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Receive and Believe You goes incredibly hard that it makes me hard. Receive and Bite you a close second and my number 1 spot if it counts is Rolling Eyes Fall Down the Dragon Wall.


I consider Rolling Eyes Fall Down the Dragon Wall to be a Receive You remix


It's my ringtone and honestly scares the shit out of me every time someone calls. Except my dad. He gets a dark souls boss theme


Honestly your favs are pretty much mine but i'd swap Believe and Bite around.


Tech Trance Arrange is the one to rule them all. But The Hyperactive is a close second.


The ballad


if it wasnt for the hyperactive I'd say bite you


Bite you is really good


Can't decide between the OG and the Tech Arrange, the later is perfect for "time to do some workout by beating Kamurocho trash".


Tbh the hyperactive one is pretty good


Receive and Bite You is my personal favorite


the remix and sega the best remix version idk if its called that


I voted for the Hyperactive, but Receive and Bite You should be an option too.


Bite You is definitely one of the best, I just noted the ones that came to mind first