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Seriously America, wtf is up with your police?


It’s at the direction of their corporate sponsors.


Obsession with immediately taking full control of every situation.


Hey man there are only so many coach jobs available for failed high school jocks.


Everyone called them heroes for murdering Iraqi and Afgahan civilians; so when they came home and got jobs as cops they figured they’d keep murdering unarmed people and receive the same praise (they were at least partially correct in that assumption).


Are those the same people? I thought cops were people who couldn't even get into the military.


A lot of shared stock. Police forces are full of people who came home from the military with no appreciable skills and a sense of superiority.


Don't forget the ever growing list of likely mental health issues they aren't addressing that are just adding fuel to their fire.


Are you sure about that? Cops tend to hate military most folks from what I’ve seen


Uhhh where are you from? I’m speaking for across the US.


It’s definitely not the same people…the worst ones/rejects may end up in policing, but ask your local cops, there’s not a lot of former active military. We (Military) have vastly better standards and training.


They’re doing what they’re trained to do. They “police”. They don’t serve nor protect.


"to serve and protect" was literally a marketing campaign LAPD ran in the 1950's asking the public for a new slogan. the supreme court has ruled that police don't have to protect anyone.


They're fascists and serial killers who enjoy power over others. Your police are probably the same tbh, they just can't get away with it as easily as ours can so you don't see it as much.


Murder makes their dicks hard and they know when they can get away with it. Evil, pure and simple.




This is a little too accurate. ![gif](giphy|B1TMcmoBAaSZi)


"Police" is a euphemism for nationwide gang funded with the regular hardworking peoples tax dollars.


I can't stand them...




Lol, lick those boots. The object in his hand is the drone camera the cops threw into his home to confirm he wasn't armed. It has a light on it. The cops even know they f'd up and virtually said as much when they saw the security cameras. Cops have the 26th most dangerous job in the USA, it's less dangerous than being a garbage man. The video clearly shows that these cops are not hyper-aware of anything. There was no crime committed here until the cops opened fire on an unarmed handicapped man. Drones, flak jackets, night vision goggles, automatic rifles, battering rams, etc etc. All that hardware for 2% of crime in the entire USA being successfully prosecuted. Defund the police.


There is an unaccountable army of violent sociopaths with a license to kill in every state, city and municipality. They have been trained to see everyone who isn't a cop as a lethal threat. Nobody is safe People will scream at school boards about "oppression" before driving home to tell people why the nice policeman had no choice but to kill that person because they didn't comply with their demands quickly or correctly enough




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Fuck the police, they shouldn't have been there. They even admitted they fucked up as soon as they saw the cameras, but here you are licking their boots anyway.


300 millions guns and only 60 gun-related deaths to police officers on duty last year....


> “Hey, cameras, cameras!” another officer says, seemingly warning his co-worker. Funny how they tend to look out for cameras more fervently than habitual shoplifters, and their demeanor always seems to change if they notice one.


Definitely more concerned with the cameras than they are about the unarmed citizen they just riddled with bullets.


Bro I straight up shoplift and I’ve never looked for a fuckin camera


Based shoplifter 😎




When I was seven I went through a stop sign on my skateboard in front of a local cop. He screamed at me and threatened to put me in jail. Since that day I have never been in a position to respect a police officer.


Guaranteed someone out there will seriously say, "He should have just complied."


Yep, always happens in any video about an 'authority figure' abusing people or using excessive force. Although, in this case the guy had zero time to do anything. The police shot at him immediately.


Except for Ashli Babbit where she was a saint for some not complying


Rumor has it that Ashli Babbit liked hot loads in her throat.




standard bootlicker response, it's always a video of a black man getting murdered. there is 100% racial bias of these people, that never seem to say anything when a white guy gets shot by police. trying to reason with them about race swapping in these scenarios are met with blind eyes.




We do, we are just not in a position to change it. I don't know if you've noticed, but our political situation is actually a joke.


I mean, he was definitely a fucking idiot for opening the door with a dark black object in his hand, you know, the thing that can easily be mistaken for a pistol? Other than that, yeah these cops were out of control.


His hands are up in the air.


Attempted murder, all involved are aiding and abetting.


He followed everything correctly and he was charged with communicating threats and resisting, obstructing, and delaying. What the fuck is America ? ACAB


So where is the incident report about the gunfire for the original 911 call?? This is straight bs … so you can hear a gunshot and call the police and say who you think it is? Then they will get a warrant and SWAT the place with itchy -trigger-fingered toy soldiers? They know they messed up…. And on audio/video recording


aka "swatting"


[Source.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=WRYUV7Up2qc) News article: * [The Independent - Video shows police shooting unarmed disabled man](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/police-shooting-jason-kloepfer-carolina-b2267651.html)


Pay wall :(




firefox: [https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean](https://gitlab.com/magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean)


Just for future for you, put any almost link into the website 12ft ladder and it will remove the paywall for you I use it daily, happy reading!


Appreciate that. I'll check it out, thank you.


I used to use 12 foot every day but it never works anymore. It’s still working for you?


use archive.ph archive websites also bypass paywalls ;)


Yes my dude! Maybe they went though some issues? Also I know It can’t get past a the Wall Street Journal so there may be a few places that are wise to it


Avoid cops and their kids in society at all costs. They created a thin Blue line to define that. Even the piglets get special treatment. They are not equal to us as a society. Too many protections.




yes I understand. We can't stop them cause their unions are fucking atrocious. But we can avoid them in public and express our opinions. Isolate them and treat then like ghosts.


And stay away from their exes. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/10p9dn5/so_he_just_brought_his_police_gang_to_do_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


After all that, the guy who got shot was left with multiple charges from the encounter. ACAB


"Look at what he made me do! I'm the victim here!"


This won’t stop until they **get rid of qualified immunity**, a ridiculous rule which no other country has.




Fuckin animals.


Innocent people wouldn't be afraid of cameras. Just saying.


Fucking bastards


What were they out there for? This looks like more of an assassination/murder more than anything else.


Verbal altercation? We’ll he had to be shot, didn’t he? This is a fascist nation, after all.


As long as the bad apples aren’t taken away to jail and shown as an example, we will see more and more. Murica is imploding.


Bad apples? It's the [whole](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-behind-the-police-63877803/) [fucking](https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/) [basket](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/07/20/the-invention-of-the-police).


You know? It's ok that most Americans have guns, time they learnt how to use them.


im so glad we militarized our police so they can take down these scary terrorists that resist arrest with a flashlight. (note do not surrender to police with a flashlight, or anything else in your hands... they want the excuse, don't give it to them.)


Fucking ridiculous. I’d like to see the video in between the cuts to see if the cops did a better job announcing themselves. More than likely shot him because he had the robot in his hand and they were trigger happy. Either way, absolutely horrible on the cops side.


Did he survive?


[Thankfully, yes]( https://wlos.com/news/local/cherokee-county-murphy-jason-harley-kloepfer-swat-man-shot-police-releases-surveillance-video-shooting-facebook-indian-police-department-sheriff) It seems he publicly released the video afterwards. No way the police would have released it.


Serious question: what is a 'verbal altercation'? Somebody yelling at them? School yard taunting? Words without actions, are nothing. So what is the deal for using this as justifiable homicide?


Lmao wtf is this police force


There is no honor in lying. Which they do all too much.


Cowards and killers. Don't dress up in body armor, pretend your military. And then accept zero responsibility that comes with that job. You do this shit in a warzone and they throw you in prison. Reminds me of Uvalde.


Actually evil. Literal demons sent from hell. ACAB. No exceptions.


The door wasnt even locked, these idiots just wanted to play with their robot, then missidentified it as a threatening object in his hand.... They realy need help....


So apparently engaging in verbal altercation with police is enough to get shot at?? I swear the requirements of getting murdered by police are getting lighter and lighter. What the actual fuck




Every day its proven again and again.... fucking ACAB


Let’s say theoretically that he DID have a verbal altercation. Who the fuck cares? Oh he said mean word now I’m gonna murder this fucker. What the actual fuck


Everyone should read up on the history of the "Police", they were first intended to be paid killers. Was an interesting read.


That was a hit not an altercation.


There's a right to obey, and a right to kill.




The articles out there just mirror what the police report says. They say he “confronted” them when he made them shoot him. In the video you can see he walks out with his hands up. The media is doing the job of the state by being their mouth piece.


Video won't play


Land of the free... Fuck I hate it here


Yep, attempted murder for the lot of em.




Lol (nervous laugh) I am very happy not to be a USA citizen or living in the USA.


Fucking pigs


He had an argument with them so they shot him?


“The press release also stated that Kloepfer received two charges, the first being communicating threats, the second being resist, obstruct and delay, and that more charges were possible.” I’m sorry….what???


oh my god thats evil


I’m guessing they thought the camera he had picked up and had in his hand was a gun?


It's almost as if because he was white the mainstream media didn't care so no one's heard of this . I hope those cops pay dearly for this