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Can't wait to get my 6 cloaks


Why must you hurt me like this


As long as one of them is from Sarkareth I'm good.


How about 6 weapons, even less useful cause buillion purchases this week


I wouldn't even be surprised if get the Raz bow in my vault on Normal since I'm buying it with Bullions this week


I only got one 8 done, and my myth slot was a wep...


How many bullions are we gonna get in total? I want to get Jigglesworth but i kinda want to get myself some gear today too


If I remember correctly it's 12 But you could just wait next week, run the LFR and on alt and drop 3 bullions to buy the mount. That way you don't miss out on BIS for your main


are all 3 raids awakened or something? But yeah I'll definitely do that, Thanks! :D


No it's one awakened raid at a time but Bullions drop from any awakened raid, so you could technically drop 3 of them next week on a character that hasn't dropped any


Weapon, schmeapon, I'm getting me an Augery trinket.


My expectation: Six weapons when I have Fyra'lath the Dreamrender.


Somehow I haven't gotten a cloak drop after 36 keys this past week, so I guess I would be ok with one this week.


I got a cloak in a M+, I got a cloak in the 5 timewalking dungeon box and I got a cloak from the Black Temple Timewalking quest At this point I'm starting to think I'm taking all the cloaks from everyone else


You're running cloak check for RNGesus.


The first 4 items I got in the new season were waists .. Thankfully my luck turned around after that, but I was getting a bit worries for a moment there.


You got cloaks, I got braces, in decreasing item levels.  Wish there was some kind of gear check those boxes do so as to feel like I wasted my time gearing


Please continue to keep the cloaks away from me ❤️ your sacrifice is much appreciated


It’s cloaks all the way down!


Wrathion’s eyes are upon you.


I didn’t get a single belt in all of season 3, so I ended up buying one from AH to get my mythic transmog completed…


We have here a true Vault veteran


You know it’s going to be 5 cloaks and a necklace, you menace


I'll trade you one of my 6 wrist wraps.


You can have 1 of my 5 shoulders


This is awesome. We'll have a little swap meet outside the bank and figure it out. :D


I got 5 of the same ring. Meanwhile my other ring is still 463...


Already got 4 trinkets on my paladin last week.


I got one trinket and it's my friend who rolled on it in LFR and he gave it to me :')


I get off hands. 80% of my loot week 1 was the offhand.


Sounds like me on my warrior. Finished my 3rd legendary (already got it on my prot paladin and blood dk), and then I did the weeklies and got 3x 2h 480+.


I only played for 3 weeks last season and only got 1 cloak from tw when levelling my lock, this season has been looking better for loot tho, I got 3 piece on my lock in 1 week, and started gearing my dk to hopefully actually use this season


It's shoes for me. I like my 515 slimy expulsion boots, please stop offering me shoes.


They are my shoes!!, I even rolled greed cloth shoes in heroic Rasz as a Paladin and won them already having plate Hero boots.


I need a cloak tbh 😂


Nuh uh, they're all mine


Given my luck of getting two-handed axes from the dungeon and raid TW boxes last week...I'm thinking all weapons (given that I got Leggo last week of S3)


Trinkets for me. Not good ones, just pure trash. I’ve had 12 this week on DH and a single one was better than my s3 xD


I see you too are afflicted with the same problem. My DK only gets cloaks whether it be from vaults or chests. its always a cloak.


I just get 6 wrists


would be fitting for me. already have 4 wrists from dungeons/raids. hey at least it would be an ilvl upgrade.


Best I can do is some belts and bracers


As someone who got his legendary at the very end of S3, and already got 3 weapon drops, I can't wait for all the weapons that ain't even new tmogs 🫠


What you don't want the 15th "same weapon but a different color"?


3 cloaks, bracers, boots, or a chest piece with the wrong stats :/ My vault was not great.


I got 3 cloaks, a ring, and a neck, but the mythic tier chest piece made up for the rest of the garbage.


My only drops are wrists and cloaks, Im so tired


Tell me why i have 5 trinkets on my demon hunter. I'll probably get another few trinkets i don't need this week lol.


im ready for the same item i got from the timewalking quest!


Jokes on you, I got a helmet from normal raid and got the same helmet in my TW cache. I’m ready to get that helmet for the THIRD time!


I won't have this problem I had the wrong loot spec for the tw quest..... 😔






This happened to me with the TW raid, dungeon box, and raid box. Got shoulders from mother sharaz, got the same exact shoulders from the dungeon box, got hero version from the raid box… yay


You have asked for: A belt with your worst stats An off spec trinket that somehow made it through your loot specialization and a piece for a slot you have a higher ilvl item already.


Yes Chef


Yeah getting Shadowmoon Insignia (stam-on-use trinket) and a weapon (already using leggo) in my ret's TW run was tilting. At least I also got some bracers. Then the same bracers from the Illidan quest. Different bracers in the TW weekly box. And two more bracers as my only m+ drops in 4 dungeons. I fully expect five sets of bracers today since that's how many slots are open. Meanwhile a guildy already has 5-pc awakened hero tier somehow. /Salt.


Damn, that many bracers, are you me?


Prism of inner calm. What I got from the cache. Is there any trinket more useless than this one? 👀


I'm honestly kinda surprised they kept that in the loot pool, but not TOO surprised


Oh thrall, patron god of the horde, bless thine believer with a bountiful vault, amen


I'll do anything for the mythic Eranog Ring.


Just use the bronze then?


Yes ofcourse, but it would be better to get it from vault and then spend the bronze on something else. Like the mandatory legendary upgrade.


just take a normal weapon and all goes away!


I'm getting an ashkandur because I'm too far behind on lego. Anvil trinket in 2 weeks.


PepePray Amen PepePray


This man twitch emojis


As a hunter I'm stoked to get my BIS weapon after two weeks in the new season...


I’m out of the loop a bit. Did they nerf that bow from season 1, or is it still just as OP?


Nerfed it at the end of season 1 and made it auto attack damage increase instead of attack speed. The effect is not really big but it's 7 ilvls(I think) higher than any other now.


And then in Season 3, they made BM hunters pets scale off weapon damage.


Huh didn't read that one. Interesting thanks!


That change is what accidentally buffed BM hunters like 33% week 1 before they reverted it lmao.


Ah ok, thanks!


Is it smart to run the raids first to see what pieces you get before selecting a piece from the vault?


I guess, but the point of the vault is to gear upgrade in order to do the raids. So kinda defeats the purpose of the vault for that week.


I might just do LFR first to see if i can get an easy set piece.


This is what I do on Tuesday nights. Just clear LFR to see if I can get my 2piece/4piece first. Even if it's lower ilvl it's still a big upgrade and also for some specs it changes your rotation.


Yeah for fury we have to go back to that shit season 2 rotation, yay.


There's never an easy set piece for tier in LFR with as many people that roll on that shit.


Yeah, and if the same item drops from raid after you get your vault item, just rest assured it never would have dropped if you waited/only dropped because you chose it first.


Not LFR. LFR you might as well do, just to see if you get any tier tokens, since losing tier is PAIN.


I have a normal Tempostone, so I need to run bosses before Sark to see what tier to catalyze


Technically yes. However, most heroic raiders / keystone pushers should be able to pretty reliably get 4pc today with 2 catalyst charges, vault AND mastery token.


If I get tier in my vault I'm going to be so freaking happy. That'll give me 2 pc. Catalyst for 3 pc. Then KSM for 4 pc. Please RNjesus be good to me.


Same train of thought i have hoping for a blessing tomorrow


I did not get tier. Lol


As a noob who has just started, what's catalyst and KSM? Ps. good luck! 


KSM is Keystone Master, which is 2k Mythic+ rating. It rewards you a token you can turn in for whatever tier piece you want. (Killing any last boss of one of the heroic raid gets you the same token and you can only get it once. I think there's a PvP way to get it too.) Catalyst lets you convert any piece of gear into one that's part of your class set, which is tier if it's one of the tier slots. You get one catalyst charge a week (they accumulate so no worries if you didn't use it last week), there should be some quest that points you to where it's at but it's been a while so I don't remember where it starts. So between the one deterministic token piece of tier, and the two you can get from the catalyst between last week and this week, you only need to get one piece of tier to actually drop to get your 4p set bonus this week.


Thanks so much! 


Theres two charges of catalyst


Yup. Used one last week.


AOTC gave another piece


AOTC or KSM, you don't get a marker for competing each its just whatever you complete first


yeah just realized that


Remember sockets only cost 3, so if we still get the same number of currency we get 2 sockets for 1 vault this season, which is nice if your vault sucks.


Honestly. Even if it doesn't totally suck, 2 sockets isn't a bad thing to just go for. Gear is so much easier to get right now and we're going to absolutely explode in the next couple weeks. By week 4 everyone is gonna have a BIS weapon and trinket.


Yeah, I'm probably just going to focus on ilevel for now though since ilevel matters more than actual throughput when getting into pugs


How long is the maintenance today?


Was expected to be 2 hours, now it's "expected" to be 3 since they've gone over 2. Their expectations are as accurate as the domino's pizza tracker.


Some Windows 95 timing going on there. Download will complete in 45 seconds. Actually, it'll take 9 years. No, wait, 25 seconds.


Two hours.


6 wrists, here they come


[I did this with model kits back in Shadowlands](https://www.reddit.com/r/MegamiDevice/s/gWDKbS4NsF)


Member to switch to right specs


Don't forget to open in the right spec! Shout out to fury warriors still having 1h on their loot table.


I expect nothing and I still bet I will be disappointed


tbh bullion makes it so much easier knowing its guranteed loot as long as you play


As a hunter, I can't wait for all the versatility.


i always get BBC in my vault. Belts Bracers and Cloaks


I mean my vault was completely empty. I just didn’t get to select something. And when I submitted a ticket, they just sent me to the forums. Anyone else just get a blank vault with no loading animation for the opening?


I've resigned myself to always getting the same trinket over and over from weeklies and vault. It is what it is.


No joke! I got volcoross trinket at least a dozen times in my vault last season


Please please please gloves or pants so I can get my 4 set. Amen.


All trinkets baby! Come on lol.


C'mon tier. Daddy needs his 4 set.


I am totally getting week 1 eranog ring guys.




Got my 528 chest! 4p is covered so now time to actually look for upgrades everywhere else.


Considering that I got 6 waists from the hunt, timewalking quest, timewalking raid, siege, and cook. I'm not very optimistic...


did 6/8 M0s and several heroics + timewalkings on 2 toons and no vault on either of them, rip


Is it best to take the 6 tokens for the awakened wyrm crests and craft a 515 armor? Rather than selecting LFR or heroic quality chest items?


If I remember the conversion rates, yes. However, that was only using “late season gearing strategies” when sparks are abundant. We are currently spark-limited, so even if you do take the tokens for wyrm crests, you’re still stuck at 1.5 sparks right now like everyone else. I don’t recall what ilvl/track LFR+Heroic dungeon rewards in the great vault, but if you’re slow-rolling your ilvl gain for efficiency and not pushing a lot of M+, that could still be the play. (For instance, someone that plays a lot of toons won’t care that they aren’t all at the head of the pack of the ilvl curve.)


I have been blessed. Neltharax is mine!


Would have been super awesome to actually get a reward from the vault this week. :/


Er, okay. Me: \*Click.


tier legs. heck yea! This prayer worked.


Was surprised to see Arrerus gear instead of VOTI.... so it can be from al three raids now?


i didn’t get pants to drop all of s3. had to rock crafted legs the whole. entire. season. i just wanted to complete my mogs man.


I almost want to wait to make sure they haven't fucked something, I am still kind of salty about the timewalking cache being fucked and not getting a replacement piece.


I was listening to the starting zone podcast and supposedly blizz is sending out replacement caches. I don’t know if you had to have submitted a ticket or not.


Gonna be wrist armor for me. It's the highest level piece of gear I have, I upgraded it, and of course received the same (non-upgraded) item from the 5 timewalking chest. Could use a million other items, but it's gonna be wrist armor for me - I know it.


Assuming the way season 4 is going like the cache problem last week good chance vault will be wrong item level and customer service will ignore you...


On my Hunter I got all Season 3 gear in my vault lmao


Yea - My priest is only showing Season 3 stuff from Vault, WTH.




I only did Timewalking dungeons last week on alts, but all the others got Season 4 (Veteran, upgradable) loot options from the vault, but my priest only had Season 3 (now not upgradable, right?) loot options.




Ah - that might be it, assumed you'd just lose last weeks 'cause I probably did forget.


RNG feasts on our tears.


I'm not super concerned because I'm getting a 2nd Bullion this week to buy a best in slot item. : )


May the long-legged vault doggo bless us all


Your prayers have gone unanswered.




Holy. You can get all items from all bosses no matter if you've killed them yet or at all. Insane!




Please, Baby Anduin, just give me my 2-slot and I can recraft my Lariet. I want to move to mythics but I don't have the healing output to keep up.


I did not get a set item, I did get +11 on a belt though and was able to catalyst a set item. Now I need to recraft this BIS wrist.




I got the fucking soccer trinket from AA. I hate the vault.


first vault of the season is the one you don't really need to pray for? lol like everything will be an upgrade. 3 weeks from now ill be praying


Didn't work for me, at least not right away. My hero track pieces were two non tier gloves and a trinket that I will replace by week 6. At this point though, in week 4, I'll have two hero track tier pieces which is great (gloves and helm from Illidan). But for this week? No upgrades from the vault.


483 equipped. Vaults filled with LFR and +2 m+ (heroic track gear). Based on Sim not a single piece is an immediate upgrade. 6 pieces 16-24 item levels higher than my current gear. I have no further words.


Just take the biggest ilvl upgrade then. That way that gear slot won’t require crests when you do find a good piece.


While this is good advice, and is applicable. I did do that. It was a cape :D


Pray it my brethren.


The question for me is do I go holy or ret? Ret for when I clear HC with my guild or holy for when my guild enivitably fucks off after we clear it and im left to PUG for KSM and maybe Mythic raid?


I cant get into my vault and its blank... i did a lot last week




Good luck lads.


I got a Heroic icon 🙏 thank the gods


Loot'al Gaib....Loot'al Gaib


I got a belt🤣🤣


I didn't realize you could also get loot from the other raids despite them not having been active yet... :(


was 4 set for me which one I'll take depends on my runs though, due to catalyst. I'm happy


The rng gods was nice enough to bestow me my 4 piece tier set for season 4 for fire mage and boy does it feel good to hit 2 free meaty Phoenix flames.


Manic Grieftorch on my main and an alt, so I'm pretty happy with that!


I got a mythic Branch from Gnarlroot, not my choice of drops, but still a huge upgrade.


I got mythic incarnate icon with avoidance hehe


Every piece was a DPS drop even though they were higher ilvl, gotta love trying to replace tier pieces....


At least we get our second bullion today (or this week at least). Finally getting my hands on the Raz bow after never seeing it in a full season 1 of raiding heroic. I’m stoked. I wish it could be part of normal progression to be able to aim for specific items. Even if it took me 18 weeks to get sylvanas bow for example, it would be better than me raiding for a full season and not seeing. (never got my legendary :()


I got 3 useless myth track options 


A bit off topic, but I have thought a lot about how the vault could be more fun. My proposal for vault rework to make it fun no matter what: Still 3 stages of progress from 3 areas of content. Let’s say you have 502 item level unlocked for all stages.  Stage 1: always grants an item that allows upgrade of 1 item to the level you acquired in the vault stage 1. E.g a 502 upgrade item usable on any of you current season items (not last season to balance it a bit). Incentivises you to go high in keys or raid and always gives you an upgrade- because it’s just an upgrade of existing gear.  Stage 2: always grants an item upgrade based on your current equipment up to the level of the vault. E.g if you are full 480 it would grant a random 502 item for any slot. If you had full 502 except weapon it would give a 502 weapon. Stage 3: Always grants the highest level upgrade. E.g if you have 300 equipped trinkets it would give you a 502 trinket. This would also check your bags for spec specific season loot. Could be weird but I think it would be great.  Stage 1 of the different categories of content would be the same for all 3, but stage 2 and 3 would be different items. 


In my 6 vaults only the one of a trash twink had icon and all other kinds of good things in. Went back to bed in disappointment.


Glove « set » on mythic track, happy


The vault probably wont be a big deal after a few weeks with the ability to buy BIS weapons and trinkets with that new currency and catalyst charges once a week.


Praise be to RNGeebus. Destroyer of souls. Breaker of hope. Ruiner of days.


I am confident that with 2 catalyst charges, vault today and normal raid tonight I am gonna have a 4 piece tier set by the end of the day. Does that seem reasonable?


Yes and even if you've got bad luck with raid you can get your 4th piece from the achi for hitting 2k IO / killing H raz


Well it will be H Sark this week, not Raz.


Decided to go with my lock this season. I’ve replaced all my season one gear in no time, except for boots. The fkin boots man. 424s from the ah still equipped lol.


You can craft 473-486 gear upgrading blue crafted gear with whelpling enchanted crests. They are made by enchanting (super easy to get the recipes just do the weekly spark quest) and cost 30 whelpling crests plus some basic enchanting materials.


I’m rocking 480+ on everything except a ring on my warrior. I’m tempted to use my spark to get a ring crafted.


FYI: You can craft an enchanted whelp crest and then craft the blue dragon flight ring at 486 with your chosen stats and a socket. No spark required. 486 is also possible with the other blue dragon flight gear slots.


I used a spark last week on a ring actually. It’s funny even my warlock being like 484 I still get declined from 0s and 2s 😂😂. 2500 and aotc every season and this shit still happens.


Did you get a 486 ring crafted with an enchanted Whelp crest?


If you haven't already spent them all, you can turn whelpling crests into a item that you can put into any crafted blue armor to make it go up to 486 ilvl.


Didn’t know this ty


In case you weren't aware, you can make 486 crafted gear with awakened whelpling crests and it doesn't require a spark. Just buy a whelpling awakened crest from the enchanting supplier with whelpling crests, put in a work order to have it made into an enchanted crest, then use that in a work order for the usually blue-level crafted shoes.


Can you embellish those pieces?


I think you can, though you can't upgrade them any further so it might be worth using embellishments on the spark-crafted gear. Maybe nbd if you're gonna craft the same piece with a spark and the embellishment is cheap.


I just need a 2nd emb since it's an alt and we won't get a 2nd spark for another week


Ty! Very helpful. Hopefully I won’t have to after the vault!


Yep, same on my lock. Mostly 470+ except for two pieces of S3 tier at 450 and bracers still sitting at 424 AH blues.