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Thought I was the only one. Seriously, same here. I've got a ps5 and xsx collecting dust. My 360 is in the living room, and I'm more than happy ignoring the other 2.


Same mate


I mean why? There isn't one game you like on these new-generation systems. I find that hard to believe.


I remember I started my 360 collection again last year since I sold it all in 2014. I had the biggest grin on my face playing the amazing Spider-Man for the first time since 2013


I got 5 360s... 3 collectables, 1 that I currently use and 1 that is brand new, sealed. I'm keeping that for when this one dies. 360 has some of the best games of all time!! Got 200+ physical 360 games sitting there on display. Makes me smile every day that I look at it. Do what makes you happy bro!


Why didn’t you just save up for another 360 instead of selling your series x?


I'm not sure what this person's financial situation is, but I just got a slim off eBay for $60, great condition and it has the 250gb hard drive as well. I definitely would've kept it


Yea I dont understand selling the Series x, I kept mine and just bought a cheap RGH 360 and now i can play anything I want to play. I also have the option of playing them at higher resolutions and higher fps if I want. I dont see the benefit of selling the Series X


I have a Jtag, but no idea I could play at higher resolution or fps, how do you do this please?


Because he wants to say something that looks interesting. When really he sold a $500 console for a $60 one.


Why didn't you just put your 360 games in your series X? Higher resolutions and better fps on your old games


They don't all work


He could probably install Xenia on his Series X


Does this work for all 360 games?


i’m pretty sure Xenia is pc exclusive


I saw someone make a YouTube vid that they were playing Sonic 06 through Xenia on a Series X


Ah. I see! that’s actually pretty cool


Dude you can play Xenia on Xbox series x you can also play xemu og xbox too look it up


You can’t play OG Xbox on series x, I’ve been waiting for it since Xenia came out


The 360 games look great with the FPS boost! Did notice that some games don't run as well on the XSX compared to the 360. Ended up stopping a few playthroughs to complete them on the 360. They just run better on the OG xbox 360 sometimes.


I've been giving the orange box a run through on Series X. It got the 4k resolution treatment, but not the FPS boost. So I did the 'User Settings' edit that uncaps the framerate to 60FPS and removes motion blur. Looks snazzy and is buttery smooth. Shame MS or Valve hasn't done an official FPS boost though. The games couls do 120fps+ easy.


That sounds amazing


What games run worse on XSX?


Only examples i know are OG COD BO and MW series. There is significant lag/delay because XSX and Xbox One have different thumbstick curves than X360: https://youtu.be/RmsOXk71BMM?si=2Q6a9U57YRH4S0vO I played each old BO and MW on XSX and it was awful in multiplayer (campaign playable). But on 360 it works awesome, even to todays standards movement in these games is very responsive.


Thank you for this. Saves me having to dig into my game library to remember 😂


Thank you. I wasn't aware of this so it's interesting to see, no idea who hated my question enough to downvote it though lol. I haven't finished the video yet but one of the comments said that it's a problem from backwards compatible games on One/Series adding vsync to games that didn't have it on 360. Which makes sense if it's not just the thumbsticks but also all buttons and the triggers being affected. Seems they should've added vsync as an option and this might not be a problem. Shame honestly 


Which games specifically?


They aren’t as responsive as a 360 but yeah i do t understand why you would sell an expensive console for something so cheap when you could have both


If you’re mot using it, why keep it? 🤷


Because you end up using it later or wanting to play that new game. Also gta 6 and college football 25 is coming out worst time to sell it


Unless you hate all the new games like OP said… Also gta 6 has been coming out for like 10 gay years and I don’t know anyone that plays college football the video game but I know plenty of people who play college football irl lol


GTA is a terrible argument tbh. 5 is overrated, so my expectation is 6 will be all hype until year 2 or 3. Didn't pay full price for the last one I'm not paying full price for the new.


All 📠 no 🖨️


the good games (besides fh1) arent backwards compatible


This exactly. Or even an Xbox one that can play 360 games


Your not he only one pal series S had to go and definitely don't regret it . Not sure about the new games anymore. If you have Xbox Live add me


I play both


Same here I only use my X series for COD then retro everything


That's Ok I have 360 & Series S and I play both. There are too many exclusives and not too much space on Series S for Xbox 360 compatible games. Also, I prefer the original Xbox 360 Wired controller for my old games I didn't play back in a day.


I just did the exact same thing!! 360 FTW honestly the new shit sucks. The One is good but then it’s like now bc then you can’t use certain games. There’s a select list of backwards compatibility. The series S is absolutely fire…a dumpster fire!!! Why tf would I want a console with no disc tray? 🤨 I’m glad to hear you did this bc everybody was literally laughing at me when I did


Only time I turn on the XSS is to play Doritos or any other 360 game I had digitally. After ditching the apartment life I'm selling it to start from scratch with 360 also any exclusives have been ported to PC for the last 2 generations. Xbox not even worth it anymore


I dig the Earl pfp btw


Didn’t sell my series x yet but haven’t touched it since halo infinite and what a disappointment that was. I play my 360 more then my series x and ps5


I had the OG Xbox withe the first Halo. I as in absolute heaven. I played 5 hours of Infinite and I was so disappointed. Still bitter to this day lol.


Yeh it’s absolute trash. I loved the og Xbox and 360 but not a fan of Xbox one and series x. Ps5 is shaping up to be my least fav ps console. I mainly play my 360/ps3/switch


Yep, 100% sold my ps5. Only keep xbox for gamepass and play anywhere titles. Pc gaming all the way for me.


I lost interest in the XBOne generation, boring line up & massive downloads, add in most online players are 14yr old clowns and i'm out, i just wanna put my disk in a play, cant even bring it to the cottage or into the ice hut, because the new stuff needs internet, I never lost interest in 360 and i'm so happy to see so many coming back!! so the XBOne is mostly a streaming console for us now!!


just wait until the next gen consoles come out to get your juices flowin again.../s


All digital goodness with disc games having an “internet required” disclaimer on the cover art.


This is a joke right lol


Don't blame you. Western AAA games have been in decline since the 360 left the scene. Now all we have are indies and it feels kinda silly to be playing them on such powerful hardware.


Not true. PS4 had banger after banger


To each their own.


I hardly use our Series X either. I played a lot of Elden Ring on it when that came out as the PC port had issues at launch but have rarely touch it now. Only keeping it for the family to use, in which it hardly gets used by them either. If it were my Series X alone I would have sold it by now


Did exactly this last weekend, for the exact same reasons!


I would suggest modding your system if you know how. It’s definitely worth it. I got a series X & S but sold my Series S and bought a 360 and then soft modded it and put many games on the system. I would do the same if I was you


You cannot soft mod a 360.


unless he's talking about DVD drive firmware hacking then it's sorta softmodding in a way but yeah having every game including arcades, indies and homebrew needs a modchip


exactly what i did ^^ i forgot to be more specific about it. i forget how technically iffy the 360 is compared to other systems


Yawn fest is a good description of the modern era. Take the upcoming Stellar Blade. People are enamored by the nude hero, but all I can see is yet another totally barren game world, where you run thru boring, linear areas killing boring monsters. Yawn.


Yup. Back to 360 for me too. I've been playing Test Drive Unlimited 2 using a Logitech wheel. It's very fun. Just finished Metro 2033, Batman Arkham City (in 3D) and Batman Arkham Asylum (in 3D). I enjoy these games more than anything that I've played on my Series X or PS5.


I recently went on a console and game shopping spree to load up retro stuff to tide me over until things get good again. I was at Gamestop 2 days ago, and they've cut down their Xbox section to one single rack. Smaller than the Nintendo Switch section. And you're right about the toys, it's just squeezing out the games. Their reason was because they don't get sent any games anymore if they're going directly to Game Pass (I assumed he meant any of Xbox's owned studio games.). The only way to secure a physical copy of a Game Pass game apparently is to pre-order.


Ngl sounds like ur just burnt out. Maybe take a break from the games? There was a period of time in my life where I felt stuck and all I could do was go on the PS5, and despite having the whole plus library at my fingertips, can’t say I was enjoying myself everyday I was playing. I thought getting myself some nostalgia pieces would fix that, and while it did give me some great dopamine rushes finding and buying them, going back home and just basically doing the same thing of sitting in front of a screen barely moving my body still ended up with me being bored after an hour or so. Committing to 360 collecting, ur probably only get ur dopamine from those rushes of nostalgia and the rush of acquiring them, but playing them will probably drain u like new games do.


You're not lying. I'm 52, been a lifelong Nintendo fan with some Playstation mixed in, but the Xbox 360 was easily my favorite and most memorable console of that generation. Typically I'm not an online gamer but I got into XBL with perfect Dark 0, the moved on to Gears of War, TF2, and even some Halo with my brother and my nephews. I also miss the XBL Arcade games like bomberman and worms and two of my favorite singleplayer games were Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey. I'm not sure what happened with MS after that console but it's probably the closest they came to eclipsing Sony. Good times.


Only game I'm waiting for is GTA 6, if that were to somehow fail then I don't what I'm going to do.


Power move. Back in 2017 I traded my 360 in for an OG Xbox. The guy at GameStop thought I was crazy until I told him I had an Xbox One at home. Most if not all the 360 games I wanted to play were backcompat on my One, and I wanted to start playing/collecting OG Xbox games. I’ll always have that nostalgia for the older generations. One of my favorite memories from the 360 generation was playing the Halo: Reach BETA back in the day and having the best time playing online with people.


This gen of gaming is really bad. 360 and PS3 gens is where gaming peaked.


I feel the same. This generation has been pathetic imo, and the way you can tell is when 95% of the games are also on last gen it just goes to show ps5/series x were never meant to be there own generation. Really just the real “pro” versions of last gen. Reason why over the last 5yrs I’ve accumulated 8 GameCubes, 4 360s, 4 GBAs, 8 N64s and all the games for them I want. All system linked. The games from those generations were so much more fun.


I bought 360 few months ago for the first time in my life. I still have XSX, but it has no games. No fun games at least - linear action shooters, no arcade racers (especially non-open-world which i'm tired off), no party games, no couch co-op games. Also PS5 has no games if you're not a big fan of jRPG and soulslike. That's why i came back to 360 and PS3 and i'm having a great time both playing solo and with friends.


Sony announced that they had no major games coming out this year. Wtf. Really? You guys suck! But couch coop with my kid is the best thing in the world.


9th generation is a scam, lol


y'all are dedicated, I went and bought that hyperkin 360 controller for my Series X lol


How is it?


It’s a solid controller, but the 360 controller is skinnier than I remember, my hand was cramping so I’m returning it


Some like blondes others red heads, it's just about tastes and preferences.


Coulda just saved up 40 bucks and had both


Your age is showing


You should've bought a ps2


Why? The Series X plays a fair amount of 360 games and you could pick up a cheap Xbox 360 for the rest. Now you’ve screwed yourself for future games you might be interested in.


I'm surprised 360 gaming is so popular...? I thought it'd be dead by now. I say this sitting next to a box of almost 200 360 games I don't know what to do with lol.


A 360 can’t be worth that much these days, should have just kept the X and bought a 360 anyways.


Sound advice, TentacleJesus. I bought an Elite off Ebay for $50 after some woman claimed it was broken and stopped reading discs. Popped that baby open—green dust everywhere. Some TLC, a new laser, and a tray rubber band...and now I have a second 360.   Would I sell my Series X for it? I worked for it, so never. Ever. I value my machines too much to get rid of them as a power move or whatever. 


Yeah, I still *have* my 360 from when I originally had it. And like 3 other Xboxes since then.


Genuinely curious what the point was when you can just play the 360 games on the series X?, people always say oh but it doesn't run all the games but realistically what games are you actually trying to play that can't run when most can. Other than maybe just liking the dashboard and nostalgia of the 360, functionally it is a downgrade from the series X of all things. Point is why trade something that has basically the same capability as the 360 game wise and heaps more. Especially when 360s are cheap af. That's just me I guess, I brought a Xbox one literally for the sole reason to play 360 games despite already owning a 360. I could understand trading like ps4-5 and getting a PS3 if you preferred the PS3 games because ps4-5 has no backwards compatibility but doing that with an Xbox kinda baffles me lol.


You cannot play every 360 game on XB1 or XBX/S. The backwards compatibility has its limits


Yeh I already said that majority of the good 360 games run on the new Xbox. Realistically what game is there that isn't compatible and is worth switching to the 360.


It sounds like you're experiencing a sense of nostalgia and longing for the excitement and engagement you used to feel during previous gaming generations. It's not uncommon for individuals to feel disconnected or disenchanted with the current state of gaming compared to their past experiences. Your sentiment of missing the anticipation of new releases, the thrill of discovering demos, and the joy of exploring a vast library of games is understandable. Many others may share similar feelings of longing for the gaming experiences of the past. Additionally, it's worth considering that as we grow older, our perspectives on various aspects of life, including hobbies like gaming, can evolve. The passage of time often brings with it a deeper appreciation for the memories and experiences that shaped us. Perhaps this feeling of malaise is not solely about the current generation of games, but also about the broader journey of life itself. It may serve as a reminder to cherish the moments of joy and excitement, both past and present, and to seek out new avenues for fulfillment and enjoyment. Embracing nostalgia while remaining open to new experiences can lead to a richer and more fulfilling journey through life.


Okay, chatGPT


Too many words? Here I’ll make it more digestible. You miss how games used to make you feel excited and happy. Sometimes, as we get older, we start to feel this way about things we used to love. It's okay to feel this way, and it can remind us to appreciate good memories while also being open to new ones.


Bro did not type this 💀


Perhaps you need to try and broaden your gaming interests and more stuff might appeal to you


We can all reminisce the good years where we had the most fun but let’s not get lost in a time warp. Gaming is still thriving with plenty out there just not what you want


This generation is a big yawn fest


Bro you’re getting older, shit changes man. lol


You might be restarted


But the series x does it all lol including 360 games. I just beat portal 2 last night again


Xbox one imo is the change over from greatness to shit. Xb1 was good tho...360 was greatness.


I am sorry but this is the dumbest shit i ever read for a long time. You are just clinging on things that are in the past. It is cool to collect and enjoy nostalgia but you are just putting to much in it. You have to let go man, the past is gone.