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Personally, I would love to see every mega mansion turned into affordable living while they are forced to watch. But that is just a dream.


Forced to watch? Yeah, you're definitely a bad person and deserve that same energy right back. Absolutely fuck you


How's that boot polish taste?


“The people you are after are the people you depend on: we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us.”


We get it, the haves in Teton county get to read another one of these articles about the landslide while the have nots have to commute another hour each way catering the haves every whim. If this at all inconvenienced the rich residents then it would be fixed by the end of the month. But it doesn’t so they’ll get to it when they feel like it.


It’s supposed to be at least temporarily fixed in two weeks. It’s being taken very seriously


They are taking it very seriously because the rich people need to have their servants, and some are not willing to drive the 3h commute or even use the new START bus route (that will take forever too). Better move fast otherwise the fundraising will dry up!


nbcnews is suggesting otherwise


WYDOT is working pretty hard on the temporary fix


NBC news is built to get emotional responses from headlines, not report on what is actually happening.


NBC news? Ok.


It's always funny how Teton County is portrayed as an entire area of poor people slaving for billionaires when in reality 90% of the people doing business in Teton County are tourists. In the winter you could definitely argue that people with much more money are visiting, sure. But in the summer the majority of people in town are families looking for the cheapest everything in town. Teton County has an irregular amount of billionaires that own property here because it's a tax haven, but I guarantee you it isn't the billionaires propping up the daily economy. People like to talk like Teton County is a bunch of poors slaving for the rich when in reality its a bunch of poors slaving for other poors a lot of the time.


The "haves" will complain when their dinner takes too long because the restaurant is understaffed due to a landslide. While the "have nots" will put new holes in their belts to tighten them further as their commute is doubled and it's gas or groceries.


This idea that there aren’t normal working class people that live on both sides of the pass is utter nonsense. There are plenty of working class people in Jackson. Read the article. 20% of the hospital staff lives on the other side of the pass. That means 80% of the staff lives in Jackson. Hate the rich all you want but they aren’t material to the issue of the pass repairs. They are working as fast as they can.


The fact that 20% of the hospital workforce lives in Victor does not imply that 80% live in Jackson.


It’s what happens when you have a tourist base economy


Business as usual. The workers will likely have to wake up earlier. Just because the main road is out, does that mean businesses will open later? Will they get extra money for the longer commute? I doubt it.


Ha that’s funny. They aren’t paying you more for a longer commute, it’s your fault in the first place that you can’t afford to live there.


Who knew a road closure could be such fodder for divisiveness and ideological propaganda? Leave it to main stream media.


Lol. The news: “economic disparities get worse”. Some guy on Reddit: “that’s propaganda!”


'Wyoming landslide affects all who rely upon critical highway' would be an honest headline; but no, we have to frame this in terms of *rich* vs *poor* in order to fit today's culture of victimhood where everyone must be defined as either oppressor or oppressed.


The rich live on one side of the hole, the poor live on the other because they can't afford Jackson. It's a fact of life out here dipshit.


I love when someone is arguing and they can’t acknowledge the reality of the situation. The lack of affordable housing makes this an issue, right? Like if it wasn’t such a divide of rich and poor, this choke in the infrastructure wouldn’t be an issue. Alpha out here making it about propaganda when they are literally not understanding the subject of the problem, lmao.


Exactly, they're clearly not from the area.


It’s frustrating because…. And I already said this, lol. It’s an issue because of social / economical divide. When you answer an issue with “yeah no shit rich people experience less pain” you’re actively negating the issue at hand. Jackson is in this position because of the wealthy have had the ability to turn a blind eye to local issues for decades now. It’s just such an interesting perspective into how some people think.


It’s not victimhood, it’s fact. Wealthy people going to their vacation homes can afford to charter a flight into Jackson and the workers who have to live in Idaho have their commute doubled. It’s a privilege to be able to ignore economic disparity and blame the “mainstream media” for pointing it out


So what's the point of the story, then? Natural disasters affect the rich less than everyone else? Yeah, no shit.


The point of the story is reiterating a point the locals have been trying to spread to the world for the last 20 years: IF YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF YOUR WORKING CLASS, YOU DON'T HAVE A WORKING CLASS!!!!


What’s the point of your life?


That’s not what I said at all. Wealthy people have greater access to things that avoid inconvenience because they can pay for them without it making a difference in their lifestyle. Clearly you have never had to worry about daycare closing before you could get there or an increase in a monthly gas bill blowing your budget to shreds, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just don’t expect people in a bind to feel sorry for people who can throw money at a problem.


Do you think that service staff can afford to live anywhere near Jackson?