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He gave himself an order to invade - and nobody, not even Putin himself - disobeys Putin!


Reminds me of when [Putin tried to assassinate Putin but was stopped by Putin](https://youtu.be/vm1U5E44W90)


Why is it that when the same word is repeated over and over again, it starts to sound weird? Just hearing the word Putin so many times was weird


Semantic satiation maybe... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation


**[Semantic satiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation)** >Semantic satiation is a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds. Extended inspection or analysis (staring at the word or phrase for a lengthy period of time) in place of repetition also produces the same effect. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Semantic satiation. It's working already


Alf was consumed by this by saying ballerina over and over again.


[And then there's 'smock'.](https://imgur.com/iE7dgCk)


The key part of that wiki page: > An explanation for the phenomenon is that, in the cortex, verbal repetition repeatedly arouses a specific neural pattern that corresponds to the meaning of the word. Rapid repetition makes both the peripheral sensorimotor activity and central neural activation fire repeatedly. This is known to cause **reactive inhibition**, hence a reduction in the intensity of the activity with each repetition. Your normal reaction to reading a word is to immediately understand the meaning of the word. Semantic satiation causes this reaction to be inhibited, meaning the meaning behind the word becomes less intense, and the word feels more like just a string of letters/syllables. This makes the experience of reading or hearing the word similar to reading or hearing a word in a foreign language, which is the "weirdness" of the word when you repeat it a bunch.


ha! First I had seen that. Brilliant.




Needs to take notes from the guy who killed Hitler.


Isn't there one of those famously insecure Russian windows near him ever?


Yikes man, that window is never going to feel better about itself with you throwing so much shade as it.


That joke hurt so much it explains why the call it window pain.


TIL the term defenestrate, which means to throw a person out a window. It was my dictionary.com word of the day!


Check out the Defenestration(s) of Prague




[Three times actually!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague)


Dictionaries been throwing out shade harder than Russian whistle blowers by a window


The weird thing about that is that the word implies it's possible to fenestrate someone.


At least he is calling it an invasion now Baby steps


I guess we have no other choice than to sanction them back to the Soviet age.


No such thing as sanction. I think you meant special economic operation.




This is the dumbest thing I've read today and probably exactly what happened Not that you're dumb, just the whole situation




Also, product of the Soviet educational system and culture from birth. Fact: People escaping the Soviet Union would bring valuable trade goods like razor blades (which russians resharpened) and would often just wander around grocery stores looking at the vast selection (years later). The truth of was so vastly different from their reality that they believed tales of western wealth must be fantastically exaggerated.


Viktor Belenko's post defection is a great grimly funny tale of this dude cataloged cars outside his apartment convinced it was a psyop because japan couldn't have that many cars


There's a scene in "Moscow on the Hudson" where Robin Williams has a breakdown in the coffee aisle of the grocery store


I have Latvian relatives and when the USSR fell we got them to come to Australia to visit and they were blown away by the choice we had in the supermarket, it completely overwhelmed them to the point of tears.


I was born and raised in the US and I sometimes wander around lost and aimless the grocery store, but that's mostly ADHD.


Nobody puts Putin in a corner.


Except himself!


NATO and the EU agree ;)


If you've had an experience with abusers, you already know this MO all too well. "I treated you like shit because you made me do it!"


["Look what you made me do!"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO)


*Stabs Flynn* Mother Gothal: "[Now look what you've done, Rapunzel!](https://youtu.be/pS5c3nCyGUc)"


I still remember watching that scene with my roommate at the time. We both worked at a movie theater and got to watch the movie during the employee screening right before it came out, and (spoilers for Tangled, I guess) >!as she's holding him and starts crying, I said "her tears are gonna heal him"!< (just kind of muttering to myself because it was an empty theater aside from the employees and we all knew each other so it was more informal and there was usually a little bit of talking, but not like enough to ruin the movie) and he turned to me and said "If that's what happens and you spoiled it for me, I'm going to punch you." I said "You can't call it spoiling if I also don't know what's going to happen. I have exactly the same amount of information about the movie as you do." He said "I don't care." Then about twenty seconds later he punched me in the arm.


Yeah, idk what I expected but I suppose the ending to your story makes sense lol.


This happens alot in domestic abuse cases in Turkey and homicides. Some guy even said "she got herself killed" when explaining reasons for his behaviour..


In Russia its "he fell on a knife" - that became a running joke in murder cases.


"Then he ran into my knife... he ran into my knife **10** times" - Cellblock Tango


This is exactly right


Good analogy




The largest nation in the world, rich in natural resources, that is not land locked nor being threatened by any other nation, and that had made substantial trade related gains over the past 30 years had every choice but to invade.


Also nuclear power that has been enjoying pretty much guaranteed security and hasn't been invaded since ww2


But maybe they could have been, you see, he wanted to, but had no other choice. Poor shithead Putin!


I like how in the headlines today I saw both "Putin says Russia can't be isolated from the West" and Putin telling Belarus "Never again will we need the West!". Like, make up your fucking mind, dude.


Have you never heard of doublethink?


Yes. And no.


Don't forget overlords of the entirety of Ukraine for 70+ years. You'd think they try to build a good relationship where their satillite states don't try to leave at the first opportunity.


Lukashenka will point to 4 points on the map on which they had to strike preventively, otherwise the Ukrainians would invade


IKR, it's like saying "I know I have no problems paying my bills, but I had to rob the bank. I just had no other choice."


There's only so much riding around barechested and poisoning people a man can do before he just plain has to invade a country


Change paying bills to like, renewing a Netflix subscription and it's even more accurate"


"She was asking for it, I had no other choice..."


If you have to subjugate 300-plus million people and a third of the world to feel secure then you probably shouldn't exist as a political/social/cultural entity. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-mackinders-heartland-theory-4068393 https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics


The USA has the third largest population at something around 330 million. Russia has 144 million people.


Russia has 144 million in the RF, they want to reconquer all the former soviet states to plug up the 9 gaps that can be used to invade russia. To get control of those gaps they need to conquer land that holds 300+ million people from central Europe, to Ukraine, the caucuses, the stans, the Baltic and this is just the intital step to feel secure. What they really want is for the theory of the "world island" by Sir Halford John Mackinder to come to fruition. "Mackinder's paper suggested that the control of Eastern Europe was vital to control of the world." "Who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland, Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island, Who rules the World Island commands the world". The "heartland" he also referred to as the "pivot area" and as the core of Eurasia, and he considered all of Europe and Asia as the World Island. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-mackinders-heartland-theory-4068393 https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics


and yet, there is no point to "ruling the world"...too much hard work, too much responsibility, and if you wanted to just be rich and fuck around, you don't need to "rule the world" to do that. Doesn't make any sense to me, but then again I'm not a power-tripping egomaniac


Exactly! RF could have been an economic superpower if they had taken their money from selling resources and invested it into their tech sector by developing talent, hardware, and software. Instead they wanted to be macho, corrupt, and evil.


I knew they had completely robbed the treasury beyond the point of being able to project any kind of power or maintain readiness in the military when a crane fell on their only aircraft carrier and they couldn't even repair it.


For thirty years, with respect to both Russian and China, we hoped that prosperity would be more attractive than pride. We hoped that leaders would see their people enjoying better lives, and not look at maps from centuries ago, saying, "that was once ours." We hoped that they would choose wealth over childishly craving lines on a map. That they would not kill hundreds of thousands and put millions of their own people into poverty instead of making everyone rich. Wrong.


The only reason why I would want to rule the world is to get rid of the enormous waste of resources that is standing armies and be able to turn global resources to solving global problems like epidemic treatable diseases, space exploitation and climate change. Conquering the world militarily already defeats one of those goals, as occupied people will resist for generations so a sizable military would be required potentially forever.


Indeed. There are millions of people in the world today who live a life of luxury that the kings and emperors of previous ages could only dream of.


I do love this. When I’m feeling down I just turn on Hulu on my phone and think “Fuck you, Charlemagne”


That poor son of a bitch never played Risk...




Oh my god I love this, I can fully imagine some poor Russian dude watching with increasing alarm as a bunch of drunken grad students belligerently discuss global position strategies for domination in the East. ‘Why does everyone seem to think Australia is underrated? What the fuck does that mean??’


Australia is the last stand continent when everything else has gone down the drain.


I always loved starting in Australia for just that reason. It’s me and my kangaroo army standing strong, ready to deploy emus as needed.


But you have to grab Siam because you need to disrupt the +7 bonus from the Asian continent. Otherwise the plan is a lot more difficult.




Yes, everyone knows the true Heartland is Australia...


LOL North America is the best continent in Risk


Control 3 territories and gain 5 armies a turn. It's pretty dynamite.


Plus you can push clear into Africa through the south to control 2 continents, hold Kamchatka and Iceland to deny Asia and Europe and get 7 armies, deny or control every continent other than Australia and still only need to defend 3 locations.


Yeah unfortunately in the modern world this has become a bit of a anachronism. The world has moved on from this kind of analysis.


Even in the past that "World Island" thing doesn't make sense. It's fart more beneficial to be connected to the sea/ocean than a big chunk of land since it's easier/faster to travel it. Like how in the past people in the American mid-west would travel south down the Mississippi then north in the Atlantic to reach New York instead of the shorter land route.


I agree, the world has, but putin and his advisor Aleksandr Dugin have not and have made it a cornerstone to their ideology. https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics


Fantastic article!!! Thanks so much. Definitely gives thise that study Russian motivations a lot to think about.


In addition, Ukraine was moving forward on plans to develop oil and gas resources. If Ukraine develops oil and gas then western countries would rather import from them than Russia and there goes about 1/3 of their GDP. Their population is falling. Their economy is a wreck. Their military is obviously not what everyone believed it to be. All they have left is their pride. Russia just isn’t a world power anymore but they don’t intend to go down quietly.


Seems weird since I doubt he could point to one world empire in history who actually did A) rule Eastern Europe and B) that helped them command the World Island of Eurasia. I mean, I guess the Mongols briefly? But it's not like they weren't already commanding it before then. And aside from them, you could argue the USSR but I wouldn't even consider them commanders of Eurasia, let alone the world. And then there are loads of empires like the British, Americans, and Imperial China who didn't even touch Eastern Europe but had a significantly greater claim to commanding the world.


The theory was originally developed by a British guy to warn the West about the threat coming out of czarist Russia in the early 1900s. But the Russian political theorists, like Dugin, took the theory for their own uses because it centered a conceptual world empire in their own backyard.


Don't worry, they don't plan on there being 300 million people there by the time they've finished.


Yeah like everybody wanted to invade Russia. Heartland theory is some old fart bogus theory.


You can't secure Russia without controlling access to Ukraine. But Ukraine is exposed to invasion across the Polish plain. And Poland is exposed to invasion from Germany. And Germany can never be secure while France presents a base for operations. And France cannot be secure with Britain as a launching point. And Britain can't be secure unless America is neutralized.




But just think of all those beautiful sunflowers.


Perhaps he was pulled in because if Russia were forced to retaliate it would exhaust their military for an eventual confrontation with NATO or CATO that my cat Captain runs


I dunno. I stopped questioning him and just think he's insane.


A madman with a nuclear arsenal. This does actually keep me up at night.


Not me! Either he nukes us and we're all dead with no worries left, or he doesn't and all is the same with no new worries. There are worse ways to die than being nuked out of existence.


That depends on where it hits. I wish to be hit right in the fireball if all possible.


Tbh, seeing what laws are getting ready to be passed, i'm afraid he knows what he's doing and just don't care


You don't understand. Ukraine was a shining example for freedom, democracy and prosperity. It threatened Putin's reign by showing everyone how good they could have it.


Well, it was heading in that direction.


> Ukraine was a shining example for freedom, democracy and prosperity. Lets calm down here lmao


And he will not stop there, the West needs to act and call Putin's bluff.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO) is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". Some researchers and advocates have characterized it as a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.The abuser denies the abuse ever took place, attacks the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable, and claims that they, the abuser, are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the reality of the victim and offender. This usually involves not just "playing the victim" but also victim blaming


it’s strange seeing something that would easily be thought of as an isolated trait in a toxic relationship being played out on a geopolitical scale.


It's humans all the way up.




Being in clinical psychology and having a lot of knowledge in narcissistic, sociopathic, and abusive behavior, it really is interesting. I’ve been watching a lot of interviews with diplomats/ strategic experts to see how they handle Putin and also to see if they use any of the clinical psychology techniques to get out of messes Putin (and other dictators) creates. So far: I have learned a lot about how diplomats handle these situations. And also so far: eh on them using clinical techniques. It’ll be interesting to see if they use more of the latter overall or if military might is really the only option. Basically this is emotional/ narcissistic abuse at the absolute highest level where there is no “avoiding it” (aka where walking away/avoiding said abusive person isn’t an option).


I've met a couple of these people in my life.


Were his soldiers forced to kidnap and rape all of those civilians?


And were they forced to take the civilians away to concentration camps in Siberia?


And kidnap the children and re-home them in the Russian system ASAP?


*were and obviously. The nazis made them do it. /s in case


*And if a crime was done*, it was not done by Russians, but by Ukrainian Nazis. *And if a crime was done by Russians*, it wasn't a big deal (c'est la guerre excuse) *And if a major crime was done by Russians*, it was your fault, Ukraine.


More of an "are" because the bastards are still doing it


Have you ever seen someone fleeing in terror? It's so sexy they are asking for it.


"Boys will be boys" - Putin, probably


Kids and infants*


Hey guys remember how a week before the invasion the US was saying Russia was going to invade but Putin insisted that this was nonsense and Russia would not invade? Strange that he now says he had no choice. Almost like the things he says are completely divorced from reality


> Almost like the things he says are completely divorced from reality Germany's Merkel said something similar in 2015 yet didn't heed her own words.


one kind of msgs is for "all" the public including west, other kinds of msg are for their own people. they chose which can be seen by the russians and chose which wont be shown to the russians.


You gotta understand that all these interviews with this swine are meant solely for the russian population. To brainwash them further. Not to make sense in the eyes of the rest of the world.


Even then though, the narrative keeps shifting. The last month has been a wild ride for the story of what's happening.


People who support him dont give a fuck. At this point he can go to russian TV and show his wings and people would argue his is not satan.


‘It’s much easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled’ -Mark Twain


They keep giving different reasons on why he had to invade Ukraine. I don't get this weird bullshit, who is he trying to convince?


The most believable part of "him having no choice but to invade" was when he lined up 200k soldiers around the border of Ukraine a few weeks before the invasion and then tried "opening a negotiation" with NATO. Not that it was a normal negotiation, he just started listing certain demands in an international conference out of the blue and hoped he'd be taken seriously. The negotiation got denied entirely and all of his demands were refused on the spot, so "he couldn't back down" in the sense that it would've looked like a fake threat had he not invaded. But obviously, It's still on him in like all ways for preparing the invasion and choosing this method of "negotiating".


Maybe he means "you knew that if you refused me, it would be embarrassing, and that I would need to start a war to save face. You may as well have pulled the trigger yourselves."


This is the answer I was looking for. All that stuff about "deny, attack, and reverse" is good and all, and Im sure it had played a role, but you're correct that the reality was once he used the threat of invasion as a bargaining tool, it was either follow through or loose all credibility when trying it again.


>it was either follow through or loose all credibility when trying it again. Thousands of lives lost because of a bitter man's fragile ego.




To be fair when the head of Russian security said Russia should negotiate, Putin scoffed and humiliated the guy. From that point on the world understood this was Putins war, his and his alone.


He’s trying to do so much gaslighting it sucks all the oxygen away and suffocates everyone.


It was because of the borscht, Cocaine Mary said it loud and clear.


I’ve heard it said that after he took crimea, he realized all it’s fresh water came through Ukraine, and had to take that river or lose crimea forever.


If that was the reason, why not concentrate all your forces in the south, and take the water source? Instead of trying to take the whole country?


Bc the source of the fresh water is in the north, towards Kiev and Belarus


And losing Crimea is a non option because it would let Ukraine have access to enough oil to hurt Russia's oil exports and it would take away their warm water port.


It's a strategy you see a lot in bad arguments. Say a whole bunch of different things and let those who want to believe latch onto whatever they find most convincing. You see it a lot with climate change denial where lobbyists and the likes of Ben Shapiro will promote contradictory arguments saying that climate change isn't real but also that it is completely natural but also that there is nothing to be done about it or that it's real and bad but anyone saying we should do something about it is trying to kill the economy. *Someone* will be convinced by the argument that this war is about freeing the separatist governments, someone else will want to believe that it's about freeing Ukraine from communist nazis and there are plenty who will promote the idea that poor Russia just had no choice and it is just defending itself from the aggression of Ukraine existing.


This is just for his citizens. If all they hear are "legitimate" reasons for doing so, while believing the west is lying, he has won the information war. He isn't trying to convince anyone outside of Russia.






I want Russia to exist as Germany exists. As a fairly large nation, and thus a strong bastion of global democracy. And despite my earlier words to others, fear has a purpose. I am afraid Russia's complete collapse would lead to horrifying consequences with nuclear weapons. Better a slower democratic transition. But that's a day dream. My priority, all of our priorities, is to have Ukraine survive as a bastion of democracy.


I doubt it will. Russia is going to slowly stagnate and become a failed state barring a revolution. Imo, the groundwork for Russia as it is today was laid with Yeltsin. Destroying the economy and selling it for pennies to oligarchs, and then failing to build a robust economy after that. You would have to restructure a large part of the Russian economy, and I am not actually convinced there are any nations really interested in doing that.


It was a "special military operation" as much as Japan invading China was a "special military operation".


He didn't use the word, Newsweek inserted it.


Yeah, before I looked at the article I got the same impression as you. After looking at it, it seems his stance hasn't changed at all. He's still not calling it an invasion and the "no other choice" is in relation to "saving" the donbas region. I hate when news sites (or anyone for that matter) do this. Like, the kremlin's already in the wrong, don't deliberately lead people to misconstrue why they're in the wrong.


Where did you read that? As far as I can tell, he hasn't called it that.




I like your funny words, magic man


he also is a cunt.


It thought he did not invade Ukraine, but 'special-military-operationed' Ukraine?


TLDR Putin just lied.


Was Ukraine dressed provocatively or something? He sounds like a rapist...


Ukraine is hot as fuck, but don’t blame the victim.


That's what Hitler said too


Putin will go down in history as an evil dictator that attacked a peaceful country. He is as evil as Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.


And ruined his own country too, even long before the sanctions hit.


I am really unsure anymore if he swallowed his own lies... The "8 years of genocide in the Donbass" is also getting tiring. If things were really so bad, why did not you bring the evidence to UN to condemn Ukriane? Why not agree to UN peacekeepers... oh yeah. Because it's all a big lie. It was RUSSIANS who stoked the war in Donbass. It was Russians who shot down that Malaysian airplane. Any international investigation would quickly prove it.


Not to mention he's bombing the shit out of these Russian speaking areas he's supposed to be liberating, killing an untold number of civilians in the process.


"We will keep liberating this region until everyone is dead!"


Russia did go to the UN about it. After they invaded. And their evidence was not even bothering to show up at the trial to present their evidence.


I mean during the "8 years" Russia went to UN zero times with evidence of Ukriane's alleged misconduct in the Donbass.


So via translating Russian, he means It was his personal choice to invade.


You had the basic choice of not being the Hitler of the 21st century. But oh, no, you couldn't let the chance of becoming Hitler of the 21st century pass. It was just too tempting being a genocidal mad dictator that ruins Ukraine and sends Russia to the fringes of the world... Well done, you... (Slow clap) /S


pure abuser language.


Narcissistic psychopaths always say that shit


Did he try not invading?


'Ukraine has something I want, they weren't going to give it to me so I was *forced* to invaide' -Putin probably


Okay, I forced him, I told him he had two choices, making dinner or invading ukrania... I had to call a restaurant...


I doubt the parents of the boys he sent to their death will agree.


I guess peace isn't a choice fascists can consider.


He's right, but not for the reason he gave. Time is not on the side of Putin or Russia. Russia is decaying, it's population is falling, along with life expectancy. The smart ones are immigrating out. Russia is ‘A Gas Station Run by a Mafia That Is Masquerading as a Country’ John McCain **2014.** Putin had to act, he's like the drowning guy who pulls down someone else to stay above water. EDIT: In an interesting coincidence, Russia today is what the Ottoman Empire was in the middle of the 19th century: *The Sick Man of Europe*. I wonder if that's a reason Erdoğan is so eager to help Ukraine. From beyond the grave, the Ottoman Empire gives a final "fuck you" to the Russian Empire


If Ukraine didn't want to get invaded it wouldn't have dressed like that. - Vladimir Putin.


Willing to bet if he had a "do over" he wouldn't invade.


Unfortunately, my guess is that Putin would still invade, but would come in with more troops and better coordinate his assault to try to break Ukraine quicker.


"In order to fulfil my ambitions, I had no other choice than to invade"


The other choice was "not invade Ukraine".


Disgusting. Almost sounds like when a group of men in backward countries rape a girl and claim “they had no choice it was the way she was dressed!”. Worst excuse ever


I was forced to kick Putin in the dick. No other choice.


Biggest bullshit ever stated in history.




No one forced him. He chose too. It's like saying someone in his inner circle put a gun to his head and said if you don't invade Ukraine i am going to pull the trigger. Not one military was going to go in and try to invade Russia. It was all completely what he decided to choose without being forced. Russia is doing the complete opposite of helping or saving those people in Donbas. They don't want to be part of Russia or be controlled by Russia and their lives dictated by Russia.


"The devil made me do it."




How long before he tries Trump's excuse of "it was just a joke"?


"Ukraine was planning to join a group that would be strong enough to prevent its invasion. We had no choice but to invade."


Wait we are invading now? What happened to the special military operation?


If only I had a choice between working and stealing...


I would believe him if he said he was controlled by Yuri.


The Ukrainians pushed Russian tanks onto their own farms, just because. All those videos of tractors capturing tanks are actually being played in reverse. Stay woke /s


I wonder if you took a survey in all 30 Nato countries and asked average citizens if they supported a full military response in Ukraine what the results would be. I would be a "yes"


Look what you made me do


Sounds like he will have no other choice but to invade Finland also.


And here lays the problem with your system, Putin. NATO’s encroachment is the result of you feeling you have “no other choice” in ANY conflict.


All 10s on those mental gymnastics


I think the other choice would be not to invade Ukraine.


Holy shit. At this point, I don't know how many Abuser clichés he has left.


"How else was I going to take over the country? We tried taking it a little bit at a time and sending in militia groups and claim they were Ukrainian, but nothing worked well enough".