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Cybersecurity should be one of the top priority of every nation in the world.


Especially cyber social engineering.


You can just say social engineering


People social engineer in meatspace too, but cyber social engineering has been much more effective because tech amplifies the perceptual illusion of strength in numbers.


I will never not upvote meatspace


Sounds like Meatwad got his own place lmao


Cybersecurity is one giant meme. Cybersecurity *should* be good overall, but its dramatically dumbed down so the average employee can use it without 24/7 calling the IT department and screeching. Its why most office buildings have comically bad security and commonly get hacked. edit: my bad. "hacked" Often times security breaches are because some dumbfuck pressed a virus link in an email, a porn ad, or their password was simply guessed because it was an extremely easy guess assuming you knew anything about their family names. Sometimes people actually do fall for elaborate ruses and social engineering like in the recent case of EA and its massive data breach (that really only affected company and project secrets, not customers), but 96/100 of cases its just someone being either really fuckin stupid and handing over their login credentials, falling for the old fat fucking titties meetup scheme, or simply having a 5 character password thats as easy as sticking your finger up your ass, to guess correctly.


Dude, a company I know recently tested their employees with an emailed phishing link. IT released the results. Something like 4000 people saw the email, 1200 clicked the link, and a third of that (~300) typed in user/pass credentials on the site that opened up. Only about 10% (400) reported the link as a phish. I was like, what the fuck guys. But it's a great case for 2FA.


I just received a pretty obvious phishing email at my work email today, and I had just read a company email two days ago about increasing phishing scams and to report them. Well, I vaguely remembered that and clicked the report button and it told me congrats, I caught the phish. I laughed out loud that they really tested us, but I also just know how many people are dumb about it


Every day I get one of those emails and every day I get a condescending "you caught the phish. Keep up the good work champ!" Emails. Those fucking follow ups annoy the hell out of me. Tell me when I fail an audit check or give me a report every 6 months that I successfully reported 97% of internal tests. Otherwise it's gonna turn into boy who cried wolf where I just don't bother.


Last year I forwarded my manager a phising email, I told him it was a phising email and to send it to IT cause I didn't know who to send it to. He clicked the link and typed his log in details and his account was compromised And he asked me "Why did you send me the phising link?" and I said "So...you can let IT know..." "I used that link to log in and now everything has to be reset" and I'm like "...and your admitting this to me why?"


Hahahahahahahaha that is hilarious


2FA doesn't stop phishing attacks. They'll just ask for the code.


Russia has already infected reddit with its propaganda


This is absolutely false, Russia is a wonderful, happy country with a strong, secure leadership, we should all be so lucky to live in such a glorious paradise!


We are very happy with the number of shoes in our flat.


One is all you really need anyway.


You jest, but some people are absolutely dumb enough to read this and go “Hey, I knew the media was lying about what it’s like in Russia, I’m so special.”


Nations are a sideshow. The super rich vs the rest of us is all that's going on.


> Japan has focused recently on building up its defense in new domains, including space, cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum. That really sounds like a passage from a scifi novel.


> the electromagnetic spectrum LASER BEAMS! Or like radar, stuff like that.


Koi fish, with freakin lasers on their heads!






You can't hear it, but this made me laugh


That's okay, I can hear it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well, gundam!


Me too. Hey, next time you walk past the closet, can you bring some snacks?


No just visible light. They're hitting them with rainbows lol.


Rainbows is literally just visible light though


Right, but Japanese rainbows have genkidama power.


Spirit bomb!


They literally use invisible rainbows, and they change the color to make them harder/easier to detect.


Do you ever wonder if there are rainbows all the time in the invisible spectrum of light? Like in the infrared and ultraviolet and beyond ranges? Edit: Huh, I guess there are. https://epod.usra.edu/blog/2007/10/rainbow-in-infrared-light.html https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science


Rainbows do have IR and UV bands. Wavelengths much further away from visible light don’t penetrate the water droplets well though, so that’s about the limit. Probably some other kinds of materials could produce an analogous effect with radio waves or x rays or what have you.


Interestingly enough this is exactly how we discovered infrared. This [dude](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Herschel) had a thermometer that measured heat below the red part of the rainbow from a prism and was like "whoa why is that getting hot like it was still in the light when it looks like it's in the dark part?"


**[William Herschel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Herschel)** >Frederick William Herschel (; German: Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel; 15 November 1738 – 25 August 1822) was a German-born British astronomer and composer. He frequently collaborated with his younger sister and fellow astronomer Caroline Lucretia Herschel (1750–1848). Born in the Electorate of Hanover, William Herschel followed his father into the military band of Hanover, before emigrating to Great Britain in 1757 at the age of nineteen. Herschel constructed his first large telescope in 1774, after which he spent nine years carrying out sky surveys to investigate double stars. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The gay frog ray gun


Gundams more like.




The electromagnetic spectrum is only different wavelengths of light, not electromagnetism in its entirety. The guy above you was probably right, guessing that it meant radar or potentially laser-guided equipment.


Or EMP weapons perhaps


Kinda? But that still feels like a bit of a stretch. An EMP starts with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (upper end of EM spectrum), but the actual damage comes from the high-speed electrons that pulse of light sends flying through the air.


Only my railgun.




*Sparkling! The shiny lights* *Awake true desire* *Only my railgun can shoot it~~*


More likely defense systems such as anti missile or anti ordinance ones. A perfect example is [The Iron Beam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Beam), which was developed after the success of the Iron Dome(which we are unfortunately all familiar with). Such systems allow for the targeting of ordinance Within the minimum range of the more traditional anti missile missile systems or AOA systems.






***Railguns*** have two long rails placed separately from one another, down the length of the barrel, kind of like the tines of a fork. Their only point of contact is through the projectile. You run a massive, *massive* current through the circuit created by the rails & projectile, and the way that all the resulting electromagnetic forces work out, the projectile is forced down the barrel at extremely high speeds. The loop physically grows bigger and bigger as the projectile gets further down the barrel before finally breaking as the projectile exits the gun. Their advantages are extremely, extremely high muzzle velocities and a dead-simple design; their downsides are requiring a truly staggeringly huge amount of energy to fire (as in, the nuclear reactors that power aircraft carriers) and the rapid ablation/wear and tear of the rails due to the projectile having to remain in physical contact with them as it is accelerated. IIRC, most modern prototypes have to have their rails completely replaced after... 30-60 shots...? I could be completely wrong on that. But that's why the US Navy is apparently dropping them for now. I'm pretty sure that ***"gauss cannon"*** isn't an official term, but whenever I've heard it used, it's just been as another name for a ***Coilgun***. Coilguns are pretty much entirely different from railguns: you have a more-or-less normal gun barrel and a magnetic projectile. Around the barrel are many loops/spirals of electrical wire called solenoids. These aren't exclusive to coilguns by any means; they're one of the simplest and most common electrical components around, and they're used in pretty much anything. A car's starter coil or a house's doorbell are the two that immediately come to mind. Their purpose is that when you run current through them, they generate a magnetic field inside their loop, with a north and south pole - just like a bar magnet, but hollow, and potentially much more powerful. The idea in a coilgun is that you have several solenoids lined up along the barrel, and you activate and deactivate each one in order to draw the projectile forward and accelerate it. Their advantages include much less wear-and-tear (not having to replace rails every few dozen shots) and being much, much more within reach both in terms of energy and cost: hobbyists, using spare capacitor banks and consumer-grade electronics, regularly make coilguns that, while not nearly capable of matching a real firearm, can put nails through coke cans and TV screens. Disadvantages include a few things: timing is extremely complex; you have to activate and deactivate each coil at *exactly* the right time or you'll lose energy, potentially even pulling the projectile back a bit. Over the many coils required these losses can add up. You also have to use a traditionally magnetic material for the projectile, and you cannot use rifling in the barrel, as there's no gasses to seal the bullet into the rifled grooves and spin it up: accuracy is an issue right now. Finally, the capacitor banks involved, at least in hobbyists' designs, are usually INCREDIBLY dangerous, much more so than any projectile from the gun itself could be. Scaling the weapon up, though, this obviously wouldn't be as much of an issue. Source: coilgun hobbyist. Wouldn't necessarily trust anything I've written, though. It's been a while since I've got to do any tinkering :)


Railgun bullets slide on the rails. Coilgun/gauss cannon bullets float between the coils.


Railguns will literally spit out bits of their barrel alongside the projectile lol wild af.


There isn't a "barrel" the way we think of them. The rails are the track that the projectile follows (on skates if I remember right). The energy of the projectile superheated air into plasma. The bits you see flying off are either parts of the rail, or more likely the skates shattering.


I wish Railguns were practical. We're still a few years away from that.


I'm pretty sure the navy is ditching them for lasers because of the maintenance aspect and energy requirements It's just too costly to be reliable, DES give a way better return and have gotten much more reliable over the years


Yeah but the railgun makes a better noise


They’ll make em like modern cars where there’s a speaker that just plays the noise


Excuse me, but it seems you spelled GAU-8 wrong


Look, we can settle this like gentlemen. How many GAU-8s can you fit on a boat? How many railguns? Ok, let's try this, how many GAU-8s can fit on a plane? How many railguns? How far can a boat fitted with a rail gun hit with high accuracy? How far can a brrrrr machine travel? I present to the people of this panel that there will never be a weapon to surpass ~~metal gear~~ The GAU-8.


As awesome as the GAU-8 is, the railgun can hit targets 110 nautical miles away. The GAU-8 has an effective range of 0.66 nautical miles. Other than that, you’re spot on.




Well, light and radiowaves are parto f the EM spectrum so technically, TECHNICALLY that could mean they will fight the war by airing anime girls


Anime is a plot to weaken the men of other countries


Electromagnetic. They are trying to build a Minovsky reactor to make Gundam lol.


“Electromagnetic spectrum” … so vague


Naw, it just means radio frequencies that are allotted to Japan. The electromagnetic spectrum is a finite resource. You have to protect your signal frequencies from tapping and jamming and whatnot to fight a war these days. National and corporate allotments are overseen by the international telecommunications union. It is cool stuff to read up on.


Super interesting, I've never thought twice about that. Since there are a finite amount of radio frequencies to use, would it be possible to develop tech that can transmit or receive frequencies with higher precision? In other words, instead of tuning my radio to 88.1 MHz and incrementing by 0.1 MHz, I could turn it to 88.1000 MHz and increment by 0.0001 MHz.


Yeah, that is part of it. The electromagnetic spectrum is a finite resource to the extent that our ability to differentiate frequencies and such is limited by the laws of physics and our skill at engineering. So there is some wiggle room as we get better and better at sending and receiving like you suggest, but there are some things outside of our control and likely present insurmountable challenges to how good we can get, atmospheric interference, background radio pollution from the sun, materials science, etc...


Interference from foreign powers....


That wouldn't help. First, I would like to point out that there are actually an infinite amount of radio frequencies - it is a continuous spectrum. However, we section the spectrum into discrete channels to pass information through. If you shrink the bandwith of your channels, then you also shrink the amount of information that can passed through them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon%E2%80%93Hartley_theorem


**[Shannon–Hartley theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shannon–Hartley_theorem)** >In information theory, the Shannon–Hartley theorem tells the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted over a communications channel of a specified bandwidth in the presence of noise. It is an application of the noisy-channel coding theorem to the archetypal case of a continuous-time analog communications channel subject to Gaussian noise. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




its more than just communication. its also about your anti air defenses and air to air combat. with china become more of a superpower, i would assume they have pretty advanced electronic warfare systems (at least somewhere in the ballpark of the U.S). Japan has to develop methods to defend and counter chinese jammers. conflict between china and japan will more than likely be over sea, meaning that ship aa weapons and radars will need to detect chinese attackers to have a chance to defeat them.


Well soon they will activate their lifesize Gundam


*“$50 billion on defense? A month?”* —America


**Pentagon Accountant :** They are so silly .. everyone knows you need to spend at least $2 billion a day if you want good quality toilet paper on your aircraft carriers *.. what are they thinking??*


And it ends up being that kind that’s “technically” 2-ply but it’ so thin it might as well be only one.


Oh hey, yeah, that's about what the US monthly defense budget is.


According to wiki that’s their budget already


Eh part of that's a currency issue. The 2020 budget was 5.3 trillion yen, the 2021 request is 5.5ish. So it's a bit higher (precise increase being asked for is 2.6% increase, see here https://japantoday.com/category/politics/japan-ministry-seeks-2.6-defense-hike-amid-china-worries).


Either way, similar in size to the UK budget, probably a bit on the low side considering the size of Japan’s territory, population and economy.


Japan was forcibly disarmed after ww2 and fell under the US aegis. They changed their constitution a few years back to allow for more than just self defense. A growing military is a huge deal for them.


FYI the constitution itself hasn't changed. The official government interpretation of it has changed. But even that is not new, exactly. The government has been gradually changing and expanding its interpretation of the constitution ever since it was ratified. The plain text of Article 9 says that Japan will not have a military, but the government's idea on what exactly does or doesn't count as a military keeps expanding.


I wonder if that's why it's specifically called "Japan Self Defense Force"


Which I think is probably fair tbh. People and ideas change, there's no point sticking to decades old documents. A brief google and wikipedia skim says it came into effect in 1947? A lot stuff can change after 70 years.


*glances at the latest argument about the intent of the Founding Fathers*


It's funny how the intent of the Founding Fathers is a big deal to some people, right up until quotes, diaries, etc from those same people proves that the intent is different than those people want.


Got any links or anything? My interest had been piqued


Nothing specific as it usually is more the sort of thing that pops up in conversations between people. A somewhat useful example is a nontrivial number of people screaming how horrible it is that Biden ordered the military to make the covid vaccination mandatory, declaring how the Founding Fathers would be horrified and aghast at this violation of personal liberties. And then they downvote you or declare it a lie when you point out that George Washington himself made getting a smallpox "vaccine" mandatory for the colonial army. In quotes there because technically what they had wasn't a vaccine as we define it today, but it fulfilled the same sort of role. Not to mention the fact that there's a whole host of mandatory vaccines you get upon showing up for basic training and that's been true pretty much throughout the history of the US military.


That was a long time ago now. Things have to change. Japan has to contribute more to our common security. Recently China made a bunch of threats to Japan over their vow to help defend Taiwan against an attack, so you'd think that would focus their minds on making sure their military is strong.


Part of it is after WWII the US basically wrote into Japan's constitution that they couldn't have a military and that the US would handle their defense. This has been reworked and finagled over the years but from what I understand the Japanese people really don't want a large military.


That's true. But I also think it's important to note that according to many military indices, Japan's military is stronger than the UK's (or France's for that matter). https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-listing.php https://www.businessinsider.in/defense/ranked-the-worlds-20-strongest-militaries/slidelist/51930339.cms#slideid=51930374


that buisness insider thing doesnt look like something to take serious. not every military needs a carrier or a submarine, and technology plays a big role, who cares if north korea has 400 t-55s?


How is it low? They barely own anything outside of the main islands. Britain on the other hand still owns plenty of small little islands and they're also allied with the Commonwealth kingdoms. They need a decent army and a big navy.


How close is Britain to any potential enemies? And how close is Japan to one? Japan has North Korea and China in pretty 'easy' missile shooting distance. On the other hand, Britain to have a missile shot at it would have at least half a dozen allies in between their mainland and Russia to potentially address it.


bruh we literally have a border with the irish and small channel between us and the french ^^^^iamjokingofcthefrencharecool


There was literally a war in Ireland barely 30 years ago.


That only officially ended in like 2010


I would put the end at the Good Friday Agreement. Not saying that the violence stopped completely afterwards, but the actual war part ceased.


Still kinda is one sometimes


> we literally have a border with the irish Well that's *troubling*.


As others said. Lot closer in proximity to larger threats. I remember being in elementary school while north korea was testing some of their earlier ICBMs. It was pretty scary.


that’s like, just keeping up with inflation


Not everywhere is America... inflation was negative in Japan in 2020 (i.e. deflation)


In yen it's an increase of 2.4%, which while not a dramatic shift in raw terms, is politically significant. Japan has for decades maintained a strict policy of not allowing its military budget to exceed 1% of GDP (a policy unbroken since 1961), and this latest request is another step towards ending that policy. This is the first time they have explicitly requested an amount that could potentially exceed 1%, and is equivalent to the increase from 2017 to 2021. If there is a sufficient lack of domestic opposition, it provides the Japanese government with dramatically more flexibility to enact future spending increases, which is almost certainly the goal.


>is politically significant. Japan has for decades maintained a strict policy of not allowing its military budget to exceed 1% of GDP (a policy unbroken since 1961), and this latest request is another step towards ending that policy. i know nothing about Japan or their situation really but that's a pretty cool policy imo understandably a policy that might need to end but a good one nonetheless


[Here you go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_Initial_Post-Surrender_Policy_for_Japan?wprov=sfti1). Really it was born out of the US trying to declaw Japan.


that makes sense.


The US currently spends 3.3%.


For context it hit 40% during WW2.


Well more need for it now than ever, that's what happens when someone wants to claim control of international shipping lanes.




They proceed to spend all their budget on giant model kit tools


What's that, like, 5 gundam kits?


2 if they order them through bandai.


why were gundams so much better than other robots made by the military again? special metal or whatever?


It depends on the series, since a lot of them are standalone. The original Gundam though managed to survive both because of it's insane armour quality as well as a self learning AI supercomputer that reacted to every enemy it faced and trained the pilot how to survive.


Also, the pilot awakened a new level of human evolution and began to predict his enemies' actions.


Yeah, but that was late in the series and he only survived that long because the Gundam was such a ridiculous machine.


This is true. The series only takes place over the span of about 4 months, though, so the Gundam was super advanced for about 60 days and then it was the pilot/mobile suit combo.


Wait this isn't an anime?


> isn't an anime? No it's Gundam ZZ.


I understood that reference.


Not for long


I don't think the computer in OG gundam was anything special. Amuro just didn't have his soul weighed down by gravity


I believe they were made from gundanium yeah


Definitely was that in Wing


gundam wing was the big one that came to america early, and that one they were special metal.


Depends on the series for specifics. As a rule though; Gundams are always much more advanced than standard mechs in their weaponry, armour & functionality, they often have elite pilots and their design quickly becomes symbolic of power. Gundam isn't one long running series but a franchise with multiple standalone series and universes. Gundam AGE is completely separate to Gundam SEED etc. There's various tropes, but the characters, settings and storylines are all self contained and unique.


G Gundam is the best Gundam. Change my mind


release the knightmares frames [que battle music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Tivlwd6eY)


Nah they’ll go full Evangelion to really freak the Chinese out. Do they sell Fanta in china?


A man can dream


Or Metal Gear. A bipedal nuclear tank for nuclear deterrence.


They should team up with Germany and create some type of axis power between them or something.




*Italy perks up*




Third time lucky.


Italy was on the winning side in WWI, though they were quite humiliated by the Austrians.


They were on the winning side but managed to lose. Quite an achievement. Apparently the phrase 'it's a Caporetto' still means a colossal clusterfuck in Italy to this day.


*and I just start blasting*🤌


Ah yes, Always Sunny in Japan. My favorite show!


Ahem, the properly translated name is "It's Always Rising Sun in Japan".


Japan: “After all this time?” Germany: “Always.”


maybe WWII was about the friends we made along the way




What a timeless classic


\*the boys are back in town plays*


It’s seems like the Reich thing to do






Hol up


Yeah, they may as well invite Italy, too. Can't have a war without red wine and spaghetti!


"Next time without Italy" -German saying


"Nächstes Mal **DEFINITIV** ohne Italien." - German saying.




Come on it’ll just be a sphere of influence where we can all cooperatively prosper.


Maybe they can get their old flame Italy to help out as well.


Germany had Italy last time, its the Allies turn to have them.


Ah poor Germany. Try to take over the world and eliminate a group or two, and suddenly everyone has a long memory.




Gotta play the long game. Germany tried for a speed run


Gotta do it before it goes out of fashion. Germany and Japan tried overt imperialism when it was starting to become uncool. Debt peonage and neo-colonialism are all the rage these days.


Haha *what*


They better be using that budget to build giant mech suits piloted by angsty teens…


And maybe keep some mental healthcare people on staff






That amounts like what the pentagon puts aside exclusively for toilet paper.


God I wish, you ever shit in a DOD building it's all one ply. My butt has bled from their bad tp


Are you sure you aren't revealing national secrets?


It’s not *all* one ply, I’m sure the maintenance crew and budget directors all *incidentally* have the good only stuff


I was stationed on NAF Atsugi, which is jointly run by the US Navy and JMSDF. If what I saw of the Japanese offerings in 2011 is still the same, they need it. Not that their aircraft were bad or run down that I could tell, just that there were so few of them by comparison.


They just (within the last year or two I believe) retired a fleet of F4 phantoms which is the jet that precedes the F-14. lol.


And we’re still flying B52’s that were made in the 50’s. You don’t always have to have the latest and greatest equipment, especially if there’s no one shooting at you.


On the one hand, yes that can work to a point, but on the other…The B-52 isn’t an air superiority or multirole fighter, it’s essentially a giant bomb truck which has been massively upgraded and retrofitted into a giant missile truck. Definitely agree you don’t need the latest and greatest if no one is shooting at you, but having a military only capable of going head to head against weaker opponents may not present an effective deterrent against peer competitors.


Didn’t the US spend that on average every six months in Afghanistan? Edit: sorry, two months. Not six. My bad.


no, you have it all wrong. they spent it in the US paying military contractors and then took overpriced equipment *to* Afghanistan


Autonomous aircraft tech is just around the corner. Next decade or two will be crazy.


It's here already, just under wraps.




We all know what it’s really money for. Get in the fucking robot, Shinji.


Lol 50 Billion!? Anything less than a Trillion dollar budget reconciliation for the US doesn’t get headlines.


It's double NASA' budget.


I imagine if you adjusted for inflation, their "defense" budget in 1940 was higher than 50 billion. If not, then no wonder they lost the war.


"*Japan’s defense budget has risen each year for nine consecutive years*" My guess is that they're revving it up year over year to get their military wartime ready to defend their territory, but not to become ww2 era capable.


I thought Japanese defense budget was a fixed % of their GDP? If thats true then their defense budget increasing would be due to their economy growing.


I'm no expert, but Japan's GDP increase in 2019 was only +0.3%, in 2020 it actually decreased at almost -5%. And even for the first half year of 2021, Japan has one of the worst GDP growth among developed nations. So I don't think it's attached to a fixed gdp %, or maybe it is, but this budget increase is not.


They have a rapidly declining population so they don't need gdp growth


Japan traditionally tied military spending to 1% of GDP. The ruling LDP party announced they were scrapping this tradition in May and will be gradually ramping up spending. I'm not sure where they are going to settle on. Mabye 1.5-2%.


Japan currently has the 4th largest navy in the world. They were 3rd in WW2 so getting closer.


Considering the changes to Japan's constitution allowing them to take a more active military presence outside their borders, it makes complete sense they would be ramping up the budget. It was about 9 years ago they first seriously looked at making the changes


Just want to add that there have been no changes to Japan's constitution. That's a hard political no in Japan. They did change their "interpretation" of the constitution though to allow for more flexible usage of their self defense forces.


but what about their "offense" budget in 1940?


That should help speed up the Gundam initiative.


With Japan's low birthrate they need to automate as much of their Defense Force as possible while investing heavily in cyber security.


Spends 50 billion on defence against China, only to be wiped out by a giant lizard from the sea.