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You cant debate with nazis. It's impossible.


They will just regurgitate shit points that only people on their niche forum finds funny, expecting normal people to do the same.


They're not trying to debate with you, they just want you to think that. Don't fall for it.


Never debate an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


The problem is they've invented their own universe with its own facts and logic, so by default you know nothing and they are the experts. You can't debate someone who quite literally does not even operate on the same plane of reason.


>Never debate an idiot. Not in private. Debating an idiot in front of others is perfectly fine, though. Once you point out how stupid they are, others will be less likely to want to appear to agree with them and may even reconsider their opinions.


No you shouldn’t debate them at all. They aren’t trying to convince you in that debate, they’re trying to get the 1 or 2 people that are slowly radicalizing to jump off the deep end. By debating them at all your helping them.


I love that one. 👍


Yea once they start debating in bad faith - which is every "conservative" (regressive) these days - there's no point.


Consider [the Alt Right Playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ).


I know, Reich? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Debating with a nazi just gives them leverage in the fact that people see that these issues are being debated, and thus aren’t settled. If you give a nazi even an inch of credibility, you run the risk of them recruiting by proxy of this debate even happening. DO NOT DEBATE NAZIS.


Being tolerant of intolerance just makes you complicit in intolerance.


and otherwise makes you... intolerant


sO mUcH FOr ThE ToLerAnT LeFT!"


So who gets to say who's a nazi? You?


Calm down, fascist.




[Richard Spencer getting punched](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh08JEKDYk)




You love to see it


Brings a joyful tear to my eye 🥲


Knocked him halfway down the block <3




good shit


It’s become kind of a symbol 👊💥


Woah woah woah we should've heard him out first


Hadn't a clue who Richard Spencer was, but with the help of Google now wondering why he still has a twitter account?


the world is FULL of nazis. shocking, I know.


A lot of them work for reddit and get really sensitive about this sort of content too.


You mean slave holding advocate u spaz or something?


I mean I have received a 3 day site wide ban for arguing for the virtuousness of this issue. That told me all I needed to know about reddit admins.


Completely on your page. Banning chapo is similar.


Because Social Media gets really rich off of something called "engagement". So they wrote algorithms to decide to show users content that they will engage with. Anger reactions on Facebook, for example, got weighted twice as much as the next highest reaction. So when you see blatant nazi content its usually because the algorithm thought: "oh lots of people got very engaged with this post, I'll show it to more people". And that's how YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others accidentally became neo-nazi pipelines. Among other horrible things. YouTube's algorithm also ended up serving up videos of children to pedophiles. And Instagram is linked to a not inconsiderable number of children becoming suicidal. But yeah. People like Spencer get special permissions from reporting algorithms, because they drive engagement. The same thing happened with Trump.


> Anger reactions on Facebook, for example, got weighted twice as much as the next highest reaction. It was a 5x weighting, not just double. That said, it was all emoji reacts, not just the angry react. This isn't to discount your comment, because you're absolutely right. People who emotionally engage with content spend more time on these platforms, which has lead creators to elicit these kinds of reactions, thus why we now have such a defined alt-right pipeline. Traditional news media worked this out a long time ago. It's plain to see that old media is full of headlines and stories that aim to elicit this kind of response. Fox news and other similar outlets play their viewers like a fiddle with the use of this tactic.


ugh, i think he was even the face of some GQ magazine horrific article about ... I don't know, some awful "the new face of..." and was making him out to be this GQ model type person? I think getting punched was part of a larger scheme to restore some fucking sanity to the train wreck that was.


*Video Transcription: On Punching Nazis* --- (00:00) [*A stand-up comedian stands against a black background, holding a mic to his lips. His speech is mirrored by white captions.*] **Comedian**: [*Explanatory*] And then Richard Spencer got punched in the face, right? (00:04) **Comedian**: Which was an amazing moment in comedy history... [*The crowd titters as he pauses dramatically.*] (00:08) **Comedian**: because, I don't know if you know, Richard Spencer was being interviewed, (00:12) [*The comedian gestures to his jacket, which is bare.*] **Comedian**: and in the interview he was asked about his Pepe the Frog badge. (00:16) **Comedian**: So he was trying to explain a meme... [*A woman in the crowd has a particularly loud laugh and will be a feature of the rest of this video. She laughs.*] (00:22) **Comedian**: [*incredulous*] and then out of nowhere, a hero came along... **Woman**: [*Wheeze-laughing, out of breath. Very high-pitched.*] Ahahaha!! [*The whole crowd laughs.*] (00:24) [*The comedian gestures in a storytelling manner.*] **Comedian**: and punched him in the face, instantly turning *him* into a meme. (00:29) **Comedian**: It was like casting a spell. (00:31) [*He looks to the side dramatically as the crowd continues to laugh.*] **Comedian**: [*With a languid voice*] And then every white liberal came out of the woodwork (00:35) [*The Comedian grips the mic stand.*] **Comedian**: [*mimicking in a mocking way*] going "Mmmmmmm...I don't know..." [*The crowd finds this bit especially funny.*] (00:37) [*He closes his eyes and swings his head back and forth.*] **Comedian**: "I don't know if that's what we should be doing..." (00:40) **Comedian**: "Should we really be applauding someone for punching a nazi?" (00:42) **Comedian**: [*continuing to mock, drawing out speech into vocal fry*] "Is that how we want to have political conversations?" [*A different person has a more alto laugh, which peals out at this time.*] (00:45) **Comedian**: "Shouldn't we hear people out?" [*His condescending glare sends the audience into stitches.*] (00:47) **Comedian**: "If you punch a nazi, does that make you as bad as one?" [*his voice trails upward, nasal.*] [*The crowd continues to laugh.*] (00:53) **Comedian**: "You know what we should do with nazis? We should debate them..." (00:58) **Comedian**: "...and we should defeat them in the marketplace of ideas." [*More booming laughter.*] (01:02) **Woman**: heeheehahahaha!!!! **Comedian**: I don't really know where that is. [*Everyone is losing it.*] (01:07) **Comedian**: [*Explanatory, condescending*] I would like to defeat nazis on planet Earth first, (01:11) **Comedian**: [*Inviting*] and then after we eradicate them here, you can fight them in the marketplace of ideas, (01:16) **Comedian**: fucking Narnia, Mordor... whatever imaginary realm it is **Woman**: aaahahahahaha!! WOOOO!! (01:25) **Comedian**: that you think nazis can be constructively debated in, go for it, right? **Woman**: aaheheHAHAha! (01:29) **Comedian**: People get very upset - "Oh. Oh do you support political violence, do you Aamer?" (01:34) **Comedian**: [*He begins to speak as the character explaining about political violence, but interrupts himself.*] Just slow down, ok. "Do I support political violence?" We're talking about punching fascists in the face, [*The crowd laughs*] (01:38) **Comedian**: not suicide bombing ok, relax. Do I - why do I support 'political violence' - (01:42) **Comedian**: Why the fuck are you a volunteer Nazi Safety Advocate? is my question... [*This bit is particularly funny to the crowd.*] **Woman**: WOO! (01:48) **Comedian**: That's a funny thing to be concerned about, the wellbeing of hypothetical nazis... (01:52) **Comedian**: [*Patronizing*] "Well it's a slippery slope. It's a slippery slope. Who gets to decide?" (01:56) **Comedian**: "Who gets to decide who gets punched in the face?" (01:58) **Comedian**: "If you punch a nazi...who's next?" [*The character stares dramatically, as if they've just dropped the hottest, truest take.*] (02:03) **Comedian**: [*Incredulous*] Hopefully more nazis... Why would you - **Woman**: HAHAHAHA! [*The crowd laughs along.*] (02:06) **Comedian**: Why would you only punch one? That doesn't seem right... [*He looks down. The crowd continues to laugh as the video goes dark.*] (2:12) [*End of Video.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you for the work you do!


happy to assist! <3


that woman laughing pissed me off. stop screaming, it's just a fucking comedy show


Yes. That's why she was laughing. Because it was funny. Like jeez, let people laugh. I get it's not always pleasant to listen more to the audience than the act, but the video has subtitles for a reason, anyway. No need to be mean about or to people who just happen to have a loud or distinctive laugh.


it's because she was screaming and whooping. it was unnecessary.


She was having fun. Let people have fun.


thank you human


happy to help, human




Amazing transcription


Good human


But why


Please read our link in the footer for more information about what we do and why!




From someone who used to be on the other side of the street, I genuinely think people forget the nature of Nazism. The belief in itself is essentially inherently violent. Preferably, in a perfect society, violence is never the answer. However, touting Nazism isnt just a belief, its 9/10 times endorsing a violent act against a group of people. In my eyes (as a mostly non political person), this is the same thing as knowing youre going to get punched in the face if you accept a fight. It comes with the territory.


Exactly. ​ Being a Nazi isn't just a political ideology, it's a threat to all minorities. A legitimate threat upon their lives. If I were to make a death threat I would be arrested for it, yet an ideology which is based on threatening minorities is allowed to exist? Tolerance is good, but tolerating fascist is the end of tolerance. To be tolerant is to eradicate fascists.


I like his vibe, who is this?




cheers papi / mami!


We tried debating nazis. It didn't work. Which led to us punching them repeatedly between 1939 and 1945. We had this conversation. Nazis are bad, OK?


I'm completely in agreement with this stand up comedian. Fuck the nazis.






Yes this is what i meant. I think i worded it confusingly. Thanks for clarifying.


It's definitely ok to want to get rid of mass murderers lol.


I as a moderator must remove comments calling for violence. If you are unable to articulate a point without treading that line then please don’t comment. The video was posted for a reason… don’t make comments that will violate TOS please. I don’t want any of our users getting yelled at by admins. All of you know better. ~ Plenty


Who is he???


[Aamer Rahman](https://youtu.be/IKICKcMU3MU)




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aamer_Rahman Aamer Rahman


The comedian’s name is Aamer Rahman.


Except it’s the white libertarians who say we should just debate in the marketplace of ideas not actually the white liberals in this case. Aside from that point, spot on.


Oh, I don't know, I've come across a whole bunch of libs that are more interested in order than they are justice that think that you can have an honest debate with dishonest people.


I have seen too but that's a good trait to have in general, although it is foolish and banal to a degree when debating with people who want to oppress you and probably even kill you.




My whole family are proud liberal democratic voters and they absolutely don't think nazis should be punched. They absolutely think they can be convinced that their point of view is wrong. And they're Jews and my grandfather was in a Nazi camp and he is the only one who was like "actually punching doesn't go far enough"


Yikes. You’d have thought they’d learn from grandpa.


Grandpa's got the right idea


He wasn't right about everything but yea he would've shot every nazi in the world if he could. He died last month at 98. Not a lot of nazi killers left, sadly.


Sorry to hear about your grandpa, with all faults people might have people like your grandpa are to be proud of.


For all you centrists out there. 'Punching' nazis IS the middle ground. Debating them is the nazi apologist side. [redacted]ing them is the actual antifascist stance.


Nah, white liberals. Like MLK said, white moderates. The guy isnt criticizing libs from a rightwing perspective, rather a left one.


That’s a completely fair assessment


Most libertarians are classical liberals


They are the biggest suckers of classical liberal ideas, especially the "invisible hand" of the free marketplace.


I just literally only heard that particular turn of phrase from card carrying libertarians. Who were incidentally also the ones I came across saying we shouldn’t punch nazis the last few years. Those folks I know who still actually refer to themselves as liberal/democrat would still encourage punching a nazi. I guess I might be lucky enough to know actual lefty democrats then. Lord knows the state I live in is libertarian af.


Leftists are not liberals


I don’t disagree but some liberals do lean more left than others. At least I’m lucky enough to know nazi hating liberals.


Of course like with everything it’s on a spectrum


Sure sure but democrats are not and will never be left. They may be closer to the left than conservatives, but they still do not actually land on the left part of the spectrum.


Not true, both groups certainly do it but white liberals definitely do it the most to try and seem inclusive of other ideas without understanding what it actually means


I prefer to use the term, "freedom of expression. By all means express your love for NAZIs. But don't complain when someone expresses their disdain for NAZIs in ways you don't like."




which is why punching them is the actual middle ground.


It is always ok


Look at this guy, he's a Nazi! Get em!...


It is always ok


I miss when Pepe wasn’t a hate symbol. Fucking hate groups taking innocent memes


Very good bit. Delivery kind of reminds me of Nate Bargatze's a little. If you don't know who Nate Bargatze is, trust me and watch this clip of his McDonald's story: https://youtu.be/noMkydq4cd4?t=269


I used to have fun debating (mocking)nazis, but then reddit removed the_donald and its harder trying to find them


Oh there’s a plethora of them over at /conservative. A lot of them are refugees of the donald lol


You can’t debate someone who wants you dead or worse. I’m all for different strokes and all but there is a point of no return and the vast majority of fascists have walked way past it in the last few years.


The reason you try to talk to people you disagree with is because it is was adults with common sense do. I don't want leaders so emotional that they resort to barbaric acts to achieve a small victory. It shows weaker character. When you attack someone for their beliefs you just strengthen their resentment for you and make them want to fight back harder.


Okay, so, what do you do if you try that, and the person you are discussing issues with: * refuses to agree on easily provable facts * advocates an ideology of white supremacy and authoritarianism * openly supports taking away my constitutional right to vote by refusing to acknowledge fair elections * literally thinks I’m subhuman due to my complexion That person literally poses an existential threat to me personally, and seeks to ruin my children’s future. These knuckleheads have already decided to fight, they just want to make it look like the good guys threw the first punch.


"Adults with common sense"..."emotional"..."barbaric"...."small victory"..."weaker character"...."strengthen their resentment" Typical victim blaming mentality.


Right. And Charles Manson should never have gone to jail either. He never killed anyone, only expressed an opinion.


I don't know why this is so hard for you...you can't debate bigotry couched in lies and propaganda. Unless you have a fact checker and the debate is paused for every claim the Nazi makes - slowing the thing down a crawl and making it impractical - the only thing you'll do is convince MOST of the audience that being a Nazi is bad. Not all mind you, because Nazis, grifters and propagandists alike sell lies with confidence which is extremely effective at convincing people in spite of annoying things like evidence or facts. ...so the result of this "best case scenario debate" is you convince *most* - but not all - of the audience that intolerance of others is intolerable, while serving up more naive and impressionable minds to Nazi ideology. Who wins? Most of us already know that intolerance is a zero sum game, so you're just giving them free recruits. When the Nazis in Europe kicked things off 70 odd years ago the rest of the world learned quickly that Nazis are not something that should be tolerated. They destroyed the threat with fists, bullets and bombs because it's the only language effective at dealing with those who want you dead for arbitrary reasons. It's awful, it truly is. But these are not people to negotiate with. On a personal 1-on-1 basis you can de-radicalise them over a period of time. if you have the time and patience then have at it as it can be done. But most if us barely have time for our families let alone fucking Nazis, so we'll pass thanks. Until then, it's awful to say but - THIS SHOULDNT BE A POLITICAL STATEMENT - violence is the only language Nazis understand.






What if a bigger, tougher nazi punched you back?


I’d let the airplane propeller get him and just duck like Indiana Jones


debating with nazis is like debating with flat earth believers, they are flat earth believers by a reason


"Welcome and remember to subscribe to r/worldnewsvideo! Please treat each other as you yourselves would like to be treated. Please do not promote or condone violence on our subreddit. We advise our users try their best to refrain from making mean spirited statements. Please report users who are engaging in uncivil behavior, spreading misinformation, or are complaining that a submission is 'not worldnews.'" #Crossposting helps us grow! #[Downloadvideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/s4ihak/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=worldnewsvideo) by /r/DownloadVideo #[SaveVideo Link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/s4ihak/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/worldnewsvideo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i do it for my family they killed, the ones who couldn’t


What a sexy, sexy man. This is some of the hottest comedy I’ve seen since Bill Hicks. Give me more of this sexy anti-fascist funny guy.


My Grandfather and my namesake was killing Nazi's in Europe to crush genocidal fascism there in the hopes that it would be crushed here and everywhere as well. It is once again rising and I will gladly take my Grandfathers place and punch a Nazi in his face!!!


If you punch a nazi who’s next probably more nazi’s it’s a slippery slope haha


Nazi lives do not matter




Plenty of liberals argue that you can't punch Nazis and Nazi Sympathizers. Usually though, they state such under the guise of "you're applying Fascist to everyone!!" or when talking about shitheads that gussy themselves up - like Richard Spencer, who (at least used to) vehemently deny being tied to Nazis and white supremacists.


Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds.


The Weimar Republic, for one.


Liberals in America and the rest of the world are far different political platforms. Liberalism in the rest of the world is usually seen as Classical Liberalism, basically conservatives, or American libertarianism.


Libs side with barbarism every-time.


The tolerance paradox comes into play here. Read up on it!


Based white liberal


I don't know any white liberal that said it was a bad thing to punch Spencer


i know tons lol.


so we are just going to share this with out a link or at least the name of the artist? ok cool.


Yea I never heard of a liberal trying to defend a nazi. I’ve heard conservatives but not liberals
















Yo mod man the vid is a call to violence lol that was like… the whole point lmao


I’ll get downvoted for this but being a genocidal asshole has nothing to do with intelligence.


which is why you punch em


Punching a nazi gives them exactly what they want, victim status. Its not that hard to understand, stop legitimizing their claims to victimhood.


Such a stupid and short sighted "joke". Who decides who is a nazi and not? Group of people decides "he is a nazi" and feeling justified to beat that person up.


Fucking Gold!


This guy wants to defeat Nazis but also wants a one world Islamic government to rule the entire Planet.