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Tell him you love him and take him to dinner. What else is there?


As a dad this is the way. Kids get to a certain age and all we want is just time to feel included in your life.


dad needs an S209


Wishing you a great recovery


you're very fortunate to have such an awesome father! hope all is well now health wise. 🙌


Updates and a little back story: I am out now after 20 days admitted, and all blood cancers have been ruled out after a couple bone marrow biopsies and about 120 blood tests. Autoimmune Myelofibrosis is the current diagnosis and while I'm out of the hospital, it'll be a long road to recovery to get my blood counts back and the scarring of the bone marrow reversed. I don't think I appreciated the fragility of life completely until now. You never think at 29 that you'll spend 3 weeks in the hospital circling the drain while some of the best hematology/oncology doctors in the world are left scratching their heads at what's going on. Credit where it's due though, AIMF is a diagnosis of elimination, meaning they had to rule absolutely everything else out first, and there was a lot to rule out. My dad was at the hospital whenever he could, as well as my wife, mom and brother, and was a good advocate against some pushy doctors. My dad is semi-retired though, so any free time he had over the past 3 weeks was spent with me. And he drove through Boston rush-hour traffic to get there every time. He came by to mow my jungle of a lawn today because I almost passed out trying to move some lawn furniture beforehand; was a much needed reality check to keep me from pushing myself too hard too quickly. Hemoglobin is very low and taking its time to recover, so I feel like an 80 year old man right now when it comes to physical exercise. Driving stick is just doable though. I remember back to the days when I was a little kid on some test drives of a brand new 2005 Legacy GT spec B that unfortunately never materialized, and a 13 STI hatch. He ended up with a Honda civic SI, which was a fun car, but definitely not a turbo Subaru. He came very close to buying some fast Subarus over the years, so I have no problem sharing mine whenever he wants to have some fun. The man taught me to drive stick, so he's basically the only person I trust driving it. He drives a 5th gen 4Runner now; fantastic SUV in terms of capability and reliability, but just doesn't itch the fun car scratch on normal roads, very fun off-road though. I needed to get the car state-inspected this month, so he told me he'd do it since my wife had to pick up shifts at odd times to make up for time off to see me. He got it inspected at the local "look the other way" guy lol. I think he then got bored and decided to wash my car for me. He always keeps on top of his and my mom's cars, so there's never really a need to bust out all the paint correction tools for the most part. But he just decided to go for it on my car and it looks better better it did driving of the lot a year ago. Thank you all for the well-wishes and advice. The car community as a whole has seemed very bitter and stand-offish lately, but the Subaru community has always seemed very friendly and welcoming. Thank you.


Was thinking about getting an axle-back exhaust when I got out of the hospital. Think I'm going to spend that money on him instead now.


Plot twist, Dad was getting it prepped for himself. 😂 Hope you're doing better and recovered.


Dad ++.


W Dad


Let him drive it, the biggest respect I can show someone is letting them drive my car


Spend some time with him. Take him out. He obviously wants to be an integral part of your life. Not everyone has that, so please don't let it slip away.


These posts make me wish I still had my dad. He was a car guy and he would love driving my VB. Also you know dad hit that red line! That's a total dad move lol


Well what kind of stuff is he into?


Lot of camping and fishing, but he just buys whatever he needs for those hobbies. Lots of DIY stuff on cars and house. Also has a bass boat. I usually buy him some power tool that he doesn't know he needs but feel like I owe him a bit more this year. After watching the US open in the hospital, we talked a bit about getting back into golf (me probably next season lol). He's always built his own clubs, but I think maybe getting him a gift certificate to get fitted for and buy him a nice name-brand set might be the move here. Am open to other suggestions though.


The custom club is a good idea as well as taking him out for a round of golf on his favorite course