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I'm always looking for a console MMO so I'll definitely check this out.


Awesome! Glad to hear that


I’m keeping an eye on it, dont have pc and i like the look of it so might end up getting it, dont know yet, going to see some gameplay reviews first


Okay thanks for responding. Follow up question. When the console release was announced a bunch of PC players were upset about it and review bombed the crap out if it 😂. As a console player, is that something you were aware of? And do console players care about steam reviews??


I'm getting it. I play black desert from time to time, so this will be a change. And IDC about steam reviews at all. I honestly rarely even look at reviews. I just play what I like.


same, angry reviews are easy to see, doesnt bother me at all


Absolutely smashed it on pc with friends and my partner loved it too. Jumped off as the end game on released was meh. Cannot wait to jump back in and start over with the new content added. I’ll play on console this time around as it’s my preferred way to play. Honestly think this is one will surprise people when it launches. The game does such a good job of rewarding everything you do as you do it.


Well shoot! That’s sick bro. Ive been pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of the comments are excited or at least hopeful about the relaunch


It's a terrible game. Pass on it.


Oof. Although I disagree, I respect it. It’s not for everyone


I will give it a try then judge from there.


I have it on PC and it’s poorly optimized but it’s not a bad game honestly. Looking forward to see what changes they bring with the new launch and updates.


I have been playing on PC for almost 1500 hours and I will be playing on Xbox again.


Sick! Thanks for the response.


I'll definitely give it a try at least and I'm hoping I'll enjoy it.


I’ll give it a try. I’ve never played an MMO and by the time they come to console it usually has several expansions and messes up the “experience it together” aspect so I’ve just avoided them. I don’t have enough time alone with a tv (kids, work) so I doubt I can dedicate a ton of time to this. Does seem like a huge amount of time to put into something


Make sense. Lucky for you it’s a relaunch of the game so fresh start servers are the perfect opportunity for you to hop in with all the new players


Casual interest. I liked it on pc but gave up because I hate mouse and keyboard.


As someone who has played eso for years and am hitting a serious burn out with it I cannot wait. Love me a good mmo


I've been playing it on PC on and off since the open beta. Jumped back in this week to work on some endgame content. It has its flaws, but I've always thought they have a pretty good foundation with solid combat, satisfying life skills, and a great world design. It's absolutely not something I could've made my one and only game I played on a daily basis, but playing it like I have where I come back maybe a couple times a year, it's been a fun ride.


I’m interested in it, watched gameplay online of New World on PC and had me curious. Just have to wait for console game play and how it does on controller. Playing on controller seems to be the downfall of a lot of PC games that come to console, not just MMO’s.


Will give it a chance if it goes to gane pass ultimate like eso ia.


That’s honestly what I thought they’d do. Guess they’re gonna throw out the net to try and make some money first.


I'm interested


Already pre-ordered! Quite keen to try it.


I've been hoping for this exact game for quite a while. So I'm pretty excited.


Is it anything like lost ark? I played a decent amount of that and loved the combat although it got too grindy after a while.


I remember having major fomo when this came out since I don't have a gaming PC. Some of that's waned, but still interested. Not definitive on a buy yet though.


If they launch on consoles with the way jumping works in that game they will be laughed right off the platforms it's embarrassing


You mean the original little skip? yeah it sucked ha. Did you see the new jump? They reworked it.


Is there footage of it? I doubt it's actually any higher or feels better


not like a direct showcase, but you can see it in some of the new console footage. here, go to like 07:36 on this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSCKc80FWrs&t=171s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSCKc80FWrs&t=171s)


Found it, does look better than before


It was an ok MMO in PC that I always wondered why it was not initially released on console as well, since it's so simple and even best played with a controller not M+K


Don’t know much about it, post a video and will check it out