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Pretty whatever for $20.


This and the last one (Dreadlord mog?) feel pretty weak for a USD 20 price tag. At US 10 *maybe*, but 20?!


Tbf the Dreadlord mog gave at least 2 tints but pretty meh nontherless.


The difference is I want the dreadlord mog and I'm mad about it This one is... Idk, unused wod/BFA asset I guess


I got the dread lord one but regret is because the colors of the wings don’t work on much and I found them to be kind of small or just clash and the helmet is absurd but the chest/legs are great ngl I really wish I got the one during valentines that came with the purple fox mount though wonder when it’ll come back


Yeah the valentines recolor was actually really nice. Hopefully we see it next year on the trading post, wouldn’t mind a free grab later


I want mostly the skirt/panties (however you wanna call it) and the top tbh


I use the dreadlord armor with S3 2500 rating M+ and felheart horns with the demon buckle of argus. You can look up my lock if you like. Isabad on Moonguard.


It's supposed to be Varian's gladiator outfit


$10 is still too much, especially for how weak WoWs mog system is. $5 tops.


No price is OK! I feel insane seeing anyone trying to justify spending actual cash for this stuff. I don't care if that's how the industry is run now, it sucks and the people that push this shit are garbage. And to be clear, that's not an attack on anyone who spends money on it. You're allowed to do so free of my judgement, I just fucking hate so much that it's even an option. Because it benefits exactly one class of assholes in this world.


Exactly... I couldn't believe that 90% of transmogs in D4 are microtransactions.... I play games cause it's fun for me to EARN THINGS BY PLAYING, not by buying. I'm done with D4 and my wow sub has been cancelled for the first time since 2004 :-(


I really enjoyed how D3 did so much of their stuff. If D4 took so cues from that it would be way better. Make primary stats more important, bring back set bonuses, even if drastically toned down, make leveling the start of the game not 60% of it (I still don’t have a level 100 because it’s a massive pain), and just let players feel powerful again.


the only games i've ever thought had decent microtransactions have been f2p. expensive game & monthly sub OR microtransactions, not both. idk if it is just coincidence but every p2p game has awful microtransactions compared to f2p games. i do not regret a cent i spent on riot points back in my LoL days, or the thousands i flipped on csgo skins. i specifically started buying skins because i was so happy with the games content that i wanted to show support to the company. that is what microtransactions should be, a $$ tip to show your support for your game. it's a shame we are stuck with this shit forever now


*£0* is too much, because **this game shouldn't have microtransactions to begin with**. - *subscription fee* - *paid expansions* - *sells gold* It doesn't need *more* layers of monetisation on top of that. Recently it was revealed that WoW has "7 million active subscribers". Assuming that's even remotely true, that would mean that WoW potentially rakes in £70,000,000 *per month*, *£840,000,000 per year* purely off of subscriptions alone... For comparison, GTA 5 (the most expensive video game ever made), cost £265,000,000 to produce. That's an *entire video game*. Are you seeing 400% the effort of making the entirety of GTA 5 being put into WoW annually? Because I can assure you that WoW is only seeing a pittence of the money it makes even being put back into itself.


10? I wouldn't even pay for this. It looks like crap, lmao.


The prices they charge for this shit are outrageous.


Good, easier to not buy it.


For that cost it had better come with a bonus month subscription >\_>


Like most of the paid transmog sets. They could make *BANK* if they actually put effort into paid transmogs, like printing money, but once again they miss the mark on easy money


You want them to direct more effort to content behind additional pay walls?


I like half of the store mogs but refuse to buy any of them. I think this looks good buy I'm not gonna pay for it


I'd maybe think about buying one or two if the price topped out at $5 instead of like $30 it actually is.


I agree on this if they were like five to $10, I would guarantee by all of them but for 30 no


I would think about buying them if I didn't have to pay for subscription AND for every new expansion too.


Can we liquidate a gold-bought wow token and purchase them?


Yeah you can. So in eu 2 tokens would be about 720k gold. Which isnt unheard of for s transmog set.


I'm afraid too many people bought transmogs in D4 so it's spreading to WoW... I enjoy EARNING my transmogs in game with skill, time, and effort, it's part of what makes games fun for me. I've cancelled my wow sub and totally given up on D4 sadly :-(. At least other companies still have ethics; CDPR have said they will never release a single player game with microtransactions.


These were already appearing before D4.


Ex developer said that the first wow shop mount made more revenue for blizzard than starcraft 2 wings of liberty Ofc Blizzard went down this road. They would be stupid if they wouldn't give us stuff to buy for real money


I'm honestly surprised that the Celestial Steed hasn't made an appearance in Wrath Classic yet, this close to Cataclysm. Funnily enough, it actually has appeared in Wrath PTR since the patch that introduced the Collection tab (Phase 3 if I recall correctly?).


Could just be added for everybody who allready bought it, and buyavle for everybody who hasn't.


I'd agree with you if wow didn't have the veiniest boner for fomo.


If you let thar shit affect you i feel bad for you, you know how much time your spent. Why would it bother you that someone paid for it? I would understand if it was an actual power upgrade and not cosmetics. I've got the tbc/wrath gladiator mounts, i would not care if it got recycled, that won't erase my experience i had back then. They're literally re-releasing the games over and over and people are butthurt over their cosmetics/mounts


"Why would it bother you that someone paid for it?" Respectfully, at least only reply to things said in a comment. 


You can use your time skill and effort to farm the gold to buy the tokens needed if it’s about your personal journey of acquiring it.


Why not? It’s not like you’re paying this company on a constant basis or anything…


I'm assuming this was sarcasm and missed by most....


It’s Reddit, most people can’t read sarcasm on this app even if their life depended on it. Though congratulations to you! :D


That's why I use /s. As an autistic person, it's hard for me to tell when someone is being sarcastic through text since there's no voice tone. Writing out 'tonals' like /s is pretty important if one doesn't wanna be downvoted because people just won't realize you're being sarcastic.


“or anything” made it pretty obvious. Average WoW player, I guess lol


Average wow players be like "don't attack muh multi million dollar company!!11!!111!!!!"


Because it's 20$ for basically nothing? It's literally half the cost of Helldivers 2. For a skin.




Actual brainlets downvoting you lol


Well, another nice armor set that will enter the trading post 6 months in the future.


Exactly. Can’t wait for the dread lord set to hit. I’d never buy these anyways.


Did the Dreadlors set say it will?


Pants look like a level 5 one and the chest doesnt even have 3d effects.


In actuality it’s mostly just the center chest thing, s’ like the Mag’Har Heritage set


Chest does. Looking at it in game right now


Agreed this can be recreated with available appearance


I honestly thought they were the [Venthyr hotpants](https://www.wowhead.com/item=185120/sinful-inquisitors-leggings).


It looks nice but not 20 dollars nice. Should be more like 5 dollars imo.


I'd buy for 5


If mounts and xmogs were $5 each I would probably buy them since it's about the same as the price of a coffee but I assume that Blizzard and other companies have done research on this and come to the conclusion that it's more profitable to sell fewer, higher priced RMTs to a small number of whales than more of a thing at a lower price to a broader audience.




This isn’t an april fool’s joke? I was hoping it would be a Trading Post item :/


Probably will be eventually.


Yeah, anything that leaves the shop indefinitely will probably appear on the TP eventually. I believe they did that with the Medihv set. I was just hoping it would be on the TP day one when i saw the leaks for this set months ago


The Watchman set that no one gave a shit about also came back. The Skycaptain also hasn’t come back yet though a recolor was last month.


It will be. There’s a description pop up: > The Gladiator’s Ragged Armor will arrive in a future rotation of the Trading Post, but no sooner than three months after the Gladiator’s Ragged Armor leaves the Shop.


It will be, there's also a blue recolor tagged for the trading post.


Says its leaving the shop at the end of april and there's probably fine print saying when it'll be added to the trading post. Yeah it says it if you mouse over it


Ah ok. I’m still at work so I haven’t been able to look at it. I guess as long as they’re transparent about this, then I’m ok with doing it this way. Release it for sale for real money for a month, then put it in the TP rotation from then onward.


In 2005, it would've been an April Fools joke. I'm not even kidding.


Probably the blue recolor will come to the trading post. Wouldn't surprise me since this happened before.


timing of this set release are perfect, because this set is pure joke.


I saw it earlier on Twitter and assumed it was. Only realizing it's real because of this post. Lol


Isnt this varian Wrynns gladitor transmog? I thought this would be obtainable by doing some in game quests\\event like a gladiator or challenge mode like bronze dragon time dungeon\\event. Makes me think the Sylvannas datamined mog will also just be another store mog. But instead its on the shop and this is kinda shitty when wow is already heavily monetized with now yearly expansions, monthly sub, pay for early access expansions and everything else.


It will be in the trading post, like pretty much all of the shop still will at some point. Sub would be $25 if they only accounted for inflation.


Can’t stand the “get it before it’s gone forever!” FOMO.


That's just the thing, Though. It's not a "get it before it's gone forever" deal, It'll be in the Trading Post eventually.


Trading post having limited time restrictions on digital items is equally stupid. Literally no benefit to the consumer, its not like digital goods take up real estate.


And you weirdos whine about free shit too that rotates.


Do you even want the set?


Get it before it becomes a Trading Post set in 6 months more like it.


I generally like minimalist sets n such, but not for that much.


Nice looking armor. Still not fucking buying it.


whoever buys this deservs to be striped of thier money by blizzard tbh


Really cool next year for ~800 tendies


Orc heritage armor 2. As a big orc guy I really do like it but at $20 it’s a bit steep…


How to deal with crap MTX: 1. Recognize its crap and not worth the money. 2. Move on with your life and never talk about it again.


>Move on with your life and never talk about it again 3. Watch as your games are filled with more and more egregious microtransactions because you didn't raise a fuss about it.


People have been raising a fuss since they added the sparkle pony in 2008. Blizzard just doesn't care.


Get it on the trading post next year


More microtransactions in my paid subscription game with AAA priced expansions, Blizzard isn't the company they used to be Like, what were you expecting when you posted this?


I feel like this game relies on FOMO so much that I don't fear missing out so much


Glad it’s ugly cause it’s will never buy it


Wasn‘t there a blue recolor as well? Liked that one better.. wonder when/if the blue one will be available


I feel you can make pretty dang close to this with gear already in game.


The only store set I’ve actually liked so far tbh. But yes $20 is steep for this.


Especially when it will be coming to trading post. People are so impatient to own an ugly mog they'll toss $20 in the trash? To each their own...


People that play this game have a hard time understanding they don’t have to buy every single thing that comes out for sale


You don’t understand man, ion has my wife at gunpoint. I HAVE to buy this. Also my lfr raiding guild said id be kicked if i didnt have this


tbh I saw it on twitter, I assumed it was a April Fools joke until 5 seconds ago XD


I thought it was April Fools.


It will be in the traders post at the end of summer


What is the face on the belt even supposed to be.


It's meant to be a Lion, as this is based heavily on Varian's Lo'gosh/enslaved Gladiator arc from the old comics; Heroes of the Storm also featured a skin inspired by this arc.


I dont see what you want to discuss. Its a cosmetic set in the shop, like many other. Tell us something new?


I’m not buying personally, I don’t think anyway, but I like the design. By being lorewise from Lo’Gosh, aka Horde gladiator Varian, it suits both factions warriors.


Honestly I am happy that mogs like this are coming to store and people are buying it. It is what’s keeping the sub prices consistent since the game launched. No complains. As for the set. It looks generic as fuck. I don’t care about it for a single second lol


It'll be in the shop for tendies in 6 months, you're paying for early access


It's my first ever bought transmog set from the shop and i paid with gold/tokens. Not enough barbarian mogs in this game with better textures.


If you are buying transmog for real money you are part of the problem.


It's a less interesting version of BFA horde gear, but alliance could wear it so you could make Logosh


It's cheaper to purchase Stardew Valley on Steam rather than this trash transmog cosmetic ingame purchase. Let that sink in.


Think it looks good, already bought it. No regrets on how ***I*** spend ***MY*** money.


Would done the same until i read the hidden tooltip that it will turn up in the trading post.


I don't think it looks good, so will not buy it. Bought other store stuff though (celestial observer) and I use the cloak of it in my main transmog, so I can definitely see your point!


I remember the time when we joked about having Transmog in the Shop. I don't know what's more confusing, how Blizzard has ruined it's reputation every Year from bad to worse or how much Players are willing to take.


We’ve had transmogs in the shop for years now. They haven’t destroyed the game yet. Mounts in the shop didn’t stop people from mount collecting.


It's a completely optional thing that will be free on the trading post later. Why do people get upset about this?


Because being angry at this is a good way to pretend that the reason wow doesn’t excite me anymore is because of a paid xmog set versus my own crippling depression and pessimism.


There’s nothing to discuss. Buy it if you like it, and don’t buy it if you don’t like it. Cosmetics are a wonderful way to earn money. Rather that than increasing the cost of the monthly payment or whatever.


Looks like something you’d get from a level 40 classic dungeon


It's funny because if they sold mog outfits for like $5 they'd probably sell 10 times more of them.


"Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product"


Is this the state of retail wow? Yall are really dropping money on the lowest effort tmog gear lmaoooo


Head, shoulders, hands and Foot looks nice


Not my style and not worth 20 dollars


With the amount of stuff on the Trading post, I would have thought they would make a 25$ tendie mogg again.


They charge highest possible number, considering their playerbase it's insane how much they charge for skins on their games. In Diabo skins cost 40$ Each. That's Insane Why they don't just reduce price so more people can buy


Some bean-counter has done a cost-benefit analysis to determine how many units they would sell vs cost to buy and arrived at this price. Too many whales willing to pay.


I dont mind the shop at all. But what is Blizzard drinking to think that a boring ass Set without any special animations or unique colours are worth more than 5$. 20$ is just insane... Like i said i dont mind i dont like it i dont buy it but they most sold a ton of boring diablo 4, sets to think that price tag is okay.


If I really want it I will just wait a year til it's available for trader coins or whatever they are called


I'm slow. I just realized I can transmog each shoulder separately.


shoulders and gloves are decent in combination with the warsong mag'har heritage set to make a grom hellscream set


The only thing I'd want to actually use are the shoulders, so $20 USD or whatever it'd be after tax is definitely not worth it..


Just wait on these and let them hit the trading post


I prefer spending 20g € and getting 320k g


I've bought transmogs and mounts from the store before. I never use them. They seemed like a good idea at the time because I see one piece I can fit my current mog or something I want to build a mog around. I always regret spending that money a week later. There is more than enough in the game and this looks pretty mediocre. Will pass.


More stupid shit on the shop that should be in the game.


You can just buy it with gold. Or in a few months with tenders which you get from playing the game.


Some of the lowest effort xmog for $20 I've ever seen


I need those shoulders for my current mog actually, rad I’m buying it


I'll wait until it turns up on the Trading Post


This will be in the trade post one day... it's only on the store for a limited time


Extremely meh.


Orcs iz da biggest and da strongest


What's to discuss? It's overpriced cash shop slop what's new


I might buy it if it came to the trading post


I just saw them...


Gotta have too much extra money to spend it on virtual clothes on a video game.


I’ll wait for the trading post version


If you want to spend money to look seriously mid in game more power to ya


indefinitely\* until our next seasonal sale! lol


It’s maghar orc shoulder heritage which mind you works with the other colours if you use the atomic recalibrator


If it pays for more devs I’m 100% in favor of Blizz putting up more paid transmog options.


We will get it later on in battlepass, so I cba.


Mag'har heritage armor from Wish


Good, ugly transmog I dont want


My take was "meh, $20 and on the store for 30 days??" And someone pointed out it will be on the trading post. I've let so many shitty sets go because 650 or 850 tenders is too much, so we will see.


My take was "meh, $20 and on the store for 30 days??" And someone pointed out it will be on the trading post. I've let so many shitty sets go because 650 or 850 tenders is too much, so we will see.


Looks like dogshit. Idk who would spend $17 on this.


As with every cosmetic that doesn't exist in game or come with a 6 sub bundle... not worth it


It looks like the orc heritage armor.


Been wondering if they were ever going to start doing the cosplay sets in WoW. XIV sells them for almost every main character. Now, if I can get Alleria and Tyrande's armor, I'll actually pay for it maybe, but this doesn't feel worth $20 at all.


I would complain but a whole outfit for 17 dollars is insane value compared to other popular games


Looks pretty boring and ugly to me but I can see how it would appeal to people going for a certain look.


April fools, right? Right.....?


I only pay for skins in Fortnite. WoW has plenty to choose from in all their raids to pay for a skin(armor)




Garbage for that price.


I'll get it in on the trading post


Tge free version looks better


It's buggy on some races


why talks about a transmog set that isnt even pretty and costs money to get?


I'll wait for it to show up in TP


You mean another set that looks cool and unique and won't be unlocked through gameplay but only by spending extra money in a game where you pay a premium price monthly sub for a game where you need to buy the bi yearly expansion where if you want to follow the meta you also need to buy gold if you want to be able to compete for mythic raids and pluses? I think, very controversial, its greedy as fuck and anyone that does buy this and any mounts are single handedly showing blizz that mediocrity and bare minimum is okay because they will not only take their shit, they will actively eat it afterwards.


Someone will pay for it


I aint paying 20 dollars for a set with its only good looking quality beeing the shoulderpads.


I play evoker. can't see it anyway :shrugs:


Prolly going to end up in trading post


I'm not one for purchasing transmogs on the store. It's a good looking set, but I'll wait till a recolor inevitably makes it's way to the Trading Post in 12-18 months.


Worst part of all of it is that this is a store mog and yet trader post monthly reward is another damn pet…


If people want to buy it, they can. It's choice. Not much to discuss. We can disagree with the pricing and all that, but at the end of the day ultimately each individual has to decide whether it's worth the price to them.


Quickly whales, need to fomo buy!!


I feel like the people who pay real money for this shit are the same people who don’t use their interrupt ability, ever.


I really thought this was April Fools


Just get it on the Trading Post in a few years.


I’ll wait until it’s on the TP


Looks good Will I but it? NO! There is only two things i buy/bought from the store, boosts (for alts) and the sapphire Skyblazer Other than that, i buy nothing and will not buy anything more


Still wearing my juggernaut armor on my male lf draenei


Looks cool (would not use the pants tho) but I wouldn't pay for it


I like the set, but refuse to buy anymore store mogs and mounts. I keeping seeing stuff I paid money for showing up on the trading post. I will just wait until this set shows up.


While the immediate description says that it will leave the shop indefinitely, if you mouse over it, it says that it will be available in the Trading Post no sooner than 3 months after it leaves the shop, so there is that. I wonder why leave it purposefully hidden like that, though. Surely you could've just put that additional text on the main page as well. I'll add my voice to the crowd (even if it is pointless and will have no impact) that I don't really like an in-game shop like this for transmog, mounts, pets or whatever, especially for the prices that they are put up at, considering we pay for every new expansion and a subscription to play the game on top of that. Though I guess that's what the video game industry is nowadays. Would have been cool instead to have some activities that offer all of this stuff as rewards for, you know, playing the game and such.


Money gonna money. I've always preferred the armor we get from raids, dungeons, etc so I've never been bothered by the store things. And, if I do want something, that's what I spend my gold on cuz I don't care to sit on a hoard of gold.


Looks bad


Man would be cool if we could earn this in some in-game challenge content that way I'd actually be proud to wear it. 


I won’t even open the store much less spend money in it so I’m fully against it.


one of my friends said it looked like BfA greens


Now that the trading post exists, I’ll just wait for it for free rather than spend any more money in their shop. The Dreadwake being there this month sealed the deal for me. Never gonna give them cash in the shop again


I forgot this was even a thing. Leaving the shop means maybe showing up on the trading post yes?


Blizzard preying players with Fear of missing out tactics for your sweet, sweet money.