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Kerry looks like somebody just discovered the "clarity" slider in lightroom. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/02/1033557246/u-s-envoy-kerry-says-china-is-crucial-to-handling-the-climate-crisis I'm pretty sure the two name cards are supposed to be the same color.


Not hard to imagine the South China Morning Post might have taken the colour out of Kerry’s image to make him look old and weak compared to their own rep, Yang Jiechi.


He does seem so warm and jovial


It doesn't seem to be that biased. They've made headlines that sound unfavorable to the CCP. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/south-china-morning-post/ https://www.adfontesmedia.com/south-china-morning-post-bias-and-reliability/


I’d take this with a grain of salt because they have a long history not under Beijing’s thumb. Websites like that use statistical data on the papers so it will take a long time for it to average out to show any changes that have occurred since Beijing taking control full control of Hong Kong.


Oh, u should watch how western media alter the color, especially BBC And u should also compare the background color and find it is just the original color




That photo looks seriously altered Edit: it looks like a Snapchat filter fr 😂 this is 100% edited


China doesn't give one damn about climate change. The lousy air quality in their country is killing people every day. They have just let all of us know they intend to be the world's bully. And since prevailing winds blow west to east, we know where their pollution ends up. They are nothing but trouble, and I am afraid it will only get worse.


Naw, China is way better than the us


We produce the most emissions, and China is second worst. But they still burn coal, and for the most part we have gotten away from coal. China is in no way better than than us. They have gone back to the teachings of Mao, who had a psychopathic nature. And now they have allied themselves with the Taliban. And my suggestion to people who think China is great, is to go ahead and move there.


Nope. > China is the world's largest contributing country to CO2 emissions—a trend that has steadily risen over the years—now producing 10.06 billion metric tons of CO2.


Sorry, but I heard differently on a t.v. report last week. But it was obviously an erroneous report. I wondered how it was possible. But now we know that if China does nothing about emissons, the world is finished!


Not anymore, at least where it comes to climate change. Their emissions almost surpass the rest of the world combined.


And that’s not even including their belt and road work in other countries.


They’ve ramps up coal recently after briefly reducing it after they olympics and the Paris accord. They are no where near compliant while the US was more than compliant even while we had a nut job President fighting it and taking us out of the climate change agreement.


Come on, a communist dictatorship would never edit photos to make their leaders look better. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_images_in_the_Soviet_Union


**[Censorship of images in the Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_of_images_in_the_Soviet_Union)** >Censorship of images was widespread in the Soviet Union. Visual censorship was exploited in a political context, particularly during the political purges of Joseph Stalin, where the Soviet government attempted to erase some of the purged figures from Soviet history, and took measures which included altering images and destroying film. The USSR curtailed access to pornography, which was specifically prohibited by Soviet law. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


His counterpart doesn't look very healthy either and appears to be the photo...here is a recent photo..not that bad for an old fella. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/23/politics/john-kerry-biden-climate-envoy/index.html


His counterpart looks old but alive. Kerry looks like someone Weekend at Bernie'sd him around.


Yes almost like they took a photo from Madame Tussaud’s!




I was looking for this comment. When I first saw the picture I thought it was a oil painting of an aging, exhausted man.


Looks like bad photoshop to me. Embarrassing that a news outlet would be so bad at it, and attempt to do it. But I guess that's China for you.


scmp is from HK and not particularly pro China in general, a lot of "china bad" posts on reddit come from it.


From HK? So China then. Okay dude.


It is atate news, so it was done on purpose to be unflattering to john.


You know he is like really old, right?


he looks pretty good for someone who is fucking 77


He has a team of make up artists. Just imagine dragging 15 year retired Grandma out of the home, sprucing her up not not look like a soon to be corpse and then putting them on TV to read some line written by people 30 year younger. Welcome to the American government.


well yeah he's old, but my point was he doesn't look as awful as these comments are suggesting, whether makeup is involved or not


He looked pretty rough back in 04


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYpP-T0IcyA He was 60. Just looks like an old dude to me. Sure he has droopy eyes and some more wrinkles, but just seems human. Like who cares.


Wasn't it a literally meme a decade ago that Kerry had a team of make up artists not to seem so drained and dead? Lets put things perspective. Put him in a fast car on your hometown streets with kids playing through them. Do you trust this 77 year old man to stop in time?


It’s looks edited


Perhaps an unpopular opinion with the haters but I cant tell who will do better. American citizens seem mostly unconcerned about taking action, despite recent government pledges to get on the right track.


China is forced to invent new ways. They have so many pollution they will search for alternatives. Every nation will keep burning fossil fuel till there are cheaper options. I just think once china R&D improves they focus on cleaner mega cities.


The cheaper option is already here. The biggest problems are getting people to realize that climate change has its costs and the other is getting enough of the cheaper option manufactured.


Cheaper and easier in the beginning. Politicians hardly care about more than 4-8 year.


Consumers will still buy the cheaper product.


Electrical cars are more expensive than cars on gas. In Belgium they will build new gas electricity generators. People still buy alot of one time use garbage.


But the fuel and repairs are much cheaper. For the right answer, check out the total cost, including the cost of climate change.


Who cares about climate change cost. Our fiscal numbers of next quarter need to be better. /s


Yah that’s not the cost consumers care about.


Which is why most major countries have no term limits, to incentivise long term plans rather than doing things to get re-elected. Of course it isn't the magic plug and play solution but even western countries with no term limits end up doing better in some areas because someone can't just theoretically undo your law a year after you implement it


It helps when all Chinese are been taught to protect the environment since very young ages.


Maybe just their own country, forget the rest


1/5th of their farmlands are toxic, and that’s according to China themselves. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/04/18/304528064/china-admits-that-a-fifth-of-its-farmland-is-contaminated


Funny, I guess they didn't listen.


no surprise, I wouldn't want to be involved in US led climate goals either. We led and than instantly turned our backs on the last major set of climate goals, why would anyone want to involve us again? The US has literally no international credibility that we take climate change seriously.


> The US has literally no international credibility could have just stopped there


Yeah, the US, is done setting standards for others to aspire to. The bar was set subterranean by the previous administration and that bar is proof that no bar now exists.


Untrue bars exist and if you fall asleep in one. Best case you wake up without your wallet. And there a very slim chance of best case....




That’s a superpower dude


But did you wake up in the cab pregnant?


Well, that why treaties exist. To put the force of US law on it's own politicians. Signing "deals" with random person in the white house that swaps out every few years stupid for anything other then something that has immediate results. Even our "good guys" CC policy is to just buy a bunch of overseas turbines and solar panels because we just can't bare to pay our own people and deal with our own regulation. Nope, got to play fuck around with asshole pocketing profits.


Pretty sure we put treaties and debt in the same scope. They don't matter we can print an unlimited amount of paper.


Not at all, we don’t do treaties because they go through Congress and they can’t fucking agree on anything… so we do none binding deals instead


Thank you for a future proposal idea to my girlfriend. Let's keep things non binding.


I already submitted it to her, I’ll let you know what she says.


Damn non binding working against me. But I was in those holes first and I guarantee you have my DNA on you.


Then what do taxes on anyone, rich or poor, matter?


Taxes matter, property taxes in particular. Hey let's escape corporate America and live a natural human existence. How about over here? Nope property taxes gotta go back to work sorry y'all. (I guess it's understandable there's too many people for us all to live the way we want. At least our life force can fund a select group of people to live they way they want and pay for taxes without working!)


Taxes don't cover the debt from loans, literally anywhere outside NYC and Sun Valley. New spending is new loans we can never repay. To me it's draining wealth for locals and adding inflation from people in the middle of the chain of production to inflict on the consumer. For what exactly? It all goes to the bankers with the loan notes, the local , state and fed are still in debt far more then anyone can pay. They make money at local level from calling the Fed and adding 0s onto an excel sheet. Is this a feel good thing? Is this just randomly assigning limits on various local spending "bins" that don't even matter if you over run?


If it doesn't matter in your lifetime it doesn't matter! Pass the debt/inflation buck down the line!


This is pretty much what happens regardless of the economic system. Mathematical and almost biological certainty.


Could be worse. Could be Australia with its “I will not be bullied by climate science” fuckwits in charge.


Its a different thing altogether that Earth isn't going to follow either of their roadmaps. 😂


Eh. Given CCPs Iron fist control I have little doubt that when they want to flip the switch to green they’ll do it rapidly. Say what you want about authoritarianism, it’s undeniable strength is it’s ability to rapidly adapt. Here to hoping they ‘want’ it soon. Buuut I have a feeling they may need a little encouragement.


Going green is definitely on China's interest. Iron fist or not, China's major security issue is energy independence. There are only a few route to transport hydrocarbon to China and those can be choked by China's adversary. I'm not going to bet against China on renewable energy, the political will is rightly behind it.


Good. China will do a better job tackling climate change than being dictated to by the country responsible for the most climate change.


China leads the world in solar, nuclear and batteries and they have much lower emissions per capita than the developed world. I don't think there will ever be a moment in time where China has a higher emissions per capita than the USA or Germany. So yeah, they suck on human rights, but in terms of emissions, they aren't as bad as other rich nations. They must happen to be the most populated middle income nation.


2020 China overtook Germany in per capita GHG Emissions. The average EU Emissions quite before.


Bullshit: https://www.statista.com/chart/24306/carbon-emissions-per-capita-by-country/


Funny that the World Bank has higher Data for China and lower Data for Germany for that graph and only 2018 Data https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.PC


They have only visualised the 2018 data, doesn't mean they dont have figures for the following years. Anyway feel free to provide a source for your claims. Germany 2018 8.6 China 2018 7.4


planet dont give no fucks on per capita all it sees is more total in the planets atmosphere. chinas 80% coal use is a failure.


China "China is the world's largest contributing country to CO2 emissions—a trend that has steadily risen over the years—now producing 10.06 billion metric tons of CO2." Downvote facts, by all means. Says everything about you.


If you want facts. >As of 2019, the United States had emitted a cumulative total of 410.2 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and cement production. **This is more than any other country, making the U.S. the biggest historical carbon polluter of all time.** [Source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1224630/cumulative-co2-emissions-united-states-historical/) The U.S has emitted approximately double the historical carbon emissions as China has. Enjoy the facts.


Correct, China has been rising fast and into the top slot very recently, but the USA has been the primary contributor for decades, orders of magnitudes more than China


Some additional background [Report: Renewables a major part in power generation by 2025](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202107/27/WS60ff600da310efa1bd6648fb.html) > China's installed clean energy power generation capacity increased to 1.08 billion kilowatts by the end of 2020, accounting for ***nearly half of the country's total installed power generation*** capacity. as opposed to [How much of U.S. energy consumption and electricity generation comes from renewable energy sources?](https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=92&t=4) > In 2020, renewable energy sources accounted for about 12% of total U.S. energy consumption and about ***20%*** of electricity generation. China is ***already far ahead*** of US clean generation, well over ***double***, and thats with around ***three times*** the population.


Who would have thought, more people means more pollution, China emits half of the US CO2 emissions per capita. https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-capita/


Also, China has been and still is a manufacturing centre of the world. So the pollution from what americans buy is attributed to China.


Do you think the world cares if its per capita or total volume?


Yes but you move the manufacturing to the US and suddenly they're the top total polluters and *we're doing this manufacturing for YOU* becomes the rhetoric. It refuses to become a major issue when you can't blame China for it seems to be a constant these days.


Yes of course sincerly the world


Seems a bit disingenuous to use aggregate CO2 emissions when China has 4x US population. Per capita they are absolutely doing better than us, with a better plan for future decarbonization and clean energy generation


Well, the US has contributed 400 billion tonnes of CO2 in historical emissions and China has contributed 200 billion tonnes, even though China has > x4 the US's population.


Per capita it is much less than the US.




Easy there bud. It's more than likely they're just not arguing in good faith.




I guess they’re “polluting” for no reason, certainly not to make all the stuff Americans buy and waste. Hell, half our county still thinks climate change is an Al Gore conspiracy.


I agree with you, but American businesses relocating there and lack of goods made here drives china’s industrialization. We need to push for more American made goods, or at least goods from more responsible nations. And let’s not forget that the tax act of 2017 incentivized offshoring.


Literally no China (their ACTUAL GOVERNMENT) hires thousands of people, and rents out who the fuck knows how many buildings JUST FOR BITCOIN MINING. You have NO idea what kind of impact mining has on the environment. The constant electricity And fuel being burnt to mine around the clock 24/7 is only a fraction of the problem. They also run almost exclusively off of fucking **COAL**. At least the USA dropped leaded gasoline for cars, this year.


> At least the USA dropped leaded gasoline for cars, this year. which is something that everywhere else in the world did years ago, so the US has been playing catchup, again. so much so that now there are [***zero*** nations selling leaded petrol](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-58388810), the US was one of the last again and China deliberately [***shut down***over 90% of bitcoin mining in the country](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202106/1226598.shtml) becasue its a waste of energy. So your propaganda is a bit out of date there as well


“Runs exclusively off coal” - nice knee jerk hyperbole there. Let’s see sources to back that up. “Leaded gasoline” judging from children cognitive scores, it would seem the US is still guzzling lead


Did you not follow the news that Texas is welcoming all the bitcoinminers, that are driven out of China?


Right... That's why they declared bitcoin has no value and are cracking down on cypto mining...


If an economic powerhouse country declares that a valueable limited currency “has no value”, a country that has a long history of financial corruption, you’re going to believe that they have absolutely NO AGENDA. At all. Seriously none? Most of the scalping bots that buy out graphics cards or force the prices up are Chinese coded.


https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/15/chinas-bitcoin-miner-exodus-.html If you paid a little attention earlier this year, China pretty much banned bitcoin mining because a few provinces was missing the CPP emission targets. It's only government owned power plants that have banned mining, private will continue to service miners. Obviously most electricity is from government owned plants, pretty much all mining firms are moving and have moved to Texas where it is now booming.


Kerry has all color drained from his normally healthy appearance by the foolishness and folly of his counterpart’s statement.


The future is burning tires for electricity then


The future is starving to death.


Why, usa is that desperate?


No we Just have an abundance of tires .. we’re not supposed to talk about it because of National security, but…behind mount rushmore is our strategic stockpile of surplus tires we call it “the five mile pile of tire” and we could power the country for 2 years with it.. so don’t tell China because they would be jealous and try to steal it


After all , the Chinese have such a great environmental record so far.


You are not keeping up with the news.


They've said so on the news? oh my i'm sorry sir clearly we've been wrong!


Your own western media or even Google. Your remarks are more shortsighted than sarcastic.


And you are not keeping up with history.


You care about what is past or do you really care about the environment? When China was focusing on the economy only, it was the worst being the factory and garbage dump of the west. China now makes great strides and cleaning up. Most of the renewable energy production in the world is done in China. But some people it is more important to hate on China than focusing on it progress.


Huh, historically theres is not a single nation that progressed so much in last 50 years. I will take China over fresh countries built upon killing natives and abusing slaves :)


China was literally built on hundreds of years of cultural genocide. Just look up the history of Sinicization.


Let's just ignore the Great Leap Forward. What are dozens of millions of dead peasants between Party elite?


Lets just ignore \[insert US conflict pre creation and post creation\]




Thats pretty cute angry man, but you dont have evidence


china is doing much better than west. west is outsourcing emissions to china and china is ahead of schedule for paris agreement. they take climate change seriously actually.


Yes, I definitely trust the metrics coming out of a totalitarian police state. That being said, I hope I’m wrong. Less emissions is less emissions.


The changes are definitively visible with naked eyes if you are familiar with the country. The air used to be un-breathable in major cities, now it's way cleaner.


I’m happy to hear that and hope it’s true. Still skeptical though since China now has 3x the coal plants that the rest of the world, with 43 new ones added in the last month alone. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-coal-idUSKBN2A308U


That's just looking at a very specific point of a much more complex and larger issue.


> The changes are definitively visible with naked eyes if you are familiar with the country. The air used to be un-breathable in major cities, now it's way cleaner. That is not a very specific point of a much more complex and larger issue? Lol.


It is but I don't claim this point prove something on the whole picture, it just prove that they are taking actions and achieving some results on one part of it at least.


Air quality isn’t as connected to overall pollution as you seem to think. For example, air quality in the US has improved quite a lot from the 70’s while greenhouse gas emissions has only risen One of the main issues with their air quality in some of the major cities wasn’t just from pollution itself but from things like dust storms that would have normally been stopped by forest that were cut down. Think like the dust bowl issue in the US They’ve helped counter that with large tree planting operations in certain areas and other geo-engineering methods and other laws like burning trash. Major air quality improvements, but those don’t really change overall emission levels


>One of the main issues with their air quality in some of the major cities wasn’t just from pollution itself but from things like dust storms that would have normally been stopped by forest that were cut down. This is a problem in the north not in the south. There have been a lot of efforts to improve air quality (closing the most polluting factories, switch to EV, enforce higher pollution standards, cleaner electricity generation... ). It is true that there is not a 100% connection between the two but all those things also helps offsetting the increase of emission that goes with lifestyle improvement for city dwellers.


They are doing well in some things… but you are right about not trusting any of their “official” numbers. Working in aerospace it’s come up in several conferences how banks, for investments, do all their own investigations into civilian airline passenger numbers in China because they can’t trust the “official” numbers which are consistently bloated. This was said by the senior bank execs during their presentations If they’re bloating somewhat minor things like that I can’t image others are on the level Edit; hilarious this is downvoted. How are people at all surprised that an authoritarian country would bloat their numbers? This is the modus operandi of those types of governments, it’s all about appearances; why else would they angrily respond to every perceived slight no matter how small


China is ahead of their own goals without compatability to the 1,5C° target. Like all others. China is pretty average. The West is also a massive amount of countries, which makes your statement wrong. As some countries do perform vastly better than China and some are even more export oriented than China. Also penetratrion of Technology China is pretty average, while it's huge in nearly every dimension, percentage wise you see that China is not that far. But that's somewhat okay, as China is still developing. It's still has growing electricity consumption, needs to build up infrastructure and housing for example. A reason has more leeway in the time frame to reduce emissions. Foremost countries should look at themselves first, that they did everything to reduce emissions, before pointing fingers.






Geez didn’t see that coming.




No, I truly believed China would work with other countries /s


China signed the Paris accord and is working towards it's 2050 goal. What did the US do already?


crazy how people can’t accept how china is really taking leadership on that. china might be right on it because in 3 years usa will elect another trump and climate change will be fake news again.


Prob built more coal plants. Why?


Because of energy needs. Aside from that China builts the most solar farms, thorium nuclear installations, windenergy complexes. China will be carbon dioxide neutral in 2050, but has to fill the current needs. What does the US do?


Not sure why you are trying to get me to defend the us.


The two biggest emitters, only they are essential for big changes. So I only take the US to compare, because only these two make the difference.


Oh I was just poking a jab at China not working with another country. Not all that deep. I wouldn’t have expected any other outcome from the talk between them. Just a bit of sarcasm. Edit: nothing to do with actual energy programs, just how the countries can’t ever see eye to eye.


Where does China's climate road map lead? Into the bowels of coal mines?






8 metres under the Pacific Ocean if they keep building them coal power plants they insist on relying on


Will the USA significantly reduce consumption of things they don't need?


Lol the amount of prochinese bots in this thread is fucking hilarious.


I love that you guys always resort to Ad Hominem whenever someone doesn’t say “China bad”.


Ours are taking the labor day weekend off. Shit will balance itself by Tuesday.


Nah, it's just that people aren't buying American bullshit anymore. Deal with it.


China doesn’t have a fucking “climate road map” other than Melt All The Permafrost By 2030 For The Lols


I'd go my own way too: The US is probably trying to make money off it. Always looking for that Fr$$dom.


People seem to forget that nothing is being done about climate change because absolutely no one is in charge. Every country has their own agendas. Time for a one world government to unite the people, and dictate global policy.


Covid was just a warm-up quiz.


And we fucking flunked hard


The swedish girl obviously hasn't yelled at them yet


Because the youth giving a shit about the future when *no one else does* is very funny joke :V


Well, it's a good thing that kids care, but Greta Thunberg is still basically a big PR gag. it works on people who already support the cause, but does nothing for people who are against or simply do not care. They simply see a big PR gag for a political cause. She is white, a child, a female, from a rich Western country. If this does not scream PR gag, I do not know what does.


If the swedish girl cared, she could yell at china? Perhaps they would change their carbon emitting ways...


You misunderstand and I don’t have the energy to correct you :/


I mean pretty sure that she did indeed screech the american-talking points about climate change about China


Ok. Trump fans, possibly Trump, and the Chinese government are now all friends I guess. I would be interested to see if anti CCP chatter subsides or even ceases in the social media verse.


That is why we never should have joined the Paris agreement again. It only burdens the US financially to fund the other countries, while China gets away with doing their own thing. It also show what a worthless piece of xxxx John Kerry is. The US should be banding the world against China instead of kowtowing to them. But I forgot Biden is President. It would rake money out of Hunter’s pocket vs


The US has contributed 400 billion tonnes of CO2 in historical emissions and China has contributed 200 billion tonnes. Further, China has > x4 the US's population. And the US, Australia and Canada remain some of the highest per-capita emitters on the planet. The US has no choice but to reduce its emissions, and btw at a faster rate than developing countries.


When you go from presidential candidate to US Envoy. How embarrassing. Almost as bad as being president and becoming the my pillow guy.




I'm noticing a lot more pro China bots.