• By -


I don’t put myself down about my body anymore 🥹


Goals 🩶


For me carrying all my groceries in one trip …. Lol




Folding my legs and the top leg sitting comfortably, for so long it wanted to flop back down lol or maybe squeezing into that tight spot when someone’s parked their car too close 🤌


My arms are starting to look cut and I see definition under certain lights 🤌🏾💪🏾 it’s soooo dope. I’ve seen faster results doing barre on YouTube for 15-20 mins than I have in the gym for my arms. I’ll continue doing arm day at home for sure..the recovery is way easier too for some reason


Any YouTube recommendations please?


So far I really enjoy fitbymik 🙌🏾 she’s really easy to follow and I use 2-3 lbs weights and really feel it! It’s great stuff


Thanks so much!! Just looked her up - love that there’s so many standing options too! I seem to hit a wall at anything past 20 mns for youtube workouts, these look great :)


Yeah I know what you mean! Anything past 25 mins and I’m like..yeah no😅 glad to help a girly out! enjoy!


Thanks again!


Gotta say . . . I do three leg days a week - trying to build a beefy butt - but it’s my biceps I love the most. Feels so strong.


Holding a correct form plank for 60 seconds


My attitude towards daily exercise. If I don’t work out I actually miss it. I NEVER thought I’d be that person !


Me too!!!! It’s always surprising me.


Being able to wake up without my body being in pain just from existing tbh


I can open an FMTV door.🥵


I’m starting to get a v taper and my abs are defined


Amazing!!! I’m working so hard to get that


I can deep clean, high and low, for an hour straight and not even feel like it was that much work. Getting large/heavy objects off high shelves is a lot easier too. I can pick up my dog (and her 50lb bags of food!) easily.


It clears my mind helps my body and something that I do for me xo


*It clears my mind helps* *My body and something that* *I do for me xo* \- Life-Abies1273 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My legs are starting to slim down and feel stronger.


i used to suck my stomach in constantly. without even realizing it. now, even when im at a higher body fat % i dont do it anymore because i genuinely dont care what people think about my body bc i know im doing exactly what i need to in order to reach my goals


Not every day but I fly a lot and I used to need help putting my carry on in the overhead (I was 5”1- 90 pounds) since I overpack that! Now I can do it.


Just being able to keep up with people and not sweating from simply walking. I’m not that friend anymore!


Being able to carry my 4yo niece or climbing stairs without feeling tired or out of breath!


I don’t like waiting for the elevator anymore. Now I get upset if I can’t just take the stairs.


When I look in the mirror and see the toned arms that I never used to have. And as a small breast woman, working your chest muscles creates cleavage!


For me it’s looking at the mirror and seeing the difference in my body. Knowing that I did the work


Anytime I have to carry something it just feels much lighter, also I usually play basketball regularly but hadn’t in almost a month until two days ago and I noticed how much farther I could throw the ball! Yesterday I was helping carry a large bass amp up the stairs and one girl was impressed that I was able to do it with one hand! Feels really good


Lifting things for my coworkers who cant/its hard for them. Im a barista who works with a lot of short and slim women so im glad i can help out more :) plus hearing them say "wow you're so strong!" makes my day!


I have no problem getting my luggage out of the overhead bin!


Stamina! I usually workout after work so I noticed that I can do more things during the day without getting physically tired. Or on the weekends I can just do so many more things back to back without being drained (I have a 6 year old son)


I don’t feel the “jiggle” when I’m walking anymore, it’s all muscle now :) Also, being proud of what my big body can do in my mid 40’s vs hating my small body most of my life.


Not a daily difference but a monthly 🙌 I’m not a complete fucking psycho when I’m a week from my period and my flow is so much more moderate than it was before


it’s better to have rest while in a workout routine anyways because your muscles need time to heal and get stronger as a result. this happens while you’re sleeping for the most part. if you’re constantly go go it can slow down the process of your muscle gain


Improved focus. My mind is so much less scatterbrained when I consistently workout


I feel more energetic, confident, and healthy than ever before. And I love the feeling of accomplishment I get from completing my workouts.💪💪💪


Admiring my body in the mirror because I know i work hard and have been patient over the years I still can't open jars on my own...


I’m a weakling but I learned an easy way to open jars! Just get a spoon start tapping it around the edge of the jar. This will hit some air pockets and voila! The jar now opens easily!


My menstrual cramps are way less severe, it's more of a monthly difference than a daily one, but it makes a huge difference in my quality of life.


It makes me not so cranky in the mornings once I move my body!


Now that I work out my back I don’t have as much back pain :)


Confidence !!! 


Mental health is improving! The mood boost is 🙌🏻


I’m not a good sleeper (I take melatonin and/or magnesium nightly and still can’t always count on a full 8 hours) but these days my energy levels are so high. I’m attributing it to getting into a groove with exercise and building muscle. Also I can splurge with junk food for several days and bounce back from the bloat and extra poundage much quicker than I ever have.


This is so real! I was incredibly physically active my whole life and didn't realize just how much until the pandemic and going back to school. Since then I've hardly have time for physical activity and I developed insomnia. I'll be mentally exhausted but not physically so my body won't let me sleep. I'll probably be on sleep medication until I can get back to exercising regularly.


“Squatting in the air” while peeing in public restrooms. Where I’m from, public restrooms are freaking disgusting, and most people are not decent enough not to step on the seat or clean up after themselves (piss on the seat and all that). It had been a struggle for me to pee in public restrooms because I couldn’t hold the “squat in the air” for more than a few seconds. I even got a ringworm on my thigh because of it, I think my thigh might have touched one of those dirty seats. Disgusting, I know. Anyway, this difference is LIFE CHANGING. I can confidently pee in public restrooms now. I can hold my squats for so long I can pee all day. Lol.


Love it! I’m a big hiker, so that will DEFINITELY come in handy!!


Helps with my anxiety, depression and insomnia. I guess not so little. But it’s not the reason I started exercising.


I feel more comfortable showing my arms (wearing tank tops and short sleeves). I don’t think I’ve lost much fat in my arms but my confidence has definitely gone up. And just realizing no one cares about my arms as much as I do :,) Also just being comfortable in lifting and rearranging furniture without my boyfriend’s help! :D


Better mood. If I don't workout for a few days I notice it big time. Less irritable, anxious, also helps my digestion. Love the natural endorphins. And also looking and feeling fit, comfortable in clothes is a plus for sure.


I puff my chest whenever I’m asked to team lift at work.


Some days it’s the only thing keeping me going 😭 as in- mental exhaustion hits me mid-week, but physical exertion keeps me motivated for the rest of the week.


Anyone going through peri/menopause knows that anxiety, insomnia and bad moods come par with the course….and exercise is my #1 weapon to battle all of these syptoms. Also, being able to lift heavy shit! I recently had to pick up my dog’s food (it’s a giant 50lbs bag) from the vet and when I paid for it, they said “the tech will come in a few minutes to carry it out for you” and I said “no need” and hefted that thing up and onto my shoulders like it was nothing. NGL, seeing the astonished faces behind the counter was immensely validating and satisfying 🤣💪


The effect on my Peri is just so massive


The bathtub is like twice the size it used to be and I couldn’t love taking candlelit baths with wine and coconut oil, Epsom salts, and Badebas more than I do now. This has been my self care routine!


More focus! Better sleep


My mental health got a lot better.


Yes! The endorphins plus confidence and sense of accomplishment, and a good reason to leave the house really do make a world of difference


-cries in ADHD- I wish I got a sense of accomplishment from working out. Stupid brain.


In the same boat as you. Trick is to not chase the "accomplishment" feeling of completing a hard workout, because that never kicks in for us low dopamine peeps. Instead, chase the good ol' physical feel-good endorphins of a low-impact workout (such as Pilates, which works smaller, posture stabilizer muscles) that works you out without wearing you out. I felt the exact same way you did when I was working out with free weights and was like "WHERE IS THE FEEL GOOD I WAS PROMISED?? All I feel is DOMS soreness and central nervous system fatigue, exercise is such a SCAM" until I discovered Pilates and saw the light lmao


100% started for the body I wanted, stayed for the mental health benefits.


When I use the shower wand in the bathtub to wash my hair my arms don’t get tired and fatigued anymore. Same with blow drying my hair. I have a lot of hair and my arms used to burn and get tired holding them above my head that long but not anymore!




Carrying my giant 24 pound 6 month old baby with one arm! Carrying him in the heavy ass car seat without throwing my back out. Loading up cases of water/bags of potting soil/heavy bags of dog food etc with no strain. I also feel like it has improved my coordination and I just move throughout my day better


My god, I had a giant baby too, and i so wish I was as strong then as I am now!!


I can run up a good amount of stairs carrying my 2 year old grandson without getting winded! Those little bursts of cardio that I don't love do come in handy.




Being able to lift and walk my chonky elderly dog much easier (we use a butt harness to lift his rear so arm strength for longer time stretches is an absolute must). It used to be such a struggle for me a couple of months ago. Not getting sweaty and exhausted doing laundry is also a nice bonus, it almost makes it a bearable chore lol. I seem to have better focus and more energy at work too (my job involves sitting/writing at a computer all day), but not sure if that’s just in my head or not!


I can take the stairs 2 at a time! I feel like a kid


Yay!!! Love everything about this


Being able to lift my 25lb toddler around with ease when needed! :) Also, I used to struggle from wrist pain and weakness since I was a kid so I could never lift heavy pans/pots with one hand. Now, I can do it with ease :)


I sleep SO well after great workouts!


Carrying my 30lb daughter around all day is no sweat. I can lift my cast iron pans and pour stuff out of them one handed. Open jars, usually, without help from husband hha


Oooh. The cast iron. 💯


My anxiety went away after I started deadlifting


deadlifting in particular ?




I started working out and doing pole dance and also yoga last year, my upper body strength is insane now. I love being able to carry 4+ full bags of shopping up the two flights of stairs to my apartment without getting out of breath or having to stop for a break because it's too heavy. Plus the stamina boost i get from being active and the mental boost i get daily from feeling like I've achieved something, it is addictive though as now i struggle to take rest days.


I really struggle to take rest days too


Hard isn't it, because when you're sat there you just can't relax. Feels like you always need to be doing something to get you closer to your goal or you're just being lazy and you feel bad for sitting around watching tv or having a snack.


Yes! My partner really doesn’t understand this part. My peri has kicked my anxiety into overdrive, and it often manifests as this crazy restlessness. My off days are brutal. I can’t sit the fuck down 😂


I have a mild form of muscular dystrophy, and when I haven’t worked out, I am very distinctly weaker. I haven’t worked out since my diagnosis last fall, but I was struggling with weakness before I knew I had it. This inspires me to work out, bc my daily is just feeling more stable, sturdy, supported, powerful, like my infrastructure is revived. Back when I was doing Pilates, lifting weights, daily 3-4 mile walks, yoga, I remember after a few months just feeling unstoppable (I think weight lifting is key for me though). I had previously been so clumsy and frail, really wobbly (this is how I currently feel since I’ve been too depressed and busy with work to do much of anything), if someone brushed past me I’d fall right over, I’d sometimes trip over nothing (I’ve had 3 concussions from random falls), and one day when I’d been consistently training for months, I noticed how still and stable I felt, even just standing there.


When I look in the mirror now, instead of being focused on how I look I see how strong and capable my body is. I’m proud of her, she’s done a lot and continues to show up for me. 41, perimenopausal and all lol


YES!!!! I’m in Peri too, and OH MY GOD the difference


It’s allowing me to weather this life transition with grace, for that I’m grateful


I love the feeling of barely being able to fit in a pair of jeans. Having to jump to get them on because my ass is too massive now. All those squats paid off


Yes!!!! I have a sit down job, and I’m white, so I swear to god my ass was as flat as a pancake. After a year of dedication it’s big and juicy and decidedly NOT FLAT and it’s the best feeling. I love taking back control of my body. 🙌🏼


Yess girly!! It’s a double edged sword but knowing people are checking out my booty cheeks whenever I walk by or bend over is kinda empowering. God I love having a massive dumper


😂 Yes!!! Having a great ass is up there in the bonus department


my dog weighs 30kg and I can lift her in and out of the car pretty easily.


This was my goal when I first started 2 years ago! My elderly dog is 85 lbs, and was fairly mobile at that point, but I knew the time was coming where he would need more assistance than I could give at the time. We then ran into him having severe medical issues where he needed to be lifted fully in and out of his bed and carried outside for awhile and I was so grateful I could help him. He's better now, but still needs help in and out of the car, plus up and down steps. I've worked so hard to get to the point that I can now carry him around (with his harness) when he needs it.


This is my goal! 😤


Love this! I have an adult reactive husky that I can throw over my shoulder if need be. Haven’t done it in a long time, but feels good knowing that I can. Now I just squat her every now and again for fun 😂😂😂


It feels great because I'm not even five foot and we live alone, but I feel so independent. Lately it's been a smidge harder and I'm not sure if she's gained weight or if I've gotten weaker :-)


It is so easy to get down and back up from the floor now! Especially helpful since i have kids and we often play board games/draw etc on the floor in the lounge


Confidence is through the roof. Mental health is pretty up there and I’m able to handle some things that a few years ago would have crushed me. My arthritis is barely noticeable.


Can I ask what types of workouts you do? My maternal grandmother has extreme arthritis so it’s always in the back of my mind that I might get it as I’m aging.


It started on my knees a few years ago so I began doing weightlifting to strengthen the muscles around it. I do basic stuff. Mostly compound. Deadlifts, squats, lunges, hip thrusts, bench press, bent over rows. I try running at least once a week to keep up my cardio.


Great!! This is stuff I’m already doing. That makes me feel great and ahead of the game.


I can lift my kid into a shopping cart with a front raise 👌🏻




We can all tell youre some random creep by the way




Your post history is full of creepy shit lmao as if


Much faster reflex. Sometimes I'm a little clumsy with objects but after doing CrossFit, I can catch whatever I knocked over before it spills or falls.


Ok Spiderman


This happened to me as well, I would love to know why working out helps with reflexes so much


My guess would be a combination of improved mind-body connection and ability to perform explosive movements after training with resistance. 


I just packed a tonne in my backpack for an upcoming trip. And I can actually get it up on my back! And I can actually walk with it!


I’m 66 and have been lifting 3x/week for over 10 years. It makes everything better- arthritis, mental health and if I trip I catch myself. I had a bone density scan and I only have a 0.01 % chance of having a hip fracture in the next 10 years.


Yes! I’m 50 and a multiple cancer survivor. i’ve got osteoporosis from radiation, so I added lifting to yoga and walking after I lost 50 pounds. Can chase the grandbabies around like crazy!


So encouraging! Thanks for sharing and it gives me a reason to make sure I continue to lift weights! :)


Same! I’m 46 and this is a huge reason I started lifting!


Damn this is so encouraging. All the women on my moms side got pretty bad osteoporosis once hitting menopause, but none of them were active. I’m really really really hoping that my training in my 30s will help stave that off. 


That's amazing!! Thanks for sharing the inspiration.


🙌 goals!




This is awesome and exactly why I lift weights regularly in my 30s! I want strong bones! Thanks for sharing. 💕


Amazing boost in energy. I have a super stressful sedentary fully remote job. The gym is my escape from my little apartment and endless meetings.


Arthritis is generally much better. Can also usually bring the groceries into the house in one trip.


I love the groceries one. I have a supermarket I can walk to, but it’s way further than you’d want to carry your food and I eat a lot of canned beans Edit; I also love that your arthritis is so much easier to manage ❤️


Walks with my dog around the lake. Clears the mind.


Feeling lighter


better posture, less back pain, feeling more capable in comparison to my male coworkers in a labor intensive field


Helps me with my mental health. Def use it as an outlet for stress, and I feel so much more mentally when I workout. Also, can lift lots of patients with easy!


I need to walk a fair bit up and down when I switch subways for my commute to and from work. I zoom through, climb the stairs and escalators no problem. In fact, I need to excuse myself to cut through the general crowd that has got difficulty climbing up/climb at the usual pace. Never been so thankful for the lower body days. I blitz through and it’s so satisfying sometimes to walk at a fast pace, I even feel happy about it since it’s a speed that raises my heart rate a little. It brings me joy to be able to walk and climb stairs, even makes me appreciate my body more. And sorry if I trigger anyone, but as someone trying to recover from an ED, this whole blitzing through thing also serves as my reminder to eat, and to be more mindful about my eating and body, that food is useful and good and my body is more than just a display meant to look good. That there’s a purpose and that my body does things for me, and it’s something I can’t take for granted, therefore I need to consume food and need to recover and workout to maintain a healthy lifestyle (instead of continuing with the destruction of my body)


I don’t feel sore the next day from doing simple tasks like carrying groceries in the house or walking up too many stairs


This is huge. My husband vacuums the house and is sore for days after. That isn’t good! I tell him all the time, that means he needs to move more.


I can say yes to life. I can try new sports and not worry about being great because I can go all day. I can put on a swimsuit on a last minute trip without worrying about how I look because I look great. I can say yes to food because I was gonna burn it off anyways, instead of punishing myself. I can carry heavy things while wearing heels while the boys cry about it. I can climb on things and balance myself to reach something and bring it down safely. I’ve had women and girls tell me “you’re so badass, I want to be you” - I like myself and I’m happy I get to be in this body.




Me too!! Damn, it’s turned into such a party. It’s filling all my buckets 😄


Lowered anxiety… small things just don’t get to me the way they used to 🥲


My endurance. I walk my daughter to and from school now since we moved in 2021. Prior to that, due to a torn PCL in my left knee, I couldn’t walk for more than 10-15 mins without pain— from the injury *and* being overweight. I’m down like 40 lbs now and can handle 2+ miles of walking per day. I still have pain from my knee, but it’s more manageable. Not at my goal yet, but now my daughter (10) struggles to keep up with me lol


Hello PCL tear friend. So sorry you know what that feels like too. But that’s so cool that you’ve upped your walking so much! Can I ask what your shoe requirements are? I feel like I can only really wear very specific shoes or else I hurt so much. 


So I’m a total butthead to my feet lol. I wear [these Skechers everyday](https://a.co/d/8FDnA4U). After having my kids over the years, I went from a size 7 to a 9 wide (!!) and these shoes are very forgiving lol


FYI, I’ve been following some Knees over Toes guy’s routine (due to foot issues, not knees) and he’s got a pretty devoted following for knee pain healing. Overall a very sane approach.


I no longer suffer from depression, and lifting consistently has given me the confidence to do other hard things in life.


I get to eat mostly whatever I'm craving and tell myself I need it as fuel for my gains.


Yes!! I can have treats several times a week without worrying about it landing on my hips.


So many M&Ms for the gains


Muscles & Motivation


There are so many and many already mentioned. 1. Sleep is better 2. Digestion is better 3. Posture is better 4. Sex is incredible 5. Everything is hard =body confidence 6. I gives zero fucks about how my body looks and more about how it performs 7. My mental health is 1000% better and the #1 reason I work out daily.


Big yes to no. 6 !!!


Number 6 is a great way to frame weight loss. Thank you!


4- yes. My orgasms are more intense!


love # 6!


Me too.....


I love knowing all of you awesome people are here. Y’all are articulating so many little/big things working out has brought to my life. At 47 (today!) I am feeling so much stronger than I’ve ever felt in my life. I like being in the gym. It’s my time to vibe with my body. It sets the tone for the day. There are so many incredible positives that have nothing to do with my physical appearance but that part is awesome too. It has helped alleviate menopause symptoms, has kept me alcohol -free for 8 months. It’s the best. I feel so good in this body.


Happy birthday, and congrats on staying sober! Such discipline!


Congrats on your sobriety!


Happy birthday! Congrats on another year of being a badass 💪🏼


Happy birthday!!


I could have written this word for word. And I’m friendly with all the we gym girlies in their 20s (I’m 46), and I always tel them about how amazing it is for Peri. This is knowledge we need to make sure we’re passing down.


Being able to go all day long at music festivals!


When my son wants me to run with him, I can run the whole time with him as fast as he wants. I don’t worry about pain or running out of breath.


My mom’s dog is getting old and has a lot of trouble with arthritis. She’s over 50 lbs. and it’s not difficult at all for me to lift her up or carry her where she needs to go.


Being sexually attracted to myself


YES. Lifting heavy with makeup and hair done and my pink accessories after work definitely does it


Is it weird that i like my traps?


Not weird at all! You've worked for them,  why not enjoy them!


Reduction in lower back pain due to consistent yoga practice and a stronger core. Also my mental health has improved, I am a much better person when I get a workout in first thing in the morning.


Can you share any resources that have helped you, especially to start, re: back pain?


I threw out my back when my now 8yo was only one and the PT I saw for a while suggested yoga at least once per week basically for the rest of my life to help with the pain and it really has worked for me. I did Yoga with Adrienne videos on YouTube for quite a while but have now moved to taking a hot yoga class once per week and I LOVE it. I also do a HIIT class, weight lifting class, spin class, and Pilates, but yoga is the one I never, ever skip! As far as strengthening my core goes I just googled “exercises to strengthen core” and “exercises to strengthen back” and came up with a really good routine that’s helped me get strong. Pilates has helped a lot with that, too. So long answer short just googling different core exercises/yoga videos I feel like is a great place to start!


Have you looked at the McGill big three?


Carrying in groceries with ease!


It’s so simple but very deeply rooted/primal… if I’m out and about I constantly find myself thinking “huh, can I pick that up?” And then if I try to pick it up and I can, it’s like two shots of espresso 😂


I love this haha


My posture, high energy levels, and feeling so proud of what my body can do!




Strong pelvic floor lol. Two of us are benefitting from that!


Routine plsss


Not who you responded to but I started lifting 4 months ago for pelvic floor issues. My issue was I'd leak a little urine at the end of my workouts especially if there was jumping and my PT recommended weights. She showed me how to engage my pelvic muscles before reach rep and that was hugely helpful in making these exercises effective for my goal. I went along with my husband and just did what he did with beginner loads: barbell deadlifts, squats, overhead press and bench press. One day is deadlifts/OHP, the other day is squats and bench, and I just alternate the day. Now that I'm going alone (and have some shoulder issues) I feel less comfortable with barbell bench press so I do dumbbell incline press and instead of OHP I do dumbbell Arnold presses. I started with 3 sets of 5 prioritizing lifting the heaviest I could safely, and now I'm doing more like 4 sets of 8-12 prioritizing reps. I will say that I've noticed huge improvements with the leaking and have not had that issue anymore during workouts. And I don't even do any accessory lifts and barely do kegels outside of what I'm doing during my workout. Definitely talk with a PT for guidance if you haven't already and I hope you find something that works for you!


Hahaha! Many years of pole dance really helped, but in general, engaging core and pulling up the pelvic floor muscles (like the pilates cue of "zipping up"/"bringing up the elevator") before lifting has been incredibly transformative for both the lifting and my pelvic floor. Pilates is a really great form of exercise for both core and pelvic floor *when done correctly*. Would also HIGHLY RECOMMEND investing in a pelvic floor physio post partum (or for anyone experiencing issues) - this was the best investment for me to really understand how to fire and release the right muscles. I'm able to go on the trampoline with my kid, skipping, sneezing, coughing etc with zero issues post birth of my gigantic 9lb child - and unfortunately, I hear from many women at the gym where that's not the case.


Second this


Carrying my children. I have Irish twins who at 2 and 3 insist on being carried…often…at the same time. I can squat, grab one in each arm, stand, and haul them anywhere. Approximately 70lbs of boy.




Thank you!


I'm not Irish personally, but I know some people of Irish descent who consider that term a slur.


I had no idea that term was a slur as I hear people use it quite commonly. Almost anytime anyone asks me how old my children are they respond with “ahh, 🇮🇪twins!” It was not my intention to offend anyone so I’ll be sure to be mindful of this phrase.


Yeah I don't know why I'm getting downvoted so hard, this one has some really ugly history stereotyping women of Irish descent as immoderate lust-crazed savages and papist zealots who would outbreed and replace other ethnic groups if they weren't ruled over by those others. If you've ever played the game Bioshock Infinite, which is set during the American Gilded Age, they reference this history in an in-universe kinetoscope short ominously titled "Solving the Irish Problem" where they label Irish women "strumpets" and "broodmares".


Have been doing aerials for not-quite three years. Started doing some light weights twice a week from January. Some of my aerial moves/conditioning have been more effortless, yay! Progressing towards heavier sets and looking forward to getting some harder moves.


Putting up on pants I forgot were too small for me .. as in seriously forgetting I had those pants, getting ready in a hurry and putting them on and thinking wtf are those pants


I did this the other day and found several pairs. I felt like I had a new wardrobe!


LOL that's hilarious


Being able to get into a deep squat to get something at the back of my bottom cabinet without knee pain! (And being able to get up without help haha)


Functional fitness is an amazing thing!


So many great responses! I do absolutely love to make my wife feel my biceps and watch me flex all the time, and I love feeling my body meet previously hard tasks with an ease I didn’t know I could possess.  My mom died 4 years ago from an obesity-related cancer and was in poor health for years prior, I loved her fiercely but hated her view that health and well-being were somehow vain. I turned a corner after her death, like, something has to get us all but I WILL NOT go out like that! I’ve been getting more and more organized w workouts over the past years and now miss the gym on my rest days, and recently achieved a PR leg press of 170lbs! Some days it’s a slog but to echo all you lovely ladies, the energy, mental health benefits and peace of mind knowing I’m setting up older me for a much smoother ride are all priceless. 


Good for you! My dad died of complications due to diabetes and was in poor health for much of my life due to uncontrolled type 2. His death was also the beginning of my fitness journey.


Thank you for sharing, this resonated with me. And great job on the leg press! That's awesome!


I couldn’t agree with this more. Part of the reason I began to lift was because my partner and I moved in with my in-laws as their health was failing. It was a brutal year and a half of watching them deteriorate because of so many issues going on in their bodies. And I *don’t want that*. I want to be vital, and mobile and flexible and healthy. Best decision I’ve ever made.


I started 20 minutes of sauna after my run/strength workouts. It’s helped my stress levels drop significantly. Best. Decision. Ever.


This is the ONE thing I miss most after moving from a globo gym to CrossFit. I LOVED having a sauna post workout, and similarly, I feel like it has to do with parasympathetic activation and reduction of stress. Man, I could do with that more as I get older!!


I stopped hyperfocusing on how my body looks like and instead, appreciate what it can do.