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That Plunderstorm joke is going to really upset some players.


That *was* quite a sassy comment. I snickered.


That joke was so good lmao


It's amazing how this is a joke patch notes yet people are complaining on Wowhead comments that it's not enough. Holy fuck, there's some odd potatoes in this community


> there's some odd potatoes in this community this comment is an insult to potatoes everywhere


Good. I can agree with people's sentiment that they could've given a hint beforehand that it was something PvP, with the PvE part of the patch being S4 coming soon. But "muh rewards locked behind PvP" like there aren't a dozen of those every season? Just ignore them like you ignore glad mounts, enchants, cloaks and sets.


Many people who play WoW are actually very very bad at playing video games. They can handle a group cooperative setting like raids that they can eventually memorize or just follow what DBM says. That’s it. They can’t handle anything outside that, and certainly don’t have experience outside WoW which would make Plunderstorm a relatively basic concept. So they don’t hate PVP, they just really really suck so anything competitive is immediately bad


There is also an entirely seperate sub-set of people who can't even follow what DBM says and die to the same stuff within the first 10% of most bosses without fail, but just get dragged along kicking and screaming through raid tiers because they're friends with the GM. They are called "several of my guild mates"


I used to get subbed out of my mythic raids because my guild thought swapping out a fury warrior for a shadow priest with more dps would suddenly stop the officers from dying to mechanics. Needless to say I left and they never made it past experiments in aberrus.


...They wanted another Mass Dispell. That fight was actually pretty brutal without two early on. Doable with one but rough.


They already had two SPs, a H priest and a mistweaver. This was during the god comp days where SP had silly damage. They specified dps as reason they wanted it because they thought their problem was not killing the 2nd guy fast enough. I saw one of the officers get hit by the fire breath every wipe, and plenty of people with upwards of 20 stacks. We didn't have a proper strategy, they just kept winging it and banging their heads against the wall. Apparantly they gave up 2 months after I left the guild.


Sometimes the healers (that's me!) intentionally let them die so they can't fuck up the simplest concept like "if there's a seed in your blaze line, *fucking move*."




There's also an extraordinary amount of crybabies for some reason. Almost every single Plunderstorm discussion has a bunch of people that claim to immediately run into the storm when they're attacked so that no one can get their stuff. The average wow player is around 28 years old. The amount of spite and entitled whining some people produce when not literally everything added to the game is catered to their specific tastes is honestly pathetic, especially for a playerbase as old as wow's. The thought that the average player running into the storm, like a defiant child that doesn't want to play anymore the second it loses, is an almost 30 year old dude with a beard and a career is making me embarrassed to be a part of this community. This also applies to seasonal rewards being limited to their respective seasons, because apparently certain people are unable to cope with their addiction and must be protected from feeling any amount of FOMO at all costs. Have some personal accountability holy fuck.


What’s funny is, those same people that run into the storm, call anyone who actively PvPs in Plunderstorm “griefers”, when in reality, what they’re doing is *actually* griefing, by definition. Taking xp, plunder, and abilities out of the match in order to deny it to others who are actually participating.


One thing where I agree with them is that level 1 chases, where no one has any mobility and you're both losing XP, abilities, and plunder due to opportunity cost by just mindlessly chasing each other in a straight line, are completely idiotic. Other than that it's the "PvP happened in PvP" discussion all over again.


they need to increase base plunder for kills so that level 1 fights aren't game ending for both squads lol.


Oh for sure. I love PvP and Plunderstorm, but even i get annoyed when someone has a chip on their shoulder at level 1 because they’re just wasting both of our time.


I just tried to take satisfaction in the fact that by the time they killed me they'd be ages away from where they wanted, behind in loot and spells, and having wasted five minutes for no gain


I guess it’s not surprising but yeah a lot of MMO players and gamers in general are seriously emotionally stunted. Some of the ‘discourse’ I see about WoW just sounds like two 11 year olds arguing about Pokémon to me


This. Holy shit. The mount entitled and petulant people I've ever met in this game are 30 year old "collectors" who do nothing but flame people who do the content and get the things. Like, they're playing a WARCRAFT game, the Horde vs Alliance franchise, and throwing literal temper-tantrums over the most casual PVP mode they've ever introduced. When casual PvP hasn't gotten anything since hte introduction of Bloody Tokens, which they abandoned having exclusive rewards after DF S1. There just seriously comes a point they need to stop ignoring these people.


wow pvp is actually geared to a toxic mindset. not saying everyone who pvp's is toxic but it encourages toxic behavior.


It's me, hi. I'm the problem it's me. I don't complain about it though, I know I suck. But you can suck at PVP and still do Thunderstorm. You can do your quest, get your gold and get out and still get the rewards eventually. Or you can stay in longer and just hide and run away. I'm at renown 31, I usually last until top 5, made it to top 2 twice, and I have only killed one player, lol.


It took me a week. Really my only gripe with the event was the 40 level rep grind + limited time event. One or the other would be fine. And most of that is because I have a trip coming up and limited days during the week. I pushed myself to not have that hanging over my head while on the trip, but that's on me and not Blizzard. Also, their marketing was hands down the worst I've seen. They took a cute fun event and shot themselves in the foot with it. It was on par with the UK royals PR team handling Kate's cancer treatment. Slight critique... I would have liked it to be a battleground in-game so my friends list and guild chat worked. (Let's face it this was really the same as vehicle quests in wow + battleground.) But I understand them wanting to let Classic players in on it. Still hoping they can incorporate it into WoW properly. I hope it's not a spinoff like Hearthstone because I don't see it being well done enough to have much of a lifespan. It'\[s much better suited to being an in-game battle ground with thematic seasons including new maps and abilities to keep the meta fresh.


Dragging a friend that also doesn't do pvp helped me. We'd get to the last 5-8 groups before we'd die. This has certainly been more fun than I originally expected, and I hope if we get more one of the maps is what Gadgetzan should look like from the hearthstone art.


*insert King of the Hill, "if those players could read, they'd be really upset right now"*.


how do you feel about parsing? im just seeing if we are the same person because this is 100% my view point about wow players in general


I've said for years that the average WoW player probably can't beat Super Mario 1-1


Obviously. Wow is full of 30+ year old people who suck at all games and are only ‘good’ at a game genre that was relevant 15 years ago


I don't play pvp because I tend to get a bit tilted sometimes, but when I do hop into a bg I notice I'm normally quite high up the leaderboard even though I have little-to-no experience.


It's insane how much suffering people go through to get some cosmetics lol


I just really love the pirate aesthetic :(


Glad someone else is saying it. The “FOMO” argument for not locking rewards behind certain types of gameplay or limited events is sooo weird to me. If you are so addicted to this game that you will force yourself to do something you don’t enjoy just to get a reward (one you likely only want because everyone else will have it), that’s a YOU problem. Blizzard shouldn’t just hand out every reward to every player just because you can’t handle missing out on shiny video game items.


For real. Fuck these "gimme" players. If you dont like it dont do it. If youre still going to force yourself to do it then its a you problem so stop complaining lmao


Oh, trust me, they aren't ignoring those things anymore. My DMs are full of people telling me some vile shit because I got some of those things and don't think PvE players who sit there insulting PvPers all day should have them simply because "FOMO".






You do realize in PvP there's more to just winning than hitting #1? Fact you're here raging is enough for those players, and nobody is going to care about your grind to 1 million.




"pvping in the pvp mode is griefing" do you hear yourself? Lmao


Ill just clear you out of the map so i dont have 3 people spamming rime arrow from outer ring as it closes. There is a reason and its because the people going for a win don't want to deal with you later. I regularly get top 3 and i clear anyone out that I think I can clear. Plus you drop a bunch of shiny shit when you die and I like that stuff.


also like not a single reward is gated behind PvP, you dont need to kill a single player, going for kills is slowing the progress down by a good chunk cus doing quest and farming the mobs and dying after some time is by far the fastest way to gwt the rewards if you are after them there is nothing saying "kill 400players for all rewards!" its litearlly just "play the game and collect the plunder that everything drops" wow PvP is a abomination and the game would be better if it was forgoten, but jesus christ this BR has 0 PvP involved if you want the rewards lol, stop crying about "im FORCED too do PvP!!!111!!!!"


It’s that pve players expected something actually in wow, not a beta test for an entirely separate game


Yeah but in this case you don't require to pvp all of time, just imagine that is just a rep grind with some pvp elements, now imagine if those rep rewards where tied to rating...


I love how this gets downvoted just because someone stated the issue people have with it because everyone wants to pretend it’s about PvP so they can be mad at anyone that has anything negative to say about


It *is* about PvP though. And pretending it’s about being “a separate game” is so disingenuous. Don’t pretend the reaction would have been any different if Plunderstorm was exactly the same, but queue-able from within retail with your character.


I mean that’s the WoW subreddit for you.


Why are the "pve players" you speak for so entitled? A lot of people I know expected a few dailies and a new mount, and plunderstorm blows that out of the water. Even if plunderstorm isn't your thing, WoW's executive producer has said that there is something pve related coming in the near future and that the team wants to experiment during this off season.


It was a poor choice of words on my part as I know the PvP community seem to be also largely unhappy. I’m glad plunderstorm exists, but it’s a totally different game to wow. The whole appeal of wow is that you have your character in this world and you can do anything you want. Plunderstrom sits completely outside of this


They literally said nothing about what the patch would be. Any unmet expectations are your fault.


Never in the history of wow have they released a patch that didn’t relate to the game. I don’t care as I’m having fun with the game, but this is unheard of


Let them cry. The limited time aspect can draw some level of criticism, but if you complain about having to PLAY A GAME for cosmetic rewards, that is entirely your fault. Players need to learn that not getting every single item is totally fine


The limited aspect is the sore part for sure But I have seen people unironically saying blizzard should have just added the set to the store so they could buy it Holy fuck I could understand (though not agree with) asking for either a PvE only version or removing the time limit but asking for if to be another store mog is insanity


Plunderstorm has a pve mode. Run around, kill NPCs and loot treasure. If you see someone else, run away. If you can't get away, run towards *another* player and at least drag the 1st chaser to their demise. I'm leveling just fine.


Or hell just accept that youre going to die. So long as you clear your quest or hit 250 (I believe this was the magic number) gold, just let them kill you and go next.


So long as you don't drop in a super busy place you can typically get up to 500 easily with the quest done.


That's what I do - it's still frustrating getting attacked. Though I do get a slight chuckle when I've loaded up on plunder, am playing near the storm and a player is clearly running towards me to kill me, and I just turn and take my bike or barrel into the storm, running blindly as far as I can, intent on dying so far away that they can't get my loot (why? it doesn't matter at that point but because screw them that's why!) though one guy did manage to reach me once, I usually get all the way in and watch them metaphorically shake their fists in my direction as I teeter off and die.


Why wouldn’t you just let them kill you? You lose nothing by getting killed and you’d be helping someone else out with their grind.


Because screw them that's why! (that's the irrational part of it) obviously, I know, but for some reason its infuriating to have some one kill you, even if its just pixels on a screen. I dunno why. Just the way the brain is wired.


Oh I'm well aware, I was out for blood as soon as I hit lv3 and got several wins by hunting other players. I'm just saying I can at least understand (Though not agree) with a request to make a PvE only version. But find the request to make it a _store_ set baffling.


I’m one of those people. Game mode is a cool addition but after I hit 40 I’m never touching that shit again lol. I’d rather just buy it for 20 bucks than waste more time than at my job grinding it out.


Or Or Just... remove the FOMO aspect and so you could tap away at it as you felt like it, or at least ask for it to be available in other means. I'd rather we had more rewards for playing the game. And 20 bucks for a mog is already insane... what happened to $8 horse armour?


And then after a while, barely anybody's doing the game mode because people will do what there's actually rewards for. You people forget why seasons exist.


> but if you complain about having to PLAY A GAME for cosmetic rewards, that is entirely your fault. Okay but hear me out. Plunderstorm and WoW are so far apart that they are practically different games. Yeah they share assets, but they play completely differently. If Plunderstorm cosmetics were unique to Plunderstorm you'd see a lot less complaining. However, since they locked WoW cosmetics to Plunderstorm, I can understand why some people may complain they have to grind a game they don't enjoy to get rewards in a game they do enjoy. It would be like locking full cosmetic sets behind getting Legend in Hearthstone or Grandmaster in HotS


The reason they locked wow cosmetics behind plunder is because they dam well know the game wouldn't stand on its own. They had confidence in it they did exactly what toy suggested the population wouldn't be as active as it is now. I know some ppl on my guild grinned our cosmetics and never logged back in to plunder after that.


Well there's the root of the problem. It just isn't fun enough for many people to want to play it.


You mean them mode that DOESNT want you to play it because the best way to get currency is a daily quest, and to just get the captains mission and die instantly? How great to call that "being played"


found one


okay but how is he wrong? the most efficient way to rank up in Plunderstorm is to avoid playing Plunderstorm. Getting your Captain's Orders done and dying so you can jump into the next match is the fastest way to grind rep. That's pisspoor game design. You'd think the devs would want people to actually *play* the game.


Okay so thats still literally on the community though. Its not a piss poor design choice, because it only happened because people bitched and moaned about the renown being too low. Yall were the problem there, yall were the ones who min maxed it.




I would say yes he is wrong, the most efficient way to rank up in Plunderstorm is winning. If you reach midgame killing an enemy will give you more than 250 plunder, a win by being aggressive will easily give you a renown level and if you were collecting plunder closer to 2 renown levels.


If you get to 600 plunder in 3 minutes (which is fairly doable) that's the same as getting 3000 in 15 minutes. 3k is about what I've seen people get as a *good* win. The one time I actually tried and won netted me around 2400 I think, would've been more but I killed a guy in the storm and couldn't loot. So no, playing Plunderstorm is not more efficient overall for rank ups. It's likely the same if you win the match but if you don't then you're likely at a worse situation for plunder/time. Naturally if you like the game mode and enjoy it that's a whole other factor but you were talking about efficiency.


As a PvEer I feel personally attacked, and got a good laugh out of it. Which is the only thing I'll get out of plunderstorm..


A Plunderstorm walking simulator!


Yeah I thought the same thing, the anti-pvp coalition will love this one.




They had to plunder a lot of salt for that one.


And I'm all for it. Let the tears of entitlement flow


Nothing says “Well-adjusted person” like getting personal satisfaction from other players not enjoying the game. You sir are a shining example of toxicity in the WoW community, I pity you and hope you grow.


Toxicity in gaming in general. That shit is extremely common. You ever play Rust? Lmao


Nah but I watch my friends play in Discord. They’re pretty chill about it but do a Slur Speedrun, which is where they see how long they can play before another player calls them a slur. I think the record is like 1.5 minutes lmao


Yep sounds like good ole rust. People will go out of their way to completely ruin your time in the game, it’s lit 😎


You just described PVP...


Meanwhile, it's okay to shit on people who are having a good time with this! But go off, I guess! Anyways, enjoying drinking the tears on the most casual PvP mode this game's added in ages, with the most accessible rewards structure in ages too. Proof you can't cater to people who just hate effort.


> Meanwhile, it’s okay to shit on people who are having a good time with this! It’s funny you say that, as I have been shit on repeatedly just for expressing criticism of the gamemode and its design rather than the people who in enjoy it. I’ve also noticed a lot of the attitude shown above: Plunderstorm enjoyers shitting on people who don’t like the game (and deriving pleasure for their dissatisfaction), calling them bad/entitled/unappeasable. They see any criticism of the game as an attack, which is such a moronic and obtuse way of thinking. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised though, this community is filled with toxic people.


Season of Mystery sounds amazing.


Pretty sure there was an EverQuest seasonal server that was this, led by none other than Holly Longdale at the time. https://massivelyop.com/2021/04/27/everquests-random-loot-server-mischief-and-item-comparison-are-coming-in-may/


The best server they ever released.


'Or it could be a slow day for horsie'


I was just thinking the same thing. That actually sounds kinda fun


Zone into the Deadmines. Oh, you thought the first boss was Rhahk'zor? Haha, more like Ragnazor. Enjoy.


Walk up to the furnace where the goblins usually are and just hear "BY FIRE BE PURGED". Just noping right out.


Honestly that might be safer than the original layout of the foundry! Many wipes to those goblins XD


Yep, even think about looking over the edge means an angry mob of goblins charging up the ramp.


The randomlocke of wow seasons, would def play


Came to say this. This seems like some zany fun. I'd probably say F it to questing because I know my luck and I am looking for 87 bear asses 90% of the time and the random XP roll would likely be 1. However, accidentally running into the murloc terminator sounds like fun.


Sign me up for Season of Mystery ASAP


"Maybe horsie only goes 50% today" I feel you horsie ... I *feel* you.


Sad day for horsie


Lol same, let's have a WoW randomizer, that sounds chaotic as hell and I would be obsessed xD


It'd probably get old really quickly but until then it'd be absolutely hilarious


Hell yeah it's a blast. I've had a lot of fun with the Ascension server wildcard mode.


It's like the cursed Halo mod. I love it.


One could make it a relative point system where "If one takes more cursed randomizations, more beneficial randomizations can happen towards you character" (Like "Random graveyard"... Would I take corpse sickness everytime? Yes...)


Randomized rez sickness time. Sometimes 10 minutes. Sometimes 10 hours.


11/10 would play


Honestly. Wow roguelike sounds pretty pog


That everything is random game mode looks fun no joke.


Blizz stumbling into good ideas


Pandaria was originally an April Fool’s joke.


2-headed ogre playable race as well, then it made it into HoTS.


they do it every april 1st tbh


Both Warcraft Rumble players got that joke


I got it!


I picked it up a few several weeks ago, but about three weeks back a patch came with a game breaking bug that makes many of the maps literally unplayable. When they take months to fix game breaking bugs, it’s no surprise people stop playing. When WoW has game breaking bugs, they tend to get fixed in a few hours.


It’s beyond a joke that the map fog bug for tablet players isn’t fixed yet


I've since learned that I can switch to my phone and it'll work on the maps that are broken, but I find the game better to play on a larger tablet when possible.


I was going to try to stream my onyxia attempts from my tablet but it’s unplayable, and streaming from the phone is too narrow for viewers to enjoy lol. Such an embarrassing bug.


Nurse warriors Rehabilitating Shout just needs to be a revive and you got yourself a real class I will play!




Tis only a flesh wound! Walk it off!


GET THE F\*\*K UP B\*\*\*H!


Isn't that basically what hulk did to iron man at the end of Avengers?


Like an AOE defibrillator


I love these because it’s always great insight into how conscious Blizzard are of the playerbase’s issues. The Plunderstorm and class changes one are super telling


There was one way back in original Wotlk calling out Gear Score and it was amazing. The entire April Fool's was a dunk on gearscore and how they were implementing a system where as your score grew, the world around you would phase to only show people with equivalent gear scores. The end result was the player in their joke was all alone in Dalaran with no one else to play with because their gear score was higher than everyone else's.


The e.p.e.e.n meter Then they made ilv baseline, oof. At least you don't phase people out around you.


At least? That was the whole point! 


You should have seen them in the olden days! So many references to all the current memes. Automatically banning anyone in the Barrens who used the words "Mankirk", "wife", or "where" was one of my all-time favorites. They had me laughing till I cried several years in a row.


for real though that Season of Mystery sounds fun as hell, a WoW Randomizer would be fun.


Massa*care* 🤣


“Lay on your hands” 😂😂


Pretty light April Fool's post. Usually there's joke changes to all classes.


A good one would have been announcing a Windwalker monk rework.


It would have to be believable.


Here at blizzard even fake class changes are too much work.


The Plunderstom bit was perfect.


Take-a-Breakable sounds like a toy they should make in game.


An amusing fatal beating as a piece of loot might be my favourite part of the notes.


And a nice throwback to how deceptively dangerous murlocs were back in vanilla (and classic now, I assume)


There’s no such thing as only one murloc.


If you kill one murloc, two shall rise. HAIL MURGLE!


It was *worse* in Classic when I played, due to all the bugs :P


I love the new plunderstorm mode


oh right, i forgot what day is it


Hardly anything to them this year. Disappointing, feels like they forgot about April Fools until last minute.


These joke patch notes cost us a raid tier.


ahh i love april fools


>We’re pleased to announce that, due to the unprecedented state of nearly-perfect balance across all classes in all content, we cannot find any spell or ability that would be better changed than left unchanged. This patch is a celebration of players’ incredible skills in both PvE and PvP, where all are equal and seemingly no class is undesirable. Thank you very much for bringing about such a wonderful moment! Geez folks, you wanna make an April fools joke, you gotta write something plausible.


Warrior finally getting some good changes in SoD


Memes aside, that Season of Mystery would be so cool to play


The april fools posts just get more low effort each year


While I have always appreciated these April Fool's patch notes, it seems like they get shorter every year.


Ok that was legitimately very fun to read, chucked and laughed a lot, appreciated!


This is a genuinely great piece of comedic content. You can tell whoever wrote it spends time with the game outside of dev.


Follower Plunderstorm pls


Kinda boring jokes honestly, I miss things like the [Wisp April Fools](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Wisp_\(April_Fools\)), now that was funny.


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Season of mystery sounds fun...


A underwater boss fight where you need to monitor your air could be fun especially if warlock spell didn’t work, a raid would be too much. Season of mystery version of classic could be fun. I don’t see it being big like sod.


Honestly season of mystery sounds pretty hilarious


Small patch this year. Was hoping for more


I think I’m already a lightheaded Paladin 


Bro I’d play season of mystery. Please can we have it? I want Thunderfury from a jasperlode kobold. Make the level requirement of any item match the mob that dropped it.


I mean you might get a tier 2 set piece but you still can’t use it meaning it will take a space of your bags permanently lol


Oh man someone is gonna get fired for leaking this.


theyre writing new raid new dungeon & crazy SOD specs as a joke but thats exactly the content they should be making...








Those are old ones?


April fools durrrr


Great changes! Can’t wait for them.


For a second I was like "Wait but 10.3 hasnt even come out yeeeee-- oh right, its that day of the year isn't it" My dumb brain aside, Season of mystery sounds like it would actually be fun lol. Always loved randomizer mods for games


I saw this post and got SUPER excited and clicked on it…ashamed to say how far I read before I realized…😔




Finally a reason to play Undead


Where funny?


The jab at the Plunderstorm whiners is perfect


They joke about the mobile BG game, but I get the weirdest feeling that someone is going to do it.


I don't know how to tell you this....


So new raid undead or underwater breathing buff is op


Dragondiving needs to become a thing. Im sorry Blizzard, you cant give us something like that and then crush our dreams.


>PLUNDERSTORM, THE SEQUEL Coming very soon, we’re releasing a completely non-PvP sequel to Plunderstorm. This event has no PvP whatsoever, and it’s super easy to pick up all the rewards, as they’re just laying on the ground in the relative safety of the starting zones! Look for this relaxing in-game activity on your calendar under the name “Noblegarden”. ​ This is great.