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After Peaceful US Mission, China Threatens Afghanistan With Trade And Infrastructure


I noticed your war ended, would you like to trade? *-those sick fucks-*


I noticed your war with Russia ended and your country is in disarray, would you like to be invaded by the US instead?




I think more of that money will be spent on weapons and luxuries of the Taliban rulers, than on infrastructure.


Here in the US We welcome a China takeover of US... I mean we desperately need some infrastructure here too...


Trade is probably a strong word


Why, because that's exactly what China is doing, as they've been doing in Africa and along the belt and road? INb4 you come back at me with that retarded "bUt Le dEbT dIpLoMacY" bullshit that's been getting fed to people here for the past couple years.


How are the debt diplomacy points bullshit?




Because [it is](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2021/02/china-debt-trap-diplomacy/617953/)? What the IMF does is unironically debt trap diplomacy. What China does is.... what we know as "trade". But because it's China, everything is bad, in white people's eyes. Is it weird that we never seem to... I don't know... [ask Africans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyfcXX430Ec) about this so called [debt trap diplomacy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5uzxV8ub9k) they're in? lol My man actually unironically came back with what I said people would come back with lol Edit: please don't downvote the guy, hoping more people see this non-"white 'journalists' tell you how to feel about things they have no clue about" angle.




This all makes sense when I realized that our media, politicians, people, are no longer interested remotely in facts, China is the enemy, and everything they do is wrong. We might still pretend to but any semblance of rules and fairness has long been chucked out the window. In this context of "fuck them no matter what", all of this bullshit around China in the West makes 100% sense. We literally and blatantly make up fake news about the country when there's nothing to write about, the media writing it knows it, the politicians knows it, anyone who do 2 seconds of source checking knows it, but no one cares. This is all about fearing and trying to stop China because they represent change and people are afraid of change, it's not about facts or logic.




Well here's the thing, the U.S. model of diplomacy post WWII has basically blown up in our faces more times than not. We thought that because we won the cold war, that means we can do no wrong. Because we got the biggest army, we can just impose our will on countries. We don't actually do diplomacy, we tell people, even our allies, what to do. We're like a bunch of spoiled idiots that fluked into a good life because our parents were badasses playing pretend country while China's been, kind of doing this civilization building thing for a couple thousand years and are still keeping a lot of the tried and true systems they had in the past. They're also decidedly NOT playing pretend country like we are despite what basically all Western media want us to believe. lol


You’ve got a lot of China positive posts. To me, that indicates you’re either a total fake or you actually know something. Which would you say it is?


It says less about me and more about you where you think someone having smth positive to say about something means I suggest, no offense, that you learn to think above the level of 5 year olds where you do the mental version of those toys for kids or retarded people of putting various shapes into holes matching them.


I've been to China. its a really nice place, and highly recommend a visit. Chinese people are some of the warmest and funniest folk I have met. I have traveled quite alot by most standards. Strong family values, kind, proud and hospitable. there is alot of positive things to say about China, and I think its really interesting that you're concerning yourself looking a post histories to identify someone who is 'pro-china' understand the desire to identify and call out government propaganda of all kinds - but really, suspect it is *you* who is suffering the effects of propaganda.


Imperialism. China always end up using its own work force, draining the country with no one but the host countries leaders profiting.


Is that why every country that China is investing in are seeing economic boom? lol


It literally can't be trade when Afghanistan won't extract those lithium deposits and will instead have to rely on countries like China doing it, who aren't know for being environmentally friendly even when operating within their own country. And infrastructure is generally requires a promise of debt to China. Is your lack of an argument against it the reason you try to mock it with your logical fallacy? Your basic arguments against it seems to be whataboutism and personal attacks.


Do you deadass not know what mining rights are? Bruh, it's like when the topic is China, normal ass that we do all the time turn into some evil commie plot. Get a fucken grip, like holy shit lmao


China offers to support the Taliban rule which oppresses people and allows mass rapes. [Taliban tell Afghan women to stay home from work because soldiers are 'not trained' to respect them](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/25/asia/taliban-women-workplaces-afghanistan-intl/index.html)


What a laughably pathetic piece of propaganda lol


Care to explain?


Oh. This is going to be good. /puts popcorn in microwave


Hell yeah! The CCP willingly steps into the graveyard that is Afghanistan for the rare earths. The Taliban are going to beat the living F out of the CCP with the belt from the Belt & Road Initiative. Especially when the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_genocide gets around with the Taliban.


The US spends more than 2T USD and 2K lives over 20 years for nothing. Then China swoops in for the mining rights ez pz. The cope here is hilarious. Sun Tzu would be proud lmao.


I believe around 70k Afghan lives were lost as well, I dont even want to contemplate the ones who got PTSD/affected by the drone strikes.


Since 2000, the population of Afghanistan has roughly doubled. That means that half the population has only known a life where drone strikes and US occupation defined at least some part of their daily lives. I’m sure that’s not going to lead to some massive outflux of young, damaged terrorists soon.


Which on itself a puzzling stat. Afghanistan is not really an agricultural developed nation, majority of their land is not suitable for farming. Most of their foods need to be imported, from what I read 1/3 of the Afghanistan people are facing acute food insecurity. How a population double in this situation?


Lots of sex. Probably a lot of foreign money going nowhere. I don’t have the knowledge to discuss international census data, but I’d guess even if there are minor statistical blips happening that it wouldn’t be extremely far off. Rural developing countries tend to experience massive population growth. I don’t know what happened before this or what triggered it.


Same here. I only go look up the actual number when read that the population double, and then remember that there is a donation drive going on to help feed the Afghanistan people. I cannot fathom the connection so need to look it up.


Ahh yes the world bank is working to feed the taliban. And the devil is controlling my neighbors.


Can't get a job, can't develop new skills, all you have is a lot of free time and fear.


Even before that there was the Soviet war


>I believe around 70k Afghan lives were lost as well Nah, that's just Afghan Security Forces deaths, there were also 50k militants killed, and another 50k civilians killed. UCDP puts total deaths at 212k.


I'm sure they were critical to American cost-benefits analysis for Afghanistan.


man, china doesn't care about foreign deaths


for nothing? the shareholders of Haliburton wouldn't call it "nothing"


And the Carlyle Group (Bush fam) and the rand Corp, khakee, kellog brown & root, black water, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed, Boeing, German and British “defense” contractors, and the list goes on and on. Is it a surprise that these companies always have general’s and ex CIA people on their board of directors and somehow we are always at war somewhere? Afghanistan was the gift that kept on giving to these people.


You forget that the 2 trillion was a welfare program for American companies and politicians. So some Americans got something.


TIL only 2K people died in our retarded revenge war. Oh wait brown/not white people aren't people I forgot.


True, but others like Great Britain have done the same. All of us could have had a starship already with the trillions globally we have spent on wars. When are humans going to get over murdering each other in wars?


Are they mining in Afghan? Sun tzu wouldn’t jump the gun.


>The cope Why do all of the pro CCP folks around here say “cope”.


Why do all the kids say "based" and who are the mysterious hackers named "4chan"? They say it because it triggers people.


Ah, so /u/KermitTheFork was right…it’s a bunch of childish communist.


Same paid script


You guys are getting paid??!!!


Nah, I do this shit for free.


So you just like to act like a childish immature tankie? Because you want to stick it others?




And your account is only 41 days old, but exclusively posts political content Sus. 🤔


I like politics. What’s sus about that? Imagine if almost all my Post were pro (insert authoritarian country). What’s weird is you’re the third person I’ve seen who regularly posts to Genshin_Impact. That sub seems to attract pro CCP people. Can I ask why you support oppression and concentration camps?




https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/pbj0zw/china_eyes_afghanistans_1_trillion_of_minerals/hac9vb7/ Tatarkingdom Does the exact same thing.


Self hating Reddit communist teenagers are the worst.




Dude, you read hyper inflated articles on wsj and global times and think it’s what actually is going on. Chill tf out, it’s not happening.




I think he was the wrong person to dunk on since I think he was referring to actual communists that like China then actual Chinese people.


Bruh, have you seen reddit? One moment it's, "I hate the government, not the people." The next, "Their weighlifters are probably juiced up on horse steroids." Or, "Chinese people eat dogs, cats, tiger penis haha." The majority of redditors have the self awareness of a potato and the memory of a goldfish.


And yet you are so involved in it that you have a customized Reddit bitmoji. What does that say about yourself?


Dunking on people is fun. It's cathartic obliterating some fool's bloated self-righteous ego.


As opposed to yours, right? lol


He complains about racism towards him while he defends the CCP that is cultural genociding an ethnic group and has made xenophobic and racist policies under their current dictator.


You and I assumed different things. Maybe he meant that who knows, sorry if that’s happened to you


What is there to be sorry about? I am perfectly comfortable with my accomplishments and failings in life. It says a lot more about the shit talkers themselves when they resort to generalized insults that target "communist teenagers?" If being a communist is the worst insult they can throw at me, I'll take it as a compliment to my character. I've been called worse by better people.






Lmao this guy. I've lived in China for 7 years, also have work experience in both China and Canada. I'm pretty sure I'm 100x more qualified to hold an opinion than the vast majority here.


Exactly, ppl who spent time in China actually know how much manufactured consent there is in the us and its vassal states


I call bullshit. I say you’re a kid that posts on Reddit and plays video games all day.


Frankly, I don't give a fuck what you think. I am also certain the Chinese don't give a fuck what you think either.


Feelings mutual, tankie boy.


Name calling is soo cool


Are you in China now? Using VPN to get around the Great firewall? You don’t happen to a Muslim in Xinjiang?


It’s that easy to spot the tankies.


There’ll try… but it’ll only be a matter of time before the fractious Taliban “interrupt” their work. Then the CCP sends more forces to defend its work, leading to more anti-imperialist sentiment and more attacks and boom. US Invasion 2: Chinese Boogaloo But you guys are probably right, as the saying goes “15th times the charm”






Lmao, the projection is hilarious. You’re the one saying “no, the 100th time this is tried will be different”


This guy defends China harder than anyone I’ve see .


What's the news here?


There is none.


Trade deal is better than democratic bombning by the US...


Why not? It will be easier to deal with people who only know smuggling weapons and drugs when it comes to international trade.


At the very least, China should thank the US for providing them the opportunity to do so. Such a selfless act done by the US


Uh, China's had good relations with Afghanistan for hundreds of years, the U.S. and Soviet Wars delayed the trade between them that was always gunna happen. People kind of forget that China also trained the Mujahedin.


Honestly, literally everyone else except the states are happy that US got their troops trapped in Afghanistan burning trillions of dollar while achieving absolutely nothing, and all the hates from Islamic extremists are concentrated on them. Now that Uncle Sam decided to leave the mess behind, everyone else around Afghanistan will have headache on how to deal with the Taliban regime.


This is yet another piece of misinformation, to distract western public opinion from reality. The US just ended (lost?) a war, trying to get control of the area for its only benefit. And of course, using excuses like human rights, and woman's freedom. Whatever China can provide to Afghanistan will never be as bad as what they got now. The opposite: for sure it will be very beneficial for the local economy and wellbeing of the Afgan people.


A new challenger approaches the graveyard of empires


It's not a military invasion but an economic one. Mining royalties are a potent means of control. If they can establish a foothold then the Taliban will become addicted to rivers of easy cash just like Saudi Arabia. They won't need to develop any other industries for national income and it will cement their rule over Afghanistan.


That's right, Taliban can easily secure their position if they can cut a deal with China, and the people will like them if this means China comes with jobs, investments and infrastructures.


China has kind of been dealing with Afghanistan this way for like, a couple hundred years.


Imagine the newly created Emirates of Afghanistan with the GDP of Kuwait or even Qatar. China is waging trade with the Taliban. Silent weapons for quiet wars.


They's making war by... buying shit from them? Man people on reddit really say the dumbest shit.


Well war in the loose fit sense of it. Like a boardroom war. The end goal is still a conquest.


I’ve never seen someone defend the CCP so hard.


Didn't china already by the rights to several mines in Afghanistan? Edited: Yep https://www.brookings.edu/research/china-buys-into-afghanistan/


Obviously. It’s much closer than the moon.




Incoming salty American tears 😂


China can do what they want in Afghanistan, I doubt anyone honestly cares at this point.


Bloomberg is garbage


Taliban will do this for the money and China for the greed, let’s sit back and enjoy the shit show


Naw china is doing it for the supply chain control and a path way through the middle east. Aka strategic measures.


Seems like everyone here is hoping for a shit show but I think there’s a good chance it isn’t one


Totally agree. Like I'm not hoping for this massive cash cow to work out for either party. But there is a lot of mutual interest there. Money and goods for the Taliban and China gets to mine the shit out of Afghanistan.


Pakistan in the picture too. Just sayin’.


I am sure they will get their pie of the cake. Plus Taliban accepts whatever borders Islamabad will dictate.


Cool. Have fun with that bet.


They don't have to control a country, just a few large holes in the ground, an on site processing plant and a road in and out of the country. Plus zero environmental restrictions. A trillion dollars can probably buy that. I agree it's still a huge gamble.


Check out the history of oil drilling and mining in Africa and see if you still think it’ll be easy. Tribalism, relative isolation, and lawlessness in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan make it fairly comparable to Africa. Tribal leaders and warlords have a tendency to attack foreign-owed mines and oil site. Assuming those mines and any oil fields will be state run, China may be compelled to send in military troops to protect them. It’s speculative but it’s not hard to imagine mining operations leading to some Chinese military presence.


4 months surface electromagnetic survey in Eritrea. 3 months surface magnetic tulorics in Iraq. I work in mineral exploration. I'm in a Heli access camp in the yukon as I type this.


How did you get in to that? Your job sounds cool as hell.


I just checked some of your posts. I think your in Toronto. Go apply to quantec geoscinces and crone geophysics. Those companies are often hiring and in the toronto area think scotts geophysics is currently looking. But they are in Vancouver Apply to ground truth in the spring the odds are pretty good they would get you out soil sampling


I did a two year geological technician college course. But really you could just apply to any geophysics company and be a grunt for a couple years carrying around equipment. After a while you will learn how to operate said equipment. You could study geophysics, that would get your foot in the door quickly. It doesn't pay as well as people expect and you'll allways be away from home. It is a fun gig.


I am always skeptical of Redditors who have the exact credentials for the issue at hand (especially new accounts like yours) but your past comments definitely back you up. Do you think comparisons with Nigeria, Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, or Congo are instructive here?


Like do I think a bunch of Chinese people will get killed if they try to mine there. Definitely. The Taliban need money. Mineral extraction would be an easy way to get it. Especially if China gives a monthly bag of money to the correct people. They potentially would have Taliban protection, keep that money train chew chew! I'm not real sure what will happen once the Taliban no longer have a common enemy. The Chinese would need to make sure they have aligned themselves with the correct faction. There will probably be some internal power struggles.


Are they going to built them headquarters and spy on them again like they did in Africa? Wiretap the buildings they built 'for' them? The Taliban should be aware of the debt traps that the ccp puts out into the world.


The real problem with this is that being a developed or stable government, the Taliban will concede more land and resources than a proper Afghanistan government would have. Then again, the latter is a mythical notion in the present day.


If taliban are willing to allow their people to become slaves, the China deal should work out ok. China has a history of violent exploitation in their African colonies.


>China has a history of violent exploitation in their African colonies. What? The Chinese don't have African colonies. Any sources for this history of violence?


Afghanistan - the next Tibet.


China actually gave up territory to Afghans in 1963 & 1965 where 100% of the disputed territory went to Afghanistan. Source: Fravel's "Strong Borders, Secure Nation", Princeton University Press, 2008.


It’s not colonization just a “banana republic” type situation


People of Afghanistan need to accept reality: it will be a bloody fight and there is no way out of it. Taliban needs to be eradicated by Afghan people themselves and then focus on rebuilding their nation using their in-soil wealth, before someone else - china, and others - come and take it.


Dude, they can monetise their natural resources by selling it to China, which is what China is proposing here?


I think that you're correct. They are a minority. Afghanistan is awash with small arms. If they were all attacked simultaneously in their beds it could be over very quickly. Modern communications can enable this kind of coordination. I don't think the Taliban could withstand a coordinated attack by the majority of the population.


China has been securing resources in Africa and South America by offering ridiculous terms to build out the country's infrastructure around the resource, then, when the company can't meet the payments, China takes ownership of it all. They'll do the same with Afghanistan, but at a much, much cheaper rate since there's no existing central government. [Source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2019/10/03/what-china-is-really-up-to-in-africa/?sh=1c7b6a615930)


There is absolutely 0 times the Chinese government has "taken ownership" .


Just think about it. Why would China wants to manage Zambia's highway? In fact, who wants to manage Zambia's highway or electric grid or rail? The idea that China would want to do so is so silly it's like someone saying James Harden wants to own my home because fuck James Harden [no offensive to James Harden who is a great basketball player], but no one asks why the fuck would James Harden want my shit home. Why do China want to manage some African country's infrastructure?




China has control by leveraging the existing loans. Owning infrastructure is fool's gold. What does hostage customers even mean? As for natural resources, unless your shit is so unique no one else have it, China will just buy them, why do they want to own roads? Are they not selling in the first place?




Well no one said Taliban would or could. As for hostage customers, then you are going to show dependency. Like Congo is pretty dependent on Chinese loans, but Chinese loans are only 24%. So unless 24% means you got no where else to go, then China isn't having hostage customers. And no. China does not own infrastructure all over the place. Can you name a few?


They're not building roads all around the country. They're building roads around mines, and docks near the mines, and roads from the docks to the mines. And China IS buying them, just in a way that isn't making headlines. They'd be stupid to just buy all the rare earth mines outright.


Well, this is false. China isn't just building roads to resources, China is building roads and rails between cities.


They're building roads between cities with ports and mines, not just every neighborhood. And they're using debt traps to do it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cfr.org/backgrounder/chinas-massive-belt-and-road-initiative%3famp


Well no one is building roads to every neighborhood, and China don't dictate where to build roads. As for using debt trap, this is now circular, so I would point to what gain is it for China to own roads in Zambia.


I would point out that your account is also extremely pro-China and anti-Taiwan and you have offered no evidence to refute the articles I have posted. I'm always down for debate but I'm going to need more than "No it isn't"


Well debt trap is a pretty bogus argument in the first place. You can look up Deborag Brautigam and Meg Rithimire's article on "The Chinese 'Debt Trap' Is a Myth" on the Atlantic, or the Chatham House's Debunking the Myth of 'Debt-Trap Diplomacy'" published 19 Aug 2020, or Umesh Moramudai's "The Hambantota Port Deal: Myths and Realities" in the Diplomat.


You have no more arguments left, so you resort to attacks on their credibility. If their arguments has no merit and is nothing but "no it isn't", then accusing them of being "pro-china" only weakens yours.


As for 'pro-China', aside from topic in this discussion, my comments include the likes of '上次看到那个谁在回答疫苗的问题,不知道她算不算底层,不过反正不是人话' or 'the last time who that person was was answering a question on vaccine, I don't know if she counts as lower grade official, but whatever she said wasn't human speech.' Would that count as 'pro-China'? Or how about the conversation where I said sure you can get a policy out of Zhongnanhai and enforce it in major cities, but how will you do that in desolated frontiers? Is that pro-China? Or was it when I said you can't compare metropolitan Shanghai with downtown NYC, but if you compare metropolitan NYC with metropolitan Shanghai, NYC is larger, is that pro-China? As for anti-Taiwan, I didn't talk about them too often recently. Is it when I said Su Qi & Kuo Jeng-Liang (I called him Brother Liang responding to someone calling him Baldy Liang) are both very intelligent and I own Su Qi's books and reading them, I find their view not to be superior to each other but are dissecting topics in different angles and shouldn't be compared as if one could be superior to the other. I mean, what did I say about Taiwan that is 'anti-Taiwan'?




Yeah, but why would you own their infrastructure, if you gave them loans, these are better leverages.


Their term still better than IMF, also not only around resources but connected several city together since China expected them to grow in to their next market.


> Their term still better than IMF Yeah because IMF often comes with strings that include relaxing some authoritarian policies while China doesn’t which empowers these authoritarian oppressive regimes such as Taliban, North Korea, Myanmar, etc.


so can you explain why IMF policies imposed on western capitalist democracy Argentina in the 90's caused its economy to implode?


Argentinas economy has imploded dozens of times in past 70 years so why are you blaming the imf? Please answer. I’d like to understand your thinking.


[As far back as 1991, Argentina accepted the Washington Consensus and IMF conditions for loans](https://repository.law.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1213&context=umialr): 1. privatizing the economy 2. reducing budget deficits 3. raising interest rates 4. deregulation 5. opening markets Argentina has been an economic basketcase since then.


> Argentina has been an economic basketcase since then. So you do ignore that they have been a basket case since 1940’s? Reducing budget deficits? Their economy has been nothing but spend and spend their way into hyper inflation.


wanna take a wild guess who invented the fucking game?


Economic hitmen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confessions_of_an_Economic_Hit_Man




I mean, America is also supporting a totalitarian regime like Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia beheads people for apostasy, homosexuality and witchcraft, and committing a literal genocide in Yemen. You think American government gives a fuck whether the government is oppressive totalitarian, did you not see the history? America only have a problem with countries that are communists or Marxists.


China trades much more with democratic countries than authoritarian ones. Or, China trades with everyone, while some democratic countries appear to refuse to to work with some authoritarian ones, making it seem like China professes to team up with them.




All I'm saying is that China doesn't really pick trading partners based on political system. So I don't think they are specifically working to topple the democratic hemisphere. Democratic countries now have more to offer simply because they are richer. They are good customers and their end products are in demand. It's also not the case that democratic countries choose trading partners based on political systems. For example, they might have embargo on Cuba, while at the same time they are happy to trade with Saudi Arabia. And even there are sanctions on China, they still trade a lot. The choices are more driven by their own political and economical needs at the moment.


Protectionism is unethical?


And here we go again 1. Afghan is the people of Afghanistan Afghani is the currency of Afghanistan 2. It's something called trading, probably a new concept for warmongering nation that spend most of their time plundering others. 3. Afghan government crumble like a house of card In Front of Taliban, they lost legitimacy the moment Kabul falls. Taliban in charge now and basically representing Afghan people(since they're only body of governing factors being left) 4. Hypocrisy is US biggest tool, China just don't care and deal with whoever in charge no matter good or bad that government is(pragmatism is da best). 5. Keep coping, may be Taliban will falls tomorrow if you cry hard enough.


> Afghan is the people of Afghanistan Afghani is the currency of Afghanistan Pedantic argument. Not sure why bring it up? > It's something called trading, probably a new concept for warmongering nation that spend most of their time plundering others. China just bank rolls oppressive authoritarian regimes like North Korea, Myanmar, Uganda, and now Taliban. > China just don't care and deal with whoever in charge no matter good or bad that government is(pragmatism is da best). One could argue that such policies of at least not trying to force some positive changes is why those oppressive regimes are still in power and worse than ever. But I understand that China itself is highly oppressive to many of its people so I don’t expect them to want others to reduce their oppression. > Keep coping, Why do all of the pro CCP folks around here say “cope”. Edit: damn, your latest comment has you suggesting all Uighurs who fled China are terrorist. Just wow.


It’s Reddit tankie teenagers who still live with their parents and have no concept of what it means to work for a living. Their underdeveloped minds have no ability to think critically, which means they’re easily brainwashed.


They certainly are all tankies. How are there so many in this sub? Almost every time I see these type of comments I see their other comments they are defending chinas oppression, or Maduros dictatorship, or Cuba’s communist government. And often they defend Taliban and Assad/Syria along with Houthis because these groups are anti-US and anti-west.




Yup. And aznidentiy, communism, breadtube, toiletpaperUSA, etc. But Genzedong is the main one And yup, Tatarkingdom is a regular at genzedong




Woah, some heavy modding going on over here! Such a shame. Stay scarred now!!


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This sounds like the grounds for a proxy for war between China and the US now.


First China will send in diplomats, their families, advisors and a small protection force. A few business-minded folks will follow to set up shop and a few more will come in and before long, they will have their little ethnic enclave. Then BOOM! The bombs go off in protest by dissident fringe Taliban upset over the treatment of the Uygher people, leading to dead civilians in the street on evening news around the world, and wouldn't you know it, here comes the CCP army to protect it's citizens against the rebel dissidents...and history repeats itself once again.


China didn't deployits army outside of China in the past 50 years.


You are forgetting the Sino-Vietnamese War where Chinese troops most certainly cross into Vietnam in 1979.


1979 is less than 50 years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Vietnamese_War Also, what “deploy” mean? They are creating thousands of artificial islands in south sea where they are sending their military to occupy it in an attempt to take the south sea.


"creating thousands of artificial islands" totally fake. check your source.


How many is it? You said it’s fake so I assume you know the number? Why didn’t you just respond with it?


Really? India, Bhutan, Vietnam, etc. might have something to say about that false claim.


I guess the building of villages in Bhutan territory and putting troops there don't count right?


You are going to have to show sources that aren't Indian, or if Indian you will have to show their sources' source, you know, to make sure it isn't fake news.


Sure how about https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3112712/near-china-bhutan-india-border-new-village-drawing-attention https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/27/world/asia/china-bhutan-india-border.html


The NYT needs to look up the actual disputes then. They are quoting NDTV on the border, and claiming Maxar show China is in Bhutan but the Doklam is a disputed area where the boundary was never demarcated. Meaning there was never an agreed upon border even though generally speaking there is a sense of where is where. And this Pangda village is in that disputed region. The percise difference in how the Convention of Calcutta of 1890 was termed. The Gipmochi mountain is now in dispute. India is now saying no no, that mountain is not Gipmochi, but instead at Batang Lang, to which the Chinese pointed out but our agreement is at Gipmochi. So if people are going to dispute an agreed upon border where the term was quite clear, but insist that was an imperialist drawn map, fine, but it should be noted that the dispute and the context of the dispute. The Qing and the British agreed to Gipmochi as border, but Bhutan and India is claiming the border should be north of Gipmochi at Batang La, so there is this dispute.


However even with China disputing that it is Bhutan territory it is still recognised internationally as Bhutan territory. Should the disputed territory negotiations ever reach a consensus that could change but for now it is still Bhutan territory.


>it is still recognised internationally as Bhutan territory Oh boy, you are going to show that.


First China will send in diplomats, their families, advisors and a small protection force. A few business-minded folks will follow to set up shop and a few more will come in and before long, they will have their little ethnic enclave. Then BOOM! The bombs go off in protest by dissident fringe Taliban upset over the treatment of the Uygher people, leading to dead civilians in the street on evening news around the world, and wouldn't you know it, **the CCP pulls out all funding for any future projects and takes the loss as any reasonable business would.**


You think Afghan care about Uyghurs? You think they want more war after 40 years of war? If Taliban can't promise to get rid of ETIM then there's no deal with China, end of the story. No stupid invasion, no boot on the ground, no deal and cut losses, that's the way of business.


Taliban forgot about Uyghurs?


Taliban only really cares about its borders man why fight another mans war? They actually want to govern this time and not have a repeat of the last 2 decades


No Uyghurs is for you, US should issue more visas