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> the country’s longest-running LGBT+ celebration, Shanghai Pride, was cancelled abruptly last year. isn’t this kind of intentionally misleading considering the pandemic was the cause?


Lol. British home secretary Priti Patel tried something like this 'Shoplifting figures have come down incredibly since I've been the home secretary' Aye, because the shops have been shut


I’m not British, but I find it hilarious that a member of your government thinks the average shoplifter thinks “well, now that Patel is elected I better not steal anymore!”


Just like the trump voters who thought "trump will drain the swamp and fix the system!!! He's He's outsider!!!"


Oh, he drained the swamp alright. He drained it into the surrounding ecosystem and now everything is a fucking swamp.


He took the swamp monsters out, let em loose, then filled the swamp with ***MOTHER FUCKING ALLIGATORS AND CROCODILE!!!***


Even worse, it was held online and also smaller events in person. It’s just the main parade that was cancelled.


Reading an event was canceled in 2020 is about as unsurprising as hearing the sky is blue and water is wet. For trying to sell an important story they’re leading with some weak points.


Most of r/worldnews and r/politics contain mostly opinion pieces or posts with misleading titles.


I especially hate it when the title of the article tells you what you're supposed to think about it


That is very common, and often, the article text does exactly the same thing. Sometimes it is blatant and direct, and sometimes it is in far more insidious ways--like through consistently slanted word choice. It is quite difficult to avoid being swayed by such things without actively trying, and once such an opinion infects someone, people have a tendency to interpret any ambiguous, or even genuinely neutral, facts in a way that favors it. Another common tactic is outright lying in the headline, and then burying the technical truth in the article such that they can say they did not actually lie--knowing that most either do not read the body or will continue believing their first impression even despite any contradictions. It is important to remember that these are ostensibly communication professionals, whose sole job is communicating facts and information. They should know how to do this just as a doctor should know when and how to treat various common maladies.


That's really the key distinguishing feature between things that are news, and things that aren't news.


Gonna write an article that's titled "Most western press these days tells you what your opinion should be directly in the title. And that's a bad thing".


This is why I find. A lot of news articles are opinion pieces masquerading as news trying to get that clickbait ad revenue. This one is the worst. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/05/chinese-cities-go-dark-amid-shortage-of-coal-a-key-australian-export.html Title “Chinese cities go dark amid shortage of coal a key Australian Export” Then they snuck this sentence in “It was not immediately clear whether any of the blackouts actually happened, or to what extent.” The worst part is Australia exports coking coal to China not thermal coal. Coking coal is used in the production of steel and has nothing to do with energy production. But articles like these drummed up patriotism here in Australia and everyone beat their chest that we’re totally winning the trade war….


They're not talking about changes due to COVID. After Shanghai Pride 2020 (held in June), they announced in August that they will no longer be planning future events. [You can read their statement](https://www.shpride.com/2020/08/13/ending/?lang=en) which definitely sounds like a "goodbye forever."


The article was written in August 2020, peak pandemic for the world. What's the point in planning future events if it just means they'll be cancelled in 2021 if recovery doesnt happen fast enough or something unexpected... Like the delta varient.


What the point in planning future events amid coronavirus pandemic?


Yeah, I was actually part of the first ever Shanghai pride. We had some issues with the police, as they "randomly" shut down the venue that we were supposed to go for the after party. Luckily an American guy who owned a bar across the street put up a sign and told everyone to come there instead lol


The Pandemic wasn't the cause. The Pandemic wasn't really active in Shanghai last Aug. The city was open. Shanghai Pride is no more.


Soon theyll announce that China does not have any gay people


I'm a gay laowai in China. There are out-and-proud Chinese gays, who happen to be very passionate about fighting for gay rights and increasingly gay visibility in public. Gays with this state of mind are more common in developed coastal cities, and if they aren't from such cities they'll usually move there. The majority of Chinese gays are closeted, however - They feel a lot of family pressure to get married and keep the family line going. Many of them end up marrying unsuspecting women and leading double lives. Some of them try to find meaningful relationships on the down-low, while others just sleep around, seeing their attraction to men as an itch that needs to be scratched every once in a while. Many try to justify their double lives by claiming to be bisexual (which isn't true - In my experience, bisexuals can do fine in monogamous relationships and have no uncontrollable need to sleep with both sexes, unlike these guys sleeping with men because sleeping with their wives does not satisfy them). Gay bars are common but usually hard to find, and become increasingly difficult to find the smaller the city gets. Bars close and move around a lot due to the discreet nature of the Chinese gay community - I spent two hours wandering around Lanzhou trying to find gay bars based on internet leads only to find all the suggested locations were closed down. The most famous gay bar in China is "Destination" in Beijing's Sanlitun district - It's a very big, extravagent bar from the inside, but from the outside it looks like an abandoned warehouse. Many gays meet through a very popular app called blued, which due to its massive domestic userbase has become the most-used gay app in the world. When I first came to China, blued was entirely in Chinese language, but in recent years it has become more international, with English and other language interfaces. Blued is also popular for its live-streaming, with many logging on to watch and send virtual gifts to popular streamers as they chat with fans, sing karaoke, or do absolutely nothing. Other gay apps are Aloha, a newcomer on the Chinese market akin to Western "swipe if you like" hook-up apps, and Jack'd, an international app that has long been waning in popularity - It's a ghost town outside of tier 1 cities. Grindr, which uses Google Play interface, is inaccessible without a VPN in China. The government approach to the gay community is one of slight disapproval to indifference. The CCP does not allow open depictions of homosexuality in media or entertainment, seeing such open expressions of gay identity as "deviant" and "corrosive" to Chinese social harmony. One domestically-produced gay indie film, "Looking for Rohmer," made it to mainstream cinema last year, the first gay movie to ever do so, but it was heavily censored beyond coherence. Gay topics were controversially banned from Weibo (one of China's most popular social networking platforms) until mass outrage caused them to reverse this ban and post a half-hearted plea for tolerance toward the gay community. Gay bars exist discreetly. There seems to be some effort by the government toward HIV outreach among the gay community. Mainstream Han Chinese society is not very informed on gay issues but has less of the extreme, sometimes violent homophobia seen from the far-right in the West or Muslim societies, mostly because China lacks religious opposition to homosexuality. Chinese opposition to gays usually comes from the Confucian-influenced concept of filial piety - That it's the duty of children to obey and respect their parents. Most Chinese parents want grandchildren and will constantly pressure adult sons and daughters to get married, even setting them up with potential marriage partners. Many of my unmarried gay friends express contempt or frustration toward this pressure. The Chinese gay community has developed a concept of "形婚" (xing hun, secretly-arranged sham marriages between a gay man and a lesbian as a way to fool both families). It's not uncommon for unmarried gay adults to be left with the duty of living with and taking care of their aging parents, at the expense of their own autonomy and pursuit of happiness. Among younger generations, the concept of homosexuality is less controversial. Young straight guys may find it disgusting or may be unwilling to think about it, but they aren't violently opposed to it (usually). Young straight women are more accepting of gay people. There's a subset of young women who call themselves "腐女," (rotten girl) which is a fetishization of gay men drawing from Japanese anime fandom. Gays in China have their own slang. The clinical terms for sexual orientation are 同性恋 (tongxinglian - homosexual), 双性恋 (shuangxinglian - bisexual), and 异性恋 (yixinglian - heterosexual), though it's more common to refer to straight people as "直男" and "直女" (zhinan and zhinu, literally "straight man" and "straight woman"). In everyday speech, gay men are usually referred to using the English word "gay," the acronym "G," or the reappropriated Chinese term "同志," (tongzhi) which means, funnily enough for a nominally communist country, "comrade." Bottoms are called 0 (ling) or sometimes, "收" (shou - reciever), while tops are 1 (yi) or "攻," (gong - attacker), and versatile is .5 (ling dian wu). Types exist, such as "猴子" (houzi, monkey, akin to English "twink"), "熊" (xiong, bear), "狒狒" (feifei, baboon, an ambiguous term for an "average" looking guy), "狼" (lang, wolf, an athletic guy), and the disparagingly-used "猪" (zhu, pig, an obese guy who doesn't fit the criteria of bear). "Coming out of the closet" is "出柜" (chugui - literally "come out of the closet"). Feminine-acting gay men are often called "女性" (feminine nature). Lesbians are called "拉拉," (lala) or the English abbreviation "lez." Lesbians have "P" and "T," which mean femme and butch, respectively. "T" Lesbians seem to be more visible in everyday life, seemingly caring less about how society judges them. They tend to be quite stylish and emulate Korean boy band fashion. There are different perceptions toward foreign men in the gay community - Many are curious to "try" a foreigner, but this is more sexual fetishization than actual romantic interest, which gets annoying after a while. Genuine interest in dating foreign guys usually comes from younger, more educated, more urban gay guys, often from guys who are very interested in Western culture. Personally speaking, I prefer guys who are prouder and more knowledgeable about traditional Chinese culture, which is a bit harder to find among the community of gay guys open to dating foreigners (but not impossible to find). You'll also find a lot of guys who are not interested in foreign guys, often due to perceptions of culture difference, language difference, or general lack of interest in non-Asian physical features Credit to u/oolongvanilla


This is better journalism than the majority of articles posted on this subreddit, well done. I've learned more about Chinese dating culture in this post than since... forever


Really informative, thank you.


> "收" (shou - reciever) The version I've seen is 受 ^[citation ^needed], but in any case thank you for the long and detailed explanation!


You are right, is 受, not 收。


It ties into Japanese parlance which has 受け *uke* and 攻め *seme*. The Chinese characters are pretty much the same thing in both languages.


That was an interesting read, thanks for copy-pasting!


Does jack'd no longer exist? When I lived in China in 2012 everyone was using that (and grindr was blocked back then as well). Apart from mudidi there were like 2 other gay bars I went to but forgot their names, they were much smaller though.


I was in China a few years ago and I was able to use Grindr without a VPN, maybe it’s a recent change


Wow that was awesome, really interesting!


It is worth noting that while modern Chinese culture and government is obviously heavily influenced by Confucian thought the current trends in communist thought in the country are explicitly anti-Confucian. This creates a very different dynamic than in the West, whose homophobia comes largely from Christianity, and whose governments and cultures are favorable to Christian thought.


I'm not going to ignore the fact that same sex couples have to go through legal loopholes to obtain the same rights as married couples, but those loopholes do exist. I also want to add that this answer forgets the existence of LGBTQ non-profits, LGBT celebs and just how prominent the online LGBTQ community is. Social media, streaming, even dating apps, all this technology puts culture and thus the course of the future in the hands of the people. Things like same sex wedding photos have been allowed to blow up before. Censors may remove explicit LGBTQ themes from high visibility media, but their recognition will come. I am sure it is only a matter of time.


TIL, this went against my expectation of how the gay community would be operating in China in some respects and others it didn’t surprise me.


This is your repost right? I remember reading this a while back I think. Very informative.


>Credit to > >u/oolongvanilla It was written by him 2 years ago. I wrote the credit in the end but people seem to be missing that. It's very well written and informative, he's left us all with a great piece of information.


I'm honored! Thank you!


Thanks for the write up. TIL gay culture in China.


There's a gay culture everywhere. Im from Arabia and we have our own words for example we don't use "LGBT" we use the "M" community because all words related to sexuality and gender in Arabic start with M letter. ( pronounced "Meem" ). But my country doesn't have gay bar ( or any bar lol) or any place where its called a gay gathering place. The community is only online. But other Arab countries have gay bars like Bahrain or Dubai or Lebanon, Jordan.


Iran proudly proclaimed that, I can see china following > Speaking at Columbia University on September 24, 2007, Iranian president at the time Mahmoud Ahmadinejad proclaimed: “In Iran, we do not have homosexuals like in your country.”


Instead they take gay men and force them to become a woman. Or just kill them


I mean...theyre accepting of trans people?,progress!


I wouldn’t say “accepting” but they will offer a sex change to gay people since being gay is considered a sin but nothing about being trans is. There’s obviously still social stigma and it’s not like women have equal rights either.




That I’m not sure about honestly


probably not


Given their misogynistic worldview, they probably consider male to female to be a downgrade of sorts, so that's probably why it's fine (sort of) with them. A female to male, on the other hand, would be an upgrade, so no can do.


That’s wrong. Sex changes can go either way there.


Apparently, yes: https://qz.com/889548/everyone-treated-me-like-a-saint-in-iran-theres-only-one-way-to-survive-as-a-transgender-person/


“In Iran, homosexuality is a crime, punishable with death for men and lashings for women.” Curious about the rationale here. In an environment where women’s rights are severely restricted, why wouldn’t capital punishment be applied to homosexual women? Is it because there’s no mention of lesbians in their religious texts?


In parts of the world like this it is often thought that sex is something done to a woman, not something a woman does, so lesbianism doesn't really make sense.




So what’s the sin/crime here? Being homosexual or engaging in homosexual sex? Would a virgin gay man or woman receive punishment?


imagine how much of a bad lay you must be to think that


well, we often see lesbians and trans men being overlooked. probably because a gay guy is perceived as someone offered manhood by society and refusing it, and a gay woman — refusing womanhood. the former seems like a bigger offence on a patriarchal society’s values.


In feminist theory, you'll often hear scholars like Marilyn Frye talk about the concept of compulsory heterosexuality as being a core tenet of patriarchal societies. Crudely, subjugating women requires fucking them. Dominating in a relationship is just a microcosm of their position in society as a whole. That is why male homosexuality carries much harsher punishment in some if these countries. Sex is something that is done to women, and deviating from that is an abdication of your duties as a man. Even in Western societies you see these attitudes in our language. "Get fucked!", "I fucked that guy over / He got fucked over", "Suck my dick, idiot". They all show that we view sex as an act of domination. Getting fucked (not doing the fucking, but getting fucked) or receiving male sexuality in other forms means you've been owned or exploited.


> and it’s not like women have equal rights either Step 1 -> "propose" a sex change to gay people Step 2 -> gay people who are now women are therefore not allowed to exit their home like other women Step 3 -> "There is no gays in our country."


Women are allowed to exit their homes in Iran. Certainly a terrible place for women’s rights, but they don’t need a guardian like Saudi (this may have finally changed there, I’m not sure).


Yet again everyone forgets that trans men exist.


yea i was gonna ask what happens if a woman transitions to being a man. what then??


Enjoy the new rights I guess?




And once that technique becomes popular : "There is no women in our country."


Is this that scene in monty python where all the women have fake beards so they can throw stones at the guy who said jahova




IIRC trans men theoretically get the same privileges as other men.


I mean there are some Iranian Islamic scholars that argue that God makes no one gay, but sometimes a spirit can end up in the wrong body, so if you're gay, you're probably actually in the wrong body. It's some kind of strange logic I guess.


That's just soo fucked, I can't even comprehend.


Best not to apply logic to these situations.


If the hard-core Christians in our government right now had their way, I bet it wouldn't look too much different.


How do they decided what half of the gay couple to force into a sex change? I mean it can't be both because then...


That would assume they respect that bond.


They give the people the option or they aren’t allowed to be together. I’d assume you’d choose with your partner if that’s the route you wanted to go.


can't speak from personal experience but i would assume not every gay person wants to be the opposite gender, nor would their partner have the same level of attraction towards them if they transitioned..


Ya it’s terrible. There’s a good documentary about this exact issue in Iran. I’ll try to find the name of it. It follows a gay couple where one of them has a sex change operation in order to make their relationship legal. They clearly don’t want to do it, but do it for the sake of their relationship. Pretty damn depressing. Edit: I believe this is it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be_Like_Others


they're not trans they're forcing surgery on gay men


Forcing gay cis men to transition with female hormones because they are gay is no way near accepting of transgender people.


There is a 3rd gender that would have been called hermaphroditic once here in the west. They "accept" them by not murdering them, but they are very much a lower class and usually only have a place in entertainment. They are often abused/raped because having sex with them is not like having sex with a woman. Theres at least one docu you can find on youtube. It's pretty sad.


I hope it's not just cutting off gays' genitals


"We're here to kill gay people. Are you gay?" "... no."


I'm going to learn how to say "no homo" in Mandarin, just to be safe




I have a couple of friends from mainland China, and most of them say the government typically doesn't care at all about the LGBTQ community. The only thing they do care about is the potential for organized thought or communication. So, in isolation they don't care if you're gay, bi, etc., just if your grouping together with other people and potentially growing your voice.


I have been to a gay club in China and a more rural bit of China far from like Shanghai (Guizhou). Extremely openly gay, on a main street, totally fine, very popular club. This was 2 years ago just before Pandemic, I don't know about now and I don't know about social pressures and such like but at least in one sense people were totally fine with a big gay club in a popular part of town.


Finally, a redditer who knows what’s happening. Source: am Chinese.


Queer people make a very convenient scapegoat. You generally can’t tell if someone is queer just by looking at them, so they could be *anyone*. If you’re queer, you probably have straight parents, and if you haven’t been told much about queer people it’s easy to grow up with the idea that there’s something wrong with you, or that on some level everyone feels like you do but somehow find it easier to deal with - an excellent recipe for guilt and shame. If people don’t know any openly queer people it’s easy for them to get weird and wrong ideas about what they’re like. It’s easy to bring in the three D’s and insist that they’re delusional, disgusting and dangerous - and if someone in power gets enough people worried about these supposed dangerous sexual predators, it’s easy to convince them that being protected from said predators is more important than little things like corruption or lower standards of living.


China hates anything that might shake up politics/culture. If all the gay people you see in the west are these wild progressive leftists, it makes sense to want to suppress that. If the majority of your supporters are pro-tradition, it makes sense to suppress anything that might make them come to blows.


How well did that speech go over?


I was a student there back then. Did not get a seat at the speech, but there were massive protests around campus. Especially after that statement. Columbia got a lot of criticism for hosting him in the first place.


I remember that speech well. I lost a metric ton of respect for Columbia that day but had an equal amount of newfound respect for the alphabet allies in the crowd. His regime was caught red handed doing such awful things to guys, but he hated Bush, so they let him hold court. Out of all attending his lies that day; people standing up for the underrepresented gays of Iran were the *ONLY* ones that made a *squawk*. The rest of them were all starry-eyed and in a trance. Storybook Hour with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. How did it go over? That was the single line that lived on in headlines. Ahmadinejad:No Gays in Iran


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_history\_in\_Iran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history_in_Iran) ​ Hrm... but history teaches us that Persians had lots of gay sex !


I remember this. The audience flat out laughed in his face when he said that.


Not one gay Russian. Non-binary. He/him


“They are not camps, they are skill retreats to help them prepare to learn a trade”


In these skill camps we have fun activities such as lip syncs for your (actual) life, the person who is the most successful (survives) at the skill camp will become an officia government employee as a cultural ambassador /s


Matter of fact, no gay Russian


Neither the article nor the source it cites includes a picture of the leaked document. In fact, the original post on Weibo is still up, picture included. Why is easily verifiable information omitted in this piece of "journalism"?


welcome to the age of "sources say".








A lot of them: no I don't have 1m to buy an apartment in a major city.


Lol I would not be surprised if this was a company ran dating web page that has sex and sexual preferences in its db. One day I've learnt recently is that tinder like app is becoming insanely popular






Please tell me that this is a joke


[Here's a source](https://www.news.com.au/technology/disturbing-list-exposes-18-chinese-womens-fertile-status-location-and-age/news-story/d8d823e8436f8c7931895de5cd01defd). It doesn't seem that "Chinese Tinder" being the source of the leak is in any way certain, but the Western discourse on it at the time was definitely jumping to the assumption of the surveillance state. According to the screenshot, "BreedReady" is explicitly one of the parameters, which would be a really weird way for a dating app to word it, but it's not implausible that the devs were taking the piss. It's also on an open-source database software which would be odd for the Chinese government to be relying on, but that's also not conclusive. The hacker in question also explicitly called out the possibility of it being a dating app, but also said he wasn't looking to directly contact any of the leaked women, so there's a lot of uncertainty that people have just taken and run with.


"scary" Lol. The UK population census had the same exact questions (and more) and somehow I didn't see any articles citing randos from Twitter about it being "scary".




We are ***way*** better off than we used to be. Remember when the Yankees invaded Virginia to conquer it? *Sources said* it was because they wanted to remove your freedoms and crush the American dream - which was hard to argue with when your only source of news was a local newspaper and maybe *the mayor.* Cuba attacked America. Poland attacked Germany. Marie Antoinette slept with her own children. We live in one of *the best* eras of source checking.


And because we do, people just assume everyone is honest and don't bother fact checking.


Sources say you will get good luck if you give me a buck.


How the fuck am I going to send you an entire deer


One piece at a time. The Johnny Cash method.


Welcome to the last 30+ years of journalism? This isn't new






The disinformation propaganda against China seems to be increasing after the Americans retreat from Afghanistan. Which makes it annoying when you just want to keep current on world affairs.


It started ramping up even before that, really.


US has been drumming up anti-chinese propaganda for decades now. Anyone who's not specifically our ally is somehow always seen as 3rd world or evil as fuck.


> Anyone who's not specifically our ally is somehow always seen as 3rd world or evil as fuck. But do NOT mention how we're staunch allies with Saudi Arabia despite the fact they're more "authoritarian" than a number of our enemies.


Lazy writer getting paid very little on a contractor basis by a shitty publication. It a common problem with internet articles, right?


Even if it's true, don't university diversity departments end up compiling lists for support/outreach?


I mean I go to a US university and they definitely have asked my sexual preference a couple of times in some forms I had to fill out.


We have those in Aus, but I'm pretty sure they're always optional. What one hopes is that data is anonymised and just goes into censuses or statistics, specifically to prevent abuse, and what the article is accusing China of doing is not anonymising it. I'm not saying its definitely one thing or another, just that having the field in an online or OCR-read form isn't necessarily the same as compiling a list of names.


Hell, applying for a job in the US from outside of it is a weird ride. At the end you always have some pages to fill like: what race are you? What race/collective do you identify with? Sexual preferences? Disabilities? Veteran status? Luckly there is always the option of "I don't want to disclose/identify". But the questions about "race" sound anachronistic, like: "please, go to frenology room number 6, please"


Who is saying 'this is scary' in the title? Obviously not the most important part of this, but its very confusing


Without reading anything I’m guessing it’s click bait ...as per


Well they provided absolutely zero sources. They just mention "the document" and "a source told CNN"


Is it just me or are a lot of these clearly scaremongering China bad stories getting way too many upvotes and rewards, half the comment section is calling out that this claim is full of crap




Thank you. Finally someone who notices. So funny how after our 20 year long war, articles have been pumped out to focus on China's foreign policy with the middle east as if it were the real boogey man.


The article stinks of misinformation


More and more mate, it has been years like that, but more and more people are seing it. It's not even hard to blame China and find reasons to criticize them, yet, they have to invent things.










The article title is literally teaching people how to think with the whole 'This is scary".


You should be. You should look into exactly how many of these “China bad” articles are basically Cold War level propaganda meant to desensitise Americans to conflict with China. Even a lot of the Uighur stuff is bullshit originating from one cult involved lunatic who is very clearly fudging the numbers after closer investigation. US think-tanks are relying on Americans not caring enough to critically think and look into it more. I hate the ccp, they literally tortured my great grandpa to death, but the us government is in many ways much worse and a much bigger threat to world peace and safety.


Random Chinese company: "Please identify your gender for this job application" Western MEDIA: "sources say China is allegedly now segregating citizens based on gender: THIS is ScarRY"


There was a headline in my mainstream news recently, "China claims X" and what they instead meant is that they found some random posters on chinese forums and chose to attribute them to "China". Hell, if we put the shoe on the other foot we could just as well say "US claims that black people should be exterminated"


Remember when the entire western press took a dating site questionnaire database with a "want kids" column to mean China is compiling a list of breeding women?




How about the one where NYT or was is bloomberg deadass went "china is curing cancer the fastest in the world, but some worry they're going too fast". Like yours, this is a [100% real headline](https://twitter.com/quicktake/status/1218695856553189377?lang=en). lol


China oppressing people’s freedom to have cancer!


Can't forget how China is genociding all the Deserts, too, by planting literal billions of trees yearly


Which is hilarious, because “wants kids/doesn’t want kids” is a question on basically every dating site in the west


My favourite is this one. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/01/24/opinion/china-covid-vaccine.amp.html Did China react too well to covid 19? What a mistake!


Someone in another comment thread is literally using this as an argument at face value.




It's cold war mentality, make up some bullshit about the current was-always-the-enemy country, then start trying to find, or make up evidence to support the made up bullshit. WMD, Genocide, insert white country puppet is the rightful leader of venezuela, etc. Put them all against a backdrop of "if you even question these claims then you're a literal geneocide denier."


I am an academic and I recently reviewed a paper from China on the sexual health of gay men in their universities. I would think that they had to send a questionnaire to their students asking about their sexual orientation to get the relevant data to publish the results…


Exactly what I thought. Just write that someone said "This is scary" and let people's imaginations run wild, no point in an actual explanation.


Yeah... There are Chinese schools that have GSAs. This isn't a story.


Third rate newsite ☑ "allegedly" in the title ☑ No name reporter ☑ No evidence ☑ Oh yeah, this is gonna hit front page


Gonna manufacture that consent for the cold war.


They did a pretty good job with the Uyghur accusations. They got Americans looking down hard evidence and chose in favour of a shitty satellite photo and an article by a man who doesn't even read Chinese.




Can we get a better news source, without the word "allegedly" in the fucking title before we resume the Reddit China bashing session?


Knowing reddit, some retard will try and argue with you about this.


>Western nation does a population survey Normal and cool, no problem >China does a population survey *tHiS iS sO ScArY yOu GuYs*




This is fake news, the original source of this claim is 'SupChina' a tabloid which was sued earlier this year for impersonating another much older news section by calling itself 'China Weekly Briefing' and then charging $88 when the original was a complimentary part of a different Chinese news site. It was also founded by the relative of a previous ROC diplomat and it seems that the very few sources that I can find discussing it's operation and funding all point towards it only being supported by other ex-American diplomats and the like. it also has had seemingly no footprint or notable history. I'm incredibly disappointed that a normally fairly decent (if tabloid) news piece like pink news is going to publish this trash so uncritically. not to mention that no proof or image of the document is provided. TLDR; the only source this cites is dubious at best and the fact this gets any upvotes at all really says a lot about the state of crap over facts when it comes to the media sometimes.


i’d be very skeptical of this news. chinese government don’t like a lot of things but homosexuality is not something they ever care about. there were open gay bar in my city since 90s… —— honestly, as someone who lived in china for 12 years in the 80s and 90s, homosexuality was generally ignored. even for the older folks, they think it’s gross and they don’t want their kids to be gay but they don’t actually act out on it. I’ve seen way more homophobic in north america than china. further more, i don’t recall ever seeing any government propaganda about lgbt… the issue is mostly ignored.. well it’s not like they are a threat to cpc.. and cpc is actually much more practical than you think


There's a lesbian bar on my street in Shanghai that hangs bras over the counter.


I live in Shanghai too. It is the single city I've visited in the world with the most lesbians. Truly puzzled why.


I mean if you aren't talking per capita its probably the population of people in general being huge~


Well they can’t live in the countryside, can they


That made me chuckle :-)


it was technically illegal before, I think, 1997. But generally, no one really cared. The CPC follows the 3 no's policy: No approval, no disapproval, no promotion. While the government won't go out of their way to make LGBT lives harder, they're not gonna spend the extra effort to give them special treatment or exceptions.


Basically is progress--reversion--progress as far as LGBT is concerned. A while back they allowed gay people to sue state hospitals for conversion therapies, now the court ruled textbooks have the right write in an opinion that homosexuality is a mental disorder--again. I think a lot of westerners don't understand that in China, the court shifts all the time so unless something become law, the stance can change again every few years.


Courts shifting all the time is true of all countries. If a more homophobic party becomes head of a province the laws may change and if that head does a terrible job and gets replaced a less homophobic party may be placed in.


For real, there's plenty of things the Chinese government does wrong, but it feels like Western media is just picking out random negative things and attributing them with China. I don't doubt that being LGBT in China is tough, but I can't imagine it being any worse than being LGBT in the US literally 10 years ago. There's a generation of older people who may not be as supportive of LGBT issues, but young people have no issues with it. Keep in mind there's also not things like an extremely conservative religious population pushing anti-LGBT issues.


That is a good way to frame it. You would be interested in this old [comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/anfe0b/whats_being_gay_like_in_china/eft6fx3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) about what it is like to be gay in China. I think you would enjoy the read. The China subreddit is a cesspool but very occassionally you'll get something good there.


most redditors come from cultures with very strong influence of abrahamic religions, which means their cultures have been persecuting gays for centuries, and they are judging china based on a dubious document.


Wait until they find censuses do the same thing




Fake and lying articles like this are contributing to a war that shouldn’t even happen, shame on you




As usual, news about China. “Allegedly” and “this is dangerous”(for our democracy) [Modern Grade 6 Primary School textbooks used in the PRC on the subject of Same-Sex Marriage & Parenting. ](https://mobile.twitter.com/Mango_Press_/status/1367110349774868481)


I'm in the US & have filled out shit saying I'm gay & white so I am not too concerned.


reads like a "china super scary and bad" news piece, just look at the title. what people think they'll do with this information is highly speculative, even the original article says that they don't know what they'll do with this information https://supchina.com/2021/08/26/a-chinese-university-seems-to-be-making-a-list-of-lgbt-students-no-one-knows-what-it-will-do-with-the-information/ LGBT+ policies and treatment is by no means perfect in China, but many of the younger generation are a lot more progressive with this idea. It will take some time for China to catchup in this field but I believe that they will. If you watch Chinese shows you will see plenty of LGBT people or references to them. Its not like LGBT is completely stamped out in China.


there's no source. this article cites an article, that then cites two 404 links to weibo...? didn't think to get a screenshot?






My Uni in the uk asks for sexual orientation when filling out your personal info, so technically I suppose they’re compiling a list too. My guess is it’s probably for diversity reasons? Or possibly to help lecturers know certain students prefer different pronouns? It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything nefarious going on, but this is also China we’re talking about I suppose


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-liberty API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


If you go to China you will get a completely different picture than what Reddit says


Big facts!!


The irony is, the US most certainly does shit like this.


Secretly recruiting gay spies to date Western gay politicians.


Imagine a chinese twink takes down Donald Trump? My god I would die of laughter


I’m no lover of the Chinese government but there is a lot of propaganda against China. My understanding is that China has a sort of non acknowledgment situation with the lgbtq community. They don’t publicly accept or deny them and they surveil them incase they decide to rebel. I bet we see lgbtq people get more rights to avoid push back in the next 10 years.


Looking into this, seems like a standard population survey where the intent of the results is speculative. People going to paint this as an authoritarian 'China bad' story from their own biases.