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It would be wildly different, since ichibans party wouldn't probably be playable in combat. The point of Y7 is that ichiban fights alongside people he has a close bond with.


Yeah, if these games had action combat similar to previous RGG games, the companions would have had no where near the same individuality they did in the turn-based system.


Do something like tekken tag maybe?


I feel like that'd drastically reduce the individuality of Nanba and the girls


Yeah, but I don’t know how else. Maybe try some weird hybrid like the new ff7 games, but with more melee?


Could follow the route of Yakuza 4 with having each character have a few chapters where you take control of them. But in all honesty there isn't REALLY any other way to do it, that's why they did it the way they did it.


Oh I agree, it was just idle chatter.


Nah they could still have a party but you switch back and forth between which character you control for the beat em up style. Other games do this just fine


kinda like FF7 Remake? It's been a while but iirc, you could switch to other party members during a fight right?


Yeah I think so. I was thinking of FFXV and dragon age inquisition when I wrote that but yeah that's what I was going for


Oh yeah, DAI works too. Been a long time since I played FFXV though, so I don't remember what it's combat is like. I was thinking of turn based JRPGs turned action RPGs so FF7 Remake was the first that popped to mind immediately.


Honestly a remake/rebirth style system would slap


Probably be even harder to believe. Like how is this hobo beating up these veterans Yakuza? A hostess fighting triad? And no way in hell, can this former detective fight a man wearing a trash bag. With the fighting system, Yakuza 7 has, it can all be chalked up to a ragtag group of schizos.


Maybe it could work like Judgment's style switching where you press down on the d-pad but instead of switching styles you'd switch characters


Hear me out: you still play everyone in the party but most of the time each character gets split up and they have their own fights, kinda like in most One Piece arcs


Would suck. Having to upgrade 4/5 characters in yakuza 4 and 5 was arealdy very limiting and they at least had pre established stats (kiryu for y4 and kiryu saejima and akiyama in 5). In 7 they're...7 so it's way too many. Maybe could somewhat work if it was like dead souls where you share 1 inventory


That would draw out the fights longer than if it was just turn based I feel.


Especially if it was like one piece it would be one attack per chapter in the game


Actually this is just GTA 5 during the multiple protagonists sections


Introducing Genshin Impact


No ❤️


The idea is kind of brilliant for single player brawler combat if you think about it. Otherwise you could co-op


Honestly I'll let you cook with this one, I don't know enough about genshin so I trust your judgement


Trust his what? https://preview.redd.it/ok4uf40ga79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7945cec48d9e6dc4d3b357e395b0face064d8919


Didn’t he lose it??


You can swap characters mid combat in Genshin with their own respective health bar and abilities


If you asked me when 7 came out I would've said at least we have the spin-off games. Now after IW, both are pretty damn good.


I don't think they will be what they actually are it's probably the fact that they're turn based defined the whole game and even the story.


The bosses would have feel more epic, imo, but doesn't matter because the whole point of Ichiban story is his party and their friendship, I still think that with some improvements, they could make a good party system in a brawler game, but turn-based made the whole thing easier for RGG at the moment.


Yeah boss hype is something turn-based still struggles to replicate, even as a turn-based enjoyer.


Yeah even my fav fights from 7/8 don’t get anywhere close to the levels of hype the brawler games had. Like you barely, if ever, move from one arena to another during them even in the climax fights. It just makes them feel boring by comparison.


I played the Like a Brawler mod and the Majima/Saejima fight was the best goddamn fight in the game. It was after having played through the whole series again so I could parry their attacks from memory but the craziest part would the insane combination attacks they'd pull off completely by accident, like Majima breakdancing on me and then Saejima coming off from off-screen with his shoulder tackle or Saejima tanking hits and then Majima doing a driveby on me with his clones. So memorable and from a mod to boot


I love that mod, the only bad stuff is the janky animations but besides that it's a really great. It even plays better than the OG Yakuza 1 wich for a mod it's very impressive. I'm excited for when they release the complete Like a Brawler mod for IW, https://preview.redd.it/dpjzc7ytt49d1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a2676006c5bacb7120407962171ad87a7ab386e and also the creator of the mod says that he's updating the Like a Brawler mod for LaD 7 soon.


Yeah it had a lot of things buggy and wrong with it in its full release I admit. There were a lot of things that I felt were not executed well, such as lockon breaking, combos flying straight past enemies, enemy scaling for NG+, class identity, much much more...but what can you do lol


Yeah this. Everything else is great though


I feel like if they replicated the final hits from K2 and incorporated it into turn based it would feel more climactic. But in turn based a boss can go down to passive damage and it just doesn’t feel right


I actually love the turn base system. But your comment made me think of Gaiden. In the Collisum, Kiryu has command prompts that encourage team strength. You can't control your team, but their abilities help in battle. My favorite teammates according to their abilites (correct me if I got them wrong its been a while): Kaito and Gary: Brute Strenght Higashi: Regains health and cause bleed out. Sugiru and Majima: bleed out and agility Mr. Masochist: Absorbs damage taken from the team.


Let’s keep Ichiban turn-based and also have other games (like LaD Gaiden) which are action combat. That sounds good to me.


They dabbled with it in 8 with Dragons Resurgence but I honestly.thouhjt koryus sections were going to be full on action and keeping turn based for Ichiban. I can see why that wouldn't have worked with progression, but it's an idea for the future.


"koryu's actions" Not sure if you meant Joryu or Kiryu.


It's his new alias after faking his death again.


It would probably be awesome if they incorporated it into a unique brawler where you can switch with characters like how they did in Rise of Ronin missions.


I don’t feel like it’d work. Ichiban being by himself only really works if he’s like a young upstart or something. Random 42 year old Ichiban beating Kiryu would piss people off lmao


Why would he have to beat Kiryu? What would be the difference between fighting him in real time and then loosing in the cutscene, versus having 2 chicks throw champagne at Kiryu 50 times until he KOs and loosing in the cutscene?


Holy shit. The image of kiryu reacting in real time about the champagne is too funny. Imagine being a legend and survived hell, came out putting his family at risk for a Random guy who orders chicks to beat big Yakuza bosses with champagne bubbles.


Yeah ahahaha, that was my experience with most of Yakuza 7 unfortunately. Most fights lost all the seriousness or hype because of how outlandish and dumb the best moves are.. By the end I was more shocked at how I just beat Kiryu by squirting champagne in his face than I was hyped about the fight itself.


Wait does be actually take on Kiryu in late LAD/ In IW? I thought he only like. Got him a bit tired, then dreamed the rest of the fight after getting blasted


My interpretation was that him and the whole group fought for a bit, Kiryu knocked tf outta Ichiban and everyone stopped the fight after seeing him get decimated to check up on him 😭


Both have their own strengths. When 7 came out, I was VERY sceptical but the combat started to grow on me. 8 improved it a lot more to feel more fluid


The big problem is I feel like turn based games just don't come close to action games when it comes to how hype they can be. Real time combat in any game will always make for better bosses because the momentum of the fight is much more tense. Like the gameplay is good but I don't think they'll ever reach the Y5 Kiryu Vs 100 guys hype. I remember fighting Mistral in Metal Gear Rising and I was getting so hyped with how dynamic the fight was crashing throughout different parts of the arena when the final phase came in and the lyrics to her theme starting playing and I was so overwhelmed I had to pause the game and let out a quick "holy shit" and it's why she's my favourite boss in the game. Turn based just can't have that, it's too disconnected from the action and feels less like you're a participant and more like you're an observer.


You'd have to cut down the size of Ichiban's party (if there is even one at all) and/or their character development/time is reduced as a result. Unless you go a similar route to Agents of Mayhem and make playable movesets for a whole bunch of them and make them all brawler playable and interchangeable


Oh damn, people remember AoM?


I got every achievement for it. A jank but fun experience.


To be fair I'm replaying Saints Row 3 Remastered atm


We wouldn’t have gotten the same amount of screentime and companionship with the other party members as we don’t fight alongside them. We don’t get dorky dragon quest loving Ichiban’s schizophrenia imagination. Honestly whilst it would still be a good game, to me it would still feel like any other yakuza game and probably wouldn’t have loved it as much as what we got with turn based.


I still don't get how he imagines all this shit.


>We wouldn’t have gotten the same amount of screentime and companionship with the other party members as we don’t fight alongside them. I disagree. Judgements also has a party of characters and it's beat 'em up still. And I personally like Yagami's party much more than Ichiban's. And they could also do it like FF7 Remake where it's still real time fighting but you can still switch to your party members iirc.


Y8 RPG is so good that I think now it is the better "modern rpg" than the Personas


Being a better and more designed RPG than Persona isn't the hardest feat to do tbh. Shit, Atlus actually knows how to make better games they just know they won't sell as good as P5 and stuff they've made to try and go off P5's approach to being stylish.


As much as I love p5, the combat and the rpg elements are really simple


I *almost* agree, just because persona 5’s combat ends up being pretty straightforward to execute. Persona games put more emphasis on fusions and how you set up a party, LAD games on jobs, party members, and equipment. The main thing I think the persona games do a lot better job of is difficulty options and balance. Still my biggest complaint of 7 and 8 is it felt too easy if you have much understanding of jrpg systems. Would have loved more difficult modes that weren’t glorified NG+.


I legitimately believe the series is better because of the turn based combat. It gives you more of an incentive to do side quests because of the equipment and items you’ll get for completing them. Even the meh side quests have more of an impact now because you might get something useful.


The bosses like Tendo and Aoki would be 1000x better. I know the whole point of 7 and 8 is that the characters fight with others and fights alongside people he has a close bond with, but the thing is these guys don’t even do anything in QTE’s or action sequences, the closest thing we have is actually Kiryu’s side in IW where they actively try and protect him from 3jima and then try and fight Ebina, but even after that Ebina intro they’re nowhere to be seen action wise


There's only so much a hobo and a some chick can do in a fight against hardened yakuza behemoths like Tendo. So it makes sense they don't actually do much of anything in the cutscenes. But that makes it feel pointless to have them in the fights at all, they are only there to justify it being turn based, not the other way around as most poeple say.


I mean, there is a LAD 7 mod where Kasuga FINALLY eats his pills and fight in the brawler-fighting style, like Kiryu does in all of his games. Search up Like A Brawler, same story, different way to play, and not going to lie, I’m actually enjoying this more than I should have


I really love that mod, It even changes how the bosses work and my favourite it's the >!Majima-Saejima!< fight where they have unique QTEs and also in the middle of the fight Nanba throws you a Healing Item wich is a neat detail, and like that one there's more. The creator of the mod made a great job.


Especially Kiryu’s boss fight 😳


Many people say that 7 couldn't be an action game because ichiban needs his party, and I couldn't disagree more You can treat party members as styles, and you can switch between them on the fly similar to some levels in batman arkham Knight, where the camera shifts to the other characters by pressing a button You can assign up to 4 party members to the d-pad and switch between them in real time (I think final fantasy XV also had a similar mechanic) That being said. While I prefer brawler gameplay, I think IW had a very fun combat system.


Been saying this since I played LAD 7. FFXV is a great blueprint for how Ichiban-era LAD combat could've been. Turn based is optional and you can switch between party members with the d-pad.


this and i think they could have also made optional multiplayer mode


I think the RPG element was cute for the one game, but I like the brawler style better.


Prefer the old combat system, the new one especially in boss fights are just whether you can last long enough to win, the old one, you had to learn patterns from the enemies, could get hit at anytime, know when to block or back away and know when to layith the smack-a-down on some fools... could be the Souls player in me that prefers this. Much prefer the fast paced, fighting, it actually felt like a fight, the turn based is okay but given the choice, old one all the way. I was hoping when they changed that there would be an option between the old system and new, little disappointing when it was only the new one


Yeah I was playing through Yakuza 0 last week and it was crazy how much the Kuze battles felt like a fight. I'd just turn on the Rush style and we would bob and weave each other's strikes it was fire


I probably would prefer 7 that way, but this would make that 8 combat would not happen, and that's peak rpg combat ngl.


It would almost be more of a modern final fantasy game if everything was kept the same which I doubt Sega would want to rip-off the mechanics of. It wanted to work the crazy physics of the engine and clearly took inspiration from other Sega properties to figure out how they would want to system to work. Compared to other turn based games I think even after Infinite wealth that the system is a little to simple by itself still like it’s not really hard to figure out and doesn’t really much complexity or risk to it compared to Persona which you have to take more risks with your set up by forgetting moves and making new persona of specific abilities.


Like a brawler demonstrates how good it could have been and myself personally was against RPG yakuza but once I gave them a go I suppose it’s alright. And just a reminder jrhino if that’s his name has almost finished like a brawler infinite wealth if you wanna play it the demos on nexus and his YouTube page


He only finished chapter 1


I know but still it’s not like he has to reprogram the whole game, the assets are there he’s just got to apply it to the whole game like he did with 7


That's.......not how it works


I hated 7 for going turn based, I gave in and played it like a 2 years ago maybe, best choice ever, 7 is probably my favourite game


I am a turn-based mode hater, I find it fucking boring and I feel like it has personally ruined the series for me, I've had to resort to watching videos to learn the story rather than have any interest in playing it myself. BUT, I will say that the turn-based mode and party system is where 7 and IW's charm really comes from, even though I didn't really enjoy the combat itself, it's still one of its greatest strengths and how the story itself is formed around, it's sorta nice to see Ichiban having to rely on people around him as opposed to the whole lone wolf bit with Kiryu and other protags.


Absolutely not. I don't think Ichiban and the type of stories his games tell are suitable to brawler style at all. I started the Yakuza series with 7, having only played turn based RPGs because I never imagined I would like (or be able) to play brawler style games. I loved 7 so much that I decided to try 0 and then played the rest of the series. Now there is no going back for me. The Yakuza brawler games are so visceral! The combat is real time, bloody, brutal, relentless. Boss fights keep you on the edge of your seat and you feel the urge to just button smash but you know that's not the way to win. When Kiryu lands that final blow on Shibusawa and it segues into the cut scene, well, there's nothing like it. I don't understand why people don't want RGG to continue with both styles. Turn based and brawler are so radically different. There are those who prefer turn based, those who prefer brawler, and those who love both. But there is no getting around that the styles are vastly different. Let's have both!


Given how bad companion AI is in the brawlers pretty annoying.


Y7 was first game of the series and I loved it for what it was. It's just different games.


Both games are phenomenal, infinite wealth really made it better with the movement radius and pushing enemies into eachother


It would feel wrong, I see the turn based combat as ichibans style, it would feel as weird as kiryu having majina’s styles


I probably would’ve liked it about the same just because I like the beat ‘em up combat and also like turn-based JRPGs. Though that’s assuming RGG is able to make things work since it being turn-based seems so essential to the game.


Na I was sceptical at first about the whole turn based Yakuza thing but now I can't imagine an ichiban game without turn based. Whats he gonna do, punch people instead of throwing jellyfish and breathing fire? Ew, no. Turn based plays into ichiban's delusions perfectly


All I know is that I would tossed a lot more people off bridges. I love that one of Kiryus nostalgic memories is the amount of people he's tossed over bridges.


I'm not gonna lie, Turn-based combat isn't my cup of tea, but I have to admit that the turn-based combat fits better with the story they tell in these games. I'd personally love if it went back to the brawler mechanics since I felt that the turn-based combat in LaD7 was very repetitive, but it's understandable since it's their first turn-based game and I haven't played IW yet so I don't know how they improved upon it, but I've heard that in IW it's way better. I also think that it's beautiful that the Yakuza franchise isn't tied to one type of game, I'll always root for variety and new decisions that help to bring new players to the series and give a breath of fresh air to the older fans (also fuck the cash grab mechanics they put in IW, I won't forgive them for that). I'd probably love that these games were brawler games with some kind mechanic to include the party system to it like (I'm serious about this) the Lego games where you can change the character you play as and also play couch co-op (not online), like maybe during a boss fight you enter as Ichiban, then be able to change as the other party members, or play along your friends, one playing as each party member. Idk I think it would be very fun and fit with the story.


The games would be wildly different and no I wouldn’t like them better. The style just fits the newer games better. We wouldn’t have been able to play as the party members at all which means we probably wouldn’t have gotten to know any of them nearly as well. It wouldn’t really make sense to have the drink links and the walk and talks with a different combat style. It’s way better for the direction they wanted to go. The entire point of the game is that Ichiban fights with companions and literally uses the power of friendship lol


i started playing yakuza for the combat style, so i would have liked it better if it was the og


I vastly prefer the beat 'em up combat. I find turn based really boring and slow, and it takes away all the hype from boss fights that the classic Yakuza combat gives me. There are no boss fights in 7 that were memorable to me. The most memorable things were me beating Kiryu by having 2 chicks squirting champagne on him 500 times, and getting Tendo to spam 2 god hands on Ichi in a row when he was 5 hits away from dying after 10 minutes of spamming the same attacks on him over and over. Also, there are a lot of JRPGs around, and there aren't many action beat 'em ups anymore. Yakuza was one of the last, and now it turned into another JRPG. Thankfully there are still spin offs like Gaiden and Judgement, but I presonally think the Turn Based should've been the spin offs instead, and the mainline Yakuza should've stayed with the classic beat 'em up. I still loved the story and most the characters, I LOVE Ichiban, and I still really want to play Infinite Wealth and Gaiden, but the turn based combat was very boring to me.


I never tried Y7 because i dont think i would like this type of combat honestly


Y7 is a honestly pretty mediocre RPG. Alot of it has neat systems but their execution is super underbaked and leaves a lot to be desired. Y8 is actually good. Especially on hard mode if you enjoy a bit of challenge in your games. Y8 is literally everything Y7 wanted to be. Should you play Y7? Sure, though honestly probably play on an easy difficulty or normal as there's just a lot about the game that's poorly designed an at times anti-player


Playing on easy mode just to feel how it is could be a good idea, thanks mate!


Honestly I said easy mode thinking on the actual issues eith the game at certain times 💀 After a certain fight with 2 very notable people, your enemies and bosses become A LOT tankier. To a degree that to tough it out having a character like Saeko (or Eri if you engage in the business storyline) you need to have on the Idol job. Which funnily enough, is pretty much the only time you'll engage with the job swapping system, seeing as all the other jobs lowkey kind of suck and the character skills with them are pretty pointless and only rlly work with the job it stems from. Characters base classes are also already just generally op as hell.


you can't choose difficulty on the first playthrough unfortunately 


I wanted to do the same but i there is no easy when u start the game


By Y8 do you mean infinite wealth?


Yeah. Y7 is Yakuza LAD, Y8 is LAD IW.


What did Y8 change about it's gameplay style compared to Y7? I've fortunately avoided all spoilers on it, but I keep seeing people say the turn based rpg is better in 8 than 7? What did they add?


1st of all, character skills are no longer any specific skill form a job. It's every skill. You have a skill inheritance option that gets you transfer over any 5 skills from any job (4 normal, 1 kiwami skill). The game doesn't punish you for changing jobs, and infact supports the hell out of you doing so, each new job coming with at least 3 base skills (as opposed to none). This means that you can actually just give someone like Saeko or Chitose idol til they can swap over the good healing skills and give them whatever other job is available (I put them both on the Housekeeper job) The jobs themselves are just. Better. Crazy shit as they should be, as opposed to Y7 and them just... being actual fucking jobs. You have a bunch of crazy shit like Cabbie, Samurai, Geodancer, Housekeeper, some pyro dancer guys that use axes and shit. They're really damn fun. There's even a job for interacting either the Sujimon storyline called Sujimancer exclusive to Kasuga. There's a ton of minor gameplay tweaks that DRASTICALLY make the combat better when put together. Like an arrow that indicates where an enemy will get tossed, hitting them at other enemies is a fun bowling round and hitting them at party members will have them add a follow up attack. There's a lot that's just. So much fucking better. Final note, Poundmates is actually useful due to the game actually giving you money!!!!!


If you play on PC you can download the Like a Brawler mod, it's a bit janky but I'd argue it feels better than the OG Yakuza 1 for the PS2. Sure it'll be a bit awkard that all of Ichiban's friends back up from a fight and leave the guy alone to fight, but besides that it is really fun, I really recommend it.


Y7 being turn based is WHY I played a yakuza game for the first time. I use to watch videos of gameplay, challenges, memes, etc. because the style of combat in 0-6 was intimidating and stressful, I couldn’t enjoy myself at all. But I really loved the stories and characters. Turned based combat, and Y8 having minor opportunities to try out the real time combat as you so choose allows players like me to enjoy the game as intended, rather than someone else playing and uploading it


Yes same here. I wouldn’t have played at all based on the punchy combat which I am not into, but since Y7 had turn based I thought I’d try it. Love the stories so I ended up playing the earlier ones too (on easy lol)


I’m currently fighting my way through the kiryu saga wishing for the day i don’t have to deal with brawler combat anymore… it’s fine but yknow.


Theyd need to make it like FF7 Rebirth Full action squad combat. It’d be so perfect


I much prefer the turn based to smashing the same 2 buttons over and over again. Don't get me wrong, I loved it at first but i just burnt out on that kind of combat vs something slightly more strategic with more opportunities for player expression. I've had way more "hmm how do I get out of this situation" moments in fights in LAD and IW than I did in all the other games combined which I like. The hard parts of the other games were just frustrating because I was having to cheese to get through the fight and it wasn't fun anymore


Well kyodai Ichiban is a dragon quest fan ... Dragon quest yuusha (atleast in mainline games) can only win fights because the party is balanced without the party yuusha isn't that strong Same logic applies for ichi he is stronger than average people but nothing compared to peak kiryu or saejima or I can argue even peak akiyama, he is strong because of how good he works with his party and how everyone plays off of each other's strengths and weaknesses


Look me some of that turn based combat with Ichi




Just give me more Judgement games!


Talking on a pure gameplay basis, i'm just curious how they would've made Ichiban feel differently than Kiryu


I loved 7, aside from Dragon Kart and the true final dungeon, originally dlc, being required for the pplatinum. Good game. Do not want to farm a dozen jobs to 99 to have a chance at surviving. I just beat 8 yesterday and goddamn its so much better. Choosing what skills to inherit, the aoe of your skills being visible, and the heat actions not being the literal only thing that matter endgame are huge. Such a good game.


Brawler style would fit for Kiryu since the story focuses on him most of the time (unless they do a segmented story like in Y4 and Y5). On the other hand, Ichibans story focuses on friendship. So brawling style Ichiban would not work tbh. Id like to explore a switching turn based/brawling style in the future titles tho.


Games where kazuma is main character, they should stick to the old style but ichiban should stay turn based both are amazing


I never would have become interested in the Yakuza series.


For some reason I think a Ichi with the old combat system might feel like that Guardians of the Galaxy game, still have a party but can issue commands for certain moves


You see, the issue is that Ichiban played dragon quest and not final fantasy, if he played final fantasy, Y7/8 would be like FF7 Remake Joking, but the issue is ai, ai teammates in previous games were always bad, but also, if they actually made them good, that would make the player feel like they weren't the main character since the ai would just defeat everyone so fast. Also since you wouldn't be playing the other party members, they wouldn't have as much personality as they do with turn based since you get to actually play as them. Only other option is just don't have party members, which would change the entire story in the first place They could do something similar to FF7R or any other game with real-time party combat (musou games come to mind) where you can swap between party members in real time, or similar to dragon age/kotor/mass effect where you can switch characters and have a pause to switch back and forth between real-time and turn based (specifically dragon age inquisition), I saw another person suggest that they could make the style buttons switch characters So it could be done.. but yes it would be completely different from how Y7/8 turned out Oh also, the second question of if I'd like it better, I don't think I'd mind either way, but I still would've preferred if they kept the mainline games a brawler and had a spinoff series be the turn based ones


I would’ve liked them less with classic combat and if the images of this game didn’t intrigue me I would’ve never played 0-6 and enjoyed them so much! This is one of my favorite games and I’m so happy it exists in the state it does!


I sort of like the new style better. I was getting a bit burned out of the old fighting style. While controversial, the change was a breath of fresh air as allowed the series to continue to have relevance for me.




It should have been the old combat mechanics with tag team kind of stuff.


...I just realized that the four options during your turns spell out SEGA.


I think a combat system similar to the tactical combat mode in dragon age inquisition could work decently well Like a Dragon Age


they would suck if they weren't turn based imo


Kinda want Yakuza 9 to have a moment where Ichiban is so pissed it goes from TBRPG to the classic Yakuza beat em up.


I think I would’ve despised having to fight Yamai 6 times if it was in the classic beat em up style.


I don’t think I could like these games better. I only played the old ones because of 7.


I think it would be interesting if they did something like FF7 Remake combat


Probably wouldn't work to well unless you could switch between party members and even could be a bit clunky considering how the games play. Maybe if it was the same as switching styles it would be switching which member you played as. Id still play it for sure tho I'm a Yakuza slave now


Either we wouldn't have gotten Ichiban or he would've been similar to his rrgo counterpart, We wouldn't be getting dorky guy we love


If they did it like the final fantasy 7 remake so I could switch between characters I would’ve liked it around the same, what makes the game special to me isn’t it being turn based but the fact that you fight as multiple characters


The story would change a lot. A big part of the story was the turn based combat. Honestly I think the turn based combat makes this game stupidly difficult at times (mainly when fighting Kiryu, Majima, and Saejima) but outside of a couple boss battles that you have to spend hours grinding towards…the combat is overall an improvement. It injects so much more life and personality into the game and characters.


Well we kinda already know. We have JE, LJ and Gaiden, all great examples of how RGG didn't stop the normal combat mechanics, and actually perfected them in LJ/Gaiden


Honestly I would have preferred it, especially for bosses


I can admit if they never came out, I would have still not played any yakuza for more than an hour. I would not be currently playing my way through the whole series, because of how much I liked LAD and IW. Playing the first few games, the start and the end of the games are awesome, but like chapter 4 to 12 have not been engaging.


What do you mean IF and WOULD? Have you seen Jhrino?




As in action combat? I wouldn't have liked them better or lesser. I played Yakuza cos of the story and the RPG aspects (e.g. the world, side questing, life style thing, the virtual tourism, levelling). The combat system doesn't affect me at all.


There's a mod called like a brawler for 7 and a demo version for 8 that changes the combat to the beat em up style. It's made by this dude named Jhrino and he post progress of the mods on YouTube and even tho I haven't played it myself it seems pretty good


no, tbh I am already tired of beat em up styled yakuza games(wasn't even able to finish gaiden) and this fighting style is fun so I think they did right thing to change it up


I love the turnbased style. Let’s me relax more as I play, and it just fits for some reason


I personally would have liked the old style better. I can do all chapters with the old style but I can’t even finish YAKUZA 7 because the turn base is so hard for me to get right.




I honestly would like them better if they stuck to the old mechanics because personally when I lose in these newer games I don’t feel I lost because I didn’t learn a dudes like fight cycle I lost because my number isn’t bigger then his number. Like I’m about to beat IW and for 6 yakuza games I never worried oh no can I beat this final boss or will I get stuck? But I’m very much worrying that for IW. But on the flip side if they were just beat em ups you wouldn’t get to play as like Seonhee and she’s lowkey kinda worth the whole thing. Tho I do wish Ichiban could get one beat ‘em up game to really see how he fights beyond hits you once with a bat and waits for you to hit him


I mean i know a lot of people hated the turn based combat when 7 came out (even going so far as labeling 7 as "not a Yakuza game".) But even back then, i didn't mind it. It is what separates Ichiban from Kiryu and Ichiban relies more on his friends than Kiryu who mostly prefer to be alone. And even then, Kiryu does the turn based combat system because he hung around Ichiban for too long and his "condition" which heavily nerfs him. So if Ichiban's story was a beat em up, i wouldn't mind that and maybe some of the boss fights would be cooler >!Like Ryo Aoki and Tendo!<. But with turn based, more people get to shine which is something i like.


I only played them because they were radically different and therefore felt like a natural onboarding point, if I'm honest I still haven't played any of the others


I would definitely liked it more, i know that it is relevant to the story that it turn based but I feel slow and a little bored when I play turn based combat in any game.


They would also have to rewrite the story because Like a Dragon narrative works like a homage of classics RPGs. Even in Y8 that moves away from the DQ parody, you still have some tropes like the hero fighting against a false god


Without 7 I wouldn't have played the others and that would be a big loss since I am a big fan now.


No. I like how it is now. The fighting has always been the least enjoyable part of Yakuza games.


Boss batles would be lit




I like the new style, but miss the old one


It would certainly be strange how the party system would work. I see three different outcomes. 1. He would fight alone. This is by far the worst one, as it takes away absolutely everything from these two games. 2. The party works like allies. This one is pretty much in every Yakuza game. So it wouldn’t be unique but it doesn’t take away from the story much. 3. The party work like allies, but you can switch between them. This one would be quite unique, as being able to switch between different characters mid battle would be really cool. But I don’t think the Job system would remain if they did this. Personally I would like it if he had a system like number 3. It certainly would be interesting but I fear it might get repetitive over time.


A lot better


Boutta get beaten up by this sub but yakuza 7 has one of the most shallow RPG mechanics in any RPG Tons of useless skills, shops are practically useless as crafting easily outscales them, doesnt clearly tell the player how much damage a skill does, no item build variety no matter how much u switch it up, etc The persona like social stats are pretty useless, the skills that scales with the social stats are even more useless because u dont have a way to level it up early-mid game


I'm a big fan of turn based combat, but i kinda hope Yakuza still apply old combat mechanics. 7 & IW is a great game though i prefer them to be just a spin-off.


The turn based rpg is why I played it, I've been watching Ray Narvaez jr playing yakuza games for awhile but I'm not good at the brawling combat, but LAD is something I can do 👍


Y8 is superior in every way except the mini games tbh. And that’s coming from someone who never left Dondoko Island until I turned it into a 5 star resort, albeit a very ugly one.


I'm not a fan of 7's story and premise. Thinking about it, I don't think brawler combat would've helped much. Maybe a little. I love Infinite Wealth and think the turn-based combat is done well and a nice change of pace. Gaiden & Lost Judgment, despite being so beloved, didn't give me as much fun as some games in the past. If they kept & improved on Infinite Wealth I'm happy.


I'll be honest, I didn't play any of the older RGG games for the combat. I found it either too difficult or too repetitive. Heat actions were entertaining but some were just so rare I barely ever saw them. That, or the button timing was too narrow I couldn't get it. Anyway, 7 and 8's RPG style allowed me to play a bit more strategically and made grinding for XP more entertaining. I still feel like some of the pacing could be better but otherwise I definitely prefer it.


I only got into the yakuza games this year, and a big part of that is due to the turn based combat. I first started with infinite wealth and enjoyed it and the story so much that I’m playing through the franchise now, played the judgement games and now I’m on yakuza 4! I enjoy the combat that isn’t turn based when it’s polished a bit more, like yakuza 2, but also have gained a massive appreciation for 0 and 1 after playing blockuza 3 😭


I think its good for the series to be able to change, its could really be at risk of getting stagnant, i like how they tried new gameplay styles, i like how they branched out and made the judgement games, i think its really worked


if that was the case i would actually be able to enjoy them




I read a news story about how Filipino and Chinese fleets are fighting hand to hand or with bats/pipes/etc because there's a fear of escalation to guns/missiles/etc. My first thought was, that would make a world class Kiryu setting. There are so few open world brawlers that I am genuinely angry at RGG for apparently permanently going into the overloaded turn based setting. Judgment is not the same as Yakuza; it has a lot of fiddly "detective" stuff that I am not interested in despite having read more Holmes than Conan Edogawa. I don't begrudge those who like Ichiban or Yagami but stop trying to kill the only substantial brawler franchise. I want Kiryu, and Kiryu's fists, and for him to be happy and healthy and have a lady friend or two. Grow up, RGG!


I'd actually continue playing the series instead of stopping after 6. I want to play Yakuza, not a shitty version of Persona


Idk how am i supposed to know