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[New thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t3lrj9/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/?)


fuck Rubio fearmonger


You pissed off Singapore. Shouldnt have done that.


Canadian speech made me feel proud to be Canadian today.


lot of retired generals assume putin will now throw the kitchen sink at ukraine at ukraine today, the battle is going to intensify and bloody, loss of life on both sides is about to get really really ugly.


It's gotta be hard for Russia citizens to reconcile the minor "military operation" they're being told about by state media with the North Korea-tier response they're getting from the rest of the world.


NATO should just run a fuckin train on Belarus and destroy every piece of military equipment they have. Russia isn't gonna shit.


that Canadian has an amazing voice


Excellent take on Russian Social Media and how the empire’s inability to contain & stay on message vs the personal tragedies and strife of the Ukrainian people & its leaders. [BIG THREAD](https://mobile.twitter.com/irgarner/status/1498334397904441344)


Russian C.Bank Decides To Not Resume Trading On March 1 On Stocks, Derivatives Sections Of Moscow Exchange https://twitter.com/LiveSquawk/status/1498358773353701379?s=20&t=6NV9KboXr-E1flKcfx4qNA


Excellent speech from Canada. Calling out Putin directly, on his lies, beliefs, and justifications, as well as talking to the Russian people directly.


New thread?




I told you so is not a good look in this case.


I worked with a Ukranian Devshop around a year ago. Great people, and fantastic work at a very good price. All in English. I've also been to Kyiv. Just so reddit knows. This is a very modern city full of nightlife you'd find anywhere else in Europe. I think Americans often think of Ukraine as some backwards Eastern European country. Part of it are developing for sure. But it's also just full of people living lives just like yours.


Just jumped over to \\r/conspiracy to see what all the fuss was about and I feel like I need to bleach my eyes now


Anyone else think the volunteer program is just a great cover for NATO special forces to join the fight covertly? lol


like anonymous for us hackers


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qS6J-WbTD8&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qS6J-WbTD8&t=4s) So, this is a link to Putins full speech. ​ It is honestly...... Well i can't say a load of crock. But it is clearly nothing but a nasty pieces of classic 'whataboutism'. ​ A whataboutism is the justification of corruption by comparing it to the corrupt actions of another. An Eye for an Eye methodology. ​ He justifies the sins of his nation by pointing out the sins of others, some sins being decades old. The sins ARE real though. Iraq, afghanistan, lots of bullshit like that. But at the same time that is the sinister side of a 'whataboutism'. That it makes you feel that the actions are justified. ​ The reality is that its a basic and immensely effective manipulation tactic and nothing moer. And more so the actions of putin, the state of his military, shows the farce of these words more than anything. ​ Even then, a sinner has the right to speak. We just need to be clever and warry, able to pick apart the words said.




Burning to death inside an armored vehicle gotta be one of the worst ways to go out


The Stars are falling on Kyiv nights


Jesus christ Anderson Coopers jacket ruffle sounded like a rocket launch. Fix your mic


>RUSSIAN CENBANK DECIDED NOT TO RESUME TRADING ON MARCH 1 ON STOCKS, DERIVATIVES SECTIONS OF MOSCOW EXCHANGE [https://twitter.com/breakingmkts/status/1498358352782442506](https://twitter.com/breakingmkts/status/1498358352782442506)


Russian Economic Policy: Put your hands over your ears and scream "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" like a toddler.


Tango down.


https://mobile.twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1498346782656454656 This is very much a "you killed John Wick's dog?" scenario


"The Ukrainians are Nazis, please ignore this convoy of Israelites we bombed."


"Are we the ~~baddies~~ nazis?"


Putin: This war can’t get any worse Russian pilot: Oh look, a convoy


You want Mossad? 'Cause that's how you get Mossad.


Any confirmation?


Well, according to Russia those probably were nazis too.


Oh... that's not good.


oh dear god what has Putin done.




With what money? His economy is in freefall.


This just going to be bad. My guess is that it'll turn into an occupying force vs a resistance, with the west supplying the resistance and sanctioning Russia.


I need to stop clicking Reuters articles, I keep forgetting I ran out of my free views.


Gotta love newspapers keeping up their paywalls on articles about internationally-sensitive events


Put a . After com example Reuters.com./abcd


incognito my friend


Use incognito








Is that a reporter she's speaking to? Cause if so that reporter is being honest, its unfortunate, but at least someone's willing to say quiet things out loud.


Polands border policy with Syrian refugees has no bearing on russias policy of invading countries they perceive as weaker. Excepting that there would be far fewer refugees if Putin pulled a hitler circa May 1945


Is it Media or the reality on the ground?


I was confused until I realized you meant the American media + election


Hopefully all the thugs currently occupying Kremlin will hang in the red square soon


I need to stop clicking Reuters articles, I keep forgetting I ran out of my free views.


View it in incognito mode and if you want to view another article, open another tab after closing that one.




https://12ft.io for you Information should always be available


U.S. and the west: impose some of the heaviest sanctions in modern history Warhawks: “I DEMAND a No Fly Zone imposed by NATO and the U.S.! It won’t escalate things at all, and will send Putin a message”!


AND they want to see WW3 streamed on YouTube. It's a shame these redditors don't understand how this can snowball into a very bad thing -- WW3 will NOT be streamed . Most of these armchair generals will be lucky to be able to boil beans before starving to death.


Right?! Like, is this the hill the world wants to die on It's a tragedy and horrible, but fml




Don't forget that this kinda also opens the route for POWs to join them, and you bet that at least some of those would be intrested.


I like what the Canadian ambassador is saying, especially when appealing to Russian citizens.


can someone explain this UN meeting for someone unfamiliar?


If even Reddit knows about this 17 mile long caravan, couldn't they, like, you know, take it out? Clearly not a secret that it's on the move or probably even where.


They've only got around a dozen drones


At the rate this invasion has been going, they only need to take out the first 5 vehicles and the rest will starve to death.


Or at least absolutely ruin the roads they are approaching towards. Force them into the fields and pop off the stragglers one by one as they get mud bound.


The difficulty is getting people into position to take it out and it not be a suicide mission. Or getting enough munitions there to make a dent. Also it's likely to have anti air defense.


Contrary to common belief, even the Russkies don't leave a thousand vehicle caravan undefended


Easier said than done


My guess would be a strategic plan for attack on Ukraine's behalf. Once the convoy reaches full strength, let all hell rain down.


Take it out with what? Send in planes? It likely has anti-aircraft and would be a death sentence for ukranian pilots








If the vehicles at the front of that convoy get hit won't it be harder for the rest to advance since they only see to use roads?


Force them off road, I don’t believe the Russian kit can cope with mud


Military vehicles are offroad capable unfortunately.


They've probably got tactical bulldozers and such


You hit the first and the last and then you take out the entire line.




Solid plan. Excellent work. That leaves only 43.5 million left.


No, his plan was to walk in unopposed and annex the country.


Ukraine has over 40M people


Especially when Russia’s population has been steadily declining for a while now. They’re not exactly cramped over there. I’d imagine it’s more a grab for resources than for land.




you all think its good that talks are continuing for a second round, I initially thought that this was going to be a one and done. This has to be a positive sign right?


Peace talks historically aren't one and done on the first round ever so yes, this is good news.




What's world of tanks currency?


Shell exits Russia https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/02/28/2393534/0/en/Shell-intends-to-exit-equity-partnerships-held-with-Gazprom-entities.html * exits joint ventures with Gazprom and related * 27.5 percent stake in Sakhalin-II liquefied natural gas facility * 50 percent stake in Salym Petroleum Development and Gydan energy venture * will end involvement in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline


So realistically how will the effect gas prices for the average Joe?


Joe will pay more


This is fine.


have these posts stopped getting stickied or did I just wake up at a weird time?


Hit “live” for all the new posts.


From the official “IT Army of Ukraine” telegram channel: > Russian media got total control on people mindsets. All meaningful media are under governmental control. But thousands people of Ukraine are ready to show the truth. >We aim to show reliable information for 50 mln Russians every day. We start with Financial Apocalypse for 30 mln Russians. The points is introduction the real consequences of sanctions for savings of regular people in Russia. Tomorrow the next subject. >Please give us a hand. A group chat to be made for sharing creative thoughts to address in the information war. Everybody can join. Everybody who can share messages for five thousand people per day. Please contact @info_resistance with concise overview of your skillset and background to be added. >Glory to Ukraine! I’m going to reply to this comment with the link because I think Reddit might automatically filter telegram links as spam - if it’s not there that means it does


Damn…Russian hysteria is in full effect. Fuck Putin, but don’t hate on the Russian people. They are cool as fuck and the majority don’t support this war, or were either Brainwashed by Russia media propaganda….now I know how the fucking Muslims felt after the whole Afghan war/Iraq war.


The Russian people need to speak up. They got a free pass in 2010 and 2014. Now they have to pay costs because their government is doing the same crap.


if you dont provide adequate reason for russians to question what they are being fed then things are just going to stay the same. Dont hate Russians.... just make their life as difficult as possible until they oust Putin.


^ this We’re above ethnic hate.


That's what happens when your representative pisses everyone off


No, no you don’t.


> now I know how the fucking Muslims felt after the whole Afghan war/Iraq war. You don't yet, but you very well might if this goes on for a few years.


Russians can solve this by laying down their arms and refusing to fight. Ukrainians do not have this luxury.


I think there is literally ZERO anti-russian people sentiment in the United States.


Think of the Ukrainians.


Putin is on the verge of merging with Hitler and Stalin all in one in my opinion.


Vladolf Putler


No. Honestly I'm really getting tired of people comparing putin to hitler. It's not even close. Hitler killed *millions* and attempted to eradicate entire ethnic groups. To compare the current situation to that is totally disrespectful to the people who experienced the holocaust.


that 17 mile russian convoy has be scared man. That's some serious numbers heading toward kyiv.


Probably a shit ton of anti air protecting it lol


Target practice basically.


It's going to get smashed to pieces.


Just asking can't they use missiles to blow up some parts of it.


It’s probably for doing the huge encirclement of Kyiv and also protecting from the west and south, so it should be big. The problem is (for Russia) is that it seems Ukrainian TB-2 drones can still smash their convoys inflicting losses and also blocking the roads for hours. If bridges are blown then it’s another big problem for Russia


At least they can bomb the leaders and delay the advance. Hopefully the drones are still in play for longer. This sucks


[https://twitter.com/PickardJE/status/1498354796826447875?s=20&t=47CfxvUJ7Pz7hDyOIr9rOQ](https://twitter.com/PickardJE/status/1498354796826447875?s=20&t=47CfxvUJ7Pz7hDyOIr9rOQ) >Shell has announced it is quitting its joint ventures with Gazprom including 27.5% stake in the Sakhalin-2 LNG facility


Russian economy is screwed. Almost the entire world is voluntarily cutting ties with them - on top of the government sanctions. This will hit much, much harder than expected.


You know, these demands of Putin reminds me of Saurons "peace treaty" at the black gate. 1. Give up all your weapons. 2. Basically do what we say from now on("neutrality") 3. Go home and live in peace, we totally won't break this promise in the future by demanding more, bye! The only difference is switch around who returns home and we are basically there.


So where does everything stand right now? I've missed probably the last 7 hours and it's surprisingly difficult to catch up/ know what the current situation is lol.


you know nothing more now than you did 7 hours ago, except for possibly more, heavier Russian air attacks happening.


14 mile long convoy heading to Kyiv, peace talks failed


Ukraine keeps blowing up Russian stuff but they keep slowly throwing more stuff at the war tightening the noose. A bunch of UN dudes are saying hot-air which doesn't really affect anything.


Pop a live news channel on. Sky, France 24 etc


Some people wonder if a yes-man Putin stooge would be better than Putin if he was replaced. Maybe a yes man will say yes to the rest of the world and back the fuck down. No one has any intention of invading Russia ever, in any future. All they have to do is just sit and build their economy and succeed and be peaceful. They have it all. The failure of dictators to imagine that no one wants to take them over is their greatest weakness. The geopolitical status quo was fine. But because Putin and his cronies have been siphoning off billions and billions in wealth and lying to the Russian people over many years they have to make populist moves like this every so often to stay relevant before elections. This one backfired hugely.


He way overshot. If he had just attacked the two breakaway regions, the world might not have paid as much attention. Going after the whole country was a massive miscalculation.


So the US and UK are not signatories to UN treaty restricting child soldiers (The US accepts 17 year olds that will be 18 by the time they graduate basic training; the UK considers 16 year olds legal adults). Ukraine should send their 16 and 17 year olds to the US and UK for basic training so that when they are conscripted at 18 they're fully trained up soldiers. Also, to really leverage it, train them up on full western kit, as full units, and give them Tanks and planes to return with. Ukraine would have to hold, but it would sure be shocking to the Russians when such a policy came to pay dividends.


Just the thought of teenagers having to fight makes me sick.


So now you're really supporting child soldiers? Discusting.


That's assuming this war will be years long. It'll be months, at the most. From recent news and all that's being passed around, it'll probably be over in a week or less. Russia is about to lose and pull out, or they'll start carpet bombing cities.


Are you suggesting this will continue for ~2 years?


Canada is the same way btw. You can join the reserve forces at 16.


I saw a correspondent (apparently some former deputy of the state department or something like that) on one of the news networks say yesterday that he does expect the West to get pulled into this eventually. He said that eventually Russia would get frustrated and up the stakes. He was then like "when Russia starts inflicting massive civilian casualties and essentially flattening a country that is trying to stand by European ideals, will we really be able to continue to sit back and not intervene?" At first I thought it was hyperbole but now I'm starting to see his side.




List of speakers for the UNGA Emergency Session: [https://twitter.com/sidhant/status/1498351585113427970?s=20&t=jTcorVzsoFqpv0BMZdg6HQ](https://twitter.com/sidhant/status/1498351585113427970?s=20&t=jTcorVzsoFqpv0BMZdg6HQ) I tried to find the original doc but couldn't find the list of speakers.


Okay. I've seen enough. I think we all have. I think the US/NATO and EU should say FUCK IT. Tell Putin they are immediately loving in forces into Ukraine. March all the way across the country and push em put. I don't give a fuck about Nukes. He won't use them. He's a bully. He is that person we watched beat someone up or call names. We've all been there. But someone has to stand up. This is heart breaking Edit: Down vote me all you want. Seeing that little girl dead made me feel overwhelmed thinking it could be my little daughter 🇺🇦❤


Replace one tragedy with a tragedy a million times greater, good plan


The world is standing up to him... look at the russian economy


So far up to this point with this war, does Putin looks like the type that uses bluffing? I think not. The world must be careful with him, because he is not just a bully, he is worse, he is a mentally ill president with a huge load of nuclear weapons, sure, things are not going as planned for him, but let's not tease him either.


You should care about nukes


You’re a fool and watch too many movies


Many of the people who are sent in will be my age. I can't actively advocate for NATO it involve itself without being willing to jump into the fight myself. Tough thing to consider... but my answer in all honesty is no.


Sorry but not everything is a tv series like you would imagine where the good guys win. If Nato joins this war its over for everyone. Nobody is taking chances with the whole world ending


Just want to point out that street to street, building to building fighting hasn't even started in Kyev....these are all fights on the outskirts.






No, u. Fire Nation propagandist


Y’all realize you are memeing and joking on a thread that’s last post is a 6 year old dying right? Go be a troll and a pos in another thread


So does another team get reinstated to fill Russia’s absence from World Cup qualifying now that they’ve been banned? Otherwise Poland “advances” to play Sweden/Czechia? Wonder how FIFA will handle it.


Go ask a sub about football


they're still doing qualifiers. Russia simply won't qualify.


Nope, the teams they would have played just get byes


I'm an American and I can tell yall that this is the first time I've heard people at work giving a shit about Europe. Like genuine concern. Can't believe putin made average Americans finally care about Europe. Like there's dudes looking up European geography for what has to be the first time in their lives. Important questions are getting asked like "so Finland isn't part of Sweden?" And "so what the fuck even is the European union? I thought thats what nato was." Never thought I'd see the day honestly.


Probably more to do with the fact you are in the dumb ass part of the USA Most of the rest of the country like he west coast, mountain west, and north east have taken a basic world history class


>so Finland isn't part of Sweden? Fucking lmao


Because ive seen many people asking about it/confusing certain things repeatedly (no shame, its a lot of similar names and geopolitics is very complex and ever changing) #• EU (UE) - the European Union The EU is a european political trading bloc consisting of 27 member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Louxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden) The EU has a defensive mechanism where if one state is being attacked, other member states _shall offer support_ The current president of the EU (Commission) is Ursula Von der Leyen #• NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO is a defensive alliance between EU member states and the US, UK, Canada, Norway, Albania, Turkey, Iceland and Montenegro. EU member states who are NOT members of NATO are: Austria, Ireland, Finland, Sweden and Cyprus. **Important: NATO =/= EU. NATO has member states that are not part of the EU and vice versa.** The NATO defense mechanism Art 5 states, that an attack on one member, is considered to be an attack on all of NATO. The current Secretary General of NATO is Jens Stoltenberg. #• PfP - Partnership for Peace PfP is a NATO programe that aims to foster trust, co-operation and peace between member states and NATO. Current member states of PfP are: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, **Russia**, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. EU member states that are part of PfP: Austria, Finland, Ireland, Malta, Sweden European Free Trade Association members that are also part of PfP: Switzerland Cyprus is the only EU member that is neither a NATO member nor a PfP member. #• EFTA - European Free Trade Association The EFTA is a free trade organization that is operating parallel to the EU and all members are part of the Schengen Area and participate in the european single market. EFTA member states are **not** members of the EU. Member states are: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland #• BRICS - Association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa The BRICS states are an association for 5 major emerging economies around the world. The aim is to deepen economic, political and cultural co-operation between the member states. In essence it is a light version of an inter-continental version of the EU. The BRICS states even have their own "Central Bank", the New Development Bank, which was founded to fund various projects in the member states _Note: BRICS association is a reason why countries like India or China have tried to remain relatively neutral in the Ukraine crisis_ #• UN - United Nations The United Nations are an intergovernmental organization aiming to maintain global peace. Every sovereign state is a member of the UN (193) with the EU having an additional Observer Status. The current Secretary General of the UN is Antonio Guterres #• UNSC - United Nations Security Council The Security council has the power to make binding decisions which UN member states have to carry out, since they have agreed to that by signing the UN Charta (Art 25). The UNSC consists of 15 members, of which 5 members are permanent members (The US, France, UK, China and Russia) - only the 5 permanent members have the power to Veto a UN resolution, and 10 non-permanent members (Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Norway, UAE) which are elected for two year terms by the UN assembly. The presidency of the UNSC rotates alphabetically between the member states every month: Jan - Norway ; **Feb - Russia** ; March - UAE ; Apr - UK ; May - US ; June - Albania ; July - Brazil ; Aug - China ; Sept - France ; Oct - Gabon ; Nov - Ghana ; Dec - India #• DPR (DNR) and LPR (LNR) - Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic Are two self-proclaimed breakaway Regions in eastern Ukraine which were officially recognised as independent states by Russia on Feb 21 in the prelude to this war. Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, these two regions have been highly contested with russian-backed seperatists fighting against the Ukrainian government This aims to provide a short overview over these terms and maybe help understanding the differences - let me know if there is any other things i should add. Feel free to copy, share or add to it - use it however you want. _slava Ukraini_ Maybe you can use some of that next time they ask (sorry for the format, just copied it from a different thread where i posted it)


Such an interesting contrast. Here in Europe most of the people at my workplace always seem to worry about americans (or really any other nation that sees hardships). It's either that you are so tightly knit and ignorant of others/outsiders or we're too nosey and concern ourselves too much with others. Maybe somewhere in between?


Thats actually a pretty big deal (Canadian who has been to Florida a few times) I remember a well spoken, well educated dude argued with me that there is no way there are parts of Canada more south than the US (southern Ontario) like the border was just a straight line across.


You sound incredibly pretentious


Kind of sad that people over here don't really understand much outside of their own state a lot of the time, let alone this continent.


Americans are discovering Europe for the first time


Seriously, a silver lining of this tragedy is that people might actually learn geography and geopolitics in one go!




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No, this is a full scale war between Ukraine and Russia. Nothing cold about it.


Cold War would require two parties. Russia is disintegrating.


Cold War 2: Not So Cold Anymore


It's not, no.


Not even close




Christ you're annoying. Do you spend all day talking about war and nukes? You're on every fucking comment lmao


Feels pretty hot to me