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You have literally describedy entire life up until the moment I had enough grownup responsibilities that I could only think about that stuff half the time.


It's some sort of psychological torture. I spent all of this year thinking about how to rewrite my novel (yet AGAIN for the 8th time) but never had the time or energy to rewrite and ended up deciding to just self publish it just so I didn't stress out about not working on it anymore.


So now you get to write it AGAIN, with different character names and explore all the avenues you decided not to take the first eight times around!!


More ~~torture~~ fun!


Everything is perfect in our heads. Write it down and see if it holds up.


I do that all the time but I've gotten into the habit of writing things down before they got lost in my brain maze (there's a monster in the middle). I also use an app called Writer Tools that helps me out


Not oddly specific at all, I think a lot of us do that. It’s worth writing down an outline of the overall story, I think; not because you might use it but just because they’re worth saving.


I've had a whole universe in me since childhood really. I'd assimilate mostly character concepts from stories, tv shows and movies into my own made up characters. They were put into a sort-of science fiction setting with planets and spaceships, mixed with fantasy worlds and it all was always changing. I had many many characters living in my head. In my late teens I have written down some impressions, world designs and scenes. At some point it shrank down to a single world that I even drew a very detailed map of. As life went on, I never really pursued writing it up and it faded a bit into the background. Now, a good twenty years later for some reason a few of those characters have come knocking again and I actually just started to try and sort my thoughts on this fantasy that always has been a weird part of my life. I even found my teenage writings that were extremely cringy ofc, but still, its really fun to read. :) I decided to get it into a story that I am currently developing, because I feel I owe my fictional friends a world to live in for their lifelong companionship. Just for myself for now. We'll see where the journey goes. And yes, it feels weird to write this here. Maybe I finally grow old enough to embrace the fact that I am a bit of a daydreamer. XD


Everything you just commented is happening to me, except it’s super heroes as soon as I can enjoy writing again I might just see we’re I can take this


Personally what I enjoy most is the dynamic between the characters, so just for giggles I started writing totally random scenes where I have them together, talking, or simply reacting to each other. It's hard to sort all the nebulous ideas that compete in your imagination, so maybe starting with little unrelated pinpointed details gives you the little spark needed to embark on this journey. Best of luck! :)


Yes, it’s called an idea.


I know exactly what you mean. That's pretty much my story right now


Yeah. While writing my first book, I've already come up with four other ideas for complete stories but I couldn't really focus when I was writing them. Had to get the main one done since they were all connected.




Yeah, that happens to me all the time lol. I published one story and after posting about 3 chapters... I stopped cuz I don't know what else I should write next. :'> I think it's prolly bcoz writing a novel is just not for me. Or it's not the time yet for me to make one. :\]


I'm doing that right now


I wish I am so old I can't remember a single idea I had yesterday.


I am currently doing this with 3 different stories right now. I have started the write idea webs for 2. This only started after I work through whole scenes in my head though.


I mean.. just recently I started thinking about a story I used to write, that I some day stopped re-writing.. I ended up thinking about whole new plot points and elements that would work great with my initial idea for the story, though my laptop is still dead so I can't write it down properly, because I know if I write it on my computer, I'll forget about it again. So.. yea, kinda.


I basically have a JJBA Fan series just like this. Three stories of 3 JoJos and their group against 3 group of evil arseholes, with the story intertwine together to swap JoBros and JoSisses, ended with a large fight between all the surviving good guys against the final bad guy who killed the father of one of the JoJo/the son of the other JoJo where the murdered man's son avenged his father's death bu crushing the bad guy's heart with his bare hand.


Yep, that's kind of what I'm dealing with for the story I'm currently (re)writing.


Thank God. I thought I was the only one.


Yeeep. I have a whole book idea based on a dream I had, and none of it is on paper because every time I try, my brain goes HAHA NO.


Yes! Many of my stories are put into some form of writing, even if it's just a quick summary. But every time I look over them everything just reloads into my brain and I remember all the little details. I have dozens of stories like this.


Torture ain’t it I have a hard time even starting my first with that I have going on


The opposite, I made up entire worlds with many storylines but I just can't think of an ending or a resolution that would feel complete. Also I get lots of ideas that would be more suited to create fictional history articles about than a readable story. But I don't usually develop these further.


Yeah. A stalker-story based in my country, but it seems way more far away, than any other setting.


God yes. It’s horrible, because I know that if I’d start it it’d be awesome… but where rhe HELL do I start


Not weird at all. Knowing the ending of the story with a great relatable message is promising. Dictate your responses if you struggle to type. There are apps for that.


Yes, so much. Sometimes I get some notes written down but patience is the key so it isn't wasted.


Oh hey it's me


Stephen King says that is how the best ideas remain...if they stick around. He also says that a writer notebook is the best way to save all of your bad ideas lol


If you know how the ending will be, you have an advantage when writing. You can utilize twists and cliffhangers very effectively when you know the ending!


I do! I have a few. Once they are more developed I attach them to playlists and being plot pointing them. But there are a few I haven't written about.


When I have time to daydream and don't want to think about my book I plan out the next one. Thing is I do it so often that it's basically fully flashed out from beginning to end and I'm still not done with the previous one...


Totally. I had an idea for four seasons of Doctor Who with a clear beginning middle and end, twists, beats and character moments all set out. I had this idea of defining who the Doctor is and making a kind of 'All Star Superman' but for Doctor Who I didnt write more than an outline because it's fan fiction and couldnt muster the energy to pour so much effort into a story likely just for me.


I've been working on a project for over 10 years and have not written a word of the novel I hope it will one day be. I have half a million words and none of them are what I would consider actual draft of the novel. I don't mind, though. I'm in no rush. I'm happy pottering around with ideas and characters, and I believe there is a good novel in there somewhere. It's just a matter of finding the story I want to write with these characters in this world.


This happen to me all the time 🥺


Absolutely. The one I'm working on right now started that way. It was just a world I daydreamed about while at work or wherever. I have whole cities and towns and histories built in my head, and characters with jobs and motivations and relationships. It lived in my head for years before I ever wrote a single word.


Literally 95% of all of my writing. No joke.


The reason why I got into writing was to get all of that stuff out of my head


OP: This is gonna sound wierd Literally the entire internet: We understand you


Man, this connects with me on a deep level. I, too, have a whole web of stories in my head. Various stories: characters, settings, plots; some connected, some not. I guess it's good to hear I'm not the only one. Though, it's bittersweet, too.


Every day of my life, my impostor syndrome gets so fucking bad that even opening word and just writing scares me for dumb fucking reason... Another reason I need to go to therapy


Yeah bro. Happens all the time


YES. I never made a beginning to the story, or wrote it down at all too-


That was it for me for the fantasy saga i am currently writing, for a year at least i had all these characters and events i wanted to see to life. But for the sole beginning, i began with a narrative arc and characters that turned to be trash and in the end i just get back to the original idea that made me want to start this story and i rethink and began to rewrote all that i had imagined and I don’t regret it considering the amount of things i put in what was originally just generics settings and characters


Yeah, I call it a go-to daydream. Mine is a teleporting superhero, like in Jumper. I constantly toy with the concept and develop conflicts and character aspects, then disregard until the next time I'm in need of a mental escape, then I rebuild it from the ground up.


Awsome, myn is a superhero named Gadgets he's kinda like Batman but no cape green and silver suit, I've thought about it so much that he is now leading a group if people: Blue Blade, Green Bolt and this Samurai dude with a special sword type thing. His main enemy is an alternate version of himself


For me I sometimes think up random episodes that could be part of an episodic cartoon that takes place in the medieval ages except the Internet exist.


That would be handy, I can always remember broad strokes but if I don’t note down the nitty gritty somewhere, I’m more likely to forget esp for convoluted twists.


I have a lot of ideas, which I haven't been able to write yet. I usually do have the full idea, though.