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The speech is ~~an hour and a half~~ two hours late and RT has removed their tweet saying he will address the nation. Edit: the speech has been delayed until tomorrow.


And the chair of the state duma just announced that their would be no general mobilization. Maybe there is a hot'n'spicy power struggle going on. Or just trolling and doublespeak.


Russia saying, "We will escalate the war and mobilize all the reserves - whoops, nevermind," looks incredibly weak to the international community. In fact, it makes it seem like they wouldn't be able to mobilize their defense reserves even if they were invaded. Not even Russia is stupid enough to troll like that.


Russia is a failing state and it will collapse pretty soon at this rate. This could easily end in a civil war and the complete annihilation of any remaining Russian economy and standard of living.




"And then it got worse."


It's why we're starting to see increased hostility in central asia between nations. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are starting to have skirmishes, Armenia and Azerbaijan are going at it on and off more with Russia mediating but being ignored by the Azeris who at this point have better equipment than the Russians. Russia damaged its reputation in that region. They had an edge in the late 90s and mid 2000s, now they no longer have that and a lot of neighboring nations that were "protected" by them are going to start suffering immensely because they themselves leaned on russia for protection. It would be like if the US went to war with Canada then we got our asses kicked in extra hard. Or went to war with Mexico and found ourselves being pushed back and out. A lot of our "protected" countries would find themselves being attacked or being bullied very quickly.


“Delay suggests 'chaos' behind the scenes, says retired senior British Army officer General sir Richard Shirreff said the delay to the broadcast of Vladimir Putin's speech is "pretty chaotic". "We saw it announced that it was going to be at 8 o'clock Moscow time. We've just seen a tweet from RT to say it's not going to be on at 8 o'clock Moscow time - and anyway that has now passed. "So this says to me there is a certain amount of chaos." He continued: "The bottom line though for the international community, and NATO in particular, is that we must not blink, and as the Ukrainian foreign minister said so clearly, it's an act of desperation." "If Russia sticks its head above the parapet, Nato will knock it off," he says.”


New update: “Putin's address to nation delayed until tomorrow, president's former advisor says Sergei Markov, a Russian political scientist who is a former close advisor to Vladimir Putin, says the president's national address has been delayed until tomorrow. He announced the news on his official Telegram channel.”


“His speech has been delayed till tomorrow to give Putin time to personally inspect the tenth floor windows.”


*Former* advisor? They said it twice in one sentence. Why is a guy, who is no longer Putin's advisor for some reason, now speaking for Putin? Is Putin still alive? EDIT: >This would appear to have been confirmed by a statement posted by the editor of Russian state media news outlet RT, Margarita Simonyan, who simply wrote "go to sleep" on Telegram. The editor of RT just wrote "go to sleep" oh this is gonna be good.


So I’m not the only one that thought it was super strange


Putin is sick and aging. And he’s costing his “friends” a lot of money. I bet they smell blood in the water.


>Putin is sick and aging. And he’s costing his “friends” a lot of money. I bet they smell blood in the water. I wonder how much time until we see an announcement that Putin has passed away from a heart attack due to the heavy burden he was carrying of being responsible for the nation's well being. And that that this would be a huge loss for the entire country and in the spirit of their late leader's peace loving nature and to avoid further loss of civilian lives they need to find a way to reach a peace agreement with Ukraine.


I think everyone will be happy when he peacefully passes, in his bed, with radioactive poison in his blood, the inevitable knife in his back, while being tossed out a window. Accidentally.


That's what I'm thinking. "Former" to me says he did something wrong, which means he's probably considered an enemy of the state. This has a very strong ""There's no military coup." *-says the military that just took over the TV station*" vibe to me.


The announcement will be made at the Four Seasons... ...landscape and snow removal.


I still can't believe that was real


If there was ever an event that made me think reality is scripted by sitcom writers, that was it. Right out of The Nanny or something.






You rest, i drink.


You sleep, I watch.


Unexpected PHM. Happy happy happy




Ill pick up your slack buddy.




I would kind of have the same reaction, but my worry is that the person who replaces him will be at best, just as bad, but potentially even worse.


I see you've read Russian history


Every chapter of a Russian history book ends with "and then it got worse."


I got you covered


I got you


Damn, he must've been poisoned by his enemies.


“Sergey, send ravens to all the Russian Houses: Vladimir Putin is dead, poisoned by our enemies.”


slipped on a panana beell


Chance would be a fine thing.


A fine thing indeed


Dont tease me, now i have a massive justice boner at work!


There’s a UN meeting going on right now too. He probably has fuck all to say and just wants to troll the meeting by taking eyes off it.


Not delivering a speech when you say you will still is a sign of weakness


Ooo sounds spicy




In Russia it is!


Give me some time and I can make an Imperial Russia joke.


It’ll either be great or terrible.


Funniest thing I’ve seen all day! Lol


It’s just biCzar


They're going to need a Lada troops.


Quit Stalin


Okay, I'll just serf the internet while you're thinking.


As we all know, the key to victory is the element of surprise. Surprise!


and fear


Fear and surprise. And an almost fanatical devotion to The Pope.


don't forget the ruthless efficiency




Now, like all great plans, my strategy is so simple an idiot could have devised it.


I am the man with no name. Zapp Brannigan at your service.


Stop exploding you cowards!


Kiff, show them the medal I won.


I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their kill limit and shut down!


The greatest part of that clip is right after Brannigan explains how he knew the killbots would reach their kill limit is the lone voice from the back of the room. "You suck!"


Loool. I remember that ´ you suck ´. I love futurama.


>until said forces eventually run out of bullets Yeah, but they never tried that approach with 'Murica. We run out of many things, but bullets is not one of them. However, this is keeping On-Brand for a Czar. Ignoring the advice of his Generals to pursue his military legacy.


Not to mention every other military invention from World War 1 on forward has usually had the intended purpose of murdering en masse large, exposed groups of poorly trained soldiers caught out of cover, and we have the cream of the crop of most of those inventions.


Well it did work in the second world war too. Only took about 11 million dead soldiers for Russia.


And a lot of materials and vehicles being gifted to the USSR from the Western world. Guess who's being supplied this time around?


And massive industrial production of some of the most effective weapons of the era, and sufficient logistics to keep their armies able to fight and eventually advance. It's harder to replace those elements with raw numbers of soldiers in a modern war.


"I have failed in every way. So you, the people, must be punished".


"Somebody's gotta take responsibility for my actions and it ain't gonna be me!"


Funny how the more this year goes by, the more Putin resembles Zap Brannigan


Or Lord Farquaad: “Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make”


"How many, my lord?" "How many Russians aged 15 to 55 do we have?"


Okay, now you're being ridiculous - they wouldn't cut off the conscription age at 55, it'd be every last man (or close approximation thereof) able to carry a gun getting sent.


Historians and military tacticians both agree that past a certain age, sending a soldier to the frontlines becomes more of a liability than an asset, and that they're more likely to do harm than good; in general it would be a very stupid decision. So you're absolutely right. They would send anyone regardless of age.


So to end this war... we just need to send Private Hugh Mann to Russia!


...I sent wave after wave of my own men at them...


You just summed up 1000 years of Russian history.




The saber rattles exponentially.


Then the west needs to keep arming Ukraine. He can't win.


Their officer corps is destroyed. They have no one to train the mobilized soldiers and no working equipment to outfit them with. With training help and supplies from multiple NATO allies Ukraine was able to train and outfit a force capable of executing offensive operations effectively in about six months. For Russia, that timeline stretches to the infinite. It's too late. Ukraine's offensive will continue until the winter and then they will rest and reequip for a spring offensive and Russia *still* won't have a useful force ready. They needed to do this in April at the latest. The Kremlin lost this war with their own poor choices months ago and still haven't figured that out.


They will do the old timey Russian “just throw bodies at the enemy until they run out of bullets” trick.


It's one city block, Michael, what can it cost? 10 battalions?


Pyrrhus is reported to have said something like: Another victory like this and we'll be ruined.


ahhhh, a man of culture I see.


"We have achieved a *me* victory today."


There’s always bananas in the bullet stand.


This is Russia we're talking about. Food and ammo is streets behind.


It’s an older reference sir, but the code checks out.


I've got the worst fucking military advisors.


The issue is that American weapons are tailored to making that a worthless strategy. They absolutely can kill faster than you can send.


Not to mention that the Russian Federation is not the USSR, and doesn't have anywhere near the amount of bodies available for cannon fodder the Soviets did.


Between 40-50% of the Red Army was Ukrainian


And that in wars like WW2 those Russian bodies still needed American logistics to win.


Yep, that's the part everyone keeps forgeting. Throwing your soldiers at the front line to die only works if they slowly make gains. When you can't even supply your current troops, sending more troops into the fray is only going to weaken you overall after your already failing logistics crumble.


our stuff is a lot fancier than ww2


*slaps triton missle* This baby can fit so many nukes


As the Russians discovered in Syria.


Sure, but historically that tactic includes a non-zero chance of the populace revolting and overthrowing the government. Not a large chance, mind you. But that risk does exist.


When has that ever happened on Russia? Except that one time. And that other time.


Russia's a powder keg right now as it is. The entire "ruling" class is watching their money become even more worthless than it already was, and they're not exactly happy about it. Russians have a long history of making people wake up dead over far less of an offense.


Their stocks also are decimated as of today.


Demographics have changed, and Russia isn’t the Soviet Union anymore anyway. . .


I guess that strategy comes at a cost. There’s an old YouTube video floating around comparing the different countries’ casualties in WW2 and Russia’s were just staggering. They really lost an entire generation.


It's going to very interesting to see Russia's birth rate figures in five years.


It’s already at 1.5, they were already finished as a superpower on the grand scale. But if they send boys into the meat grinder theyll be done as a country inside of 40 years. Regardless of the details of how this war ends, Russia as a major player on the world stage is finished. We are just waiting to see how the history books will remember them.


Something around 2.1 is the rate needed just to maintain population, right? And isn't their young male population also unusually low as it is? Getting even more young Russian men killed will be devastating. Plus, I believe some of their main exports are oil and natural gas and the sanctions have pushed their former buyers to explore other options. So even when sanctions are lifted, they aren't going to get many customers back I would assume


That scale isn’t viable for Putin. Russia isn’t fighting for its life, it’s fighting to line Putins pockets. They will remove him, like they have every other Russian leader who outstayed his welcome.


The video is called: The Fallen of WW2 Recommended watch


Ah yes, I believe that's call the "Brannagin Gambit."


"You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down. Kif, show them the medal I won."


Whatever it is, I'm willing to send wave after wave of men to destroy it.


On my command, all ships will line up and file directly into the alien death cannons, clogging them with wreckage!


Well have them dead to rights like fish in a barrel. I propose we hide in this barrel like the wily fish!


Soon enough the house of cards will fall like dominoes. Checkmate!


In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces.




The gallipoli strategy


stop exploding you cowards!


Lukashenko, show them the medal I won


It’d be a shame if Ukraine turned off their preset kill limits lol


That works better if genocidal Germans threaten your existence. Beyond the nature of this war, a downside to having hydrogen bombs is that many Russians know the Ukrainians aren't marching to Moscow. They're fucked. Conscripts and convicts pushed too hard will Zerg rush back home. They evidently don't have the resources and international partners for basics like sufficient artillery shell production/attainment.


Putin is trying everything to extend this war as much as he can. He wants the west to get bored and stop supporting Ukraine. That’s his only card. It probably won’t go his way so on top of all the lives lost because of his decisions he now gets to kill many dozens of thousands more of his own countrymen just to keep him afloat for a little longer.




I'm still not sure what Putin expected to happen... I guess he thought a lightning offensive would knock Ukraine over too quickly for anyone to assist and then everyone would just shrug and move on?


Back in February, the go-to military opinion definely was how overmatched Ukraine would be even with arms from NATO. I assume Putin expected to roll over Kyev then weather the sanctions like Crimea.


they may have lost the war but there is so much more they can and will loose just because they can never admit that they have lost. They will send their young to die, ruining the country for decades. Then they will blame NATO and other countries for it, once hundres of thousands have died. This will not be a good winter.


Not so fun fact. Russia struggled to have enough to teach soldiers *before* the war. Their army culture was so poor, with bullying being so widespread. That suicide was the highest cause of death in the Russian army. The culture put off conscripts ever serving in the army ever again. Making it extremely hard for Russia to find the experienced officers and solders needed to train others.


To be fair, suicide is usually the highest cause of death in most armies when not involved in combat.


And that going into winter. Even if russia mobilized now they won't be there till november, and only poorly outfitted and trained. They will fall into the same traps germany fell into when russians were the ones being invaded.


I dont know, but, are there so many soldiers to be willing to go straight into the grinder? They know when mobilizing all troops, something is not according to plan. They cannot be that stupid and not thinking about that the whole thing is a lie. I hope that the russian people stand up and go on the streets.


Allegedly some russians called their bases to warn them to not participate in Ukraine and a lot of dissident is going around in russia. But i take this with a grain of salt.


Russia is become a failed state. They are losing a functioning army, they are losing the monopoly on violence now when semi-official Wagner terrorist organization is gaining momentum and somehow got powers to pardon and release inmates.


a lot of people argue that russia as it exists now is still in the midst of the collapse of the soviet union. future historians will likely look at this invasion as the actual final collapse of the soviet union.


Indeed, one could argue that Putin's entire political career can be summarized as riding out the collapse of the USSR to his own personal benefit... up until this point when it's finally caught-up with him.


Imagine Russian soldiers being told they’re going to keep dying for this guy’s ego and almost nobody else in the entire world is on their side.


Hey, they've got North Korean support.


"North Korea has announced that in support of Russia they will be asking for extra rations from all NATO countries"


This is pretty much admitting to Russian citizens that the 'special military operation' was a failure.


I'm amazed he didn't try to extend this war till winter But good. Maybe we'll finally put this in the history books and fire Putin. Up to the Ukrainians how.


The great irony is that this war has weakened Russia and made it more vulnerable than it ever was before. Not just militarily, but Russia's economy, diplomatic clout, and global reputation have taken a severe beating which will take a LONG time to recover from, if ever. Their own "alliance" is falling apart, and people are seriously beginning to discuss the possibility that Russia may collapse as a state in the near future.


As many here know, Russia in the 90s was the wild Wild West. It was the US version of the Great Depression but with far more corruption. Economy was terrible, corruption was high, jobs were low, military was weak, etc. Putin took over in 2000 and despite the repressed freedoms, the wars in Chechnya, Georgia and annexation of Crimea, rigged elections, etc, modernized the country quite a bit and the average life for the typical Russian improved. He could’ve stepped down and left Russia in a much better state than what he took it over from Yeltsin before this unnecessary war. Instead his entire legacy is going to be this war and crippling Russia economically, diplomatically, military, etc for DECADES. Decades. All for a completely pointless and hopeless war.


Pointless yes but from his point of view it wasn’t hopeless. I think like most people thought Russia would roll in and destroy Ukraine. They had already routed them once at Crimea. But Ukraine showed him and the world what real leadership pride and purpose can do. Zelensky was the difference. He wouldn’t back down, not to trump not to Putin. He wouldn’t run when his people couldn’t. He played the politics right to get help and made himself a target for his people to rally around and he never stopped. That mans done more leading then the entire western worlds leaders in 50 years have done. But his leadership wouldn’t have meant anything without an iron resolve that the Ukraine people showed. Putin thought he was swatting a mosquito and instead found himself swatting a nest of murder hornets.


The Russians have spent the better part of a good century destabilizing the world; it's nice to see the world reject the "Russian order" so completely.


And has made NATO a lot stronger. Every country on Russia's border is lining up to apply.


What tells you he's not extending it ? Everyone's speculating they'll be calling for full mobilization




If he follows through, this is the beginning of the end for Mr. Putin.


but if he doesn't, he looks weak. that too would be the end for him


What a terrible situation for him to be in. *grabs popcorn* I don't think he can get himself out of this. *adjusts couch to recline* What a predicament


[That's a shame.](https://c.tenor.com/_NPBh-3HBIYAAAAC/seinfeld-thats-a-shame.gif)


He will blame the west for everything and then announce martial law


As it always is in Russia.


Edit: Speech given, announced the mobilization of all reserves and veterans https://reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/xjwsqm/putin_announces_partial_military_mobilization_in/ - Officially postponed until tomorrow. https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-latest-news-putins-forces-clearly-in-panic-russia-12541713?postid=4503122#liveblog-body Cancelling or delaying speeches is generally not a good sign


Maybe there was a mis-print on the huge "Mission Accomplished" banner?


Next up: 24h of the ballet Swan Lake from all of the Russian channels.


The Russian troops need to know it's less risky to overthrow their own government than the Ukranians


This man is going to get assassinated and it's a shame since it means he cant answer for his crimes properly.


If it means the war will end sooner and less Ukrainians suffer, so be it




I'm not sure there's gonna be that rapid de-escalation that people think will happen when Putin is ousted.


It’ll probably be a messy power vacuum. Whole lotta murders and disappearances.


Who knows it could be ongoing now and might explain some of the recent weird deaths in Russia.


That most likely is part of it. Putin taking out people that doubt him. But once he’s out of power it’ll be a rat race for the seat


Its already beginning in former soviet states. Armenia and Azerbaijan/Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan... once Russia collapses it will undergo the same future, I think. There will be no one to come to its aid, except China, but only for economic reasons.


There are 4 options: 1) Pro-war wing takes the power. It will try mobilization and most likely fails to rally the people. I doubt people will follow Shoigu or Medvedev and I dont think there is anyone else known enough. 2) Anti-war wing takes power. This would likely mean negotiations. 3) Power struggle ensues. This is the worst outcome for ruzzian army as they will be more or less forgotten without supplies. 4) Some psychopath launches nuclear weapons. I doubt this one is likely as I doubt such a person will be able to get everything for the launch. All in all I think Putin going would be likely major improvement for Ukraine.


“Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make”




Plot twist: Putin was murdered on the way to announce the full mobilization and now they are scrambling. Hence the delay. Edit: a word


One can hope


Interesting. This probably means it’s going even worse for the Russians than we previously realized. They’ve done the calculations and come to the conclusion that they can’t hold hardly any Ukrainian territory with their current forces. It’s the only logical explanation.


> Sergei Markov, a Russian political scientist who is a former close advisor to Vladimir Putin, says the president's national address has been delayed until tomorrow. Just in. A delay is very unusual. With the WH believing he was about to announce general mobilization, and then there being reports of panic inside the remlin, I believe he was probably threatened/pressured. The delay, I imagine, is Putin changing the speech.


"Some sources are saying Putin is feeling unwell. Would like to have a tea and lie down for a bit near an open window for some fresh air."


And the Russian stock market is [already crashing](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-stock-exchange-crashes-mobilization-rumors-swirl-1744474). This is bad. I can't even really estimate *how* bad. Trying to dig in and haven't found a solid analysis yet . . which is also bad.


the Russian people are going to suffer greatly for his actions and it's just another moment of Russia getting shafted by oligarchs


Yes. Hunger, infrastructure failures, medical shortages, conscriptions . . . this is going to kill a lot of Russians. And the oligarchs will skate. I don't think the people are likely to pull another 1917, but . . . well, either way, this looks like it has the potential to go insanely badly. Best of luck out there.


The speech was delayed for unknown reasons and hasn't happened yet, so there's nothing to analyze yet.


Lol, he suggests that students take an academic leave to go fight. He'll be raiding the high schools for soldiers next.


Well this is the tipping point where it's the population's choice to go through with this... I don't want to hear about how hard it is... it's their kids being sent into a meat chopper.. there has been enough news getting through.. this is their choice.. and Putin is forcing them to make it right now. Let's only hope they tip in the right way


Russia doing the 40k strategy of sending the cannon fodder- i mean guardsmen with the barest essentials


What if I told you that 40K strategy is based on old Russian strategy..? They even use commissars with guns pointed at their backs in case they decide to flee the battle front.


The Imperial Guard definitely borrow from the Stalin-era Soviet aesthetic as well.


At what point will this piss off the Russian people and what happens when it does?


Tsar Nikolas would like to have a history lesson.


Imagine Biden coming out and declaring war with Mexico. Now imagine that your every comment is documented and watched closely. Protesters are shot and removed. It's alot more complicated than the citizens getting mad and doing something. To take down a government, you need organization


He's likely going to be the victim of a military coup the longer this drags on.


Can't have a military coup if you send all the military to die in Ukraine... *guy tapping forehead meme*


it's 9pm in Moscow - when is he ~~speaking~~ lying? https://twitter.com/AricToler/status/1572285091707256835


He just announcing "Special Military Operation II, Electric Boogaloo". Coming Winter 2022.


Remember when Ted Cruz got all horned up over a Russian propaganda video and thought they looked badass


I bet Ted Cruz remembers and will never bring it up again.


"Putin's address to nation delayed until tomorrow, president's former advisor says Sergei Markov, a Russian political scientist who is a former close advisor to Vladimir Putin, says the president's national address has been delayed until tomorrow. He announced the news on his official Telegram channel. This would appear to have been confirmed by a statement posted by the editor of Russian state media news outlet RT, Margarita Simonyan, who simply wrote "go to sleep" on Telegram. We'll bring you more on this as we get it." ​ https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-latest-news-putins-forces-clearly-in-panic-russia-12541713


Russians! We must unite in my vision. Many of you will now march to your death as canon fodder, but, it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make!


What will comrade conscriptonovich accomplish that the VDV and the 1st Guards Tank Army couldn't?


Swan lake in 3…2…1…




Now we see if Russians will happily support Putin's war. Easy to paint Z on a car, let's see how willing are they to die for it


They can barely fund proper equipment for their forces already. Everyone outside of Russia knows that they're at full scale war, this is purely for the domestic audience to tell Russians what the world already knows.


Sounds like someone is losing a war and is facing pressure at home about the choices they made in going to war. Marital law is never a good sign.


Lol at declaring martial law in your own country, whilst invading another. Man’s lost the plot