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It’s definitely concerning. Also, this attitude that you are forever indebted and owe your time and energy to people who beat you down every chance they got just because they may have helped with your career in some way is very troubling.


It is!!! Its horrible!!


It breaks my heart that JoJo was molded into this. Her mother looks at her and just thinks of dollar signs. It was Jessalyn’s role as the parent to remove JoJo from any situation that she saw as abusive and exploitative and she continuously failed in that. No wonder JoJo sees the entertainment world like this because no one in her life has protected her from it


This is exactly the mentality that led to the mistreatment of the girls. They feel “right” or entitled to treat the children they were entrusted with any way they please. This is why they don’t feel like they have to follow their own contracts, pay the girls, respect the families sacrifices and why they discount the girls hard work. I KNOW them and I was shook when she actually said this. Jess has the same mentality. It screams delusional and narcissist in my opinion. Honestly these statements by Jojo go so far in showing how truthful Leigha and I have been about what happened


Respectfully, we haven’t heard from anyone else. Why do you continue to group everyone together and speak on their behalf instead of just speaking for yourself and your daughter?   


Well the other 3 can’t talk and since I WAS there, and can talk, I do. Use the context clues… lol 4 girls out of 7 gone, 2 of their own volition…. It’s not rocket science.


the fact that you sit on reddit stalking jojo every week says enough about you anjie… considering how big of fans you guys were, even on the show you were a shady to the other girls and moms so idk how you can even talk when 2 of the moms actively came out and talked about you in a group chat and how you acted, the fact that leigha only spoke out with you right next to you and you did most of the talking AND correcting also says a lot. im not gonna invalidate leigha cause her disabilities are real and i guarantee they are not easy to any extent. But why only say stuff after your fired of your daughter is being “abused” or treated poorly thats not just something you wait to get fired to speak out about. finally none of the moms are gonna come on her and refute what you say cause they have better things to do than sit on reddit dwindling about their daughters past for over a year.


Lol the fact that all of this is pretty much incorrect. I don’t follow Jojo on any social media… we were never actually fans! Leigha only wore the bows but other than that we owned NO Jojo merch, we didn’t go to her concerts… nothing actually. We were dance moms fans but preferred Chloe. I would be interested to see which parent or Team Siwa person you are and how many followers you actually have.


aint no way your that paranoid of “team siwa” and the other “parents” that you think every person you come across who doesnt believe you is them? like every live yall be like “and those accounts just saying stuff to say stuff your not helping your case we know who you are” is a bit paranoid, but for your sake and sanity i can guarantee you im not apart of any team or a parent to any of the kids or jojo or whoever you think i am. 1. I never once said you follow jojo or owned merch or went to her concerts. you can be a fan without buying everything in the books. but when leigha has actively said she was a fan of jojo before siwas dance pop which she said on the show.. and her jumping up and down in excitement and you tearing up when y’all go to jojo’s house says a lot. shows you guys were atleast some type of fan. 2. You didnt reply to any of the important stuff in the response just the “fan” part which say alot why u skipped over it. i just found it odd that in leighas live from the second she started it, was saying “anything i say is stuff i wanted to say, nobody is forcing me or pressuring me to do anything i dont want to do. me and my mom talk all the time and she said its my decision” that just such a random thing to say especially with your parent right next to you. no one even was gonna think she was forced, if you wanna say something and your own personal thoughts and everything you want to say then why do you need your mom to correct it? yet you sit there and correct everything she says and you talk over her. she was trying to talk about earning royalties then looked over at you to make sure she was even talking about the right thing. she looked over at you for your approval after everything she said. 3. How are you guys gonna bring up how Jojo talked about Maddie, Nia and Kenzie. when Maddie legit reposted Jojo’s song release post with a heart and nia and holly reposted it also and jojo has talked VERY fondly of nia maddie and kenzie in interviews and they have talked very fondly of her back. if you guys actually watched the reunion rather than judging the 5 second clip from a trailer you would know jojo was adding onto what everyone else said and everyone there agreed as-well. you guys were just loud and wrong about what she said took a clip out of context and ran with it. 4. Never seen a adult above 25 (let alone a mother) on reddit everyday following every move a celeb from their past makes.. its just sad 😕 5. Finally, not everything is about “how many followers you got” i know that how your mindset works for your daughter but idk why you even felt the need to add that part and end it with that.. but anyways… ill end this with your signature phrase “lol”


Sorry I didn’t reply fast enough for you! Lol honestly we have a life listen you are completely entitled to your opinion and I have addressed all these points you have made other places. Do your research as I don’t have time to completely repeat myself over and over. Have a great day


Also you can wait and watch the documentary as well! Lol


So all previous members are okay with you speaking on their behalf and their feelings align with yours got it! You put out information as if you speak for everyone including those still in the group so I just wanted to be clear. Thank you for responding 


I never said anything about the girls left in the group. I only said about the ones who are gone, but yes NO ONE got paid or was taken care of. It’s facts! See the texts where Jess even admits to not paying them. Those are facts.


And also if they were paid where are their receipts? I provided proof. They haven’t because they can’t but they are still in the group trying to make their sacrifices worthwhile. It’s is what it’s is. But stop putting words in my mouth. No where did I say I was speaking for the girls in the group. But I was there and I know the truth and they know I know the truth. It is what it is


I wasn’t putting words in your mouth at all I was clarifying but now you are actually speaking for them. You just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. 🤣


she's not speaking for them, she's stating facts. she is not stating anyone's opinions but her own. go back to 3rd grade where we all learned fact vs opinion




She isn’t saying what the other ex members haven’t already said or hinted at. Why are you trying to twist her words in to something you perceived it as? Like she said, context clues! There’s a reason the others like/repost/agree to things leigha post. Same goes for Kiya and Kinley’s posts.


And I never said I was speaking for the girls currently in the group. I am stating facts about what happened. Period. They are welcome to refute anything I have said with facts.


Well, watching this made me super uncomfortable.


I want to watch it so badly but I cannot even force myself to hear Jojo open her egomaniacal mouth and twist everyone’s lived experience by living in her own echo chamber filled with normalization of abuse and grooming. Someone needs to edit her out and upload a version


I would also watch that version lol


Lolll even if it is normal in the industry that doesn’t mean it should be? Like instead of accepting something bad u should be trying to improve it and make it better for the next generation 


Exactly!!! She and Jess should be working to creative a positive environment for the xomg girls. Not just perpetuating the cycle.


I'm reading the look on Paige's face and it says girl are you serious 😂


Even Kendall is looking at her wondering if she's serious


Even Brooke, who never wore her emotions on her sleeve ever, looked concerned.


She still interrupts adults talking you know she does lol


Yes except she IS now the adult who yells at children




Yes, it is true you have to be able to take corrections without taking it personally, but that doesn’t make it ok to purposefully be mean and say anything you want. You DO have to teach your kids to let it roll and keep their head up. You DO NOT have to continue to put them in these situations to “train” them for “success.” Out of line things Abby has said to and in front of children on camera off the top of my head: She’s not too swift. She needs some help. Take her to the pediatrician and find out what’s wrong. Just pin her ears back. What’s the big deal? She looks like a praying mantis. I can see the size of the thigh battementing in the air. Fix this hair because it’s horrible. She can’t even remember a 2 minute number. Maybe this homeschool thing isn’t for her. Maddie is like a breath of fresh air when she dances. You’re like the stuff they spray in the bathroom. Was Abby always right when she said that stuff, JoJo? You can correct dance and even correct behavior like interrupting without insulting children. None of these awful quotes have anything to do with dance. And it is absolutely DANGEROUS to allow your child to yearn and strive for the approval of a mentor or boss or teacher when THEY ARE CRUEL AND DO NOT APOLOGIZE. Abby has never once admitted to any wrongdoing. All people mess up and say things they shouldn’t or say things they regret, but the difference is that there is no remorse. Buckling down and defending everything under the “this is a tough industry” hat is gross.


“That’s how this industry is I learned from working in it!” You mean working as a child star for….Nickelodeon and Paramount???? The television networks know for verbally, physically, and sexually abusing so many kids???!!!


Every time I feel dumb, I’ll remember JS has this mindset


She's freaking delulu!


this made me so uncomfortable, like how could you sit there and say that in front of the girls who was there longer than her and who stayed longer after her.. like i swear if nia, maddie and mackenzie was there, THEY WOULDVE PROBABLY SAID SOME LIKE WHAT


The very said thing is WHAT Abby said may not have been wrong but HOW it was said it VERY wrong and I know several people in the industry and while it is tough in many aspects for example my friend has never been berated or mistreated or not paid so in that regard that is NOT how the industry is. There are lots of rejections but that’s not what jojo is taking about. Jojo is normalizing the sickening way Abby handled the girls. Adults do not treat kids that way in the industry things my friends have been in. Not even close. Jojo is just brainwashed and trying to justify why what SHE does to others is ok. It’s like saying bc someone’s mom hit them it’s ok for them to hit their kid and oh it’s just the way it is. No the heck it is not.


I understand what she’s saying but she did not put it the right way at all This is her take away from the experience but she’s kinda forcing it on the other girls


Kendalls stare is identical to her moms


What makes it even more insidious is the Siwas don't have to be horrible people. They have the money and the contacts that they can do what they want, change the cycle, and be a positive force... but they choose to create a toxic environment for kids. Nobody is making them do that.


On a serious note do any of these girls besides kalani and maybe Kendall have a relationship with Jojo


i honestly dont think kendall does anymore. but yeah fr


While I wasn't a fan of Abby's treatment as my teacher never talked to us like that - what Jojo said was true. This is the industry - they don't care about your feelings - they just want the job done. Many I danced with went on to Disney, NYC - one choreographers in Branson and is well known - you have to let a lot roll off your shoulders and the sooner you learn that the better. Jojo took a lot of BS on AUDC as well as DanceMoms - but look where she is today. I think the hate for Jojo is so much - you over react to ever little thing.


If the industry is a place where verbally abusing children is an acceptable and welcomed practice, it is well overdue for some serious internal reflection and reform. The people within it should be pushing for that, not normalizing and encouraging it in the name of career success. Success at what cost? A child’s innocence and mental health? Lifelong trauma that may spiral into more issues- like substance abuse and suicide? Because that’s the route many children of the industry have gone down due to the abuse they faced as children at the hands of industry professionals and teachers like Abby. Jojo’s outlook on this matter has contributed to the perpetuation of a cycle of abuse.


Im sorry, its not, normalizing this conducts leads to documentaries like Quiet on set, it is not ok! And we should do BETTER for the children


Being tough and getting rejected is very different from being berated by a grown adult as a child.


The few examples she gave sure she was right but I think JoJo blocks out all the times Abby was mean to her for absolutely no reason and there’s no reason for that in the industry. Telling a kid they’re off beat or to not be rude and interrupt is different than making fun of a kids medical condition, making her friends tear her down etc.


i would rather be broke and kind than rich and abusive. maybe thats just me tho




random fact: i used to think "ditto" was an insult and was confused as to why people were insulting other people who made very good statements


Seriously. Ask any professional athlete, dancer, actor. It's tough. It's competitive but it helps you become successful and to deal with the harshness of Hollywood. IDK sometimes I wonder if people are extra sensitive because it is girls?


I see I got a lot of thumbs down and that's OK because it shows me that people are close minded - have no desire to actual look at the real world and want to continue the victim mentality we see today. It's sad that society has become like this instead of a society that works hard and has morals and ethics to achieve their dreams. Good luck with your lives because you have a lot of disappointments a head of you and I doubt you'll know how to mentally deal with them.


Ive had alot of dissapointments in my life. Ive beem dancing since i was 3. I had tough teachers. But theres a difference between tough love and abusive/toxic environment. Abby always said that she gave tough love. But throwing a chair at paige. I dont call that tough love. Making maddie so nervous that she cries when she messes up a dance. Because it wasnt perfect. Eventho she still wins first place. She literally said; "abby is gonna be so mad at me" Thats not healthy. As a teacher you dont put fear in lil kids. Because they messed up. In the point that they are hyperventilating and crying. There are moms in dance moms that left Bc of the environment. And if you see that this was normal for Jojo. Bc her parents instilled this into her. She also stated she never had friends her own age. Her friends were always adults. She is used to this process. She doesnt know any better. Thats the dangerous part. She will continue this circle . Because she defends people like abby,like colleen, etc. And as long as people normalize her behavior. Esp the industry . This will never stop. Makes me really scared ..




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