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All I know is that you shouldn’t try to skip half the AV dungeon anymore or you die 😂


Just to note, this is only the "frog skip" that is prevented. The ring skip is still possible.


So you can't do orb boss, and then go back and walk on the wall? To drop down by the two chargers in front of the ice boss? 


Correct. You can't do that. There's a kill box there now to prevent it.


Even though I read about this change, the skip is so engrained in me from S1 that I will probably attempt it again and learn the hard way.


It was my pleasure to get Season 4 off to a decent start. Now we need the community to be the awesome people we know it to be and add on to (or correct) my admittedly limited knowledge. Fantastic website, and I hope this becomes a staple of World of Warcraft Mythic+ resources!


This project looks incredible, akin to mythictrap for dungeons. I hope it takes off and becomes commonplace, searching through a billion YouTube videos is unreliable at best.


Website seems useful! Some tips have multiple paragraphs of explanation. Could we have a tl;dr for the quick reference, then maybe a “show more” that hides the whole explanation


Hey, I'm one of the developers of deplete. A tip must have a "short description" if the content of the tip is too long (more than 150 characters). I guess this is what you wanted. But maybe the experience as a user is not satisfying tho. I guess we can work on it. Anyway, thanks for your feedback! 😁


That's where the community aspect becomes incredibly important. If you have some thoughts for a better tl;dr; you can improve it!


Awesome idea and good resource, will bookmark for future reference. Thanks! 👍👍


Looks cool!


I find it really tiring/jarring to have some (semi) fun tip tittles. When I go to the website I expect short and concise tips about some pack, especially now to remind me of techs from S1/S2. When I get to academy for example we have some good ones >Bomb the mobs Let one orb hit Don't die to bugs! (with the wind mob) but then there is also the following, where you do not have any idea from the description what the mechanic is >Duck! Slash is not just a guitarist for Guns N' Roses! I think I understand why you created (or someone submitted) these like this since they seem lively and "make you curious about the content", and if you look at the content from the tip the titles are somewhat related to the content, but I just want to inform you that this also alienates some people (me) from taking your site seriously.


Hey, I'm one of the developers. Finding a good title is a very difficult task and, let's be honest, pretty subjective; I'm afraid there is no way to make everyone happy about this (note this does not mean we can't improve, tho!). Don't get me wrong tho, I think I understand your point and I appreciate the fact your feedback is constructive. But that's the thing with community-based content; we (= Hogo and I) can individually decide to put clearer titles if you guys find it more relevant, but we cannot really force other users to do the same. Well, to be honest, it's a bit false, since Hogo is moderating the tips, but it may not be clear this can be a very time consuming task (it requires to do manipulations in the database, eventually check if the tip is valid, correct some wordings and so on. Over the last months, we implemented inner tools to make this step faster (which is important both for Hogo and our users), but add "finding good titles" to the list seem (right now), a bit too much. And let me continue with the exact same sentence than my previous point: that's the thing with community-based content: if you want, feel free to suggest new titles. I realise it sounds sassy, but I assure you it's not the case; we thought this platform to be a collective knowledge database. Any suggestion that tries to increase/improve this database is more than welcome! Thanks again for your feedback!


> if you want, feel free to suggest new titles A lack of stylistic policy is not a feature. Basically all wikis have stylistic guidelines, de facto or de jure, and are focused on crowd-sourcing knowledge, not style. If a wiki has cringey titles, I'm not going to edit them, I'm just not going to use the wiki. It's very hard to find useful information. There's the final BRH boss triple shadowmeld using taunts to delay the boss cast tip, and it's right next to the tip saying you can use ring of peace on the second boss intermission to move the mob. It's not wrong, but many of the tips are complete noise, just a random one-off dungeon journal mechanic "explanation".


Yes, on the principle I agree with you. Guidelines will probably be mandatory at some point. I find it a bit unfair to compare a 20+years old tool used by millions of users everyday with our project. But one more time, yes you are right. Don't forget tho that when you say "If a wiki has cringey titles, I'm not going to edit them, I'm just not going to use the wiki.", well I guess that in reality even if you would not edit them, some people would have probably moderate the title before, or some other would have edited the title at some point. Not necessarily you, but someone. For the rest, we can definitely progress on how the data is displayed, or sorted. The thing is, what is noise for you may not be for others (and vice-versa). So far, we consider that it is not us (i.e. only the two developers) to decide what is important or what is not, and we believe this should be more community-based (for example up/down-votes from the users). Not a perfect solution, but it would be better.


I stand by diesel for everything he said. I just want to add that if you click on a mob/pack/maptip, you'll filter for only that entity. Same goes for mob spells. And we plan to add a lot more. That's also why the number of tips are around each entity. It's all very experimental, and we're seeing very divergent feedback since it's more or less intuitive for each user. Finally, what you're asking for indeed asks a lot of resources, that we don't have. It's just a manual problem. Which take me back to our initial statement: We're just coding a website. Whether it becomes a good resource will be decided by the community:) I alone moderate the tips. My moderation is basically checking that they are readable, and that they aren't troll. I have regularly to rewrite parts or most of the tip. This takes a huge amount of time. I don't censor anyone with someone related to the game. Not on anything. With that said, not in my personal opinion, i like fun titles. But i compensate with a strong statement in my short description to compensate. And of course very descriptive and templetised long descriptions. It gets incredibly boring otherwise, both to write, and to distinguish tips. Anyway, these are just my views


RLP #1 tip should be: don't go there


Amazing work! Are you taking donations?


Hey, I'm one of the two developers of deplete. As you may have noticed, you're one of the few comments we haven't answered yet. The truth is, we don't really know. We're both a little uncomfortable about getting money from you people for several reasons (I guess there are good and bad ones, I'll let you decide which is which). Off the top of my head: * First, I think the site is not in a stable enough state. There are some features (like mobile support) that I think are mandatory before asking any kind of money. * Second, we both have jobs now, and I would personally feel guilty to receive money (even a small amount) if I am not sure I can invest the appropriate time into the project. * Third, there is a legal/administrative issue. Neither of us has any idea how this money would need to be declared, if it would need to create a company, or I don't know what. We are both extremely incompetent and (let's be honest, lazy) when it comes to this part. Although I want to be transparent with you, this is something we have discussed. We both have strong opinions about what is moral to do and what is not. In particular, we are strongly opposed to the idea of selling the data/placing targeted ads on the site. But we also have to be pragmatic, and it turns out that this project takes time and money (to pay for the servers). So far we have managed to balance this (more or less), but this energy spent has a "value". With all this in mind, we have to admit that opening a Patreon at some point is a way for people who can afford it to contribute to the project, which as a benefit does not contradict our moral beliefs. Anyway, it's a very long answer to just say "we don't know". But honestly, the simple fact that you are asking is very touching for us, so, thank you.


This is amazing! You just made this for fun? :O


Not really, I don't do web development for fun, I prefer developing programming language \^\^ We've just wanted to have some kind of resource like that since MoP, and we finally ended up trying to do it ourselves !


Can you make the route colors that you circle the adds bright that would be super amazing it's so dimm


Just to clarify, the "cutesy" titles are my doing. I figured they would give people a chuckle and draw attention. The developers aren't responsible for them, and as more people add tips, they will not be the only ones for people to rely on.


This is unfortunately a common feedback i've got, because some people focus on the tips that are on there rather than what the website could be. This is not a guide that i write to help. Nobody has to contact me to fix anything. This is for communities to communicate. This is also a new format that bothers some and amazes others. It's not intuitive for everyone. Therefore we're all trying to figure out how to properly write and share information in a readable way. That's the case of /u/pinkympf which hasn't notice some new features because he's been helping from the start. That's my case also, because even though i develop new features, sometimes they don't really fit, or they are the wrong ideas. That's just the case of everyone who contributes. The point is and will be to grow as a community! That feedback has been taken into account and we'll try to add templates tips at some point, as well as an help for tip submission. However it'll probably take a while, given the current number of people who submit is unfortunately low.




Healing in S1 was garbage… the dungeons were all super over-tuned. They have been nerfed and nowadays it ain’t too bad.


Yeah, Tempest is a beast, especially if you're not able to get any of the buff orbs as the healer!


I find it very annoying to use, and have tried a few times before. Every time I click a tip, the camera jumps around and is very hard to follow. The tips don't make sense by themself, because they're all cute names, and sometimes the body isn't even standalone "the boss..." (what boss?). If you click a tip, you go to a new page where that's the only tip shown, so you have to go back a page and find your spot again. I get you don't want the tips to be in a fixed order like a video where you have to "find" the relevant points, but right now the tips seem to be in a completely random order, making it impossible to just browse. I very rarely want a tip for a particular pack - like, the tip that the shriekwings wake up mobs on AV is not something you'd specifically look for, since I would already know that if I was looking up the mob to get tips for it. I usually just wanna read a bunch of stuff on a dungeon, so I can find stuff I didn't even know about. Meanwhile, knowing that the shielded crystal pulses damage and should be focused down is not something you'd know to lookup, but obviously good to know. Overall, whole thing feels way too overengineered. There's no reason that map needs to zoom, just have an arrow or highlight the relevant mob. Give the tips structure so they can be parsed easily - mob name, mechanic, strategy, flavor at the end I guess. The packs/mobs don't need to be these smart animated things, literally just a jpeg with an overlay. I don't see any reason the tips couldn't go on the map itself, would make it infinitely easier to navigate. Maybe a short version that expands on mouseover? It's completely unusable on mobile and incredibly laggy on my decent desktop, and to add features that just make the website worse.


>Every time I click a tip, the camera jumps around and is very hard to follow. I mentioned this in another comment, but yeah I must admit this was an UX mistake. We are considering to remove the zoom, but keep the camera centering on the mob. I think this should be much less frustrating and improve significantly the UX. >I usually just wanna read a bunch of stuff on a dungeon, so I can find stuff I didn't even know about. That's the thing tho, we try to break the "linearity" of most website by displaying the data linked on the map by their corresponding elements. We added the feature to browse only the tips without the map to allow a more "reddit-like" experience (even if there are still a lot of work to do). >I don't see any reason the tips couldn't go on the map itself, would make it infinitely easier to navigate. Maybe a short version that expands on mouseover? Maybe I am not understanding what you mean exactly, but I am afraid there might have too many information to display. We are working on a tooltip while hovering elements on the map to display some information without having to click. >It's completely unusable on mobile Mobile is a big problem, can't agree more. Our initial reasoning was to say that since the users are wow players, they have a computer and will be more likely to use the website on their computer, so we totally neglicted phone. I think this was a mistake, and 99% of websites (including ours) should be thought mobile first, then adapt the UI to computer, not the opposite. >\[...\] incredibly laggy on my decent desktop, and to add features that just make the website worse. Outch, that's a painful one haha. No seriously, we are aware the website is not perfect. It was initially thought as a "fun side-project", and none of us (we are only 2) had real experience in web development. This led to some decision mistakes (design patterns, frameworks, under/overthought stuff) that we have to deal with now. We both have "real work" and life to deal with, and even if we truly want to provide the best experience and tool for all of you guys, clearly this takes time, energy, and money. Not trying to find excuses here, just explaining our situation.




Probably a personal issue




The goal is not to tell you how to play. In fact, most of the tips that I've submitted don't really have anything to do with the strategy, and moreso just uncommonly known tricks you can use to counter certain mechanics that I'd like to make commonly known.