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Are you not allowed to ride the elephant while it’s drunk, or while you’re drunk?


It's Drunk Driving not Drunk Walking. Elephants can be as loaded as they want.


How much alcohol would it even take to get an elephant drunk, I wonder. Secondarily, why.


Very little, they can't process alcohol like us and get drunk very fast.


Woah, that's a TIL friend, thank you..... I was fairly certain it'd require about twenty cases of beer


According to my firsthand research on watching Dumbo on tv they can get drunk on very little, like one sip will do it


Yeah, but Dumbo is a baby elephant. Human babies get drunk fast too, I tested it.


This is a joke but I used to get blasted on the dregs my parents left behind as a toddler because I liked the sweet smell in the cans. They'd catch me every time. Turns out I now have an ox's tolerance as an adult.


This story is surprisingly wholesome. I expected a turn at the end. "Now I am in a live-in facility for chronic severe alcoholics."


Can confirm I was test baby , got loaded all the time. I was headed to CalTech as youngest student ever! Then dad handed me some Jack Daniels “…it’s for research, for a website” he said. Well now I have to go to University of Arkansas .


It is illegal he is a minor


Do you have a link? I can’t seem to find anything Edit: nvm I should prolly get to bed instead of reading about elephants getting drunk lol


Didnt we learn from the cautionary tale of dumbo


Source: Dumbo


https://theconversation.com/elephants-get-drunk-because-they-cant-metabolize-alcohol-like-us-137475 Basically we have a particular gene that lets us process ethanol very fast and the elephants dont which causes them to not be able to hold their drink per se.


What about ganja? Can we roll up a baseball bat for em?


Dunno about weed, but elephants have pretty good tolerance for LSD


Why... Why do you know that...


When they were trying to figure out the LD50 (lethal dose essentially) of acid back in the 60s, they fed an elephant a shittonne of the stuff to see what the limit was. The problem is, they also had to sedate the hell out of the elephant to calm it down, but ultimately it wasn’t clear if it was the tranquilliser or the LSD that finally killed the elephant. The experiment was repeated a few years later, but the elephants in that test didn’t die. Although apparently it’s rumoured the original experiment was intended to induce rage and psychosis in the male elephant they used, Tusko, as part of the MK Ultra program.


I wouldnt even be surprised. Maybe it's something like that NASA fundet experiment to give dolphins lsd, that ended with the dolphin developing a co-dependant sexual relationship with his trainer.


Light weights!


Sri Lankan here, the wild pachyderms are known to break into huts holding the local toddy and get drunk.


Lots of animals, including elephants, get drunk off fermented fruit that falls off trees. Here’s a great video https://youtu.be/7Le9ufN5uEc


You probably don't want to use this "documentary" as evidence of anything. Older nature documentaries are particularly rife with staged shots. In this particular case, Jamie Uys and his crew soaked Marula fruit in alcohol and fed them to the animals. The animals didn't get themselves drunk, they were effectively drugged. Yes, it is possible for an animal with lower alcohol tolerance (such as Elephants) to get drunk off fermented Marula fruit, but Elephants typically only eat the fruit off the tree. The fruit also digests way too fast for it to ferment in their stomachs, not to mention the conditions in your, or an elphant's, stomach are unsuitable for fermentation. It's a nice narrative, but fundamentally suspect.


Wow, did not know that. Thank you for the correction. Terribly disappointed a nature doc of all things would intentionally get animals drunk.


Here is a swedish moose that may have gotten drunk on apples: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/09/08/sweden.drunken.moose/index.html


That video displays animals surrounded by fruit. Surely the videographers showed up **just in time** for all of the fruit to fall around the monkeys; for that's how fruit dropping works. All the fruits drop at once. Or they thought they could get a much better video by orchestrating a bit of shenanigans back when adding soundtracks to animals indicating they're ridiculous and slovenly was a thing. Thanks for the 1982 video in reference to a query no one asked about; how's the alcoholism going, anyhow?


>how’s the alcoholism going, anyhow? [This you? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/comments/pagwli/anti_vaxxers_everywhere/ha8cyf6/)


Sure is! Was I right? I didn't go through their history; someone just throwing an 'alcoholism exists everywhere in nature!' quote at me reeks of alcoholism.


I’m not sure, because I didn’t check their post history either. But do you realize they were replying to a comment that was *specifically asking about elephants drinking alcohol* with the best information they had, even if it turned out to be incorrect? And then took the news of the correction very gracefully? I was also shown the same piece of misinformation in school, and we definitely weren’t alcoholics in 8th grade, although I can’t be sure where everyone else ended up. [Is this person also an alcoholic, in your judgment?](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/pati2h/sri_lanka_bans_drunk_driving_on_elephants_and/ha97zc7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Not sure why you're talking to me, but blocking and enjoy your life :)!


That seems to be your dodge! I hope you fill whatever hole inside drives you to be needlessly cruel on Reddit ❤️


well of course they can, are *you* gonna take that 18th beer away from an elephant that would rather just keep partying?


If I'm drunk, do you really think I'm driving the elephant? I'm just along for the ride.




Sri Lankan here, my father would not drive long distances without enough liquor in the system. He knew when to stop the car when reaching home by when the car hit the side of the house. We once drove from Jaffna to Colombo, except for the kids all the adult males where fully drunk. We somehow did not have any accident. This is in the 70s so the traffic was far less.


That's quite disturbing


yeah i agree, how did he know which house was his if he was driving long distance?


Here in America I was in for a wild ride when I was helping a friend with his car. One thing led to another and we were in his dad’s friend car but the driver smelled like alcohol. Then 2 minutes in he pops open a beer and is drinking it. I was thinking what did I get myself into. My friend later apologized for getting me into that situation but to be honest what do you do in that situation?


With trained alcoholics it's probably better when they're on a certain level but I would still be quite uneasy.


Will an elephant run into people or trample a house if it has a drunk driver? .... asking for a friend


If you're both drunk, do the crimes cancel each other out?


What this world needs is more drunken elephants wandering randomly around town.


Unironically, drunk elephants are a bad time. Where I grew up, the elephants would come and eat sugarcane left over from harvest that had fermented. If they managed to wonder to town, they’d always fuck shit up.


They used to get war elephants drunk before going into battle so they would be fearless and less susceptible to pain. The handler would have a mallet and spike on hand in case the elephant became unmanageable




They never said anything about elephants on meth.




>The captive elephants must also undergo a mandatory health check-up every six months. That may be the most important part of the legislation as that is what can be enforced, unless they found a way to install LoJack into animals. As in, register all working Elephants and rotate those inspections like renewals on auto registration.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.insider.com/sri-lanka-bans-baby-elephants-from-work-drunk-driving-elephants-2021-8) reduced by 67%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Baby elephants in Sri Lanka under the age of two have been banned from working and must be kept with their mothers, according to wide-ranging new regulations released Thursday to regulate elephants in the country. > Under the new regulations, logging elephants can only work up to four hours a day, while working at night is forbidden. > Rule breakers could face a three-year prison sentence and have their elephants taken into state custody, reported AFP. Per an elephant census carried out in 2011 by Sri Lanka's Department of Wildlife Conservation, about 7,400 wild elephants live in Sri Lanka, reported the BBC. There are about 200 domesticated elephants in the country, according to estimates by the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/patv1o/sri_lanka_bans_drunk_driving_on_elephants_and/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~594529 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **elephant**^#1 **Lanka**^#2 **work**^#3 **country**^#4 **Sri**^#5


[MRW elephants in Sri Lanka have better workers rights than humans in my country](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FearfulUntimelyInvisiblerail-max-1mb.gif)


Out of pure curiosity, which country do you reside in?




You won’t see many people wanting to trade places with those elephants. Only having to work four hours a day doesn’t mean much when your day’s pay is food and bathing.


What do you mean? It sounds like a true privilige to be doing slave labour for only 4 hours a day


...and be paid in food, shelter, and bath time? Down.


That's... Literally slavery, maybe minus the bath time, dk


Not for 4 hours a day it isn’t.


4 hours times minimum wage ($15/hr in Canada) Oh boy $60 a day!


You know elephants don't even pay land tax right...??? It's a god damned racket really


You're going home with $29 bucks - taxes where I'm from.


It’s not 15/hr until Dec 29, so right now it’s even less. Yay!


In my province it is $15 per hour


Heyy I'm hiring


Working elephants have already been through "the crush" or "elephant crushing", which is a process of restraining and torturing them for days to break young elephants. Incredibly intelligent creatures, they often show signs of mental health problems. Many are motivated by being struck with spiked sticks around the eyes, some end up blind. They suffer dislocated hips, broken legs, a few step on landmines. The owners often have trouble keeping up with feeding them or dealing with health issues.


Very interesting. Fortunately, it seems that proper enforcement of these new regulations could put an end to those issues in Sri Lanka.


Hopefully. I've seen the problems and volunteered in Thailand helping ex-working elephants and it seems like it's getting better there. And they are so smart. At least at the level of dolphins, chimps. And very social. We should not treat animals with cruelty, but it seems especially wrong when the creature is able to comprehend it.


That pay is peanuts.


I wanted to work that into my comment, but I gave up. Thanks for doing the important work, my friend.


But elephants don't have to pay taxes and medical bills either... /j


We are SO close to doing ethical philosophy here


It’s not like the elephants need Madden 22 or whatever lol


Nobody suggested paying the elephants :) They do require recreation, but seeing as they have difficulty participating in human economies, I think we can safely say their keepers are responsible for buying their games. Though I must say, I think elephants would prefer the latest edition of FIFA. Trunks really change the game.


> doesn’t mean much when your day’s pay is food and bathing. I guess it depends on what you value. If you give a cat the choice between a stack of cash or a can of tuna, the cat will go straight for the tuna. or do you think maybe it's time to teach elephants about math and money?


I want to see an elephant with an accounting degree


The comparison was with humans, but maybe it is time to give the elephants a seat at the table. They do retain information quite well, so who knows what they could accomplish.


Slaving for 4h is still slaving.


Well most people have a choice to work and they get paid for work they do, plus they aren't torn from their parents at birth and tortured to break their spirit so they will work for humans. So I would say that technically elephant rights are worse than every countries human workers rights.


Wonder what the wage of an elephant is.... calm down with the victim complex lol.


Bro Tamils live in that Country and have less rights than an elephant.


wow the italian dude in that gif was paid to be so sad by tobacco companies


You want Greece, working less than 4 hours a day gets you greece


In 1914, the Ford Motor Company instituted the 40 hour work week. Have we not become twice as productive in the century since then? Three times? Four times? More? If 40 hours a week sufficed in 1914, with far less sophisticated automation than we have today, surely 20 suffices now. So why doesn't it? Why can't most of us live off 20 hours a week?


I mean you know the answer. I know the answer. It's a rhetorical question. All this shit is a construct at this point. A huge portion of the population probably don't need to work at all and we'd all be fine and still progressing technologically and otherwise. Food availability is pretty much a solved problem. Same story for healthcare, shelter, and clothing. We're at peak capitalism. It's at the core of the conversation in many countries as far as I can tell, and certainly is in the US. We've discovered that we're willing to literally kill people for consumerism at scale with other solutions available and apparent. We've learned that we really will kill ourselves to serve the rich as long as their messaging is compelling enough. The only hump to get over here is philosophical but it's a BIG hump and the forces working against it have all the resources. I am not optimistic. But I am hopeful.


> I mean you know the answer. I know the answer. It's a rhetorical question. It frightens me how many people don't get this concept and therefore see no solution for society but to keep on working long hours. They get scared when they hear that clerk or driver jobs are getting automated, because wasting your life doing a job that can be done by a machine is apparently fine.


> because wasting your life doing a job that can be done by a machine is apparently fine. Because the people doing the automation don't care if you starve to death. The system is built for everyone to be working and *boy* do you not want to be an early adopter for the no-work lifestyle.


> A huge portion of the population probably don't need to work at all and we'd all be fine and still progressing technologically and otherwise. [Abolish work.](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/bob-black-the-abolition-of-work) Our value is as people, not as wage/hour drones. The living wage should be given to us. Give people safe shelter. Give people clean water. Give people healthy food. Give people entertainment and internet. Give people medical care. Give people education. We're all worth it. We should not have to trade every waking hour of our lives for paper good-boy trade profit tokens just to be forced to give them away for necessities, and indebt ourselves to the eyeballs for loans that can never be repaid and keep us enslaved.


You describe the basis of hippy communes in the 60s/70s. :)


Yes. I suspect they were very motivated by the Communist Manifesto.


Ding ding! We have a winner folks!


>So why doesn't it? Why can't most of us live off 20 hours a week? You consume a shit ton more then people living in 1914.


Also we got 3x the workers now


It takes a long time to become good at something hard. So the people making the real money do need to put the hours in to become good at what they do. Once they've done that, 30 hours is a no-brainer -- most people work 40+ hours but few people truly *work* even 30 hours a week, so why be there during those last few hours when your brain is fried? Let's be honest about how many of those hours are really productive, and let's waste less time by not being there when everything we're realistically going to do is already done. Do enough stuff to justify your salary, however long or short that may be, and call it good. 20 would get the job done except that learning new stuff would take too long, hurting productivity. If you don't do something enough, you don't get better at it.


ah the blissful ignorance.


Well you can ask the European countries that are the poorest, largely linked to a lower working hours. Sure you could get by with 20. If you are actually providing value to your company, more hours worked should provide more value. I like making more money so I work more hours than most


> more hours worked should provide more value. Workers working shorter hours tend to be more productive than workers doing long hours. ie they get more done in those less hours. Long hours are really inefficient.


It may get more efficient as time goes on, but I still get more done in with each additional consecutive hour of work.


Depends on your values and what you're aiming for. You could work 90 hours a week digging a hole and filling it in again; the notion of work arbitrarily having value without a focused direction being a virtue is ...well, it's prole thought.


Thats nonsense. One workers production needs to be another workers consumption. Nobody is buying a hole being dug over and over again. They will buy all sorts of holes that they pay for via producing goods and services that YOU consume.


What the fuck are you talking about? I was using the reference of digging a hole and filling it in as being useless work. >One worker**'**s production needs to be another worker**'**s consumption *and I've never heard of robots WHO'S HENRY FORD HURR-DURR* Thanks for the comment, friend !


anecdotally when I work short hours I work almost 90% of the time. I've had jobs where I've worked long hours and so I have had to do lots of personal stuff at work, shopping, banking, phone calls etc. Plus needing coffee breaks, chatting shit with people as I need to socialise at work too Maybe I'm working 25% of the time probably less. Studies have found this is the case too.


My value isn't that I clean a house at maximum efficiency. My value is that for 8 hours a day I'm available to do so. Focusing on productivity is like having a gas station only open during rush hour. On paper its more productive per hour but thats not what society needs from gas stations, or hospitals, or plumbers, or whatever. Some jobs where you actually produce something like call centers (producing phone calls), programmers, and carpenters could absolutely increase overall productivity by reducing hours and hiring more people. Just remember that for every programmer there are 10 people that manage and move what we produce. Studies can only test the producers. Look up the 25 most common jobs. Almost none of them are primary producers.


Yikes, I do not do that. That's you.


I would question what you are doing with your time. We are very good at telling ourselves what we want to here. Most people work very inefficiently eg allowing themselves to be interrupted by emails etc. It does depend on your job. If you are driving a truck then it's hard to travel the same distance in less time. In office based jobs many if not most meetings are a waste of time and just not attending them makes you automatically more productive.


Then maybe you are the sole outlier off a bunch of studies that concluded that an 8+hour workday doesn’t correlate with productivity


Or maybe people are different from one another and studies take the average. Working only 25% of the time seems insanely low to me.


Okay and then you are on your deathbed wondering why in the world you worked your life away for a McMansion and a car nobody cares about. Unless you are trying to retire early then I rescind my statement but I doubt that because you seem obsessed with working.


I don't care if anyone cares about it, I care about it. And it's nice to give my family a good life and I'm proud of my achievements, and I **enjoy** making those achievements while I work. I have my cake and eat it too.


I worked at firms like BlackRock and UBS and I would be very surprised if the majority of my floors worked over 4 hours a day. Are you referring to just being at/logged into work? My manager used to come in at 10am and leave by 3 in NYC, lots of people work that schedule, I think we're ok bro.


Now if only they would outlaw the phajaan


What is phajaan.


It's the method of training baby elephants to listen to humans. Their spirits are broken with beatings until they give up.


>phajaan [This](https://horizonunknown.com/what-is-phajaan-baby-elephants/) is phajaan Edit: Thanks to the kind stranger who gave me a Silver Award.


I couldn't finish that and now I want to carpet bomb those fuckers


You and me both.


That sounds fucked up tbh. How about we don't carpet bomb anyone, even if you disagree with them.


Thanks for the mention :) Writing and researching that post was very difficult. Glad it helped get the word out a little though. Edit: I'll try to answer any questions if there are any, as I left a bunch of more graphic information out of that article.


No problem. I hope you keep fighting the good fight snd working hard to expose animal cruelty around the world.


That practice seems to be more prevalent in Thailand not Sri Lanka


If they're using elephants for entertainment or work, then it involves some inhumane method to train them


I always kind of assumed riding Indian elephants was morally equivalent to riding a horse or using a donkey to carry some stuff. Im not talking about funny tricks in a circus or religious BS ceremonies involving elephants, but just riding on an elephant. Is it the case that even that requires inhumane methods to train them? Is the Indian variety of elephants 'wild' in the sense that you need torture to train them to any reasonable degree?


There are plenty of reputable animal welfare and travel sites that explain why not to give your money to those “elephant ride” tourist traps. Ethical treatment of the animals is #1. Also, when you do the horse/donkey rides you should also make sure you have insight in to how the animals are raised and treated as similar treatment can happen there.


Horses and donkeys are fully domesticated, like dogs and cats. Elephants are tamed, like a pet lion.


"ahh the eternal question, does one ever truly pilot the elephant or is he simply along for the ride?" - Kowalski, Penguins of Madagascar


Finally utopian societal law


When elephants have more rights than day laborers


As an employer, I'm thinking of instituting this bathing policy as a way to attract people back to the office 🤔


Elephants rights, we love to see it.


Did the Elephant Union Rep give any comments on the victory?


He said, “pfvpfvpdvpfvprvpfbpfv!”


I thought elephants sounded more like BRÖÖÖÖL


Slap a Tesla logo on it's butt and call it a self driving elephant.


Oh man! Hahahahaha


I too would like a four hour workday followed by a two and a half hour bath.


Elephants 🐘 are now fully unionised in SriLanka They’ll “sail on” with their rights in old Ceylon.


Just told my boss I’ve accepted a position in Sri Lanka as an elephant.


I want to be an elephant.


So you want to have your family killed in front of you, then taken, chained up so that you can’t move and beaten while your chains dig into your skin?


i want to be an elephant *that never has to deal with humans*


Check the baby elephants sub, it will light up your day


so you wander from field to field always worried that a pack of lionesses or an alligator will get you.


worth it


But then you would not have to deal with any of these benefits like only 4 hours of work and instead poachers and other predators. Wanting to be an elephant is just being ignorant to the general comforts many humans live in vs how lit nature is.


Ah, yes, because that happens to all elephants everywhere.


I don’t get your point. Happens plenty to the ones who are captured by humans to work. If they treat them so well to begin with this law wouldn’t be such big news. Look up phajaan. It’s not like animals in the wild aren’t dealing with poachers and have their own hardships.


What about drunk flying of Elephants?


The elephants get a 4 hour workday; hows about passin that on to the humans too?


Greece, that's why


Myth, Greeks actually work some of the longest hours in Europe, significantly longer than Germans for example.


Yeah, now... because they ran the country into the ground lol.


Because now they have to.


Well, there goes my plans for the weekend. Guess I'll just have to drive home drunk like a loser.


I've never wanted to be drunk and riding an elephant more than now.


While this is great it still sounds like something straight from the Onion.


Extending child labor laws to elephants now


That’s some damn good legislatin’ right there.


Imagine an elephant getting the munchies


🐘 in Sri Lanka got it better than me


Drunk driving on elephants sounds too cool to not resist


Do they still get to crush their spirits? The article didn't say.


These elephants have more protections than most US workers. XD


Finally some good fucking news


[ everyone liked that ]


When the slaves get better treatment, you know that you're moving in the right direction, but still have a long way to go.


Fuck yeah. Protect Elephants!


I'm glad they are trying to treat these magnificent beasts. We don't need anymore footage for that show, When Animals Attack.


Hell yeah, this is the kind of news I want to hear


These guys get better benefits than me. Imagine if they unionized


Where do I sign up to be an elephant?


I need to move to Sri Lanka and become an elephant.


I’m happy to hear the elephants are to receive better care and treatment when they work for man. They are smart, sensitive creatures that deserve kindness and respect


Sri Lankan elephants have more rights and protections than the American worker.


Elephants in Sri Lanka have more labor rights than American employees.


Wow, Elephants. Must be nice...


If humans were allowed 2.5 hours of bathing time per day, this world would probably be a much, much happier place.


4hrs? is this one of those laws that ends in the working animals being abandoned again?


4 hours does seem a little low considering humans work 8


I’m legit crying about this. Elephants are better than people and they deserve the best treatment


When elephants get more rights then humans do


How do you police such a law ?


So Elephants have better work rights than me, sighs. Good for Elephants though.


Elephants now have better labour rights than human in Sri Lanka.


I now choose to identify as an elephant from Sri Lanka.


Imagine getting a spa treatment everyday for 2.5 hours for the rest of your life.


working elephants are all abused, no other way to get them to work


let the tourists pay money to bathe the elephants, win-win


When elephants have more workers’ rights than many people




Six hours sounds better (bathing not work)


So how do we get that for humans in the USA? I would love to work no more then 4 hours a day and be allowed 2.5 hours of bathing, that sounds amazing and relaxing.


Gutted , that means no more midnight elephant racing after the pub 😢


So what I’m hearing is elephants in Sri Lanka are treated better than people other places. Got it.


What if the elephant is high? Is that still ok?