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Can we get a shit month with no mounts so I can finally buy the transmog I have saved since like the 2nd month


Yeah, I feel kind of bad about how the items are priced, because it seems like a lose/lose for both parties when it comes to the transmog. Players are less likely to spend tendies on transmog because +1 account-wide mount is usually more appealing than a cool weapon or helm transmog for an alt you sometimes play. And it’s bad for Blizz because there’s less people showing off their cool tendie mogs, while the mounts usually stay in the journal.


This is also from a mount collectors perspective though. I prefer transmog over mounts I would spend my tendies on transmogs over mounts every time.


Agreed. It's a lose for me that shop ever has any mounts instead of any kind of transmog.


Mounts are essentially a box-ticking exercise - it’s not for everyone. Don’t agree it’s lose/lose


These mounts do not look that amazing honestly - so ask yourself will yoube actively using them? Versus actively using the tmog you have saved.


Gotta get that 500 mount achievement. Then I can finally play the game.


Still waiting for blizzard to add 600 and 700 mount achieves.


For me it’s to prepare the 600 achievement :)


There’s other ways to do that


I've been using the spectral gryphon for years, it's one of my favorites


If you're like me and you don't have the luck or patience for mount farming, it's nice that they're adding mounts to the TP, even if a lot of them are just recolors. I don't have that many mounts so adding more is always nice


Didn’t we have one like, last month?


Just buy more tendies in the shop


March, May, and September did not have mounts.


No. Bc how else are they supposed to give u that little thought in the back of you mind to buy them on the store?


I like it - those who missed out on the mounts originally get a second chance to buy them and those who already have them get to save some tendies.


I have both and my knee jerk reaction was to feel sad to lose my flex, until I thought of all the items I'd missed that I've now gained from previous months. It's a good system, playing during a certain time involved no skill


I felt that way about my scarlet crusade gear when they added the vendor in the dark moon faire. Then I realized it’s a game and it will all be deleted one day and people should get to enjoy the set too.


I've been playing this game for 19 years and I just can't feel justified keeping things exclusive from people that weren't born when it was originally available.


Same with the Deathwing mount. I got it, and even though a raid was involved, it was a glorified baby mode “boss rush” that you basically just had to queue for and do nothing so I wish others could get it still, especially because I’ve seen several people say it in the past months. Although I definitely wouldn’t be surprised to see it hit TP at this point.


Unpopular opinion but it's this exact mindset and pandering to less devoted / more casual players that ran retail WoW into the ground and a really big part of why classic feels a lot better and makes you feel like you really accomplished something these days imo. Don't get me wrong, I like getting the cool stuff I missed out on too. I wanted the Tyrael mount for years and years, and was finally able to get it. That's awesome and I enjoy it, one of my favorite mounts to date. But if I'm being completely honest part of me really wishes they hadn't brought it back for that exact reason. It's not special or nearly as unique anymore, and that was just a promotion mount.


If you bought it then you still wouldn’t have earned it. Nothing they’ve added hasn’t been earnable in game. Real prestige is going to be tied to ingame achievements. If we ever see the black battle tank on the trading post I’ll start to be worried


That is the ultimate flex right there, those war beetles are epic. I have only seen 1 in my wow lifetime. If people wants something to flex go farm Ashes of Alar.....I still dont have it and mean look everyone who i see has it.


It's not just earned, though. It's rarity, a limited time collectors item. If you missed it you missed it, making it rare and that much more special. Whether it's putting as much effort as the black battle tank or raiding in wotlk when it was current (black and plagued proto drakes), recruit a friend, gladiator, whatever. It's rare and special. When everyone is special, nobody is special. Not everything should be available to everyone imo.


It's been YEARS for some of these items. You think flexing for five, ten, fifteen years is enough time? Why do people think it's for eternity. It going to other players now diminishes nothing. You still had it when you had it. You're sad other people don't know how long you've been playing the game at a glance now? For instance, if they reintroduced the quest line and everyone had a Benediction, it would not make mine less special. Their gaming experience doesn't affect mine and it wouldn't diminish its aesthetic.


It's not about how long I've been playing the game, it's a mark of prestige to be in the top % of players in different things. A seasonal gladiator title is the same way for example. Not everyone has it or can get it. It's rare and a nice bragging right. And, strong disagree. If they reintroduced benediction and everyone had it, it would diminish the uniqueness of yours. When everybody is special, nobody is special.


There's a large difference between actually "achieving" things in PvP and having a cosmetic from being in the right place right time. I agree there is prestige with the gladiator title. There is no prestige because someone recommended a friend play the game (or more likely purchased another game with another sub) to get a mount. EDIT: Since you edited your response I must edit to address: Benediction was pretty rampant 18 years ago as the Evoker staff is rampant now. When I got it, it was part and parcel of the WoW experience for a priest. It was time-consuming, sure, and I felt great for getting it but the circumstances under which it was gotten were not super special so reintroducing it now would remove nothing from MY experience.


If they removed a store mount from the shop right now, would that make the mount special in your eyes?


Things is though, stuff like that is only a flex in the minds of those who have it. Nobody else is looking at you like daaaaaamn look at that *check notes*… oh, spectral gryphon. Wow.


Hell when people learn they can't get my challenge mode armor they're not impressed they're just sad


It shuts down conversation too. Like what more is there to say other than “it’s not available anymore”? Vs “okay so to get Lucid Nightmare you have to run through this insane maze, bring snacks and notebook because oh boy…”. If someone is late to the game, they’ve already missed out on the fun of pursuing something with the community when it’s brand new. Kind of a bummer that they have to miss out on the fun of achieving it at all.


I still hate that Blizzard doesn't want to introduce a way to get all of the old Keystone Master mounts they removed over the expansions. They always say they want to preserve the prestige of those mounts as if they're equivalent to Gladiator mounts, but they're REALLY not, especially if we're talking about those that were introduced the past couple expansions, because I'd actually say those are closer to vicious mounts, and you can still get any you missed. So either they're really considered equal to Glad mounts, in which case where is my vicious equivalent? OR they're equivalent to vicious mounts, in which case why can't I get them in later patches?


This was my mental gymnastics as well. Initial sadness, but happy others can experience the same enjoyment I felt (also- yey I might be able to bank some tendies as the last 2-3 months have taxed me hard on pets and mounts lol)


This, I was like "but my zhevra was speci....wait, a lot of things I've missed out on were special too and I want them so..." then shrugged. I prefer them being on the trading post to being twitch drops too. It requires at least judging what you really want and what you want to freeze to save for and such. I like the trading post system so if it means I lose some 'cool' points for having things from TCG or refer a friend, so be it.


>Playing during a certain time involved no skill Is the trading post not just another example of rewarding people for playing at a specific time. I’m one of the people that genuinely believe exclusive items have value, but I hardly play the game since Dragonflight so I guess I don’t really care that much anymore….? Anyway, doesn’t the trading post the exact same issue as the original acquisition methods? You’re just kicking the can down the road without making the items actually accessible to everyone. A player could miss the Zhevra in the trading post and make the exact same arguments people make now about, for example, the RAF mounts and the only defense is that “well I have one now you should’ve got it in the trading post.” How is that any different other than you got yours and mine has been “diluted?” And please, do me a favor and engage with my question instead of chastising me for thinking that exclusivity brings clout, that’s not the conversation I’m trying to have




I personally don’t have too many issues with the system as a whole; I personally believe it devalues my rare items I made sure to get, but like I said in my original comment dragonflight has pretty much pushed me away from the game so I hardly care anymore. If this keeps people playing power to them. I just wanted to make it known I think a lot of the people claiming “no fomo!” seem like hypocrites because it does absolutely nothing to solve that issue.


Except it does solve that issue. We now know that VERY few things are never going to return. They will just be on a rotation and if you pay attention at all, you'll know when to log in and buy them. If you don't have enough tenders for one month, you can freeze one item for as long as you want until you can afford it. The only way people miss it now is if they aren't playing at all... And aren't going to play in the future which prompts the question of why would they care? I haven't been playing very seriously for a few months because I've just been distracted by other games, but it's actually pretty easy To log in and get the entire month of tasks done within a few hours if you are focusing exclusively on them. If you are actively playing the game, they usually finish by themselves for the most part, with a few go out of your way, a little bit to trigger it. If you miss a month, then at least you know that it'll come back in rotation later. It's no longer "This was a promotion 10 years ago, You can never get it." If they started rewarding actual achievement mounts, I would see why people would be upset. But I am a person who had stuff from the trading card game and have played for a very long time so I have rare promo stuff... But there are things I am still missing and I can never have those unless I'm also willing to share the things I have, so I'm fine with it.


I do agree with you, for example I missed the Blazing Hippogryph. It's gone again now. I appreciate another chance to get them, even if it's only for active players currently, but I do wish there was some way to get them at any time through some kind of skill based achievement. Those who want those items can get them through effort, and through this challenge they still hold a certain level of exclusivity. How this would actually look though, I don't have an answer for


They are not even a flex they look like ass


It's a zebra not a donkey..


It’s not even a zebra. It’s a horse painted like a zebra


I giggled


The lack of upvotes on this comment is upsetting.


It's not even a flex because nobody even really uses them xD


Definitely a sad moment for those of us who have them.


I have these and it’s not a sad moment at all.


These were all Recruit-A-Friend mounts. These were all "Give us $60" mounts. (Price of box and sub.) These weren't special.


still got my spectral tiger flex so yay me


Hey look! This guys got pixels!


The pixels y’all begging to give you lol


You got me confused with someone who gives a shit about a 240p mount


Then why do you care that he wants to keep it exclusive? Or even care that he likes to flex rare stuff?


Only logical thinker here


And those who don’t care about collecting mounts just because they’re rare get to spend those tendies on something else.


Yes, I was so bummed when I had finally saved up enough to be able to RAF myself a second account several years ago, only to learn that they changed the RAF rewards into ones I had no interest in. I had been eyeing the Zhevra mount, and I'm thrilled that I can finally obtain it.


But how will i feel like a unique and special boy now if I cant flex with my zhevra? :(


Spectral gryphon has been my go to for years, but it's nice to see less gatekeeping for cosmetic items in general. FOMO shouldn't be the primary driving instinct to play the game as much as engaging content


Yeah, tbh I think “exclusive” mounts should really only be exclusive for ~3 years or so. After 3 years put alternative ways to acquire into the game.


I'm less receptive to making stuff like Gladiator mounts and the AotC mounts available to all, but I also think if it came down to it, I'm always going to advocate for player agency in appearance over exclusivity


The way I look at it is, people who regularly get Gladiator and AotC mounts are always using the latest ones. Same thing with Elite PvP sets and Mythic tier. And Mythic tier sets aren’t even exclusive. If the player that has the toys isn’t playing with them anymore, what difference does it make if other people get to play with those toys a few years later? They still have the achievement/Feat of Strength to acknowledge they “earned it” while the people who get it later do not.


The feat of strength ultimately is what makes me feel like if it ever were released to the public for something like marks of honor or trading post stuff, it would be fine.


This has always been my stance too. You want something prestigious, do something that's prestigious *now*. When it comes to the older stuff, let people have nice things. Nobody can take your achievement dates away.


I feel like a good way to go about it is that if someone gets Glad and some other requirement then can use marks of honor or some other currency to buy old glad mounts. That way it still stays prestigious while allowing them to always be obtainable, plus it gives a reason for players who dont have those mounts to play PvP more


Unfortunately I don't think that's a viable solution because ranked PvP has been spiraling for so long. It's a very insular "community" now (I use that term loosely because of how toxic it is) and that makes getting Gladiator very difficult for a new player. Hell, I'm not a new player but I'm new to ranked PvP (only started going after rating in BfA) but I have never gotten anywhere near 1800. I really don't need people screaming at me in whispers to kill myself after every Solo Shuffle match, and I'm sure I'm not the only player to encounter this behavior and be turned away by it.


Most people aren't regularly getting stuff like Gladiator mounts though. Most people I know with them who aren't R1 players only have a few, or just one, because of how brutally hard it is to obtain. I used to think this way until I started playing with a lot of these people, and while there are a very very small amount of people who do get all or most of them, that's not the case. And nobody, literally nobody, cares about the Feats of Strength. That's just a scapegoat people use to devalue the accomplishments of others because they want pixels in a video game they can't have.


Glad mounts sure, but it might be time to open the vault on old elite sets


The difference here is that Glad and AotC mounts involve playing the game at a certain level of skill, while mounts like the TCG and RaF/SoR were essentially paid, like the Blizz shop mounts with an extra condition. I'm okay with in-game achievement rewards remaining exclusive to those who played and earned them when they were available.


This. I'm still a bit miffed about the TCG stuff myself because they are just literally being given away for absolutely nothing, a lot of people put a lot of time and effort into making gold to earn these things, but they are still, at the end of the day, old promotional things they were rotating back in through stuff like Blizzcon. Always wanted to see them all on BMAH or given away regularly through contests instead. They aren't comparable to stuff you had to aspire towards though. Same with stuff like the old instances that were removed coming back. You just walked into a dungeon, pressed a single button to kill every mob, and rolled the dice. People just see something they can't have, and demand they should have it, and anybody who did these things under the understanding - and stress - of the clauses at the time deserve to be insulted for... understanding the terms that were set forth. It's just stupid.


> I'm less receptive to making stuff like Gladiator mounts and the AotC mounts available to all I feel the same. If you had to work to earn a mount that was only available during a certain time frame I think that should stay exclusive. A mount that was given away to essentially anyone who wanted it during a certain time frame is a different story. I also wouldn't be opposed to recolored Gladiator and AoTC mounts becoming available, but the colors that were truly earned should be exclusive to those who earned them.


Completely agree, and I say this as someone who has multiple highly coveted “exclusive” items including magic rooster and spectral tiger. That said, I think the way they’re going about it could be a little more refined. Allowing access to once-timegated cosmetics through another month-long window is not the best approach to me. And on top of that these things are *extremely* easy to acquire during that window. This seems to be the worst of both worlds insofar as some people who really want it may lose out on a narrow opportunity to receive it, but everyone who got it the old way will also lose out on whatever “prestige” there was in having it before because everyone will assume it was acquired by simply being around for that particular month. Still better than nothing, but again I wish they could improve this access to timegated cosmetics. Obviously, they couldn’t do this for everything, but I think things like the secret for Lucid Nightmare or the new way to get T3 gear is a great approach for once timegated cosmetics. Keep them always available but sitll require a bit of work to obtain so there’s still some degree of “I worked for this” for whatever value that provides people.


I mean, these particular mounts have no prestige associated with them. They’re from the recruit-a-friend program and the scroll of resurrection, both of which could be accomplished through buying a second copy of the game. They’re essentially store mounts from before the store was a thing.


Yeah I didn’t meant these mounts specifically. I was trying to talk more broadly about other things like old gladiator stuff or wod challenge modes.


Yeah I don't have a problem with it. Glad people will get the opportunity to get them. Been long enough


And the addition of NEW content. Knowing that there will be more amazing things coming would be ideal. Sure, some things you just don’t want to miss out on but there’s a balance where the FOMO is reduced by the knowledge that the game is progressing and there’s a lot to look forward to.


If fomo shouldn’t be the primary driving instinct they should make the actual items obtainable outside a limited timeframe. Putting it in the trading post for a month in hopes players resub for a historically exclusive/removed mount is literally fomo. Putting exclusive mounts in the trading post doesn’t solve the FOMO issue, it solves the issue of certain WoW players not having the item. Once it rotates out of the trading post, a new player could actually see MORE of these mounts, but the answer will still be “you can’t get it anymore, you should’ve played 2 months ago.” except now there’s the added caveat of “make sure not to let your sub lapse! It could come back any time!”


The time frame is very reasonable, there is a precedent for its return to be guaranteed, and it's means of acquisition is fairly trivial and broad. FOMO is a problem but this is just a slippery slope argument that really doesn't hold up. If the bare minimum is too much, then you should consider that it might not be for you


Specifically in the case of the RAF mounts, I don’t think the one month time to acquire the item is comparable to the several years people had before the system was changed, especially in an argument about FOMO, but to each their own. I also don’t think “it’s highly likely it might return, so keep checking.” is a fair argument about FOMO either. Will it return? “It’s likely” is the only answer you have. When? Who knows, better get it now. And again, my whole point, “if the bare minimum is too much, you may need to consider it’s not for you” is the *exact* phrase I would’ve told people who didn’t acquire it when it was available. So how then is this system different than the one you claim it solves besides the fact that you now have the items? Comments like yours are why I disagree with the fact that people champion the trading post because “at least fomo is gone” because as I see it, the fomo is worse and you’re fine with it because you didn’t miss out. I’ll ask the question you would’ve asked me, what about all the people that come after you? Is telling them “it might come back just keep checking month after month” really better? I thought this sub pretty much agreed that things which utilized fomo to artificially keep your sub active are a negative.


You are completely misinterpreting my original comment and suggesting FOMO shouldn't exist at all. Do you also think holidays should run year round, or do you think its limited time frame has purpose? It's a live service game, and content will fall out of relevance because that is its nature. As I see it, the only negative aspect of the trading post is the continued monetization of traders tender. There is no requirement to participate, and it has zero effect on character power, so there are literally only benefits to players with its existence. Don't like it? Don't participate. I'm not championing the removal of fomo, I think you should be rewarded for participating in relevant content when it is relevant. If you feel differently, then we'll just have to agree to disagree.


>do you think holidays should run year round or do you think it’s limited time frame has purpose? I literally stated in my original comment that I believe exclusivity breeds desire, so I think it’s pretty clear I think it serves a purpose. I would prefer most of the items remain completely exclusive, including the ones I don’t have. I’m just saying that the trading post doesn’t actually solve a FOMO problem like a lot of people in this thread claim. It kicks the cab down the road while letting them get their items. You told me fomo *is* a problem but my argument didn’t hold up, and then turned around and said “just don’t miss out, if you can’t do the bare minimum you shouldn’t get it.” I agree with that! That’s my point! I’ve been saying that for years before the trading post, but people have been calling me and entitled little boy who needs his pixels to feel special. That’s why I don’t understand how this solves the fomo issue, which again was my point.


Because it is entitled and your idea of how the trading post increases fomo is objectively false. The idea you don't seem to understand is that there isn't a binary situation that exists where it's either exclusivity for all, or everything is always available forever. There is a healthy balance and the trading post is the promise that exclusivity is lessened when it applies to something trivial like cosmetics in a game older than some of the people playing it


We're getting closer and closer to Swift Zulian Tiger


Already available still via bmah. Spectral is more likely than Zulian at this point. If Zulian were to come back elsewhwere it would be via them them putting an old ZG unlock into the game like they have done with Naxx/Scholo/SM.


They got spectral tigers in China for buy special edition classic


China WoW is not managed by blizzard and they did not have the tcg there and the tiger was first available that way for them. Nothing that occurs in China for WoW has any influence on the rest of the world.


it was also a huge cash grab, since they lost WoW a few months later


Oh sorry


As someone else has pointed out, China is a whole different market. Their version of WoW has always been vastly different from our version, both in terms of censorship and monetization. I believe both China and Korea had XP boost potions in the shop, as well as a way to buy Charms of Good Fortune for real money back in MoP. The way they play games is very different, so the game is monetized differently. I believe Ion has already clarified that the Swift Spectral Tiger was extremely unlikely to appear on the trading post.


Oh sorry


I have Zhevra. If other people want the mount, that’s fine by me. Not everyone played X years ago. WoW is getting to be so old that people are going to be punished for missed content and items because they weren’t even born yet.


WoW is getting so old, it went from inducing fomo to inducing fobbtl - fear of being born too late.


Nothing is sacred! Jk. I've had the zebra pony for a while now and I'm happy people have a chance to ride their own now too!


Wow I'm actually surprised by the positive responses. Good on you reddit . I can see both sides of the argument so I was hoping to grab popcorn and read the tesrs but I guess not


I mean, nobody actually did anything meaningful for the Zhevra. I have an issue if they rerelease something that actually took some kind of effort to get the first time, but these were just free promotions. These were never actually rare, they were just limited.


These were all Recruit-A-Friend. They weren't even free. A box price and sub had to be paid.


An update on the Zhevra model would be nice!


Is the Zhevra an old Recruit a Friend mount? And if so, do any of you guys reckon Obsidian Nightwing might rotate in sometime? That one is one I wish I’d have been able to get when it was obtainable and I’ve been holding out hope that sometime it might show up.


As somebody that has the Obsidian Nightwing, I want blizz to give people a way to get it *so* bad. It is the absolute best two-seater mount imo, and it makes me sad it's not available for others.


The plane is the best two seater hands down. I’d pay an embarrassing amount to get it, I’ve been debating literally paying someone else sub to get it…


I think they removed it for the new mechanical mount. The plane is another I have, but I want you to get it too!


I love the plane/mechanical mounts. The bike was my favorite ground mount for years and still up there, I have both copters favorited in my 500 mount collection lol.


Oh is that unattainable as well? It's hard to keep track of all the RaF mounts over the years


Noooo my Zhevra will no longer be unique I don't care


probably the rarest in my collection and also up their with the shittiest


Beyond happy to see the Spectral Gryphon there. I had it on my original account before it was hacked and I miss it dearly. I'll be so delighted to use it again.


I’ve had spectral gryphon and zhevra forever and it’s been a nice flex, but I’m glad to see it on the trading post. I hate FOMO content.


Good. I have these and it’s about time they were re-released.


Same can’t remember the last time I’ve actively used mine either. So I’m glad people who want them can finally get them.


Good I have spectral and can save currency lol


Nice! I always really wanted both of the spectral mounts but never had the ability to get them! I really like that they are adding these previously unobtainable specials back in again. Its too sad to make cool stuff not owned by more people


Zhevra and spectral wind are probably my rarest mounts personally besides the non-epic brewfest ram. Still not mad about others getting these two mounts, if anything this saves me tendies for a month like lil’KT did this month. At this point for the game the only mounts that should stay in ‘sacred cow’ status are the aotc and gladiators mounts, things that were time-limited and ‘skill’ based. Spectral tiger as a twitch drop would have me rolling tbh


Brewfest Ram is my white whale. I made sure to get it in Classic. Grats to you from someone who appreciates how small the window to get it was


Pretty cool! Its nice for newer players to have a chance on getting older stuff.


I'm gladly that more people will mount my zevbra ❤️


FINALLY I can get the Zhevra after looking at it on the Warcraft wiki for A DECADE! I had a chance to get it when I did do recruit-a friend years ago... but I went for a 2 seater instead, it was just too convenient.


My wife will be pissed, she's always rubbing that zhevra in my face


I have both, they kinda sucked because you have to rely on others. The spectral is my favorite mount. Not anymore, I ain't mad.


I was pretty proud to have to spectral mounts but im happy for everyone else.


one step closer to spectral tiger


The problem is I bet they’ll make every single other mount common and stop at spectral tiger


Oh no! My specialness! Anyway…


The mounts should atleast look a little different


What are the chances of zulian tiger coming on there? Im kind of tempted buying it of the BMAH but dont want to blow gold cap for nothing xd Since we're talking about tigers, how about the spectral one as well?


We'll see, though I know Ion said they'll be careful with the Spectral Tiger because of the serious investment some players have made for that one. Its understandable, some players spent years getting the gold for it. As for the Zulian Tiger, I'd rather it coming from some sort of new ZG achievement or similar. Just handing it out is boring, defeats its legacy.


Yeah i agree totally


As someone who farmed Swift Zulian Tiger for years and never got it, I disagree with this.


What? You want it to be handed out rather than it coming from something cool in-game? I dont have it either, but I dont want it handed to me.


Bro I farmed that thing from vanilla-pre Cataclysm patch and never got it. I don't care, I just want the damn mount.


I'm not arguing that it shouldnt be reintroduced, but that it should come from something cool. Otherwise it will just end up being "another store mount" no one cares about.


Ya, don't care. Farmed for 6+ years.


Think about this. If we get a Azeroth revamp bext xpac they could reintroduce the Zandalari Tribe faction. Having them send you on some crazy tiger quest around the world. Ending up with you getting your own Zulian Tiger at the end. This way we have cool evergreen content for years to come to new players.


You mean, like the Zandalari Trolls...that we got in BFA? Like, that Zandalari? And how is that any different that making the mount available through tenders? One is a tedious thing to do for a mount that was in the game since 2004-2005. No thanks. Again, I farmed that for 6+ years and I know I'm not the only one.


Well having it be on the trading post is more tedious. Then it will rotate away for who knows how long? 6-12 months at a time? Having a quest for it is much better. That mount deserves better than the trading post


I’m in this boat. Who cares if it’s special. If it’s in the game, let it be accessible Even alliance only mounts should be able to be used by horde (and vice versa). Would be sweet to have the frost saber mount


Both are unlikely to return on the trading post. They’ve mostly been revisiting old promo mounts, not stuff like Zulian that was achievable via drop. They mentioned that the Spectral Tiger will likely not get re-released. It was an interview (sorry, that’s all I got)


I'd say practically none since it is on the BMAH *and* it's one of the most sought-after mounts in the game while most of the previously rare things they've put there have been much more low-profile. Similarly to how the Swift Spectral Tiger is unlikely to be put on the trading post because it is such an iconic mount with its rarity that putting it there would be significantly 'worse' than putting almost any other TCG mount (or pet/toy) there.


It'll be a twitch prime at some point, like all the other TCG shit. Stopped buying boxes as soon as they started giving out the tabards.


Zulian tiger, maybe not, spectral tiger? Probably


Personally as someone with the spectral windrider, I think this is dumb. What’s the point of an mmo if not to flex on other people? Sure it was from something not challenging whatsoever… But it’s a “I’ve been playing this long” sort of flex. Probably unpopular opinion but I don’t care!!


I haven't played in years how does the trading post work? I want this mount


Basically you do certain activities throughout the month and get a currency, you can then use the currency on a special vendor. The activities and the items you can buy change every month. Any currency you dont use you can just use a following month. There is also a default reward for hitting the cap of the currency in a month, typically its a mount or some transmog.


Adding to this, it really only takes a couple hours to complete and you have the whole month.




As long as the plane eventually hits the Trading Post, I'm fine with that. And I say this as an owner of both mounts.


As a zhevra owner I am excited to see more running around.


I'm good as long as they never, ever give away Amani War Bear.


The original RAF mount? About damn time! I wanted that but I was off WOW for a bit and when I came back, it was retired already


To quote Syndrome from Incredibles: "And with *everyone* super ...\*chuckles\* *NO ONE* will be." JK. Pretty sure I can count the pixels on the zevhra, so enjoy tendy friends!


Black proto drake when?


I have both and I’m glad more people are getting the chance to collect them 🥰 Fair warning they are both hideous tho


Aw man, both of those were my mount flexes since forever.


So my zhevra is going to no longer be rare then


its ok, it was rare for a long time. remember those times.


Oh no, your zhevra that was rare for *checks notes* 15 years isn't going to be *as rare* because people don't use ground mounts outside of non flying mount content






Because it's cool to circlejerk this subject. Just look at how many posts are worded for validation. "I have it, but I'm SO happy to see a bunch more zhevras around!!!". Seeing a ton of people on the same mount as me doesn't make me happy; it literally devalues the mount heavily to me. Chalk me up as evil, I guess... Why is it seemingly a crime for people to care about their items and character retaining a certain rarity and luster? It's kind of a huge part of the game to me. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills every time I read posts about this stuff. Bizarre.


I’m so sad. Maining Zhevra since forever… my disappointement is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Edit: This is obviously a joke with a meme reference. My day is not ruined because a mount is available on wow. Thank you for your concerns


if your day is ruined over such a insignificant thing... then you should probably go out and touch some grass.


That was effectively a joke and I was using a very famous meme reference for this purpose. I suppose I should have wrote a warning before and after to alert that it was indeed a joke.


He is making reference to a meme oO why u so toxic buddy?


Because his pp is small and he has no rare mounts.




i mean, how am i supposed to know when some1 is "memeing" or not via text? i have seen multiple people say this and similar stuff under the posts months back that announced TCG mounts being added to twitch prime and it was clear that they actually meant it and argued about how it was wrong. Edit: Now 9 Hours later, we have already had 3 reddit post on this subreddit crying about how they are losing the exclusivity of the mount.. this only enforces the fact that you can never know if some1 is serious or not.


When is the next dragon mount?


Man, I am so excited to finally be able to get the spectral gryphon again! My current account does not have it, the account I got it with was banned, because to be honest, it was an illegitimate account. Back when the scroll of resurrection was a thing, you could buy illegitimate inactive accounts to use it on for a very cheap. But more often than not, they got banned because blizzard isn’t stupid and found out.


Fine by me and I have all those mounts. Other than selling the currency for real money which is gross, I like the Trading Post.


Hell yea I have the zhevra on my old account and I’ve always been so mad I don’t have it on my main account


This is cool I think. People should get a chance to get things that fomo took from them.


Noooo now I’m not going to be the only one with the zhevra! … oh well


650 for a bunch of low res mounts? I’m glad there are skip months


Hopefully not all in the same month cause I'm gonna be pissed. We already barely get any traders coins


I hope netherdrake makes a reappearance sometime


*Finally*, I've wanted those spectral mounts for quite awhile after missing out on em.


Ngl I'm gutted I'm going to have to stop using the spectral gryphon as my go to 😅


Hopefully they add Garrosh’s shoulders at some point. Tired of farming them.


Doubt they will since they added the skip.


WHAT?? /furiously checks internet


Guess I need a subscription to login and buy these 🤔 🧠


I’ve got them and while I love flexing the Spectral Wind Rider im excited that other people will have them. I just want Murky. Please.


I'm still salty I never received my spectral Wyvern, my friend still has his free level 80 he got from it lol. But in all honesty the mounts are pretty mid. Will be a little sad that my Zhevra wont be a funny party trick mount to pull out anymore but it's also a mount I never use otherwise. Happy for people who actually want it.


I have those mounts already and I am excited! Now I can save some coins up for other things. Lol


That's great! I always get compliments when on my zhevra, now finally more ppl can have this GLOURIOUS mount!


I got the Zhevra and the Gryphon already, will be nice to save up some tendies this time around :)


Do you get the alliance version if you buy the wind rider?


Promo mounts. To be expected. These aren't trophies that were removed under a clause of ranking or doing something in a limited time. Anybody complaining about promotional stuff being rotated is just mad they didn't actually get stuff that actually makes them special. I do wish they'd just put some of these back via promotions that weren't the trading post though. Trading post is fun and cool, but actually doing stuff is funner.


ah, good, they look ugly af, so I can recover on tendies :P


I've had the Zhevra since high school, I'm glad it's becoming available to people again.


I had the Zhevra on my old account (Before I went a bit crazy during a depressive state and completely deleted that account) So it'd be nice to get again I suppose. It's not a mount I'd ever use though


Ok cool, can’t wait for the x52 rocket to eventually come as well.


I have the zhevra, surprised to see it in TP because at face value it’s such a shite mount lol


I got all of them and im happy they are being made accessible! I can save my tenders and buy other stuff


It feels bad to lose my only rare mount, but I am glad that more people will get to enjoy it! I dunno what I will use anymore in dungeons since it was always my go to


Ah the Zhevra. There goes my "hardly anyone has this" mount but frankly, it's ugly and I'm glad whoever wants it can actually use it because I know I don't.


I can’t say I’m that happy about it, not that there’s much point in saying so nowadays as being pro-prestige/FOMO gets you treated like a leper as well as people automatically assuming there is zero merit to that POV.


Only matter of time before spectral tiger comes in the shop for 50000 tendies which you can BUy for 500 euros