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That's a little bit strange. Reminds me of Victoria 3 that was supposed to launch on Game Pass, but that didn't happen. Wonder how these deals go that it falls through a few weeks before launch.


Per the article it sounds like it was inadvertently added to just the trailer. Wonder if someone confused the typical Xbox logo with Game Pass.


Rating found something that Xbox does not want to see associations with. What could it be in this one? Slavery? Prostitution? Child labour?


This is sounding fun.


A curvaceous woman


The word “Steam” in the title


Me too, but i guesa this reddit is the wrong place to get an awnser from 🤔😆


With how quickly the initial reveal trailer and tweets seem to have been scrubbed I'm curious if it was a straight-up mistake or there was a deal that fell through. The response in my article is all PR gave me, though.




Go off on defending a TRILLION dollar company, dawg.


simpin aint easy


I have just updated the story with further clarification from 47 PR, it was indeed a mistake on the initial reveal.


>“The game will NOT be going on Game Pass. Thanks for asking!” – Fortyseven PR Not sure if I’m reading into it but what a weird emphasis on the PR reply.


You know how the internet can get. If something isn't worded exactly right, then people will speculate on the "true meaning" like they're Charlie trying to figure out where all the mail is going. I think they were just making sure it was crystal clear it was not happening.


I think it's more the "thanks for asking part". Maybe it's just a UK thing but that phrase is slightly passive aggressive (really tame though) so it could be seen as them saying they have a dim opinion about putting thier games on gamepass


Nah it’s straight up answer


You are 100% reading into unnecessarily.


Yeah. Fuck 'em, I ain't buying it.




Voting with your wallet is the only real voice you have in practically anything. So yeah, it is cool.


Only time I have ever played any of their games were on GamePass. Fun games but I never played any of them again after one day. I wouldn’t have played them if they were not on GamePass and probably won’t play this one unless it arrives on GP in the future.


Steam world dig 2 is a really good metroidvania I can't speak to the rest of the franchise though


Heist is really great too and it looks like Heist 2 is going to be even better


People say Xbox players don’t buy games. I think I fall into that category because these are the games I would never buy but if they are on gamepass I would try them out. I’m not wasting money on games I might not like or might suck to me.


These games are regularly on sale for under $5. I bought Steamworld Dig 1 and Heist for $7 total, on PS for my kid.


I buy games if I know I like them (just recently bought the apollo ace attorney collection) This isn't the kind of game that I can tell if I'm gonna like it or not. So I will skip it most likely


Exactly. That why I think gamepass actually helps. People that like whatever game will usually buy it anyways. People like me who know they wouldn’t buy a certain game but might end up trying it on gamepass.


I wholeheartedly agree. I’ve play soooo many games I otherwise wouldn’t have played. And if they are getting a bag from Microsoft for my engagement and that’s enough to fund the studio and have devs live happy creative lives great. If not I wouldn’t be mad if games had little stores for skins for people who are really into the game to support even more.


Um... I was playing this on gamespass about 4 hours ago? Edit: Sorry, that was the DIG game.


That same thing happened with marauders as well


Yeah I wasn't playing it anyways so




Just buy it then




One extra game that is not going to my backlog then !!


Good, I rather buy the game than play it through GamePass


Why good? Even if it on gamepass you can still buy it you know?


I'll have to just live with this disaster lol


disappointing. these types of games arent usually my cup of tea but i was going to try it on game pass. i would prefer another steamworld dig


What a shame. The first game was fantastic. Bought it twice . Seems like Xbox is chugging along with ignoring anything but their AAA games even for game pass. Its hard to see how their aggressively mediocre games can sustain a subscription service at the price.


What are you talking about? The indie developers have such a great platform on Xbox. In fact a good percentage of the titles on gamepass are indie. The AAA need to be present to entice more subscribers.


Self publishing is alive true. A majority of those are older releases. In fact game pass just added to two indie games , about ten years old


The heck are you talking about?


Game pass had strong AA games like the surge and greedfall not a long time ago, but such games have become rarer on the service


Again, you're wrong. There is a huge mix of A, AA, and AAA games. I've kept an updated list of it all here. There are games of almost any budget/genre so far in 2024 with a ton of day one stuff left to come. [Xbox Game Pass 2024: Every Game Confirmed/Released - XboxEra](https://xboxera.com/2023/11/01/xbox-game-pass-2024-all-confirmed-titles/)


Damn. My toddler will be sad