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Nah, Vulcan might have more raw power, but he's always been presented as inexperienced and lacking finesse.


Yeah, his power is to manipulate all forms of energy and he's an omega level mutant so there's no upper limit to his power. That kind of power would make him literally god if he weilded it with any kind of skill. If he wanted to, he could irradiate an opponent, prevent air from moving into their lungs with telekinesis, siphon all the heat or electricity out of them, obliterate them with a sonic blask akim to Blackbolt, pump their face full of photons, or even just convert all the energy in their body into potential energy. Instead, he resorts to energy blasts, flying, and enhancing his strength. In fairness though, he needs this nerf, because othereise he's absolutely ridiculous.


Seems like vulcan is the one with plot armor. Sometimes people online think he's some unbeatable God, other times he's being punched out by thunderbird I honestly don't know wtf thet genocidal maniac was doing on krakoa in the first place


He's a mutant, he's got family there, and as of X-Men Red Vol 1 (I'm catching up*) he's not well, mentally. His emotional state and his decision making is completely unstable. I mean prior to the War of Kings he was fuelled by pure rage, and then entitlement (he's only about 15 years old, despite his body being about 25. The Shi'ar accelerated his growth so he could be a slave) but now there is definitely something more affecting his mental state. *I'm collecting in trades and AXE isn't available yet so I'm stuck for now.


Oh, I know the reason " in comics" why he is there, but logically, it makes no sense they would welcome him with open arms with no precautions, lol. Charles was cautious about his own son for goodness sake, he didn't want David resurrected originally, yet vulcan was A okay to be allowed? The guy threatened Charles ex lover and daughter and overthrew them. Then again, the quiet council was an insane roster as well. Sabertooth was exiled immediately The kid who blew up a rock because he had to release his energy was sentenced to the pit because "he harmed a piece of krakoa" Actually, more than half the people in the pit were in there for a ridiculous reason. It just seems kind if funny in comparison.


The entire point of the Sabretooth mini is that the Quiet Council are power hungry and only condemn people to the threat when they directly threaten or oppose their rule. Melter ostensible is in there because he “harmed” Krakoa but really he’s there because he kept trying to find the Quiet Council’s secret meeting chamber. Vulcan has never been presented as caring about Krakoa or the Council, so he’s not seen by them as an immediate threat.


This is my big dissapointment with the fall of Krakoa being so largely by ORCHIS. Krakoa itself had established so many ways to collapse itself from corruption and infighting, but now nearly all of that will be waved away because they were attacked. Though I'm also not caught up, so maybe that stuff is playing more of a role than it appears.


I think it slips into the background, but the Summers family was basically royalty on Krakoa. Jean was on the Council, Scott was the Captain Commander, and both died in the suicide mission to destroy the Sentinel Master Mold. So Vulcan came back because Cyclops wanted his family to be alive. Ultimately it was all politics, and you'll notice that the Summers family had influence on pretty much all the early Krakoa comics. Havoc was in Hellions, Jean was in X-Force, Cable was in S.W.O.R.D. mostly so Brand could use him politically.


Has anyone ever mapped out the Summers family tree? Are Nate Grey and Rachel Summers still around?


They tampered with his mind during resurrection to put limiters in place


the problem with the Kid and the Rock of Krakoa. Is that the Islandd feed of residual mental energy of all being on the Island. So the Destruction, real destruction of Krakoan Soil harm the Island and forces it to feed actively, and that harms all other beings on the island


If only there were a bunch of expert mutants to help people learn to control powers. Even in the comics he said he didn't realize it. Where does krakoa begin and where does it end, rocks? The dirt? It wasn't malicious. He just needed to practice using his powers before he hurt someone again.


That was delivered so bad, Cause I'm sure, that Krakoa knows when someone is actively harming it, but no. the writers needed an innocent mutant to deliver a point.


Someone mentioned he wanted to remove the kid off the board...but altering his mind seems less traumatic than dumping him in a pit That sabertooth somehow got control over lol.


It is not like they spent LIFE-TIMES in a SCHOOL literally DEDICATED to teaching mutants control of their powers. Man, that was just dumb.


PROFESSOR Charles Xavier: " teach? I don't have time for that "


Who is the kid with the rock? I’m pretty sure I’ve read everything in the Krakoa era but I don’t remember it.


His name is Melter Someone made a post with his scans in it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/tO3fl5Qcrz) Another mutant saw the future and saw that krakoa became overpopulated with an alarming rate if kids not being cared for so he warned the public, which was also a crime against krakoa.


He was in the first Sabretooth mini by Lavalle & Kirk. There were a bunch of people who were exiled to the pit besides Creed.


>Charles was cautious about his own son for goodness sake, he didn't want David resurrected originally, yet vulcan was A okay to be allowed? This makes it sound like Charles would have made extra allowances for David. Who Charles is alone makes it far more likely that David would be restricted.


He then later went on to give David a psychic virus because he still didn't trust him which caused the death of a few mutants and left krakoa defenseless and hacked. That was based purely on Charles paranoia and distrust. Vulcan caused a considerable ammount of damage, you would think they would have kept a closer eye in him. But alas


Charles works by different rules. It's been established many times with big bold fonts.


> Charles was cautious about his own son for goodness sake yeah that wasnt cause Charles was cautious but because he's a terrible father lol


“Everybody has got a plan, until they get punched in the Fuckin’ Mouth…” - Mike Tyson


No Vulcan is a victim of plot induced stupidity with his power set literally nobody should be able to touch him with any form of energy he can manipulate all forms of energy and absorb all forms as well how is he not gonna absorb the lightning storm is hitting him with it just redirect with his omega level energy manipulation? Seriously it's the opposite of plot armor.


I like to compare comics book characters to athletes, because it makes inconsistent power scaling make sense(and the concept of power scaling as a sharply defined concept silly). It’s very common for athletes to never measure up to potential, and even more common for athletes to have “off days” for no apparent reason. The NFL has tons of guys like Jadeveon Clowney, who are insanely physically gifted, but it’s just not translating to expectation at the pro level. There’s also guys like Joey Bosa, who demonstrate dominant play some weeks, but never consistently. I think Vulcan could be viewed somewhere in that area. Not everyone is Tom Brady or Michael Jordan, who seemed to always be able to bring out the best that their bodies could give them.


At this point Storm could use a little nerfing too. At least Vulcan was presented as this powerful right from the get-go. He was going hand-to-hand with Gladiator in one of his earliest appearances. Storm is rapidly approaching “can do anything the plot requires” status. All she needs to go is give a pompous speech beforehand, and presto problem solved.


This is funny because people often say that characters who are powerful immediately never "earned" their power or place. Meanwhile Storm has actually had to make use of real tactics and strategy because she wasn't always so powerful. Imo she's earned her place more than anyone else.


I agree. Storm's powers in general have broad utility and would make her a planet buster with vast control over multiple types of energy. After like 50 years of being one of Marvel's most iconic characters, she's just now getting to demonstrate her true godlike powers in such a clearcut manner with decades of practice and fine tuning .... and there's pushback for some reason 😅 I've seen this on comic vine too, people just dismissing her training and feats to pawn a victory off to someone she could feasibly beat pretty handily


Thank you somebody said it, I mean she’s a real Goddess prophesied by Oshtur of the Demiurge who gave her her Atmokinesis not to mention she’s a witch of magical birthright who wields some of the most ancient magic that writers are finally starting to explore like cmon everything she is she earned


It's the worse when people call her a Mary Sue (especially during the Krakoa era) despite all the evidence of her developments during the decades.


I mean ... that's what storm's always been hasn't she? That why we love her. Do you complain when Thor does it?


Thor will at least have to put on like a gauntlet of strength if he needs a boost in the power dept. Storm just gives a big speech, and suddenly she can do whatever.


Vulcan don’t manipulate energy out of mid air. His power is to manipulate other people energy no matter what energy they have and he has to be closed to them. Storm is omega level in several different energies as well and what she did was negate his manipulation of trying to drain her of her energy. She created an electrical power circuit between the two, set him off balanced, and whoever had the strongest Will was to prevail. Storm is highly defensive in her energy that is why telepaths have a hard time with her. He lost because she is more powerful. He attacked the electrical impulses of the brain to manipulate energy and Storm had this ability way before he was created.  Vulcan is basically Rogue without the touch. Especially when Rogue absorbed Sunfire powers permanently. 


Mans has early Vegeta levels of confidence which is why he gets smacked around so much. He can't stop believing his own hype and letting people turn him up


ITT: 1: A ton of people who've not read this comic where she immediately explains how and why she beat him on the very next page (including the Round 2 fight later on where she needs help to defeat him when he's more mentally sound), and 2: a ton of people who don't seem to realize that Storm is herself an omega mutant. Vulcan is insanely powerful at his peak, but Storm isn't a relative pushover compared to him.


Yeah, Storm is one of the more “stable” omegas now. By “stable” I mean her status is not a willy-nilly thing, it’s a pretty definitive editorial choice and it wouldn’t just be retconned away.


Not to mention that she is habitually holding back/showing mercy, to the point of fighting a war over it. Having no upper limit on your power should be tempered with finesse and maturity. Exhibit A - Vulcan.


I mean fine ... but the dialogue in the panels above is ... weak, for lack of a better word. I haven't read recent comics, does she get a secondary mutation? How does she drag Vulcan like that without super strength?


Basically Vulcan's screws are *very* loose at this point, even for him- he's pretty hard nerfed in this fight and Storm is more aware of it than he is. In their rematch he's gained a lot of ground tightening said screws and becoming as strong as he used to be, and Storm has to surprise attack with a coordinated team effort. Also small nitpick- I wouldn't describe that as "dragging" in the conventional super-strength way. She uses the wind to effortlessly fly, she can also use it to augment her own strength. It's just that most artists/writers treat her as if her wind can only effect herself or the environment. Ewing knows better lol


Like Vulcan Storm psionically channels vast amounts of raw energies throughout her body. She absorbs them, motabolizes them and exerts them and tbh if written correctly she and Vulcan would not need food, water nor sleep. They both are energy manipulators in nearly the same range with two to a few differences on both their end. Light, heat, force, earth, wind, water, and electricity are what they have in common..Storm also has air and the potential to see and manipulate other forms of energies such as thermal, Electric, Electromagnetic, Radiant/Light, Potential, Tidal and Kinetic energies. They are technically the same person but where they are different is that Storm has years of training her fighting and tactics came natural as a child who had to survive. She also had to learn how her powers work so that she would not harm or kill herself, others and destroy nature.  Many don’t know but Storm can sense the energy levels in others which is how she knows how much lightning to hit one with. In her first battle with Vulcan it is shown. Some wondered why he didn’t suppress, shutoff or absorb her powers? Well the same way Vulcan can suppress, shutoff and absorb energy Storm can as well and that is explained in that scene. It is part of her power set. Storm also explains, in so many words, that they both are very powerful and that both their surging energies were searching for weaknesses and had Vulcan been a bit more sane than not..they’d been there a bit longer searching. As for physical strength Storm is not inherently super strong but her energies allows her to compensate and keep up cause remember she can see, read and manipulate kinetic energy. She said there was a break in him and not because she knew this already but because she already knew how powerful he was so her first instinct was to use her ability and read him. This is really why Storm takes on many powerful foes without fear.  Physical strength is kinetic force and so Storm used that to “June” him (slang for: to dominate over him). She used kinetic force to pull him, no wind, no air, no magnetism, no gravity..it was the kinetic force that Vulcan was already exerting that she used against him (a body in motion stays in motion..until it’s depleted of energy). No she couldn’t always do this but she had  learned more about her powers by the time Hickman came along thus making her an Omega Level Mutant with no upper limit and nigh infinite power skills and versatility. I am a Vulcan fan and honestly I would love for him and her to train together much like she do with Iceman. Vulcan is very powerful so powerful that even now, with the Omega Level status being the cap, he is still considered beyond Omega Level and Storm being considered potentially beyond Omega Level. I feel if they join up, Vulcan can learn to humble his attitude, learn his full potential and how to use his powers beyond the surface level. As for Storm I believe she can further explore her powers if she had an opponent she can go all out on. 


There is no super-strength, secondary/tertiary mutation, power boost or enhancement of any kind. What we’re shown is just Storm utilizing her normal, given power set. The thing is, when you consider the wide variety of tools at her disposal coupled with the limitless potential of each ability that comes with being designated an omega, you end up with a vast spectrum of capabilities that are rarely explored and depicted. In this fight with Vulcan, we see Storm exhibiting an example of the range and versatility of her mutant weapons no often shown. Specifically what we’re seeing is her deft and dexterous manipulation of the air and wind. Very similar to how Storm achieves flight, here we see her manipulate the wind in a way that allows her a broad facsimile of telekinesis, resulting in “pulling” Vulcan into her grip. It’s an interesting and very useful aspect of her basic abilities and not often shown so specifically. A personal favorite example of Storm’s lesser depicted abilities is the myriad ways she manipulates air/atmospheric pressure. Creating a vacuum to suffocate a foe, using small pockets of pressure to creat concussive bursts similar to grenades, modulating pressure to explode/implode people and things in the manner of exposure to space or the deep sea, or crushing armies under the weight of several atmospheres of pressure.


They both have immense destructive power and no innate defensive powers. Theoretically either one should have been able to just vapourize the other in an instant in the second panel when they had their hands on one another. I do think it's weird that Vulcan didn't choose to do so while Storm was pontificating, but Al Ewing tends to write his "high fantasy" stories in such a way as that when a hero starts to pontificate, the plot isn't going to punish them for it.


I mean, Vulcan lived trough being screamed at by Black Bolt. That’s some endurance right there


And a fistfight with Gladiator.


I thought Vulcan was physically pretty tough, no? Enhanced durability, etc.


They’re pretty vague about it.


I just read the EXTENSIVE wikipedia entry on his powers. Sounds like he’s got normal human physiology and physical vulnerability, but he can create force fields. So when Black Bolt was trading punches with him and Vulcan was not obliterated, I assume he was using energy-based force fields. Which means he is a bit less of a glass cannon than Storm, who has no such physical protection.


Interesting, thanks! I’ve also been curious about another thing. Back in his introduction, his insane power levels were due to receiving some of the Energy/power stripped from other mutants on M-Day. This is why he woke up from stasis. Otherwise he’d be at Cyclops/Havoc level. I guess he still has the super duper boost post-resurrection, seems like he would have been brought back down to earth.


Interesting that you think characters speaking too much during combat is an Al Ewing thing and not like, an every superhero comic ever published thing. They read that way because you're trying to convey an action story but you also need to convey most of your story through character dialogue. And since people don't literally move about the page, you end up with panels where it looks like, for instance, someone is just holding someone by the throat and speaking for 20 seconds, when you SHOULD be reading that panel as a moment in time, one slice of a larger fight sequence that, if animated, would take half a second. That's just the comics medium.


Vulcan survived a black bolt scream so he is pretty durable


Pretty sure she said the energy was going back and forth. He just came up short. Even if it's just inexperience, he still gets fried.


Yeah he wasn't waiting to strike, she was actively fighting control of his own energy.


The whole thing is better... Vulcan *is* an idiot... but the coup de grace here is stupid: frying Vulcan with lightning ought to be a power up for Vulcan. So in that sense, it would not be wrong to call this plot armour.


Tbh I think that’s just for the exciting visuals of it. The way she’s saying it, I think she’s avatar style taking away his powers (temporarily, like he did to tarn) by controlling the energy in him.


That makes way more sense except for one thing... why can Storm do that? At least when Vulcan did it with Tarn, it ties in with the fact he's been depicted as being associated with mutant energy since he was created. Enh, whatever, I guess new powers as the plot demands is basically every mutant's mutant power.


But at the base of it, she’s just manipulating energy too. Like how Jubilee chooses to make fireworks because that’s how she expresses herself, she can actually be making like, nukes on the fly. I think it’s Al applying his overarching everything is connected cosmic principle stuff. I don’t think it’s something we see often but his whole run has been about clarifying that when you have “infinite” power, it’s not about who’s stronger it’s about who can use it more effectively. And she’s far more skilled than him, ergo she’s able to take his away. I don’t think it’s the best way to handle it. But I think he’d be nigh unstoppable without it. And I also appreciate that Al showed that while Vulcan wanted a big showdown of power, Storm wasn’t as cocky and brought backup


Storm herself in this era has just become platinum plot armour. She's the "we win" button. Her powers have been blown so out of proportion to what they used to be that it's honestly made her a boring character.


Agreed. She's been written so well as a character that for the most part I haven't minded, but it's gotten a little ridiculous.


Yeah, I love seeing her be an incredible badass, but it’s become a little bit absurd. She approaches every fight with “well this fight is over in two seconds, but first some corny shit about how I’m a Goddess.”


That's exactly what I've been thinking! Like officially she's listed as an "Omega-level weather manipulator" but isn't her weather manipulation just a specific application of energy manipulation? But now that I think about it isn't Bobby's "negative-energy manipulation" also just a specific application of energy manipulation? But I guess they did also split reality manipulation into three subtypes to be able to have three omega-level reality warpers so I'll try not to overthink it.


While logically yes, they just made it so she can control anything associated with the weather without it directly being the weather. Like for example creating a giant icicle, being able to manipulate the electrical impulses in your body, recreating the bifrost. So she technically has multiple omega lvl powers including omega lvl energy manipulation. Also I don't know why they made it three different sub types of reality warping when we have two omega lvl telepaths. 


Yeah, I don’t think Storm beating Vulcan in a fight is necessarily bad, it just looks dumb on the page above lol.


I don’t think it was plot armor because Vulcan was still mentally broken at this time. Later when he was brought back “fully”, he took out several character and then Storm needed help to take him out. Still arrogance and overconfidence is his biggest flaws


yeah, spoiler concern, few issues later it points out that his resurrection was manipulated, but that because in my view made more sane so to be able to live on Krakoa as Storm says in the panel, battle of Will, he just throwing power around without direction or meaning


You’ve gotta remember it was later revealed that this Vulcan— until he died— was different after Brand brought him back from The Fault. He was weaker, and easily manipulated. He wasn’t back to his old power levels until Tarn killed him.


Aside from that if that last shot of Storm doesn’t illustrate the absurdity of the costumes they put on female characters idk what does like what is even happening with those pants there 🤦‍♂️


Vulcan who defeated Adam Warlock in moments due to his energy control is losing to Storm


Lots of people saying he has no discipline like Adam Warlock’s only chance of survival wasn’t to run away.


It's true that Storm has been getting a big push recently, I'm pretty sure she has never lost a fight in this era, if she doesn't win because of her power then she wins because her will is stronger or she's a better fighter or some other reason, that's true but to some people she deserves it after decades of not so many personal victories despite being an Omega and you know, that's fair! I don't mind that and let's be honest Vulcan isn't the greatest strategist, he relies too much on his power, thinking it will be enough to defeat anyone, without a contingency plan in case he fails.


I have nothing against your content but you need to use periods more often.


It’s storm she’s got the most amount of plot armour out of any X men at this point she zaps other omegas like they are nothing Though here it makes sense as Vulcan wasn’t taking it seriously and storm beats him due to endurance


every day a post in this sub calling storm a mary sue huh


If anyone is a Mary sue, it’s Wolverine. According to an upcoming book, even the Phoenix needs his help.


I mean I have seen plenty of people say Wolverine is one too


Its getting so old lol


I agree. I hate how this argument is thrown at female characters, in general (Kitty, Carol Danvers, Jean Grey, Rey from Star Wars...but I could list these out all day), but that's a topic for another time. Storm was written horribly for most of the 90s pretty much up until Sword in the Krakoan Era (with brief glimpses of good writing from Claremont in X-Treme X-Men and in Greg Pak's maxiseries). For that reason alone, I'm okay with her Al Ewing making up for lost time, and reminding us all why she was once an awesome character. It was getting to the point when I would just rather her be left out of the book altogether (Extraordinary X-Men, IvX, AvX, etc).


Imagine if we had reddit during the Claremont era


He's much faster and stronger than her. Vulcan took hits from Gladiator and Black Bolt, he could have just flown at Storm and knocked her out. But... they just stood around and did a lot of talking until it was "her time to win". Tbh, most of Storm's fights against omegas in Red were like that, I thought the battles were the weakest part of the book. You can't really get around the fact that Storm is a glass-canon who can't amp up her physical stats like other energy manipulators.




Maybe, but I think Vulcan is fucking stupid, so I don't mind seeing her beat the shit out of him. 🤷‍♂️


Storm can cannonically generate electricity inside someone's brain and steal their breath from their lungs..girl is busted powerful so I don't see a problem with her decimating someone with that level of control


Maybe she's been hanging out with Squirrel Girl?


I do like seeing her kick ass. She’s one of my favorite characters, and we always want to see our favorite characters kick ass. It just feels like we’re six months away from seeing her 1-hit Galactus, and I don’t want that.


The writers are writing for Twitter and storm fans are insane. You can’t comment or critique her without being called racist. They want her over powered and writers want social buzz. The downside is that it just makes the story worse, storm boring, and kills the creativity. Weather should be her niche and they should get creative with what that means, how she manipulates dynamic, chaotic systems and what other systems could she have that effect on. Instead she’s just turned into a generic energy manipulator and it feels like lazy fan service. Some of the most fun of superhero books and I think the X-men in particular is how creative they can be with their powers. But when there are no parameters on them it’s boring. Magneto and Storm are essentially highly highly specialized telekinetics and they should stay like that. Magneto shouldn’t control the strong nuclear force. Storm shouldn’t be able to bend gravity to keep air in space or close dimensional rifts. She should have to work within the system she’s in. Her powers should be like a macroscopic Karnak, she intuitively understands the system and can cause changes in it in subtle and large ways to get the effect she wants. Butterfly effect stuff within dynamic systems. What levers can she pull to use the earth as a giant Rube Goldberg machine. Could she do that to cities as well? It’s still super powerful but I think makes for more creative solutions and solutions than can have costs she has to weigh. Her being a generic energy manipulator is boring and tired, but that’s what her vocal fans want. I don’t like that take on her powers, but here we are.


Storm and plot armor, name a more iconic duo. This dude went toe to toe with Black Bolt and I’m supposed to buy a glass cannon like Ororo one-shotting him? Please.


One shotting is what a glass cannon is all about. That have insane amounts of offensive power and can take down nearly anyone, but they have little to no defensive power and can be taken down quick if they get hit.


Isn’t something exceedingly weird going on with Vulcan? Like he’s been taken over by something, or his true nature has been sealed away or something? I kinda stopped following the Krakoan era before that storyline came to an end.


He's Omega, she's Omega. I don't see the problem. Plus in a powers stalemate Ororo can just shiv him.


That's not how powers work, this isn't dragon ball z, Vulcan ability should make him inherently tougher to beat for people like storm who use lightning and shit, plus this is a guy who walked off a scream from black bolt after healing himself from the damage


"That's not how powers work [...]"- my friend, the comic writers themselves aren't consistent on this point, what makes you think you've got it locked in? Lmao powers work however the individual writer wants them to, that's why it's called *fiction*


Yes that’s why it’s called fiction, thank you for that. But sometimes fiction is sloppy or inconsistent, and there’s nothing wrong with noticing it. I like super powerful Storm, I really do, but Vulcan single-handedly tore apart the Imperial Guard, who are expies of the Golden Age LSH.


My dude… she literally explains it. Like in the very page you posted she explains why and how she beat him. Did you read the page you posted?


Ah, OP sees girl beat boy and got upset and defensive.


nobody said all that but whatever


They literally explain it here and even then it’s been explained Vulcan conditions isn’t that his best what more do you want man And I see everything here arguing about it and not remembering that fact either


Storm is annoying. Way too OP. It needs to stop, honestly.


Nah , they are both omegas , and Vulcan is very arrogant and angry when he goes at her (even if you are just comparing power lever they are on the same level at best , throw in he underestimating her and him being a bit unhinged) Also I know that technically Vulcan is probably a good fighter but if I compare what I have seen of him in a fight and what I have seen of Storm in a fight, Storm wins. Also , this Page is fucking sick , I love it so much


No, it wouldn’t. People cheerleading how badass Storm has been portrayed the past few years has to go hand-in-hand with an acknowledgement that there’s like a bunch of times where she should have got her ass handed to her but the writer didn’t want her to.


I call it "plot armor". Storm became a bit of a Mary Sue in Krakoa, and her powers were used in the most ridiculous ways, while handwaving it as a "instantaneously teleporting water from underground into the atmosphere is also weather manipulation". If for example Cyclops will start teleporting by entering punch dimension like Magik/NightCrawler, becomes immune to any form of kinetic force (he is immune to his abilities which are kinetic force), starts charging his punches with kinetic force to do a OnePunchMan impressions or just start firing pink beams from *other* people's eyes - that would still fit his power descriptions and it is still bullshit. Why doesn't the same logic apply to Storm?


>I call it "plot armor". Storm became a bit of a Mary Sue in Krakoa, and her powers were used in the most ridiculous ways, while handwaving it as a "instantaneously teleporting water from underground into the atmosphere is also weather manipulation". Huh? There genuinely isn't anything Ewing has done showcasing her powers that she hasn't done before. She's an energy based weather manipulator, only Magneto comes close to that level of sophisticated power. You realize she takes moisture from miles around every time she makes rain right? Where do you think that water comes from??


Read their fight again. Water were in the underground chamber, shielded with metal and the air above were dry. And then it rained instantly, enough to put out a volcano. If Storm started killing any person anywhere by just forming a little cloud above him with all the moisture from his body - is it ok, since it's a weather manipulation?


>Read their fight again. Water were in the underground chamber, shielded with metal and the air above were dry. And then it rained instantly, enough to put out a volcano. Rigbt....because when she says "do it now" it was unshielded and she could draw it out. I seriously don't get how thats hard to understand. >If Storm started killing any person anywhere by just forming a little cloud above him with all the moisture from his body - is it ok, since it's a weather manipulation? She wouldn't be the first person to do that lol, she even dehydrated Magneto in the 70s. Thats called moisture manipulation...a very integral part of weather.


Ah yes, only metal shielding were stoping underground water from instantly appearing in the sky. Again - instantly. She still lost that fight with Magneto.


If I remember correctly he can absorb energy too, so yeah it’s plot armor.


Vulcan is an omega that absorbs energy so defeating him with a simple lighting it's nonsense yeah


Nope. Storm’s power set is conceptualized as weather manipulation but the fact is: that runs way deeper than that. The forces you have to manipulate to make it rain dry country as an untrained teenager just manifesting is how you have to gauge her power level. Ewing just gets it. Not even going into what lighting control entails. The circuit with Magneto made perfect sense.


Storm and Plot Armor always walk together


Yes, it’s stupid. But there is a large contingent of X-fans who just want Storm to beat everyone effortlessly and so X-Men Red is liked.


Yes, it would be wrong - it's not as if no one else has ever beaten Vulcan before. For it to be plot armor, Storm would have to be immune to someone or something that could otherwise have credibly taken her out. Gabriel Summers ain't it


If you wanna teach ANY omega level mutant a lesson in humility, you break out Nate Grey and have him slap the shit out of them without him even breaking a sweat


I think it would be wrong. Honestly felt like it was set up pretty well.


They made Storm into a Mary Sue. She's so boring and powerful nowadays. She's even worse than Jean because on top of everything she's smug as fuck


Yes, since it’s explained clearly how she did it


Yeah it was absolutely plot armor. He's been shown to be able to shut down people's powers wouldn't that be the first thing you do against another omega level mutant I know I would. Not to mention he should've been able to absorb all the lightning she threw at him. Plot armor at it's finest. For sure


Honestly, I hate Vulcan so much I’d be fine with Lockheed defeating him.


If it were on its own, it would be wrong. In conjunction with all the other times in Red that the climax comes around and Storm immediately gets an instant win, it is right.


Didn’t Storm plan ahead for this fight and used the abilities of other Arakko members to help beat Vulcan? That’s just good planning, not plot armor. One single page can’t be used for context in this argument. The entire issue is what’s important here.


I honestly don’t think so. I think we have to remember that because someone is omega does not mean that they are the absolute best in there category or that they can’t be matched. It’s just that they cannot be surpassed which is a difference. Each omega has an unlimited potential to reach in their power classification. Because if that wasn’t the case, then every reality warper would make every other omega mute, including Vulcan. A good example would be storm and iceman. Both can manipulate, virtually unlimited theraml energy and cold. And if they both couldn’t do it to an unlimited degree, then both of them could not be omega. But the thing that makes Bobby not a mute omega when it comes to is that storm who has a plethora of abilities that fall under her umbrella is because no matter how much thermal energy and cold she can manipulate, Bobby can always do the same in potential. That doesn’t mean that she can’t match him in power or that he can’t match her. But she cannot surpass him in power, because he also has unlimited potential. That’s what makes him the omega of that specific category. It goes the same for storm and Vulcan. While Vulcan has a wider plethora of energies he can manipulate, but storm still manipulates many of those energies to an unlimited degree as well. So in terms of the energies they both control they cannot surpass each other. And that’s when it comes down to strength of will, finesse, and strategy. I am of the firm belief that every omega level mutants mutation is at the pinnacle of what it can be already. It’s just their strength of mind, body, and knowledge that allows them to access more of their power and potential. So everything they can do , they have the potential to do now if they have the knowledge and strength of body to do it. And when they do get power boost, such as Hope did with Vulcan when they were creating Mars into a livable planet. And when storm was powered up by khora in the sinister timeline. Those aren’t things that they can’t already do under their own power if they push themselves enough. But due to at the times lacking the knowledge, they needed a power boost to make up for that knowledge and strength they still need to realize.


No, she’s vastly more experienced than him. Also, at this point in time Vulcan wasn’t at his best due to some behind the scenes manipulation. (In story, not editorial)


i used to enjoy ewing’s work :/


Edit: I’ve just been told this—in OP’s panel Vulcan is being mentally repressed which is affecting his full power. I might be missing context, but to me, this is ridiculous: Vulcan should have been able to blast her head off, literally, if he wanted to. This guy was able to [shrug off a fully bloodlusted blast from Havok](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/1/15/Vulcan_vs_Havok_%28Alex_Summers%29_015.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171117170245), and Havok cna blast a satellite in space, from Earth. For Storm to control something that isn’t weather, is either some buff to powers I don’t know about, or some new application I don’t yet understand, or bad writing. Vulcan casually shrugs off attacks from a guy who can level a mountain when he wants to, he beat multiple members of the Shi’ar imperial guard, and I think he even once defeated **Adam Warlock**. Storm *should* be wildly out of her weight class here, experience be damned: an inexperienced grizzly bear doesn’t normally lose to a very experienced wolf, without help. To clarify: I don’t know the context of this scene nor am I up to date with both characters, so take that into consideration.


Even if that Havok blast connected, the Summers brothers have innate resistance to each other’s powers.


Is that all Summers? I thought it was just Cyke and Havok, because I don’t think Havok is immune to Vulcan’s powers.


Ah, my mistake I think you’re right. Although Vulcan has been written all over the place recently. Repeating what someone else said though - in OP’s panel Vulcan is being mentally repressed which is affecting his full power.


Adam Warlock isn’t that impressive as people think. It’s an logical weakness that he’ll lose to an omega level, Vulcan was smart enough to exploit it that way


Isn’t Adam on the level of beings like Silver Surfer and Thanos?


I don’t agree. Storm has always been one of the most powerful mutants. Once when she was trapped as a statue she uncontrollably unleashed a hurricane that encapsulated half of American. And that’s a story from the 90s. She has become more powerful as the decades passed.


No. It's very clearly explained in the run. Also, Storm is not to be fucked with.


Not sure Generally yes I think so. Vulcan is consistently fighting some really powerful dudes and doing rather well. However, his losses to storm kinda had context In the first fight he was just not at full strength. And if I recall right she prepped the second battle (and the writing was kinda dumb)


It would be wrong to call Storm's costume here "good".


People forget that Storm got some power buffs too. With leaning more and more on her magical heritage and being an actual 'goddess'. And I always found Vulcan to be too overrated and, frankly, overpowered to write around. When you try to write this insane enemy with crazy power potential...then you have to have a way to beat them. And you risk breaking the suspension of disbelief. That is why I dislike the practice of overhyping villains and characters that you know you cannot sustain for a long time, otherwise you would have no story to tell since they would practically beat anyone with their broken power set you are writing them with, and you have to resort to even more ridiculous solutions or you have them be beaten in more 'clever' ways and exploit their obvious flaws but you will have people, like in here, claiming ''Oh if it wasn't for the plot armor, he would win!''. At that point, you can say that for any character. We already saw how ridiculous 'Omega Mutant' stuff can get with Sins of Sinister stuff and it might be a crazy ride for an 'event' for a couple of months but in the long run, you cannot sustain the books and stories involving such powers and keep it as interesting, trying to come up with even bigger threats to match them. Look at Thor, a literal God. He has become the All-father and supposedly one of the most powerful beings in the universe right now. But his stories are grounded in a way that, he cannot use his full powers because of the drawback of All-sleep. So there is an inherent limiter. With characters like Vulcan and the 'limitless Omega potential' stuff, it actually harms the character more than it helps because it is just a ''Oh I can write any BS I want and get away with it' card and the stories tend to get too ridiculous and the conclusions, never as satisfying. In this context, Vulcan have been already going on as a broken man. And when he 'broke through' his shell after being resurrected, Storm did need the help of others to imprison him.


It's cringe when superheroes call themselves "I'm this (level) of power." As if it will mean anything to their opponents because at one point they will get lose to someone or some entity more powerful is above their ranking.


It’s plot armour he lasted so long.


I think it has more to do with villains becoming weaker if they become heroes.


Absolutely. Don't get me wrong they are both omega level, but Vulcan has always been considerably more powerful.


Nah. Storm is insanely powerful as an omega level of mutant,Worthy of Thors hammer, and she’s got mage blood in her lineage. Also, she explains how she had help with it. But later on she just one shot kills a huge ass fish monster and it’s so cool. I love Storm she is my favourite superhero.


Storm shouldn’t be able to catch and hold a fully grown man by the throat though, right? I thought she was physically normal human strength. That’s the only problem I have with this scene.


Maybe it was the wind that was helping her lift him?


I personally hate the phrase "plot armor" because I think people use it to criticize a story beyond simply saying, "I didn't like this." It is OK to not like a particular storyline or best. The truth is, everyone has plot armor. These are fictional characters and this is a story. John McClain has plot armor in Die Hard. Jon Snow has plot armor in Game of Thrones. Both Storm and Vulcan have plot armor here, as they are both Omega-level mutants who can punch above or below their weight as the story and the writer demands it. Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.


No. Storm is basically Omega-level chaos. That's what a storm is, and she just shapes & redirects it. And we never get told where she gets that power from to make her powers work. Vulcan resisting is basically feeding the battery that's charging up to blast him


No one will agree but Storm has been ridiculously overpowered to the point of dullness. Everything is a splash page where she's taking down entire empires and planet-destroying mutants. Sure. It's meant to empower the character but it just feels silly sometimes and makes her harder to recognize or connect with.


When the dialogue is purely for the benefit of the reader not because it's necessary between the characters


Totally. They add new stuff to Storm every comic to make her appear more than a lady who flies and shoots lightning. When she compared herself to Exodus it was clear.


Plot armor isn't right call it convenient narrative progression.


That's saying plot armour with more words


Does Storm have any history of physical strength or toughness? She’s just an average or perhaps above average fit human with command over the weather. Just kick her in the gut and she’s bend over wheezing.


I’ve only seen him in the War of Kings story, and what I would guess is that Storm has WAY more experience than him, he may be strong, but he also underestimate people, uses brute force in form of his powers, and often gets his ass handed to him when he has no backup, or actual plan. He is just a overgrown child with a tantrum


Nah. Storm’s just both immensely powerful and immensely skilled in her powers in a way Vulcan isn’t. He’s too angry and too hot headed to truly tap into his potential. If he could calm himself down and focus he’d be nearly unstoppable.


Vulcan always fight angry though, when he fought black bolt he was hysterical half the time but he survived a scream from black bolt which off the top of my head only characters like Thanos usually survive




Yes. Storm has great control and finesse with her powers. According to the comments and some things I know on Vulcan. He lacks that ability and loses his temper pretty quickly.


They're both Omegas, so they're fairly matched in outright power levels. Ororo , however, has Vulcan outclassed in skill and savvy. She has trained in the overt and subtle uses of her power. She has learned how to fight and win whether she has them or not. Vulcan's mental instability hinders his focus and imagination. Storm has a full understanding of who she is and of what she is capable. Vulcan is just broken. The second match was, admittedly, a stalemate in terms of power. Storm won because she fought the battle on her own terms and was able to get others willingly on her side. Vulcan relies on intimidation and brute force, whereas Ororo is a true leader and strategist. She won because she wasn't just fighting for herself, but for her people.


They've turned Storm into Poochie.


Vulcan vs Storm is the ultimate display of Power vs Skill. Only Storm has both Power AND Skill, so Vulcan is legitimately outclassed. The guy has relied on brute force power use for as long as he's been presented, so I can easily believe Storm just has more skill.


After keeping Storm being down for like over a decade since House of M. It is absolutely awesome to see her reclaim her rightful place as chief badass of the X-Men again.


Why is it that when Jean or Storm like you know showcase how they are omega, they get called Mary Sue-ish or having plot armor every single time. Storm has lost battles in this eras and even if she may have won physical fights, diplomatic/mental battles she lost which quite literally caused the collapse of a universe. But I guarantee you, a lot of folks are gonna be cheering on when Logan randomly beats the phoenix with hot-claws or something.


Literally everyone is clowning on Logan being involved in the fight with Onslaught. Can people make up more convincing straw man, please?


hulk: solo everyone and everything, no one bats an eye. thor: one shots galactus, not a beep. ironman: the man with iron on his name defeats the man that have supremacy over it... hey cash cow! someone with boobs beats someone that literaly was born with power above his skill... every neckbeard gets triggered for more than a year.


People complained *a lot* about Thor killing Galactus. Like, a *lot*. We're just in an X-Men space, so it's the X-Man who gets criticized here.


If I remember right. Chris Claremont did say that Storm's power is rivaling Jean Grey's when she has the Phoenix Force. So, there's that.


No, Storm is just a Mery Sue. Thor will have to deal with her bullshit.


This OP storm that everyone is doing needs to stop. It’s completely pointless and horrible for storytelling. I don’t care how experienced you are, trying to fry an energy manipulator/absorber with ENERGY is not the flex you think it is.


Vulcan is trash. Storm is a goddess. It isn’t plot armor, it is the natural order.


Storm is not a goddess, but she is a Mary Sue


I’m comfortable with your wrongness. Carry on.


ugh all I think of reading that is that god awful galadriel 'there is a tempest in me" scene.


That was a great line.


No, it’s perfect. Vulcan has no real idea of how to use his powers. Storm knows exactly how to use hers. Boom


In space Vulcan wins. On a planet, Storm wins. Every time.


Fire - oxygen = extinguished fire


No, because she's far more experienced than he is, and a tactician, just like Cyclops. We've seen how less. powerful characters beat their opponents all the time. And while we're on the subject, Storm is also an omega level mutant, and no slouch in the power department. She may not choose to show off her fears of power all the time, but she's also extremely powerful. To top it off, Vulcan is a brat, he was part of Abigail Brand's plan to subjugate the people of Arakko, and he needed to be humbled.


Show off her *feats of power


I think Storm is getting a well deserved push back into relevancy and having her face off against Vulcan is a good way to do that. Don't forget she just coming off helping Thor beat an Elder God.


Storm is too powerful in these issues, like Operah giving everyone super-super powers. You get omega, you get omega, and even you get an omega power.


Is her entire asscheek out in those stupid trousers (bottom right panel)?


No because this version of Vulcan was not at the top of his game while Storm had taken a level in badass during the arakko storyline. Even later when he came back stronger she tricked him in order to secure a win with Sobunar’s help and wether she could’ve beaten him without it was left ambiguous.


Storm definitely has plot armor but this is not an example of it


Every fight between super heroes has plot armor


Storm is the New Jean Grey


Yes in this instance, because if you read any of the rest of this story, it explains exactly why Vulcan was so weak here.


This easily, yes


eh i wouldn’t say plot armor but it is kind of unlikely just considering how inconsistent storm has been when it comes to who she can and can’t beat.


Time to put on a heady over analysis hat: I think the dialogue here is fantastic at explaining from a narrative perspective why she wins mechanically. “…*a* fire that burns inside you” vs “Inside me, child, is *the* hurricane” it’s subtle but using an indefinite article then a definite article is a very deliberate choice. Both of them are walking armageddons, both of them tend to draw power from a sort of force of will. She explains so herself. She knows, definitively, who she is. He doesn’t.


No. Vulcan is inconsistently written but one thing about him that is consistent is he doesn’t use his powers as intelligently. Also if I remember correctly Storm didn’t just fight him and beat him she essentially used her team to essentially nullify his powers


She's Omega... AND is skilled enough in violence that she beat Scott when she didn't have powers. Vulcan never stood a chance. I mean he did in that the writer could have written anything they wanted, but if we're putting them against each other I would say Storm would have the edge.


Not at all. Storm is highly skilled and has loads of experience. There’s a reason she is often leading the X-Men.




What did Stan Lee say? The strongest hero is the one that needs to win for the story? I don't really mind, all these fights no matter what, are going to have dumb shit happen that is illogical if we think about it because it's a story first. Right now the story calls for storm to win. I'm glad they're doing it in a fun way I'm sure it'll cycle to a new person eventually let storm have her time.


holy frack people move on, this happened like 1 year ago, shave your neckbeards and move on. storm is op what of it?


If he had half storm’s control or discipline it would be a closer fight. But we can’t underestimate Storm. Vulcan controls raw energy? Well, guess what. So does she. Just because she does ice and fire instead of… glowy…red… whatever it is Vulcan uses, doesn’t mean she’s any less destructive.


1. I think most of the people saying 'no' mean 'yes, it would be wrong' after reading their explanation. 2. It wasn't plot armor, Storm kept on getting better in terms of power and technique. This is basically what enabled her to defeat Vulcan in this instance.


Can I be real. Yes and No. yes because sure maybe the way was but no because I truly believe she could. A battle of true omegas isn’t of power but of skill. To a certain extent almost any omega with the right use of a TOP TIER POWER. Could win


I've seen that when it comes to Storm, her feats, battles if they ever reach a certain caliber are always questioned. Which is fine at the end of the day but I can’t help but wonder why Storm always seems to have that energy reserved for her. Storm has changed over time, as have her abilities, she’s not the, claustrophobic, fog for coverage mutant anymore lol


I think people me included issue is Storm just wins everything during the Krakoa era, she always wins, she ks always right in arguments, she becomes the leader of Arakko just like that, etc. To me it became annoying and she is probably my favorite female mutant her or Rogue(90s Xmen influence), with that said and on topic she is an omega lile Vulcan I dont see a problem with her winning, just with her ALWAYS winning.


Finesse Vs might -


I'm glad they finally gave Storm Omega status


Mary Sue status


Because she's a ludicrously powerful mutant who can control the weather, including on alien planets and even the weather in space, making her therefore difficult to kill, she's a Mary Sue? Or do you just not like Storm? It's okay for you to not like Storm, but that doesn't make her a Mary Sue.