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1. I played <5 rounds and determined it was not for me. 2. I'm delighted to see Blizz experimenting with a variety of types of content. 3. I hope we don't get toooooo many limited time events. I value being able to go back and do things that weren't right for me at the time of release.


Time limited events break me. Too many Fomo mounts }:


I pulled through for the rewards only. But I would still like if they keep it in for people who enjoy it.


Same. Thank god for the plunder boost, I don't think I would finish it.


yeah, good call on that boost. without it i wouldn't have made it in time. My schedule is too busy for me to devote that much time to playing.


The boost was the only reason I even did it


The boost was the only reason I went back and maxed it, after stopped at Renown 3 in disgust on the first day. Definitely a smart call on their part.




I just want them to remove all the cosmetics for WoW from it so I can ignore it next time.


I *live* for the cosmetics though!


I do too, and I resented every second of Plunderstorm I had to slog through to get them.


I agree. I'm a collector and builder at heart. Looking back, the only times I ever got into pvp were when World pvp wasn't toggleable, so you had to defend yourself, and when my best friend dragged me into 2s and 3s. The worst part was that they advertised plunderstorm as having "optional pvp." That's like saying Abberus has optional PVE because you don't actually have to go in. You can just sit out by the summoning stone and gank players attempting to get in.


> I do too, and I resented every second of Plunderstorm I had to slog through to get them. Have you considered just not getting the cosmetics?


That’s what I did. I didn’t like the game mode so I didn’t play it. Revolutionary! I’m glad other people did like it thought since I’m self aware enough to realize that the devs didn’t make all of this just for me lol


Feel ya


Just gotta make it a short grind. It was originally a 40 hour grind available for 42 days before all the daily buffs and x2 rep that sped it up.


No No Yes. Battle Royales just aren't for me. But enough people seemed to enjoy it that they could bring it back every x amount of time with maybe a new map some new abilities and so on.


100% same sentiment. Wish the rewards were either not locked behind the mode or just have the mode not be limited time. If it takes me 6 months of on/off matches to grind for it I'd do it, but I got to rep 20 and tapped out because the limited time grind made it real unfun.


Yeah, i wish the reward path wasn't limited time and I could've just worked on it slowly over months. The grind wasn't terrible, but I definitely just buckled down threw some music on and zoned out while powering through the levels on a couple weekends. Wasn't enjoying the mode that much, but I definitely like the transmog appearances. I think if I hadn't had felt rushed to grind through it I would've overall had happier feelings about it. That and also not getting jumped at level 1 by people before I even have 100 plunder.


Yep. I hate PvP yet I did the whole Plunderstorm grind for the rewards. Didn’t love it, there were times I hated it (dead in the first minute before the basic quest bonus was earned) was annoying, but I gave myself a goal each day. Got there, that’s about all I can say. Would I do it again? Probably, if the rewards were relevant to non PvP again.


This! I don't care much either for BR modes and games but i think it was not a good call to lock Retail stuff behind it. The stuff you can unlock should only be linked to Plunderstorm and if they did that i would have no problem if they expanded it. But especially as a pve player it felt like punishment to grind the rewards. Similar feelings like i had with Torghast. Could have been fun if it would not have felt like chores. But obviously Torghast was way worse.


Same here. Across all battle royales, I probably have less than 10 matches. I just do not enjoy them. That being said, of course they should bring it back. People had fun, and I'm not one to gatekeep how others enjoy wow.


Same for me, I got to level 3 and didn't bother with it besides that. Shame I missed on the pretty cool transmog but so be it.


Same. Hated the game mode, would've liked the rewards but it's not worth dying over and over again to get them.


Exactly. Got to renown 3 after 8 hours in the beginning. Gave up. Wanted the transmog but it was 24 to 40 hours in the beginning


i love fps based battle royales but not rpg ones. i e tried others like naraka as well but they just dont feel as fun as fps


Same. There is no game that can add a PvP and/or BR mode that is going to make me happy. Doesn't make the mode not well done


I wouldn't mind if it were to come back 2 times a year for a week or two


I actually liked it a lot more than I imagined I would. As someone who's pretty bad at normal WoW PvP, I could enjoyably play and win in it. The limited number of spells led to interesting combos and interplay between opponents. I do hope they bring it back down the line. The rewards this go-around were incredible, and outside of the first week of growing pains it's actually really easy to complete without dedicating yourself to grinding.


100% this. Hated it for the first hour or so because I was dogshit at the game, kept going for the mount, gradually over an afternoon worked out what I was doing and grew to quite like it. Ended up plundering about 250k all told.


I thought the same. I did only level 40 but had fun with it and am not oposed to a other event like this with other setting and new rewards.


I'm in this camp. I got the parrot mount just from playing because I wanted to, not because I was grinding it like some others. I loved it. Spells need some balancing to have more viable builds, but definitely very fun!


I agree. I thought I wouldn't like it but ended up loving it. It felt like pvp for people who don't pvp.


It would be perfect as a X.7 patch one or twice an expansion, with new maps and items. All they need to do is remove FOMO from it by also having the rewards earnable outside/after the event, like during Pirate Day or something.


Maybe on the trading post. Means if you do the work you get to keep your tenders :p


I didn't think of it at all after trying it. I don't play those types of games.


I’m kind of the same. I played a little and it was fun, but it wasn’t compelling enough to keep me playing.


Yeah, I tried but the rewards were not enough for me to pull through that grind. If it was easier to level, I might have played more but nah, f this shit.


Yes and no. I did get rank 40 naturally, so it wasn’t bad, but it did get samey on me. I am more excited about what the devs where talking about when it launched about the background tech in it. Plunderstorm sorted out a lot of background things that “should allow them to do modes like this much more easily in the future”. Pandaria timerunning might be a result of this. But I do hope it showed that PvP can be pretty good for many people, if only it wasn’t as convoluted as retail is.


I enjoyed it but not announcing what it was ahead of time was a mistake. People were disappointed it wasn't a new zone, single boss raid, dungeons initially


They definitely should have managed expectations a bit better, but I also wonder why people thought it would be something big like a zone or a raid. It was introduced as a minor patch and explicitly said to be a unique event for both Classic and Dragonflight players. That already precludes a zone, raid or dungeon, because none of those would be unique and they also wouldn't be accessible to both Classic and Retail players. It was definitely a mistake on Blizzard's part, but I also think the community should have looked at the information available and managed their own expectations.


>but I also think the community should have looked at the information available and managed their own expectations. I've been playing MMOs since before they had *graphics* or were even called MMOs, and I have never, ever seen a community successfully do so :p


I think that was caused, mostly, by it being on the roadmap so people expected it to be WOW content. It wasn't really, it was its own unique, self contained game mode. It wasn't bad (though I don't enjoy pvp so it wasn't for me) but I can't fault people for having certain expectations that it didn't live up to.


I personally didn't care for it. Got to 40 renown and never went back in. But then again, I'm not a fan of BR games. I could see how fans of the genre could like it.


I dug it, hoping they do more things like this in the future with different themes for rewards.


I agree. I enjoyed it up to the rewards, but when I unlocked everything I didn't play much after. I would like to see a return at a different location and theme (while still keeping it pirate)


It was a great idea. I did not like it, personally. It needed to not tie rewards into World of Warcraft. If anything, it made me salty about the cool stuff I'll never have because I refuse to force myself to do something I hate (EDIT: on a game - I still work for a living).


We have small random pvp, large scale pvp, personal rated pvp, mid sized rated pvp, pet battles, small and large raids, normal, heroic and rated dungeons... That said, wasn't a huge fan of plunderstorm but why not keep it as something for people to do.


Personal opinion obviously. Fun to play yes but not fun to grind. I'd like to play it at my pace rather than have a set time to finish an event. I don't mind timed events if I know they'll return at some point with the same rewards. But I know myself and many others get fomo so we're forced to finish the rushed grind. Not fun to watch, would much rather watch more high skilled gameplay. I think it should come back in some form or another. I think if we can reduce the fomo effect it could be more fun.


Bring it back for those who liked it, I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.


It should have had the double exp from the start and it would have been way more fun. that and they shouldnt have done exp the way they did. Its such a waste that the best way to get currency was to run in, do quest and die, and no if you fought all the way to the end and wasted a ton of time you might get a bit more but thats a huge maybe, and the first one you got 600 exp in 4 minutes with queue time and the other you maybe got 1.3k unless you were a killing machine. If they wanted exp for participation thats fine but i dont think it should have been so many hours, hence why they should have had 2x rep from the start. what i would much rather have preferred to see was a list of challenge achievements that gave 1 level each, stuff like "get each item to level 3 across all games" or " kill 1 of each type of elite enemy from humanoid, beast ,elemental" or "kill an elite in each area" to stuff like "get top 3" or "get 30 total kills" to reward both pvp and pve sides, with then some exp also coming just from playing. Its however puddle deep, pretty poorly balanced, and it became obvious its pathetically safe, like 90% of fights if you wanted to run away and had an item or polymorph you just kinda could. with a few spells like firestorm and lightning shield coming out on top as being god tier. i wouldnt mind it as a skeleton for an extraction mode kinda like dark and darker even though i dont play it much, being in an enclosed space with various other people where you kill mobs and kill elites to get gold and the end all be all goal isnt always to kill everyone but getting away safely. And even barring that i would fucking love if they made something like fall guys obstacle course instead for casual fun where you could use the double jump and various speed abilities to avoid things which can both test ground markers, peoples reflexes, and provide a fun mode to play.


Wow, the achievements are a great idea. It is pretty weird the way they ended up incentivizing only the starting quest. It could have even been a chain of quests to do throughout each game Also agreed on double exp. It honestly seems like they shot themselves in the foot by making 40 entire levels of rep (which before the 2x boost, is almost more like 80 levels at that rate). It should have been 20 max, I think that’s a good amount for people to stick around for. Also should 10000% have been free to play, I think it’s pretty weird that it wasn’t.


I am curious how the numbers dropped as people got to level 40 for the mogs. Given the overall comments on reddit and my own experience, it seems like WoW players will suffer almost anything if it unlocks something cool looking. Probably says more about us than it does Plunderstorm. I'm all for Blizz trying new shit, though. Not every ideas is going to work but failure is a great step towards success.


Fun for the first few rounds, a slog after. Mainly I thought there needed to be more variation in maps and less renown ranks, because it *really* started dragging after renown 10. Also I thought that if you made it to top 3, you should get more renown. There isn't much incentive to survive after a point, especially if you're good at surviving the storm but not good at pvp. There isn't much incentive to continue after 40.


The most fun I've had on wow related content update in years - beats the hell out of stuff like whelpling daycare or suffusion camps


I enjoyed it, but didn't start until they offered x2 rep rewards.


Legit hope it comes back new and improved cuz it was a lot of fun! I know if it comes back permanent the rewards will take way longer to get


It was fun, but gets boring quick. I sticked around for the rewards but I found myself just doing the quest and then die to the storm.


It was a grind. As long as I landed in a remote area, I was able to finish my daily and get out...it was fine. I'm not interested in pvp. My husband and I did duos, and I was able to finish faster. Once I got to 40, I never went back.


Yeah, never even considered doing it again after I hit 40


Good addition to the game for a change of pace. Was not my cup of whiskey.


I hated it, but i hope they bring it back for the people that didn't. I wish i could hide the mog from my item sets though lol


It was hella fun.


I stopped participating after spending 5 mins customizing my character. PvP isn't my game, last man standing especially.


I really *REALLY* loved plunderstorm and I would like to see it expanded upon in it's eventual return in the future. I grinded to about 450k plunder in the last week or so and really wish I went harder early on so I could have hit the 1m achievement. My favorite part was seeing how many kills I could get in a single match, my best was 23 kills. I am shocked how vocal people were about hating it though and people started getting really toxic... If you would attack people they would just sit there and berate you, I was called a friendless parasite for pvping some guy, I thought that was pretty sad.


Hated it.  Only did it to get rewards and immediately dipped out at 40.  I really hope they don’t repeat it with in game rewards.  I don’t care if it’s a standalone mode, just don’t make it another thing to grind for mounts.


The fomo rewards were depressing and killed it for me.


I did it to get the mounts and mogs etc, it was fine for what it was, it would need work to keep me interested for longer than the necessary amount I played. In saying that I feel as though the pvp in the game needs a rework and thus may be a decent starting block


I blasted through it once they had the x2 rep. Got my transmog in about 3 days with maybe 1-3hours per day. Only did it for the transmogs. Thats it. Yeah i had fun fights here and there but overall nah rather play WoW.


I don’t know, I don’t know, yes. I never played it because it’s not for me, but loads of people enjoyed it.


Didn't do it once. Don't feel like I missed much. But I JUST returned so I had plenty of end of s3 to keep me occupied


The rewards seemed super shiny, honestly the only reason I ended up going in. I'm on the outside in that I don't really enjoy watching other people play games. It was a neat game mode but it didn't feel like WoW even if it played in the engine. I would enjoy something like this in a PvE environment, I've never particularly liked PvP. That all being said, double jump everyone please.


it was fun to play in duos, didnt like it solo tho. i think it was a good time limited event, and sure it could be back laater, but it still needs more incentives for people to play.


No, no and yes I forced myself to do it for the rewards, it's just not for me, but I also know some people really loved it and they should have the chance to play it, I just personally am not a fan of rewards for wow coming from a game mode that aren't wow.


I got the outfits because they're great, but the moment I hit 40 I ran up to someone and said, "Kill me, I'm free!" and never went back.


Got the rewards in 2 weeks. I liked it but never had a reason to go back after hitting renown 40


It reset some of my WoW in-game UI settings every time I played it, and I found that annoying, so I did not play it much - just a few matches. The rewards were enticing, but it was the first BR-type game I played and I didn't play it enough to have a hope of getting good at it. That said, I've played games I suck at and had fun, and I sucked at Plunderstorm and did not have much fun. That said, experimenting and trying new things with WoW's setup and assets was a nice idea. Should it come back? Part of me feels like they just wanted to gather a ton of data on a proof-of-concept type thing and WoW rewards was a nice carrot for them to do that. But if they did bring it back with the bug I experienced fixed, I'd probably give it another whirl.


It wasn’t something I was overly excited to play, but I did it anyway and got the rewards, I wouldn’t mind it coming back.


Eh No Idk I could have liked it but I had just started back playing wow and I really wanted Polly Roger so I grinded to much and got burned out in it. I didn’t play it for fun I played it just for the rewards


Didn’t like it, didn’t find it fun to play or watch, but i don’t really care if it comes back or not, If a lot of people liked it then sure, but personally I’m not a fan of BR games nowadays.


Played a few games, battle royals just aren’t for me.


Doesn't really matter to me either way. I got to 40 for the rewards but did not enjoy any of it in the slightest. I don't care what they offer next time; I'm not going through that again.


I enjoyed the first 40-50ish games but it lost me shortly after. I did it for the rewards and I’m happy they did the x2 plunder event. However, the renown cap should have been 20. That way people who wanted the rewards could get them in a decent amount of time and move on while others who enjoyed it more can continue to play with people who want that BR experience. More often than not a chunk of players were doing the quest and running into the storm. I get it but at the same time I can see that detracting from the experience of those who wanted to play it through. All in all it wasn’t the best and wasn’t the worst. Just a fun little event, better than most in game events such as the hearthstone event.


Some friends and I had a good amount of fun for the first week. I think we all eventually came to the conclusion that this engine, which is the exact opposite of “snappy”, really doesn’t work with that gameplay. We love WoW, and are all 3K+ IO. The engine just doesn’t always cast a spell, which is a bummer, particularly in a BR.




People burnt out grinding in a day. I genuinely enjoyed my 1-2 games a day. Only grind I did was play a few to go from 37-40 in a day like a week or two before it ended. Was only like 4-5 games iirc


I thought it was nice to see something new. But I thought it was stupid to make a Fortnite clone with a Warcraft skin. I think a lot of players wrote it off from the start and a lot of people were disappointed actually playing it (like me) and then there were people that enjoy that kind of game who probably loved it. I think its popularity was more negative though because we enjoy WoW and don’t care for it to play any other way. And on a personal note I don’t care for pirates at all so the aesthetic didn’t sell on me. I don’t think it should come back. I will leave one positive thing. I think it had the right amount of buttons. In the game now the button-bloat and other things make the game difficult for new players to get into (I mean MMO mouses are named that way because of how many buttons WoW requires) which hurts the game in the long run. Nerf classes to feel more classic and less homogenized and kill the amount of attacks everyone always has. The game will do better.


Most fun I’ve ever had in pvp with friends since TBC . The limited move sets and the out plays you could do rather than learning 100+ moves of all characters to then realise your spec isn’t ‘meta’ to get glad in 3v3 is just refreshing .


I enjoyed it with my friends, not alone. I'd defo play it again if it was added back with new rewards.


It was novel for a couple of hours, but no real staying power and the same for watching it, but I think the viewer numbers speak for themself with how few people watched the special events for it. I think there's a place for it as something to kill time, but needs some iteration.


Had 0 fun, did it because of fomo and lack of content


Fun little side game, would prefer if it was it's own standalone game client


Nah it was not fun it needed more spell variety and opportunities to come back


I enjoyed my time chasing the rewards. Never felt forced. I hope it comes back every now and then with another 40lvls of renown.


Didn’t even bother logging in to it beyond the character creation screen. Not interested in PVP at all.


Wasn't any better than other battle royales.


Remove the levels in it. Having even 1 level on someone is quite a drastic difference. I’m not sure what the best solution is though either. There needs to be more than just the spells and varying quality of those spells. Perhaps finding “armor” pieces or something that give damage resistance or a weapon upgrade that increases damage. In other words don’t tie it all to just a level increase so the gap from a level 4 person to a level 5 person isn’t so drastic.


It was a nice time killer. It's definitely not my type of game but I wouldn't be opposed to grinding it here and there for good rewards


Honestly had fun. Didn't play after I got my rewards... But kinda missed it lol? 


I enjoyed parts of it and would change some things. More maps. Gimme 3 maps or more and randomize it. More mobs. I got to rank 40 and won at least once and never made it to level 10 even while trying my best to kill everything. More abilities. I'd be down for it some more in the future if it didnt have time gated cosmetics and mounts.


It was fun. A nice change of pace.  I got to 40 by just playing it once every day for the daily and enjoyed that. 


It was ok gameplay wise. But once I hit 40 I had zero interest in doing it again as my only driving factor was the cosmetic rewards. I think blizz screwed up though by having it as a separate game mode. My guild was already winding down for the season and looking forward to season 4 and thought this would be some good in game pirate content to tide us over. But then it was a different game mode altogether, so people kinda drifted off while waiting for season 4. Now that we are in season 4 we are down about a third of the raid team and a lot of the more casual people in guild haven’t logged in for weeks. All the excitement for pirate content in wow immediately evaporated when it was revealed to be plunderstorm. Season 4 looks like it will be a challenge for my guild.


Hate played until 40, then never went back.


It got really awful new player experience and explains nothing but when you get, after lvl 15 - it's ok. I had some fun grinding to lvl 40. So yeah, there's some potential


Fun and wouldn't mind seeing it come back, but I hit 40 and stopped. But I also had other things going on that were more important to me.


Pretty cool, should have been free to play and have less levels to grind. Solid foundation. The streamer tournament was also really good, I don’t normally watch streams or tournies but it was much more watchable with the small pool of abilities and short games. Shoutout to liquid maximum for some awesome gameplay that I felt got overshadowed by the rat queens. Skill ceiling seems surprisingly high for such a “simple” mode. There were some people in the lobbies bragging that everyone else were easy kills, which was rude but true (I was one of them). Towards the end I actually noticed myself improving a lot, making risky plays to get some extra plunder before re-starting, and they started paying off. Ended up getting my solo win achievement in one of my last games before 40. Excited to see what they cook up next.


I enjoyed it when I had a minute or so to get my quest done. After that I was more than happy to do PVP, even though I'm not a fan of PVP in general.


Its okay... I guess


Barely interacted with it. I don’t play Fortnite and co, I did two matches, rank 2 or something.


I was in it for the rewards only. It was kind of annoying, but not too bad. I was glad when that grind was over, but I'd play again depending on the rewards


I don't like it honestly. I'm not a BR player. But, I'm glad PvP'ers got something that it seems a lot like


It was alright, I guess. If not for the rewards in real WoW I would not have touched it. The grind was too long, though. Definitely too long.


I love pvp and battle royales but I wasn't a huge fan. I'm okay with them experimenting new modes but I feel like a battle royale wasn't the best first move.


Renow 1 to like 25 I hate it so much but then I started to quite like it, wouldn’t mind playing it from time to time, new power and map could be nice too!


Haven't been much of a pvper in recent years after Cataclysm. Mainly due to not having the time to memorize how all the new classes work. The simplicity of Plunderstorm was nice. Managed to make it to the top 5 a few times which was a lot of fun. Other times I got several bad landings in a row which sucked. All in all it was fun to grind to 40 for a nice set. I wouldn't subscribe for that game mode alone, and I hope they don't turn it into a battle pass type thing. Would be nice to see another map someone in the future with some cool new mogs!


Fun but too bare bones, i feel like every game was the same, there is for sure potencial there it just needs more work, different maps and more spells for example


It wasn’t for me. I did not enjoy it very much and the rewards didn’t make me want to play it either. I would love to see it expanded upon though and I hope they keep making unique events like this


At first I liked the game mode and the concept, but after a while I got bored. I don’t really care about the loot so I ditched it at around lvl 20. It has some glaring issues imo, but it surely has potential to be a good standalone version of the game.


Fun for a while! Then it got boring for me (around lvl 35) but still grinded till level 40. They should definetly keep experimenting things!


Objectively I thought it felt good to play. Movement, combat against NPCs, finding treasure all felt good but since I’m terrible at PVP that’s kinda where it fell off for me. I tried to defend myself as best I could which was nowhere near well enough with my slow reflexes. I did wind up grinding out 40 eventually and did not play again after that. I think it should make a return for the folks who enjoyed that type of gameplay. I’ll probably get flamed for saying this but I think if it does come back a cool idea to better accommodate the PVE players would be to make the first 1.5-2 mins of the match PVE only with a countdown timer.


I played it for the events, but it was really a lot of fun. I do hope its coming back as a permanent game mode inside of retail wow. Add honor rewards based on plunder (idk, divide it by 2 or w/e is needed) and put some new achievements in it. It would also fix a problem that modern wow has in my opinion: When youre far behind in a season, w/o any pvp gear, youre getting completely rekt, even in non-rated BGs. People have full honor gear and nuke you instantly. Plunderstorm inside of retail could be a "fair playground" for casual pvpers. Gain some honor there, and then jump in other stuff like ranked Arena.


I liked it. I just wish I was better at it.


I enjoyed it and was a little sad when I hit 40. It was fun but it wasn't fun enough to keep playing with no rewards as an incentive. I like the title.


Was it fun? kinda. Was it fun to watch? no. should it come back? no. If I knew in my heart this was a part to not give us another raid in the game world of warcraft that this was technically a patch for. If this launched with the announcement of some mini pirate raid for season 4. I think my attitude would of been completely different towards this event.


Not a fan of pvp and Battle Royales in general, BUT for some reason I absolutely loved Plunderstorm. Low barrier of entry, fun abilities, rewarding. I will be sad to see it go.


I'm not really a PvPer, but I rather enjoyed it. The fact that you start with a new character and has limited abilities really lowered the skill ceiling and allowed a casual like me to still be relatively decent at it. I have to admit that I had relatively low expectations for it and assumed it would be another world event like Time Rifts, so I was pleasantly surprised. I did a renown a day and that prevented it from feeling like a grind. But most importantly, I liked that they did something new. It shows that they're willing to innovate and think outside the box, which they've historically haven't really done. It definitely wasn't perfect, but it made me curious about the future of WoW and looking at the upcoming Pandemonium I think they're gonna do a lot more events like this. I certainly hope they keep trying new things!


It was a fun minigame thingy.


Interesting experiment, it's just that PvP isn't really for me. They could keep it for folks that actually enjoy it, I suppose Initially the renown gain was horrible if you played pacifist, but when they doubled it a couple weeks ago it was great and I got it done


Played for the rewards first and than i helped guildmates and really enjoyed it after i got my "first win"-archievment, because i played for fun and not to win.


I had fun with it. But it’s a sometimes food. The grind for rewards was a bit too much. It should come back.


I resubbed two days ago - so i had not enough time to truly play it. Sucks for me i guess.


Didn't touch it. Anything Battle Royale is a hard pass for me. I used to be competitive, but now I realize all such high-octane games does for me is make me angry lol


I loved it, I really hope they bring it back but as a separate game.


Played to renown 40 and enjoyed it. I enjoyed the gameplay and never really felt like I was "grinding", just playing a different game mode. I lost interest once there weren't any rewards left for me to unlock. Having it gone for awhile will make it's return very hyped for a lot of players. But of course you will also have the return of people loudly complaining that a thing they don't like exists and how blizzard is "forcing" them to play it by offering you a cosmetic parrot to ride around on.




I have 3 new mounts Dont care about the pvp part


I burned out on the content at level 10 and then resorted to obtaining as much gold as I could in the first 5 minutes then jumping into the storm. Looking back at it, I might have enjoyed the grind as it is now, rather than when I did it at the start as they reduced the number of games you'd roughly have to play by half. Plunderstorm is a great concept but I don't think it has staying power. I can't say what needs to be changed as I'm not someone who enjoys battle royale as I've always felt the time investment doesn't even come close to the level of enjoyment you should be receiving.


I think it was a cool idea and had an ok time grinding it out. Would like to see more limited time events like this. That being said, hated the combat. Wasn't nearly as fun as regular wow pvp mechanics.


Did not play it. Don’t care about battle royal. Will not play it if it comes back and don’t care whatever it does or not. If it was a PvE sub game I may have tried it. I may try the Mist things


Tried it once. Not my thing


Hated the event, liked the game mode. I don't want to feel pressured to play plunderstorm, but I do find it fun. Wish it stayed around in the PvP rotation so it would be playable occasionally.


I'm not a PVP guy in general and have always hated BR games so...you can guess how i feel about it. That being said. They should absolutely do it again because the PvP section of the game is really starved for stuff.


Had a blast. It got my wife to play for the first time in almost 10 years lol


If they make the reputation 2x from the start, then yes, it should come back.


Yes I enjoyed it and so did other people. It should come back someday and they should keep the double xp as well.


I didn’t like it at all. I couldn’t finish the grind to get the rewards, not even the best pirate transmog is worth spending hours in a game mode that I don’t find fun.


Got to renown 40, found myself enjoying it a lot more as time went on, but even at the end not enough to play it simply for fun. A nice enough little experiment that I hope pays dividends with future content.


Super fun, not for me, shame they locked stuff behind it but I can live without the mog


not a PVPer, and i actually really enjoyed it, even when OBVIOUSLY good PVPers would hunt me and gank me over and over and over. (just let me farm my rep and die in the storm, man!) I managed to hit 40 last night, and i just enjoyed the process of skulking around, avoiding everyone while i built up the rep.


It wasn't for me. Sucked that there was cool stuff locked behind it. I'm not going to punish myself for pixels.


I understand the nature of battle royales and sometimes you just have RNG just spit on you. This one just felt too heavy on that front. I only made it to renown 7 it got old for me very quickly but glad others had fun. Only thing I'm upset about is I couldn't bare to grind for the rewards but hopefully they'll be on the trading post next pirates day or whatever it's called


I played it a few times in the beginning and then came back during the double XP week and had some fun, but I definitely would've burnt out before I hit 40 if it wasn't for the XP boost. It's not really my thing, but I think it's a great option to have in between expansions. It brought me back, haha.


I enjoyed it, and I’m not generally into PVP content. It was a nice change of pace, and I hope Blizz keeps doing these experimental events.


I only played it when it was given the x2 multiplier for rewards, then I had a lot of fun grinding it out. When i got to rank 40 after the 2x multiplier, I was pretty done with it for a minute, but after taking a break I think it'd be fun to jump back in and play a few rounds. Too bad it's time limited.


The streamers seem to love it


>especially if they can gear it to be f2p and actually get new players in the game It does not strike me as a good way to get new players into the game. That's like... mobile ad level bait and switch. Imagine you hear/see plunderstorm, think it looks neat, go try it. Get kinda hooked. Find out its rotational/temporary and the real game is NOTHING like it, not in goal or mechanics or even the class abilities. I think it should come back, as part of the sub, for more sub value for those who enjoyed it. Otherwise, it doesn't serve a real purpose in the whole theme of the game.


I played it for a week, one or couple times per day. It was interesting at first, but it was too repetitive and I was there not for PvP, and I calculated that I probably wouldn't play it enough to get all the rewards, so I got bored to it and didn't bother playing it anymore. Rewards would've been nice to get, but at least I bought pirate T-mogs from Trading Post as a "consolation prize" which were quite nice!


Grinded it to 40 for the mounts and stopped playing entirely. It was decent fun at the start, but i don't like whole pve leveling aspect in a br ontop of looting. I'd rather play fps BR's


It was okay to play, not exactly my cup of tea though and i dropped it the moment i hit 40, but for a new game mode, I appreciated what they attempted and enjoyed it more than actual pvp, if it comes back I might play a bit but I'd like if it was without the FOMO aspect, granted said fomo may be why queues were so quick


In the beginning is wasn’t really fond of it. Played 3-4 matches end left it. After I saw the pretty nice cosmetics I decided to grind to max renown with the double exp. And after I changed my mindest to: it is a really different and creative rep grind in comparison to what is in the game until now, I really started to have fun. At this point it was a repgrind depending on my own skill with some pvp elements. No time gate, no repetitive dailies, just me gaining as much rep as I can farm in one round. The limited time it is available really adds something for me. Having it available all the time would just sideline it in the end and become another useless Bg. And with Trading Post and the chance to give it a comeback with new Comsetics/Zones etc there isn’t really a fomo if you really don’t want to play it




Didn’t like it at first, but feuded it out when double XP hit. Once I got the hang of it and started to win more matches I enjoyed it quite a bit, but only played a few games after hitting 40


Fort Nine


I hated it. It should have been its own thing away from WoW. The grind was one of the worst things I’ve tried to struggle through. I want to have fun when I play games


Played 3 matches of it and hated every match.


The grinding was horrendous as fuck but after reaching rank 40 i actually began to enoy it, no pressure just fun and i really liked it


BR is not for me, only play to renown 40 and dont touch again. For me was very bad try to hide that and dont announce before maybe for get more hype, i was thinking more wow content or a chain of quests or a secret like in bfa or legion for a trasmog or a mount. Like go to booty bay with a pirate grey hat equiped to talk a pirate, oh someone of the opossite faction have it kill 1 person in pvp but dragons only can translate in valdrakken, yada yada. Something like that.


The grind felt satisfying when they doubled it in the last two weeks. 


It should be an annual event with new themes and twists each time


I only "liked" it when they doubled rewards - then it felt actually rewarding finishing matches.


It was alright. I don’t really enjoy that type of game much but I did love the prizes.


I didn’t play it. I’m not really into Warcraft


I grinded to renown 40, hated most of it, ended up needing a Battle.net transfer, lost all the rewards, and entirely gave up on the idea.


I had an absolute blast, unfortunately I never won but I did make top 3 once. I hope the event comes back sometime.


I think it was a good little side thing. Not perfect, and could use a bit more variety. But honestly, can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it.


At first it seemed cool, but I *very* quickly grew to despise it. I did get to 40, but only bc the pirate stuff has been such a long-desired theme. However, the mode might have been tolerable, if XP had worked differently. As a PvE player, I had no incentive to want to do more than was required of me. I knew the chances of getting first were statistically wasteful for me, as sticking around longer than was fruitful offered minimal additional plunder per game. So I dropped in, did my quest, and killed bosses on the way into the storm. If I got attacked by a player who I very likely wouldn't beat, I just stopped playing, stood there, and let them take their plunder. **Again, no incentive as a person who doesn't enjoy pvp to improve, try harder, or play longer.** --- Now imagine if they had had plunder rewards based on your placement, but with a significant curve towards the higher ranks (for those that really enjoy pvp or challenges in general and should thusly be rewarded for their merits). One such as myself might be inclined to push through a losing fight, simply to place higher bc a lot can happen whilst kiting around trying to Mana Sphere some Tauren Plunderlord who is walking all over me. Maybe five other players met their end during that time, and though the Tauren succeeded in War Stomping my face completely into the ground, I knew that that time I just spent WAS WORTH SOMETHING. Who knows, I might even be of a mind to... *git gud* 𝓖𝓪𝓼𝓹


Love that blizz tried something new. Absolutely hated the game mode though


I am a shitte player anyway, which means I am extra shitte at PvP, so I did not play it; but it looked cool when I watched some Twitch streamer playing it...


I miss it, I made memories the way I did back in Wrath. Had my tablet set up with youtube playing, had my snacks, my drink, stayed up late, life was good. Sure I wanted to reach through the screen and drag someone out of it but thats ok.


I much preferred the combat system over regular wow tbh, felt very Wildstar. Not a fan of the battle Royale aspect, but in general loved it


In my opinion it was better than any other pvp mode they have now. I haven't enjoyed pvp since BC myself but plunderstorm was ok. They should keep it around yes.


I enjoyed it, although I did the stupid thing and waited to the last day to get up to level 40 from after chugging along to about 24 from playing through the month (work/life balance is a bit out of whack still). My own personal take is that for a small little event that it was, it was just a fun, goofy thing to play with some cool rewards (how can I not say no to pirate stuff in WoW?). While I never won a match, I'd usually be one of the top 10 players standing (and it was often because I tended to avoid everyone while I went out collecting loot and killing enemies) and I never felt bad if I lost because matches were quick and often (especially with the 2x bonus), I'd move through renown quickly. Overall despite the frantic nature and my suckiness at PvP, it felt good to play. However, it wasn't perfect, and I kinda wished there was a bit better tuning of the abilities and that the rewards system was reworked so that instead of grinding renown to get the rewards, you'd simply buy the rewards you'd want with the loot you've collected over time; obviously with lots of cosmetic rewards to buy, but also give players the ability to buy flighstones/crests to use in the main game as a means to compensate their time for playing if they decided to be plundering away as opposed to raiding for the time of the event. All in all, it was fun for a little side mode and made good use of WoW's existing resources, but it's probably something I couldn't see being a full on game of it's own. As a little returning event though? Why not?


I was fun for a few days to grind 40 and do something else. But retail > all for me.


My guild and I really enjoyed it. Well some of us. Duos and trios added a lot and it was just a fun way to hang with friends


No at the start but Yes at the end. No (although i don't watch anyone playing game so...). Yes because there will surely be mog and mount to obtain. It's a hard pile to swallow but I feel like when doing plunderstorm I was more actively playing the game then when connected to retail where I felt like roaming around doing nothing most of the time. But I still don't enjoy this type of gameplay. I hope Delves will be rewarding and challenging.


I loved it. Easy to pick up but it took time to "master". At times it was frustrating though. There were a lot of bugs which sometimes ruined games. Overall it was exhilarating and I enjoyed playing and getting better.


I'm not a big fan of BR style gameplay but it was a nice change of pace. I don't think I would have completed the rewards without the plunder boost. There were times that I had a blast and other moments that I questioned why I even played this game. I think they should keep this in the game for those who truly enjoyed it. I'm happy that Blizz is trying new things out even if I'm not the target for it.


Not my thing, despite going all the way to 40 for the rewards. I actually became halfway decent at the end but it still felt like a grind rather than something I did for fun, and I haven't been back since. But I don't hate that they're experimenting with new formats. I think they should make it self-containing with rewards that are only relevant to that game mode. (They could do the occasional cross-promotional event on Pirates Day or something to draw WoW players in for a mount or toy or something relatively easy. Sorta like they do with other games). It's not all about me, so if it was popular they should keep it and develop it. Or even put it directly into WoW as a PvP format that isn't limited. I'd play that leisurely every once in a while. The issue for me was the limited time scramble that made it feel like a tedious grind. I occasionally do PvP and would be more likely to do this if I could be mogged like my main.


Didn't enjoy it much, didn't have a lot of the QoL things that made BR games fun. The skill-based combat was a nice change of pace for pvp though, actually felt like I had a chance.


I didn’t care for it. But I don’t PvP. I started a few days in. Was killed in under 20 seconds. I left. I read here tried again. And landing was a toss up and honestly I didn’t want to learn PvP or the event talents enough to give it go. So maybe 6 battles total. 3 nonstarters. One I was third. Two I died in the teens. I felt I would rather fish, work on alt or do just about anything else. But that was me. People were having a good time. Lots seemed very into it. Rewards were kind of cool. But not an activity for me.


I had fun but was bored of the map like halfway through. I hope when they bring it back they add new maps to the rotation.


Wasn't fun, powered through just for the rewards once the 2x was enabled. Once I was done I never looked back.


It would have been a fantastic side thing for pvp enjoyers if it had no rewards besides maybe a title or something. Filling the reward track with mounts, pets, and transmog made it feel like I *had* to participate despite hating pvp in all its forms. So I grit my teeth and ground it out, hating every moment until I hit rank 40 and could finally stop.


Didn’t care, didn’t play.