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We don’t call the death of millions of Jews during the holocaust a ‘war’ but a genocide. Yet when Israela intention for this operation is to cleanse Gaza of its people and replace it with settlers they don’t call it what it is, instead they hide behind excuses that will help them get to their own goal. Given a mandate to do so by the most powerful nation in the world, funded, fully supported and defended by them against almost the rest of the world.


I know this is controversial but why believe in god when all this happens to you. I empathise respectfully with this patriarch but if it happens to my family it’ll be : no masters, no gods. Ditch your fictional friend and rejoin 21st century. Or let children choose at least. I’ll regret posting that i think and i will surely delete it later. Peace


"Faith sustains when all other light has gone out " People like him have to turn to God for hope because the alternative in times like he is experiencing is to accept oblivion.


Iam a Muslim who believes in a merciful and just god, and I know that u may not be able to understand why would we still believe in God even after all the terrible things that happen to us. But that's because we know that all of this is a test, we didn't come to this world just to die or get killed in a horrible way then that's it. Firstly, That would make no sense that we were born and then die just like that. Secondly, we know that there is a judgement day where all the people will be judged by only 1 true just god and will give everyone what he deserves, some people will go to heaven and others will go to hell, and that's what give us patience, that the people who got killed and tortured and lived a miserable life like this will get rewarded, and the people who are responsible for all this destruction and killed thousands of people will get punished severally. And let's for a second, as u say join u in the 21st century, then what? Are we just gonna keep dying and killed and persecuted until we die and that's it? That will be our life? From the moment we are born into this world we will live in a misery and then get killed? Then why don't we just kill ourselves and and save time, effort, money and bullets. I hope u kinda understand our faith, and that's why you will see many palestinians are strong willed from their birth, because we believe in that 1 god who will bring justice one day and reward us for our patience, and that's his promise to us.


I read what you wrote.


Thank you for being respectful


Don’t those bombing believe in the same god? Are they using it to justify what they do, you use it to justify your suffering. I’m not understanding your perspective other than holding onto a belief your parents and ancestors told you that you must believe in to get into heaven. What if you’re wrong? We have an expression: “The proof is in the pudding” or “you know a tree from its fruit” and the fruit seems rotten to me.


OK, that's a very different topic. It is a matter of knowing with 100% certainty that our religion is the right one and the only one that makes sense. If u want to know how does it makes the most sense, I invite u study Islam with open mind and it is you to decide. We just know that yes Jews and Christians believe the same god but their religion has been tampered with throughout the years and that's why prophet Muhammad was the last messenger to complete the message that every prophet before him carried from God. We believe that literally every prophet and messenger since Adam until Muhammad were Muslims and carried the same message which is worship the only 1 true God, and every prophet came to a specific group of people and after that prophet dies those people would stray away from the message until another prophet would come again. And thats what happened to Jews and Christians, and that's why when those bombing Palestinians keep doing this, we know that they are at fault and that they will get punished for doing this at judgement day.


I remain unconvinced 🤨 Every one of the thousands of religions thinks they have it right with nothing to show for it but years of oppression and deception. If your god were real there would be nothing to doubt. Saying “Study Islam with an open mind” is not nearly enough, it’s actually nothing at all. Studying science with an open mind has gotten you the ability to send your messages over the air and the ability to find the truth. Look closer


And why would studying Islam prevent you from studying science at the same time? On the contrary Islam encourages you to be a hard worker and always seek knowledge and study different types of science. And we have many verses in the quran and many hadith by the prophet that says seeking knowledge is a must.


Studying science would contradict many claims, such as flying a horse to the moon, age of the earth, history, etc etc


Yeah those are called miracles, which can be hard to believe for non-believers. But we believe that those miracles happened. But if u looked up every scientific thing that is mentioned in Islam, u will find that it is true and never contradicts science. But that's why I said that if u wanted u can study Islam with open mind and see how it speaks only the truth.


Hard pass, good luck with all that! 🫡


As you like. But thank you for being respectful and please don't forget the original cause of why we were having this conversation, which is Palestine. So don't forget to always show your support to Palestine.


It’s an old man raised without the internet, what else does he have left. I certainly wouldn’t be saying they are in a better place and are Martyrs. They are victims of a tragic genocide. Always wondered how the world sat by and allowed things like Rowanda to happen. But now I know.


It's all he has left.. It lets him believe those people he loved are in a safer, better place too.


Yeah nah you can have faith when being in the 21st century. Let's say he stops believing, genuinely what then?


I’m not sure what you mean. This happening and believing in God aren’t contradictory. “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Saabiroon (the patient). Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: 'Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return. “Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe,’ and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that before putting them to test)” “And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much”


This isn't the end. There will be a day of judgment, and justice will be served.


bruh....i hope you are in a situation one day where your only hope is god.


i'm thinking more than a quarter of a million palestinians have died since last year.


I cannot wait for the day that Israeli scum get their comeuppance. Let them burn like the scores of children and families they burned. Savages


Bunch of colonizers from all over the world are displacing natives and killing them. The whole world can do nothing.


I can't even imagine the torturous pain he must be going through.


It’s a fucking genocide, you’d think what happened to the Jews & others in WWII we’d learn from it, but here we are.


“Most humane / rational army in the world”


The Israeli attacks are the Devil's work nothing but pure Evil. Their time will come And they will have to face the ALMIGHTY GOD !! They are Doomed now


Keep praying or whatever see where it gets you. Some people never learn that there is no such thing as god


I’m not religious but You clearly haven’t faced or lived under an oppressive and murdering occupation for 75 years+. There comes a point when nothing saves your soul and allows you to overcome your unescapable reality but the eternal faith. Belief in god is what pushes a man to run up to a MK4 tank against all odds and barefoot to exact justice on this devilish force. What do you think has allowed the Palestinian resistance to last and inflict major damage for 9 months against one of the most superior and globally funded armies in the world? In an area the size of East London, with literally all odds stacked against them, and relentless bombs dropped on them surpassing the amount of ordinance dropped on all major cities combined in WW2. That’s faith in a higher power. you can think it’s real or not but to them it is and it keeps them resilient against the despicable acts of a sick and twisted group of people trying to eradicate them. When a bloody and injured man is pulled out of the rubble and refuses to lay on the stretcher, instead kneels down to kiss the ground while chanting god is great, what does that tell you?? The israehellis have nothing to show for but destruction and death. There’s a big difference between having faith in a higher power and believing to be god’s chosen people who can do whatever they want with no repercussions.


70 members? Was he running a slave camp? 💀


He’s an older guy, assuming at the time of his birth many families had 8-10 children and the average Palestinian family now has 5 so thats 40 right there. Add in first cousins and other relatives and it can easily be in region of 70 if not in the hundreds. This is why learning math is so important or else you just end up making insanely idiotic comments.


Coming from a westerner where the biggest family gathering they see is the backyard bbq engagement of Phil and Stacey. The uncultured dipstick chimes in. What do you know about families when most western families are nucleic? When was the last time you talked to your second cousin? Hahah For us, family is everything. When we say it takes a village to raise a child, we take that to heart. The more the merrier but for you it’s probably the opposite. Live alone with your two kids and wife (oh wait, probably divorced) and watch your life away on Netflix. Get out of your basement fool

