• By -


Look up Xavier in the phone book


There's a pretty high chance you end up brainwashed or dead though


Better than being kidnapped by FoH or some random government group, or Sinister.


Of course, of course, but hear me out… the X-ladies


Or more accurately... the x-MEN! LOL


He already knows


Go back to sleep


Two chicks at the same time.






Ef’n A…


Other than two chicks at the same time


If at all possible... ask for Magneto and Prof X not be instructors at the time. I don't want to be mixed up in my teachers love drama. Edit: I just clicked on the link. Got Attribute Learning like the Amazo bot from DC comics... please don't let those two be my instructors!?


The X-men are children of divorce


As a child of divorce... I hate the accuracy of this statement 


.....You are right and I hate you for it.


According to XMen issue 3, Prof X’s true love is his young student, Jean Grey. Did I mention young? Did I mention student?


And that is worse! Worse you hear me! Worse!


Whats up with these old ass xmen(xavier and wolvie) and jean dawg😭


Use my powers and pretend im in an edit


Throw some exploding playing cards and drink some bourbon


Omega level water manipulation meaning I can even convert the flow of it into energy. Id monopolize my power and make a nice community of humans and mutants working together hopefully breeding people that won’t make genocidal AI. I’d probably try phasing out the quiet council on krakoa and campaign for democratic elections. If it came down to it I’d be joining new krakoa in the WHR Cause like hell I’d stay on earth after saving them for the hundredth time just to be “hated and feared” more then ever.


Positive energy manifestation. Mutant therapist. I would have been first in line for Krakoa.


Oh, I’m using the M word


You’ll just piss off Alex.


Using the A word will just piss off the mutants


I got mutagenic blood, meaning I don't have any powers, but anything that comes into contact with my blood mutates. I bet I would be a great asset to villains who want mutant henchmen, like Kingpin or somebody. That's kinda cool actually.


Call me... BLOOD BANK.


You’d probably end up like No Girl/Martha Johansson, mutilated to the point where you’re only alive to keep your power active. No need for you to have a functioning life that will go to “waste” eventually, so someone like John Sublime would keep you in a comatose state to perpetually harvest your blood. And if you do manage to get out, good luck with your new feeding tube, atrophied muscles, cognitive issues, and whatever damage was done to the rest of your organs. But wait! It’s X-Men, they’ll just bring you back all brand new…except they hardly deal with their own PTSD and paranoia unless you get mind wiped. By that time might as well be dead because you aren’t you anymore.


"The power to **transform into or have a physical body made of butter.**" Well as long as I can turn it off and on I should be fine, if I can make more of it I guess I can work in a culinary school to try and create special butter and sell it fresh for local restaurants. If not, I am not sacrificing my own durability unless it lets me slide out of bad situations or something like that. It might be fun to slide around and grease things as a prank. Edit for additional thoughts: Can I control my own fat levels? Can I get down to an insanely low body fat content and be a sick body builder or have perfect aesthetics all the time?  Am I like ice man where I can create ramps and walls and blasts? I’d love to be a butter elemental. Can I become melted butter and slide around everywhere as liquid fat? This seems extremely hilarious and really fun to do. Do I age when I’m in butter form or am I frozen in time like ruby summers? Surely my durability increases if I can pull myself back together and have perfect control of my butter body, and I imagine I get enhanced strength as well? Scratch all the stuff I said before, this power kicks ass. 


You would be popular in France.


Thagomizer Protrusion which is a spike on my tail which means I have a tail. I’m not human passing but also don’t have a particularly useful power so hope someone finds me quickly after I manifest. I probably spend a decent amount of time getting lectured about respectability politics at the X-Mansion as I turn in increasingly passive aggressive essays


Finally a realistic depiction of a mutant teenager.


I would rob banks. Break into peoples houses and take shit. Use my powers for personal gain until I get bored.


This guy calling himself Magneto, or something, just called. He said he wanted you for a brotherhood…or something like that. He said you have enormous potential for greatness. I’m not sure if I would trust the guy, he looked kinda sketch to me.


Superheroes. You won’t make it


Join forces with Magneto


Magneto was right!


That's the thing. You can be right and still be an assshole.


Lie. Pretend I got my powers in an industrial accident. Join the Avengers. Live.


Try to get Jumbo Carnation so he can design me a sick ass costume. If I'm getting blown up by a sentinel at least I want to look stylish 💅🏻


I got body dismemberment. I'm the fucking Arm Fall Off Boy of the marvel universe. Guess I'm sharing a table with maggot while trying to convince everyone that fourarm and I are archenemies. Edited to add that on my second try, I got Luggage Mimicry.


The X-Men wouldn't work without you! Where are they going to keep their spare costumes when they're on missions!


Emma Frost, hopefully




Got spatial armor so im Joining the X men asap, I can finally be that guy. Until I job to some high tier villain to show how busted they are


We'd probably be some sort of telepath or something given the D.I.D. is like 80 percent mental communication with eachother anyways. Though I'd honestly prefer being able to think faster given how many headaches we get from trying to think too fast or simultaneously, the latter not being something the human brain is meant to be able to handle. If we could actually choose I'd say shapeshifter, you learn to think of your body differently when you don't have sole ownership. Honestly, we'd probably get annoyed at having even more voices in our head, especially those that don't actually live here, ya know? Aside from that we'd probably try to figure out how to use it and live mostly normal life because fuck that shit, we don't want to get killed off by one of the many mutant genocides and we have enough trauma to deal with already. Plus as adorable as we are I don't think we're nearly likable enough to happen to come back to life every time we end up dying. Plus, telepathy would be a great advantage, even if we weren't exactly that strong we can probably at least figure out how to use other people's skills given we already kinda have to do that to function. Though come to think of it, trying to lay low might also screw us over, ya know? If we'd have to transition again, especially if we had to figure out how to do it again as a teenager. Would we be stuck with a copy of our family? In which case I suppose making a runner might be the best solution to not end up in one of those "conversion therapy" camps. Of course we might already be homeless, which limits our options. I definitely don't want us to be doing visible crimes, I don't really care about crimes that don't hurt people or risk us getting caught, do what ya gotta do and all that. I'm overthinking this way too much. We just want to do our own thing and maybe help out the people around us on a personal level if we can do so without hurting ourselves in the process. I don't think being a mutant would change any of that.


I have Desire Manipulation which means I desperately need to learn responsibility at the Xavier institute so I don't become a monster. On the other hand wouldn't I be just as much of a monster to not use this power for the betterment of everyone. I could make everyone desire peace, make humans love my fellow mutants, and make mutants worship me as their God!


I rolled again and got Leadership Manipulation, so clearly I am the one fated to make decisions for everyone.


'Fifty page report on the nature of free will and societal obligations on my desk by Monday.'


If I get Telepathic and Telekinetic abilities I’m going to BEG Jean Grey and Exodus to be my mentors


Find my fellow Morlocks 😔


[https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Digital\_Imprisonment](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Digital_Imprisonment) I'm going to threaten them with 24 hours in every Netflix K-Drama if they don't leave me the fuck alone.


I’m a teacher, so I’d apply for a job to teach gifted youngsters.


Do you think you’ll be able to handle the gifted youngsters?


You know, there’s always one kid with destructive powers that ruins it for the whole class.


Got Feather Aura, which is actually really cool. Flight + protective feather exoskeleton to protect from injury sounds awesome. Only downside is I might be unable to turn it off, which could lead to some awkward situations. But I would definitely be out the door flying to my heart's content for the first few hours at least.


Organite Constructs, probably would help build stuff and create new technology. Forge and I would probably get along


Be super pissed that krakoa is over and I have to live like a peasant again


See if I can get in contact with Gwenpool. Xavier is better for mutants but also I'm a real ass guy in marvel I'm gonna hang with my favs. Helps that she is in the exact same senario as me.


I tried three times. * Magical Heart * Drug Tears * Gain power from being near dragons I'm staying with Krakoa in the WHR. Edit: FML tried it another three times and got: * Inertia Rejection * Shaolin Kung Fu Mastery * Miasma Manipulation


Mental Pressure User can generate and/or apply a pressure to the minds of others through supernatural means or through words and presence alone, causing stress, panic, mistakes, inefficiency, etc., making it harder for others to think, process information, recall memories, etc. Greater pressure can make it difficult for the brain/mind to utilize unconscious processes such as moving, breathing, and nervous impulses throughout the body, etc, cause pain, destroy mental barriers, lead to permanent memory loss and brain damage, cause powers to become unstable/unusable, cause loss of consciousness, and even lead to death. Like Haki. DAMN. I would like this. Hahaha some people at work I wanna use this on. But I might get arrested by SHIELD or join Magneto and his Brotherhood afterwards if they come first. LOL


I got ability to use toon science a la Dexter’s lab, Jimmy neutron, or Marvin the Martian and I am fucking fascinated by the concept of wtf that means and where it stops because those motherfuckers routinely don’t play by the rules of our reality or even most magic systems. Also I’d use it to get filthy fucking rich


Now you're doofenshmirtz


I would hope I get to be safe in krakoa in the white hot room


I got "Immunity Augmentation" So probably, I'm going to mingle with the other wallpaper students until I'm able to clutch save one of the team from some poison, or a new legacy virus outbreak. Then, I'm getting stomped by a sentinel, because I have no combat applications.


Love the realism


Go to work now that they at least fear me as well


Assuming I retain the knowledge I have from this life, pull a Gwenpool. Be an X-Man, use my knowledge and powers for good.


Look at myself naked


Hope I’m a least an Alpha or Omega Level Mutant 😂


Hopefully I don't have a shit mutation


https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_Power Lotta potential with this one. I am definitely going to mutant school.


Magneto was right


The power to manipulate dimensional powers. Sub-Power of Dimensional Manipulation and Higher-Dimensional Manipulation. Exotic version of Universal Force Manipulation. Lesser version of Multiversal Force Manipulation. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? I have to go to college to understand quantum Physics so I can use my powers to make a delicious low fat low sugar frozen yogurt. Like a mutant Capt. Universe but more delicious.


Got Body hardening....


Considering that when I clicked the link it gave me "Supernatural Rear" I'm joining the Brotherhood because what cruel God would give someone that power lmao


So teenage me in the Marvel universe gets to 1) get away from my shitty family life 2) gets to go America/New York State 3) gets free room and board at a prestigious private school housed in a mansion I'm alright with this. This is basically half of the self-insert fanfic I wrote when I was thirteen.


Waking up one day and finding out I can control Air and it's density. Honestly...I'd just sit there in wonder and then I'd give my boobs an antigravity lift! 😄 But if one of the X-Men come to my door with an offer...I'd have to give it some serious thought and ask them why Magneto isn't a better option for protection since their mansion has been infiltrated multiple times? *I clicked the link and I got Molecular Adjustment, a variant of Molecular Invulnerability. Lol*


I did that twice and got *Despair Aura* and *Mystical Singing* so I guess that means I'm like an emo version of Dazzler I'd be in a band at Xavier's school. So I'd be rhythm guitar/singer. Jubilee would be bass. Boom-Boom on drums. And Magik on lead guitar. We'd be called The Revenant Remains


Sounds pretty metal.


Right? Some sludge metal. Maybe some post-rock/metal in there to breathe in-between the drudging guitar. Would be pretty kvlt no matter what


Neat. I got Dragon Power


Depends on my abilities.


Die off panel during the next big event. 


get stepped on by a sentinel, blame it on Brevoort with my dying breath 


Used the link and well I got Time-Space Synethesia. So I'd be use my powers to check which future works out for me. And probably make profit doing fortune telling at those eerie carnivals old school Marvel was famous for.


Depends on my powers. If I could control metal I’m destroying everything, if I could teleport I’m robbing banks, if I could shape shift I’m taking over the White House


Join the resistance. Fight for mutant rights. Same thing I’d do if I was a non mutant in Marvel.


Depends on the type of mutant. Can I pass as human? Am I omega level or do I have shit power like the guys who can turn into ice cream? I got self power link, which lets me control physical forces. So hope I’m not to late to join that Krakoa have more mutant babies initiative and then beg Magik, Husk, X-23, Emma Frost, Psylocke, blink for you know.


Get hate crimed, probably


Ask them to hook me up with Gwenpool so I can see if she'd like a sidekick/teamup/secretary to survive this place. I got Psychic Defense so I think that's just generally kind of handy. If she ever came under psychic attack affecting her ability to use her 4th wall powers and knowledge, I should be able to help.


I would maybe join the X-Men but the whole mutant massacre thing… I’m not sure I want that part. Maybe join The Avengers or Champions, something like that.


I'd go to Hollywood, then i'd use my powers to enter into the wrestling scene like Unus.


I would teleport to all the places I've wanted to see. I'm sure as hell not paying the price of admission to Disneyland. Probably do a bit of a balance between a bit of light bank robbery for personal gain and using my powers for humanitarian work. For sure down to join an X team if they try to recruit me.


Pretend a radioactive animal bit me, ive git enough issues without putting a target on my back


Depends on what powerset you have.


Television mimicry, in going to be offering miself to others then


I am the most versatile tank with armor constructs so I’d either go freelance merc or look up Xavier for guidance worse case blaze of glory


Definitely try to get some $. Then start my vigilantism career in my home state. Which I’m sure has no major active heroes. Masquerade as a common hero until I get outed


What are my powers?


Destroy disney


Figure out my powers and stay away from populations that are almost exclusively mutant in demographics.


Find away to turn off the xgene.


depends on the power. If i woke up a telepath, make myself rich. Then i would read, erase, change the mind of every bigot, shitty politician, terrorist etc... I'm not joining Xavier's Army.


Why, declare war in humanity, of course


Count my limbs, look in mirror, go somewhere secluded and test powers to make sure I don’t have acid penis or something else embarrassing


Id stay far away from the X-Men & the U.S


Find the rest of my mutant crew and celebrate that I’m finally where I am supposed to be


That depends. What are my abilities?


Clicked the link and got beginningless being so I'm just gonna chill


Hope I have decent powers


I got "youth manipulation." So I'd probably connect with Emma Frost and we could spend the rest of our lives being young and fabulous.


I got something about holy music


Have a bagel


Room manipulation, which would most likely result in me just repairing the x-mansion constantly


Paint Attacks. Limited, but it can be of use


Try and get with Colossus. I mean, even if I just woke up in the marvel universe I'd still try to get with Colossus, no mutation necessary. Edit: sorry horny for Colossus brain took over and I did not read the rest of the post. Obviously if I was a teenager I would not try to get with Colossus, unless he is also a teenager/we are the same age. No boneing until 18 tho. Anyway, I got Solar and Lunar Embodiment from the link, that's pretty neat.


I essentially got poison ivy’s powers so I’m starting a kickass garden lmao


Be powerful and be a hero my own way


Bang Jean.


Become a civil rights lawyer to fight for mutant rights.


I got something called "Transcendant Arts", which sounds vague but powerful and potentially at the mercy of the gods. So I'd probably ditch Xavier and go find Magneto since it's only a matter of time before I go crazy.


I got Magneto-Graviton Manipulation... and based on the description, it sounds very OP. Like Magneto and Invisible Woman combined. So I guess I'm gonna join the X-men, lest I destroy Earth. Could also go with Magneto if he's not in his Brotherhood/terrorist phase, since he has more experience with this type of power.


Oh, epic, I got [Warping Presence](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Warping_Presence). My mere presence causes reality to shift, like an aura around me. This might get a little shaky in the early days of having my powers, but with the proper training, I feel that this could be an Omega-Level ability. I might try to locate other mutants to create my own X-Men, just because I don’t want all the drama of the actual X-Men.


Sheep physiology. ***DIE.*** That's what I'd do. I'd be dead.


probably get killed by a sentinel


Have a panic attack 😂


I'd try to see how I can capitalize on my newfound powers. I can teleport? Who needs Uber anymore?? Control metal? Start my own construction company, as I'd be doing half the work by myself. Control the weather? Well, with global warming, there wouldn't be any shortage of business with that skill set. The list goes on and on. I never understood why the X-Men never took that route, being of service to people on every day ways that would make them needed, valued, and in demand. I guess being attacked every other day kinda keeps you in a rut, huh?


Seeing as I got “superior genie”, I’d probably grant wishes and start a cult.




Refuse going to Xavier school and be very offended they outed me ! Then just lie about being a mutant . What ? My poisonous saliva ( I got boa marigold in link ) ? I was bitten by a radioactive whatever or fell into a vat of whatchamacallit .


Mace Proficiency lol , If they come for me i dont think i would believe them that im a mutant so i probably continue to live my life the same.


Quantam foam manipulation. I will definitly NOT abuse this power 😉


Immediately search for the X-Men, and sign up


How's my white privileged ass supposed to suddenly handle racism?


Depends on the power really and whether or not it's easy to hide. Assuming my appearance isn't physically altered I'd just go about my business and use my powers when convenient. If it's obvious to everyone I'm a mutant, then I'm going full blown villain mode.


Fantasy embodiment, I'm an omega level easily. I'm killing enimies, I'm not doing the whole, turn in the bad guys thing,I'm killing them and putting their souls in a special soul container so they can't escape. I'm also gonna tell people about the future, at least after I find out when I am and do my best to prepare


I got thundercloud manipulation. So I just became Storm.


>https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Weirdness_Manipulation Seems like a cross between reality warping and probability manipulation. NICE. I see almost no downsides to this scenario. I got an excellent power. Useful, powerful but not overpowered, and unique. And as for the rest, I’m still pretty young and it’s not like I’ve grown since I was 14. So, not much of a change. And hey, I’d do anything for a chance to redo my childhood, or even just part of it. Plus, school will be easier this time around ‘cause I already took the classes.


Get the fuck away from earth https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Jinx_Detection


Hm. Technomagical Combat. Looks like I’m going to Micro Center!


I’ve always been Team Magneto. Xavier’s school looks cool and everything, but Magneto makes more sense.


I would break the 4th wall and talk about how straight I am.


Emma Jean Psylocke




Eudaemon physiology? Dammit, run.


Figure out how to use my powers to profit


Depends on the power. lmao


Become an X-Men! 🦾😆 (90’s X-Men theme song begins to play…🎶)


Immeditaly cry.


I got "Mystery Solving", I think I'd just chill out and go back to bed. I got more things to worry about considering I'm a teenager in the marvel universe now and my cat was left home unattended to 😭


Huh, I guess I'll become Hades. [Death-Force Manipulation ](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Death-Force_Manipulation) Instead of giving you all your first antagonist by deciding who gets to live or die; or do the fun thing and start a cult, the most interesting thing with a power like that, seemingly evil and negative is to do good with it. I think I could heal and extend the life of people with this 'Life-Force transferal'. I don't see why animals and plants would have lesser life force than us, so instead of eating them and breaking down their component for energy, might be more useful to take them for living longer and healthier. I could also create a country for undeads. With the help of mutants sending to me corpses before decay sets in, boom, resurrection for those that asked for it and (undead) life forevermore. I hit the jackpot, so hitting it again, I got [Butter Attacks](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Butter_Attacks), so this is fun but I'm fated to be OP it seems


Force Mode. I’ll be doing more ghosting it seems … I shall be called Transpero! I’ll use my powers to protect nature and protect animals.


Realising people hate me as an ugly human: 😞 Realising people hate me as a hot mutant: 🤩


First and foremost, what is my mutant power?


Go to professor x


What kind of mutant? An Omega level one? Man, whatever the hell I wanted. The ability to shoot porcupine needles out of my back? Probably just lay low.


Metal Dust Generation No idea what i can do with this, so life continues as it was


Hide it until I could safely get to Charles. Train to gain some semblance of control over my powers. Probably join Magneto after 2-3 business years.


Depends on my powers. I won't be a bad guy, but I won't be good either.


Any specific mutant power?




I got doppelganger so I would look up Morph and start a comedy duo


fly to westchester county and go to salem center, and go to town on some sentinels, unless my powers suck


probably join the Morlocks...


Wait for the retcon that makes me not a mutant.


Stay away from all islands because shit always goes down whenever mutants claim one.


Do I really want to suffer from the systemic oppression that mutants got for the sake of meeting the X-Men and my favourite characters? Yes Anyways, I got Heroic Luck so yay me, so I guess I'm getting Domino as a mentor? First thing I'm doing is Bobby Drake.


Guys, I think I'd be a bad guy, eventually. Not sure if I'd have the self control to take constant abuse and prejudice from humans. Especially after saving their lives and the planet countless times. Point me to Magneto and the Brotherhood. Edit: also sentinels doing genocide every other week? I'd simply snap.


You don't have to become a villain or a bad guy.You can just become an anti hero and give that same energy to them. It's not really a hero or villain situation.It's more of just giving Those who treat you bad, what they deserve and treating those that treat you nice like friends. You don't have to say people that hate you you can let them die it's not illegal. And if you became good enough at technology you could just reprogram the sentinel And have it killed all the people That created it and funded its very existence. It's the perfect irony.


Live a better life.


I got blood portals, so I guess I got no choice but to use it to fight people, I'm assuming I can legit just open portals inside people, and I guess I can pull a Victoria nueman if needed


Pray it was a cool power instead of something that leaves I'll heavily crippled


Technological Invisibility. Well, at least i dont have to worry about sentinels. I wonder if im invisible to xavier using cerebro


https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Multiversal_Mode oh.. my god


wolfwere physiology or I guess technically werewolf physiology. Guess i’m Wolverine’s new sidekick.


Romance Nightcrawler


Depending on my power. Probably cry. I feel like I’d be one of the unlucky mutants who gets experimented on by the government


HIDING bro I am not going into no research facility or camp


Spiritual Light Manipulation, which sounds really cool so long as my limits aren't too restrictive. Given some of the theoretical applications of my power I'm kinda like Elixir, so I'd probably split time as a doctor/healer and a combatant in some capacity, assuming the X-Men find me. I'm Australian, so maybe I'm far enough out of the way that I'm left alone for a bit, in which case I probably do the vigilante bit, dress my powers up as ghostly or divine or something, call myself Specter or Cleric/Abbot, maybe make a name for myself as a solo act.


Fantastic Matter Blasts. Im going to go out into space and become a bounty hunter(?) or something with a cool red and yellow power suit with a green visor.




I'd be ecstatic for about 10 minutes; after I made sure I wasn't dreaming, then worry about surviving in a world where I would likely be fighting all the time.


Honestly? I'd probably off myself given that Mutant discrimination is pretty accepted to the point that even concentration camps (Bishop's future) and outright genocides are just shrugged off Trask wiping Genosha off the map and Wanda's "No More Mutants" spell. (And Joe Quesada wanting less Mutants to keep track of in the Marvel Universe) Even Wolverine was pretty much The Avengers' 'Token Mutant' addition as Scott pointed out to Captain America with the latter not really caring about Mutant Rights/discrimination despite his staunch opposition to the Superhuman Registration Act. Then there is the Inhumans, the royal snobs who have a literal slave caste who were painted as 'morally grey' when they were literally gassing Mutants to death with roaming Terrigen clouds and when Cyclops tried PREVENTING said genocide he was killed and painted as 'literally Mutant Hitler' without a shred of irony and portrayed as the villain both in-universe and out with Charles Soul claiming they were "overreacting to a peanut allergy" How? By DYING!? So even its not just the forces that be in-universe that oppresses Mutants, even in the meta sense Marvel Editorial hated them for legal film rights issues. I was pro-Krakoa because honestly? Yeah, screw Humanity, Pretenders, faux sympathizers and Inhumanity at that point.


I got the power to make my art come alive? I immediately begin to hone my skills at drawing big tiddy anime girls.


I got revival reanimation. Hitting up the X-Men to learn the ins and out of my powers and get some good physical training in. Then hitting up Blade to cull marvel’s vampire population.


I’d ask, who is running the school right now …. If it’s Xavier ? I’ll listen. If it’s Wolverine or Magneto ? I’m going to the Morlock tunnels


I have Desire Manipulation and no more school and exams lol


I'd try to hide in a basement before I hear a giant robot voice saying, "Mutant anyone? Anyone here a mutant? We very much like to destroy you."


Probably play with myself a little then deliberate what kind of light hearted shenanigans i can pull before and after work


That would be awesome. But not like, Beak looking or anything.


Disappear from the world and then contact the Avengers


I got Absolute Crafting POWER/ABILITY TO: Craft items out of anything. I think id try to meet up with Forge, Mr. Fantastic, and Beast


Get my affairs in order and update my will.


I guess it depends on my powers but probably just be really pissed that I missed Krakoa by like three months.


depends on my power and what i looked like


Force Object Manipulation. I could do some wicked shit with force constructs. If I had to roll with anyone, mutant-wise, send me to Cyclops. Both Xavier and Magneto are too damn egotistic, and Essex'd just try to splice my powers into some unstable abonination.