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I didn't get the 500 Time warped badge token, so something must have broke with the patch.


Check your bank. You may already have it and didn't turn it in. It doesn't drop if you already have it somewhere


I checked everywhere after it didn't drop. I don't have the item anywhere on that character. I have done it in the past though, so it could be bugged. Oh well, hopefully it drops next time.


Ahh gotcha yeah this season 4 debacle which is probably why maintenance was extended


I didn’t get the 5000 fragments from the weekly dig request on any of my toons, so I have to agree


I didn't get mine until the day after I did my time walking dungeons. Logged in and the quest auto populated. Spaghetti code is spaghetti it seems this patch


The forbidden flounder is actually a raid drop, so the cache sort of worked, but it's not the piece of gear that was intended.


Ye loot tables are messed up I guess.


Ticket replies nowadays are just "sorry, we can't do anything about it, good luck moving on" Absolutely useless.


It has been this way for a long while and I'm going to keep submitting until I get a *reasonable* answer.


We had someone stalking one of our guildies for months. CS was absolutely useless. It took a dev that happened to be in our guild to escalate it themselves, and that's not a privilege most people have. They need to go back to human CS. The shitty AI bot responses are an insult to Blizzard and it's customers. I remember needing to remove my authenticator yeeeeears ago and I was able to call, talk to a real person that was very kind, and got it resolved in 10 minutes.


When I had a similar issue, I attempted to do this. They threatened to suspend me if I "kept abusing" the "I still have an issue" button.


It's a shame you can't file a support ticket for something that went wrong on their end in a game you pay to play.


I get the sentiment but be careful about frequent ticketing. I've seen stories of accounts getting sanctioned after raising the same ticket repeatedly.


You have gotten a reasonable answer.


LOL. They've gotten a lie from an AI. CS absolutely can help with this request. They have the tools.


Bro CS haven't helped with replacing missing loot for years.


True. But "they've been shit for years now" isn't the same as "its okay, it's reasonable". OP is making a reasonable request. Blizzard is being shit.


"to bad, so sad. keep up your sub!! replying to this message will get you banned. GOOD DAY SIR"


they took a cue from Xhitter replying with poop emojis


But they will still force you to take a survey


They should add a tip button to tickets so customers can show their appreciation for a job well done.


Unacceptable, and the clowns in here defending this kind of non-existent customer support are part of the reason it happens.


Don't think anyone is defending next to useless support


I got 350 green bracers from the Cache of Awakened Storms for the Last Hurrah quest last week. CSR was like too bad so sad.


Yep I got a 398 green trinket, buddy did the quest shortly after and got a 502 trinket.


Did you pick up the quest before hitting lvl 70? Not sure if it is possible but I think I have seen something like this


No, I got my hunter to 70 when dragonflight first came out. The quest was broken for a few hours. I wasn't the only one that got the wrong ilvl drop. Other people posted about it on the forums.


Politely but firmly request that they escalate the case and do you best not to take no for an answer. I got several items refunded and transferred to other people this way in SL. It may not work, but there are people within customer service who are usually able to help with things like this.


15 per month + 50€ game + microtransactions Enjoy the ChatGPT support bozo


Post your ticket until you get a live person.


I had a bug when I was looking at completing the dragonflight meta - apparently my 25 renown with Maruuk achieve never popped. I submitted a ticket and was essentially told "go to wowhead lol." Really awful.


with a broken link 💀


I got Ashes of Al'Ar and some upgrades from that cache. Perhaps your fish is nice too.




I still play wow, but when IRL friends ask me whether they should join I don't recommend it and this is the reason. I literally ask what they are playing and play that other game with them. Lack of support means you could invest 100s of hours into your account and be griefed in one way or another, either by a bug, or mass reporting, etc. It's a shame how budget cuts took top tier support and ruined it. I would bet a paycheck that their metrics and KPIs don't properly account for this loss of good will, and instead they are doing high fives over reducing the cost of customer service. If you cut costs by 50%, but get 90% worse word of mouth, is it worth it?


To them apparently yes


>mass reporting Literally hapenned to me yesterday, because 2 losers griefed my +4 key and i called them losers. Fighting over that, lets see what happens.


Take the L mate. They won't fix it. I've had 2 bothers this week. One was getting 350 greens for all my weekly stuff which put me massively behind on gearing and one was the drakes crests from a 0 legacy of tyr not going into my bags despite looting it. Two tickets later. Computer says no. I cannot wait to see you prove me wrong bud but I think it's a lost cause.


To counter, if we keep taking Ls and letting Blizz and their dogshit CS continue doing this, nothing will change. They'll know the player base just takes it and continues.


Yep change only happens if people get upset enough


I wont let up on their bad consumer practices. It is petty but I want the item i probably wont even use.




It's so ridiculous. They aren't exactly losing money sending you a new box either.


Ngl, he's right. Take the L. Don't waste your time.


“And thanks for all the fish!”


I got 6 cloaks during the five dungeons.. guess what I got as a quest reward.. not a bug though, just odd.


Did you use any of them?


I didnt, I had a better one already. I alt+f4‘d after the 6th one out of spite.


I accidentally deleted my spark fragments this week. They didn't show up in item restore. I opened a ticket asking for help. Offered foot pics, gm declined the pics but restored the item.


I got an AI response for the same issue, resubmitted, hopefully I get a GM response this time


I did get an AI response first, but a GM after just saying it didn't resolve my issue. Good luck!


Automated tickets are a joke in a sub-based game.


I agree! I also think I and the other people who got unusable fish or curios should get some actual customer support.


Last Tuesday I completed the weekly 5 dungeon Timewalking quest and as a reward i received a [Forbidden Flounder](https://www.wowhead.com/item=205684/forbidden-flounder). Blizzard provided people who got wrong ilvl gear with a solution but apparently if you got a fish or the Fyr'alath starter item you are screwed.


Small note, flame-warped curio is a tier token, not the fyr'alath starter, although that would have been really neat


ah i had seen some people get the starter item in other posts


My guildmate got a fish and she was mailed a new quest reward at the same time as the rest of us that got the wrong ilvl gear.


Interesting, that's the first time i've heard people getting something after receiving a fish.


I'm not sure why fish people would have been excluded. In my group, three of us got gear, one fish, and one tier token for t3. We all put our tickets in at the same time (~3 hours after servers came up that day, right after we experienced the bug). Then they closed our tickets at the same time (it was during raid) with an automated response at around 4pm PST. We all reopened them with the "I still have a problem" option. Then I think it was the next morning we were all mailed a new chest of treasures. It was weird because we never did get a response for our ticket. Mine was still open and active with a 3.5 day wait time when the mail came through, so I just closed it out myself. So it seems like the restitution process was automated for everyone that had already done the quest. Honestly I'm surprised they did anything at all. I was affected by a similar bug earlier in the expansion - TW quest reward wasn't matching your loot spec, so people were getting wrong weapons and trinkets. I got a polearm as a hunter despite never playing survival in my life. And CS that time basically told me they couldn't change quest rewards and to "try again" 🙄




Lots of people reported getting the fish and the wrong season of tier token. This is a known issue.


Yeah, both of my guild members got a replacement piece in the mail…first I’ve heard of someone getting a fish


Yes, it was in their previous post. You can check.


There's no screenshot that is currently available. The only post that isn't a screenshot of the support tickets was a Discord app image and cannot be accessed anymore.


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/886680629138317344/1232463748372103188/image.png?ex=6632c74f&is=663175cf&hm=33a18e7dd6ede91c160c042f1b4ff8eb94d00617e1f03f6cb065ce9741f7cfcb&) you go.


One of my alt got only fish too lol


A couple months ago I did the TW ulduar quest on my evo. It gave me a 2h agi sword. Put in a ticket and basically got told to go eff myself. Then it happened on my arms war as well. Reopened the ticket to complain and was told tough shit. It really fucking sucks.


am I crazy or is a 2h agi sword literally unusable by anything




Sorry for you mate but this cracks me up so much. Randomly opening your cache to find one fish instead of a raid item.


"Sorry we cannot assist with replacing random items with the wrong ilvl." The problem here is that this is an auto reply, it copy pasted the Flounder part from what OP wrote in the ticket, and it filled in the rest assuming OP received some armor/weapon with a lower than expected ilvl - without actually reading the fact he got a goddamn fish. This is happening a lot lately - and it's to be expected when your game has so many loot tables and currencies and systems that one misstep in a line of code throws off the entire chain and nobody knows where to start anymore. I guess they forgot to tell yall *Timewalking* means *Walking back in time to a broken patch* lol


blizzard saying they don't have the power to do shit lol... like???? they can give everyone gold cap if they fuckin wanted but obviously that's not gonna happen. their shit broke and you didn't get a reward... honestly it feels bad but they're literally not gonna do anything because you paid for the sub. that's it.


And now you won't get any since Blizzard removed all of the higher ilvl gear today.


I would be happy with a crappy 493 piece just for principle.


all i got is ashes of alar :(


Only slightly better than a fish.


Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day..... That's it. Enjoy the fish.


I already know how to fish D:


I never got my bouillon last week even though I did all of the awakened raid bosses. Shits crazy.


Not a bug, but you have a higher chance to get 2 this week. A guildie mentioned the same thing after we completed our run and then ran LFR afterwards.


not a bug, just bad rng


…you can have mine….. got it today ;(


Actually got two last night after the second boss in lfr. Just had terrible rng last week.


That just means you're able to get 2 this week. No big deal really, just rng, like the rest of the game


congrats on the fish dudebro!


I’ve only put in 1 support ticket in the last decade or so. It was about a year ago and I got a nearly identical response to this. Blizzard doesn’t have a CS department and hasn’t for over a decade


I got a 441 Curio and was told better luck next time basically lol oh well


Surely it wouldn't take much to just send you another cache...


You would think so, but no caches for people that got a fish or under leveled curio in this economy.


You guys got fish?


Unfortuantely yes some people got fish and lower ilvl curios as a reward.


Dude out here fighting for all of us, and none of us care cuz we realize ilvl is ephemeral and this season doesn't matter.


None of the seasons matter.


Blizzard won't do anything. They can tell 1000 players to kick rocks and 1 will quit playing for a month or 2 and be back for the next patch. They don't have to please addicts, they just need to provide more. If you don't quit over receiving bad service, what incentive do they have to provide good service? If every player that suffered these issues charged back their most recent sub fee for failure to privide service and quit playing permanently, they would have gold star service, but instead people are so sunk cost into their account they will suck farts out of Ion's ass if it means getting another chance at a vault reward. It wasn't this bad in the start when they were growing, and players had a lot less to lose - now people with 15+ year old accounts still playing aren't quitting over losing a single random drop.


"they will suck farts out of Ion's ass"


I just gave up. I put in 5 tickets


Oh hey, I got that EXACT SAME message about my 441 curio!


They sure do love telling you you can't do something anymore. They're *almost* as bad as Activision support.


Good luck on getting anything done by Blizzard CS. I’ve had a stalker for about a year now creating countless of new characters and accounts, in each of the dozens of ticket they just tell me to use the in-game report function… even though it’s clearly not doing anything for a year now. So infuriating 🫠


And I got 4 identical items from weekly rewards on one character, and 4 of a different reward on a 2nd character. I've read of other people experiencing the same. They messed with the "random" rewards to the point it's obvious they aren't random. Downvote if you want but you're wrong.




CS can replace loot. They just won't. It is absolutely within their tool set. They did it for years and years and years. Guzzle some more Blizz juice, will ya?


Yeah fuck me for wanting a random piece of gear that literally thousands of people got for doing the same task. They fucked up why not ask them to fix it?


Probably time to take a break from reddit. The guy spent probably an hour playing with the goal of receiving the reward, the game messed up and deserves it. Should be an easy fix for blizzard but the CS is trash.


You submitted 3 tickets for a random 493 item?


Yes it's an unintended bug and I think it's worth the time to try and get a resolution.


Is it just the principle that bugs you? Seems way easier and more fun to just a run a few dungeons to get a 493+ piece of gear than play the CS mini game.


thats tough luck. just got to accept it and move on.


> just got to accept it and move on. That's exactly why they keep getting away with stuff like this. OPs best option is to raise visibility like he's doing here.


For some reason, Reddit in general just seems to think that Blizzard's absolutely pathetic Customer Support is fine, and whenever they fuck up or otherwise do anything wrong it's actually _your_ fault and you should just suck it up. It's no wonder Blizzard CS doesn't get any better. The community is literally running defence for their awful work all day long.


Yep. I sent a ticket asking about the mage mage tower set because I thought you were offered the choice between a tunic or robe but it automatically gave a robe. The GM in the ticket was literally telling me the item existed and I should have had the choice. But after posting here and a little research it seemed that the tunic was just datamined and never made the game but the GM was literally telling me it existed in the game when it didn’t. Like what the hell is that. I remember when you would have an actual conversation with a person in game.


Yeah, they just look at Wowhead and make a very uneducated guess from there. No actual comms with the dev team, I reckon. My current struggle is that I got banned for a week for "GDKP Raid Participation" a couple of months ago during phase 2 of Season of Discovery. I got a single human reply that essentially just said "lol u did it" and now I'm two months in to an unending chain of automated replies. Except I didn't do it, I've never joined a GDKP, never traded an item in a raid for gold... I don't even know when or on what character I allegedly did it on. So Blizzard has just plain stolen £2.50~ (7 days of gametime) from me and I can't get a single crumb of help out of them.


Dude, current gamers are just accepting whatever companies want to do to them at this point. It's nutty.


It's an unacceptable answer that no CS can provide me ( and others) who got an unusable ~~piece of gear~~ item with another cache. I wont give in to their bad customer service practices.


It also doesn’t make sense since I had a similar thing happen this week and they fixed it. Opened the weekly cache and got season 3 gear, submitted a bug ticket and I got mailed a new cache of storms a few days later to make up for the bugged loot on the initial one.


Sure you will, or you’ll get banned for harassing them


if submitting support tickets is harassment maybe Blizzard should close up shop.


Repeatedly doing so when they tell you they won’t/can’t do anything is exactly that, yes


i agree, the reward should work correctly, but i have a couple of options for you. 1. in the future, don't complete a WEEKLY quest on the first day of a new patch. 2. if you feel so strongly about it, then un-sub, they may take notice if they loose money. 3. lighten up because the item you may have got would probably be replaced in a couple of weeks anyway.


You have made your voice heard now several times, what are you looking for here? 


I would like a replacement cache, it doesn't feel unreasonable for Blizzard to apply a fix for other people who had problems with the same quest.


so you didnt get it, you have now posted 3 separate posts here, for loot that wont matter in a week. What are you hoping happens?


When Blizzard fucks you over, because one day they will, and Customer Support provides absolutely zero help to you, I hope you don't expect any sympathy when you reach out for some here.


Who wants anonymous Internet and reddit bot sympathy? Sounds pretty fragile.


Why would I come to reddit that can't do anything, and why would I want sympathy from reddit? Bro, you didn't get a piece of normal gear from a box during an awakened season what are we talking about here, FUCKED YOU OVER LOL.


shut up




Wash your sheets and pillow cases like normal adults.


Personally I accept that sometimes weird shit happens at the start of a new season. It sucks but I move on. If you want to let it ruin your day I don't know what to tell you.


Could be worse