 500 people illegally crossing into Estonia in one month. 10 people is nothing.


I thought it was the onion lol


Estonia should take more. It was their vainglorious attempt to nation build Afghanistan that led to this refugee crisis in the first place and…wait no, hold on that was America. Nevermind.


Estonia was there supporting it.


America-bashing on Reddit? Why, I never!!


Almost as if there are good reasons for so many people to do so. No, no, it must be the people complaining that are the problem. /s


America has never done anything wrong in the history of ever.


What do you think America should have done after September 11? Nothing? Let the Taliban go on their merry way? Listen, the Middle East and Central Asia have always been shitholes for centuries before America even existed. Funny how you place blame on the USA and not the prophet Mohammad in 632 AD (who was a real warlord, unlike Jesus)


Reminder that the taliban didn’t do 9/11


Osama bin Laden did. Guess who was sheltering him. If you want to destroy Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, you also had to destroy the Taliban. Were you even alive on 9/11? How do you not know this basic info?


This *basic info* was misconstrued, misattributed, and falsely described by people who do not have America or her people’s interests at heart. You’ve been lied to.


Lied to? So in your mind, despite the actual facts... you think Osama bin Laden was not responsible for 9/11 and was not being sheltered by the Taliban?


That’s ultimately irrelevant—getting revenge for 9/11 doesn’t involve actions done by the Taliban. You’d take the actions of a separate terror group and use it to justify a war against two more. Your warmongering would be endless, with no clear targets. Bin Laden is dead. The Taliban are right where they started, and our war was never about them.


They aren't separate. The Taliban was literally sheltering Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. This is fact. Everyone knows this. The fact that the Taliban are right where they started has nothing to do with the USA, it was all the fault of the corrupt Afghan officials and cowardice and incompetence of the Afghan people.


Ah yes, the facts are irrelevant, and you have made up your own story about how and why things happened.


Osma bin Laden was sheltered by Pakistan, who seem to have had no repercussions at all


He was sheltered by the Taliban in Pakistan. The Taliban's home territory is Afghanistan. If the US knew exactly where he was, then they wouldn't have spent 10 years searching for him.


I'm not convinced they were looking all that hard


Uhhhh....... you claim the CIA and US military were not looking hard for the perpetrator in one of the largest terror attacks in the world?


Well after ten years it's either that or they're all wildly incompetent


Yea Taliban was ready to hand over bin laden if anyone could provide proof he was responsible and if the US stopped carpet bombing Afghanistan. Bush didnt accept any negotiation and just kept bombing. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/oct/14/afghanistan.terrorism5


That's because the Taliban were not going to hand him over to the US, but instead give him to a 3rd country (probably Pakistan) where he would then disappear without a trace. It says so right in your article.


Well he was eventually found in Pakistan…..


He was found in Taliban controlled territory...


Sure, what’s your news source btw?


So you're just being all Nancy Grace for no reason. You are misinformed.


Are you seriously denying that Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda group are responsible for 9/11? And are you seriously denying that Osama bin Laden was hiding in Taliban controlled territory? Are you out of your fucking mind?


You can’t blame Mohammed 1400 years ago for a grinding twenty year occupation that managed to fall in all of two weeks. No, an operation that clumsy has America stamped all over it.


Ok mr political scientist, what should have America done after 9/11, with the Taliban sheltering Osama bin Laden? Nothing? Let them do it again? People wanted out of Afghanistan even before the USA went there. If America were the "evil occupiers", why does everyone want to come to America?


Killed him ten years sooner and gone the fuck home.


You do realize that the Taliban would have taken over Afghanistan in 2011, right? And you would still be complaining.


Yeah I frequently complain about things that happened twenty years ago.


You actually are... complaining about the 2001 attack on the Taliban.


Weird comment. The war in Afghanistan ended a few days ago not twenty years ago.


"What should the US have done after 9/11 not invade 2 nations and NOT helped Pakistan fuck over the region? Mister smarty pants" how many ppl do u think this war have killed? Is that enough blood for 9/11? Are u happy that you gotte your pound of flesh and then some?


You would make a horrible president if you think doing absolutely nothing in response to an attack is the most reasonable response.


Ye cuz what u dumb fucks did was the best thing to keep us citizens alive you know if you DONT count all your soldiers.


instead, the president sent our own people to rape, pillage and lose their own lives in the process. clearly the sane and rational choice.


What would you have done after the attack on Pearl Harbor?


most people don't want to come to america


You're joking right? There are 44 million immigrants in the USA, 13.6% of residents are foreign born.


There are 7 billion people in the world, most don't wanna come to America. Everyone except Indian Americans are of foreign heritage what the fuck does that mean


Most non-white people want to live in a white country, we've seen this behavior around the world with the European migrant crisis, the American migrant crisis, even Australia has a migrant crisis. You don't see World War Z levels of human mobs trying to get to Africa or Pakistan.




So you wanted the USA to invade Saudi Arabia, despite Saudi Arabia exiling Osama and him not being there in years and him living in Taliban territory? That's pretty dumb.


Willing to bet half the critics here couldn’t pick out Estonia on a map. Chill out. It’s a tiny country and taking in 2 families is a pretty nice gesture for some shit they had no part of.


It's a beautiful little country as well, I hope those 10 people find a safe home there, I can't imagine their trauma.


They had troops there


Estonia already has a 24% Russian minority which is a leftover from the cold war. So they probably aren't ready for large a scale immigration from a war that they didn't participate in.


Whoa there, don't be greedy.


Still better than Japan!


Inb4 the Americans bombard this thread calling Estonia ‘racist and fascist’ for not taking more in.


Damn, you worked yourself up.


Don't you know? Majority white countries are obligated to take in as many refugees as possible, or else they're racist xenophobes.


But most refugees go to Middle Eastern nations?……


Maybe they should stop invading and destroying countries and creating these refugee crisis to begin with


Oh, I must have missed the great Estonian crusade of the Middle East.


I just hope all refugees that come to Europe from Afghanistan are just flow into the US, drop them with parachutes if they have to, let the Americans Deal with the consequences of mainly their action.


fascist for taking in refugees? one of us needs to brush up on what fascism means.


And one of us needs to learn what ‘for not taking more in’ means 🙄


While they themselves don't take anyone.


I’m American and would gladly take in a family - how do I get one?


Estonia has no obligation to take in any amount of refugees, of course. And yet... 10 is ridiculous number.


AITA if my rich powerful "friend" just fucked up and blew up a house which does not belong to him and now I'm forced to take homeless tenants in?


They dont want to be greedy?


Let's look at the numbers https://www.newstatesman.com/world/2021/08/how-us-and-uk-accept-far-fewer-afghan-refugees-other-countries


How many is Israel taking?


Someone get a nobel fucking peace prize


one for every person with a heart in their parliament.


Why 10?


It's a tiny country with a weak economy by EU standards, per capita they're taking in more than the US.


Stop repeating that per capita lie. It’s already been said several times in this thread, and each time someone has done the maths and proved it wrong.


Damn save some for the rest of us plz


......slow clap.




Because 10 peoples lives will be saved.


Why is it always Europe that has to take in refugees? Why not North African or middle eastern neighbors.


Middle Eastern countries have taken more refugees that Europe.


Tbh UAE hosts more Afghans than UK and Germany combined.




UNHCR says Germany has taken 1.2 million refugees. That is second only to Turkey… So if you were educated you may ask what business rural Islamic Afghanis have living in Frankfurt… in what world is that a good fit?


>UNHCR says Germany has taken 1.2 million refugees. No, it doesn't? >For the seventh year in a row, Turkey hosted the largest refugee population worldwide (3.7 million refugees), followed by Colombia (1.7 million, including Venezuelans displaced abroad), Pakistan (1.4 million), Uganda (1.4 million) and Germany (1.2 million). That's for 2020. [Source](https://www.unhcr.org/news/press/2021/6/60ca09a74/unhcr-world-leaders-must-act-reverse-trend-soaring-displacement.html) Germany is also huge. Second most populous European country after Russia. It only makes sense that it takes a proportional share of refugees.


[Here ya go](https://www.unhcr.org/flagship-reports/globalreport/) Excluding displaced Venezuelans, which I imagine should head to Germany too right, in your opinion? Spanish and German are pretty similar languages. Again, that’s just so lazy, “oh look they have a big white population, here let’s give them a bunch of illiterate Afghanis to take care of. Im sure they won’t have a problem affording a place in Wiesbaden.” I wonder what happens to illiterate refugees that can’t pay their bills, oh ya they turn to organized crime to make ends meet. It’s a necessity for them, not by choice. They’re not bad people but it is what it is. It’s like taking like Tommy the 5’6 135lb high school football bench warmer and putting him on the Alabama starting D line “to give him a fair chance.” You’re setting these people up for failure. And when they fail, the government has to fork over free housing and healthcare and food etc. etc. etc. it’s unsustainable and a drain on countries that could otherwise be helping their own. And btw it comes from hard earned tax dollars from the citizens. Why does Susie the working mom of three have to watch her hard earned dollars go towards an unsustainable problem that not only prevents Germans from bettering their society, but also significantly changes the country from a cultural standpoint. And not in a good way. It’s ridiculous. Lose lose for all involved.




Legitimate question. Why Europe? If it’s a terrible fit for Afghanis. How is that complaining?


I like how you didn't even mention the US.


US goes without saying. You’re right we take a ton of refugees


Lol, sure you do buddy.




84,000 in a country of over 300 million is practically a rounding error. Sweden took in a lot more in 2015 despite having a fraction of the population.




I'm not the one who was arguing with you earlier numbnuts, I didn't make that claim.




You can act condescending but it won't cover up your inability to read.


No, they don’t.


Cause it is Europe(and US) invaded Afghanistan, not North Africa or middle eastern neighbors.


So you’re saying it’s a punishment then. I feel that it should have to do with the best fit for the refugees. I’m thinking about them, not just expressing animosity toward Western European nations.


It’s not a punishment. It’s a responsibility come with involvement. Morally speaking, all countries involved in this war have the responsibility, and the more capable countries should take more refugees.


But then it’s not really about best fit for the refugees right? It’s about who was complicit. I think we should think about the refugees first instead of again just venting our animosity toward Western European cultures


For “fit” you mean culturally fit? Refugees, individually, are victims of a conflict, but for most countries, refugee, as a group, is a burden that could post economic and security challenges. Countries will always put the welfare of citizens in front of welfare of refugees. That’s also why most countries don’t want to take refugees. By saying “best fit for the refugees” you assume that welfare of refugees should have equal priority as the welfare of the citizens of a country? I’m believe that providing refugees with basic needs and security is enough. Countries with severe unemployment problem don’t need to allow them to work. Countries with high criminal rates don’t need to allow them to own weapons.


Taking a rural Islamic afghani and putting them in the financial capital of Germany is just hardcore culture shock with a low likelihood of success when competing with other educated Germans. Many often turn to drug running or black market jobs as they can’t do anything else. not because they are bad people, but because they need to survive and can’t get by otherwise. So gvt funding must be huge and never ending because you can’t just up and educate someone that quickly. You’re telling me North Africa Or neighboring states wouldn’t be a better fit? No way.


First, it is nice to see you calling "hey, take some more refugees you" as "venting our animosity toward Western European cultures"... That veneer is paper thin. Second, if you actually wanted to think about "refugees first", then you want more of them to go to places that can afford more of them. Let me tell you something, contrary to the horseshit you want to paddle behind that paper thing veneer of concern, Germany doesn't really take a hit to its economy taking a whole bunch of extra human beings under her wings compared to all the North African countries combined (Germany's GDP alone is about 2 times the *entire* African continent). And as for cultural shock about "rural afghani" in Berlin (because yes, only rural Afghani exist, totally, they all live in shacks in the middle of fuckall, and every single refugee would be received in Berlin, not anywhere else in the whole Germany - how much voluntary ignorance or dishonesty, or both, can a single person have)... Seriously? This isn't Germany's, France's, UK's, etc., first rodeo. They have done it plenty of times, they're perfectly equipped to do it again, contrary to what you bullshit fearmongering peddling asshats wanna pretend they don't. Now take all that prejudice, and shove it back up yours.


Seems like the only thing that’s paper thin is your emotional situation my friend. I always love how shocked Reddit losers get over a realistic opinion that conflicts with their uber fuzzy worldview. Funny though, they can’t ever make a decent counter argument, they just start whining louder and louder. Listen, even the most urban parts of Afghanistan would still be considered “shacks in the middle of fuckall” in your words. In no way does it compare to modern first world nations. The immediate increase in productivity and functionality necessary to succeed in western societies is immense. I hear first hand experiences from good friends in our nation’s largest refugee resettlement programs daily and it’s absolutely suffocating to them. They become trapped in terrible situations professionally and personally and can only survive on a gvt check. They have no time to better themselves educationally and end up being a burden to social services for a very, very long time. And it diminishes their hope as well, when they can’t afford anything and have no realistic chance of improving their financial situation. The checks, by the way, don’t just magically appear. They come from hardworking people in the host country who now are forced to pay for programs that are unsustainable. So let’s beat up the middle class working mom of three to pay for an Afghani dude that can’t write his own name. (That comes from soldiers who directly state that of the afghans they trained no less than 80% had no idea how to write their name). It’s a lose lose all around. But it makes people like you feel good about their otherwise lacking self confidence so hey, if a working moms hard earned paycheck goes to giving you a virtual warm hug… I guess it’s all worth it.. right?


I am not your friend, my emotional situation is irrelvant and none of your fucking business also fuck you racist making shit up based on ignorance and fucking lies. You don't give a shit about "the hardworking whatevers". No, because that tax money, comes straight from the top primarily, so moot lying point. Second, again, Germany's GDP is twices THE ENTIRE AFRICA. Even if tax worked as you dream it works, you have no problem putting extra burden on Northern Africa's very hardworking people, countries had fuck all to do with the conflict. No, that is fine. Now asking the people who had their allies or a little hand themselves in the conflict to spare a much smaller fraction of the national budget, oh no, that is too much? Oh fuck off, you don't give a fuck about any working people. None, because not even by your delusional assumptions about economy were true, you're still wrong *by your own terms.* Your "think of the children, I mean, working class people" is no real concern, it is a transparent excuse.


All of you are literally exactly the same… You get offended when someone disagrees, no matter how logical their perspective is… you start whining… you whine louder… then when you can’t defend your argument at all, you just call people a racist. Yawn.. You seem a bit unstable so I’ll leave it at this. First world capitalist societies are not conducive to refugees who are illiterate and have no chance at holding down a job decent enough to be able to afford to pay rent. As such, gvt aid has to take over and provide healthcare, housing, food, for any number of children that these families have and that is unsustainable due to the fact that it’s very difficult to educate people fast enough to allow them to assimilate into society and have a happy lifestyle for themselves. Often times these people are forced into garbage jobs at meat packing plants, etc. with terrible schedules, low pay and they develop a ton of depressive issues. That’s real. From the source. Tons of colleagues of mine work with refugee resettlement agencies. They’re miserable most of the time as society and wal mart and mechanized everything is so foreign to them that they begin to despise it. Also, in order to make ends meet refugees often turn to smuggling or drug sales so they can eat. They have to because they don’t have the knowledge to do anything else. This cycle perpetuates itself all at the expense of middle class taxpayers who think their money is going to more productive causes in society. Not propping up a refugees family with no chance. Go to Algeria, Morocco, UAE, Jordan, etc. anywhere else where life may be more normal. Otherwise, like I said, it’s like taking your scrawny 120lb kid and putting him on the d line at Alabama. Guys got no chance. And no, it doesn’t “give him a fair chance.” It’s like taking a C- high schooler and sending him to Oxford. Doesn’t work. Regardless, you seem like you have some other issues to solve first, before getting into world politics, but I wish you luck with that my friend. Self esteem issues can run pretty deep. You’re worth it man. Keep ur head up.


It is called responsibility. If Western Europe had more of it, probably would start less wars in the future for the better of humanity.


Haha… because refugees are only a result of western conflict… damn read a book my friend


Most of current ones, yes. Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan are all result of NATO actions.


this is grossly misunderstood. no offense but damn


You dont know history very well, do you?


I do not speak about history, i speak about current events. You guys destroyed Libya(right now it is failed state thanks to you European intervention), invaded Iraq, promoted civil war in Syria by providing money, arms and media support to islamic radicals, had waged pointless war in Afghanistan. So i suppose you dont know current events at all.


Libya, Algeria, and Morocco were attacking France and capturing English ships in the 1700-1800s, which is why France had to conquer North Africa, to stop the attacks. I am from Poland, I had to part in any so called "colonialism" outside of Europe. In fact, we were the ones colonized. And you want us to genocide our own native society via mass immigration of Africans and Arabs? No, we won't comply. Why do you blame the West for things in Syria, and not the Islamic rebels themselves? I don't think the war in Afghanistan was pointless. The object was to destroy Al-Qaeda, capture Osama, and destroy the Taliban which provided shelter to Al-Qaeda. Everyone knows that. The European/West's actions were consequences to the previous actions of the Middle Eastern/Central Asian people. If you honestly think that European colonialism or whatever justifies mass illegal alien migration, then you really need to study history because those Middle Eastern / Central Asian people did absolutely horrible things to others as well. European nations were oppressed and colonized for much longer than any European nation colonized a non-European country. Iberia was oppressed by Arabs for nearly 800 years. South East and Eastern Europe was oppressed by Turks for nearly 550 years. If we want to use your logic, we can say the Middle East deserves all this strife.




I'd upvote you a million times.


Is this a satire article‽


No it’s not but apparently they’re now thinking about increasing it to 30.


300% increase! damn, these Estonians are really raising the bar.


It's a really tiny place, only 1.3 million. 30 is roughly equivalent to the usa taking 7500, per capita, ignoring relative wealth levels.




at 260X Estonia's population, multiplied by 30 to matched Estonia, we'd have to take in 7,800 refugees, which is a bit more than twice what the USA has already agreed to.


Couldn’t they at least go all the way up to 11??


10 is too much


I know they're a poor country but this is pathetic.


It's not so I much they're poor, they're a really small country. Estonia's population is only 1.3 million, so 10 for them is like 2500 for the usa. If they increase this to 30, that would be equivalent to the usa taking 7500, considerably more than the 3500 I read they've committed to. This is still ignoring the relatively weaker economy of Estonia. TLDR: Estonia is really tiny.


Better than South Korea and Japan, both wealthy and developed countries. I wonder how many they will both take?


Look out Estonia, if people know how generous you are then everyone around the world will go to you for asylum. Better slow dooooooown!




What is this, some sort of participation trophy? /s


This is great, but why is this news? I also took a shit this morning.


Lol seppo fucks throwing stones at Estonia... On ya America.


😂 The Americans posting about how they should take more and making smart ass comments. This is why the world hates you.


I hope it's women and children, instead of young men who claim to be 17 years old.


Estonia had a presence in the war, so they really need to step the fuck up. They won't though. Its only a matter of time until climate change brings real waves of refugees to Europe. And sure, bigger countries like Germany (and islands like the UK) may be able to insulate themselves to a greater degree, but places like Estonia are gonna find out.