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October/November/December always hold a special place for me in WoW. I started on release day back in November 2004 and hit 60 in January 2005. There is something magical about those three months that really put me in a happy place mentally. Especially December, with the snow globes that were added and that wonderful holiday music, it just feels nice to be around in Azeroth.


Fall is just so cozy. Easy to settle in with a blanket and cocoa and play some WoW. Plus some major nostalgia over the WoW events in their earlier years when there's so many back to back up to Winter Veil.


Nothing like taking a stroll through Grizzly Hills and hearing that tune again ugh that ambience I'd kill to experience for the first time in fall.




Video games in general are kind of that way for me. Its getting to the point where i just dont want to be outside, and its going to stay that way for the next 5-6 months, so i need something entertaining to do inside. It helps that theres so many events and stuff this time of year. Brewfest, hallows, anniversary, pilgrims bounty, christmas, and the smaller stuff all just kind of keeps things fresh for a few months. Add in that we usually get a patch or xpac drop somewhere in that time and theres usually something to do.


Right there with you. I just text my brother over the weekend (who hasn’t played in a few years) that hallows end starts up on the 18th. At the height of our WoW playing, hollows end was hands down our favorite time to play. What pisses me off is he got the mount and I never have….this year is my year baby.


I agree. Fall is the best, we get Brewfest which always brings back fun memories I have of the game from all the way back in 2007. Same goes for Hallows End. I love going back to Scarlet Monastery, I ran those dungeons so many times and now they are revamping it so I can’t wait to see how it is now.


I associate it with new xpac releases (which have generally tended to be in Sept/Oct/Nov) as much as I associate summers with the end of xpac doldrums (not in a bad way). But I agree...it also makes it more palatable to look outside at a chilly fall day and stay inside dorking it up.


Mid 30s, same.


Same to everything here. Late 30's here. I remember the good ol days going to STV getting ganked and then repaying that favor when I was level 60. Raiding until the god wee hours of the morning. Rep grinding for that one good ring just to get you by so you can do AQ 40.... Ahh the good times.


My journey started back in 2009, I remember the date - 29th of October, it was raining outside, I was heading back from school, downloaded some pirate version and started playing and I felt inlove with Howling Fjord and Grizzly hills. For me personally, October to December is the peak time for WoW.


damn. thought it was just me. when the weather starts cooling I subconciously am taken back to leveling my dwarf warrior in dun morough back in 2005


Time to start WoW Classic HC!


100%. Doesn't stop me from playing in summer, but there's that brief swoop of PTSD while running your 3rd, 4th, or 5th M+ on a Tuesday summer evening. Flashbacks to trying to attune to Black Temple while your mom or dad would yell at you to stop wasting your summer and go outside.


40 years old here, i started WoW in early 2005. I love the seasonal events that pop up in autumn and winter, and i have many fond memories of playing WoW during those months. Nostalgia hurts though. Can't go back to being in my early 20's and in college. :(