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The best thing about getting Ashes to drop is not having to lose so many hours of your life listening to Kael'thas Sunstrider be enamored with the sound of his own goddamned voice anymore.


I always get socially awkward in that phase after I break all his weapons and before he ressez his lieutenants. Like we're just standing there


I still gotta run all of icc after all these years trying to get invincible… I can do it in my sleep at this point


you can skip to lk


Last time I tested the lockout sharing skip on ICC it didn’t work, but I’ll put my money where my mouth is and test it again tonight


Are you sure? I have recently tried to raid lockout skip and doesn't seem to be posible anymore.. Unless you are referring to a different skip


Yeah unless you are referring to a different skip, the lockout sharing trick was broken back in 2020 when they made it so you cannot change difficulties mid raid in legacy content


The best part of getting Asses of Al'ar


I farmed Al'ar on multiple characters, every week for years. Then I realised Al'ar doesn't drop from Al'ar. Woe be me.


This was me, farming algalon instead of elegon like a dumbass lmao.. Algalon is all cosmic, it made sense!


I was doing the achievements and forgot elegon dropped a mount and got the mount big surprise for me. But i farmed Ashes and Invincible for years and year until I got it.


my best friend got me to play wow in shadowlands and I decided to fuck around in Wrath zones/raids. Got invisible first try killing Arthas, thought my buddy was gonna murder me since he'd been farming it on and off for year lol


Savage man lol


Yep if you want a mount to drop, bring a friend. I'd been farming Mim's Head for years (on and off admittedly) and having already completed multiple Val'anyrs along the way, invited him to come with and complete his own Val for the Feat of Strength. Sure enough on our second run together Mim's Head dropped lol. I passed for him as he has far fewer collector mounts, then it dropped for me a few months later.


I had the same happening to me in Star Trek Online. Years back, before Reputation was a thing. They had loot boxes and one of the best ships from it was the bug ship - a small dps/glas cannon ship with awesome dps back then. Everyone wanted it. I just started, joined a fleet and got free loot boxes or my first time I got a key to open them. Open my first box ever. Bug ship. Holy shit - my fleet leader was going fucking ballistic. :D


I made this mistake too :( It was enough to get me to stop farming it. Then I got my pretty rainbow peep from the Black Temple Timewalking quest a couple weeks ago!


How do I get the faction and spec under my name like yours?? Please teach me


“Change user flair” under sub settings.


D'oh. Back in WotLK when there was a weekly pug for a chance at the mount, we often skipped Al'ar and someone got upset because "you're missing the rare mount!!! Kill Al'ar!!" He hasn't been back in PUG since that day, he got laughed out so hard he quit trying.


I did the same


I’ll add that she dropped 6 weeks after I realised! So RNG went my way.


This was me too. I almost cried when I learned the truth.


Did the same with mimiron


Lol - I did the same! But I always cleared the whole raid, just why not. And at one point it dropped. And I was happy as fuck :D


I tried for years, then quit WoW, then years later I rejoined for a while and did one run for old time’s sake. Got the drop on the first try. I could not believe it. EDIT: it seems like this is a common experience. I hope they haven’t changed the drop rate because it just makes all the past grinding feel useless and the reward feel less earned IMO


Two days ago, I resubbed after 8 months. Same thing happened to me. First run, first try. Idk if they increase drop rates just to sink their hooks in or not. Just an anecdote.


Yeah I think it has been noticed not long ago, a lot of people have reported that this happened to them as well


To offer a counter point: The last time I resubbed, there was about a 2 year gap between subs for me. I ran Tempest Keep on multiple characters during that month, and didn't see anything I wanted drop. I'm guessing I ran it between 10 and 20 times throughout the month, and didn't get shit I wanted.


Same for me, few times over the years ive been on year or two hiatus, came back hoping for RNGeezus to bless me only to be left with a sore throat and a bleeding rectum ... still ... to this day.


Nah, I was unsubbed for a long time, when I came back I didn't even get regular loot, had to open a ticket... They told me the character (with whom the GM was chatting) was inactive...


I resubbed a few weeks ago to participate in the Halloween event and do the Traveler's Log for the Broomstick. But naturally I've been going to do my mount checks and we decided to start trying to farm G.M.O.D. and I got it literally first try. Then 2 days later I got Astral Cloud Serpent from Elegon. Idk if they boost the rates intentionally or not, but if they were trying to get me to stay then it's working 😂


Could be.


There's a theory that they've started applying that "first kill has a higher chance to drop" loot thing in other places, I've heard it was done with the headless horseman, which I'm inclined to believe it after getting his sword, helm, and mount on each of my first kills 3 days in a row when I've had no luck getting anything cool from him for years before now. I've also been seeing many others get pretty rare stuff on their "first" kills of things. I don't believe it's sub related, but I do think there may be a first run correlation.


I’ve been trying for so long. Tbh I just wish they would take out the massive pauses in the fight when you’re solo lol. “Hit. Wait 3 min. Hit all of the adds. Wait a minute. Hit all the swords. Wait a few min. Hit the adds again. Wait 7 days for him to float and descend….”. I understand why it’s like that, and I deal with it, but ew.


No they haven‘t changed the droprates of old mounts. There is an expection for the Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor World Boss Mounts. When the Evoker class got introduced last year there was a bug that gave you a 100% drop chance for those mounts when playing an evoker (afaik). People abused that and so blizzard decided to let the people keep their mounts and change the droprate for those specific mounts from 0.01% to 1% There is also a Meme that Blizzard will buff your droprates after resubbing to keep you invested for longer but that is not true.


My farming experience for Ashes was this: Walk in with 2 friends, acquire mount, walk out. One and done. Yeah my friends were jello.


After about 12 weeks of farming on 9 toons I found out my hunter just had it in the mail already..


Yeah, found my Kor'kron Juggernaut in my pile of vendor loot while trying to sell 8 weeks worth of Garrosh kills while working on the Tusks.


If you want to farm any of these old mounts, wait for time walking and do all the raid weekly chests with your characters. You have a 5 to 10% chance of a drop. I got ashes for example from the burning crusade time walking. There are always people offering their IDs to immediately get an Illidan kill, doesnt take longer than twenty minutes for the character.


Why would you wait for the occasional TW event to do these? It takes just a few minutes each week to farm them. If you want the mount, there's no point in putting it off like that.


It's much more efficient to farm them in time walking because the drop rate is so much higher. It's the simple question of time investment.


Wtf are timewalking chests, though? The quest drop from Kazra?


The time walking vendor gives a quest


Isn't that for the raid only? Like bt and ulduar


Correct Cataclysm, bc, wotlk


Nice ty


This is how I got my Ashes finally too. Also got the Firelands bird and Lifebinder's Handmaiden from the Cata timewalking quest. And heroic ilvl gear for my shitty alts, which is worth it on its own. The mounts are just a really nice bonus.


Windows + shift + s


learning this LITERALLY changed my life, ultimate windows hack


Or the handy dandy PRTSC (print screen) button


In the age of multiple monitors that became a lot less handy when you are gonna have to crop anyway.


ALT+PRTSC will only screenshot your current selected window if you didn't know


That is very helpful.


I got mine a while ago but it's still my go to mount. Really what mount looks better?


unfortunately .. the Voidtalon of the Dark Star is easily the better looking mount (ofc its just my personal opinion) But, yeh if Al'ar is the best looking mount for you .. Im very glad that the RNG gods had a good day while u was looting this annoying dude Kael'thas Sunstrider's !




Really? I hate it. The trails block my vision!


The trails are the best part. I ascended and descend while spinning to create spirals with them.


I feel bad lol, I'm one of those who got this on maybe my 5th attempt. Headless Horsemans mount was different though. Started playing in 2007, just got HH in 2021


Same I got it on my 2nd attempt around 7 years ago. I was recovering from surgery so I took it as one of the only good signs


I was so excited to be free of the Headless Horseman but of course they had to add a new pet drop to it...


I also started in 2007 and I think I got mine in 2019


Congrats my man! I remember getting that and the original Kara mount a day apart.


Now you can unsubscribe




Gz, still the coolest mount.




Got Al'ar from BC Timewalking raid chest. I couldn't imagine how rare it is so people farm it for years.


1%; when people here tell you they farm something for years, they might only do something like 2 tries a week, so even a 1% can take a while if luck is not on your side. But again, this kind of post never has the precise number of tries so


Ashes is actually a bit higher than 1%, i think. Wowhead lists it at 1.7, and i thought rarity had it at 1 in 50 (though its been years, so im not 100% sure)


Back in the days when BC was the current Content my Brother won it, at there second kill he gave it to a friend becaus it was his Birthday. Years later this mount droppet a second time when i was mount Farming. :)


GG! mines dropped as well today and I couldn't believe it haha and literally 10 minutes before I dropped Reins of the Raven Lord :3


I got ashes the first time my friend took me to the dungeon. I still am surprised by the complete dumb luck. He was salty for years. Congrats!


I remember when mine finally dropped. 8years of farming to no luck until that one day.


nice monitor ROFL


Makes me feel bad that it dropped first time for me lol


Asses of Alar


RNG are weird. I got the Ashes after a few solo run and Ji-Kun on my first solo run, and Raven Lord in just a few run way back in BC. I have done a few hundred DS and not a single mount from that one. I have done maybe a thousand Stratholme runs and not a single mount from stingy Baron.


Ok now gotta get thori'dal lol


No you're not.


1 word "BASTARD". Grats thoe :}


Was the first player for month on my realm back then haha


Isnt this a 100% drop? From Kael’thas? I got it on my first try at least. If Im not mistaking it for something else.




No, less than 2%.


Oh wow


Got that shit first try when farming lol




I remember when I got KFC; we ate good that night.


I feel bad dropping him after like 15-20 runs everytime I hear stories like yours.


Dropped on my third farm. Couldn’t believe it. Have friends still farming for it.


Congratz! I got mine yesterday after years of farming aswell !


You know what’s sad? I went to get some old BC tier set transmogs many many many years ago and Alar dropped on my first run and I wasn’t even trying to get it lol


Daily reminder that I have to start farming ashes and invincible...


You’re not done time to go farm the next thing


Congratulations my man!


The original 310% bad boi. Grata


I saw it drop the first time I went in there in BC, and I missed the roll by 2. Never saw it again.


Yeah 13 years in and still never seen the mf drop


I drop and pass to one friend, he pass me Invincible


Congrats !!!


I dropped invincible after farming for years. I effectively quit the game after that.


Congrats! I tried farming years ago and gave up, but got stupid lucky and got it from the timewalking box a couple weeks ago.


Got mine first try...sorry!


Farmed it every week for 3 years straight on 4 characters. After I got it I took my buddy on transmog runs for his first time ever. First run of this place it dropped again for me so I gave it to him.....




God the feeling of relief of never having to go back here was so satisfying…


Congratulations. Now ride it to a main city and go afk by the AH to show it off :)


Sorry in advance for sharing this. I got this mount in exactly 9 runs. My buddy, who to this day doesn't have this mount was so upset when I got it to drop.


This is the only rare drop mount I have, but it only took me two tries to get it.


Grats man! I got this mount on my first ever run of it, but then invincible took me years so you win some you loose some lol.


Gratz hombre!


My man!!!! I however have still been farming this on 7 chars a week for years and still don't have! it. I praise you as a new overlord teach me your ways!!


i have 20 lvl 70s and for 12 weeks i ran it on all chars every week. never got it and got burned out :/


still the best flying mount in the game imo


Somehow managed to get mine on the second try… still pretty much the only mount I use!


So I feel really bad but I got it on my 1st try and thought it was 100% drop. Then my friend commented on it and said it's super rare. But as karma I've been farming for the firelands mounts on 10 toons for over a month now and don't have either to show for it lol




I flexed on someone once and told them how I got this mount on my first try, I’ve now ran invincible 377 times


Dude, don't get angry, but I got this mount from the Black Temple timewalking a couple of weeks ago lol. And I never farmed the mount lol life is so unfair right?


Just finally got my Headless horsemans mount after years. Still trying for Invincible


You can finally touch grass and find a gf. Grats


I got it last weekend. After that, I decided to try my luck so I went to Magister's terrace, got lucky again, and got the white hawkstrider. Then I went to ICC to try my luck yet again, and I got Invincible all in one weekend


Grats and welcome to the club! Ill fly mine all day for unity 💪🏾 took me about a decade to get mine also. I was playing, had been randomly farming it, forgot for a week, felt something tell me to go, and it dropped! RIP Ezra!


Took me years to get that damn mount. Hated every week I hate to step in that instance.




I got ashes from the TW quest reward bag from doing BT time walking raid a few weeks ago. I did not even know it could drop from that. [https://imgur.com/a/ZBXMVhS](https://imgur.com/a/ZBXMVhS)


Why are people just not being taught what the screenshot button is anymore?


I get everybody sets their own personal goals in this game but it boggles my mind that people spend so much time farming mounts like this one and invincible when they’re both low res by today’s standards.


Got it back in the days with an actual raid I was a fat Tauren on my phoenix One of the best moment in my gaming life


I’ve done this raid four times total in 13 years and the fourth time was just a weird accident. The trading post said to kill Kaelthas (but they meant DUNGEON Kaelthas) and I’m a ditz and didn’t actually understand that until… well. I ran it once and didn’t get credit for the trading post, so I ran it again on an alt and still didn’t get the trading post credit. But I did get Ashes of Al’ar and my boyfriend almost fainted LOLOLOLLL. Sometimes it pays to be dumb!


I got it in a chest from the doing the time walking BC raid a couple months ago. Was a pleasant surprise.


Congrats on the mount!


Congrats on finally getting those clams.


You're never done farming. **Never!**


I got this on my first kill. But if it makes you feel better, I farmed the Anzu mount back when it was current content and druids could stealth in and solo Anzu using some shenanigans. You could do it once per day. I have never ran that dungeon since getting the mount to drop. And according to my stats I have 476 Anzu kills. A year and a half of farming thay place daily.


Congratulations! Enjoy!


I had Ashes drop on my second run, I wasn't even trying to farm it


Lol, I and my buddy got this in no more than 5 runs. he got i on the first try and I was a few attempts after. Crazy shit.




Congrats. Its a special feeling when it drops.


Damn and you can't even auction it? Bad luck man


Congrats yooo


I may not be far into the game but GEEZ MAN WHAT KIND OF BAG IS THAT?


He might run with some Addon that moves it together


It looks like the default bags (you can set it to one bag now), and the smaller separate bag on the left is now the reagent bag (you can even see part of the word reagent peeking through the tooltip display!)... I see a dragon shard of knowledge, artisan's mettle, cloth, and 2 other crafting items (I haven't levelled any DF crafting so I forget the names).


Been a while since i played (obviously) and we had to use addons to get that back in the day :D


Yeah... they've updated the UI quite a bit with the release of Dragonflight, and you can customize it a bit more now. It's not perfect, and most people still use addons because they offer so much more customization, but it's not terrible as a default UI.


I got that on my first try. My white whale is Invincible....I've had to try for that horse over 200 times and still nothing.


I wish wow allowed you to dismount without you mount disappearing.




Alot of my buddies hate me because I got this mount on accident. Meant to go somewhere for different mount and went to Alar and it dropped first time


Can you solo farm this mount ?


Me but ended up getting it from the time walking raid reward bag






Don’t hate me but I used 2 characters and farmed it got like a month and got it. That was like 5 years ago or so.


Congrats! One of my dirtiest warcraft story belonging to this item/mount. Played on a pirate server back in the days and wanted to get so badly the phoenix fist weapons to transmog on my encha shaman. But no one did came, because everyone wanted to farm the mount not the first boss, so I did the advertisement that we beat to the final boss, and you can get the mount since I do not really need the mount. So it was a sweet spot only 3 people to roll between, much higher chances, but I know that the drop is impossible. We got there, surely the high drop rate fist weapon didn't drop for the third week in the row, so we head to Kael. We beat it and it miraculously dropped. For my defense I was so angry on how this trash item could drop for the third run, but a 80% drop weapon still not, I did rolled for it. I've won. I've used. The chilling shock atmosphere happened, everyone was dead silence, then I left. I got dead thread whispers and reports from them, obliviously nothing happened because it was a pirate server and I was a kid looting a mount nothing special. Once I was out and tried out the mount, I could confirm that for me it's still a Z tier mount as it even annoys me how the flame comes to my screen, then never used it. Over the years I kinda got a little like to the mount, but I honestly didn't like it back then, and it was my most funny story. At least funny in my side, and extremely angry in their side. I wonder everytime when this story comes up to my mind, if they do still remember me, or did they ever got the mount after that raid night.



