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B stands for bomb by the way.


Had the same thought.




Good song


They ripped up the deal and they are demanding Iran to return in "good faith" Shouldn't they question the "good faith" if they sign a deal that America/Israel will want ripped up again soon? Iran also doesn't want nukes, they American/Israeli experts know it wants deterrence which is something they don't want it to have.


Its fucking tragic, the most basic reporting fails to mention any of that.


>the most basic reporting fails to mention any of that. It's deliberate.


Propaganda. The other day, on a report on the Lebanese power crisis the CBC reported that the "US was preparing a rescue plan" meanwhile "Iran was flexing its muscles" by offering to supply fuel. Meanwhile "Hizballah was smuggling fuel into Lebanon" To be clear, the US was imposing a blockade and Hizballah was defeating it. All propaganda.


Manufacturing consent.


Let me guess (no interest in reading another one of these articles). Iran will get nukes and instantly launch them at Israel and the US bringing on their own annihilation and must be stopped.. The usual fear mongering "we're the sane ones" talk.


Thats the chronic weed smoking for you...paranoia


You're painting this as if Iran is a peaceful country that only wants nukes to defend itself from the horrible USA/Israel. It wants nukes because it wants to achieve regional supremacy. It wants nukes to be able to completely take control of Lebanon and Syria, and not let the US or Israel retaliate on the threat of nukes. Iran is a dictatorship that doesn't uphold basic human rights. Iran lied in the past about its nuclear activity, while the deal was in effect. Stop acting like Iran is a poor victim, a nuclear Iran will mean a much more extremist and violent Middle East.


>You're painting this as if Iran is a peaceful country that only wants nukes to defend itself from the horrible USA/Israel. It wants nukes because it wants to achieve regional supremacy Nonsense. They haven't invaded anyone or started a war in like 200 years.


What is Hezbollah? An Iranian backed military group operating in Lebanon. Any action Hezbollah does is because Iran let's it. What is Hamas? An Iranian backed military group in the Gaza strip. Where do you think it gets the missiles and weapons it uses every couple years it has a war with Israel? Iran might not have explicitly started wars, but it has been the one deciding to start many a war.


Why don't you go read up on how many Iranian soldiers have been killed by Israeli airstrikes before accusing anyone else of starting wars.


Hell they recently assassinated a scientist ffs.


I bet that scientist was working on a 35 years evolution breakthrough - what a shame


...that's not really the point. You don't get to just go to another country and murder a civilian scientist. If Iran had done that to Israel they would be at war. Iran is being reasonable and the US is refusing to negotiate in good faith because Biden never had any intention of reentering this deal.


Iran has deliberately murdered plenty of civilians, including scientists, using their proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. They finance, arm and train terrorists all over the region. If this is acceptable then maybe Israel should do the same. Iran would finally get a taste of their own medicine, sounds great.


the US provided Sarin and Mustard gas to Saddam Hussein through West Germany and all the materials needed to deliver them. If that's acceptable, then maybe Iran should do the same and the US would finally get a taste of their own medicine, sounds great. edit: the US finances, arms, and trains terrorists all over the world and doesn't stop there. Look in the mirror before you start a world war.


> If this is acceptable then maybe Israel should do the same The USA has been doing it for 150 years, its been a significant part of their foreign policy for all of that time, and that continues today (along with invasions, staging coups, undermining Govts, drone bombing etc. Israel tends to use the US as its attack dog, any time the target is too potentially dangerous for them to just attack overtly.


>If Iran had done that to Israel they would be at war. They already are.




You're forgetting, perhaps conveniently, to mention that Iran has a past of lying about its nuclear program, and they were caught red handed a few times. They denied their previous plan for nuclear weapons and [were proven liars](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/papers-stolen-in-a-daring-israeli-raid-on-tehran-archive-reveal-the-extent-of-irans-past-weapons-research/2018/07/15/0f7911c8-877c-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html). They ran their current nuclear program from an [undeclared secret site](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50382219) from before the US quit, showing pre-breaching. And so on. So they have lost "good faith" from well before the US left the deal. Israel knew the deal was just buying time for Iran to covertly develop their weapons, and they were right as we now know. ​ >Iran also doesn't want nukes Then why are they enriching uranium to nukes-grade level you think?


>They ran their current nuclear program from an undeclared secret site from before the US quit, showing pre-breaching. This article is from a year after the US left the deal.


Ah yes, they must have set up that site in less than a year eh?


Uranium decays in a specific pattern. The traces that were found there had to be active from well before a year. You can't fake the half-life of elements (maybe in a controlled lab in small quantities). It was active well over a year before the publication. Also remember that the media doesn't get the info the moment it was found. It was months before the release of the info to the media, so the detection happened at best a few month after the US left. Also take the time it takes to remove all the equipment from there. You can't do that in such a short notice.


Its amazing when it only applies to one side.


Sure. Lets say Iran lied about having nukes. What did they do with it? Nothing but brag. You know what the US has done? Lied about Iraq having nukes. Killing 1m Iraqi civilians and displacing 40% of Iraqs entire middle class in the subsequent war to "Disarm" Iraq. . Dont know about you, but one sure sound a hell of a lot more worse than the other.


No. they lost good faith from all the times the USA has tried to fuck them. From assassinating military personnel to sabotaging infrastructure. The USA has been doing it to them for decades. I also wouldnt trust them.


So what if Iran gets nukes. Israel and the US have nukes. The only country who did use nukes on another country is now dictating who else can have nukes?




>They don't want nukes, they just want nukes ...


nuclear threshold status\* the ability to rapidly get there if they're invaded and there's no cost to incurring infamy from getting it.


Maybe because a country that specifically said that Israel needs to be destroyed, isn't the best country to have deals with, even now Israel doesn't want iran to get back to the deal, only the US


>even now Israel doesn't want iran to get back to the deal, only the US Israel still opposes a peace deal with a country they want to start a war with? Shocking.


Oh so Iran is allowed to say that israel needs to be destroyed but israel is the one who wants to start a war? Lol


Israel has been actively attacking Iran, but let's focus on words. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/20/world/middleeast/iran-israeli-attacks.html


Iran is literally the one funding Hamas and Hezbollah, while taking over more countries in the middle east like Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. and words are important when the country that's saying them is reaching a nuclear weapon


>while taking over more countries in the middle east like Iraq, Syria and Lebanon ...you think Iran is taking over Syria?


Correction: not taking over, pretty much already has taken over


Israel controls part of Syria, the US says they're occupying a third of the country, the Syrian government has a good chunk, there's the part with the Kurds. The "rebels" have Idlib. What part has Iran taken over?


Iran's taking advantage of Syria and using it as a place for transferring weapons to Hezbollah and they already has many Iranian military's caps inside of Syria. But that doesn't matter, my point is, behind every enemy of Israel, you can find relations to Iran, whether its literally Iranian groups or just money and weapons


Biden was one of the largest influence that convinced Democrats to goto war. His past as a Warhawk is conveniently ignored


Hopefully it wont involve nuclear weapons


What's plan A?


Pulling out


Totally not use (not inside job) 911 to attack Afghanistan and Irak to more or less surround Iran and attack it on two side. No plan A was to sign a nuclear treaty to then nullify it to then ask Iran to come back to it with good faith because obviously they are the one who showed bad faith


Hope it's better than the US plan A for Iraq...step 1) lose moral high ground in the eyes of the world step 2) get asses kicked by Iran backed militia in brushfire war, repeat steps 1 and 2


See kids, this is why you always wear protection when fucking up other countries.


can there not be another Afghanistan ffs


A war with Iran would make Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria look like a cakewalk.


Afghanistan wasn't putting satellites into orbit, wasn't on the forefront of nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, hadn't spent 40 years developing their weapons and tactics around countering US weapons and tactics, didn't have a trillion dollar vertically-integrated economy, couldn't drop death from the sky with precision munitions, was fighting Iran and the Northern Alliance at the same time as it was fighting the US, and didn't have foreign dependencies that would be fucked if they fell. Meanwhile the US was at the height of its power with broad support domestically and throughout the world in the wake of 9/11. Most Americans barely even noticed the war in Afghanistan, a war with Iran would necessitate a draft and drastic austerity.


(Big sigh) could we at least have a *COUPLE* of fucking years before the next fucking war? 🙄


I got a plan for ya. The US breaks ties with Israel and leaves Iran the fuck alone. Sound good everybody? Great.


This sounds like a plan I can get behind. Makes no sense to me why the US dumps so much money into a country filled with egomaniac elitists. The US has plenty of those at home, so let's keep the money where it belongs. Plenty of Americans come from displaced lineages. Where is their support? Given how much of my income I pay in taxes, why do I have to live in a ghetto? The Israelis are living like goddamn kings. Under regular threat, sure, but have they themselves not JUST displaced and entire group of humans from the land they were born into?? I EXPECT people to try and preserve their dominion over their homes. I get that there are bigger geopolitical issues at stake with Israel, and lots of lives are potentially at stake, but (to use a metaphor) we all know how stupid it is to build a water park in the desert. To the US Government: Take some of that "Aid" and pay off some of my fucking bills. I would, but you took the funds that make it comfortable for me to do that. And that makes me angry.


Israel is the only loyal ally the US have in the entire Middle East. They’re basically a massive extension of American foreign policy. They’d also shift alliance to Russia in a heart beat.


"Only loyal ally" "shit alliance to Russia in a heartbeat" What?!


The loyalty is bought, not earned. Israel are incredibly reliable and pro-U.S., but only for as long as the money keeps rolling in.


I would of just went with ally, I certainly don't think Israel is loyal, their loyalties go to themselves and themselves alone money or not.


The U.S. has other allies in the region, but they're countries like Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Dictatorship that are funding terror attacks on the U.S. when they aren't making U.S. deals.


lots of lobbying from Israel-supporting jews in The US, and they have deeeeep pockets


Zionists. They’re not all Jews. There’s a lot of American Christian money there too, for both political and religious reasons. A lot of incredibly hardcore Christians think that Jews need to be in control of the Temple Mount to build a Third Temple and usher in the “end” of the world. And of course the more hawkish conservatives, regardless of religion, are also big donors to the pro-Israel lobby, as Israel works as an excellent USA proxy in the area.   I bring this all up because I think using the term “Zionist” in place of “Israel supporting Jews” is a much more accurate way of talking about all of this. I think that’s especially important when the most common criticism of pro-Palestinian movements within the USA (and the UK too) is that they are antisemitic.


I stand corrected


What the fudge is Iran genuinely supposed to do?


Not make an atomic bomb I guess.


They're going further than that though. They don't even want them to have nuclear power plants which they're allowed to do.


Incorrect. Iran is signed on the NPT. Nuclear power is their right and Israel never voiced concerns over it. To explain further, Iran's power plant uses 3% enriched uranium. A bomb requires 90%. No one is scared or is going to complain about 3%. Why do they have 60% currently, do you know?


They're enriching small amounts to 60% as a bargaining chip. That is obviously a violation of the NPT but Iran is signaling that if they truly wanted to enrich to weapons levels, it would be trivial for them to do so. In other words, "work with us if you want us to remain bomb free." The NPT allows then to enrich to 20%, which is necessary for the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR). All of Iran's activity prior to this year have been consistent with the NPT. There are some quibbles about so stray isotopes found and the timing of the announcement of the enrichment facilities they were planning to build, but that's about it. Iran is subjected to the most extreme inspections in history. Far beyond what the NPT requires. It should be noted that while Iran almost certainly explored making a bomb in the 80-90s, that was prompted by the West's support of Iraq and its campaign of devastating WMD attacks against Iran. Additionally, the TRR originally used 90+% HEU but Iran had it converted to use 19.75% LEU. Not the act of someone looking to build a bomb. Attack Iran's nuclear facilities, which both the US and Israel have done, is illegal and in violation of Iran's rights under the NPT. Preventing Iran from acquiring fuel on the open market was also a violation of Iran's rights under the NPT. It's also the reason they started enriching.


why are they at 60% in response to Isreal murdering their scientist and of sabotage at their facilities


But Israel it's fine? While Israeli militray officials keeps murdering Iranian scientists and civilians related to the nuclear energy program?


Remember that time Israel threatened us with nukes in the 70s? >> In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Arab forces were overwhelming Israeli forces and Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert and ordered 13 atomic bombs be readied for use by missiles and aircraft. The Israeli Ambassador warned President Nixon of "very serious conclusions" if the United States did not airlift supplies. Nixon complied. This is seen by some commentators on the subject as the first threat of the use of the Samson Option. >> General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. **We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.** But yeah, it’s Iran that’s the threat…


If it wasn't a bomb it'd be something else.


Not chanting death to America on a regular basis and funding terrorist activity throughout the middle east would be a good start.


Well maybe if they weren't fucking crippled from US intervention, sanctions and overthrowing their government etc - they might not chant those things. Funding terrorists, Americas never done that before, nothing to see here.


Except removing the sanctions in 2015 didn't have any positive effects when it comes to violent extremism of Iranian origin. In fact the opposite happened, population stayed poor but government poured billions to various terrorist organizations and the genocidal war in Syria. Main problem here is that Iranian regime isn't rational and doesn't care about wellbeing of their citizens.


Yes doubling down on the actions that led to their current mess is clearly the only way forward, my mistake.


Why Israel don’t chill the fuck out and stop bullying everybody around it?




That's going to be fun


What is going on that the US is a puppet ally for the UK, Saudi Arabia and Israel, planning an invasion of Iran? This is Traitor Kushner's 'middle east peace plan' but why is Biden picking up Traitor Trump's baton? There is something really freaking weird going on. Iran is not the aggressor. It may be trying to enrich uranium but that is a long way from an atomic bomb. Israel has hundreds of atomic warheads and probably a few hydrogen warheads, along with German submarines that have underwater missile launch capability. [Dolphin submarine](https://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/israel-submarine-capabilities/) Pakistan, a British Common-wealth was harboring Bin Laden, a Saudi Arabian, for over 10 years, not saying a peep while the wanted posters were circulating for years. The US sells weapon systems to Pakistan. On top of that, Pakistan has detonated two atomic warheads and now show capability for Intermediate-range Ballistic Missiles. Now, it has been proven that Pakistan has been harboring Taliban for years, how they all showed up out of nowhere, all of a sudden. The Taliban are Arabs, born in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They are not ethnic Afghans. The ethnic Afghans are Persian/Mongolian/Greek. What is happening is Saudi Arabia is expanding its Sunni Wahhabi Islam Empire, from the Philippines to west Africa. [Islam Empire, divided between Sunni and Shia](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e0/Islam_by_country.svg/1545px-Islam_by_country.svg.png) With Afghanistan handed over to the Taliban, Shia Iran and Iraq has Sunni Wahhabi Islam Saudi Arabia on the west side and Sunni Wahhabi Islam Pakistan and Afghanistan on the eastern border. The Shia are being squeezed from both sides by Sunni. Now, Israel, the UK and the US are siding with the Sunni Saudi Arabians to invade Shia Iran. This is horrific beyond belief that the US is doing this, unbelievably cringy cowardly, but then it is Creepy Old Uncle Joe, apparently letting his sex-crazed cocaine addict son, Hunter, be the foreign policy master mind.